vieskamislang · 2 years
hello good evening/ goodmorning this is day 3 of me telling you about my day. So it's Wednesday I still have f2f classes so I need to prepare for it but my class schedule is in the afternoon so I still can get up late. My morning was the same I watched cartoon shows as usual then I ate breakfast. Then I took a shower I prepared for the upcoming class this afternoon I finished my pending assignment's. After that I got to class I wonder around the campus then I came back at our room then class starts. In class I'm usually nervous about it cause of recitation's, participating in class I'm afraid of it. But our prof in some subject made our lesson fun that's why I don't feel nervous about it, I usually avoid participating in any subject but I guess u can still have fun while you're learning and this subject teacher of ours did it. That subject was our first prof in this day so my day went fine and fun because of that prof it made me realize that I can have fun while learning and I did.
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vieskamislang · 2 years
hello good evening everyone this is day 2 of me telling a story about my life, so in the morning well I did the usual thing that I did yesterday, I get up late as usual, I spend my morning most on my phone watching cartoon shows, then I have my breakfast, I get ready to go to school and I got early but the room was still closed so my classmate's waited outside then a teacher told me to get the keys so I did. Then after that we got in then the class starts at 1pm then overall I understand a bit of the lesson atleast I did, we had fun while learning because of our teacher's then the class ends. My mom asked me If I want to come with them to the bday party so I did come cause this kind of event only happens sometimes and there's food so I can't decline it. So, where at the place where the celebration is. I had fun my cousin's are there some of my relatives are there that I met for a very long time. My family was having fun at the party some are drinking some are being marites some are making jokes but me and my cousin's are talking about school things, the courses that we'll take by college, we gave each other opinion about school stuff's and we shared laughs about it after that I went home late, I was tired by all the school works that I have but nothing can compete with family any problem that you'll have at the moment will lessen cause of your family. That's why family is so important.
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vieskamislang · 2 years
Good evening/ good morning to u people, this is the first day of blogging about what's happening to my life. Now I'm going to tell you a story to what happened to my day today. So, today is monday so we had a f2f class this day. My class time was 1pm so I can get up late, first thing that I did in the morning was watch something random on my phone, check my unread messages updates if ever I receive one. Then I get up by 9 am to have breakfast, then I just watched some cartoons. (It's one of my favorite things to do in my free time). Anyway, Then by 10 I took a shower then then spend most of my time watching tv shows then by 11 am. I went to school to give my sister's lunch. I was so early so I'm the first one that got in our room. I doubled check my answers on our assignment. Then I was just jamming by myself to spend my free time. Time pass by the class starts after the 1st subject, our 2nd subject teacher just did an election to our classroom. And surprisingly I just got elected as one of the sgt. at arms🤧. Anyway, after the election the class starts again and we had fun in class because of our subject teacher's way of teaching even though we quite having a hard time understanding their lesson but we had fun. Moving on the class ends at 6pm. I went home after the class ends cause it's getting dark that fast and I'd rest when I got home. Then after the resting phase I did my homework's then that's how I spend my day. Life do really must go on even if u had a rough time, u need to cheer yourself up to move on to tell yourself that it's going to be okay, but it's okay to not be okay you just really need to put your hopes up so you can go on.
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