usethespoon · 1 year
i want you carnally *shoves a knife into your abdomen*
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usethespoon · 1 year
nearly 200 writing prompts // feel free to reblog
1: “ Give me a chance. ” 2: “ Not you again.. ” 3: “ Leave me alone. ” 4: “ I don’t love you anymore. ” 5: “ Why do you hate me? ” 6: “ I lost the baby. ” 7: “ I thought you loved me. ” 8: “ I don’t need you anymore. ” 9:“ I can’t believe you! ” 10: “ We cant keep this up forever. ” 11: “ You’re a monster. ” 12: “ I hate you. ” 13: “ Don’t leave me… ” 14: “ You’re a disappointment. ” 15: “ Don’t die on me– Please. ” 16: “ I never meant to hurt you. ” 17: “ Are you upset with me? ” 18: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 19: “ I’m going to kill you! ” 20: “ Please don’t hurt me like this. ” 21: “ Thanks for nothing. ” 22: “ Dont call this number again. “ 23: “ Why did you spare me? ” 24: “ You need to leave. ” 25: “ I’m sick. ” 26: “ I’m dying. ” 27: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 28: “ I thought we were family!” 29: “ There was never an us. ” 30: “ So that’s it? It’s over? ” 31: “ I fucked up. ” 32: “ I came to say goodbye. ” 33:“ He’s dead because of you. ” 34: “ I don’t deserve to be loved. ” 35: “ About the baby… Its yours. ”
36: “ I’m so in love with you. ” 37: “ Dance with me! ” 38: “ Isn’t this amazing? ” 39: “ I wish we could stay like this forever. ” 40: “ Will you marry me? ” 41: “ I’m pregnant. ” 42: “ I need a hug. ” 43: “ You’re special to me. ” 44: “ I’m going to keep you safe. ” 45: “ Do you trust me? ” 46: “ Can I kiss you right now? ” 47: “ You’re cute when you’re angry. ” 48: “ I’ve liked you for awhile now. ” 49: “ Lets have a baby. ” 50: “ We’d make such a cute couple. ” 51: “ I want to take care of you. ” 52: “ Can we cuddle? ” 53: “ It’s lonely here without you. ” 54: “ I can’t stand the thought of loosing you. ” 55: “ Shut up and kiss me already. ” 56: “ Are you flirting with me? ” 57: “ Is that my shirt? ” 58: “ How did we get here? ” 59: “ You own my heart. ” 60: “ You’d be a great dad. ” 61: “ You’d be a great mom. ” 62: “ I want to protect you. ” 63: “ Whats the matter? ” 64: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 65: “ Did you do something different with your hair? ” 66: “ Is that a new perfume? ” 67: “ Stop being so cute. ” 68: “ You’re making me blush! ” 69: “ You’re teasing me again… ” 70: “ This is why I fell in love with you. ” 71: “ You’re the best! ” 72: “ They’re going to love you, don’t worry! ” 73: “ Oh, Are you ticklish? ” 74: “ Of course I remembered! ” 75: “ You’re one hell of a girl. ” 76: “ You’re one hell of a guy. ” 77: “ Are you jealous? ” 78: “ Hold me and never let me go. ” 79: “ Stop hogging all the blankets! ” 80: “ Lets run away together. ”
90: “ Catch me if you can! ” 91: “ I’m fine. ” 92: “ Are you drunk? ” 93: “ Are you high? ” 94: “ We cant go in there… ” 95: “ Give it back! ” 96: “ Well this is just great. ” 97: “ Don’t touch me. ” 98: “ Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person. ” 99: “ This was fun— Lets do it again sometime!” 100: “ I didn’t do it! ” 101: “ I did it… ” 102: “ I don’t remember that! ” 103: “ Well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ” 104: “ Get that thing away from me! ” 105: “ You owe me. ” 106: “ Do you believe in aliens? ” 107: “ Do you believe in ghosts? ” 108: “ Are you hitting on me? ” 109: “ Why are you naked? ” 110: “ You did what?! ” 111: “ You have… Superpowers? ” 112: “ Why are you bleeding? ” 113: “ Where did all these puppies come from?” 114: “ Don’t make me come over there myself! ” 115: “ That wasn’t funny. ” 116: “ This tastes horrible. ” 117: “ This is delicious! ” 118: “ Are you mad at me? ” 119: “ Stop ignoring me… ” 120: “ I love that show too! ” 121: “ Can I borrow that book of yours?” 122: “ Lets blow this joint. ” 123: “ Let me help you with that. ” 124: “ Take that back! ” 125: “ Wanna go see a movie with me? ” 126: “ No way, that’s so lame. ” 127: “ What are you listening to? ” 128: “ I brought you your coffee. ” 129: “ Don’t fuck this up. ” 130: “ Run! ” 131: “ Lets run away together. ” 132: “ I haven’t slept in four days… ” 133: “ Your turn to do the dishes. ” 134: “ Was I really that drunk? ” 135: “ Was I really that stoned? ” 136: “Give me back my phone! ” 137: “ You’re an asshole. ” 138: “ Are you cold? ” 139: “ This place gives me the creeps. ” 140: “ I swear my house is haunted. ” 141: “ Did you hear that? ” 142: “ It’s just your imagination. ” 143: “ Just how stupid do you think I am? ” 144: “ Stop being such a baby. ” 145: “ Go back to bed. ” 146: “ Are you okay? ” 147: “ I can take care of myself just fine.” 148: “ Thanks for helping me back there. ” 149: “ Since when have we ever been friends? ” 150: “ What on earth are you wearing? ” 151: “ I can’t feel my legs! ” 152: “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ” 153: “ Put me down! ” 154: “ There’s only one bed… ” 155: “ It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is… ” 156: “ How did I loose it? ” 157: “ I read your diary. ” 158: “ This is awkward. ” 159: “ Didn’t you read the sign? ” 160: “ Do you think you can teach me that? ”
Below is NSFW prompts. Please if you’re rebloggling tell your followers if you’re interested or not in taking these sorts of requests.
Sexual: 161: “ Bite me. ” 162: “ Make me. ” 163: “ Fuck me. ” 164: “ Stop teasing me so much… ” 165: “ Do you like it when I touch you like that?” 166: “ Okay.. This is new. ” 167: “ Want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ” 168: “ You’re in trouble now. ” 169: “ What a pretty sight. ” 170: “ Bend over. ” 171: “ On your knees. ” 172: “ The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ” 173: “ Lay back. ” 174: “ Take off your clothes. ” 175: “ Well, fine; just this once. ” 176: “ I’m waiting. ” 177: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 178:“ As you wish. ” 179: “ First one to make a noise looses.” 180: “ You have no idea what you do to me. ” 181: “ If you’re bored; Wanna have sex? ” 182: “ Ive wanted this for so long. ” 183: “ Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies. ” 184: “ Can I touch you? ” 185: “ Open up. ” 186: “ No strings attached. ” 187: “ Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you? ” 188: “ Mine. ” 189: “ The nights still young. ” 190: “ We cant do that here! ” 191: “ Behave. ” 192:“ What did you just say? ” 193: “ Good girl. ” 194: “ Good boy. ” 195: “ Come here. ”
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usethespoon · 1 year
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179 notes · View notes
usethespoon · 1 year
“Just trust me.” (from Alfred)
Trust created unnecessary ties; an interference with his line of work. No good would come from warming up to those he was assigned with because of the possibility of being betrayed -- if they were stupid enough to try. Emotional detachment came with the job; they were easier to dispatch of when things turned awry. Past partners were wise enough to realise that they were never going to be regarded as anything more than colleagues by Lee. A person who - unfortunately - was chosen by The Network to pair up with him. No amount of persuasion by the organisation could force the hitman to trust their selection, and they were resigned to accept that. His skills were exemplary; they needed him. It was a known fact. And so he could get away with refusing to behave. He was his own person; who he chose to trust was entirely up to him. But taking a liking to somebody -- now, that was allowed in his rulebook. He may not trust them, but there was no stopping him from showing up inside their house uninvited for an impromptu conversation. A lovely natter. They had no choice in the matter when he did, but it was certainly better than being on his bad side.
New day, new hit. A simple case of money owed.
"Is that right?" There was a deep frown of concentration on his face as he studied himself in the floor-length mirror, scrutinising his appearance. His back was to Alfred, seemingly disregarding him entirely. Ever since becoming partially paralysed - his left arm a dead weight against his side - Lee had given up on looking his best. There was only so much he could do before losing the motivation to try. His yellow suit was slightly wrinkled and tie askew, but an attempt was made; it was passable given his disposition. Using his working arm to reposition the paralysed one, he settled it further down his body by pushing hard until it rested comfortably against his ribs. Fuck it -- that would do. Who was he trying to impress? "Not me you have to convince, matey." Now his reflection stared over at the other man, eyes settling directly on him. There was a glimmer of amusement in them. "But it helps." Stay on his good side and everything would be dandy.
"I think we should see how he's doing, don't you?" A quick change of topic. It was a rhetorical question as he picked up his lime-coloured duffel bag, the sound of metal inside clinking together as he did so. A satisfying sound, but even more were the sounds that were produced by using them. His knives were already stained maroon - and he resented placing them inside the leather holder without cleaning them thoroughly - but leaving his tools in front of his target was an amateur mistake. The most desperate person was willing to break their wrists to escape binds and grab the nearest weapon; he had seen it before. But they could only crawl so far with broken kneecaps. They associated his disability with slowness, but were quite surprised to be proven otherwise. It only made him stronger after adapting, forced to work harder. Quick as a whippet, he was capable of incapacitating them before they could even react.
The first sound they heard within the basement was heavy breathing, followed by wheezing courtesy of a broken nose. Well - altogether, a broken face. His features were indistinguishable; a new man entirely. But he still managed a sharp intake of breath as he heard Lee approach. Bloodied fingers gripped onto the arms of the chair he was tied to, the skin torn and nails removed. The duffel bag was placed on top of a metal trolley - unzipped - and his variety of tools removed once more. As he unrolled the leather holder, it revealed different sized knives and various surgical equipment. From scalpels to bone saws, they were well-looked after. They were an extension of him; it only made sense for him to care about them. Taking out a fresh pair of latex gloves, he discarded one and placed the other on with the help of his teeth before picking up a scalpel. Standing in front of the gentleman, Lee hummed as he casually studied what was left behind from before. Not much.
"It would have been easier for you to pay back the money you owe. But now I had to visit you." His voice was soft, gentle almost; a complete contrast to how he acted. "You're becoming a household name. And they're getting a bit upset with you, so we need to fix that." It was as though he was offering the man advice. A chance to work together to resolve the issue. "What do you think?" A pained groan was given in response. "Okay, good-" His words were cut off by the sound of his mobile ringing, the cheerful tone breaking the tense situation. With an apologetic smile, Lee removed his glove and retrieved the still-ringing mobile. Unknown number. "Sorry, I have to take this. I won't be a moment." Pressing accept, he placed it against his ear and listened carefully. His expression was still, giving nothing away as he spoke only to affirm. It lasted a few minutes, before he hung up and placed it back inside his blazer pocket. Turning to face Alfred, a bright smile was given. Unnerving to most, it had an air of unpredictability to it.
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"Change of plans, matey." Picking up the scalpel once more, he presented it towards his partner. "His debts are paid, so they no longer need him." In other words, The Network had successfully overturned the gentleman's safety measures, drained his bank account and completely erased his identity. He was now legally dead. They were capable of doing that; destroying lives. "Your turn." It was closest Lee would get to trusting somebody. He was now allowing Alfred to take over the situation, relieving the hitman from being in control. It was a huge deal. "You're not going to let me down, are you?" The kindness of his tone disguised the subtle threat, but it was certainly felt in the way he stared a moment too long.
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usethespoon · 1 year
casual wear (splattered with blood) vs. evening wear (drenched in blood)
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usethespoon · 1 year
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13K notes · View notes
usethespoon · 1 year
Small Starter Call II @shiningstages​
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         “...See what happens when you look through other people’s belongings?” There was a disappointed lilt to his soft voice, as though he was telling off a child for misbehaving. A lesson learned. “You wind up finding out more than you should.” His lime-coloured duffel bag was zipped open to reveal a portable gas canister, a set of different sized knives packed inside a leather holder, and a variety of other items that one could only wonder what they were used for. It was best not to ask. Clicking his tongue, Lee released a small sigh before staring over at them with an apologetic smile that was far from genuine. “Actions have consequences...so unfortunately, I have no choice but to kill you now.” 
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usethespoon · 1 year
Violence/Death themed ask memes/prompts
((Obviously, lots of trigger warnings here so please be careful - Violence tw, death tw, killing tw, physical abuse tw, blood tw))
“Is that blood?!”
“You didn’t have to kill them!”
“Your car is dented, who did you hit?!”
“I could always just kill them…”
“Why are your knuckles bruised?”
“Just go! I’ll clean up this mess.“ 
“You busted my lip!”
“You clean up, I’ll hide the body.”
“They deserved it.”
“Dont you dare hit me!“ 
“I liked killing them.”
“Oh God, there’s so much blood!“ 
“Don’t be a baby, I only kicked you in the balls.”
“Kill them! Go on!“ 
“Who gave you that black eye?!”
“They died happy at least.“ 
“Do you want me to hit you?!“ 
"Get rid of them and I promise I’ll never bother you again." 
"I’ll kill you, I swear!" 
"They were trying to kill me! I had to defend myself!”
“I’ll kill every last one of them." 
"Ow! I think you’ve broken my arm!”
“I’ll fight beside you." 
"Are you burning a body?”
“I was protecting you!”
“Don’t be alarmed, but I may have just run a guy over.”
“Have you ever killed anyone before? Be truthful.”
“It was an accident!”
“Well, you should’ve thought about that before you hit them with your car!”
“Burn the body and lets go.”
“I’m glad they’re dead!”
“They’re not going to make it.”
“Don’t you dare die on me!”
“I had to do it.”
“I killed them so we can be together, don’t you see that?”
“I may or may not have a dead person in my basement.”
“I am sick of cleaning up your mess!”
18K notes · View notes
usethespoon · 1 year
from this generator.
❛ close your eyes and hold out your hands. ❜ ❛ what are you smiling at? ❜ ❛ i can’t leave you alone for one minute, can i? ❜ ❛ was it you? did you do all this? ❜ ❛ i don’t know how you do this every day… ❜ ❛ that is not an appropriate question to ask a lady you’ve just met. ❜ ❛ i’m not sorry. ❜ ❛ i did warn you not to trust me. ❜ ❛ do you remember anything? at all? ❜ ❛ you’re lucky you’re cute. ❜ ❛ why don’t you just kill me? ❜ ❛ did you hurt yourself? ❜ ❛ i could show you the way. ❜ ❛ i don’t feel so good. ❜ ❛ you owe me a dinner. a very nice dinner. ❜ ❛ don’t go. please. ❜ ❛ you wanna know what your problem is? ❜ ❛ i’m here to drink alone. ❜ ❛ don’t run away from this. ❜ ❛ i’m just saying, murder is an option. ❜ ❛ i didn’t realize you were in so much pain. ❜ ❛ i guess it runs in the family, huh? ❜ ❛ you wouldn’t understand. ❜ ❛ we’ve been through a lot. i think we should just lay low and take it easy. ❜ ❛ dangerous to be out so late. ❜ ❛ i hope you haven’t been standing out in the cold this whole time. ❜ ❛ i made a mistake. ❜ ❛ am i not good enough? ❜ ❛ i’m going to get you out of here. ❜ ❛ why did you bring me here? ❜ ❛ aren’t we in a good mood today? ❜ ❛ don’t shut me out. please. ❜ ❛ the storm’s getting worse. ❜ ❛ i never meant to hurt you. ❜ ❛ you’re about as intimidating as a butterfly. ❜ ❛ have you come to laugh at me in my miserable state? ❜ ❛ here, take this. you’ll catch a cold. ❜ ❛ this is the part where you leave. ❜ ❛ why are you talking like we’ll never see each other again? ❜ ❛ you stepped on my foot! ❜ ❛ you’re not a very convincing liar. ❜ ❛ we’re in completely different leagues. ❜ ❛ how did you find me? ❜ ❛ i don’t need you anymore. ❜ ❛ rough day today? ❜ ❛ snap out of it! ❜ ❛ you look better in my clothes than i do. ❜ ❛ why are you still here? ❜ ❛ can i ask… what happened? ❜ ❛ are you saying you care about me? ❜ ❛ i won’t let anyone hurt you. ❜ ❛ it’s not stealing if it was mine to begin with. ❜ ❛ well, this is where i live. ❜ ❛ we’re not so different after all. ❜ ❛ how long have i been asleep? ❜ ❛ no more lies, no more secrets. ❜ ❛ can you forgive me? ❜ ❛ i thought you… i saw you get shot. ❜ ❛ why are you really here? ❜ ❛ i wish we never met. ❜ ❛ you look like you need a hug. ❜ ❛ would you run away with me? ❜ ❛ see? i’m not just a pretty face. ❜ ❛ we can stop them. i can help you. ❜ ❛ what now? i’m tired. ❜ ❛ i didn’t want you to see me like this. ❜ ❛ i can’t do this without you. ❜ ❛ if you tell me yours, i’ll tell you mine. ❜ ❛ are you threatening me? ❜ ❛ did you ever care about me? ❜ ❛ treat me like the princess that i am! ❜ ❛ i’m not leaving you. ❜ ❛ why did you come? ❜ ❛ i need your help… and you need mine. ❜ ❛ i wish i could hate you. ❜ ❛ i see you don’t recognize me. well, it was a long time ago. ❜ ❛ you’ve lost a lot of blood. ❜ ❛ i had my suspicions, but until now i wasn’t sure. ❜ ❛ there’s nothing left for me here. ❜ ❛ that is… literally illegal. you’re describing something illegal. ❜ ❛ wait. i’ve heard that sound before. ❜ ❛ just try to hang on. ❜ ❛ so why’s it so important anyway? ❜ ❛ i’ll stay in tonight, thanks. ❜ ❛ we can’t keep going on like this. ❜ ❛ in about a minute, you’ll be sorry you didn’t listen to me. ❜ ❛ is this seat taken? sorry, it’s a bit crowded here. ❜ ❛ you can’t leave me here alone! ❜ ❛ i’ll believe it when i see it. ❜ ❛ why are you laughing? this is a very serious situation. ❜ ❛ i bought two. here. ❜ ❛ i’ve seen you before, walking by. ❜ ❛ why can’t i come with you? ❜ ❛ c'mon. aren’t you worried what might happen if we go? ❜ ❛ walk with me? ❜ ❛ it’s very rude to stare. ❜ ❛ how many times have i told you? you can’t visit me here. ❜ ❛ we can’t fix this. can we? ❜ ❛ are you going to kill me? ❜ ❛ it’s not like you can stop me. ❜ ❛ it’s not safe for people to see us together. ❜ ❛ take me with you. ❜ ❛ some risks are worth taking. ❜ ❛ let them go. take me instead. ❜ ❛ what do you want in exchange for it? ❜ ❛ is being drunk an excuse? ❜ ❛ promise me you won’t overreact. ❜ ❛ how can i possibly trust you? after all you’ve done. ❜ ❛ how long have you been standing there? ❜ ❛ why did you wake me? ❜ ❛ i’m not here to talk about my feelings. ❜ ❛ you were going to leave without saying goodbye? ❜ ❛ for some reason, i’m attracted to you. ❜ ❛ promise me? ❜ ❛ it’s nothing, i’m just tired. ❜ ❛ i feel safe with you. ❜ ❛ i don’t need your help. ❜ ❛ i think i have a bit more experience with this thing than you do. ❜ ❛ no way, i’m not doing that. ❜ ❛ i do care. ❜ ❛ you snore in your sleep. it’s adorable. ❜ ❛ i have a spare bed. ❜ ❛ you’re very kind. some day it’ll get you killed. ❜ ❛ you’ll always have a home with me. ❜ ❛ of course i care. you’re my family. ❜ ❛ you shouldn’t insult people that are bigger than you. ❜ ❛ i never wanted to hurt you. ❜ ❛ i swear it wasn’t me. ❜ ❛ we can just sit here, you don’t have to talk. ❜ ❛ did you miss me? ❜ ❛ this isn’t just about you. it’s about what’s best for all of us. ❜ ❛ you can never admit when you’re wrong! ❜ ❛ is this what you wanted? ❜ ❛ what are you doing out here by yourself? ❜ ❛ sorry to put you through that. i guess i owe you one now. ❜ ❛ the only time you talk to me is when you need something. ❜ ❛ i’m still learning. ❜ ❛ if you have something to say, spit it out. ❜ ❛ you… don’t like me very much, do you? ❜ ❛ i’m on your side. ❜ ❛ i risked my life for you! ❜ ❛ whatever you’re going to ask, the answer is no. ❜ ❛ you can stay with me. ❜ ❛ i just need time. ❜ ❛ please don’t do this, don’t act like you care. ❜ ❛ who the hell invited you? ❜ ❛ what? no witty remark? nothing clever to say? ❜ ❛ i just wanted to say i’m sorry. ❜ ❛ think of it as a compliment. ❜ ❛ do you ever stop being so serious and dull? ❜ ❛ it’s rare to see your kind around here. ❜ ❛ you remember me. that’s good. ❜ ❛ you’re a terrible flirt you know. ❜ ❛ are you kidding me? we’re not ‘fine’! ❜ ❛ right now i wish i was dead. ❜ ❛ i guess i should’ve told you. ❜ ❛ you’re not alone. i’m here. ❜ ❛ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ❜ ❛ knowledge is power. ❜ ❛ you scared me. ❜ ❛ well, what’s so strange about that? ❜ ❛ don’t look at me like that. ❜ ❛ i want to be there when you get what’s coming to you. ❜ ❛ just who do you think you are? ❜ ❛ you look… amazing. ❜ ❛ we’re safe, aren’t we? ❜ ❛ you know, i really hoped i’d never see this place again. ❜ ❛ don’t touch me. get away from me. ❜ ❛ i thought you’d like this. ❜ ❛ it’s too dark, i can’t see anything. ❜ ❛ what’s that smug look for? you think you can do any better? ❜ ❛ who did you piss off this time? ❜ ❛ you should’ve thought about that before you got into a fight. ❜ ❛ i only wanted to help. ❜ ❛ you knew and you didn’t tell me? ❜ ❛ you don’t scare me. ❜ ❛ wow, look who remembered my existence. ❜ ❛ change isn’t easy. ❜ ❛ why did you help me? ❜ ❛ why do you hate me? ❜ ❛ i can’t even trust myself anymore. ❜ ❛ i was making sure you weren’t dead, since you never called. ❜ ❛ you look awful. what happened? ❜ ❛ are you here to kill me? ❜ ❛ you know you aren’t allowed in here, right? ❜ ❛ was that a friend of yours? ❜ ❛ two years later and you haven’t changed. ❜ ❛ you look like you just saw a ghost. ❜ ❛ nobody tells me what to do. ❜ ❛ you’re too scared to do it, aren’t you? ❜ ❛ come on. it can’t be that bad. ❜ ❛ i hope to repay your kindness someday. ❜ ❛ just let me do this for you. ❜ ❛ why were they coming after you? ❜ ❛ how many people have you killed? how many? ❜ ❛ how much do you value your life? ❜ ❛ you don’t know when to give up, do you? ❜ ❛ don’t lie to me. ❜ ❛ i’m not sober enough to talk about this. ❜ ❛ have a drink with me. ❜
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usethespoon · 1 year
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Note: some things are my interpretations only.
FULL NAME: Lee (no known middle or surname) 
GENDER & SEXUALITY:  Male. Homosexual. 
ETHNICITY & SPECIES: White British. Human. 
BIRTHPLACE & BIRTHDATE: (?), England. No known age.
GUILTY PLEASURES: Having a sit down with tea and biscuits (whenever he drops by unexpected at whoever’s home that day). He also enjoys the TV show, Midsomer Murders, way too much.
PHOBIAS: Not a phobia, exactly, but more of a fear. He fears reaching an old age. He doesn’t want to have a cosy future, retired, and spending his remaining days comfortably. Rather, he would like to die early. His job as a hitman for The Network isn’t mandatory, but as a casual hobby; he does it for the exhilaration and something to do. That’s not to say that he wants to die, but he really wouldn’t fear being killed; he welcomes it, in fact. He only hopes that his death is interesting, at least.
WHAT THEY WOULD BE INFAMOUS FOR: The spoon in his hand. For such a small implement, it’s well-known by those who were on the receiving end of his torture. That, and his happy chappy attitude. Serving murder up with a too-kind smile and unnerving reassurance.
WHAT HAVE THEY/WOULD THEY HAVE GOTTEN ARRESTED FOR: If he was caught: everything. Mostly murder, though. But it would take some serious miracle to uncover Lee’s involvement with anything The Network has done. Any file they have on him would definitely disappear.
CHARACTER YOU SHIP THEM WITH: Anyone who could handle being with him, honestly. Example; ‘He incriminated my neighbour for murder, but he left me flowers in return.’
FAVORITE BOOK GENRE: He likes a good mystery novel, but he often settles for magazines. His favourite magazines are Chat and Take A Break for the gory stories and the ‘agony aunt’ sections.
LEAST FAVORITE BOOK CLICHÉ: Main character was a renowned expert. Bad experience forces them to retire to a cottage. Filler about their spouse being murdered years before. High ranking person/organisation comes along: “But we need your help!”. Main character: “But those days are over!”. Still does it. Saves the day. Big (’totally unexpected’) reveal/twist about their dead spouse thrown in somewhere. Lee finds this book cliché very repetitive and boring.
TALENTS OR POWERS: Leaving without a trace could be classed as a talent. The Network can cause an individual’s life to suddenly fall apart, or pile up criminal charges on that individual’s record that weren’t there before. This is what Lee does; he leaves behind incriminating evidence against an individual, whether they wronged The Network or not, and nothing is tied back to him or the organisation. He’s extremely good at his job, frighteningly so. Other talents, to him, would be torture; it comes second nature to him, and since his partial paralysis, this has only grown stronger. He adapted quickly, and for somebody to still be able to torture an individual with only one working arm, it’s definitely a talent.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: If somebody was to love him, it would be for his ability to keep the conversation going – and it would never get boring. Maybe if another killer loved him, they would enjoy the numerous stories he has about his job as a hitman; he has plenty to tell over the years, that’s for sure. Additionally, his spontaneous attitude would definitely be a lovable attribute, because a day would never be boring with Lee. Even hitmen go home at the end of the day, and he often spends it watching Midsomer Murders (or other crime shows), so they would love his ‘tamer’ side; movie nights and staying up past midnight to binge watch some awful 80s shows.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: Oh boy. He’s very manipulative through kindness, so an individual wouldn’t realise his plan until it was too late. The false way in which he gives security to an individual is unsettling. Not to mention his bluntness, which is very unnerving and confusing at the same time. Usually ‘villains’ can be cryptic in their plans (building up until the big reveal), but Lee would straight-up tell the individual that he’s going to kill them, and how he’s going to do so in vivid detail – but he wouldn’t tell them when, so they’re constantly on edge. Lee also has the habit of dropping by unexpectedly and talking to the person as though they’d been friends for years, which can get extremely annoying for those involved (but Lee doesn’t care. Lee’s got things to do, people to see, and days to ruin).
He’s also very sarcastic and entertains himself by provoking an individual; Wilson Wilson was his favourite person to get a reaction out of. Similarly in provoking, his music taste is…questionable. For having such a dangerous reputation, his partners get a surprise when Lady Gaga or P!nk fills the car. Lee can be very judgemental, as well. He will question an individual’s life choices, or say just the right things to have them doubt their own decisions (Example: ’I wouldn’t do that, matey’, followed by silence and no explanation.)
HOW THEY CHANGE: Lee doesn’t let events shape him, but his partial paralysis was the only time where he fully changed his attitude. He retained his behaviour as before (sarcastic, happy chappy hitman), but he also lost his ability to follow; he may work for The Network, but he no longer worries about disappointing them. With every change, Lee becomes less flexible and more stiff, adding even more weight to his unpredictable behaviour. He’s gotten to the point where caring isn’t apart of his vocabulary, which is a very dangerous state to be in.
WHY YOU LOVE THEM: He’s a complete and utter nutter, and I was drawn in from the very opening scene of the series with him and Arby. As the series progresses, you see more of how unpredictable and completely mad Lee is – but in a totally lovable way. The fact that I like his cheeky attitude, despite the murders and torture scenes, is evidence of how terrifying Lee actually is. I didn’t know what he was going to do next, but at the same time, I was excited to see more. It was the first time that a series, as a whole, kept me engrossed and it was entirely down to how well-written the characters were.
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usethespoon · 1 year
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usethespoon · 4 years
“yeah but tell me more about you”
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usethespoon · 4 years
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usethespoon · 4 years
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usethespoon · 4 years
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Lee + his cigarettes/e-cigarette
“I’m gasping.”
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usethespoon · 5 years
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Lee pays Geoff a visit | Utopia Deleted Scene
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usethespoon · 5 years
[looks you in the eyes, pats your knee sympathetically] i don’t care
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