vialaviolenza · 5 months
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PSA -- A few changes have been made !
Inbox has been emptied
Drafts have been dropped ( I kept 19 )
Giorno has been removed, Melone has been added
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vialaviolenza · 5 months
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I admit I've been rather distant here, truly been rather busy in my personal life between work, school and social obligations. I'm hoping now that holidays are over that I can get back on here and write more. For those unaware, I've been low activity over @valoroso because it's about what I have the capacity for at the moment. There's been a few things here that have given me the ick and caused me to kind of lose interest but it is what it is. Honestly, I lack the BP to even care past that at this point. Other news, I'm medicated again so I contribute that to my feelings but I've also begun testosterone so that is a big thing for me and I'm very happy about it. :)
Either way, I hope you all have been doing well and I hope I find time to be here sometime soon but multi's are just so so so much work!
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vialaviolenza · 5 months
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Xmas Related ! ▓ A bottle stands on his nightstand, a ribbon around the hem, sangiovese wine. no wrapping required although the tell of sticky residue around it's neck told an attempt before settling on a singular bow and a label. 'Buon Natale, Abbacchio!! With love, Narancia.'
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Sangiovese wine, though one of the most common wines in Italy had been a type the snow-haired male favored. Its dryness 'matched' his own, and it's something Abbacchio noted long ago, and to this day it remains funny to him. Nonetheless. . .such awareness only came due to his extensive 'hobby' of wine tasting.
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The letter left behind stirs the faintest of smiles from the grump who declared a Scrooge-type personality towards the holidays from his attitude alone. With a faint sigh he picks up the bottle, turning it to read the label, a painted brow lifting in suprise from the vineyard it had come from⸻How the hell did Narancia even get his hands on it?
Somewhere in the future, he'd lecture Narancia, maybe even interrogate him a little on where he got the wine. . .but tonight, he decides to enjoy the gift alongside the warm feeling in his chest from such a simple gesture. Perhaps Narancia would prove to be tolerable with time. . .but the real question lingering in the back of Abbacchio's head is how Narancia got this in his room.
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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I know I've been a bit MIA but as I mentioned I had big tests and shit this past week and in my off time, I've been sleeping A L O T. However, I should be returning to my normal posting now, esp considering I have a few days off coming up !! :) In Times like these I wish I had a winter break, but cosmetology doesn't operate that way grrrrr.
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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Inspiration under the cut👇👇
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I find myself very funny. If this isn't your sense of humour, good for you.
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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A hand firmly finds purchase on a hip, the short woman’s head tilting slowly, allowing black to grey tresses to shift, some falling across her shoulder as voids stare at the man sitting a few feet away. The mysterious woman's painted jester mouth parts, revealing pearly whites beneath in an imitation of kindness. Hisako finds herself somewhat irrrittated but she attempts to divert her attention from her mind's unpleasant musings.
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❝  So grumpy.~ Someone must’ve pissed in your morning tea.❞ Hisako speaks with a near mocking tone as her katana is returned to it saya. ❝  All I'm saying is that I know how to use a katana. . .I’m not as young as I look. ❞ Thin shoulders pull together as she offers a dramatic shrug, her voice matter-of-fact. As her hands lift to tighten her pigtails, keychains with charms jangle from the katana hilt ( from a quick glance one might observe some ‘whimsical’ clowns adorned with chipped and faded paint.  ). ❝ You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. . .and, you shouldn't be a jerk to strangers. ❞
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❛ @vialaviolenza said . . . ❛ i'm not some helpless little girl ! ❜ From Hisako to Hikaru!! ❜
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𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐄'𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐋. but clearly he'd pissed her off with the way she yells in his direction. unfurling his fan he covers his face, looking in the opposite direction. he'd simply happened upon her by accident. that happened often during his travels . . . but those people didn't usually yell at him. he'd simply offered some advice is all. she'd seemed to be struggling with something but the woman had bit his head off the moment the words left him. he can practically hear okami chuckling at him in this very moment. stupid beast.
❛ fine, suit yourself. struggle for all i care. ❜ the jinchūriki sighs, taking a seat on the grass as he watches her from a few feet away. she'd appeared to be training but honestly, he wasn't entirely sure. still, it was entertainment nonetheless.
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dialogue prompt. ― accepting.
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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Whispers of suicide encircle the Boss like seagulls to shore. While such acts are unfortunately common in their line of work, Diavolo, seasoned and experienced, knows when something is amiss. Polpo was a capo and mentor during Diavolo's youth and played a pivotal role in reinventing the mafia in Italy alongside the pink-haired man. Their shared history was woven with encouragement and guidance, a journey that started when Diavolo was a mere underling with a dream. The platonic bond between them was deep, making it improbable that Polpo would resort to suicide without some inclination at their last meeting.
Normally dismissive of threats, Diavolo heeded Polpo's worries every step of the way, and in turn, Diavolo made efforts to ensure Polpo's comfort—providing a jail cell that, while quaint, offered everything the capo could desire. When Diavolo hears the unexpected news, he is caught entirely off guard. In the normal world, the scene may seem believable—a simple crime scene with no signs of struggle or foul play. However, Diavolo's seasoned instincts lead him to question the authenticity of the situation, sparking thoughts of a traitor within his organization. Despite his usual avoidance of funerals, citing a busy schedule, Diavolo chooses to attend Polpo's ceremony. The shared history and the need to meet Risotto Nero, Polpo's child from a liaison with a woman from Egypt, drive this deliberate decision. His presence serves as a means to question Risotto about any suspicions regarding foul play.
The instant the limousine arrives eyes are on it, never mind the shock as the driver opens the door to reveal Diavolo who steps out of the vehicle dressed in a custom black suit without a single crease. Large sunglasses hide puffy red eyes (even he had wept for Polpo—it was easily the hardest loss in his life to date), his visage void of the makeup he typically wore, and his long pink hair is pulled into a messy bun. Designer shoes meet the pavement, his attention shifting to the driver to give simple instructions before he turns to the funeral home. . .Just the sight alone reminds him that this moment is very real and while he wants to connect with his humanity for this moment, he’s the BOSS before anything else. 
As the doors open his onyx eyes look over the crowd, a bouquet of snapdragons (Polpo’s favorite flower) tucked into his arm as a gloved hand cradles the stems. Though the crowd is large, he bears witness to a group missing (Buccarrati’s collective. Interesting. ) and it’s noted in the back of his skull as he makes his way through the room. Immediately he witnesses Risotto and it takes but a few minutes to convince Diavolo that perhaps his suspicions were likely misplaced. Despite what had happened with Sorbet and Gelato, Diavolo swallows his pride and moves forward, his free hand resting on Risotto’s shoulder.
❝ Le mie condoglianze a te. ❞ His voice is faint but still recognizable, his onyx eyes looking to the casket as a heavy breath leaves him, his shoulders pulling down as his teeth grind together. With intensive effort he pries his eyes away as he looks at Risotto, capturing his visage before his eyes drift a bit further to witness the room of shocked faces who murmur softly to one another from the display before them. There’s another breath as he looks back to Risotto, his head shaking in disbelief—it was a fucking funeral and these people...
❝ These were his favorite. ❞ The bouquet is offered as Diavolo turns his body to Risotto, giving him full attention. ❝ I’m aware of your connection to him and I’m sorry. . .I know things have been difficult between the both of you, but. . .he fought for you in his own way. After Sorbet and Gelato. . .He made sure you and those you care for were safe. I won’t apologize for my actions, but I’m sorry he never was able to have that conversation with you. I’m sorry the image you have of him is. . .This. . .but I assure you I won’t let his death be in vain. This wasn’t a suicide and I intend to take things into my own hands to ensure justice is carried out. ❞ The words were faint whispers to ensure the crowd wouldn’t hear—the message wasn’t for them after all. A gloved hand reaches into his inner blazer pocket to pull out an envelope and hand it over. ❝ This will cover the service, funeral, and then some, I know I haven’t treated you or your. . .collective well. . .but that can change. Let’s allow grief to unite us. Sorbet and Gelato crossed a line that I cannot allow to be crossed. . .My resentment ends there if you can accept such. ❞
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when his body was discovered in his cell at dawn, it was said to have been a gruesome scene. the guards fled the scene in initial panic and disbelief. the gargoyles of the underworld society, those that knew him longest, were stunned. the autopsy report concluded no signs of foul play. it seems the toll of his sins weighed heavily in his mind, and at the very end, it became a burden too great to bear. or so they say.
they say the coroner was paid off. there are whispers the boss finally had him eliminated, the last of the old dogs from the world of before. it's fair for them to think like that, none of them knew of their surprising friendship which went deeper than surface level professionalism. they say his enemies staged this death, but no one knows why. so few believe he took his own life, least of all his surviving kin.
when risotto nero arrived to the grandiose funeral, it was a spectacle of wide - eyed stares and murmurs. the bastard son, an open secret shunned by his father. the pariah capo, two of his teammates viciously executed for an act of treason by the hands of the boss himself. still, he has the audacity to show his face here. or perhaps it is bravery? maybe madness. even risotto is not sure which. he knows he is not welcomed. he knows he was not loved by his father in life. he knows all this, and still, most maddeningly of all, he can't help but grieve.
is it for the relationship that never was? is it for what could have been? it could have been for the fact that he was never given a chance. or perhaps it is because he was robbed of justice prevailing, of the tempting act of patricide which occasionally flocked to his mind. his grief is palpable and raw, on full display from his hardened, shellshocked gaze and hard frown. the rest of the world is deaf and meaningless to him, save for the surviving members of his team who flock loyally to his side. for once, they are all dressed in matching, simplistic black. a means to try and stay unnoticed, to be ignored. it does not work, risotto is hard to miss after all.
all eyes peer on his form with scrutiny and fascination as he pays his respect to the closed casket. there is a moment, a single moment, in which only his team's sharp eyes notice -- he trembles. a shuddering breath is taken. he will not allow tears to shed. this is not a man who would have wept for him, if it were the other way around. he doubts polpo would have had him buried like this, if at all. if risotto had been the one suddenly murdered, he wonders if polpo would have cared to know the cause. he's certain of one thing though.
polpo would know who did it, the same way he knows who did this.
no one dares touch him, or interact him. no one acknowledges him or his team, aside from the murmurs of scrutiny. the execution team are a curse, a plague. associating with them is certain death to one's reputation, and perhaps their life. the sooner they leave, the better it is for everyone else. risotto cannot tear his eyes away from the casket, aside to bow his head in a moment of what appears to be prayer. he is not a religious man, god has forsaken him one too many times, but he will play the part today to not incur any more anger at his unwanted appearance. he is too focused on the act, that he misses the sound of the heavy church doors opening. the sound of bodies turning, the subtle gasps traveling like waves. . .
┊ ˚˖↷ @vialaviolenza / funerals are such dreary occasions. . .
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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❝ Naruto. ❞ A murmur against the breeze that rolled past them as she exits dense foliage. . .The last time they had met was on her turf (one that luckily left both parties alive and well) and now she had found herself in the land of Fire, a subtle annoyance in her voice as she finally glanced at him with onyx hues that glistened beneath the moonlight.
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❝ Konohagakure-nin have been seen near Senpugakure since our last. . .encounter. It makes me curious if you have loose lips. ❞ Pleasantries are thrown to the wolves as she approaches him, her arms crossing against her chest and while she holds a dominating aura she shows no signs of aggression. ❝ Have you said anything about our encounter or is this happenstance ? ❞ It was nearly unheard of for Kazuki to leave her soil, but desperate times call for desperate measures. . .Far as she was concerned, she'd clear up this lead before returning back home.
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❛ @vialaviolenza said . . . ❛ don't even try and act friendly with me. ❜ From Kazuki to Naruto ! ❜
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𝐒𝐎 𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇. without even realizing it himself, somewhat of a pout forms across his features. did he just have horrible luck with uchiha or what !? was it the blonde hair ? something about him must piss them off. but, despite his annoyance it's clear she means business. her tone is stern and while she isn't facing him directly, he can sense the uneasiness in the air. this wouldn't be any sort of reunion he'd imagined. but, this wasn't their first encounter . . . and if he remembered correctly the last one didn't go quite so smoothly either. a sigh rolls past his lips.
❛ missed you too . . . kazuki. ❜ no, they weren't on friendly terms but hell, he could try. it's how he approached all things, despite the odds being against him.
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hostile meme. ― accepting.
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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The title is absorbed with the cant of Diavolo’s head, black lips curling as eyes narrow further, a single short nod is offered—what comes next, however, stifles the glimpse of kindness in the larger man. Eyes narrow, his chin lifting as he rolls his eyes in disappointment. With the drink swatted away, it collides with the ground, the water displaced against the floor which Ebano laps at with its tongue as it looks up to Doppio with large black eyes that seemingly match Diavolo’s own. . .Despite the action, Diavolo doesn’t react, ensuring the drink isn’t poisoned. Onyx orbs drop to the knife, not reacting much despite the looming threats of violence.
❝. . .If I wanted to hurt you, you’d be nothing but a scarlet stain on MY designer upholstery. Your remnants would be disposed of promptly, and my furniture would be replaced by sunrise. You should be grateful I’m even humoring your existence, you ragazzo fragile.❞  Diavolo’s tone is assured, his eyes watching from behind heavy lids powdered with thick black shadow, lips curl once more with promise. 
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❝. . .I’m not sure who your BOSS is, but here, I’m the boss of Passione and I don’t hide like a pup with its tail between its legs. You have done nothing warranting my identity outside of acting like a feral animal. Rest assured. . .I only put down those who are disobedient. Unless you desire death, leave the knife on the ground and use your words.❞ Diavolo commits to standing and moving a few feet to perch on the edge of his desk. Legs cross as he takes a sip of his drink, setting it aside as he digs into his black slacks to pull out a metal cigarette case and zippo. Immediately a hit is taken, his head tilting back to allow a plume of smoke to leave his nose as his eyes remain fixed on Doppio. 
❝ Cosa farò con te ? ❞ A question murmured to himself with another hit off the cigarette, its excess ash tapped into a crystal dish at his side as a thoughtful hum escaped his throat. ❝. . .The only thing I can think of calming you is to show you my stand—❞ At the mere mention, King Crimson appears behind Diavolo, staring at the smaller male huddled away from them, its arms crossed and a look of disgust plastered on its visage as it awaits orders.
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❝ This is the only kindness I will offer until I’m given a reason why you even deserve it. I imagine my dogs didn’t tear you apart because you. . .have either a stand that can clone people perfectly, or you are me. . .Perhaps from somewhere else.❞ Again the cigarette is hit and expelled from semi-parted lips. The light that was aimed at Doppio is lowered slightly so that he isn’t blinded anymore, Diavolo considers it as another act of good faith. ❝ If you were a clone, I don’t think you’d look so pitiful. So I think maybe. . .❞ A click of his tongue, ❝. . .Osvaldo. Esposito. Presutti. . .or Doppio? Come ti chiami ? ❞
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there was nothing, & then there was everything. a cold dark which slithered into every vein & artery that bled no more, filling punctured lungs which held nothing more than shallow breaths anticipating the inevitable. a dead heart without beats. fingers which could not feel, eyes that could not see ... & all the child wished for was for one final call before they were gone. to hear the voice that had comforted their slowly fading soul for so many years ... just one more time, oh how it would've meant the world ... but it never came. but that was okay, of course it was okay ... the mission came first as it always had, & the boss was so close to winning ... right? he would defeat the traitors, & knowing that his most trusted underling ( ally, friend ) aided in his victory was enough ... nothing else mattered ... nothing ...
the sensation of rain is what stirs doppio from the realm of unconsciousness. droplets from a brisk shower that had already passed, dripping from a large oak tree they are laid limp beneath. bloodied freckled face pressed against freshly cut grass. confusion is quick to swamp the teen's mind as they slowly, painfully, open their eyes ... only to be greeted by a sun hanging low in the sky & more pain.
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❝ uhh- what ... where am i? ❞ their groan is weak, a sear of pain through clenched teeth as doppio shifts slowly & attempts to sit up. upon managing to do so they sit with their back against the ancient oak, drawing in uneven breaths as weary eyes scan the surroundings. a local park they've visited numerous times in the past. this ... this wasn't the last place they remembered being ... which was ... uhh ... doppio's mind draws a blank, & they can't help but release a frustrated huff. of all the times to have a fucking blackout, the boss is going to be pissed ... whatever happened they just hope to god that he doesn't call soon, not while they're like this ; all damp & gross & bloodied. so with a strained breath doppio gradually rises to their feet, pressing a hand to the bark of the tree for support in the process.
despite the awful headache, they're certain there's a safe house nearby, one the boss personally issued them years ago. it was nice & fancy, & the perfect place to get cleaned up in before the boss calls ...
by the time doppio reaches the place of safety & makes it inside they're truly exhausted. kicking shoes off into a dark corner along with damp socks & plodding down the hallway, they're startled when a dog comes rushing up to greet them, like- how the fuck did this thing get in here?! was- was there an intruder?? pulling out a flip knife the boss had gifted them a number of years ago from pocket, frantic wide hazels shoot around while they wander deeper inside the building, until they stumble into a room. & lose their footing the teen does. falling into a corner with a pained yelp until they sit in a miserable lump in the corner ...
the voice that awakens is familiar, a comfort which draws them from whatever ordeal induced slumber they'd been in ... or maybe it was another blackout, doppio is never certain sometimes. oh, he must be leaving a message on the phone ... it wasn't until a painfully bright light is flashed upon them that they start to awakeness with a yelp.
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❝ wh-what the-- ❞ right hand rises in some attempt to shield their eyes from the light, to try & see whoever the fuck this stranger is who they can't quite make out what with being near blinded. the other bloodied hand clinging to the hilt of the knife held protectively at their side ... weapon almost reflexively pointed in the direction of the angry growling dog, if not for hearing that same voice again. what ... what the fuck was going on??!
the stranger approaches, the knife raises as fear consumes doppio's heart, only for the knife to slip from fingers with the sound of metal clinking against the floor when he walks closer & crouches down, asking if they're injured ...
❝ b-boss ..? ❞ the word is whisper quiet, strained against breath held in lungs as the heart & mind struggle to comprehend the reality of-of ... no, there was absolutely no way this was happening. sweat mingles with blood, instinct compelling the teen to look away & steel their racing heart. the boss would never show himself like this, not unless he planned to make an example of someone, or-or ... the mission must have failed terribly for him to risk exposing himself for no decent recent. either this was a dream, or-
❝ get- get the fuck away from me! ❞ the offered glass of whatever poison doppio wasn't foolish enough to fall for was swatted away. voice be damned ; this intruder could be a stand user who mimics voices! golden hazel eyes watch him like a deer in headlights as they make a fumbled reach for the knife within reach, ❝ y-you think i'm fucking stupid, whoever the fuck you are??! you're not the boss! he wouldn't just ... just show up like this! i'm not telling you shit unless ... unless you prove you're the boss! ❞
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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Diavolo enjoying Super Deluxe Ice Cream…Menacingly.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
&. 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
( this is basically just a very self indulgent list of various fluff, angst, and suggestive themed dialogue sentence starters. )
❛ i could keep you safe. they’re all afraid of me. ❜
❛ i’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still. ❜
❛ your heart is beating so fast right now. ❜
❛ promise me you’ll still be here when i wake up. ❜
❛ you’re not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜
❛ i thought you’d like some company. ❜ 
❛ clean yourself up. you're getting blood all over the place. ❜
❛ here, give this a try and tell me what you think. ❜
❛ you can kiss me, you know. ❜
❛ come back to bed. ❜
❛ you look good like this. ❜
❛ working together again, it’s just like old times. ❜
❛ how is it you always know what i need, huh? ❜
❛ you’re lucky you got away with only a scratch. ❜ 
❛ i can’t imagine losing someone like that. i’m sorry. ❜
❛ you know you can always talk to me. ❜
❛ the only one who gets to kill you, is me. ❜
❛ so, what do i owe this pleasure? ❜
❛ ah, so you aren’t heartless after all. ❜
❛ may i have this dance? ❜ 
❛ it’s okay, you can touch me. i won't break. ❜
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜
❛ hold still. this might sting a little. ❜
❛ we can't keep doing this. ❜ 
❛ you look like you've got something to say. ❜
❛ just relax and let me take care of you. ❜
❛ thought you’d be lighter without all that blood. ❜
❛ i had it under control. you didn’t need to do that. ❜
❛ everything looks so beautiful from up here. ❜
❛ you treat all your ladies like this? ❜
❛ well? how do i look? ❜
❛ can’t sleep? ❜
❛ do you mind if i smoke? ❜
❛ i’m scared of ending up alone. ❜
❛ i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile. ❜
❛ how long has it been since you've slept? ❜
❛ you are losing my interest, and that’s very dangerous. ❜
❛ i’d suffer hell if you’d tell me what you’d do to me tonight. ❜
❛ you look really pretty right now. ❜
❛ i’ve never cared for anyone the way i care for you. ❜
❛ i’m not wearing any underwear. thought you’d like to know. ❜
❛ just a few more stitches and you’ll be as good as new. ❜
❛ i’d say we make a pretty good team. ❜
❛ i want you to forget this ever happened. ❜
❛ i'm here for business — not pleasure. ❜
❛ if i didn't know any better, i'd say you were jealous. ❜
❛ you'd look better down on your knees. ❜
❛ fine, keep acting like you hate me. ❜
❛ kiss me again. ❜
❛ are you asking me out on a date? ❜
❛ just sit there and look pretty and let me handle this. ❜
❛ you okay? caught you staring off into space again. ❜
❛ well, i do feel better now that you're here. ❜
❛ i'm not drunk enough for this. ❜ 
❛ why is it whenever we see each other, you’re covered in blood? ❜
❛ i was wrong about you. ❜ 
❛ the first time i met you, i had no idea you'd mean this much. ❜
❛ you gonna be a good girl / boy for me? ❜
❛ i’m not afraid of you. ❜
❛ books mean more to me than people anyway. ❜
❛ i just wanted to say thank you for protecting me. ❜
❛ how about a kiss goodnight? ❜
❛ i don’t have time for distractions right now. ❜
❛ you shouldn’t be out here by yourself. ❜ 
❛ if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode. ❜
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
@epitaffia for a plotted starter !
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Since daybreak things were bizarre—a cacophony of events making the man nearly writhe in frustration as he sat in the plush interior of a limousine with a cigarette in hand. It's nursed with intensity, black lipstick smudged across the filter as a deep groan of annoyance escapes him, his onyx eyes glancing out the tinted window to look at the familiar street. Soon enough he'd be home, locked up in his villa where he could decompress in the only ways he knew how.
A sudden stop jerks him forward, a hand catching himself before he can tumble to the ground⸻❝ Cazzo! Watch it ! ❞ The pink-haired male barks in irritation, his eyes lifting to stare into the rearview mirror at the driver's reflection. The man merely nods with wide eyes. As Diavolo settles back into his seat, his eyes pay a glance out the other window, watching a black cat run away without injury⸻A black cat crossing his path as well? Just what the fuck was going on?
For the remainder of the drive his chest heaves, a perpetual pounding within his ribcage as the cigarette is snuffed out in an ashtray. The instant they pull up to the villa he gets out on his accord, slamming the door as he makes a stride to his front door, his keys fished out from his custom suit's pockets so that he may enter the house. Immediately the boss is greeted by a behemoth of a dog who seems somewhat riled up only to calm and stare at his master in confusion.❝ Ebano. . . ❞ Diavolo approaches, a hand outstretched for the Doberman-Great Dane mix to sniff, and almost instantly it begins wandering down the hall, looking back to Diavolo expectantly.
With a sigh he follows, his suit jacket removed and tucked into his arm as the dog leads him through the villa, all the way to his office. Imagine his surprise when he opens the door and finds a bloodied figure on the floor with Avorio ( his other Doberman-Great Dane mix, this one albino and female ). That familiar pounding in his chest comes back as wide eyes narrow, his foot further pushing the door open to enter the office alongside Ebano who sits between them calmly, looking back and forth in confusion before laying down.
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❝ Who are you ? ❞ The jacket is discarded on an armchair as he tosses it aside, his anger swelling with each passing moment as the flexible desk light is turned on and aimed at the body in the corner⸻he didn't care if the intruder was blinded, he merely wanted a good look, and once he can witness the visage across from him he pauses, blinking a few times to be sure he can trust his eyes. He was no stranger to hallucinations, but Avorio and Ebano assured him that such wasn't currently happening. . .So why was his youth looking at him in fear and confusion, covered in blood ?
❝ How did you get in here ? ❞ The tie around his neck is loosened as he turns to approach a small drink cart in the room where he begins to fix a whiskey on the rock. ❝⸻Smotret. ❞ Immediately Ebano stands up, baring his teeth as he growls at the. . .boy with intention, really all he needed was Diavolo's order despite there being no current threats of violence from the intruder. The pink-haired male looks back over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised to observe if the boy would fight back, after a moment he gives another command. ❝. . .Nazad. ❞ And Ebano steps back, still baring his teeth, his tongue licking at his jowls as the animal glances at Avorio, then to Diavolo. After a few moments, Diavolo approaches with two drinks in his hand, squatting down to meet the other's eyes.
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❝ Are you injured ? ❞ A hand holding ice water extends, offering it with a firm expression of expectation. If and when Doppio takes it, Diavolo uses his free hand to meet Ebano's head to pet the animal. ❝ Pauza. . . . . .I expect you to tell me everything if you want to see the sunrise. I think that's only fair.❞ A murmur, and with the command Ebano relaxes and lays back down as Diavolo takes a long steady sip of his drink, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he awaits a response.
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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No prompt ▓ His frame sways so slightly, as though gentle breeze was caressing spring grass as he stood outside ABBACCHIO'S room, his head lulls forward, forehead hitting the wooden door with a gentle thump, his lips are ajar, a sliver of spit runs down his chin... and he snores aloud. he was sleepwalking again.
"-- open up muffin man, you owe me a stick of gum. so say aaaah... "
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Twilight sepulcher constrains a tired frame, lucid moments finally finding him as he begins to FINALLY drift away⸻how long he had been trying to sleep would be anyone's guess, but nonetheless, a THUMP stirs him from translucence, his brows furrowing in annoyance as he hears snoring from outside his door. The words following are lost, and for a moment he lays still, a heavy sigh escaping once the snoring never ends. With the promise that Narancia wasn't going anywhere on his own, Abbacchio's legs swing over the edge of his bed, his feet meeting his wooden floors with a smack as he stands. Swiftly, he crosses his room, swinging the door open with purpose.
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❝⸻Che cazzo dici. . .Narancia. . .❞ Brows furrow, a hand waving in the short brunette's face. The hall is dark on account of the hour, a glance at his alarm clock in his room tells him immediately everyone else is going to be asleep, which meant this little sleepwalking problem was going to be his alone to deal with. . .What the hell did Bruno say to do? Lay him back down or some shit?
❝ Fucking damn it.❞ Abbacchio desires to shake the boy violently to wake him, but the last thing he wants is to wake Bruno up after being told how to handle this, plus if he had been in the same position, he'd hurt whoever woke him up. A heavy hand finds Narancia's shoulder and Abbacchio sighs as he does his best to turn the shorter male around so that he can begin to lead him back to his room. ❝ Let's go, stronzo. Back to bed. ❞
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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Initial mentions of Diego's stand are met with uncertainty⸻she knew of dinosaurs. . .What a Utahraptor was, however, completely lost her. . .But she nods with her brows furrowed together with uncertainty. Perhaps they'd be able to find a way to use their abilities together, she'd bring it up over dinner she supposes, lest it held more formality. Just as she's about to begin her trek back to the hotel she turns back to glance at him, offering a faint scoff of amusement with the mention of him only really getting a hotel with a woman for sex⸻it's clear the mention is found amusing more than disgusting.
❝ You'd be payin' a hefty fee for that, Dio. ❞ Tella's index flicks her hat's brim upwards as she shakes her head, her eyes meeting his with a daring intensity. ❝ I don't fuck on the first date, and I sure as hell don't mix business with pleasure. . .❞ A lengthy pause as she ruminates over her words, ❝⸻Least . . .not at first. ❞ Again a faint chortle as she takes the lead to the hotel, her thoughts lingering on her first heist, the amount of adrenaline that resulted in lascivious activity. The thoughts keep the faint smile plastered on her face as she rests her hands on her hips, her amber eyes glancing back at the shorter male at her side.
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❝ So let me get this right. You care about. . .Yer horse, money and apparently shaggin' in a hotel. Yer a very complex man, I must admit.❞ Tella's lips pull further as she nudges him with her elbow, ❝ Sometimes bein' simple is a good thing though. I don't fault ya for it.❞ She's trying to joke with him, alleviate any tension that might rest between them due to being strangers and all. ❝ It's when yer complicated that things turn in ta shit and ya get in trouble.❞ Soon enough they arrive, and the blonde checks in before waggling the keys in Diego's direction before she leads them to the room in question.
As she enters the hotel room, the keys are tossed on a counter as she removes her duster, hanging it up before her riding boots are taken off at the door along with her riding gloves. Slender digits dig through her duster's pockets until she pulls out a box of matches that are used to light up the oil lamps throughout the space, once satisfied she takes a seat at the kitchen table, her hands grabbing at a sheet of paper on the table to look over a menu before she looks up at Diego.
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❝⸻So. . .what'd Valentine promise ya? Might as well be honest. We have a long journey ahead of us. ❞ A hum follows as she looks back down, turning the menu over to glance at the back until she has decided what she wants, the menu is then extended to Diego. ❝ We're eatin' on his coin, might as well get something good.❞
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Replaying sound, yes it does sound useful. If anyone is nearby or close to the parts, it's a good stand to have to hear the sound of nosy people or fools who utter everything they say out loud. Diego was smart enough to keep his mouth shut, even if arrogance clearly made that hard.
"I can turn m'self into one of those dinosaurs. I don't know much about the old bones all these scientist blokes find, but I can turn into something called an Utahraptor." Whatever the hell that meant. Diego was about horses, money and climbing the latter- not silly things like the bones of some old creature. "Still getting the hang of it, but guess that's just gettin' a stand for you." Surely he'd master it in time, it doesn't sound too hard to get the hang out. He can turn himself and anything else he wants into raptors, how difficult is that to grasp anyway?
"I'm glad we see eye to eye on this one, because I'm not the type of man to give up when there's good money on the table. The many and fame from this race is bloody shillings compared to the money I'd get from gathering these old bones for the president." Hell, it might even open the door for even more money and power! "I was raised well enough to know not to harm a lady, I'm not a bloody animal here, but I'm not gonna let you stay in my way and ruin this for me." Seems he isn't denying the dishonesty though. Truth is? Diego's entire life is a lie to the public.
He merely tells the people around him that he came from a pleasant family and climbed his way to the top after they died to untimely, but the truth? Abandoned by his father, raised in a barn, mother died of tetanus and from then on he was passed around every estate in England as a servant boy until he managed to crawl his way through the humiliation to get where he is now.
"Count me in, though, definitely a first that a woman isn't asking me to go to a hotel to shag her." For money, of course, everything came with a price tag for Diego. "Lead the way, Silver Bullet needs 'is rest. Horses need their rest or else you're asking for it to slow down and disobey you." Maybe something Diego picked up by being raised surrounded by horses and cattle, but he really did seem to have good knowledge on them judging by how well cared for his horse looked.
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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Major update :: Diavolo has been made canon divergent, his bio is available now to check out !
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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