vexx-overload · 2 months
When people ask me "why are you so sensitive?" "why do you care so much about what people say?"or "why don't you talk so much? Do you really think It's my fault? Do you think I want to be this way? I wasn't always like this. Through the past few years of entering teenage hood, I haven't always enjoyed being a child. It's been HELL. The fact that you have so many responsibilities and have to live up tp everyone's expectations is actually really tiring. Not only that, but (some) parents being complete assholes and making you feel like your not even worth anything. In my case I suffer from MY GUARDIAN IS ½ OF AN ASSHOLE AND ½ OF NOT AN ASSHOLE. ITS FUCKING ANNOYING! One second she's all "buddy buddy" with me. And then another second it's a whole new human being im living with. Like damn, is it that hard to understand that your not one of my little friends? Like your the whole reason I cant open my mouth to say some things and then you scream at me because I literally cant walk up to someone and say something? Like tf? And not only parents, kids your age too. Nowadays most kids are only obsessed with how they look or how cool they are. That's bullshit. Every single day since 7th grade these annoying children have literally been talking about me. Not only do I know it... I FEEL IT. Especially the girls in my damn P.E. class. Just in their own little cluster talking about me and my precious pookielicious pookies (my friends obvi). But that's OK. Why you ask? Because at the end of the day none of that is going to matter so they can do what they want. Anyways I feel like i wrote too much but I just did it out of anger because of what happened this morning.
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