vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
First 24 hours are the worst. It was a sentence often spoken by her father. Living with a federal agent was a guarantee one would receive enough lessons for a lifetime. Sophie didn’t mind them, in fact, she took it all in like a sponge. She knew every in and every out when it came to so many situations, but she never displayed it. Instead, she always remained a good daughter and a good friend to many. She could only imagine how much she will break her father’s heart with what she has done. She knew that if they got caught now, they’d both be redhanded and there could be very little to no things her father could do to get her out. But in all honesty, Sophie was more worried about Chris because whatever happened to her would be minor. He, on the other hand, would be in deep. She had to keep an eye out for him. Yes, she would have to take care of the ‘big, bad man’ like her father would probably describe him. Even now, asleep, she was still worried about him. That was probably why she woke up from her brief slumber. Blinking a few times, she noticed he wasn’t with her. With a sigh, she got up and headed to find him. He was probably on the deck of the boat, pacing up and down with that worried look on his face. She was wondering if he regretted asking her to come with him. Yes, they cared for each other, but he could have taken better care of himself if he didn’t have a daughter of the federal agent sleeping in his bed.
“If you keep making that face it will get stuck like that,” she told him once she found him. Without much hesitation, she made her way across the deck to him, arms wrapping around his waist and cheek resting against his back. “It’s gonna be okay.”
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After all those times of running away he had learned that one of the safest ways to escape a country without drawing attention was with a boat. Flights would always leave a path behind. Cars were always chased. So yes, the boath seemed like the safest option out of here. His gaze was locked to the big emptiness and nothing other but the water infront of him, a sight that was relieving and calming --- yet so scary at the same time.
Her voice almost startled him. But more so it made him smile as he turned around to face her. “I’m sorry. Just lost in thoughts.” He let off the wheel and turned around to be able to hold her in his arms, bending slightly to place a kiss on top of her head. “Hey, shouldn’t it be me reassuring you that everything would be alright?” The thought made him chuckle, “But here I am. You, calming me down and making sure I am okay.” He reached for her hand. Holding it added to the calm. “Are you hungry?”
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
It was just another late afternoon on duty for Evan. For the past month and a half, he was basically working late afternoons and nights and sleeping the rest of the time. Whoever thought being a police officer was easy and a joke was most definitely wrong. Obviously, there were good and bad sides to the job but he liked to focus on the good sides, like saving people’s lives.
That was very important to him so when he saw the car in front of him had started to swerve around the road, he immediately turned on the lights and signalled the driver to pull over. If there was something he didn’t like, it was the drunk drivers. Those kind of people put themselves and others at a serious risk that could be easily avoided if they would just get a taxi.
Once the car pulled over, he pulled over right behind it. Taking some of his things with him, he walked over to the car before bending slightly so he could see who was driving. A young lady. His inner police officer sighed disappointedly as he believed women were more sensible and responsible drivers than men. “Good afternoon Miss!” he said politely, one hand now resting on the top of her car. “I noticed you were swerving around the road. Is everything alright?” not wanting to sound as if he was attacking her, he went on cautiously, “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you been drinking by any chance?”
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Diana turned the loud noise of the radio down a bit, her eyes locking onto the mirror that would show her who would get out of the car. She was curious, still praying for a man. And yes. That definitely looked like a man. A sigh of relief slipped by her parted lips and she started pulling the windows down so she could talk to him. Good luck to her --- she thought as he came closer.
A smile pulled on her lips as he arrived and started talking, her documents already in her hand and ready for inspection. She opened her mouth to start babbling, but then she noticed how goddamn handsome this man was. Wow. She was at a loss for words for a moment. “Hey,” she giggled a little, almost silly as she grinned up, trying to recall what she as going to explain before she lost her words.
“Oh um.. No. I’m not drunk.” This was actually what he wanted. He pulled her over because... she remembered again. “It was just.. I saw a squirrel cross the street. I... I couldn’t run it over. I’m sorry.” She gave an apologetic smile, hoping that would suffice.
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
The memory of Angelique asking for this specific favour was still rather fresh in his mind. They were sitting down for lunch, he had his mouth stuffed when all of a sudden she popped the question if he’d like to be her boyfriend. He obviously started choking on his food, but the shock went down when she finally added the keyword ‘pretend’. He could do pretend. Not that he didn’t love her or didn’t think she was attractive, he just never considered it. Probably because she was way out of his league. “Oh and that’s all?” he feigned shock, mocking her. It really was a good thing that they knew each other so well or this could have turned into a real fucking disaster. Though knowing them, shit can still go down if alcohol gets thrown into the mix. “You don’t say it nearly enough.” he now pouted, pretending his feelings are hurt before putting an arm around her and pulling her closer. “You owe me big time babe.” With that, he beat her to ringing the doorbell and put on his most charming smile.
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Good thing that he was no stranger. He was just exactly what she needed. Someone she had been talking to since forever, about so many things. He knew all about it, all about her, and it would be easy. They made a sappy backstory up as to how they got together. Just the same way they really met, just with the twist that they became a couple instead of being the buds. It was just perfect. Nothing could shake this lie --- she hoped at least.
Despite everything she still found herself nervous. Biting into her bottom lip and holding her breath until the door finally swung open. Her mother was infront of her and greeted her with open arms. Angelique fell into her arms as she always did before introducing Ben. Then inside, the scenario went on. “Dad, Amelie --- this is Ben. We’ve been together now for what... a half year? A little more?” She smiled, but hoped they would buy it despite the odd ways how she never told them before. “Sorry I kept this one a secret. I wanted to be sure before I introduce someone into your lives.”
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
He could never really handle his alcohol. He liked to pretend that he could and deceive himself, but all his friends knew it, hence why he was usually never left unsupervised. Tonight, however, the boys decided to take it to the next level and even though he knew that was a horrible, horrible idea, he went along with it because who doesn’t fancy a good night out? Everything was going great until he had one too many and for some reason, he had a burning desire to go back to his apartment to change his socks.
At one point he just left his friends and headed out of the club. Those idiots didn’t even notice he was gone. Stumbling around the streets, he kept humming to himself, too drunk to actually pay attention to where he was going. “s ‘bout right.” he slurred as he stood in front of some building. Making his way in, he kept stumbling around and about until eventually, he found himself inside some apartment he actually believed was his.
He struggled to get inside and even in that state, he managed to find that slightly odd. How hard was it to get inside his own apartment? Once he was finally in, he continued on stumbling in the dark because he is a man and he doesn’t need any light in order to find his way around his own place. At least that was the case until, magically, he tripped over some coffee table. “The fuck?” he whispered, wondering when exactly did he get that coffee table.
As if his night wasn’t wild as it was, a female voice crept to his ears, making him jump in fright and stumble again as he tried to do as she instructed him. “Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you?” he blurted out, still unaware he was in the wrong place.
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Just through the door she rushed to turn the lights on. At least see something would be useful when fighting a burglar. She had already forgotten about her phone and that she was about to call the police. Leah was sure she could handle that. His words irritated her. “I am.... I live here. What the fuck are you doing here? And how did you even get in?” Had she forgotten to lock the door last night? She was usually more responsible. She looked at the guy, her lamp still in her hand and ready to attack. 
“Listen. I can either hurt you or you just tell me what the fuck you’re doing here. Or even better --- you get out of here.” She told him firmly, not really caring that in the heat of the moment she had forgotten to put any clothes on. It was too warm for pyjama’s and she didn’t even wear them anyway unless she was sick. So now she was standing here, trying to appear intimidating while in nothing but a tanktop and her panties. “One more chance you criminal waste of space.” She said, moving closer, ready to use the lamp.
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
Adam was a fan of anything that was breathtaking. Art wise, obviously. That’s why there was no surprise in the fact that he found himself wandering around yet another art exhibition that also happened to be an auction. Just looking around made him realise how difficult it would be to actually get something. The paintings themselves weren’t an issue, the people who were attending were. And he knew that with some of them, he would have to fight possibly until the last penny to get what he wanted.
Shaking his head, he decided to worry about that later and enjoy the moment. He was about to grab a drink when he noticed the crowd getting around a particular piece he hadn’t seen yet. Too curious to wait, he headed straight towards the crowd, approaching from the side where only one other girl was standing. Stopping beside her, he tilted his head to the side, observing the beautiful structure and the colours that were on the piece. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” he couldn’t stop himself from saying, eyes still peeled to the painting.
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Her eyes remained downcast until a larger group of people came along. Those started to gather infront of her painting and Hazel started to slightly hyperventilate. She was definitely nervous about this, awaiting all kinds of critics and disapproval. But they remained there, starting to talk about it. Meanwhile, she started trying to hide --- but where. She and her picture were just out in the open, no way out anymore. The one group attracted more and more people, and slowly there were more people than she could count. 
She decided to drown somewhere in the crowd, not wanting to answer questions or appear at all to people. Why did she think it was a good idea to stand beside it? Someone’s voice caught her off guard and she turned over, eyes wide open. “Oh. You think?” It brought a small smile to her face, but she decided not to expose herself. She was way too nervous, way too shy for that. “I’m not sure if I like it all that much. But I’m wondering what the fuss is about. Everyone’s standing here so I had to join in.” She explained, might have been babbling --- but that’s who she was. She wouldn’t say one word, or way too many.
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
With a grand splash, she landed in a pool of mud, her dress now completely ruined. Paralysed and in shock, Lexi didn’t even move. How? How was this even real? Just like before, the tears began to pool in her eyes, the sadness and desperation tugging at her broken heart. She could hear people laughing at her, the awful, cold sound she once used to make when the situation was different. Well at least her embarrassment was hidden from the eyes of everyone at the court. She had already endured enough of humiliation there.  
Before she could get up on her own, a shadow of a figure came over her and a hand roughly pulled her up to her feet. Startled and shocked by the man’s approach she gasped and jerked her hand away from him. And as if his actions weren’t enough, he dared to speak to her in a dismissive manner. She was going to let him have it, no one speaks to her like that, but before the words left her lips, she paused. If she was to survive here she couldn’t just scream at the only person who gave her a hand even if he is rude.
Pressing her lips tightly together, she gritted her teeth to prevent herself from accidentally going against the revelation she had just had, but once she heard the words he probably didn’t intend for her to hear, all of the reason was out the window. “You know nothing of me or what I have been through.” she snapped at him “And apparently someone wanted to get rid of you more than me if they’ve taken you from where you were to come here.” And then someone called the high borns rude. This was simply horrid. And it was even worse if someone had paid him to do this and he was still treating her this way. “It’s none of your bloody business.” she snapped again, but she also remembered to make her thoughts crystal clear. “You are obviously paid to do this, so I would suggest you do as you are told if you wish to earn what you are promised.” If she was in a sticky situation, she was going to remind him she wasn’t alone there. Taking a few of the lighter bags off the ground, she carried them to the cottage, trying to minimise his contact with her belongings. Chills ran down her spine at the words ‘Welcome home’. This wasn’t her home. This was her hell. There was nothing welcoming or nice about it and if there was a way out, Lexi would do whatever it took to get back into the Court’s good grace. Pushing past the guy, Lexi finally stepped inside before dropping the bags on the side, eyes scanning the place. It could have been worse. She kept telling herself, but that still didn’t make anything go away. This was her reality now and she better get used to it quickly.
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“Yes, of course. Whatever makes you feel better,” his eyes rolled and he decided to ignore whatever comments she had for the rest of the road. He went inside, carelessy dropping the bag to the ground. “I’m not being paid to be nice to you and treat you like you are someone special. You are nothing. You are below me, even. So yes. Get used to it. This is your life now.” He told her, moving inside and looking for the rooms. Where was his? Whichever he preferred probably.
“Go get yourself ready. You fell into mud --- and whatever part of this house you make dirty, you will clean up after yourself. Once you’re done, I will explain you the rules of what it will be like for you now.” He didn’t want to be rude, but she needed to get down to the ground and see things more realistically. She was no more a high rank member of society --- she better not reat him as if she was.
In the meanwhile he left outside again, going to grab his one and only bag. Apparently, he had his entire life in there. Unlike her. God, he didn’t even know her name. He really was rude with his approach. He decided to try and be less snappy when she was done. Going back inside, carrying the bag into his room. After that he went into the kitchen. Despite being a man, he could cook tea. Which was what he would do now. Make tea and wait for the woman he had to spend some time now.
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Happy misfortune
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
Grace was fiddling with the phone in her hands, waiting for someone to answer the door. Her eyes quickly darted up at the sound of the door opening, gaze meeting the one of an unknown but a rather familiar male. She didn’t even register he had handed her back her phone as she was a bit surprised to meet the guy she swapped the phone with rather than his mother with whom she had a lovely chat just a few hours ago.
Snapping out of her disengaged and hungover mode, she handed him back his phone at the same time she took her’s back. Fair trade really. She was ready to simply nod back and head back home to get some sleep, seeing as neither her or the guy seemed to keen on continuing the interaction. However, his mother seemed to have different plans. 
At the sound of the woman’s voice Grace looked slightly over the guy’s shoulder, thinking she would spot his mother. It was kind of the woman to offer her coffee but also rather unusual. She would have declined the invitation without blinking if the sound of her own mother didn’t chime inside her head – Don’t be rude Grace and make sure you say thank you. Mothers. They really were all the same.
Glancing back at the guy, she offered him the same type of smile he offered her. Guess the two of them were on the same page in regards to their feelings about the situation. Oh well. Nothing they could do really without seeming rude. And what damage could a coffee really do?  “Thanks,” she said to the guy as he moved to let her in and she quickly stepped inside so he could close the door behind her. “And thanks for offering the coffee,” she added to his mum, her smile slightly more genuine this time.
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This headache was awful and actually, all he wanted was to have his phone back and curl up on the couch and watch some Netflix. But instead, he had someone over for coffee. Someone who mysteriously swapped phones with him last night as well. Well, if she would tell his mother how embarassing last night was, this sure could be fun. She walked in and he walked after her and back into the kitchen where his mother was. Offering  coffee, tea cake or food --- that was the only reason he had never moved out form home. His mother was amazing and knew definitely how to treat people.
“And, what happened? How did you swap the phones?” She asked, but instead of answering, Jay decided to keep his mouth shut. He had such a black-out and he was not ready to tell his mom about it at all. Hopefully Grace could save the day. She went on with questions before even letting anyone answer. “Where did you meet?” Before she joined at the table, placing coffee and cake infront of everyone. “Thanks mom,” was the only thing he returned despite the fact that she was still waiting for an answer.
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The morning after
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
Fiddling with some loose change in his pocket, Angelo tried to kill the time until Ivy showed up. Once her voice came back to him, he became insanely self-aware. A lump formed in his throat and for someone who was usually confident, he wasn’t sure if today he was going to cut it. “Fucking hell.” he breathed quietly as he ran his hand through his hair a couple of times and then proceeded to fix his tux.  Maybe he should just go and change into that other one he had. Ivy was a girl, and girls always took forever to get ready even when they were shouting that they were coming. Don’t be a chicken now – his head snapped back at him and he nervously clicked his tongue before sticking his hands back into his pockets and waiting for her to show up at the door.
Within a moment, the door sprung open, revealing Ivy in an absolutely gorgeous outfit. He was going to compliment her like a gentleman that he was, but her comment slightly took him aback, reminding him that this was not a date. Just something he agreed on doing for her. “Cool.” he mused back quickly before turning and heading down the hallway to call for the elevator, giving her some time to lock up before joining him.
“What time did you say this thing finishes?” He asked nonchalantly as he took one of his hands out of his pockets, the car key safely tucked in his clenched fist.
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She hadn’t believed that in order to reach her goals she would have to actually have a partner. Adrienne had always believed differently. She always thought that nothing but hard work could get her where she wanted. Already refusing her parents to help her, she had only chosen jobs where no one cared about who she was. But now, she started to wonder if she made the right decision. The fact that she even agreed to this thing and bringing a fake date along already made her question her entire life. This was not how it was supposed to go
His question caught her attention and she snapped out of her thoughts, “Hmm?” she asked, but continued, “Umm... I think once we greeted everyone and had dinner we are free to go?” She let out a sigh, “I’m sorry to drag you into this. There’s still a chance to go if you want it. You don’t have to...” She started to become insecure about this, getting out of the elevator and walking towards the car. “We should just clear a few basic things before we get there so we tell everyone the same story, okay?” She offered a smile to him, “Hmm... We’re pretty fresh dating I would say. My busy schedule and all makes it impossible for me to date anyway so... But we met some time before. Actually, let’s not mention we are neighbours. We live together. Okay?” No idea why she said it, but it would definitely prove everyone wrong about her. Even if it was not true.
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You love me and you know it
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
Her eyes remained steady on him as he downed a shot. Did he really expect to win if he continued on drinking? Ridiculous. But then again each of the royals was in their own unique way. At least that’s what Nina thought but never said out loud due to her father’s position. She knew a comment as such could compromise her father’s career and she couldn’t do that to him, not after everything they have already been through. But just because she couldn’t speak her mind, doesn’t mean she couldn’t bet against the prince in a game of darts. Much to her surprise, her comment seemed to have gotten to him and he picked up on it. However, that wasn’t the only surprise the prince had in store for her. With a swift move, he threw the dart, making Nina’s head quickly turn to the side just to find it went straight in. Her hues widened slightly, a silent ‘How?’ echoing inside her head. But she wasn’t going to back down. She had already made a comment, she might as well own it. “Lucky shot.” she blurted straight out, “Even a drunk hits a spot every once in a while.” her heart raced a little at her bold words. “Double or nothing.” She knew challenging the prince again could backfire, but seriously, what were the chances? He ought to have some serious tricks up his sleeve if he was to continue scoring high on darts while drunk.
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Well, he might not have too much cash in his pockets, but he was definitely not going to shy away from yet another challenge that she seemed to be intending to tickle him into going. He laughed, eyes still on her as he took the few steps back to adjust his position. “Well, if you insist on losing your money...” This was not about the money but just about an ego. One he definitely had. Probably, when it came to darts, actually for a good reason. 
He didn’t take his eyes off her. He kept them on her, smug face remaining while landing yet another shot. “You see.” And again. “I am a natural talent.” And the third --- the crowd started to cheer around him, wanting him to continue celebrating. But he choose to go look after the girl who challenged him into such stupidity and that ego trip. He had memorized her face and hopefully, she would not just disappear in the crowd before he could reach her.
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The royal affair
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
He met with the head of the security first before heading towards the wing of the castle where the princess’s chambers were. The man in charge looked rather stressed out so Eric assumed the rumours were true. The princess was quite a piece of work. He wasn’t sure yet if he was happy about that or if he should be worried. After all, Eric did like a challenge and occasional bang through the wall with his head, but just because he could be daring, doesn’t mean he was stupid. He knew he had to play along in order to get what he wanted and getting fired by the princess during his first hour wouldn’t really get him anywhere except outside the palace door.
Silently repeating everything he knew about her, he made his entrance after he was announced. Everything was formal, just as expected. Though the man in charge still looked like he might have a stroke any moment. It was amusing, but Eric remained composed just like he always did on duty. “Your royal highness,” Eric spoke once the head of security was out of the room, “I pledge myself to your service. Is there anything you require at the moment?”
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Lucia kept on the nice smile that she used in public most of the times during this introduction. She was definitely curious how this one would behave. So far, she had no complaints about him. He looked good enough to even have some fun and mess with --- but she didn’t think about this yet. First she had to see if he was worth being kept or if he would get fired sooner than he could blink. Eric seemed to know what he was doing. “Like a knight in shining armour. Are you going to protect me?” She chimed sweetly, her smile just growing. “Come,” she demanded, turning on her heel and leading him out with her and down towards the basement.
On their way she was talking, without really looking at him. He would listen and follow. “Listen. I value my privacy. Tonight, I definitely want it.” She led usually a very lonely life and besides the parties and the booze, she preferred being alone to wallow in her misery. A new bodyguard who would report everything he saw and even grow too curious was not what she needed tonight. “But for now...” Opening the door to the wine cellar, she grabbed a box and handed it over to him. She picked out a few bottles, filling the box with it. “Carry this upstairs into my room. Make sure no one catches you --- if they do, it’s on you to make up an excuse.” Let’s see how he would cooperate with her. “Just to make things clear: this is my house and this is my wine. But no one needs to know I’m taking this to my room. Do we have an understanding?”
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The pretend game
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
Isaac raised his eyebrows slightly at the apparent surprise audible in the girl’s voice. Did she believe he was talking to someone else? However, the tables turned quickly and now he was the one surprised as she offered him a small bow. He honestly couldn’t remember when was the last time he saw someone do that. Even though he never said, he knew that all of the rich people and those that started climbing the ladder of success were usually too proud to even do that small courtsy anymore. Though maybe it was those sticks up their asses as well that were preventing them from displaying proper manners. He couldn’t blame them really, having a stick up the ass is not easy to handle. 
The mystery girl was sticking out before he even approached her and now, the difference was even more apparent. He wondered how many layers there were to the mystery girl and if he could maybe crack them before the night ended. It was no secret that he always enjoyed a good puzzle and he felt as if he might have stumbled upon something more rare than he usually encountered.
His smile turned a volume up as he found she was enjoying the party. As a host, it was always important to Isaac to make sure his guests were enjoying themselves and did not regret taking some of their precious time to attend his event. “I am! The masquerades usually reveal more than they’re meant to.” he joked, not bothering to mention he was the host as he didn’t want to make the conversation seem as if he was there to boast about what he was doing.
Tilting his head slightly to the side, he tried to get in as much of the mystery girl as he could, and the more he looked at her, the more something familiar tugged inside him. “I hope you don’t mind me asking miss,” he started, “but are you here on your own tonight? It would be a shame if you didn’t have anyone to share a dance with.” His manners were always in place, just like his nanna taught him. He’d be ashamed if it was any other way.
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She raised a brow at his attempt to joke, but had to laugh. If not for the funny joke, then at least for the attempt. He wouldn’t need to know that she was laughing at him --- not at the joke. But she did not add any further comment on that. The question if she was alone here tonight had her respond quicker than intended. “With friends,” Wow. So short worded answers. She reminded herself that she was already at a masquerade covering her face up. She didn’t have to keep another fifty thick layers. She could just try to have fun instead.
Crystal smiled at him. “But yes. Not really someone to dance with.” She explained, “But I’m not really a good dancer.” Well, she was in clubs and such, but definitely not in a place as this. But it shouldn’t be that hard. Weren’t those people just swaying anyway? “What about you? Are you accompanied?” She slipped into the formal mode, feeling like she just had to play along with the mystery guy and the way he was talking. The british accent he had made this medieval way of wording sound even more fancy and she could almost believe she was caught in one of her books from when she was a little girl, dreaming of her Prince Charming. “I wouldn’t want to keep you away from your date, Sir.”
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Deja vu
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
Lavinia really liked the way her life was like right now. She had a job at a bar and was awake during nights, asleep during the day. It was just how she liked it. She clearly had a fulfilling sex life. There were some people she had over every now and then, but mostly she stuck to seeing peole only once and then say goodbye in the morning. That had just happened now as well, and once he left, she realized that she wasn’t half as sleepy as she was actually hungry. Yeah, the shops would start to open soon and she could go out and hunt some groceries. Considering her fridge was mostly empty except from booze and left overs from junk food she brought with her at home, there was nothing. The chinese from the other day didn’t look half as tasty as it did when it as fresh, hence why it landed in the trash bin. 
Slipping into her hoodie and she headed out. Not expecting to see anyone out this early. “Good morning,” she greeted her neighbour, locking the door. “Oh wow. You look as great as I feel,” she couldn’t stop herself from commenting on his dark eye rings. Of course she laughed, it was humorous to her. “What are you doing this early?”
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We're up all night to get lucky
It’s been a week, a week since he had last gotten some decent sleep. All his friends blamed it on his work and extra activities, but none of that was the real reason as to why Daniel was so exhausted lately. The real reason was actually quite unbelievable and if he had actually confessed it to anyone, they would probably end up laughing straight into his face.  I mean what else does a person do if someone tells them ‘I haven’t gotten any sleep because my neighbour is having sex all night and it’s not even with me’. Laughing was the only possible solution here. With his hair still messed up, he rolled out of bed and quickly slipped into a t-shirt and jeans. If it was to rely on the usual routine, his neighbour was due morning sex any time now and he could at least spare himself listening to the entire thing again. Pancakes. He’ll go out for breakfast and everything will be better.
Not wasting any more time, he grabbed his wallet and slipped into his shoes. Maybe buy some earplugs on the way back. He made a mental note before reaching into his pocket for the apartment keys as he opened the door and quickly closed them once he was out. His key was turning in the lock when another sound joined in, but surprisingly, it wasn’t the sound he was expecting.
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
What could you possibly do after Quantico? Right. Go right back to school. Instead of pursuing her dream and becoming the FBI agent she had always wanted to be, she was sent back on an undercover mission first. Unfortunately  denied applications to go to a bureau had her take this security job. Well, it was either that or being stuck in Chicago. And truly, she didn’t like Chicago. It was too busy, too criminal. Sure, it was a challenge and definitely not a boring job. But she didn’t want to get killed within her first year in the office. No, she would go gather different experiences until she could land a place in one of her more desired cities to work at.
But this job was ridiculous. Well, it would look grand on her resume. As long as no one asked what exactly she was doing here. Getting into an elite university like Yale was sure a dream, but with her grades and low budget it was nothing she could afford. Well, this was definitely an oppurtunity that she gladly took. Just to gather experiences. The past years she had spent at Quantico. This would be less tough than that. She received the schedule of the desired object to observe and matched it with her own. The Universitiy knew --- but he should not find out. Ever. However this would turn out.
She already sat in the class room, awaiting the young man on his first day. She had to go smart about this, start slowly to check out his routines and friends so he wouldn’t notice that she was always a step behind him. But she sure had not expected him to take a seat right besides her and start talking. “Hey,” she put on her sweetest smile. “I’m Leandra. Nice to meet you.” Oh damn. Instead of scribbling notes about him, she would have to pretend being really interested in the lesson and taking notes about this. Awesome. “Seems we’re stuck. What’s your major?”
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The Eagle has left the nest
Six months of begging, nearly a year of preparations, but he was finally there. Away from the White House and at a University, ready to do a degree. And party a little. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t nervous. For the first time in forever, he could move around freely without having his security detail hover over him. But somehow hovering of his security detail was now replaced with everyone else’s curious stares. Yeah, not every day you see the president’s son just strolling about, going to his lectures. He was used to the attention and having people look at him, but now, in this situation, it didn’t feel as bearable as it used to be. If anything, it only made him more nervous. He just wanted to go to University, study and meet people. Make new friends, maybe meet a nice girl, but with all of this, he was starting to question whether he would actually get to have that. Taking a deep breath, he tried to clear his head and get ready for the first lecture of the day. He couldn’t allow himself to be distracted. Or at least that’s what he thought before he came into the lecture hall, sat down and noticed the girl beside him. She definitely looked like a distraction. Using the lecture and the course as an excuse, Oliver turned more towards her and extended his hand with a pleasant smile, “Hi, guess we’re stuck here together. I’m Oliver.”
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
Was it too soon to move in together after only a few months of a relationship? She didn’t think so. Moving in with someone was easier than moving out again. Now, finances were the problem and the fact that she just had made herself at home in this place. Not to mention that Gabriel probably couldn’t afford this apartement on his own either. They would have to split everything in half. But how do you do that? Everything belonged to both of them and neither really wanted to part from anything. It was clearly, complicated.
She had started packing, but every time she began, she found herself quickly stopping again. Alex just couldn’t do it. It was too painful to move out, but it was not easier to live here either. She enjoyed the few hours that she could have alone in here. What could she possibly do outside every day? So she was stuck here and so was he. She could hear the keys already before the door opened and he came in. No noise at all. “Hey,” she decided that either way, she would be greeting. No matter how much they had been fighting in the morning. “I made pasta. In case you’re hungry, there’s still some left for you.” Yeah, starting to cook for one only after getting used to the right amount for two was not the easiest task. There was always something left. 
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When it’s all left in pieces
Taking his time, Gabriel was slowly making his way back to the apartment. He could have been back an hour ago, but given the situation that is waiting for him when he comes back, he wanted to delay the return as much as he could. If someone told him this would be his life, he would never believe them. Just a few months ago everything was fine and now? Now everything was just a giant mess. He and Alexandra have broken up, but due to misfortune they are still stuck with each other and it is an absolute hell. Two people who used to share everything together, now complete strangers, only causing each other pain that is impossible to avoid. They can’t even move on with someone else because how do you bring a new person to the flat when your ex is still there. 
Looking up, he realised he had reached his destination. With a sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose for a brief moment and then went inside. Deciding to still take his time, he took the stairs instead of the elevator, but even that didn’t save him from eventually reaching the front door.  Reaching into his pockets, he pulled out the keys and quickly unlocked the door. Usually he’d call out, but today, he just wasn’t in the mood. Silently, he took off his jacket and hung it up in the hallway before making his way to his room, hoping to avoid any unnecessary confrontation.
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
This family was sometimes more where he felt comfortable than his own. Growing up, he had spent most of the time over here and it was just casual that he could walk in here as if he belonged here. At least, here were people. Roman was alone during his childhood. No siblings, parents mostly out and working and if not, they tried to pry into his life too much. As a teenager already he had noticed that doing bad things were more fun, especially if no one caught you doing them. It was naturall that he was drawn to the forbidden things, instead of doing what he probalby should be doing. Leading a normal life like any other boy his age. But no. He developed to become the bad boy of the group and always made his friends do silly things with him.
This was now years ago, and a few things have changed. Well, instead of pulling pranks, Roman was now chasing girls and boys. Especially those he probably shouldn’t be chasing. How many times had he been surprised by someone walking in because he was with someone who was married. Way too often. But hey --- was it his fault they were always up for it? He never aimed to be a home-wrecker, but hey --- if it wasn’t him, then it was someone else. Why wouldn’t he have his fun while he could?
Now in college, he had started a small affair with a professor. It was nothing serious, but fun nonetheless. He had just come to tell his best friend about it after a great round of sexting, but he wasn’t around. Well, instead of roaming around he did what he often did; just go straight into his room and chill until he came. They were sharing this room often almost as brothers anyway, he sure wouldn’t mind. He was there sitting in piece, responding to some texts that made him grin deviously --- until he felt something hit against his head. “Whoa, whoa, hey!” He caleld out, turning to find Valerie standing there. “Hey I thought we were past that beating up stuff.” She was like his own little sister, sometimes, at least he could remember that from growing up. “But if you want me to tickle you until you scream, I’m on my way.”
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Our little secret
Valerie was never the type of girl to do something incredibly stupid. Sure, she would mess up here and there, but then again who doesn’t? She was just a human. Still, she should have known that getting eyes for her brother’s best friend belonged to the list of incredibly stupid things to do. How did she even let that happen?  In her defense, her brother’s best friend was a part of her life ever since the three of them were children. She doesn’t remember too many days where it was just her and Thomas. It was always Valerie, Thomas and Roman. Whatever happened, she always knew that she had those two to have her back. Heck, the two of them actually beat someone up for her once.  Which is why it was completely inappropriate for her to now be daydreaming about Roman. But then again, a little daydream never hurt anyone and not like Roman would ever notice her in that way. He always had his eyes on other girls. And as bad as that sounded, maybe that was a good thing. Not like she would know what to do with him.  She had boyfriends before, but it was never anything serious and she would never go all the way with them. Pretty sure that kind of a girl would never get Roman’s attention. Shaking her head with a sigh, she got up from her bedroom floor and quickly ran her hands along her thighs. She needed a distraction. Maybe a movie night with some pizza and video games if her brother felt like it.  “Thomas?” she called loudly, not leaving her room. “Tommy?” she called again but no response came. Typical. Valerie grabbed a small soft ball she had on her desk and went to her brother’s room. Quietly, she sneaked over to his room, wanting to catch him off guard. She peaked through the door and noticed he was sitting on the floor, turned away from her and the back of his head leant against the bed. He couldn’t see her. Perfect. With a swift motion she threw the ball and hit her target. “Maybe next time you could actually reply when I call you.” she said jokingly and stepped into the room. But then… then she realised the mistake she had made. Hair of the head she just hit was too light to be Tommy’s. Oh Fuck…
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
Wow. What a night. He had managed somehow to slip under the girls embrace without waking her up to sneak out before she could get up. Tristan hated this morning after scenario. It was awkward, embarassing and sometimes, later on, they would recognize him on the streets and get him into unfortunate situations. This would definitely not be one of those times. He could only hope that she was drunk enough not to remember him if she saw him again.
Getting onto the bus and heading towards home, he was aware that he looked like a bloody corpse and there were clear signs of last night displayed on his face and definitely also expressed by the scent he carried. People’s glance’s towards him only amused him, but now he was glad to finally be at home and get into the shower and then into bed. 
He headed into the building. Ten floors and only one elevator. And he just heard the noise of it going up. It could take a century until it would get down again. But whoever was inside stopped it and he could take it. “Wow. You’re a life saviour,” he commented on his very attractive neighbour, stepping in. Glacing at her from the side, he couldn’t keep his comment to himself. “You look like you had a grand time.”
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Lucky Strike
“Good morning!” – “Have a wonderful day!” – “Don’t worry, you’re next!” Kate loved greeting and winking at random strangers if she found them staring or judging while she was returning from her adventure from the night before. They all called it the walk of shame, but she always believed it was them who were ashamed after she would call them out like that, not her. With shades on her head, coffee in one hand and her shoes in the other, she continued strolling down the familiar street on her way to the building she lived in.
She greeted a couple of more people by the time she reached the front door to the building and to be honest, that was more tiring than what she had done the night before. With a sigh of relief, she pulled out her keys and unlocked the front door, pushing them wide open before strolling into the main hallway and calling for the elevator. There was no way in hell she was climbing stairs today. Too tired. She sipped on her coffee as she waited, impatience slightly growing inside her.  Finally, the door opened with a slight ping and she practically slid inside before pressing the button for her floor. Just as the doors were about to close, Kate caught a glimpse of the familiar figure. All of a sudden she wasn’t that tired anymore and with a swift stretch of her arm, she managed to stop the door from closing. “Going up?” she asked with a grin once the doors opened again, allowing her to meet him eye to eye.
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vanananaplots ¡ 6 years
Going to Howarts was like a dream come true. Ever since she knew that she would go there to learn the arts of magic, she was thrilled. It didn’t surprise her that she landed in the house of Slytherin. Of course. As ambitious as she was. Her Rawenclaw parents weren’t all too happy with it, but they couldn’t change destiny. Fact was, the house chooses you --- no one else had a say in it. 
Exploring this place was one of her favourite free time hobbies. There were so many things hidden, so many secret spots no one seemed to bother with. The others liked to remain with their friends in the evenings, Ruby instead went off to be alone. With her notebook and some pens she was ready to doodle the evening away until she would go to bed. Sitting on the window sink started to get painful, which led her to check the clock. Damn, she had almost forgotten time!
Instead of going straight back she decided to take this bathroom. Waking someone up was the last thing on her mind. She didn’t want to get cuaght doing whatever --- it would only open many questions she didn’t want to answer. People thought she was up to mischief, when in fact, she was only doodling. Ruby rushed in, not expecting anyone --- especially not the Gryffindor girl she had seen in some of the lectures. She didn’t know her name, but this was an interesting meeting. “Oh hey.” Only on second glance she saw that she was hiding something. “What’s that?”
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Misery loves company
Being a Gryffindor wasn’t always an easy task. Yes, sure everyone thought it was fun or whatever because Potter, Granger and the Weasleys used to be Gryffindors, but tough shit. Bet they didn’t have to deal with typical Gryffindor shenanigans that very often included not so fun dares which could easily get you in trouble with McGonagall.Dark Lord had absolutely nothing on that witch, everyone knew that. And as it usually went in that horrid castle, Maya managed to get herself into one of those dares. One would think she had learned her lesson after all those times she barely got away, but no. Here she was once again, sitting on the floor of girl’s bathroom on the third floor where anyone rarely went.
“Don’t you worry there little fella, you’ll be well taken care of.” she mused as she patted the overly large egg. Dragons and dragon eggs were strictly prohibited in Hogwarts, especially after the last time the castle had dragons. Luckily for Maya, she just had an egg. It cannot be that hard to hide an egg. True, if the dragon had hatched, she would have some problems hiding it, but like this? She was single handily already winning the dare. All she had to do now was get to Gryffindor common room, and make sure the egg stays undetected for a few more days and all would be good. How hard could it possibly be? 
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