vigilantetay · 5 months
taylor’s ability to take back the narrative of her life is genuinely so impressive. with rep the obvious is her taking the snake symbol and its connotations, using that in her imagery and artistry, but i love that she is now being so acclaimed for her ability to push herself artistically, changing the aesthetic of each album and era, shedding off the skin yet still remaining the same being...like a snake. it was thrown at her to be the cruelest insult yet look what it’s given her.
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vigilantetay · 5 months
i think one of my favorite things about the rerecords has been getting to see each little subset of stans get their moment to be absolutely unwell about hearing their album for the first time again. like obviously we all love every album, but we all have that one album that is just it for us. and it's so fun to see.
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