verita-lapalissiana · 6 hours
i really dont wanna jinx it but the way i see it, he's spent his whole episcopate and pontificate cultivating this idea of a nice friendly shepherd who cares so much about the poor and downtrodden, who for years wore this image of piety and sympathy, and now that the end is near and he's not getting any younger all that's left of him is an ill and senile man who doesn't care to pretend anymore. then again, not that he ever was that convincing, he called "gender ideology" a bigger threat than nuclear bombs and everything, but i think, now that he's actually getting closer and closer he just won't give a fuck about anything, he'll say whatever he thinks whenever he thinks it
What is your opinion on the latest pope statement regarding popegate ("il chiacchiericcio è da donne" = "chit chat is for women")?
Imo, he's either
A. Drugged beyond oblivion. Someone in the Vatican gave him the best stuff available to man straight from his home in south america
B. On his Andrew Tate Sigma male streak trying to hurt as many groups as physically possible.
VERY common Catholic Guy L. Not shocked in the least. Francis's occasional wins are down to him being a Jesuit from Latin America, but that man does NOT drink respect women juice.
More #popegate news: my man Jorge also went and "sent an email" to a gay man in a seminary telling him to "follow his vocation" like he didn't just VERY FAMOUSLY make an entire scene about faggy seminarists 2 weeks ago.
IDK what the hell is going on but it's very amusing to point and laugh at
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verita-lapalissiana · 7 hours
anda bè accussì fibra e jax ani dinunziaddu lu porchu pa chidda caggadda fatta cu la AI👍👍 chissu pa fozza fazarà beni a l'immagini di la drestha a *checks note* tri dì da li vutazioni
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verita-lapalissiana · 7 hours
boni nobi! d'abà appoi (o arumancu finz'a li erezioni di chistha chedda) chisthu blog dibintarà un ippaziu ischrusibu in sassaresu!
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verita-lapalissiana · 8 hours
bene così fibra e jax hanno denunciato il maiale per quella merda fatta con l'ai👍👍 questo farà sicuramente bene all'immagine della destra a *checks note* tre giorni dal voto
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verita-lapalissiana · 13 hours
i like to think that every time we style our hair in a new way or try out a different clothing fashion or pierce our cartilage, that's like a transition, like a new addition to the puzzle of our gender: you don't just wake up one day and magically your wardrobe is full of slutty jorts and tshirts, it takes effort, just like any change. feminising hrt is just one of the funny things a person can do to be "more effeminate", a man can do it and still call himself a man.
so in the grand scheme of things the idea that being an "effeminate man" is some sort of an alternative to transitioning is just bollocks, first because in the eyes of society the difference is probably minimal, and second because the transition is just a practical means to expressing one's own gender. now, of course people who say this are usually talking about some specific things, the hormones the pronouns and everything, but that is not relevant to the matter: one may choose to call themself an effeminate man, only to find out they still want to take hormones or go by different pronouns, and those people will still find nuisance with that. so yeah if someone's telling you that they're either an idiot or a cunt.
plus, on a more personal note, i remember cracking partly because some radfem on reddit told me i could just be an effeminate man, and i thought "but i don't wanna be an effeminate man i wanna be a masculine woman". if the idea of being super femme while still being called a he/him makes you feel bad probably it has much less to do with expression and much more with identity
“You don’t have to transition you can just be an effeminate man!” is the funniest take to see constantly on tumblr because that is literally word for word what my conservative catholic parents tried to tell me to stop me from transitioning. Are you sure that’s who you want to be agreeing with?
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@staff @humans please reinstate tumblr user @charlottan ‘s blog right now please + now
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Staff have done their best to hide this post, OP's blog has been deleted to hide it. Spread this post as much as you can (ideally through screenshots to avoid it being nuked)
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charlotte is one of the most popular and influential bloggers of the last several years on this site. she's been consistently putting out nothing but good vibes, to the extent that i'd credit her with changing the site's culture a bit. part of the broader trend away from constant negativity. there's literally no excuse for deleting her account
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supernatural is like community in that the first episodes are like, yeah this is a very normal show with all the usual tropes of its genre.. until it no longer is. and you don't even notice the transition it's just that sometime between seasons 1 and 3 the writers started thinking what if we had the most absolute level of fun ever
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why do ben stiller characters always have such lame names...... larry.... greg... derek... never seen him in a film and his names valentine or eugene or something hes always just some guy
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maybe i should just kill myself at least this all will stop
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You find yourself stuck in an elevator with your icon and your username. How happy are you?
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how can I be expected to find a job and give my exams and be normal and everything when ive just watched supernatural 4x01 lazarus rising
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quanto cazzo sono buone le macine della lidl onestamente le uniche che competono nella stessa categoria sono le ciambelle balocco
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cosa cazzo è un attivista anti-islam diocaneeeeee da oggi mi dichiaro ufficialmente attivista anti-cristiana vediamo un po'
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can you be saved
Can Los Angeles be saved?
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cazzo raga sam e dean winchester sul set degli occhi del cuore????? chi l'avrebbe mai detto
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