vampservice · 3 hours
Can you guys stop calling grown ass adult trans men ‘boys’ it’s getting weird. I just saw someone call a 40 year old a boy and I think I’m going to go insane.
That isn’t a soft little uwu boy that is a grown ass man.
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vampservice · 3 hours
anyway. include post op trans people in your activism now
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vampservice · 17 hours
I am tired of trans mascs being called fujoshis and pedophiles and rapists and degenerate freaks for being horny online (or even just talking about dating or attraction)
I'm tired of trans mascs being told we're harmful to our community for being horny online
I'm tired of trans mascs being bombarded with rape and forced impregnation threats for existing online, much less being horny
I am tired of trans mascs being run off of social media platforms and out of communities for being horny online
I am tired of trans mascs existing being seen as sexually deviant
I am tired of feeling invisible in these discussions
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vampservice · 17 hours
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in the club freakin it in a sensitive style
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vampservice · 23 hours
damn, everything was going quite smoothly and you mentioned a kink that's such a hard no for me NNOOOOO
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vampservice · 1 day
You Might Not Be Normal About Trans Men If...
You think we all pass 100% of the time with no issues or effort
You don't think feminine trans men are "real" trans men
You assume we're all transitioning to escape misogyny
You think we aren't oppressed by society
You think our problems are inherently transmisogynistic
You think it's okay to reduce us to our genitals for any reason
You think masculine trans men being themselves are inherently toxic
You think us demanding to be seen and heard and have space within our own community is us being "MRAs" and "transmisogynists"
You think transandrophobia (the idea that trans men experience oppression based on their specific intersection of transness and gender) doesn't exist or inherently is transmisogynistic
You're only okay with trans men if they don't go on T and/or get surgery
You actively try to discourage trans men from going on T and/or getting surgery
You think the previous two points don't include bottom surgery
You think all trans men are bottoms
You think gay trans men are fetishizing gay cis men
You think all transmasc artists are inherently cringe/bad at what they do
You think transmascs only exist to uplift transfems
You think anyone presenting as masculine is inherently dangerous
You think that only men/masculine presenting people can be dangerous
You think that women/feminine presenting people are always safe
You don't think trans men are in danger when forced to use the women's restroom
You think that any oppression/discrimination transmascs face is "run of the mill transphobia" or "run of the mill misogyny"
You think anything I've said on this post means that transmisogyny isn't real or matters less
You're about to leave a comment on this post accusing me of being a transmisogynist or wanting attention or wanting to be oppressed
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vampservice · 2 days
"queer people need to get weirder"
but can you handle a nonbinary transmasc/trans man who is femme and passes as his agab, yet DON'T want to be grouped with women and/or femmes, AT ALL???
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vampservice · 3 days
sorry for the "bad" take but i fully believe even homeless people who "aren't trying" to find housing still deserve housing. maybe things were too hard for too long for them and they gave up. maybe they just genuinely don't know where to go. maybe they're chronically ill, mentally ill and/or neurodivergent. maybe they're experiencing severe psychosis and can't "try". maybe they're having a pain flare up. maybe they're going through withdrawals, or are heavily intoxicated to cope with not knowing if they'll have a place to sleep and food to eat. you don't know. you have no clue what they're going through. they deserve to go through it in a home.
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vampservice · 4 days
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vampservice · 5 days
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vampservice · 5 days
well this is either going to be good or bad
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vampservice · 5 days
the moon is a lesbian and she hates terfs
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vampservice · 5 days
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confusing comic about existing as a trans person during confusing times of trans visibility.
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vampservice · 6 days
me, as I’m rubbing my t gel into my leg: hmm. what if I was cis this whole time
the transsexual angel sitting on my shoulder: who fucking cares. you’re having a good time being on t. either take t as a tranny or take it as a cis dyke. who cares!
me: thanks transsexual angel. are you allowed to reclaim those slurs btw
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vampservice · 6 days
Can we talk about the weird misogyny that’s in the idea that T makes trans men ugly.
The T making trans guys ugly idea always is joined with ‘women are destroying their beautiful feminine bodies to become men.’ Shit.
It’s just ‘a women’s (or people that society deems as women.) worth is connected to how pleasing/attractive they are to cishet men.’ idea.
Trans guys becoming masculine is seen as us losing value and worth as a person because we are no longer attractive to cishet men.
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vampservice · 6 days
Some facts about being intersex
being intersex is not a privilege
no, it's not a privilege even if an intersex person is also trans and their intersex variation makes them pass more easily
no, it's not a privilege even if an intersex person is also nonbinary
no, it's not a privilege even if an intersex person is also cis
an intersex cis person is not considered to be cis by society
an intersex man is not considered to be a man by society
intersex people are always considered to be "wrong" and "other"-- cis privilege is complicated when it comes to cis intersex people
being intersex in a perisex society is traumatic
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vampservice · 6 days
part of being an ally to trans men is not being a dick to cis men for their appearance btw
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