violetsoup · 10 hours
Concept: “Baby” Endermen are ‘born’ from an Enderman’s favorite block. One that is carried so often and loved so deeply that it begins to warp. End Magic being imbued and creating a new Pearl nestled in the block’s heartcore.
The block deepens, becoming the Head and sprouting little gangly limbs and eyes. Thus creating a new Enderman.
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violetsoup · 10 hours
seeing the milky way again would heal me i think
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violetsoup · 10 hours
Going to try one of these
Spin this wheel to get a tumblr sexyman!
Reblog for a bigger sample size! And tell me who you got in the tags!
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violetsoup · 11 hours
I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.
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For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.
When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.
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violetsoup · 11 hours
'vintage flip phone' ? what the hell is wrong with you
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violetsoup · 15 hours
ELDERLY DYKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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I KEEP FORGETTING TO POST THINGS TO MY TUMBLR D: but an y way ive wanted to draw older jo and sarah jane togethr for agess now. hii.
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violetsoup · 16 hours
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violetsoup · 18 hours
If so, what is it?
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violetsoup · 19 hours
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to be a stressed adult male protagonist splashing water on his face in the bathroom
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violetsoup · 21 hours
story spoilers for hypnospace outlaw!
still thinking about hypnospace...... HAUGHHHHH....... something about how lives and communities and places on the internet get lost by the cycle of capitalism leaving old technology behind and never looking back..
cycles in general are a common occurrence even in the 1999 chapters of the game, with jokes and cultures being born and getting old, with new ones coming to take their place, fungus scene being a prime example of this, with it being made by fre3zer/basidia and all, in an attempt to create something new after the meaning of coolpunk was completely lost to what it was parodying in the first place.
but on the second to last chapter, you can tell that it's not going to end well for hypnospace, with merchantsoft very clearly not prioritizing people's safety and instead focusing on innovating features to fight with competitors of the company.
and then when you suddenly jump to modern day after the shutdown of everything, it hit me like a TRUCK how all the pages are still preserved exactly as they were, but it's been 30 years. everyone is gone now. the full of life world you were so immersed in a moment ago is now hollow. the elders on good time valley may be dead, everyone on m1nx who were so invested in toying around with the community probably barely remember all that now. when basidia sang "it's killing me / they wont remember me..." in ghost of the grotto, it adds a whole new layer to the song, because in-universe you may be the only person who knows and remembers all these little stories of people, and it makes you think of what everyone could be doing now. you know they all moved on to new things.
and it'll happen again and again in the real world, too.
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violetsoup · 22 hours
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Shanidar Z
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violetsoup · 1 day
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violetsoup · 2 days
You know, since it's Pride Month (and also I miss them), I feel like reminding everyone how fucking important Ruby and Sapphire were.
The way they were both unambiguously conceived as queer characters and let the writers make an established character queer retroactively. The fact that as soon as they share the screen, they immediately show how in love they are, without any ambiguity to please the censors, and they do that almost every episode they're in.
How their relationship isn't always 100% perfect, and they do conflict and fall out, but make up in the end because they genuinely love each other. How they were allowed to be iconic parts of the show, not just through being the focus of two of its most famous songs (Stronger Than You and Here Comes A Thought) but also through the book version of The Answer.
The fact they got the first gay kiss...
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...and the first gay wedding in the history of kid's TV.
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The way their reception showed networks that yes, people do enjoy media with queer characters, and so they contributed to many other series with prominent LGBTQ characters getting greenlit.
I honestly don't think it's exaggerating to say they're among the most important queer characters in the history of fiction for all that. And people need to say it more, and demand stuff like them more.
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violetsoup · 2 days
You know, since it's Pride Month (and also I miss them), I feel like reminding everyone how fucking important Ruby and Sapphire were.
The way they were both unambiguously conceived as queer characters and let the writers make an established character queer retroactively. The fact that as soon as they share the screen, they immediately show how in love they are, without any ambiguity to please the censors, and they do that almost every episode they're in.
How their relationship isn't always 100% perfect, and they do conflict and fall out, but make up in the end because they genuinely love each other. How they were allowed to be iconic parts of the show, not just through being the focus of two of its most famous songs (Stronger Than You and Here Comes A Thought) but also through the book version of The Answer.
The fact they got the first gay kiss...
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...and the first gay wedding in the history of kid's TV.
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The way their reception showed networks that yes, people do enjoy media with queer characters, and so they contributed to many other series with prominent LGBTQ characters getting greenlit.
I honestly don't think it's exaggerating to say they're among the most important queer characters in the history of fiction for all that. And people need to say it more, and demand stuff like them more.
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violetsoup · 2 days
im so much better than that fuckass bald man
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violetsoup · 2 days
14 year old sumi is cheering and clapping right now. oh he is SO HAPPY
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violetsoup · 2 days
pov: it's 2009. there is a new hunger games book coming out that you're really excited for except iTS NOT 2009 ITS LITERALLY 2024 AND WE'RE GETTING ANOTHER ONE
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