vanillauchiha · 4 years
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Oh god I love so damn much when she's mad 💖
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vanillauchiha · 4 years
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Don’t Go There, aka keep this thing away from my precious daughter
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vanillauchiha · 4 years
Art Trade I did with a lovely member on the WarriorAmino App!
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
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Don’t Go There, aka keep this thing away from my precious daughter
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
Love u
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
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Spoilers are from @ytamanotwt.
Sakura, Naruto and sasuke are on a chakra driven technological motorcycle.
Boruto wanted to get on the bike, so Sakura took a walk with him behind her on the bike.
With Sasuke and Naruto on the bike, Sakura is in front, Naruto behind her and Sasuke further. Sakura is in front because she is the best at controlling the chakra. Naruto and Sasuke behind to provide chakra to engine
They ride this bike through a wall made by kakashi and yamato. They have to use this kit to capture the other polar particle (previously mentioned in Sasuke Retsuden).
The one hour trip ends, and the bike that naruto and the others walked were about to reach the altitude of 200 kilometers in the sky.
The Satellite is already coming to them.
Where nothing blocked the vision, the bright satellite, which reflected the rays of the sun, stood out totally. On both sides of the approaching green ball, a swirl was carved. At a glance, this reminded them of the symbol of Konoha.
“ as I imagined, we couldn’t reach the point of destination.”
As Sakura said, the orbit of the satellite, which was going in a straight direction, seemed to go away no more than 50 meters on the west side of the route of the pillar that extended. (the pillar is where they did ride the bike. ))
“ maybe the polar particle is in it.”
“ no This round thing is a container of a vessel ”, naruto confirmed with byakugan and said with a deep voice. (* note from @ytamanotwt *: ’ as I jumped a part, I have no idea about the meaning of this passage that quotes byakugan, but maybe it’s some technology. Confirm later. ’)
“ there is a bamboo container in it. The polar particle is inside.”
“ but we cannot remove the seal from the vessel.”
Shikamaru and the others weren’t at that moment. The polar particle was still sealed.
They decide that if they can’t remove the seal, they will suspend the strategy and return to the flat ground, but…
“no problem”, being brief, Sasuke Holds Naruto’s body.
“ eh?!”, intrigued naruto looked at sasuke
Was there really a secret plan? Sasuke’s expression was still the same as always.
“ Sasuke-kun.”
Suddenly Sakura released both hands from the motorcycle’s fist and got up. She raised the top of her body, leaned and looked back, facing sasuke. She took the neck of Sasuke’s costume, and strongly pulled him towards him.
And then sakura shook her lips on Sasuke’s lips.
“ eh?!”, naruto opened his mouth when they suddenly exchanged a kiss above his head.
“ I believe in you.”, sakura said, putting her hand in the inside of Sasuke’s jacket, taking a bandana and throwing it towards the approaching satellite.
Naruto understood absolutely nothing. It wasn’t a place for a kiss. If the seal wasn’t removed in time, they would return to the ground.
Still holding Naruto, sasuke kicked the direction of the bike and jumped. The bike lost the chakra of its supplier (Sasuke) and staggered. Then Sakura fell on her.
The bandana sakura threw approached the satellite, which released a spark due to resistance with the friction of the atmosphere at that altitude, and, in the blink of an eye, caught fire.
The bandana turned into charcoal, flew in the wind and began to fall apart.
“ amenotejikara!”
Sasuke traded places with Naruto and the charcoal would ahead. The Satellite then approached right in front of their eyes.
With Friction, part of his clothes began to burn. Sasuke pulled a long sword, then stuck the tip of the sword in the armor of his right leg. Along with this force, he stabbed the armor towards the side of the satellite.
It was a dangerous method. Anyway, Sasuke had his own body on the satellite, and then took out a short sword that was inside the sheath.
“ wait, Sasuke! The Seal on the polar particle vessel has not been removed!”
“ no problem. Break the vessel.”
“ you idiot… if I do something like that…”, naruto swallowed his own words and became pale suddenly.
“ don’t tell me that…”
Sasuke’s expression remained the same as always.
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
Someone seems a little hurt.
I agreed with Wren on some points, I agreed with Galaxy on some and I agreed with Kody on some. I thought some things were wack and very strongly voiced my opinion against what I didn't believe was right. Especially near the end and my behavior wasnt acceptable. But, the thing I think was the most heartbreaking is the amount of hate people are spreading on here,publically, about Kody. I never said why Wren left, I just said Kody didnt force Wren to leave. Which is the truth, which I can state. I hope whatever pain has you so upset can be solved soon. Everyone wants to just move on and be at peace. 💕
I publically annouce my apologizes to Kody, Wren and Galaxy. Much love for all three of you and I hope you can over come this situation. I hope we can all move on and find happiness with our WA experiance and just life in general. 💛
Idk if you understand Vanilla but Wren literally left because of Kody. You don’t get to announce that she didn’t. In fact you were completely on her side until Kody let you become a co-lead again
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
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❤️  Uchiha Family  ❤️
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
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By :  1 _ 0 _ 3 _ 0
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
More Observations
So Sakura and Obito are searching for Sasuke in 685. They’ve just encountered the acid dimension and Sakura has ripped off her flak jacket and right sleeve.
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Please note that the jacket has been thrown off behind and to her right.
Got it? Good.
So by the end of the chapter we see Sasuke and Sakura in this position.
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Our girl nestled all cozy into Sasuke’s right arm. But how did she get there? Well he caught her, obviously. And while, yes, that is true—that’s not what I’m getting at.
You see in order for Sakura to be in his right arm, Sasuke has to be on her left side. However the object he switched positions with [her jacket] was on Sakura’s right.
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Sasuke’s rinnegan ability ame-no-tejikara allows him to transmit certain distances, as well as switch himself with objects. And though it’s hard to accurately judge the distance of finite space he can cover, when he switches with objects he has to shift to there exact location.
*This can be observed in later fights with Shin, Kinshiki, and Momoshiki. (Yes, these are post series, but these fights all involve utilizing ame-no-tejikara with objects or people—some kind of physical stand-in)
Let’s bring in a side-by-side visual.
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And Kishi does a great job of fleshing out the scene too. Because when Sakura’s falling, she’s falling straight back as evidenced by her hair strands.
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However, when she is caught the direction of her hair is disturbed because she’s being pulled, that’s right pulled to the left side.
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So let’s recap SSFamily
When Sasuke used his space-time ninjutsu to get through the portal. Not only did he unnecessarily shift positions to Sakura’s opposite side.
He also chose NOT to do the following
Simply reach out one arm and catch her wrist.
Stand directly behind her and steady her with an outstretched arm.
Any option that would’ve provided the LEAST amount of physical contact.
No, this man about-faced, switched sides and snagged that women into his chest like she belonged there. Sasuke has this woman’s shoulder digging into the hollow of his sternum, pushing against his right pec. With eyesmex levels we haven’t seen since FoD: 685 = >9000
And he doesn’t care they have an audience.
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Yo, just admire the wide shot of their position, it’s everything. You can see just how deeply she’s leaning into his body. Sasuke is absolutely curling Sakura into himself
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
Your Otp is not valid...
if there is not a video of this with the song “Everytime We Touch”
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
Sakura with older Sarada in sakura’s Shippuden outfit 💜
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vanillauchiha · 5 years
The Real Truth of Deceacedclan
Oof. This may be a little long but I would love to clarify some things 💛
Lark, a former Co-Lead of DcC was removed roughly three weeks ago. I, personally, have talked to so many users about this situation. As DcC LT has been accused of harassment and unfair punishments toward Lark.
The truth is that Lark never wanted peace with us. I have tons of screenshots, memes that were made and members of WA (not just DcC) that are more then willing to verify this. Not to mention the approval from the WA LT that this was in fact the right decision.
Through it all, Lark was not kicked from the LT or the Clan because we didn’t agree with her. She was kicked because of her behavior over the pass few months…especially near the end. She harrassed a member on Discord, went behind my back and lied to a bunch of members that I forced her into making choices for the clan that resulted in a huge, misinformed, argument between me and a elder of the clan, took full credit for the work that was put into the clan, used her girlfriend to fight her battles/talk for her, tried to kick a DcC LT member off the team because she “didnt agree with her” (kinda of ironic), caused a huge scene in the funchat that made two members leave, tried over throwing the DcC LT and build up a group of people against us and honestly…the list goes on.
I’ve had several of Larks own friends message me, mad at DcC but left feeling angry with her. Not because I forced that on them because I had real proof that Lark was lying. And I’ll show any of you. DcC is not ashamed of doing what was right for our clan and I hope after seeing the truth, you’ll see our side as well.
Looking toward the future, we all have forgiven Lark for her behavior and strongly encourage her friends to make sure she’s okay. This post was not to attack her but we will not be guilt shamed or allow the lies to continue. Her confession yesterday had us concerned but we hope for her health to only get better now that she’s left the amino.
And a public personal message to Lark.
Lark, we never wanted any harm to come to you. We love you, we truly do. I have read screenshots from some of your closest friends that totally debunks the idea that you “tried working things out.” I, Vanilla, was tired of the lies. You’ve lied so much, to so many people who adore you… but I forgive you. And for any pain I’ve brought you, I truly hope you can learn to forgive me. I never wanted this to happen. You were a very close friend to me and I tried to make things right. I love ya, kid. And I pray that Starclan lights your Path. 💛
-Vanilla Uchiha
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