vicosims · 4 months
My surgery is tomorrow morning so pls, send me some good energy 💕💕💕
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vicosims · 4 months
Chapter 4
Today was a weird day for our Aries girl. Mavie went to school and almost got detention because she and her boyfriend were fighting nonstop in front everyone. She got so embarrassed! He was being so dramatic over nothing. She broke up with him. She got home and complained about it to her mother who took her out to go to a karaoke night(her mom really loves karoke as you can see). Mavie had some wine and got a little bit tipsy so she texted her Asian crush to go out with her. They shared some very cute moments, she always knew he was in love with her, but she was still really sad about the breakout so she decided to get some revenge and did it with him🫣. As soon as she got home, on a school night, she drunk texted her ex and laughed out loud.
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vicosims · 4 months
@pixelglam the reshade “Pearl” is perfect!! I’m in love
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vicosims · 4 months
Reshades are like the best thing ever. It’s so iconic and cute but I’m afraid is going to slow down my game. Has that ever happen to you??? Plsss help out
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vicosims · 4 months
Chapter 3
Morning everyone! Last day her dad caught her while she was high. He was not happy about it and grounded her. She is not able to leave the house. In the morning as well, she received and unpleasant visit from her new boyfriends best friends. He was not happy about them dating(don’t ask me why). She told him to go f*ck himself and he left. She texted her new boyfriend and he came over since she cannot leave the house. They did some nasty on the couch before going to the bed. She does not want to lose her virginity just yet so they just had a cute moment together.
Sundays evening are just for family, since is one of the busiest night at their restaurants, the Williams’ family have to help their employees out to take care of the business. Mavie personally loves going to the restaurant to eat some good Italian food. Her mom stays at the reception and her dad takes care of the bar.
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vicosims · 4 months
Chapter 2
We start our day by prepping ourselves for a party tonight 🎊🥳. Mavie wants to look as cute as possible. She’s been flirting with this blonde cute guy from school. To pass the time during the day she makes a nice barbecue to her family and paints a heart shape masterpiece. The night finally comes along and Mavie invites her crush for a nice dance. The party goes pretty romantically for both of them. Her and her friends decide to leave the party go 💨 outside, specially since she won’t prom jester, which is was obviously a prank! She’s royalty not jester let us make that very clear lol.
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vicosims · 4 months
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Chapter 1
We start our challenge with our baby girl Mavie having a nice lunch with her family. Her father is Christian Williams and her mom is Amelia Williams. Christian is foodie and old money, he loves to good and owns a nice Italian restaurant(which they go weekly to grab a bite). Amelia is such a good person, she is charity worker a is so beautiful inside and out.
School started again and she cannot wait for the tryouts to join drama club. She’s an artist, she will pass. She’s also such a great student, her parents might not agree with her future idea but they always make sure she gets good grades and graduates with an A+.
Still early but if someone’s sees the challenge, please give me some ideas on what to do with her. If you’re an Aries, please, tell us more about you so I can make her realistic as possible.
Thank youuuuu, Vico.
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vicosims · 4 months
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Hello everyone 💜💜 I’m Mavie Williams and I’m the first generation of this beautiful astrological story.
A little bit about me;
I get everything I want ! Yes! You heard me. As an Aries girl, I’m ambitious and I go after what I want. I love my parents but they don’t get me. I don’t wanna have their boring lives living in San Sequoia in a 2 bedroom house. I want bigger, bigger house, bigger family, bigger career. I sound like a b*tch. I can be one when I want, but I also have a heart. I love my friends, my parents are amazing and I’m gonna show them that I can do it and make them proud.
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vicosims · 4 months
Hello everyone! Vico here💕
As I’ve posted earlier, I’ve been working on a challenge. I already created my first sim and her family. I also already wrote down all the rules and all generations but I’m gonna have to play first to make sure everything goes as planned.
I’m still gonna post the first generation tho hehe. So here we have:
SIGNS LEGACY CHALLENGE ♈️ ♉️ ♊️ ♋️ ♌️ ♍️ ♎️ ♏️ ♐️ ♑️ ♒️ ♓️
(In order)
I love astrology, I used to love reading magazines to see how my week would look like as my Virgo signs, see who matches with me and who doesn’t… I even my signs constellation tattooed on my left arm.
- you can use cheats in the beginning, specially because you’re gonna start as a teen(you can create a family as well) so that family won’t start with nothing, they need to have an advanced career and skills. Only your sim will have to start from 0(no cheats allowed)
- you’re gonna need the realistic zodiac mod by wicked pixxel (which is amazing btw).
- the packs you needs are still in development but for this first generation you’re gonna need: get together, get to work, city living, get famous and high school years.
- to make it more fun, you can use cc, mods(I personally love basemental, wicked whims(or wonderful) to spice it up(trust me, it’s gonna be more fun for the Scorpio generation to have wicked whims lol).
- Be creative! specially if that’s your sign. Be realistic! No signs is perfect so use its cons and pros and have fun !!! 🤩
Generation One - Aries ♈️
You’re the only child of a successful couple. You’re a teenager who loves attention and is determined to do everything to make your dreams come true. Your dream is to be the best actress the world has ever seen on screen. Your parents are against your decision, they want you to go to college and follow their “boring” path. You don’t listen to them, knowing they’re not gonna change their minds and support you, you’re gonna have find a way to make it happen by yourself. Since toddler, you’re an artist, your hidden talent is to paint. So you decide to sell your art to make money to move out and start your career. You also joined drama club at high school so you have some acting skill to start. Well, good luck for you… BE A STAR
Traits - Aries ♈️, creative and ambitious
Aspiration - master actor/master actress
- master pairing and acting skills
- complete aspiration
- complete acting career
- be famous! It’s okay if you can’t reach 5 of fame but you have to reach at least level 3
- move to del sol valley when you feel like you have enough money, career and fame
- you don’t like Cancer ♋️ (so you don’t like neat sims)
- have at least 3 boyfriends or girlfriends before marrying someone
- have at least 5 good friends
#signssimschallenge by Vico
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vicosims · 4 months
hello everyone! I’m Vico. I’ve been playing the sims since I was 10 years old. It’s my everything, my favourite game but I’ve never had the guts to join the sims community. I’m having a surgery this Saturday(the 17th). I’m gonna have to stay in bed for a whole month… so what am I gonna do to spend time? Of course I’m gonna play nonstop lmao. Well, I hope you like my content, I will be sharing my gameplays and challenges. I’ve created a challenge as well so I’m gonna be posting :)
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