uwu-mi · 1 month
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uwu-mi · 1 month
Surviving As A Maid
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Description: When I opened my eyes while cooking ramen, I woke up as the Queen’s maid who was treated coldly by the King in the BL novel where the King was gay, the concubine was gay, the knight was gay, the servant was gay, and the librarian was gay.Will she be able to survive safely after becoming an ordinary maid, Ash, who has no main character buffs?
My review:
I would like to start my review with the fact that I just finished first season (gobbled it all in just one day to be more precise) and although I think the novel already ended I'm too scared to look it up because well - spoilers.
And there is A LOT to be afraid of as "Surviving As A Maid" is fucking amazing manhwa that forced me to wake up from my 'reading 10 manhwas at once as a brain turn off' mindset that I've fallen into after finishing another mind-blowingly good webcomic
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Main character is called Ash.
Ash what? You don't know and neither does she.
Although MC shares her appearance in modern world with Ash (as well as certian parts of her personality) the original Ash had a life, friends and feelings towards certian someone - nothing that MC might remember
You see, this is no reincarnation into novel character with all their knowledge on the world nor popping into existence as a new character with no baggade of the past to get a new chance at life (which is usually fault of Truck-kun). No, the MC got rudly kidnapped in the middle of preparing delicious sounding dinner and thrown straight into chaos with no knowledge of her new self and only determination to stay as unnoticalbe as possible and will to survive in this new strange place
All of the characters are multilayered and you could probably write essays on their hidden motivations and what keeps them getting up in the morning (if anyone have any opinions or questions about any of those characters I'll gladly answer those) but especially MC brings something completly fresh into table as an isekaied protagonist
There is always that dissonance between her and all the other "characters" as she slowly struggles with the idea of living in this new world and treating it's inhabitants as real people - but not once does she forget of her place of origin.
Actually one of my favourite quick scenes (outside of everything with prince of course) is MC's first thought after noticing that summer is just around the corner of new world, is that it has to be winter in her homeland.
Another excellent existential horror element is fact that Ash's body is the exact copy of MC's original one which make her confused a lot about her place in universe and where she might be, and after she gets herself something to help her distinguede between those two worlds she keeps it on herself all the time
also this manhwa blessed us with this beautiful shitpost material
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also also (and this might be little spoiler for chapters pre 70) if a certian white short haired man turns out to be male lead I might just fucking drop this manhwa, cause author is amazing at writing powerful and impactful scenes and his intruduction certainly made me hate that man with burning passion - and that sudden taking off his cartoon-villain-like fucking monocle that I've noticed author have been doing recently will not change my mind
Anyway this is a great read that I certainly can reccomend, so go read it and then let me know your own opinions
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uwu-mi · 1 month
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uwu-mi · 1 month
This is what 5 months of intentional starvation looks like.
"Palestinians in Gaza demonstrate the impact of the Israeli and Egyptian blockade by stepping on scales to reveal their weight loss." from Mint Press, 15/Mar/2024:
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uwu-mi · 1 month
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🇵🇸💚 Journalists in North Gaza request water, get full meal, “This is just how we are. These are our traditions!”
🔸 Source: eye on palestine (main post), mahmoud._.shalha20 (footage) and translatingfalasteen (translation)
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uwu-mi · 1 month
This will make you cry.
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uwu-mi · 1 month
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uwu-mi · 1 month
not gonna lie and not gonna hide it - isekai is my favourite genre, isekai otome favourite sungenre, and manhwas my drug of choice
and because of that I've read so so many of them that they're starting to get blurry and it's getting harder and harder to remember which one were good, bad or simply mediocare and not worth mentioning - and so because of that I decided to make a quick review blog of all those I've read
so hello to you all and I hope we all have good time with our favourite manhwas!
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