victoala-blog · 8 years
When your ‘first love’ dies and you hate every man or woman that enters your life so you decide to destroy everything and kind of start all over. My bad :( 
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Ever wonder what the heck happened? Things are fine, maybe even great but something just caused things to go sideways. I think distance between two people can have a great affect on them together. Stress, irritation and annoyance set in because it’s just difficult to deal with sanely for so long. So many things come out of our mouths that we don’t even mean. It doesn’t affect just one, it applies to both people. Which just causes a ridiculous mess because we don’t even handle things the same. One attacks and holds nothing back, saying anything that comes to mind whether it makes sense or not. The other holds in, trying to make sense of what is happening and has troubles expressing themselves. There is so much anger, yet, so much sadness. But WHY? Why is that even there if those two people say they love each other every day? But then you’re left to wonder. Was I wrong to say that? Did they really mean that? What could I have possibly have done to have deserved that? Why are you mad at me? Hate me? Why don’t you love me the way I love you? Why are you saying you don’t care? All these questions are simply left unanswered because you cannot tell if what is said, was the truth or the anger/sadness talking. Neither of us want to quit on the other. So why do we bother arguing? It’s useless. Why can’t we just love each other and be happy and live the days with a smile on our faces knowing that at the end of the day, that other person that we say everything to, still finds a way to love you. Even after all that shit you just told them. They are still with you, out of 7 billion people on this planet. I think we should learn not to take that special person in your life for granted. Treat them right, treat them well, and treat them how you would wish to be treated. That may just be the golden rule. Either we do this right and be happy, or we don’t do this at all. I vote to do it right and be happy and dominate this planet together <3
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Confidence is not ‘they will like me’ Confidence is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t’
things everyone should know (via this-is-realitea)
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victoala-blog · 8 years
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victoala-blog · 8 years
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victoala-blog · 8 years
I love you. 
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victoala-blog · 8 years
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victoala-blog · 8 years
July 29, 2016 Friday
1:30am - Preparing for Road Test 2:30am - Waiting in line with 15 people on the side of the road and we look like homeless people but we're not. 7:50am - The DMV finally let us in 8:40am - "Sorry that's all for today." I was 3rd in line. Oh man, the disappointment was real. 9:45am - Dentist appointment...lady thought I was in high school which was comforting I guess Such a shitty wonderful day.
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victoala-blog · 8 years
July 28, 2016 Thursday
Me: Mika, you wanna take King to school with me? Mika: He starts next week yeah? Me: Yeah King: I don't start next week. Mika: You start next month. Me: King, next week and next month are the same. King: Oh yeah. I was just checking to see if you were paying attention.
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Haru and Brent Convo
Working on an assignment Brent: I can’t see. Haru’s big fluffy hair is blocking my vision. Haru: Huh? Me: Did he just use the word “vision”? Oh wait, that was discrimination and racism…Brent?! Brent: yes? Me: You can’t just say that about Haru’s hair. When you grow up, you’ll find out so I suggest fixing your vision. Brent: Ok. Me: Apologize to Haru Brent: Sorry Haru Me: Thank you, Haru. Brent: But I said sorry. Me: You’ll live.
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Tatsuki gets the Saudi Arabia book
Tatsuki: I don’t even know what that is. Me: It’s a country. Tatsuki: It has food? Me: Yes. Tatsuki: People? Me: Yes. Tatsuki: How do they live? *looks confused* Me: Something wrong? Tatsuki: They’re the bad guys. Me: Who? Tatsuki: The guys! *points at Saudi Arabia book* Me: No, honey, that is a lie. Tatsuki: Why do people lie? Me: Okay, just open the book and read…you’ll understand better if you just read. And do your best not to forget!
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Learning countries in period 1, 2, and 3
Aidan: I got Argentina. Me: No no buddy, it's Ar-hen-tina Aidan: *does his best to pronounce Argentina with Spanish accent* Me: Okay, keep working on that. Don't want you traveling to South America and sounding like a weirdo.
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Period 2 with Elizabeth
Elizabeth is a cute and chubby little girl that I adore!!! Elizabeth: Miss Kay, look at what I drew! Me: That's beautiful Elizabeth! You should teach me one day how to draw that! *her drawing was actually cute* Elizabeth: But you're the teacher. Me: No, I'm just a broke college student. Elizabeth: Huh? Me: Oh nothing. Keep doing you Elizabeth and you'll be better than ever.
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Recess Time with Capriana Again
Capriana: Miss Kay, do you need any help? Me: Ummm no but we can do something fun if you want? Capriana: Okay, what? Me: We can play cards. Capriana: Okay! Let's play WAR! Me: Oooookay. *Capriana explains how to play the game to me even though I already know the rules and then we play* Capriana wins the first time. She lets me win the second time. The third time, she purposely changes the game to make it fair for the both of us and she wins the third time. Teacher: I don't think they're supposed to be playing cards. Me: Oh! Um, yeah, sorry Capriana, we can't play harmless card games. Capriana: But I have nothing to do. Me: It's good to have nothing to do sometimes. You'll learn later on in life.
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Recess Time with Capriana
Capriana: Miss Kay, do you need any help with that? Me: *cutting paper and making paper books* You know, that would be lovely, Capriana. Capriana: *starts folding and cutting paper with me* Me: Oh this is scary, it's like a sweatshop in here...underpaid labor.
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Homeroom with Jadon
Jadon: You look a lot like Keoni. Me: I am Keoni. Jadon: What? Me: Yup. It's time I tell everyone. Jadon: You're not Keoni. Me: No Jadon, I'm his sister. Jadon: Ohhhhh yeah you look a lot like his sister. Me: Okay, we're going nowhere with this conversation bro. *crying on the inside*
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victoala-blog · 8 years
Period 1 with Cody and Carter
Me: Cody, do you like school? Cody: Me: Okay. *turns to Carter* Carter: No one likes school. Me: Hmmm, yeah.
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