vivinezz000 · 3 months
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vivinezz000 · 3 months
ngl fuck staff for how they've treated @predstrogen @avewy they fully purged the blog manually and gave no real communication as to why. entirely bullshit how staff treats trans women on this site it gives me half a mind to talk to someone about a discrimination lawsuit tbh
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vivinezz000 · 3 months
what can tme people like myself do to make trans women/tma people feel safer? watching all of these trans women be targeted by staff itself, ESPECIALLY in predestrogen's case, is so sickening. what is trans solidarity if it doesnt include trans women and their happiness and safety?
speak out. tell your friends. raise a huge fucking stink about this. reblog tumblr's ceo referring to a very not it/its trans woman as "it", threatening to sic the fucking FBI on her, deleting her account four times, ignoring her harassment. me and my friends are only so big, this needs to be a fucking SCANDAL. if strangeaeons isnt making a video about it by april we've failed.
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vivinezz000 · 3 months
Hey so if "I hope you get exploded with hammers" or whatever is enough to get not only get just one account permanently deleted but to get every new account you make permanently deleted, wiping an entire person past present and future off of the site, does that mean that all harrassment meeting and surpassing the same comically low level is now retroactively a permabanable offense, and therefore every fucking terf on this god damn site that's ever left even a single hate message should have their entire existence past present and future wiped from tumblr? Just checking if there's a transphobic (and transmisogynistic) double standard or not @photomatt, since you're so convinced that tumblrs transphobia is just misinformation
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vivinezz000 · 3 months
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