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No fault divorce
There are really people out there against no fault divorce?? You want your spouse to have to PROVE in front of a judge, wasting everyone’s time, money and resources to have someone be punished for the disintegration of a marriage? Like COME ON, i keep thinking people can’t get any dumber but here we are! 2023!
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Why should I have to stroke my doctors ego to get healthcare?
WHY. I’ve heard it time and time again, I’ve experienced it time and time again. Why do I have to constantly play dumb to soothe my doctors ego so I’ll actually be treated? And even then, poorly. It was a smack in the face today when I saw the NP at my incredible cardiologists office and when I explain my increase of symptoms she immediately took me seriously. She instantly diagnosed me with a comorbidity that goes hand in hand with my condition since I’m presenting with all the symptoms. She asked what my other doctors have done and I had to explain while she looked on horrified that when explaining a half a dozen fairly serious symptoms, told me to 1. Lose weight, 2. Blood work is fine and nothing is wrong 3. Lie and diagnose me with a condition i don't have to obtain a prescription that should’ve been written for the REAL reason i needed it(fraud and fat phobic). 4. Do nothing because lab work (a fraction of diagnostic testing) looked ok. This time I was immediately prescribed new medications and we altered my currents, she explained all the options we could take, her opinion and let me choose which course i felt most comfortable with. She treated me like a human being, I didn’t have to literally play dumb and twiddle my fingers while I explain my issues in a uneducated manner because god forbid i google something or sound like I have any opinion besides giggle and go along with whatever they say. I’m not kidding when I realized it was bad but not this bad. Why does a doctor who spends less than 20 minutes with me, probably didn’t review my chart, and doesn’t live in my body think that i cant be articulate or make choices about my care? I’ve been suffering for months and months waiting for this appointment, have gone to countless other doctors, and not a single one listened to me or chose to diagnose me as anything other than a hysterical women stereotype.
This is only going to get worse, with the changes in healthcare these politicians, insurance companies and doctors have no idea how to treat women and POC. I could make another entire novel on obstetric and gynecological care and the countless women i’ve seen mistreated as well as myself in labor. The fact is we shouldn’t have to be begging our doctors to listen to us and treat us like human beings. With the policy changes coming I feel this is only going to decline further. I’ve seen for myself women especially being treated as sub par and our health care suffering because of this. I have seen first hand doctors completely disregard a woman’s choice while in labor and do what they want anyway. I’ve seen traumatic deliveries where they purposefully don’t chart what happened. I’ve seen and experienced the aftermath of this and I cant fix it, this isn’t the reality i want for my daughter and everyone else. We need to start holding these gaslighting doctors accountable, we need to demand treatment and diagnostic testing, we need to demand advocates for procedures and delivery because i am defeated by years of mistreatment that when a doctor finally treats me as human i could weep with relief and i know i am by no means alone.
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I'm curious how you can be pro plan B when plan B is essentially a very early abortion? It literally makes a woman get her period after taking to "flush out" a zygote. Is that not abortion? This isn't hate I'm genuinely trying to understand where you're coming from. Thanks
Plan B is the same medications as birth control, just in a higher dose, it doesn't in any way shape or form cause abortion. It prevents an egg from being fertilized, it does not end an implanted ovum. If you take plan B after getting a positive pregnancy test it wont do anything, it doesn't have any type of medication that stop the flow of progesterone.
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"naturopathic medicine" oh, placebos and scams? shut the fuck up and stop murdering people you cunt
what?? LOL im a full believer in western medicine, hugely pro vaccine and pro pharmaceuticals, i just advocate low intervention instead of jumping into heavy stuff right off the bat. lol
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In light of increasing anti-trans and anti-abortion laws in the United States, I am once again humbly requesting you inform yourself about jury nullification, your ability as a juror to vote against convicting people being prosecuted under unjust laws. Nullification was instrumental in legalizing abortion in Canada - it informed jurors can use it to help protect healthcare workers and protesters in the US, too.
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This effects all of us and the implications have the potential to be so harmful. The government shouldn’t be making MEDICAL decisions PERIOD. This comes down to a doctor and their patients. Its horrifying that non-medically trained, and honestly questionably educated are able to make these decisions for women.
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Dismantling white supremacy offends conservative Christians.
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Debating free school lunch for low-income kids, North Dakota State Sen. Mike Wobbema (R) says families are to blame for their hunger: "It’s really the problem of parents being negligent with their kids, if their kids are choosing to eat in the first place."
The bill died, 23-24.
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This is fascism.
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