viv-x-desires · 5 years
Bryce leaned forward on the bar, “Oh no, I would never want to take away from your business, miss. I think your boys here are better at attracting attention”. The wolf just liked to people watch, and hardly ever tried to solicit his own services in a place like this. “Is everyone here pretty?”
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“Oh I don’t know about that,” she says, feigning modesty - she wholeheartedly believes her boys are better. “You’re not doing too badly yourself,” she adds, gesturing to a few clients who are looking their way. She gives them a wink and a wave, then lightly chortles and tosses her hair over her shoulders. “Of course everyone is pretty. Pretty or unique. This is Desires, after all. Is that terrible? To only hire attractive people?” Not that she cares.
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viv-x-desires · 5 years
Quint took a sip of his beer, hoping that the woman wasnt offended by his staring. He was mentally chiding himself for letting his eyes wander, knowing that some people didnt like that kind of look from someone his status…but he caught a whiff of a lovely scent and that purring voice reached his ears. Quint glanced at the stranger, blinking in surprise to see it was the woman. 
God she was even more beautiful this close…
“Uh, yeah. Yeah.” He replied with a smile, doing his best to relax. “It seems hopin tonight.” He admitted, glancing around. “But I dont come here often, so I dont know better.”
He’s like a deer in the headlights, or at least he seems that way to Vivienne. The surprise that crosses his face is delightful. Stunning men nevers fails to thrill, so a bubbling laugh dances from her painted lips and she looks him up and down. Werewolf, how delectable. 
“Don’t you? Well, that’s a travesty. There’s no better place in Covaire than Desires. You should come here more often!”
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viv-x-desires · 5 years
So my blog is still blocked even though I wrote to tumblr about it early in December. I’ll make a new blog if this one isn’t fixed soon. Sorry for any inconvenience! 
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
            And there she goes again— I lost her!
                           “ — Pomegranate juice is cheaper and dancers won’t get drunk on it either. It does stains a lot— so does wine, or blood - when you think of it. New Year’s Eve party?
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She already has New Year’s Eve all mapped out, but boy does she want to loop in this delight of an idea. “God yes. I’ll find a way.” She always does.
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
Natalie felt a nervous blush start to creep up on her face. “Oh… uh, I’m not… I’m not a stripper.” She stuttered, glad that Erebus wasn’t here for this conversation since he would probably laugh and never let her live it down. Would he make her do it just for kicks? 
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She laughs a moment, tucks her mouth behind her hand trying to conceal it. “Some girls just dance, dear. Not everyone knows how to strip well.” God, has she seen some shitty strip acts in her lifetime. She has nothing tacky in her club, only tasteful talent. “But don’t worry,” she winks, “I won’t make you dance if you don’t want to.”
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
Theus laughs, they know each other well enough— they both love their money!
                            “ — Duh! Of course I would!
Prometheus didn’t make it any secret to Vivienne he has control issues when there was too much blood around him.
                            “ — Fake blood? Or maybe red wine or pomegranate juice.
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“Good idea, Theus!” You may as well be able to see the cogs turning in her head, she’s so consumed by the thought of something to make the club even better. “It just has to remind people of blood. Get their thirst up, make them hungry for more.” 
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
Alexander sat back, admiring Vivienne as she slid into the booth and sat down beside him. He shrugged his shoulders, a charming smile on his lips as he turned in his seat to put his attention solely on her. “While your girls are beautiful I was being rather picky tonight, I was looking for someone specific. Lucky me to have you find me.” 
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“Oh?” With false surprise, she flutters her lashes and places a hand to her chest. “You were looking for me, Sir? Well, consider me flattered. I hope I make the wait worth your while.” She doesn’t doubt that she will. After filling his glass, she slides the bottle back onto the table and props an elbow onto the back of the plush seat. 
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
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���That would be a shame, I imagine I’d find it far more dull out there.” Effy laughed softly before thanking Vivienne for ordering her another drink. She turned her attention from the bartender back to Vivienne, admiring the woman for a moment. Well she certainly wouldn’t mind some sinful acts with the lady of Desires if that was an option. “I like to think I’m not especially picky in what I like. A gorgeous face who can keep up with me for the night whether it’s dancing, drinking, sex…” She grinned and shrugged her shoulders. 
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“No doubt about it.” She leans forward conspiratorially, mock whispering, “The city is dull. But don’t tell the King.” Looking right back at Effy, she purses her lips and lightly smirks. Men look at her like that all the time. Some women, too. Oh how Vivienne adores adoration! “But you should be picky! Never settle for substandard. A girl should always have the best.”
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
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Martie smiled at the woman, watching her closely even as she lifted her glass to take a drink. She set it aside on the table, her eyes only straying to their surroundings for a few seconds before back to Vivienne. She laughed softly at the question and shrugged her shoulders. “I came in hoping for some good company and it seems I’ve found it.” She complimented. 
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“So you have,” she laughs, twirling a curl around her finger. Vivienne has never pretended to be modest. “But we can’t just sit here chit-chatting all night, darling. A pair of lookers like us should be out on the dance floor.”
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
I wanna taste the way that you bleed You're my kill of the night
I'll take your heart To kick around as a toy
The danger is I'm dangerous And I might just tear you apart
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
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Nicole Kidman photographed by Norman Jean Roy for Harper’s Bazaar UK, March 2016
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
It’s always busy at Desires. Vivienne prides herself on the crowds, on how the queues fill the street before the doors open and how she has to force teems of stragglers to leave when they close. So tonight wasn’t any different. In fact, it was better; she’s had the dancers incorporate blood play into their routine and it’s going down a storm. Thankfully, no vampires have gone wild over it just yet.
It also isn’t unusual for men to get a good look at her. She thrives on it, the attention is like a drug, better than the freshest, lust filled blood. So having caught a glimpse of Quint’s stare, she can’t help but lightly chuckle to herself, turning to look into a nearby mirror and gently pressing a hand against her perfectly coiffured hair. She can’t blame him for looking; she is looking especially perfect tonight. 
After a few minutes, she circles the club and approaches him. Propping an elbow onto the bar, she flashes a bright smile. “Enjoying yourself?”
Quint had been doing better; he had found a routine with his therapist and felt he was getting back to his old self (maybe even better than his old self), was working out and learning self defense at Dexter’s gym, and was activly trying to get his two sides to talk more. He wasnt exactly sure what these odd memory flashes were that had him in the forest, but he was beginning to wonder if it was his wolf side on the full moon. So, with things looking up, his therapist suggested he tried to do one thing a week that put him a little out of his comfort zone…and going to desires alone definitely as out of his comfort zone. 
He walked into the club not expecting to go home with anyone, but to have some fun. maybe drink a few beers…enjoy being around others…..no pressures. Just going with the flow. Quint slipped into the bar area, a little surprised to how busy it was as he ordered a beer. As he waited for his drink, his golden eyes caught the face of a woman that made him stop dead. The city was full of beautiful people, but Jesus….this woman looked to be cut from marble with her soft curves and sharp eyes. Quint didnt realize how long he was staring until the bartender awkwardly cleared their throats and put the beer before him. The wolf blushed, hoping the woman didnt see as he took a sip of his beer.
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
Bryce laughed, “I like to people watch. Also, some of my clients frequent your club, miss”. Before he could tell the girl to just get normal water, she was gone. The wolf sighed, and smiled over at the vampire, “I haven’t been in here much, but I can see why so many people like it. It’s really nice, miss”.
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She beams, pearly white fangs glinting between ruby red lips. It is a glorious place! “You’re lucky you’re so adorable. Else I’d be telling you to entertain your clients elsewhere.” She leans in, wagging a finger with a light tsk. “We can’t have you taking trade from my boys.”
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
Déjà vu: Horrendous Halloween
Vivienne can think of no safer place than Club Desires. But over the Halloween weekend it proves to be the worst place she could possibly be. She ends up dying so many times in increasingly long and painful ways that she works herself into a panic, so much so that she gives up her immaculate appearance and instead hibernates in her office. Lacklustre and anxious, she looks terrible. And she sounds it as well, sending everyone away with the sort of tone that screams fear and suspicion. 
Someone keeps killing her. 
She stops drinking, stops eating, stops moving. If she could stop breathing, she’d do that too. One time she curls up in a cupboard, thinking it must surely be safe in there, only to be bitten by a spider whose venom slowly and agonisingly paralyses her. Another, she lies stock still on the floor for hours until death arrives; in the form of gas creeping from the air conditioning. So she shuts that off the next day, but it comes back anyway, snaking beneath the door and straight into her lungs. She even tries to move away from it, but it’s like a curse, following her until the room is completely filled and she can no longer avoid it. The next time, she rips out her lungs with her bare hands so they can’t be affected. But it doesn’t make a difference. It burns her eyes and sears her skin, like acid eating at her flesh; she may as well be engulfed by flames.
Each time is more drastic, until the miraculous day when nothing happens. Even now, she can’t quite believe she’s safe. 
Horrendous Halloween. 
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
You should see me in a crown I'm gonna run this nothing town Watch me make 'em bow One by one by one
Count my cards, watch them fall Blood on a marble wall I like the way they all Scream
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
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tell me which one is worse…  living or dying first? 
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viv-x-desires · 6 years
                              “ — Give it to me now then            or I’ll never see the green of that money.
Theus is playing with her— why would she raise his salary when she’d probably say he makes thrice as much in tips. He chuckles at her playfulness. 
                             “ — Are you trying to get me killed?! I’d have to dodge all vampires trying to drink from the pool.
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“You know me so well,” she chortles, painted red lips arching merrily. 
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“We both know you’d be the one trying to drink from the pool.” But he does have a point. Perhaps it’s too ambitious. Or perhaps not - she can see it now, a glorious red pool, her dancers submerged and dripping. The vampires would be so thirsty her blood sales would go through the roof. 
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