vaporvox · 10 years
Understanding Variable Voltage E-cigarettes!
  This article explains what Variable Voltage E-cigs are. Great info so check it out or click on the link below to go to the actual article posted on Vaper Train.
Understanding Variable Voltage/ Wattage Electronic Cigarettes
If you are looking for information about Variable Voltage / Wattage electronic cigarettes, it could be because the E-cig you are using at the moment is not giving you the vapour production and flavour you want. When you are new to vaping (using an electronic cigarette) finding what works best for you can be a maze, and you will be going through a steep learning curve, as here are a lot of different Electronic cigarette devices available on the market. If you are new to vaping we at Vaper Train advice our customers to start their vaping experience with a starter kit, rather than jumping straight in to the deep end. Our reasons are not to make more money out of you but merely because of the following: If you buy an expensive (Variable Voltage / Wattage) device and find that vaping is not for you, you will have invested a lot of money on something that you will never use again, as where if you would buy a cheaper alternative (Starter Kit) and you wish to continue using the E-cig it is very easy to upgrade. Also when using a starter kit you will get used to some of the most common quirks of most 510 / eGo batteries, and or the clearomiser / tank that is attached to it.
When you have just started vaping, you are most likely using a device that operates at 3.7 volts, though you will find. that your experience with vaping changes.
This can be due to:
Using different E-liquid flavours,
Trying different nicotine strengths
Trying a different PG (Propylene Glycol) / VG (Vegetable Glycerin) ratio mix
Or even trying a different clearomiser / atomiser
Some combinations may give you more flavour and good throat hit, whilst others can leave you wishing you could turn up the volume a bit to give you more uhmpf.
Variable Voltage and or Variable Wattage electronic cigarettes, or as we like to call the PV’s (Personal Vaporisers) do exactly that, making it possible to change the voltage / wattage of your device to give you the flavour, throat hit and vapour to how you want it to be.
  Once you have experienced vaping with a standard 3.7 volt device and you switch to a variable voltage / variable wattage device you will find that some flavours taste better on low voltage / wattage as where other flavours taste better on higher voltage / wattage
About the Watts The main advantage of variable-voltage / wattage electronic cigarettes is, that they produce more vapour than the small E-cigs most people buy when they first start vaping (E.G. the cigarette look a like). To understand the difference, let us take a look at the specifications of a standard electronic cigarette; most devices use 3.7 volt batteries and 2.4Ω atomisers / tanks, and so producing a little under 5.5 watts of power. To get a little bit more out of their E-cig, some vapers (Electronic Cigarette users)  buy larger batteries and combine them with low resistance atomizers / tanks.(1.8Ω) When you use a 3.7 volt battery with for instance a 1.5 Ω clearomiser / tank, the vapour production of the E-cig increases to over 9 watts. This still doesn’t equal the performance a variable voltage / wattage e-cig can achieve (up to 12 watts at 6 volts with a 3.0Ω clearomiser / tank).  How do these E-Cigs work? Most variable-voltage / wattage E-cigs use 3.7 volt batteries, just like standard  E-cigs. The difference is that a variable voltage / wattage E-cig has a circuit that stores and regulates power from the battery, delivering it to the atomiser / tank at the voltage / wattage you choose. Many variable voltage / wattage E-cigs also have micro processors for safety (of the battery) and control over vapour production. These advanced internal electronics often make variable voltage / wattage E-cigs more expensive than standard E-cigs. Is Variable Voltage / wattage for Me? At the moment variable voltage devices produce the best performance available on the E-cig market. However, if you have never used an E-cig before, a variable voltage / wattage device may not be right for you. For example: If you are not a 20+ a day smoker, or you smoke light cigarettes, you may find the vapour production / throat hit of a variable voltage / wattage device too intense at higher power levels. If you have to turn a variable voltage / wattage E-cig down to 3.7 volts  or lower, to get the vapour production / throat hit, you want, you may be better off buying a standard 3.7 volt E-cig. Using variable voltage / wattage E-cigs can be tricky (especially when you are new to vaping), as there is more to vaping than just simply pressing a button, and a lot of people underestimate how tricky using some devices can be. For instance, when using an E-cig at 6 volts or 11 watts, an atomiser can give you a harsh / dry vapour with an unpleasant flavour if the heating coil in the tank is not kept wet. If you add too much E-liquid to the atomiser, the atomiser / tank can flood resulting in your atomiser / tank to gurgle, spit out E-liquid through the top (Drip Tip) and / or leak. The best results with variable voltage / wattage devices tend to be by the more experienced E-cig users.
The Image below, can help you find the right set-up for your device.
Click to open image in new tab We did not create this chart, but found it useful as guidance, all rights belong with its original owner
Volt -        unit of electrical potential or motive force, potential is required to send one ampere of   current through  one ohm of resistance.
Ohm-       unit of resistance, one ohm is the resistance offered to the passage of one ampere when impelled by one volt.
Ampere- units of current, one ampere is the current which one volt can send through a resistance of one ohm.
Watt-      unit of electrical energy or power, one watt is the product of one ampere and one volt - one ampere of current flowing under the force of one volt gives one watt of energy.
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vaporvox · 10 years
Disposable or Rechargeable E-cigarettes?
Here is a great article pasted from cigbuyer.com about the differences between disposable and rechargeable e-cigarettes. Definitely brings up a ton of good points that could answer questions you have had about whether you are ready to delve into the world of vaping.
Disposable vs. Rechargeable E-Cigs
Although we primarily discuss rechargeable e-cigarettes on our website, most companies also produce disposable products that you can buy online – as well as in gas stations and convenience stores. There are a variety of benefits to choosing rechargeable e-cigarettes, but there’s also a few reasons you might want to consider a disposable e-cigarette too. Here are the differences and why you might choose one type of e-cigarette over another:
Disposable E-Cigarettes
Disposable e-cigarettes are offered by most of the major electronic cigarette companies and are available almost everywhere – gas stations, smoke shops, convenience stores, etc. They provide a simple and convenient way to enjoy vaping, but are only designed to last a single charge cycle. Typically, one disposable e-cig is equivalent to 1-2 packs of cigarettes, and once it’s finished, you throw it away.
For those that are looking for simplicity and convenience, a disposable e-cig is a decent choice, especially if you don’t have access to any other options. Disposables are also a nice way to get a feel for a particular company’s products without actually committing to a more expensive, rechargeable kit. But keep in mind, it’s much more expensive to purchase disposable e-cigs (over time) and you won’t have nearly as many options in design, flavor, nicotine levels and other features.
Pros of Disposable E-Cigs:
Simple and convenient
No need to worry about refills or charging
Lower upfront costs ($5 to $10 each)
Cons of Disposable E-Cigs:
Limited flavor, nicotine and design options
Low quality, throw-away product
Weak performance when compared to most rechargeables
More costly in the long-run
* Many of the companies on our website offer disposable and rechargeable e-cigs (ie: Apollo, Blu, Eversmoke, Green Smoke, V2. etc.)
Rechargeable E-Cigarettes
For most vapers, rechargeable e-cigs are the best choice since they perform better, cost less over time and have so many available options. Unlike a disposable, you simply recharge the battery whenever it runs low and refill or replace the cartridge whenever it stops producing vapor. Rather than being limited to whatever flavor is available with a disposable, you can choose from a virtually unlimited array of pre-filled replacement cartridges and e-liquids. If you don’t like a flavor or need to change nicotine levels, it’s easy and cost-effective to switch. Although you’ll pay more upfront for a starter kit, in the long-run the replacement cartridges and e-liquids are much cheaper than buying disposable e-cigs.
In addition to the wider range of flavor and refill options, rechargeable e-cigarettes come in a variety of different styles that provide varying levels of convenience and performance. It will be impossible to produce the same type of vapor, throat hit or battery life you can get from a rechargeable kit – especially if you choose larger, higher-end batteries and mods.
Pros of Rechargeable E-Cigs:
Lots of options! Multiple designs, flavors, nicotine, etc.
Higher-quality product – built to last
Much better performance
Lower long-term costs ($1 to $2 for refills)
Cons of Rechargeable E-Cigs:
Must refill and recharge regularly
Advanced versions can be quite complex
Higher upfront costs ($30 to $70 per starter kit)
Which Option is Best…
In general, rechargeable e-cigarettes are a better choice for most people since they provide so much flexibility, improved performance and lower long-term costs. But for those that need a convenient quick-fix, or those looking to experiment with different brands, a disposable e-cigarette might be an option worth considering. Keep in mind, disposable e-cigs will not perform exactly the same as the rechargeable versions offered by most companies, but a disposable will give you a good idea about the general quality, performance and flavor prior to purchasing a complete kit.
Check out the original article at the link below:
-Vapor Vox Team
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vaporvox · 10 years
So How Exactly Do E-Cigarettes Work?
This article from cigbuy.com completely breaks down how e-cigarettes work, which is pasted down below. The article mainly focuses on cartridge and automatic style cigarettes, like the Blu, Green Smoke and NJoy. Hopefully this will be as helpful to you as it has been for us. 
How Electronic Cigarettes Work
Electronic cigarettes allow you to enjoy the use of nicotine without the need for tobacco. This non-flammable solution produces vapor and provides the user with the physical sensation and flavor of a traditional cigarette without the nasty odor, tar or harmful chemicals. Here’s how an ‘e-cig’ works:
E-Cigarette Components
Most electronic cigarettes include two main pieces: the battery and cartridge. At the core is a Li-Ion battery (disposable or rechargeable), which makes up the longest section at the end of an e-cig. The battery is then connected to a cartridge containing the mouth piece and most of the other components. Inside, the electronic controls, heating element and vaporization chamber make up the ‘atomizer’ – the component that creates the vapor.  It’s surrounded by the liquid nicotine.
How the Parts Work Together
When a user inhales through the mouthpiece of most (automatic) e-cigs, a sensor picks up the air flow and sends a signal to the atomizer. The atomizer will then activate the heating element and heat up the liquid in the cartridge to convert it to vapor. As the user inhales, the nicotine is delivered to the lungs and is exhaled in a thick cloud of vapor that looks and feels just like regular cigarette smoke. To add to illusion, most electronic cigarettes have a light-emitting diode (LED) at the end of the battery that lights up when the user inhales, simulating a hot ash. Types of e-cigs →
More About E-Cig Cartridges
Cartridges come in a variety of different flavors and contain different levels of nicotine, depending on the user’s preferences. Flavors range from tobacco or menthol – to apple, cherry, caramel, chocolate, coffee and more. They can be purchased in a disposable, pre-filled format or as liquids that are used to fill blank cartridges or tanks.
Besides nicotine and adding flavoring, the liquid or “smoke juice” that fills the cartridge of a typical e-cigarette is made ofpropylene glycol (PG), the same chemical that’s used in fog machines at concerts. In fact, it’s used in so many consumer goods that it would be impossible to list them all. It’s used as a additive in the foods we eat, cosmetics that we wear on our skin and in pharmaceutical products that we use to stay healthy. An organic compound created in laboratories, propylene glycol has been thoroughly tested and approved by the FDA.
Vegetable Glycerin (VG) is another base compound used in many electronic cigarettes. Although it’s vegetable based and considered natural and safe, it’s not ideal (by itself) due to it’s thick properties, so most companies use a mixture of both PG and VG in their cartridges.
Vapor Vox Team
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vaporvox · 10 years
What are the differences in E-Cigarettes?
There are many different kinds of e-cigarettes out on the market today. I feel they can be broken down in into 4 categories. The disposables (or minis), mid-size (or manuals), the cartridge rechargeables, and the mods (or advanced personal vaporizer). With so many options its hard to know which one is the right choice for you. So, to start I am going to break down what are the differences.
The Disposables
You've seen these in gas stations and smoke shops. They are branded as many things including portable hookahs, but essentially they are just disposable e-cigarettes. Depending on the brand you can get them in a wide range of flavors and nicotine levels from classic tobacco to purple haze. These are disposable though and usually only last about 500 puffs, which is equivalent to just a little more than a pack of cigarettes.
(Try keeping a count next time you go through a pack of cigarettes and see if it stands true)
Most of these are either manual or automatic but there isn't much leeway in how much nicotine you are consuming or what flavors are offered. They can be great for a beginner to see if just the act of smoking an e-cig is just too futuristic though. I have found these to be helpful if you are in a pinch and going on a long flight or if you are going to be at an event where you don't want to be in and out of a place to fill that craving. They aren't usually terribly expensive either so throwing one of these away when the light inventively dims isn't so tragic.
Mid-Size or Manual E-cigarettes
These you have probably seen and are the most popular out on the market today. They consist of a battery and a tank. You are responsible for picking out what kind of liquid goes in that tank and filling them yourself. The batteries have a button on them somewhere that allows it to vaporize the liquid in the tank to deliver to you a vapor form of your nicotine and flavor of choice. Batteries come in a sizes and some even have the ability to change their voltage to get a higher level of vapor out of the tank. These batteries can be as simple as just a button and light to as complicated as having an LCD screen and even be plugged into your computer to download how many puffs you are taking and at what intervals.
While these are the most popular you also have the option to change out what kind of tanks you put on these batteries. There are standard cheap tanks that will get the job done but if you want to not have to buy a new tank every 4-6 weeks for just a little more money you can get ones that only have to have the coils on the inside changed out. There are also glass tanks for better taste, different kinds of coils with wicks or wickless. The options are pretty much endless and can be somewhat confusing if you are just trying to kick a bad habit.
Cartridge Rechargeables
These I am sure you have seen. Many companies are branding these to not only be small and look like cigarettes but they are considered automatic. No button, no filling the tank, no hassle. Everything comes prepackaged and ready for you to just twist it all together and inhale. While this can be convenient, it can also cause many issues. 
For one you don't have the ability to choose what flavor you want outside of what is being offered. Their nicotine levels too can be confusing because instead of saying 6mg or 18mg it is packaged as zero, low, high. The biggest downfall I have found is even though they are small and can even look like a cigarette, they just don't produce the amount of vapor or hit in my throat to give me satisfaction that I am actually smoking. So even though I may be receiving the right amount of nicotine, I still am craving the feeling of a cigarette.
Mechanical Mods (APV)
Finally the Mods! These are not for the casual user. These are the huge e-cigs that look like something out of a H.R. Giger drawing. They have tons of moving pieces and are usually pretty heavy. For some more experienced users who want to take complete control of their habit you might end up down this road.
These e-cigs can be completely modified to fit anyone's specific needs. These usually use replaceable batteries instead of straight rechargable ones, which mean when they go out that's easy and cheap to replace. They also use different kinds of tanks that can be built and rebuilt to fit your needs. This allows you to get the most taste out of your flavor and can be much more enjoyable in the end. They are all completely manual, meaning you need to press a button for them to start vaping. These kinds are not only for the experienced but also the hobbyist.
So there you have it. The 4 different kinds of e-cigarettes out today. While each one of those can be broken down even further at least now you have a clearer definition of what each one can do and if it would be suitable for you.
-Vapor Vox
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vaporvox · 10 years
In an article by Digital Trends, VUSE Vapor debuted their new e-cigarette at CES 2014 just a few days ago. This is being branded as the first real digital cigarette that packs in a microprocessor to help deliver a consistent amount of nicotine with every puff. They believe this helps make the transition from regular cigarettes to electronic.
Read the article below and decide for yourself whether you feel this is just another gimmick or a new revolution in the e-cigarette movement.
-Vapor Vox Team
E-cigarettes have begun to populate the Consumer Electronics Show in a big way. This is both completely inevitable and a little bit … weird. Technically speaking, of course, e-cigarettes are consumer electronics. But they are also a drug delivery mechanism (that drug being nicotine), which puts them firmly outside the realm of uncontroversial products like headphones and 4K televisions. (We even saw one company selling vaporizers marked with a Post-It Note that read “for cannabis.”) Times, as they say, are a’ changin’.
While most of the e-cig brands at CES 2014 come from China – where, in fact, most e-cigarettes are made – the one major standout is Vuse, the first product from RJ Reynolds Vapor, subsidiary of “analog” cigarette giant RJ Reynolds. Unlike its Chinese counterparts, Vuse’s CES booth stands as tall and takes up as much floor space as many of the major consumer tech brands. Also unlike other e-cigarette brands at CES, the Vuse e-cig is made entirely in the US by automated manufacturing processes – which, according to Vuse’s people, means the quality is superior and more consistent than the Chinese brands that use measly humans create their devices.
But the biggest difference between other e-cigarettes – especially disposables and low-end rechargeable – is what’s inside. Vuse e-cigs pack “SmartMemory” technology that “remembers” how many puffs you’ve taken on each cartridge. And it tells you how much battery is left by illuminating different colors on the tip of the Vuse battery. Hell, even the cartridges, which the company says are “tamper-proof” to prevent “kids” from opening them up and loading them with God-knows-what (Ed. note: probably cannabis), pack freakin’ encryption – encryption! – to ensure only Vuse-brand cartridges are used with Vuse batteries. To take this a step further, the Vuse uses a “QuickConnect” attachment coupling that, unlike any other e-cig you’ll find, snaps rather than screws on.
More than anything, RJ Reynolds says, the Vuse “digital cigarette” is designed to help smokers move to e-cigarettes by delivering a consistent amount of nicotine with every puff. The Vuse is the first e-cigarette to pack a microprocessor that the company says monitors and adjusts the vapor production up to 2,000 times per second to deliver the most consistent vaping experience on the market.
Furthering this switcher-friendly end, the Vuse comes in two varieties: The Vuse Solo, which costs the same as a disposable e-cig ($9), but the battery is rechargeable and it includes a USB charger in the Solo pack – just in case you want to keep using it. (If not, you can recycle the lithium-ion battery through RJ Reynolds.) You can also pick up the Vuse System pack, which includes two cartridges (original or menthol) rather than the one that comes in the Solo pack, a wall adapter and USB charger, and a carrying case. Additional cartridges – worth about a pack of cigarettes of vaping each – will run you about $6 for two.
After an evening using the Vuse, I was perfectly satisfied. While I haven’t yet vaped through an entire cartridge, it does seem to deliver a consistent amount of vapor even as the battery drains its charge. The difference between the Vuse and other rechargeable “stick-style” e-cigs is probably unnoticeable to new vapers. So far, so good. That said, I still prefer my Kanger eVod (seen above-right), which delivers more vapor, presumably lasts longer on a charge (simply because it uses a bigger battery), and lets me refill with any e-juice I like without having to buy new cartridges every time. But if you’re just getting into vaping, the Vuse is easily one of the best “starter” options on the market.
Vuse is currently sold in a limited number of locations, but will expand nationwide later this year.
Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/hands-vuse-worlds-smartest-e-cigarette/#ixzz2pvuiRjz5 Follow us: @digitaltrends on Twitter | digitaltrendsftw on Facebook
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vaporvox · 10 years
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