usedboltsoftware · 4 years
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This timer can even work with one motor on the reverse gear option{ to make the same motor that rotates the blade move anticlockwise) with one blade like gear to switch the below or up switch to alternate
0 notes
usedboltsoftware · 4 years
bolt stored in a flashdisk
You can get out as towa/remove the chain in the combustion chamber of a car to make it soft when u have opted 4 the belt with a powerful motor/drill system to move the gear to start the car. Worker parable or mfalme wa yawhodi to cement de trut bro, Christo bro Click the link below
Most luos are kikuyu blooded and kikuyu are trukana and masai blooded as well as luya got kikuyu blood out of investigation as much as the jew family, so friends just guess!!!
I don’t see people long time eating our food in my fathers house not in others house as peculiar with kikuyu or trukana as well as masai so their is a big line of difference and at some point is people who transfigure, so lets wear pulse rate reader wrist watch bro-mawatch/masai if translated bro. You aint coz u not a masai blooded. Most whites with long face are kalenjin blooded as much as many Botswana people as SA.
Got to accept the trut, great bible parts were written pastors, don’t forge relationship with masai to cut people who have refused to go to church to increase the weight of the offering bag 4 ya own benefit. Money is gotten off the computer and u know that, so whats your plan dude. Better stop bro or-els the machete can, yah yah yes I can cut ya. Panga nyale, inaiweza. Tuende kwao usiku tuwakate kwani makanisa yakomangapi na pasi ni nini, kebi was had uttering such hate words.
Tires of car are made using ngurumadum as askari nguru or sewer water put in a container then many salivate on it or urinate on the container sides and boom there they are formed bro.
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmonde https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmonde https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley
The uhuru affiliated aint eating in that they are saving the money to buy sportpesa and create a huge float for betting in that they have now resorted to open stealing of his neighbour things. America big wings like Edie Murphy are also into it among many white people from Europe to get rich faster out of free things. Or come up with a new one, betting firm altogether. 3 or more boda are operator who terorise people out of no proper reason are yet to be burnt enmass to create fear and respect, to be as example to others not to do the same thing.
2goinvoice has been teminated, now you only manage to continue with your surfing only in the usa and everybody wannna go there bro and the bottom line is they get money also off 2goinvoice, the www.right.com people.
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmonde https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmonde https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley
The uhuru affiliated aint eating in that they are saving the money to buy sportpesa and create a huge float for betting in that they have now resorted to open stealing of his neighbour things. America big wings like Edie Murphy are also into it among many white people from Europe to get rich faster out of free things. Or come up with a new one, betting firm altogether. 3 or more boda are operator who terorise people out of no proper reason are yet to be burnt enmass to create fear and respect, to be as example to others not to do the same thing.
2goinvoice has been teminated, now you only manage to continue with your surfing only in the usa and everybody wannna go there bro and the bottom line is they get money also off 2goinvoice, the www.right.com people.
Claim dominance now the luo or kikuyou that am you, always wanting ready made things and manual timer mt with magira is not yet made even with men who are looking at where to eat as befriending the boy of that girl friend of their want to create war if they have realized you are leaving that girl. Big shame dude!!!
Click the link below to cement worker parable.
manual timer of an electriccooker - Google Search
manual timer of an electriccooker - Google Search
S.A is now even wondering about as Tunisia as 2goinvoice where they get money has been switched to the usa unless you have a cpsn software for them to think you are in the usa to get money off the invoice even right here in Africa but the ripple effect will be inflation felt in the USA.
Kenyan Mps are playing betting with much lost so they resort to hooliganism of sponsoring not knowing themselves youth to ambush/terrorize people bro. Betting should be done on the 60th minute of that game or when it remains 30 minutes to end to end betting doubt of hope for the team which people has betted on much as it can be seen on the m-pesa safcom or computer then lias with the other team which people has beted less to loose the much so as to gain and them given there share as well as what matters in the world is your economy not a win but to the spectator it seems you have lost the game. This funds countries like UK, Italy with their premier leagues not to mention France.
The earth to the petroleum bed where it is, is from 2.5-3 km while the depth of that oil bed is about 1-3 km if the oil found is not that much while sometimes is upto 6 km in depth which if you add to 3 km is 9km while the earths radius downward is from 10-16 km which if you minus the 9 km you remain with 4-6 km from below the earth crust which Russia goes with big drones to dig holes to put many hooks to hang the same big drone to stop oil usage as they siphon the oil. The beautiful thing is that you are in the dark and lack the same technology to do that hence you cant attack them neither can you say they are the 2 thieves crucified with yesus. Going to below the earth crust aint yours and is not ya property, it requires who is strong and is the one who will survive.
manual timer of an electriccooker - Google Search
S.A is now even wondering about as Tunisia as 2goinvoice where they get money has been switched to the usa unless you have a cpsn software for them to think you are in the usa to get money off the invoice even right here in Africa but the ripple effect will be inflation felt in the USA.
Kenyan Mps are playing betting with much lost so they resort to hooliganism of sponsoring not knowing themselves youth to ambush/terrorize people bro. Betting should be done on the 60th minute of that game or when it remains 30 minutes to end to end betting doubt of hope for the team which people has betted on much as it can be seen on the m-pesa safcom or computer then lias with the other team which people has beted less to loose the much so as to gain and them given there share as well as what matters in the world is your economy not a win but to the spectator it seems you have lost the game. This funds countries like UK, Italy with their premier leagues not to mention France.
The earth to the petroleum bed where it is, is from 2.5-3 km while the depth of that oil bed is about 1-3 km if the oil found is not that much while sometimes is upto 6 km in depth which if you add to 3 km is 9km while the earths radius downward is from 10-16 km which if you minus the 9 km you remain with 4-6 km from below the earth crust which Russia goes with big drones to dig holes to put many hooks to hang the same big drone to stop oil usage as they siphon the oil. The beautiful thing is that you are in the dark and lack the same technology to do that hence you cant attack them neither can you say they are the 2 thieves crucified with yesus. Going to below the earth crust aint yours and is not ya property, it requires who is strong and is the one who will survive.
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
They lias with the phone company if you are involved in day to day creating of emails or if you are signed up to many logging. They say one phone no cant be used again so you are forced to buy a new one which they share the cash with the white people in Africa whom you see around everyday doing nothing. Put it optional dude, dont enslave people and accept the fact you are poor out of huge population and things will move ahead.
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit.
Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
They even organise petty theft enmass to put much in betting and promise the poor with good sanitation, even if they loose it doesnt hurt them coz initially it was petty theft.
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
You can get out as towa/remove the chain in the combustion chamber of a car to make it soft when u have opted 4 the belt with a powerful motor/drill system to move the gear to start the car. Worker parable or mfalme wa yawhodi to cement de trut bro, Christo bro Click the link below
Most luos are kikuyu blooded and kikuyu are trukana and masai blooded as well as luya got kikuyu blood out of investigation as much as the jew family, so friends just guess!!!
I don’t see people long time eating our food in my fathers house not in others house as peculiar with kikuyu or trukana as well as masai so their is a big line of difference and at some point is people who transfigure, so lets wear pulse rate reader wrist watch bro-mawatch/masai if translated bro. You aint coz u not a masai blooded. Most whites with long face are kalenjin blooded as much as many Botswana people as SA.
Got to accept the trut, great bible parts were written pastors, don’t forge relationship with masai to cut people who have refused to go to church to increase the weight of the offering bag 4 ya own benefit. Money is gotten off the computer and u know that, so whats your plan dude. Better stop bro or-els the machete can, yah yah yes I can cut ya. Panga nyale, inaiweza. Tuende kwao usiku tuwakate kwani makanisa yakomangapi na pasi ni nini, kebi was had uttering such hate words.
Tires of car are made using ngurumadum as askari nguru or sewer water put in a container then many salivate on it or urinate on the container sides and boom there they are formed bro.
yep dude
Check the following of this tumblr name companymoto
U can delete cause its referral bro of the above tumblr a/c, the nelsonmornde tumblr got nothing bro, what u gonna delete, stop nonsense dude
Minachekanin misichana asking kebi, kwani ngono ilikuwa tamu/ilibamba usiku.
Kebi ochwere mamit gi-rumba, nene eeya. Omit gi magdalin, okia akia. Magdalin ni mit gi kebi, onyalo ywak okia akiya, donge saying cliffton.
The Tz like NEC that makes the head small as the 4head or the sony tv from Tanzania is made using mwanda cut head from the rest of the body. Mfalme of the truth to cement Christ sayings, antelope or Gazelle, the govt on his shoulder in Jeremiah 9. Ecclesiastic as well to cement trut, yell bro.
The link below show progress in making plane in Burundi and Tz by help of kebi and bandwagon
Hakuna mema amejua, anajua tu kuchola saba and kutowa kilio nyakati ya ngono. Michinga sana huyo kipusa minaj na kebi chake. Nothing constructive she knows but to give in to sex and grabbing some1 like a spider, infidelity and giving into cry when it reaches sex time
Amefurahi sana, anacheka na pua mbali si mdomo, pua mocha yenye inakuangalia inakuwa pana that ilechingine. Anacheka na “bath lake” huyo kipusa asusho ni kama kwamba plan chake yamefaulu ama- ameshinda dunia. Think twice dude. Wadwamer kaye, tunataka kuswim yaani kupiga mbizi, wadwakwang goyo abal eyo. Wachamaneno blow!!!
I have come to hate white men me Delanu, click the link below 4 more
After so much suffering or intense suffering trying to know women or people origin, benefit of hope, when you see a woman’s picture you see the kid character or behavior bro and that’s why some people refute other women instantly or accept some. Don’t make people scape goats bro but comprehend as understand dude.
Can you withdraw or hack the a/c I have followed if so let me know so I hang myself and u officiate then as make them yours dude and jokes dude. Click the down link 4 more
When you get money off carry1st and belittle some1 down to the ground without 2nd thought or turning back, people visualize a coffin next door or next to ya or people see some1 carrying a rod or bar following you to depict bad character bro.
The plane and cars in the below link is TZ made or check their songs, so white people whats ya problemo
Na they are looking 4 opporchunde rather opportunity to give me names that am this and that to give me the guilt of wanting to hang myself. Yet those tribes does silly things and they want to associate me to such bro yet we got the mothers request in Mathew as the DNA factor bro. And Spain has now taken the mantle, they change as the 3 CD changer to be upfront in frustrating some1 dude. Click the down link 4 more dude.
They took all the vast lands like 3-4 tribes, the Germans, English, spain etc, even migrated to chase some tribes off the lands like in Australia and USA and then occupy those lands along time dude, they must go back to their own lands which was the promised land which is Canaan as Canada. Worker and vineyard parable to cement de trut bro. Click the link below 4 more
Play the below game folks to earn
Even on the belt of a car that the alternator rest on can move the car when in a free state by taking a powerful drill and incorporating the mouth of the same alternator on the drill to rotate the belt to turn the gears on the engine to move the car again. Click the below links 4 more dudes
Gas cylinder 4 the plane without opening but u measure the weight to see how much gas is left and the weight-meter can be on the dashboard. It replaces the ones with opening to refill which can burst and make ya plane fall but once empty its scrap and you buy a new 1 al2gether. Click the link below
Money changer machine into small denominations can be a new way to get money where it takes like 2% of the money to be changed, the machine can be placed around like the telephone booth in secure locations with bullet proof glass as the touch screen bro.
Listen to the lyrics on the links below, kebi when fat ft AY
Kebi could not stop crying, saying ‘Nathi x3 nyimi be mit chalo ng’ama ng’udho olawi kiwhoudho as in if you are ejaculating, sperm gido mandi nyalwa‘ and that was the cry fellows.
4 future planed cities commuter service let every major road be dug from so that there is a big tunnel 4 train below like in Minneapolis they can put a slab up 4 the road while the down tunnel like which is now road becomes a space 4 train to curb unforeseen population rise which brings about traffic snarl up in major urban areas of the world as googled by Mr Mondel
Click the links below 4 more dudes
Baba aligi ma homa beyi wacho nyithindwa “An tinde ahelo nyithindo ma nyili konyo mohing’o mayawhuoyi“ The reason behind it is that, when the have eaten mfenesi fruit their booty kinda fit the skirt, flabby as pong’o long, mako skirt ta as earlier described by Kebi and thats precisely the reason bro, pangang’a of the highest degree/caliber.
If u see people hard on u, sometimes they are cannibals they want to lynch u and eat ya bro. Take heed dude
The paints as well are made in a pool like structure with cotton wool or porridge without sugar or lemon or the offering put a container and many people piss, salivate, pour out cold water unto the sacrifice or the container wall and boom the paint you wanna.
If you connect 2 or more computer to see 1 thing as mouse, keyboard ot monitor brings about heavy rain as much as big rainfall. Serious dude, no jokes and dont lough. Utensils as ceramics are made as well this way with the cotton as offering or any hardware gadgets as much as some made using fingerlings or fish or ngweni in luya as the metallic pipe holders. Timber products as chip board as well or carpet, friends anything u ask Mr Devil of bro- King of the jew to cement truth or sewage water poured unto the offering or sewage products in a pool u urinate or piss unto as hurl feces many people unto the sewage product after being pump from ya toilet dude.
Check the following of this tumblr name companyrights
U can delete cause its referral bro of the above tumblr a/c, the nelsonmornde tumblr got nothing bro, what u gonna delete, stop nonsense dude
Now they have reduced the price 4 scrap metal as in they want extra-cash to bribe again the bigwigs in the Eu, now the price is 10 bob per kg yet they take the same to factory at 50 bobi. When all the loopholes of pride have been eliminated they resort to wanting to eat peoples food by force or the above exploiting the poor who know not bro liaising with Russia dude. Eu see what Russia is doing bro, funding crime in Africa with masai as the peculiar tribe. Wanywakoni wadwatieki, poki yie, wadwapimo kodi wajamani. The masai blooded people character is out of hand bro!! Bad character, big time!! Wanting to eat by force in yahouse, panga nyale bro…
Coca cola drinks are corpse put in huge tanks then people spit saliva on top or urinate on the container sides or on wild sunflower as landana in swahili or water mixed with human plasma and u do the same.
With petroleum u can even use normal water on big water tanks the fire above with a gun and boom diesel, shoot at the container edge touching the ground then boom kerosene or shoot direct into the container sides if bullet proof petroleum. Which either way dude same to other brands like fanta with orange juice.
Aero planes should be made this way in case the alternator burns the generator switches up. Click the link below 4 more
The root of David found in revelation 5 was the name of the machine explained in nelsonmornde tumblr a/c, check it out dude or click the link below, it was a machine used to locate Gold that was named after King David to commemorate him
When you have suffered 4 long and find happiness in small things, u can even throw a billion dollar away, nothing tangible turns u on provided u got a shelter to put ya head not and food to eat and can afford the basic necessities, folks you kick them like a nike yo.
With camera in place that as well hinders the solder petty theft so in the morning turn all his anger to some1, beating him up yet the camera is on. Stop this stupidity bro.
With solar car can work all yr through in tropical lands but in winter cant work so the white folks wanted to come to Africa having this in mind if the oil gets depleted but the invention of electric car made them rude they can still do and made Germany to be 4give or get by with their character as they were the inventor but with the combustion chamber tied to a powerful drill it as well eliminate the need 4 electric or the Ae technology described in davidomolo tumblr when cut and connect to the charging point as well bridge the deficit between whites man pride and coloureds and thats the problem bro even if they take a flight away to another world the world dont stop but still moves on bro
If the jew family are hiding saying other tribes are jew so they are not got when the worse happens then the best now is to tell the hindu to back off, jew family like Zebulan- Bulgeria or dan-lithuania or Levi- Latvia coz the other tribes have followed suit like Joseph- france, Gad-Rusia, Naftali-Itally or Spain the isachar in Genesis 49. Jeshuran the levi as as well in Deuteronomy 33. Click the link below 4 more
Once these nation have started producing gadgets in their own names like kankata cars or the latest Ethiopian phones then we wanna know the white-man hard character and we as a people we are banking on that 4 good.
Listen to played yesterday country music from the UK, Kansas, Montana, Arkansas, Texas or Wyoming states, just google 4 example country music radio stations in Ks. Click the link below 4 more dude
Stop the burning thing dude get this straight bro
When u have defeated them and still hard, u now see a panga held by no-one like wanting to cut on the neck of those people signifying their hardness or their soon death. Sometimes u see the hard to listen people in casket as an imagery bro. Sometimes u see the hard to seduce women but wanting big money looking up being fucked by the people who have pestered them 4 long, people they want not bro like Minaj and Robinson showing them that time is of the essence 4 them to give in bro.
Sometimes u visualize many women coming together to the bride smiling/laughing or one after one jumping unto the bridegroom with her 2 legs unto the mans pubic part bro. Siriasi bro. This signify the parable of the ten virgins where the oil has been finished by what kebi and friends have discussed in diagram at length bro like AE found in davidomolo tumblr search dude
Or sometimes u see one who spoils the love being chased rapidly with one carrying a panga to showcase that jealousy is long over-due.
Go to hell Many Mr white man, why didnt you put the gadgets u claim to have made in credit so many people buy to eliminate hate and jealousy. Friends that will be the question on that day nothing else like i they had it, it robbed our dignity and kept many from worshiping You Mr Lord.
Swiftair-safe air travel at your comfort
Comredshotel- another world class service is right here
Gamblers paradise- comreds casino
Nelson and bandwagon co- new heights new inventions
Owner of think twice magazine and comreds newspaper- Digest/read it as your own pace
Owner of where did you take the booty, To whom to Girl, to curb infidelity in Marriages.
Mamze voke ni wazimu swears frank, vitu amefanya jo utters deno wa madish. One man guitor/band. Unaona magede wanachora saba, women with barnabas to cement de trut bro. Wanna cut his finger the gateman liasing with WSU wichita eti anataka do na kunaproof ya finger print katika sedgwick county jail. Jeff Ester stop this shit, chorea mtu wa mine, voke hataki hiyo doo. Kwani whats the hick up/problemo.
After you dig the pool like structure with offering in place like chaff, cotton wool or corpse u kinda drink dirty road water but dont swallow and sprinkle to the offering and boom electronic gadgets are made even on the wall of the container bro
With big machines like tanker, trelas, ammunition, factory unit like big cylinders u sprinkle dirty water the same on the roof top of big company container like even with jets and hospital machines, computer etc You can even Beth with it many people outside the container to make the same bro, this process even makes bullet train and yachts as big ships bro by taking a shower on it many people on the dock with offering like reeds/slipper rubber floating on water just adjacently dude.
In the end to people who get internet money but still heavily laden in jealousy and hate- hating others 4 no apparent reason you see some1 with a bag hurling it but still in his hands on one side of the face to hit the 1 eye kinda. The people who follow Piki piki CGI, one eye kinda gonna develop cancer stop dude, everything got repercussion bro, king of the jew to bring out reality bro and Malachi 4 as well
The feces mixed with its urine gives something dude when put in a container either u urinate, spit saliva or hurl mafi unto the container that contain the mixture
Cow dung gives you copper or petrol when u urinate, artificial petrol ap known as unleaded bro
Goat feces gives ya Gold or Artificial diesel
Sheep feces gives you paraffin/kerosene or Nickel
Human corpse (rotten) gives ya paraffin when u urinate on the container sides, diesel when u hurl feces many people unto the container and petrol when u piss unto the container side, pour cold water or shout slogans together. When u laugh it gives you grease or the break fluid or toilet cleaner as harpic etc
The many yellow mangoes in African markets are used to make many eggs in the container under the same procedure above.
Get money online bro by simply playing ya game dude
The Hindu makes bulk of their money in Africa this way as much as Russia claiming to have huge oil deposits unexploited yet to delude the people never thinking the people will know this hidden treasure truth bro. Fuck that and damn it dude!!!!
My tumblr name is thebandwagons
Minaj saying to nelson, will u lick my ass hole, nelsonretorting- hell no!!! Minaj, if u dont i will leave ya definately, Nelson, sure Nikki, Minaj- yep, no doubt, Nelson- fuck that minaj, damn it girl!!!
The shooting in the usa recently is to eliminate kids with bad blood but in pretense esp kisii, luo where they organize coz their aint no camera, to shoot them from behind using the purported survived students where many whom have been short unto the head 1 is said to have committed the crime and shot himself as a scape goat or one is shot away from the classroom to officiate the fact that he ran away after have done the shooting and shot himself b4 the corps come. Them they kill bad blood but here in Africa the want the bad blood to spread, friends see how absurd is that dude!!
The white people in Africa most got the bad blood of being lazy and not proactive, so the purpose is to make such suffer as instant walking so that they give up in life and such are converted to gold when they die under the same procedure of making gold in a container where many urinates on the container sides bro. When they have suffered in Africa and kinda, u want to engage them in a quarrel when they walk u see kinda a Gold scalp walking like the world cup trophy to bring pity so u leave them alone as a black man who got white blood under the same circumstances at a glance kinda u see a white man then it diffuse and thats how white- man see that and the reason 4 investigating such.
When you put the car free position like the gear when u connect ist combustion chamber to a powerful drill or grinder it moves the car. worker parable to cement the truth as much as motor bike timing chain. Click the link below 4 more
The small drill u connect to the combustion chamber on the small gear and it moves the piki piki- king of the jew to bring reality. Motor bikes without a chain should be introduced as much as bicycles to allow what is described in tumblr upgradecreditors to easily take shape. Search bro by David omolo.
You can identify where a sewer line passes within town or estate the place ya plastic/mobile/iron sheet toilet for public to get money, can never collapse as people visit toilets daily or take shower frequently. Click the link below 4 more a new business opportunity dude
Your Gold wont help ya at that time coz world wide we have known how its made so its value will be useless to explain the bible further bro.
The same way they treat kebi is the same way they killed or assassinated the civil rights leader 4 no apparent reason, this is to bring reality dude the likes of malcom x or martin luother. Frustrating people who want to come up or got idea that can help society then give them names dat they are this and that bro.
Now they are refuting that i still have the Gold i had thrown away, what do you want bro? A person is needed when he got money but now i got none, leave kebi alone dude- mfalme wa yawhodi to cement trut or you can see things, now see where i had thrown it in which pit latrine and get it, is dat what you want dude or come to my house and locate it using a gold locator machine like the police with the Gun locator machine. Click the link below 4 more
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/trickevin Check tumblr name trickevin 4 my pal/friend bro https://www.tumblr.com/blog/florenceandgeorgemodifamily The immediate up link/url tumblr name is florenceandgeorgemodifamily, u can search on both frontier You can google as well whats URL/link means if you dont know folks to stop disturbance https://florenceandgeorgemodifamily.tumblr.com/https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/nelsonbotomsiepa My tumblr account name is nelsonmornde, tumblr search bro
A friend omolo in Netherlands has connected his bike where is written bmc put the wood cut with his own mind and connected it to the front gear with a chain to the small gear while the wood cutter is being runned by a motor bike battery tied to a 1000watts inverter while its charging being done by the bike dynamo rubbing itself on the rear wheel connected to a power solar charger controller and he is going dude. CLICK the links below 4 more
Msee ni mchafu/lil/dirty, lil bowowyney. Click the below links 4 more
The memory chip gets into ya mind confusing ya, i think they can make the memory chip the size of the bank card or like the DSTv decoder card as well as the new stereo what they should sell us are the speakers as the radio part we can find somewhere. Like in the link below
The Dstv has over 40 million active subscription worldwide and the cheapest bouquet is $30 and this how Germany and the uk still finds its economy. Each nation or region should come with theirs as the internet servers as well as the decoder technology are made like wise in a container where the sacrifice can be cotton wool, chaff or Groundnuts where from outside you pour cold water, blow charcoal, piss or urinate unto the container sides and boom their it is bro. Easy does it dude. Calculate roughly how much they part with bro as well a china. This are we must block dude!!
The link below shows how people can be identified and along the pulse rate no can be the ssn or the ID no.
A land of copper as well shows that the bible was written bro, Now they are making them and burring them or they did that b4- King of the jew to cement de trut bro. click the link below 4 more as Copper is made with red guava, red groundnuts, chicken intestine put in a container then many sing a song or breaks a lough or urinate/piss/salivate on the sides of the container then boom the copper coins/wires or utensils bro
The above are all lies dude to show proof that the book was written bro. What do you want dude!!!
Phontana telling mum “voke ni mchafu, ni mtu mfyan, ni nare, ni sugu“ anamaliza walami mtu mchafu ni mtu clever and rearing to go. Mimi nitamgong’a huyo austin nikimpata nadem wa mine, haki ya God “Nitamgong’a huyo austin wa malindi“ Kebi was cought up insinuating dat.
Now they want the pasword to a tumblr a/c i have followed, how absurd is that bro, A tumblr a/c i just met, i know not to the point of being wild wid me dude. Check my following bro
Click the link below 4 more to guide ya
Now let them leave me a lone to put a tatoo to bar me from any job or political post, dont steal my property which i wanna sell to do dat and start me again dat i want the same yet that is the remedy between me and ya.
The post of some1 on my wall got his name and my post got my tumblr name dude and thats de difference.
Check my following to see all my friends i have followed, Malachi 4 to cement de trut, Christ wid little children as well bro.
Opiyo whoyi mok nyier, nyiero mana ekitanda samaolo go tieno as per the wife.
Kebi telling her mum along time ‘Mama amanyo nyako malong opongo sindane kata sikat thikagimayiech, sikat omako sianda ne taa, orido wajameni emamola‘ He was saying such in a voice like some1 is about to give him something but still playing dude.
High bank rates are due to the quick response of Rightmanagement, Bank should reduce their rates even upto below10% to move people away from Rightmanagement which is the core pillar to German development bro.
This the new security to ya door, it replaces the padlock/key system and its more durable, reliable and hard to break into- where thieves and moth break into as Jesus said in Mathew and you can google bro. Click the link below 4 more
The Green Kenyan notes are made using garbage (drumhead) under the same procedures explained in other tumblr name within the links i have provided, the red notes are made out of kitungu or strawberry as much of these vegetables/fruits are grown in central Kenya. Drum major instint sermon to cement the truth and u can google it dude.
I just had to throw my 37 grams Gold into a pit latrine because mostly the boda boda men were on my neck at my insecure house and many women as kids croped in and to me it was a nuisance so i had to discard the Jewell one for that and two to show the world i the beginning i was not 4 cash, i hate women/people/kids who cant work 4 themselves but look at good things from some1 even they belittle bro and i have learnt to leave a simple life, aint going nowhere but am here with you. It show that i can leave in any sphere bro and am rearing to go folks and same the money i claim the WSU Wichita owe me i can burn with acid in the banking oil in a container or hurl to people outside, so the people should facilitate that money to be given to me, either i do the above or if they stop their absurdities i put it somewhere like in a hotel as an investment or open rightmanagement subsidiary like Upgrade creditors where u pay the premium 4 10 years at the rate of 10%.
We can use the machines in the link below to identify some1 esp in the bank, schools, institutions, entering points and even embassy along other gadgets like pulse rate watches. Click the link below 4 more
Swaling takes place in a mosque not in the house- mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth. Click the link below 4 more
They fear this, the stone from nowhere seen on satellite can crush ATL cause his sermons makes the bible irrelevant so they want to turn the attention to another town that the writing aint Kings Writing bro
The name is below dudes, tumblr search brow
People steal ya things which are hard to buy, u dont have enaf cash but they need that money, kinda u wanna throw it away but hunger thinking come knocking, what am do folks. By4orce i love u baby love, u cant listen to ya music once a day coz that stereo was stolen bro, u r this and that tribe and its force and we got the DNA with ya mother which u have done and letting them know earlier she aint ya biological mother but forcing bro. People kid disturb u day night but they still give birth, u telling them all the loopholes of kenya or usa, u cant delete my things on tumblr if i change password which i know not but still know the pass-code, kids who wants good life from ya in that area yet u r the poorest who they gossip at heart. This are the realities that makes one to want to strangle himself bro, desist from this.
Whites wanted to curb African with internet or oil drills which they dont know how to make, this makes African government to respect them coz oil moves the world interms of mobility with machines but right now we got a new technology where at the combustion chamber of each car if u tie a powerful drill/grinder with qualified engineers mind it move the car to the point the speedometer moves and their it is the white-mans worry or diminishing respect and thats the problem with us right-now dude. What else can we say, Nothing.
Click the links below and get a taste to listen to these soothing songs along time release.
Now here is the lover of my life
Listen to sophy square song bro
Click the links above blow cold air in dark and the gadgets are made in a container or show ya beside teeth many people. Blow bubbles like kids with small pipes to make balloons many people dude.
my tumblr friend name is thewandetes tumblr search or click the link below where both can do
If i die today or strangle me will u know the password to all the links i have provided or log into all the a/c bro or know the emails i have guessed bro and make them yours or delete them. Want do u want?
yep bro, tumblr search ngiresfamily to get their posts which well i have followed as well or click the link/url below
If u know not the meaning of a link/url the u r free to google to find its meaning bro. Anthoga pod dum chak and thats my shortcaming as women insinuates oka doom suya mar sweet marach mar yesu kaniguro. Luya/sweet as sweet is hustle not easy come easy go.
Now the hindu and the white are saying they r getting people off hell fire like with Nebucadneza the good is if every1 can afford all the luxary maybe via credit then it eliminates going to hell 4 everybody who owns the same. U go if u own it alone and thats not ya job mark u wasungu.
Arigidipapa with Austintheyoungsnitch
Lazarus was in the tomb and at that time there was no formalin, so he was waited to raise him up with a formalin injection as there is another mirth that some1 who transfigured to Lazarus image was killed outside and Lazarus was kidnapped or their was a big tunnel to the tomb that let the real Lazarus in to puzzle the people so Christ was arrested in that they were coercing him to let them know how formalin is made and he said is made with sewer water or corpse put into a large container then many spit saliva on top of the offering or urinate on the container sides and boom the formalin which if injected in2 some1 then prayers made he walks again bro and thats the mirth dude. Lost coin parable to cement the truth.
Dead people will walk after a formalin injection has been done and friends will welcome or talk to them. The dust on the floor of filthy mortuary in Africa which aint cleaned everyday to maintain cleanliness.
Those who are alive went to visit the tomb to siphon money from the dead as they were perceived to have valuables as jewels but when kebi via internet tell them of computer ill gotten money they heard his voice and aborted the whole act bro. The rightmanagement cash which is either gotten from 2goinvoice or carry1st- google them bro. Good neighbor parable to cement reality. Mr Pastors whats ya want, do what u wanna, take that gun put unto my head and threat me as u wanna pull the trigger or give me a slap or with my legs carry me upside down and hurl me from lofty high and me injured but nothings gonna change, dats de whole trut bro
De same way u have learnt to make gadgets is the same way we are making them, so whats ya suprimacy Mr African. Kaka iloso aloso, vile mnatengenesha twatengenesa, so shida ni nini? Whats the hoot bro!!!
Click this song link to cement the trut of the below phrase
Moses was retarded and a mongloid, so the burning bush sory was just made with perforating as making holes with a drill on the water/gas pipes made in a circular pattern or running straight hidden from the ground then set on fire like a gas and in the middle it was omitted like 5 meters then the awhoja/loud speaker put in a metallic enclosure same with made holes 4 the voice to be heard. It was like 50 pipes with holes as per relevant sources, so 1 was talking to moses at Onding not God, Get this straight fellows. Malachi 4 to cement de trut bro and Jeremiah 9 the same folks, speaker with worker parable as well dudes. All the miracles were magic or how kebi and friends explain like how gadgets or food are made.
Ajab wheat flour is cattle from the slaughter brain made the same way as coke soda and sprite or krest or Ginger soda is made the same way as coke but with sprit is urine on the container then many spit saliva unto the mixture in the dark, with the others is that fruit name and u do the same as with sprite. Differential pricing of planted food and made food, cant be of the same price dude. Govt should intervene. Bitter lemon is lemon juice then the above is done bro, Atl or NY u see crumbling/falling, this is the corner stone of their stay in North America market bro.
Dead sea drying at the rate of 1 m per yr, let them take like 50 but 30 cm wide water pipes with pumps mounted on timers to alternate to prevent overheating that brings burning up from artic circle or Mediterranean sea to bridge the gap and it should be a ruteen bro stop bothering people with scripts bro.
Carry1st is china, if you put a coin on the palm of ya hand u see it, online money is a blessing in disguise to teach the world of the dirty dubious ways of trusted people or nation and in that they can turn to liquid cash which again we have know how it is made easily, 4 us to look 4 a feasible way as mobile money where any1 can monitor the latest transaction of money from which bank by knowing the last digits like the 4 last by any1 by just imputing his id no or ssn to curb money malpractices.
when you visualize it u see hell door being lowered 4 you when you meditate. Charging a 24 v wet cell using the starter and the battery system. Click the link below 4 more as well how they are connected 2 charge the wet cell
Today’s standard news Kenya shows part of the malindi death money and the price of petty theft around bro. The post cars on the front page dude.
My firm will give people loans from 10, 000 to 100, 000 but payable 4 20 years at the rate of 5 % per anum. The beauty you can pay per day, weekly or monthly via mobile money or bank card. Like with $ 100 you pay a dime daily at that rate as well applies to $1000. The name as suggested by colleagues will be UpgradefinancialServices. Keep watch bro, to empower people with low income capability.
You will be left alone like a flag post left on top of a mountaintop bro in this link below
My emails others i used to open up tumblr a/c with are nelsonasni and modivincent or nelson2monde10 both at gmail.com, check 4 my particular under following page of the tumblr a/c to get into these accounts bro. stop many words.
The teachers of the law all came on the plane including the or pharisees. The present day kisumu court is where Christ was taken 4 answering ten proceeded to Nebuchadnezzar palace but after his demise at onding. Dont say i didn’t warn you bro- fire, lighter, setter etc
Now you see the dead horse, put in the mouth of the tractor used to scoop things on the road and then lift them unto a lorry 4 example. To signal defeat bro or buy from Malaysia as it has defeated them or show how Malaysia made their gadgets out of to as well finish their price so you buy from ya nation.
Using food to make gadgets takes ya to hell fire as well as tructor coz its made using big logs, stones, crocodile and its illegal in the bible to cut trees 4 such, any gadget made out of this got that feeling bro
I have not taken shower 4 one week now, the only thing i do is to wipe my ass clean and change innerpant, its cold dude and i hope u understand bro. Click the lin below 4 more
The magic stick dat changed into a snake with moses pharaoh visit was a transfiguring man spirit into the rod which moses threw in a dark big container and transfigured to snake, if pharaoh wanted to thwart moses then he ought to have short the snake b4 again it transformed into a person. Lost coin parable to cement de trut bro.
https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/skyhighmonde https://www.tumblr.com/blog/wekasasa https://www.tumblr.com/blog/signupbrother
open ya tumblr and click the links above to open in the new tab.
My baby my Girlfriend not kid in the USA, English differ bro  
Click the links below and see how if the machines below are connected to the timing chain of a vehicle it moves the car fitting the motor in the combustion of that car section or plane or boat or motor bike etc https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=917&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTEC5Y6nlBqf4twVzYEOSYWukyKfQ%3A1572263157103&sa=1&ei=9dS2XYf7BcaKatHIkIgO&q=photos+of+metal+drill+machine&oq=photos+of+metal+drill+machine&gs_l=img.3…7517.9699..10069…0.0..0.313.2086.2-6j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img.9ggn8TCr6uM&ved=0ahUKEwjHyePX8L7lAhVGhRoKHVEkBOEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=917&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTTDTi8Epy0Y901k5_9Fmtohs95RA%3A1572263169771&sa=1&ei=AdW2Xf7gLvWQ1fAPj8KJkAw&q=photos+of+metal+grinder+machine&oq=photos+of+metal+grinder+machine&gs_l=img.3…118304.119942..121176…0.0..0.301.1854.2-6j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img.b48ySCE4wjU&ved=0ahUKEwi-5ejd8L7lAhV1SBUIHQ9hAsIQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=917&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRGw72yL2L8FileFJhg_YLiDGrvQg%3A1572263292951&sa=1&ei=fNW2XbDUOdHuxgP5_7zACg&q=photos+of+a+car+startor+mounted+on+the+engine&oq=photos+of+a+car+startor+mounted+on+the+engine&gs_l=img.3…8744.23124..23863…0.0..0.561.10828.2-25j7j2j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i24j0i30.nxt7cR9Kjsw&ved=0ahUKEwiwgseY8b7lAhVRt3EKHfk_D6gQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=917&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSsU0Qdnr3nmq-tNEtljsBp7WjvdQ%3A1572263318492&sa=1&ei=ltW2XZbfHdKIaYzPsNAE&q=photos+of+a+car+timing+chain+from+the+combustion+section&oq=photos+of+a+car+timing+chain+from+the+combustion+section&gs_l=img.3…26065.38005..38745…0.0..0.566.12457.2-20j18j1j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img.PVyw_JNIs50&ved=0ahUKEwiWgt6k8b7lAhVSRBoKHYwnDEoQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 The car starter as well produces power if rotated and you can mount it on a whirlybird to produce power bro Yesternight kbi was crying “minaj kinda you have taken the genes of the pussy of your mother, your pussy sweet” and Nancy “Nikamakwamba umechukuwa senye cha mama chako, tamu” He could stop the cry as he cried helplessly bro. To Mochanda and Magalin “chakkagimikao thel minu, theli mit nduko to ndukle, wajameni nifanye nini, nisaidiane wamama” Click the link below 4 more https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=917&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTrHH0d2SOu2lkJWdvIoMCIJIeRJA%3A1572263358591&sa=1&ei=vtW2XcPjI_yJ1fAPm-26yAM&q=photos+of+amini+bread+making+machine&oq=photos+of+amini+bread+making+machine&gs_l=img.3…282194.288581..288905…0.0..0.344.6459.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0j0i10i24.G50BozVfhaU&ved=0ahUKEwjDuu238b7lAhX8RBUIHZu2DjkQ4dUDCAc&uact=5   https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=917&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSpH3Hvv4TmUBuOGs_rqY2NhlUN4g%3A1572263649693&sa=1&ei=4da2XYSDKuiV1fAP25-hiAg&q=photos+of+amini+cake+making+machine&oq=photos+of+amini+cake+making+machine&gs_l=img.3…28728.34180..34456…0.0..0.375.4780.2-18j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img.LtJsbm6MWrs&ved=0ahUKEwjE99TC8r7lAhXoShUIHdtPCIEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5   https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=917&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTOtbUYoDkVrhKRS4y5P-P4Ix-dGw%3A1572263686450&sa=1&ei=Bte2XaaYG6yKlwTssZCIBQ&q=photos+of+amini+poshomill&oq=photos+of+amini+poshomill&gs_l=img.3…7248.9085..9845…0.0..0.381.2425.2-8j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img.XOE6ke_rD1U&ved=0ahUKEwims5jU8r7lAhUsxYUKHewYBFEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 Skipy x2, skipy the bush Kangaroo- this guide you bro and i wonder and say go march in it song as go to a nation they frustrate you but dont get out soon, walk into it while skipy tells you learn to lift people out a problem or situation always and the whites need to get out of Australia, be jumpy jumpy in ya deeds and boom you make it, never be straight 4ward bro. Wasee munajuwa binarex2 song takes me high dude.  Loss mar pi, the water tank option to be used in temperate lands during summer bro- guiding light bro. Sinse kuku ya kienyeji are used to make money the government should collect all of them and keep inventory to thwart such bro even of other nations as well. It should be a law dude also to stop illicit traders from making of illegal money.
The link below show the step down step up transformer that can perform the same duty as the welding machine https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNS4JqrUwnY9zqpuJqAlOAc6TIB_0A:1572327572957&q=images+of+step+down+step+up+transformer+120v-240v&tbm=isch&source=univ&sxsrf=ACYBGNS4JqrUwnY9zqpuJqAlOAc6TIB_0A:1572327572957&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRmtPT4MDlAhURO8AKHSbiBpcQsAR6BAgJEAE&biw=1280&bih=881   https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=photos+showing+how+to+connect+2+or+more+step+down+step+up+transformer+120v-240v   You connect two solar panels like 37 volts each to give ya 74 volts in maximum sunlight then channel it to the step up section as 120 v inlet then gives you 150 volts and you can have another step down/up transformer in case the sunlight intensity decreases to bring up a power surge you add it unto it on the outlet of the 1st step up transformer to up the power again and even you can have up-to 3 such transformers but need to be connected with a qualified electrician. You can incorporate a voltmeter to show you the power surge and instead of another step up you can use a battery back up 4 the computer bro. Can old tape decoders be transformed into CD player to up their utility by removing the tape section and fixing the cd gadget like the cd writer inside. They brought good mood and sense into the surrounding. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=photos+showing+old+cassette+decorders+vhs   https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQWJwgWmL8Ll7aUIGOhPGiqOD3i1A:1572328280714&q=photos+showing+old+vhs+recorders&tbm=isch&source=univ&sxsrf=ACYBGNQWJwgWmL8Ll7aUIGOhPGiqOD3i1A:1572328280714&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjFsZGl48DlAhVgQ0EAHWerDZUQsAR6BAgJEAE&biw=1280&bih=881  
how power is produced bro
The link below show the step down step up transformer that can perform the same duty as the welding machine https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNS4JqrUwnY9zqpuJqAlOAc6TIB_0A:1572327572957&q=images+of+step+down+step+up+transformer+120v-240v&tbm=isch&source=univ&sxsrf=ACYBGNS4JqrUwnY9zqpuJqAlOAc6TIB_0A:1572327572957&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRmtPT4MDlAhURO8AKHSbiBpcQsAR6BAgJEAE&biw=1280&bih=881   https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=photos+showing+how+to+connect+2+or+more+step+down+step+up+transformer+120v-240v   You connect two solar panels like 37 volts each to give ya 74 volts in maximum sunlight then channel it to the step up section as 120 v inlet then gives you 150 volts and you can have another step down/up transformer in case the sunlight intensity decreases to bring up a power surge you add it unto it on the outlet of the 1st step up transformer to up the power again and even you can have up-to 3 such transformers but need to be connected with a qualified electrician. You can incorporate a voltmeter to show you the power surge and instead of another step up you can use a battery back up 4 the computer bro. Can old tape decoders be transformed into CD player to up their utility by removing the tape section and fixing the cd gadget like the cd writer inside. They brought good mood and sense into the surrounding. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=photos+showing+old+cassette+decorders+vhs   https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQWJwgWmL8Ll7aUIGOhPGiqOD3i1A:1572328280714&q=photos+showing+old+vhs+recorders&tbm=isch&source=univ&sxsrf=ACYBGNQWJwgWmL8Ll7aUIGOhPGiqOD3i1A:1572328280714&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjFsZGl48DlAhVgQ0EAHWerDZUQsAR6BAgJEAE&biw=1280&bih=881   https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQkKWkaOP1JxlpuKNKF2s3zwtktOQ%3A1572328286815&sa=1&ei=XtO3XcmvMbTJgwfkrqnoBQ&q=photos+showing+old+vhs+recorders+indside+parts&oq=photos+showing+old+vhs+recorders+indside+parts&gs_l=img.3…91461.100022..100562…0.0..1.304.3626.2-12j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img.JimsWpTL4c0&ved=0ahUKEwjJ1oWo48DlAhW05OAKHWRXCl0Q4dUDCAc&uact=5 You can cut the wires that leads to the shinny cylindrical gadget that the tape rest on to produce pictures  to make one, suggestion by Mr Barack. Click the link below 4 the shinny surface pictures https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQkKWkaOP1JxlpuKNKF2s3zwtktOQ%3A1572328286815&sa=1&ei=XtO3XcmvMbTJgwfkrqnoBQ&q=photos+showing+old+vhs+recorders+indside+parts&oq=photos+showing+old+vhs+recorders+indside+parts&gs_l=img.3…91461.100022..100562…0.0..1.304.3626.2-12j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img.JimsWpTL4c0&ved=0ahUKEwjJ1oWo48DlAhW05OAKHWRXCl0Q4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=X5BbT8Q-KQ3o7M: The same step down/up transformer in the above link can be connected to a car alternator mounted on a whirlybird or mounted on the end of the mouth of a water pump while the motor part is removed, still produce power to light ya house or mounted on the car starter.  Click the links below 4 more https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTXrkwZAq8UIgU1fkPduNQnApvVMA:1572328670247&q=photos+of+whirly+bird&tbm=isch&source=univ&sxsrf=ACYBGNTXrkwZAq8UIgU1fkPduNQnApvVMA:1572328670247&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwidzfDe5MDlAhUWilwKHZz7CmgQsAR6BAgJEAE&biw=1280&bih=881 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQCGfOL7FtsmaMLwsO1U6zAEtZp-Q%3A1572328674475&sa=1&ei=4tS3XebYHIG7gweq2Km4AQ&q=photos+of+a+car+alternator&oq=photos+of+a+car+alternator&gs_l=img.3…34249.38442..38929…0.0..0.259.3820.2-16……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0j0i24j0i30.QO2a9tIa8Ic&ved=0ahUKEwjm0fLg5MDlAhWB3eAKHSpsChcQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQrY5eDMsd3kOqJQVJeAIWzNf88nw%3A1572328715445&sa=1&ei=C9W3XfDoGtCX1fAPvfWM2A0&q=photos+of+a+car+starter&oq=photos+of+a+car+starter&gs_l=img.3…10821.12215..13198…0.0..0.271.1732.2-7……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.UspX3P1wO-0&ved=0ahUKEwiwmrf05MDlAhXQSxUIHb06A9sQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSZ75xfKXHTG4cWeB2h1eClj8_2fA%3A1572328731093&sa=1&ei=G9W3XaKtBYuS1fAP85-esAY&q=photos+of+a+water+pump+parts&oq=photos+of+a+water+pump+parts&gs_l=img.3…32994.41888..42740…0.0..0.520.4947.2-13j3j0j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i24.W2jKzFbyK8Y&ved=0ahUKEwjipvL75MDlAhULSRUIHfOPB2YQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 Wireless camera that you can view what is happening captured by ya camera on ya phone in a measured radius and still connect it to ya laptop or computer tv to help curb home far from home away theft, organised bank theft or school system or any job as well as ATM. Click the link below 4 more https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQR8c-X24k_ry-sto4hgzgNaa2BrA%3A1572328775926&sa=1&ei=R9W3Xf6ZOP6U1fAP6IWqiAo&q=photos+of+a+a+wireless+camera&oq=photos+of+a+a+wireless+camera&gs_l=img.3…66928.74387..75031…1.0..0.372.5249.2-14j5……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0j0i24.Bz_weGiuID8&ved=0ahUKEwi-2aKR5cDlAhV-ShUIHeiCCqEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5   The same technology can be used to make a system the pulls/push the trigger 4 example of a revolver gun to shot the intruder under the same camera position like a safe in ya house has been broken into and in ya phone you are seeing the incumbent bro. Click the link below 4 more https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ_-roCB2yRhfKyTGosmuSnM8bfTQ:1572329145718&q=photos+of+a+wireless+camera+sold+by+safaricom&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwim_8zB5sDlAhUNUhUIHSNTDI8QBQhLKAA&biw=1280&bih=881&dpr=1#imgrc=yzHHsDL7Boc5_M:   Maturity knocks, anyone who came your way or close to you is two folded bro, his bad character or good tells you something in ya life, teaches you of the unknown character of people like them and how to tuckle such misfortunes in life. Dont be quick to rebuke, forget and forgive and move on, sometimes after long you come to appreciate you met that bad character the somehow equipped you for the better. Within something bad there is something good and vice-versa bro Chicago women warn Michel Robinson, i will slap her with a rungu, or i will skin her with a machete. Joluo warn her likes ablopade gi-rungu.People with small compacted ears got utility, the head chopped out and used to make mini-wifi cd changer that sometimes directs you bro. Mostly they are looked down upon and waiting 4 this when the time is due as much as tall people skinny powerful people with crane/forklift. They got a price tag on their forehead. Dont blame them fellows.Solar bulbs and the DC part of any gadget can remove the risk of a step-down/step up transformer but to use the alternator or solar direct unto the gadget the only place you use an ac in electric kettle, fridge, iron box, toaster  which many lucks.Sweet potatoes many put inside a dark container like tanks then sperm hurl from outside or salivated upon as well as urinated makes grenades bro. This electric fan of the house can as well be mounted on a whirlybird to still produce power to power your house or business premise. Click the link below 4 more bro, it as well produces power when rotated as well as motor bike starter. The bicycle one as well produces power but weak one dude https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRnmhEP7TmJR-Uh7s_tcQKU–Arvw%3A1572329160906&sa=1&ei=yNa3Xfr2NuTDxgPJ7oe4CQ&q=photos+of+metalic+electric+fan+put+on+top+of+the+roof&oq=photos+of+metalic+electric+fan+put+on+top+of+the+roof&gs_l=img.3…736769.767892..769072…0.0..0.294.12175.2-48……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0j0i24.tSpi0QAK3qk&ved=0ahUKEwj6-uvI5sDlAhXkoXEKHUn3AZcQ4dUDCAc&uact=5   https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR_b90fXyZl43FqQGIiYKN9ZZ0jPQ%3A1572329970481&sa=1&ei=8tm3XcH-HJyJ1fAP4t2e2AQ&q=photos+of+a+motor+bike+starter&oq=photos+of+a+motor+bike+starter&gs_l=img.3…50267.59999..61194…0.0..0.454.6061.2-21j1j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i7i30j0i5i30j35i39j0i30.psssU33nLaw&ved=0ahUKEwjBv_DK6cDlAhWcRBUIHeKuB0sQ4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=nu9f1j0Ohht7LM: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTYEfpyp83Rv3hJ3VkS47mpPNCMEw%3A1572330034213&sa=1&ei=Mtq3XYPaDL-W1fAP0Lag0A0&q=photos+of+bycycle+dinamore&oq=photos+of+bycycle+dinamore&gs_l=img.3…32976.41868..42953…0.0..0.415.4547.2-14j2j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i8i30j0i8i10i30j0i10i24.J4yxiNsbb-w&ved=0ahUKEwiDu6Lp6cDlAhU_SxUIHVAbCNoQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=881&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTYEfpyp83Rv3hJ3VkS47mpPNCMEw%3A1572330034213&sa=1&ei=Mtq3XYPaDL-W1fAP0Lag0A0&q=photos+of+bycycle+dinamore&oq=photos+of+bycycle+dinamore&gs_l=img.3…32976.41868..42953…0.0..0.415.4547.2-14j2j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i8i30j0i8i10i30j0i10i24.J4yxiNsbb-w&ved=0ahUKEwiDu6Lp6cDlAhU_SxUIHVAbCNoQ4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=41NzNL9U9y3ZHM:
The alternator of a car like a trellar can be replaced 4 a lorry and put 2 in a two way manner facing each other, where you make holes using a drill of the sides of the gear the belt rests on (V-belt pulley). The lorry one charges a 24 volts battery thus powerful that 4 a small car which produces 80 volts when rotated 1st to charge a 12 v battery system thus the lorry one produces twice when rotated 1st bro at 160 volts. Click the link below 4 more
Make holes on the v-belt pulley part facing each other and fixed it perfectly connecting the maching wires together with a gadget that allows electric current not to turn back into one or another alternator to be burnt as the people who transfigure does, the conect the + & - terminals to burn the alternator using a metal or a wire. If one burns still you got the other like in a plane or carry a gasolin Generator inside the plane that switches automatically incase of such or incorporate solar panels on top of the plane to do the same. Click the link below dude
Question is where is the fuel in the solar powered engine, plane uses siren gas to fly when heated period, so the solar heat the coil which instead hit the gas in its cylinder then cold airblow to fly as lithium in water to cement the truth, instead of rotating siren gas moves up in that enclosed cylinder bro.
Adrian scooby doo we are going to see, scoooooooby doooooo baby
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back.
0 notes
usedboltsoftware · 4 years
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
click the links below 4 more information dude https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/7682439?hl=en https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=steps+on+how+to+recover+your+gmail+account https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=steps+on+how+to+recover+your+yahoo+account So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!! https://www.tumblr.com/search/mrmonde https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondewords https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondesky You can tumblr search nelsonbotomsiepa or chalmerslynnmonde and still find my post bro https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondetheko Artificial tea spoils the teeth very fast, so if u mind of ya teeth, go to the firm and buy plucked tea leaves u r seeing, then dry it up b4 grinding and then make ya tea as well as any fruit, or food. Goat parable to cement the truth as well as eggs, go when the chicken is laying the eggs when you are seeing- Malachi four to as well cement the truth bro. Inquire first to want madly someone who wants to strangle himself women. There is a fighting spirit among people out of the explanation on the bible hypocrisy. People are looking 4 what to follow, even grown ups bro, people wanna put up a fight with each other. They champion high population as much as squeezing people in Africa yet them they got vast lands to increase the liquidity ratio as cash flow for them to benefit out of many small business opened as you pay 4 life if right management extend credit to ya which many operate their business with in Africa dude. Mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth bro. If the land around lake Victoria sinks then the water will rush to fill the rift valley which has the tea and white lands as cereal thus will destroy those lands & central and Eastern province will to a great percentage survive so Tea will thrive there making it scars as the bread basket has been destroyed so will be priced much high in world price to benefit the people to be in a good position world wide to cement the truth the jew will rise somehow if it happens and the G-5 wants that coz most of the wife to Jacob and Esau had from far kikuyouth blood. King of the jew to cement the truth esp the made servants MS. Small accessories like phone, Radios, watches or TV are made with offering like khart/mira, grass, matawi/leaves, hide, fruits as well as seeds, mafi are put in an enclosure like big suit case, water tank, super drum, wooden or metal or plastic boxes, fridges, oven, cookers, plastic/metallic toilets, big dust bin within the pool like structure in the dark, then a group of people urinate, piss, salivate, spit saliva, hurl shit unto the container from outside to form gadgets like the latest phones, Tv, Radio etc The watch in the link below can be used to curb theft at schools, institutions, jobs, banks, airport etc https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTpcMD3_eFu-m2eXnmBnAINAQWnJA:1571639303166&q=images+of+new+pulse+rate+reader+risk+watch&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNTpcMD3_eFu-m2eXnmBnAINAQWnJA:1571639303166&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiviYXT3KzlAhUm-YUKHeDeAcgQsAR6BAgFEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 Now the have stolen enough both in all E.A countries and now Mr Putin is coming to collect his share without shame bro, Petty theft in others business or houses or pocket ugondi dude. Buy gadgets made out of boiled maize, has less side effects dude. Scrap metal can reduce if the welded windows and doors can be made in factory as this will reduce the no of small cut metal pieces folks pick to take to the vendor. You can use old car alternator, lorries, buses, trucks as they are durable not china made that gets burn easily to even fix on your aero-plane period. Click the link below 4 more, Identify such and buy the alternator https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=910&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSlsqoABHcGOeIx959bv2jsgxIs_Q%3A1571639625123&sa=1&ei=SVGtXbqdB47eapfukrAK&q=old+lorries+of+50s&oq=old+lorries+of+50s&gs_l=img.3…10053.11749..12591…0.0..0.198.1357.0j7……0….1..gws-wiz-img.14tvD2uPg2w&ved=0ahUKEwj65cfs3azlAhUOrxoKHRe3BKYQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=910&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRT-CDNeHKcvaxT76XCkHf7dGMaFA%3A1571639306824&sa=1&ei=ClCtXaPmMcecgQb91oq4Dg&q=old+trucks+of+50s&oq=old+trucks+of+50s&gs_l=img.3…306556.316046..316564…0.0..0.271.3377.0j11j6……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i131j0i131i67j0i8i30j0i24.wdSpBcse6Ig&ved=0ahUKEwijk-TU3KzlAhVHTsAKHX2rAucQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 Yawhoyi go Jim, Yawhoyi oyiech, korgi opong malich, ewacho nichokene are too heavy to osiepe ne thindo thindo to ginemonego ni giting’o sanduku mare. yawhoyo oyiech mar ting’o sanduku ni machiengi- giseneno tho ni bwana. Gim opong mokwach wawhoyi. Open ya linkedin and click the link below to open in a new tab bro https://www.linkedin.com/in/monde-underwood-446650196/detail/recent-activity/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gJNYbChFuw search [email protected] and [email protected] using the you-tube link above to get my white woman post bro. Water pump mouth link below where you remove the motor part and fix an alternater maybe after incorporating gears to run fast like the head of a sewing machine to produce power bro, or maybe a water tank put up high to rotate the same then pumped back to the very tank to continue the cycle bro. https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ_lCBANccITZpFtw8ZiNvzH5zC8g:1571739846883&q=parts+of+a+water+pump&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtwoKa06_lAhVEExoKHVjCD7cQsAR6BAgDEAE&biw=1280&bih=913 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNREyXJQN4mb0x-YCQlVom5Y3M-x0w%3A1571739859126&sa=1&ei=09iuXferB46VlwTVqq7IDA&q=water+tank+photos&oq=water+tank+photos&gs_l=img.3..0.25507.31095..31760…0.0..0.825.8211.3-4j8j4j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0i5i30j0i24.-qldOogjlnk&ved=0ahUKEwi34e2f06_lAhWOyoUKHVWVC8kQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrdtZyiJ_kSUklR8DHpiPpA_o8mg%3A1571739925810&sa=1&ei=FdmuXeGOMae_lwSBrJaIDg&q=photos+ofsewing+machine&oq=photos+ofsewing+machine&gs_l=img.3…6374.9739..10290…0.0..0.499.5336.3-11j3……0….1..gws-wiz-img.OSfaXAZcE7U&ved=0ahUKEwih7dO_06_lAhWn34UKHQGWBeEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrdtZyiJ_kSUklR8DHpiPpA_o8mg%3A1571739925810&sa=1&ei=FdmuXeGOMae_lwSBrJaIDg&q=photos+ofsewing+machine&oq=photos+ofsewing+machine&gs_l=img.3…6374.9739..10290…0.0..0.499.5336.3-11j3……0….1..gws-wiz-img.OSfaXAZcE7U&ved=0ahUKEwih7dO_06_lAhWn34UKHQGWBeEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=-rOlVcjwDvyY6M: https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQwem4NetIz8aupd0BcmwzuU4U3vQ%3A1571739937505&sa=1&ei=IdmuXcuxHrDBlwSsrZrIDw&q=photos+of+dish+decorder&oq=photos+of+dish+decorder&gs_l=img.3…46009.51789..52921…0.0..0.502.5422.3-9j4j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0j0i24.LETy_TR8j-k&ved=0ahUKEwiLxp3F06_lAhWw4IUKHayWBvkQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNT5YiAKp11T4YZWJEy3QfW_vYmGZg%3A1571740052142&sa=1&ei=lNmuXaatCMXwaP7zv-gO&q=photos+of+cylinrrical+air+conditioner+put+on+roof+tops&oq=photos+of+cylinrrical+air+conditioner+put+on+roof+tops&gs_l=img.3…11670.15908..16930…0.0..0.577.4712.2-1j7j2j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img.OFbvVV_KA1E&ved=0ahUKEwimx_L706_lAhVFOBoKHf75D-0Q4dUDCAc&uact=5 The link above just shows how a new solar panel should look like described by Mr monde or the cylindrical airconditioner type to eliminate monotomy bro. Artificial Salt AS is made out of maize/mahindi mbichi, christ with little children, where you grind it like in a posho mill pm them put it as sacrifice on the pool like structure then hurl saliva, sperm, sewer water unto it and boom there is the salt, cotton wool can do this as well. Check this emails on tumblr, linkedin that i had used to open such, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Magdalin wacha pangang’a utters Adriano martinez, kama unataka kupea kebi senye, mpe mala moja atiye, delanu, hapana, atwange, haha, seth akute vitu mtu wangu. Baado anakumind sana. Nasema wacha fitina mag- am shouting.
You are jew, this & that, moses maybe jesus, well, its so good but where will it take you bro, u got to reduce the population more that going to church. How will it help ya, so people have mercy at you or what? Or eating in others house or getting a taste of their food. This is silly, resort to hard work bro or it will call 4 a panga if the police are as well into it bro. Read malachi 4 to cement the truth or Robing God in. Click the link below 4 more
Now you see the cable like structure has already been rolled by the people i talked to much about this shit always 2 folks, the wire has been rolled out completely and the horse/farasi is lying beside the road with blood oozing out his nose maybe speared or cut by panga. Fara/naive/timid, rasta fara, symbolized as leave them alone they have joined bad. Eat far away, rusia is the supreme culprint, moses walking at night hitting the ground with his stick though dead to symbolic, oil from down, white people are fara, God dont see anything at night, kill kikuyu kill a luo you wont be taken anywhere. He was green, choni, Portuguese blooded. Stick, they love sex, inveter with ling wire use, sex they loved, enock was taken to heaven coz he was making big things so let the devil make what you have drawn period.
Click the link below 4 more
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
You can tumblr search nelsonbotomsiepa or chalmerslynnmonde and still find my post bro
An ehelo thuthan ma mombashane, kililis mbolo chako goyo ni thup thup thup nyadidek owadwa. Mitu kitanda-awhoyo.
We can use the pressure lamp pump technology to run a propeller like whirlybird when made big or insert a magnet on a stater comp of a motor bike and rotate it with that gas to produce power. Click the down link 4 more
How to check on twitter others profile using the email option. Click the link below dude
Mochanda thex kodi mit, thex na wewe sweet, thex wid u thamu x3. Kebi could not stop that ritort at night as he was giving it to her again and again bro. Ni thamu x3, Nithamu sana.If you use gadgets made out of food stuff like cereals yet there is hunger everywhere it takes you to hell and infact the EU has found solution of the Ae technology of how to power future gadgets so making oil redundant so has gone to Nigeria, Louisiana and Iran from below and dug the hole through and believe me you me the oil is falling unto the outer space. They hate people who pride themselves without looking beyond the nose and same mrmonde has blocked all his a/c and brought the solar way which any1 can make which has angered them and you can see Rusia in Africa issues not 4 friendship but to thwart it. They like being praised and to lead the parade period but this time round we wanna tackle them. If you partake mwarubaine leave as chew or put a coin in the palm of ya hand, you see this bro
If country like japan dont wanna open their shop to curb counterfeit goods then let every country that produce the same give us their online shopping address like in Kenya they got kilimall or jumuia and u can google online shopping 4 every nation to get that and shop online to avoid the same.
The Sub-woofer system in the link below is made in an enclosed container but with Hyde, papyrus reeds or soft wood where many spit saliva or urinate on the container sides to form such bro.
Cake guides ya in everything if taken, like if u eat the soft 1, it tells ya not to drink dry liquor or mix it with anything apart from coke soda bro, Its a guiding light. Big planes, Trains are made in a dug pool like basement where sewer water is sprinkle or cold water or blow hot charcoal while walking to form such but the offering in the pool is many cut human penises or big log of wood or big fishes or the chameleon family reptiles like monitor lizard bro and boom the aero-plane
check the stereo in the link above, must buy 4 my nikiminaj swears kebi
The link below represents type of buses that should be adopted to replace the 14 seater bus in African small cities.
check the stereo in the link above, must buy 4 my nikiminaj swears kebi
If i get that booty girl, i swear, u will be calling out 4 my name or calling out 4 me not as murmuring but screaming or shouting and i guarantee that girl
Mochanda thex kodi mit, thex na wewe sweet, thex wid u thamu x3. Kebi could not stop that ritort at night as he was giving it to her again and again bro. Ni thamu x3, Nithamu sana.If you use gadgets made out of food stuff like cereals yet there is hunger everywhere it takes you to hell and infact the EU has found solution of the Ae technology of how to power future gadgets so making oil redundant so has gone to Nigeria, Louisiana and Iran from below and dug the hole through and believe me you me the oil is falling unto the outer space. They hate people who pride themselves without looking beyond the nose and same mrmonde has blocked all his a/c and brought the solar way which any1 can make which has angered them and you can see Rusia in Africa issues not 4 friendship but to thwart it. They like being praised and to lead the parade period but this time round we wanna tackle them. If you partake mwarubaine leave as chew or put a coin in the palm of ya hand, you see this bro
click the links below 4 more information dude https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/7682439?hl=en https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=steps+on+how+to+recover+your+gmail+account https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=steps+on+how+to+recover+your+yahoo+account So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!! https://www.tumblr.com/search/mrmonde https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondewords https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondesky You can tumblr search nelsonbotomsiepa or chalmerslynnmonde and still find my post bro https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondetheko Artificial tea spoils the teeth very fast, so if u mind of ya teeth, go to the firm and buy plucked tea leaves u r seeing, then dry it up b4 grinding and then make ya tea as well as any fruit, or food. Goat parable to cement the truth as well as eggs, go when the chicken is laying the eggs when you are seeing- Malachi four to as well cement the truth bro. Inquire first to want madly someone who wants to strangle himself women. There is a fighting spirit among people out of the explanation on the bible hypocrisy. People are looking 4 what to follow, even grown ups bro, people wanna put up a fight with each other. They champion high population as much as squeezing people in Africa yet them they got vast lands to increase the liquidity ratio as cash flow for them to benefit out of many small business opened as you pay 4 life if right management extend credit to ya which many operate their business with in Africa dude. Mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth bro. If the land around lake Victoria sinks then the water will rush to fill the rift valley which has the tea and white lands as cereal thus will destroy those lands & central and Eastern province will to a great percentage survive so Tea will thrive there making it scars as the bread basket has been destroyed so will be priced much high in world price to benefit the people to be in a good position world wide to cement the truth the jew will rise somehow if it happens and the G-5 wants that coz most of the wife to Jacob and Esau had from far kikuyouth blood. King of the jew to cement the truth esp the made servants MS. Small accessories like phone, Radios, watches or TV are made with offering like khart/mira, grass, matawi/leaves, hide, fruits as well as seeds, mafi are put in an enclosure like big suit case, water tank, super drum, wooden or metal or plastic boxes, fridges, oven, cookers, plastic/metallic toilets, big dust bin within the pool like structure in the dark, then a group of people urinate, piss, salivate, spit saliva, hurl shit unto the container from outside to form gadgets like the latest phones, Tv, Radio etc The watch in the link below can be used to curb theft at schools, institutions, jobs, banks, airport etc https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTpcMD3_eFu-m2eXnmBnAINAQWnJA:1571639303166&q=images+of+new+pulse+rate+reader+risk+watch&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNTpcMD3_eFu-m2eXnmBnAINAQWnJA:1571639303166&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiviYXT3KzlAhUm-YUKHeDeAcgQsAR6BAgFEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 Now the have stolen enough both in all E.A countries and now Mr Putin is coming to collect his share without shame bro, Petty theft in others business or houses or pocket ugondi dude. Buy gadgets made out of boiled maize, has less side effects dude. Scrap metal can reduce if the welded windows and doors can be made in factory as this will reduce the no of small cut metal pieces folks pick to take to the vendor. You can use old car alternator, lorries, buses, trucks as they are durable not china made that gets burn easily to even fix on your aero-plane period. Click the link below 4 more, Identify such and buy the alternator https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=910&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSlsqoABHcGOeIx959bv2jsgxIs_Q%3A1571639625123&sa=1&ei=SVGtXbqdB47eapfukrAK&q=old+lorries+of+50s&oq=old+lorries+of+50s&gs_l=img.3…10053.11749..12591…0.0..0.198.1357.0j7……0….1..gws-wiz-img.14tvD2uPg2w&ved=0ahUKEwj65cfs3azlAhUOrxoKHRe3BKYQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=910&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRT-CDNeHKcvaxT76XCkHf7dGMaFA%3A1571639306824&sa=1&ei=ClCtXaPmMcecgQb91oq4Dg&q=old+trucks+of+50s&oq=old+trucks+of+50s&gs_l=img.3…306556.316046..316564…0.0..0.271.3377.0j11j6……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i131j0i131i67j0i8i30j0i24.wdSpBcse6Ig&ved=0ahUKEwijk-TU3KzlAhVHTsAKHX2rAucQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 Yawhoyi go Jim, Yawhoyi oyiech, korgi opong malich, ewacho nichokene are too heavy to osiepe ne thindo thindo to ginemonego ni giting’o sanduku mare. yawhoyo oyiech mar ting’o sanduku ni machiengi- giseneno tho ni bwana. Gim opong mokwach wawhoyi. Open ya linkedin and click the link below to open in a new tab bro https://www.linkedin.com/in/monde-underwood-446650196/detail/recent-activity/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gJNYbChFuw search [email protected] and [email protected] using the you-tube link above to get my white woman post bro. Water pump mouth link below where you remove the motor part and fix an alternater maybe after incorporating gears to run fast like the head of a sewing machine to produce power bro, or maybe a water tank put up high to rotate the same then pumped back to the very tank to continue the cycle bro. https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ_lCBANccITZpFtw8ZiNvzH5zC8g:1571739846883&q=parts+of+a+water+pump&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtwoKa06_lAhVEExoKHVjCD7cQsAR6BAgDEAE&biw=1280&bih=913 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNREyXJQN4mb0x-YCQlVom5Y3M-x0w%3A1571739859126&sa=1&ei=09iuXferB46VlwTVqq7IDA&q=water+tank+photos&oq=water+tank+photos&gs_l=img.3..0.25507.31095..31760…0.0..0.825.8211.3-4j8j4j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0i5i30j0i24.-qldOogjlnk&ved=0ahUKEwi34e2f06_lAhWOyoUKHVWVC8kQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrdtZyiJ_kSUklR8DHpiPpA_o8mg%3A1571739925810&sa=1&ei=FdmuXeGOMae_lwSBrJaIDg&q=photos+ofsewing+machine&oq=photos+ofsewing+machine&gs_l=img.3…6374.9739..10290…0.0..0.499.5336.3-11j3……0….1..gws-wiz-img.OSfaXAZcE7U&ved=0ahUKEwih7dO_06_lAhWn34UKHQGWBeEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrdtZyiJ_kSUklR8DHpiPpA_o8mg%3A1571739925810&sa=1&ei=FdmuXeGOMae_lwSBrJaIDg&q=photos+ofsewing+machine&oq=photos+ofsewing+machine&gs_l=img.3…6374.9739..10290…0.0..0.499.5336.3-11j3……0….1..gws-wiz-img.OSfaXAZcE7U&ved=0ahUKEwih7dO_06_lAhWn34UKHQGWBeEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=-rOlVcjwDvyY6M: https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQwem4NetIz8aupd0BcmwzuU4U3vQ%3A1571739937505&sa=1&ei=IdmuXcuxHrDBlwSsrZrIDw&q=photos+of+dish+decorder&oq=photos+of+dish+decorder&gs_l=img.3…46009.51789..52921…0.0..0.502.5422.3-9j4j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0j0i24.LETy_TR8j-k&ved=0ahUKEwiLxp3F06_lAhWw4IUKHayWBvkQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNT5YiAKp11T4YZWJEy3QfW_vYmGZg%3A1571740052142&sa=1&ei=lNmuXaatCMXwaP7zv-gO&q=photos+of+cylinrrical+air+conditioner+put+on+roof+tops&oq=photos+of+cylinrrical+air+conditioner+put+on+roof+tops&gs_l=img.3…11670.15908..16930…0.0..0.577.4712.2-1j7j2j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img.OFbvVV_KA1E&ved=0ahUKEwimx_L706_lAhVFOBoKHf75D-0Q4dUDCAc&uact=5 The link above just shows how a new solar panel should look like described by Mr monde or the cylindrical airconditioner type to eliminate monotomy bro. Artificial Salt AS is made out of maize/mahindi mbichi, christ with little children, where you grind it like in a posho mill pm them put it as sacrifice on the pool like structure then hurl saliva, sperm, sewer water unto it and boom there is the salt, cotton wool can do this as well. Check this emails on tumblr, linkedin that i had used to open such, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Mochanda thex kodi mit, thex na wewe sweet, thex wid u thamu x3. Kebi could not stop that ritort at night as he was giving it to her again and again bro. Ni thamu x3, Nithamu sana. If you use gadgets made out of food stuff like cereals yet there is hunger everywhere it takes you to hell and infact the EU has found solution of the Ae technology of how to power future gadgets so making oil redundant so has gone to Nigeria and Iran from below and dug the hole through and believe me you me the oil is falling unto the outter space. They hate people who pride themselves without looking beyond the nose and same mrmonde has blocked all his a/c and brought the solar way which any1 can make which has angered them and you can see Rusia in Africa issues not 4 friendship but to thwart it. They like being praised and to lead the parade period but this time round we wanna tackle them. If you partake mwarubaine leave as chew or put a coin in the palm of ya hand, you see this bro.
hawa wasichana ni wangu na wanataka kuninyang’anya bwana, peter crying hahhaaa, fanyakitu bro
Money esp are made as well using cow dung put in like a big plastic conteiner then you urinate unto it on the container well or just directly on the sport where you salivate or urinate unto the dung and boom there is the coin 4 every nation you like and thats why the luo, Kikuyu, kisii, masai and Nigerians are eger to get to Eu or America coz they have known the same. So can get rich quickly bro. And all the direct flights to EU or America to facilitate the same bro
Get the names and check on ya Facebook 4 more
It was made that way, the greenman told the Germans and the britons and the jew as the italians, Rusians and japan the technology 1st s that their character is known and it matches which african tribe, 4 the the guilt to be removed and stop widespread marriage and spread of that Gin. French are luyas as indonesia blood, Rusians are Tanganyika, fulani or Kamba blooded, Hindu are luo blooded as well as britons, Italians and japanis are kauma, Portuguese are choni. Its a blessing in disguise and any tribe is good in their own once they have learnt automation. The burden is the luo who are involved in following others like with soccer angering other Eu nations like Rusia who also want to be praised so also investigates through their legue as much as Germany. This infiltrates jealousy so many whites love people who praise them the next morning and its a gimmick with the luo to make the whites think 4 them to be praised all african tribes must have that blood so they do this and that to bring people here to spread that gene bro. Like loop oil make fake coin cash, being jew/Egyptian thing and thats the whole drama.
Go to montana or kansas or Wyoming with few blacks dude if you wanna be therehttp://worldpopulationreview.com/states/black-population-by-state/
EMAIL company or of the social medias to avoid impersonation as you can open email in ones name new or one which you know but he had signed out or deleted of service, 4 malice as you can comment on youtbe or send malicious email to put the fellow in problemo.
Click the links below
Mbona hammuoni mtu na chakula na mnataka kukula kwa nyumba cha mtu hata kuleta vita naye by force. Eti mnataka watuwaachane nanyi, swali nyeti kwani mna nini wenzangu? Uwizi bro!!! Wacha bwana, kufa kifo chako!!!
My email for 1 of my a/c is [email protected] and password is kebikasle but it was closed so click next until you see the pattern or [email protected] like wise with these code. click the link below dude
The alternator should be protected as shield on a wire mesh so no intruder who transform gets into it to cut the wires bro or should be put under strong light with camera to be monitor by the pilot in case of intruder, siren gas to be blow to avoid plane fall/crush.
The plane fall is out of fake alternator which is changed with the dubious engineers during the plane repair, they should be 2-3 that if one burns up or is cut the plane don’t fall like the silver stone Ethiopian made plane fall at Wilson airport in Nairobi.
whoyi ma mande tech ta, motimo nd'adhu, maka-nyathi manyako oneno duong ne wacho, to ma ang'o ni, mand mimulo toyie bwana
Australia is the fight bro, they dont wanna take austrians and swedish back to their lands as well as other SA tribes, Aborigins were from present Egypt. They were relocated. The french, Germans and British just take big lands and want to squeez people here in small nations in Africa saying its 2nd bigest yet North America is much bigger than africa to dwindle the whole story. Ruto stop going abroad to plot violence as organise hooliganism among the motor bike rider and to meet women and what to steal. Sasa tingisha kichwa ya kukampein bro!!!
Italy will have swag as Christ was from their, so they went to babylonding to arrest jesus in Gem at Nebuchadnezzar place, he was crucified on the right side hills when you are heading to gem akala- worker & vineyard parable to cement the truth. Rusia killed christ thinking he was luo blooded and wanted to know if they had known how to make gadgets as well as luya or what they will do as much as itallians. The Rusians are guilty the got the tz kamba blood, Germans, Dutch got guyana blood, britain got luo blood guilt yet pride themselves as good. This is due to some pretence of character when they were under slavery of some goodness in them as they wanted to go back- tafadhali. Rusia took a big land to upset naftali as they loved spacious things as nafasi yet if you go to rome everything is squeezed to puzzle the whole truth. Or Rusia will say they got that best land for unforseen future 4 the benefit of all of the jew tribes. At that time itallians never knew to make sophisticated ammunition but right now they know including all nations of EU now forging alliance with the very very jew for their own interest making rusia to fear. Thats the story bro!!!
People will see Rusia as croocked out of the oil gotten from below but its put in a 2goinvoice a/c which every nation in Eu access which is the guilt when oil is depleted or other sources crop in like charged or solar car as well as AE. They changed the jew thing to kikuyou to tell them later how gadgets are made like Rusia to N-KOREA to force a defeat to puzzle the bible truth yet they know better as they can head to new world/planet and leave the earth in deep shit bro or kill the kenyans in war to take tea lands 4 their own benefit bro.
Christ came to onding with many others via ship b4 being arrested to spread the gospel within Nebucadneza kingdom. The guard came to arrest him to upset itallians as they were saying they were joking with him as telling the people in wilderness how gadgets are made to defaet them period bro. The railway station in ksm is where mary and magdalin mary at that time were while the tomb was situated at tychus nyangah in milimani place, behind there was a made booster like structure incase quakes happen and the lake victoria water rush out, out of land slide to destroy other lands like tea lands they rush to climb it as well as the soldiers were behind the tomb bro. In a nutshell they wanted to destroy the tea lands as tea if sold world wide the profits are too huge if the local people dont know how to make artificial tea but the good thing they know now.
Take normal wire lay binding tape on table bit by bit and musk that wires horizontally without cutting it and make your 50-100 metres wire 4 the invator b4 you wine it again somewhere. Google the link below fellows
What i have put here bro as write is also found in another tumblr link i have provided, so if you delete it or access it, i still have it in 2-4 tumblr a/c, how do you get things bro!!!
They even collect copper wire, brass plates and alluminium wire from the cartel but the cartel dont know about it well and sell them abroad like in N-Americah or Europe for 1000% profit bro, they dont sell them in kg but in tonnes dude. They even target planes or ships as cruise and transport them to Europe, William ruto even sell them in Europe like Austria with even the presidents jet bro. See, unsrupulous business men. Copper wire are made out of traditional chicken matumbo/intestine as lost coin parable another version to cement the truth and alluminium human being intestine, brass plate cattle hide dude. Kisii in minesota as well are known in this lucrative business bro.
The mothers request and the promises to the 12 sons and who is the mother is what is angering other tribes who share the same mother and thats the problemo. Italians met Kebi at tuskys supermarket at KFC and told him they have learnt how to make big ammunition and whats the fear if ya brother has became a wild Dog so they wanna say Christ existed among them coz many of them can land in hell. They were weak now strong and got alliances so what will kenyans say about their being Jew or Egyptian. Will they accept and relent or be turf headed. We wanna see bro who will win, its shear stupidity bro and fuck that dude. Naftali are kauma as well as japanis and now shame bro as much as Rusians and Britons. Click the links below 4 more data!!!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tabhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblrhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
S.A should also build their own fence to stop women from disrespecting poor handsamu people as they tell them secretly to find their way to sa to rob to please their wants.
The padlock security as googled should not have the key opening and the one stuck hole where the upper shinny loop roles on to open the locked padlock should not be fixed but just the same with the other side where each day or evening you cut it with a wireless grinder chargeable or with wire from a nearby socket outlet. So the upper parts which are serialized can be bought at an extra cost in the shops or hardware. This serial allows you to find if it was tampered with but with normal padlocks you can use along if you wanna dude.
Just continue saying gadgets are not made yet am seeing progress from every nation what they have made as i have reached them in youtube or via email. You would rather try to find out what they have made and you have not bro.
With electric timer you can open it and locate with a volt meter its transformer wire outlet to use dc power and connect it to the battery that powers the same inverter bro.
Germany invaded Poland, china should also do that to India so they stop their absurdities.
The gate-man in many places in town in those premises they guard have made keys on a soap or by scanning, snap shot and making the same their by at night all sex in those business premises for an extra- cash liaising with the managers.
The link below show the parts of a padlock dude click and get the upper part that should be bought in shops called the shank/shackle
Final destination movie one shows you exactly what can happen to you if you get money off the 2goinvoice via the certificate or bolt or in rights.com then you lie to others its handwork. Click the link below dude
The jew, Egyptian thing that its East Africa was in place if oil is finished with another method like AE, coz no-matter how much you worship God the truth is oil is finished and its 90% of your Economy so you must resort to lies or theft or slow down as reduce the population. Worshiping God wont transform a country like saudi or Naigeria into an highland got to do something bro. Worshipping of God is easy when your land is very fertile like Rwand, kisii, cameroon, tz, ethiopia or Congo but when dry like Nigeria better look 4 another way to feed ya stomach even if it means killing yaself- king of jew to cement the truth. Many africa nations had it in pray to find oil like Nigeria so they are not left behind, but the irony is the same same oil has been rendered useless by solar or chargeable cars which are just about to hit the market. So what you gonna do bro!!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
0 notes
usedboltsoftware · 4 years
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tabhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblrhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.  
Click the down link 4 more friends
The cabin of a tuk tuk the green one can be used as a safe for keeping money bro, the door can be used as well in the thick plate tied made safe bro. Save money live large.
If you are involved in infidelity it gives spirit if the sex is done anywhere, people belittle ya, its removed in story house or gorofa, Road to emaus with Christ or goat & sheep parable to cement the truth. Rich-man and Lazarus parable, I got five brothers bro.
The link below shows water tank mounted on a metalic case which your safe with Gas tank 4 a truck can be modified.
Yep you dont want people to see the women in Youtube, well, so good but how will you win them yet you got less money and all ya plan have been blocked or they know like rights.com, 2goinvoice.com, organised petty theft of even making a duplicate key and the Ae technology at Mrmonde in the turmblr has beebn dis-enabled. Grown ups stop this crazy stuff as well they have learnt automation as you. So how will you win them. Dignitaries are even playing Betting making them broke early b4 the month ends, paying people should be weekly to avoid this shit, you can never be broke dude, b4 you are broke it gets in, lost coin and little lids with Christ bro. Can bring peace into the world bro.
Glutton people are always glad as happy as the luo or masai by jumping jumping bro, lazarus was gluton bro.
Yesternight kebi couldnt resist chanting this phrase “Moch nyimi mit atwenya like ad-inifitum Ehh ehh ehh like some1 has cut his back with machete so 1 is nursing the wounds“
Am hawaian and hawai people got either toro or gaya blood, most men are prostitute lover as malaya and love medication as yath, matusi, ayanyi or trees, wach/words lovers.
The jet dat changes side are made with enough dough in a big container, where the dough is shot from all sides with bullets, or u shower the dough with bullets and boom the rotatory jet is formed bro
The green-man brought all men into the new reached planet earth, the bible used many parts are borrowed from planet mars and Mercury where people were from. The people who came to earth were white men whom saw themselves not hard or exploited in 1 way or another as in they were discriminated coz they had other bloods like of Africans, Hindu etc. The same applies to Arabs of different nations they are in, what make Arabs different is dat they have different blood of other Africa tribes like Egyptians got madi blood, Oman got tz or Ethiopian blood, Kuwait toro blood, Bahrain got Eritrea blood etc, Same to Brazilians got kisii blood most, paraguay got madi/luya blood and even many African tribes got mostly the East African tribe blood, In East Africa is were majority of the people who infected other tribes were brought, but most Ugandan, Malawi or Mozambique tribes are still pure, did not intermarry still with other tribes here on earth and there in other planets. Get it straight jo, welding plates are made with mafi, so many sell their mafi or even corpse as maiti where many bury their dead so making it scarce, its not India where they criminate and take some parts or whites who exhume from the grave. Siren gas as well can be made from hay put in a container but they got no red volcanic soil to make de same which is within reach of many but hay can be controlled by govt, so precisely why temperate land are the best land. Any tom, hurry and dick in Africa can make siren gas with flash flood water to annihilate many and thats was the white man fear and left tropical land 4 temperate lands, get this fellows
If it was a normal person, i could have grabbed him by the scarf on his neck and match him on his tip toe or put up a fight wid him, if he wants the password i have explained i cut and guessed email address but seems, kinda, they aint normal but abnormal bro
Where did you take the booty woman, to whom to to curb infidelity in mariages
Owner of pullout journal or think twice magazine, read/digest it at your pace
owner of comreds casino, the gamblers paradise
owner of swift air, safe air travel at your comfort
Owner of comreds Hotel, Another world class service is here with you
Nelson And the bandwagon, New Heights New Innovations
You snap shot from the computer screen, if the comp u r using at the local cyber got no dat app then proceed to another.
The more red and acidic the soil is, the more stronger the siren gas and its the 1 found in central kenya or around mt Cameroon, and precisely why the whites entertain these people
The old type of cars or even kaki clothes are made out of dough under the same procedures described above.
Kwani are u caressing kebi ass hole after him taking a shit, why associate him with fece smell, whats wrong bro?
Digital tot machine 4 ya bar, click the link below 4 more drunker
To facilitate “We are geared towards servicing the rich/keeping their legacy“ us bank has incorporated a digital clock outside the bank door 4 u not to be locked out as rich people are time conscious, the difference between them with the poor. Click de link below
Inside the bag wid john the baptist after the step up gives ya 200 v then channel it to this mini 400  welding machine as this will electrocute u more when u touch the shoe lace just like with electric blanket bro. Click the link below 4 more
If kebi gonna infect ya wid dat disease, he must 1st have it which he doesnt have, when taken to hospital to test all contagious diseases he got none, folks ‘’what do u want with him”
Maasai prides themselves in dat they got de national park, the animals can not wear a gas mask but people can. I mean 1 can kill all the animals so they got nothing to pride themselves with bro, they want from ya but not from their side dude. Click the link below 4 more
Where did you take the booty woman, to whom to to curb infidelity in mariages
Owner of pullout journal or think twice magazine, read/digest it at your pace
owner of comreds casino, the gamblers paradise
owner of swift air, safe air travel at your comfort
Owner of comreds Hotel, Another world class service is here with you
Nelson And the bandwagon, New Heights New Innovations
You snap shot from the computer screen, if the comp u r using at the local cyber got no dat app then proceed to another.
The more red and acidic the soil is, the more stronger the siren gas and its the 1 found in central kenya or around mt Cameroon, and precisely why the whites entertain these people
The old type of cars or even kaki clothes are made out of dough under the same procedures described above.
Kwani are u caressing kebi ass hole after him taking a shit, why associate him with fece smell, whats wrong bro?
Digital tot machine 4 ya bar, click the link below 4 more drunker
To facilitate “We are geared towards servicing the rich/keeping their legacy“ us bank has incorporated a digital clock outside the bank door 4 u not to be locked out as rich people are time conscious, the difference between them with the poor. Click de link below
Inside the bag wid john the baptist after the step up gives ya 200 v then channel it to this mini 400  welding machine as this will electrocute u more when u touch the shoe lace just like with electric blanket bro. Click the link below 4 more
If kebi gonna infect ya wid dat disease, he must 1st have it which he doesnt have, when taken to hospital to test all contagious diseases he got none, folks ‘’what do u want with him”
Maasai prides themselves in dat they got de national park, the animals can not wear a gas mask but people can. I mean 1 can kill all the animals so they got nothing to pride themselves with bro, they want from ya but not from their side dude. Click the link below 4 more
If it was a normal person, i could have grabbed him by the scarf on his neck and match him on his tip toe or put up a fight wid him, if he wants the password i have explained i cut and guessed email address but seems, kinda, they aint normal but abnormal bro https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/speeches-african-american-history/1963-malcolm-x-message-grassroots/ <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.blackpast.org%2Fafrican-american-history%2Fspeeches-african-american-history%2F1963-malcolm-x-message-grassroots%2F&t=MDIwMGIwZjJiNDg3ZjFlMjI3YmFlMDE4NTAxZGU2MGVkNjkzMDYyYSxnek5ZakpvNg%3D%3D&b=t%3A6QkPvqYfh_xte16K8-MG7g&p=https%3A%2F%2Fsirtrutful.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F189427764621%2Fspeeches-bro&m=1> https://erenow.net/biographies/malcolm-x-a-life-of-reinvention/11.php <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Ferenow.net%2Fbiographies%2Fmalcolm-x-a-life-of-reinvention%2F11.php&t=NWJjZmY5ZjA4ODJjZDlhZGM3MGI1ZTBkZmM4ZGZlNWVmNDRlNjE1Nyxnek5ZakpvNg%3D%3D&b=t%3A6QkPvqYfh_xte16K8-MG7g&p=https%3A%2F%2Fsirtrutful.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F189427764621%2Fspeeches-bro&m=1> https://www.npr.org/2012/02/04/146373796/lost-malcolm-x-speech-heard-again-50-years-later <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.npr.org%2F2012%2F02%2F04%2F146373796%2Flost-malcolm-x-speech-heard-again-50-years-later&t=NmRlNDNhMTljMTVjNGIzZDA0NWY3NTcxOWQ1N2NhOWUxMmQ5N2U4NCxnek5ZakpvNg%3D%3D&b=t%3A6QkPvqYfh_xte16K8-MG7g&p=https%3A%2F%2Fsirtrutful.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F189427764621%2Fspeeches-bro&m=1> http://www.edchange.org/multicultural/speeches/malcolm_x_ballot.html <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.edchange.org%2Fmulticultural%2Fspeeches%2Fmalcolm_x_ballot.html&t=Zjg0NDJhMjQ5NDYzN2M0YzBlYWE5NjQ5ODQyZWI0OGJjMDliYTAwYSxnek5ZakpvNg%3D%3D&b=t%3A6QkPvqYfh_xte16K8-MG7g&p=https%3A%2F%2Fsirtrutful.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F189427764621%2Fspeeches-bro&m=1> https://newsone.com/184281/top-5-malcolm-x-speeches/ <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fnewsone.com%2F184281%2Ftop-5-malcolm-x-speeches%2F&t=YmJiMTI0YTZjNWNjOGZjN2M3NjU1ZTYwY2FhMjc0NWU1NTNhY2E5Mixnek5ZakpvNg%3D%3D&b=t%3A6QkPvqYfh_xte16K8-MG7g&p=https%3A%2F%2Fsirtrutful.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F189427764621%2Fspeeches-bro&m=1> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sermons_and_speeches_of_Martin_Luther_King_Jr. <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FSermons_and_speeches_of_Martin_Luther_King_Jr.&t=MDQwYWU4NWFlMDc1MWE2NjYxMmU0MTRjYjllZThiNzMxMDkwOWVkYyxnek5ZakpvNg%3D%3D&b=t%3A6QkPvqYfh_xte16K8-MG7g&p=https%3A%2F%2Fsirtrutful.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F189427764621%2Fspeeches-bro&m=1> https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/documents/where-do-we-go-here-address-delivered-eleventh-annual-sclc-convention <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fkinginstitute.stanford.edu%2Fking-papers%2Fdocuments%2Fwhere-do-we-go-here-address-delivered-eleventh-annual-sclc-convention&t=YmFiMzZlOTJlZDgyNjEzYjllODVhM2FkMzViM2I0YjI3NTlkYjQ0OCxnek5ZakpvNg%3D%3D&b=t%3A6QkPvqYfh_xte16K8-MG7g&p=https%3A%2F%2Fsirtrutful.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F189427764621%2Fspeeches-bro&m=1> https://www.transcend.org/tms/2019/01/martin-luther-king-jr-nobel-peace-prize-acceptance-speech/ <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.transcend.org%2Ftms%2F2019%2F01%2Fmartin-luther-king-jr-nobel-peace-prize-acceptance-speech%2F&t=NjA0MjdiYWE0ODIwMTYzOWFlZDc2YTEyZDg5NGFjZjRmZDBiN2UwMCxnek5ZakpvNg%3D%3D&b=t%3A6QkPvqYfh_xte16K8-MG7g&p=https%3A%2F%2Fsirtrutful.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F189427764621%2Fspeeches-bro&m=1> https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1964/king/lecture/ <https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nobelprize.org%2Fprizes%2Fpeace%2F1964%2Fking%2Flecture%2F&t=MjUwODY2NDBjN2I4NDAyYTAxMDg1ODBiMDg4YjIyZWFhNzg3MWE2ZCxnek5ZakpvNg%3D%
lilian modiTue, Nov 26, 9:06 AM (9 days ago) How much is that stereo plus the shipping cost, need to know
Your message wasn’t delivered to [email protected] because the address couldn’t be found, or is unable to receive mail.
Welding plates are used to make big container that can be used to make siren gas thats why others dont relent bucked with the fact dat there is a hole down to the outer crust dat lead to other nations so they can destroy once they have learnt to make drones. Maybe its 2 fold, to delude them to bring war or is to their benefit but the good is dat kebi has let it known. Base of each house to be checked to end the stalemate bro. The same applies to plastic containers and the oil drums once the lid is closed with glue of the sliding gear it still harbor the gas. The glue dries when the lid is fully closed to let no air out and this applies to any gas bro. The link below represent such bro
Life is a tight but along fight in a ring where both fight until became unconscious and tired. When u cant make it u think of strangling ya self, so wrestling shows u how the jew can be and how they acted with Samson when sometimes without the ref watch they hit ya to win. You need to take heart bro, the spectators wont help ya even the woman u love, can see u die bro. Moses was mongoloid as he picked dat name there according to relevant sources. Monglosesmosex, get this straight dude.
The email nelsonmornde is not yet opened to show ya that tumblr or fb can use a guessed email bro. U can open it and unfollow all my following but the followers u cant delete and is not seen as following by friends. My following are still found in the following of this tumblr- nelsonmornde, get it dude, when u cant relent, what can i do bro, kill myself to acertain de trut dat i dont want what u want most, i have taken another twist bro. They think u want dat woman yet u dont and they force, i u refuse resort to bad-naming and pure jealousy, if u act like u need dem they want to recruit ya in their stupid game/play which are sick and tiring dude. Dude if u came to me and let me know that u have succeeded to delete my followers or the following of other tumblr a/c i have followed then nothing more, i strangle me self, no kidding babe.
Listen to this song in the link below, robust women ft middle/size body
Big bodied people mostly are arab blooded at that is the trick with identity or the risk of oil being depleted then guys b4 we had known how artificially is made explained in other tumblr followed by nelsonmornde, check it out dude.
listen to de song below link
Cardi gave me some desart, and its a blessing in disguise folks, tomorrow the 1st thing in the morning with that milk in the fridge that mother left its going to be part of my break 1st, am drick that milk yoghurt mummy left with it, no need to spend again on bread as usual tricky.
Guard chose the best land in Deuteronomy 33 or Genesis 49, was a question mark at that time, cause many went there and could not bear the coldness of the winter there bro. One mans meat is another mans poison dude. Get it straight bro!!! Click the link below 4 more
Most Israel tribes loved the wilderness as tropical land in their exploration but had tropical diseases which at dat time they could not treat as the vaccine was not yet there like malaria and yellow fever.
Most Negros got Fulani blood and most Fulani got Masai blood get this straight of wanting there own even if they know not and dont see ya twice with food as the are mean in there own food but want others, if u did not know fellow. Most of them are always being shot to eliminate them as bad character like in Ghetto gospel shakur tupac song bro or breath fabulous song.
Even in Kericho in white-man lands liaising with the kale they have now dug a hole to ship the illegally plucked tea leave to earth crust to be shipped again to Europe or N.America via the drone and thats why the kales in marathon just take it as it has been organised 4 the people who follow him like kipchoge to slow down a little bit when nearing the finish line so he take a big lead so that they are talked about and the deal still sealed bro.If you swali kinda ya down teeth became somehow straight but not perfect, so they associate me with touching feces like muslim wipe their ass to claim the truth of the Kikuyou or say am kikuyu which if one says makes you wild like u wanna kill ya self bro out of their bad character which they dont see bro. They are good to themselves not as the luo, they can do it all alone, the luo claim other tribes as them with nothing bro and thats the beauty bro. click the link below 4 nyabende winyo which is used to make jets, u chew its juice a little bit then the remaining you hurl unto the offering as cotton wool in that like pool structure from above many people https://www.allaboutbirds.org/the-best-plants-and-trees-to-plant-for-birds-a-starter-list/ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=what+is+a+url+in+tumblr They even fall plane on seas and come with their big ships which carry down oil as well and get people inside take them to India and say the plane crushed if it has much money. They repaint it and use it bro while re-insurance as well pay the plane company dude. They almost organised 4 this as almost 70% of the passengers are into this deal if they had known much money will be carried into that plane and hurl that fellow into the deep sea to seal the deal bro. click this link below bro to search me using [email protected] please https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWY5ilR9aiA , Am Ruoth mama treva of KB bwana, an ruoth, bwana, migos, oh mary xmas is you, oh mary xmas is true
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/chalmerslynnmonde open ya tumblr then click this link to open in a new tab bro https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondewords
Go to montana or kansas or Wyoming with few blacks dude if you wanna be therehttp://worldpopulationreview.com/states/black-population-by-state/
EMAIL company or of the social medias to avoid impersonation as you can open email in ones name new or one which you know but he had signed out or deleted of service, 4 malice as you can comment on youtbe or send malicious email to put the fellow in problemo.
Click the links below
Mbona hammuoni mtu na chakula na mnataka kukula kwa nyumba cha mtu hata kuleta vita naye by force. Eti mnataka watuwaachane nanyi, swali nyeti kwani mna nini wenzangu? Uwizi bro!!! Wacha bwana, kufa kifo chako!!!
My email for 1 of my a/c is [email protected] and password is kebikasle but it was closed so click next until you see the pattern or [email protected] like wise with these code. click the link below dude
The alternator should be protected as shield on a wire mesh so no intruder who transform gets into it to cut the wires bro or should be put under strong light with camera to be monitor by the pilot in case of intruder, siren gas to be blow to avoid plane fall/crush.
The plane fall is out of fake alternator which is changed with the dubious engineers during the plane repair, they should be 2-3 that if one burns up or is cut the plane don’t fall like the silver stone Ethiopian made plane fall at Wilson airport in Nairobi.
The petroleum tank of a truck/lorry can make a good safe if improved coz safe aint safe bro. Or take 4 thick metal plates and fix with a lony screw with a bolt shown in the link below
And you make 4 it like 4 padlock outlets and even the hinges you make holes and tie them to the metal plates. The screw should run from up to down plate or across bro.
If they hit me this time without justice or remedy, then it will be to my advantage, to hang myself i will not struggle with the rope out of excrutiating pain. Anyway people die or do die everyday.
The water/rain dont come from the cloud, if in a plane the clouds aint watery on the plane screen put foamy or smoke like. Thats pure lie more than 10 km above the earth crust when in that plane still you find it raining yet clouds are 2 km down, where did it come from bro? It came from the moon which got life but very desertic, the Greenman and Rusians have built outlets like tap like after making of holes to meet the moons water body from below. They have give the hindu the technology to opening this taps via their smart phones or computer to make true the bible hiprocrisy in revelation and to bring fear of God as well as them bro. Click the link below to find more
This tells you that the bible was written- mfalme wa yawhodi, iliandikwa, committed and ommitted, ten minas and lost coin parable to cement the truth.
The Gigiri Nairobi usa embasy as well got the down oil drilled to the surface then to hide the truth from the public they pump it to houses around using water pipes then its put into super drums or jericans then shipped to mombasa and process to give 100% profit bro to bring the kikuyu rudeness that Nairobi/kenya is rich and better than even USA itself. Its a game between the usa whites and the local ruling elites.
These men stalk you literally and time will catch up with them. Mtemi of hehe with the Germans period.
Even in Kericho in white-man lands liaising with the kale they have now dug a hole to ship the illegally plucked tea leave to earth crust to be shipped again to Europe or N.America via the drone and thats why the kales in marathon just take it as it has been organised 4 the people who follow him like kipchoge to slow down a little bit when nearing the finish line so he take a big lead so that they are talked about and the deal still sealed bro.If you swali kinda ya down teeth became somehow straight but not perfect, so they associate me with touching feces like muslim wipe their ass to claim the truth of the Kikuyou or say am kikuyu which if one says makes you wild like u wanna kill ya self bro out of their bad character which they dont see bro. They are good to themselves not as the luo, they can do it all alone, the luo claim other tribes as them with nothing bro and thats the beauty bro. click the link below 4 nyabende winyo which is used to make jets, u chew its juice a little bit then the remaining you hurl unto the offering as cotton wool in that like pool structure from above many people https://www.allaboutbirds.org/the-best-plants-and-trees-to-plant-for-birds-a-starter-list/ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=what+is+a+url+in+tumblr They even fall plane on seas and come with their big ships which carry down oil as well and get people inside take them to India and say the plane crushed if it has much money. They repaint it and use it bro while re-insurance as well pay the plane company dude. They almost organised 4 this as almost 70% of the passengers are into this deal if they had known much money will be carried into that plane and hurl that fellow into the deep sea to seal the deal bro.
As green as grass but the white know tea is more green but it could would have brought problems as the saying is of the age, it could have brought the problem if it was tea the whiteman had seen it long ago not the lord delemare thing which is only 100 yrs old.  You can as well use water on two petroleum pump to rotate the turbine of another to produce electric current at the cathode to light ya house. You can as well connect it to the battery direct with a periodic timer in-between to start and hurl water somewhere as to cool such as in electric iron box. The manual timer of a cooker, you can mount magnet on the rotating gear tip as well you can connect two with a motor bike timing chain to rotate the other to full position in-that if A stops the the rotate B starts to continue the sequence as well you can use swan-metro pump espresso machine bro to do the same. The 2 manual timer you connect with a timer each to stop both from producing power at the same time to allow alternating use of one after the other. Click the link below 4 more dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEtg_6JXSHE https://shop.swan-brand.co.uk/products/swan-retro-pump-espresso-coffee-machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVXnbrigYf8 https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTX6WDQenrnfMJihP8mqDQVn02QaQ:1571573005604&q=motor+bike+stater+comp&tbm=isch&source=univ&sxsrf=ACYBGNTX6WDQenrnfMJihP8mqDQVn02QaQ:1571573005604&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjm9vLV5arlAhWsQxUIHdiUBHgQsAR6BAgBEAE&biw=1280&bih=881 https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNRWgMzuLxlmHk_VsGMujDyHSuNROg:1571573121732&q=images+for+honda+motor+bike+that+uses+stater+comp&tbm=isch&source=univ&sxsrf=ACYBGNRWgMzuLxlmHk_VsGMujDyHSuNROg:1571573121732&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwin6aKN5qrlAhX0TxUIHeeBCAMQsAR6BAgHEAE&biw=1280&bih=881 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpG_b3WgXuQ The stater comp that is best to use is for boxer bm 100 or honda, this according to nelson and bandwagon company based in the Uk. aka NelsonMandelaochola brother to wilson okoth of kb and sister trizer and Dorcas ochola of WSU wichita triza married to tai to cement truth. End signs Es timer for espresso machine, kuisha bro, getting finished end of the world on the pacific and the poles, Go there with a plane then out then negotiate a corner then go down 16km below the straight up, you got the bearing dude. Stop many words bro of hate and reproach dude.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
S.A should also build their own fence to stop women from disrespecting poor handsamu people as they tell them secretly to find their way to sa to rob to please their wants.
The padlock security as googled should not have the key opening and the one stuck hole where the upper shinny loop roles on to open the locked padlock should not be fixed but just the same with the other side where each day or evening you cut it with a wireless grinder chargeable or with wire from a nearby socket outlet. So the upper parts which are serialized can be bought at an extra cost in the shops or hardware. This serial allows you to find if it was tampered with but with normal padlocks you can use along if you wanna dude.
Just continue saying gadgets are not made yet am seeing progress from every nation what they have made as i have reached them in youtube or via email. You would rather try to find out what they have made and you have not bro.
With electric timer you can open it and locate with a volt meter its transformer wire outlet to use dc power and connect it to the battery that powers the same inverter bro.
Germany invaded Poland, china should also do that to India so they stop their absurdities.
The gate-man in many places in town in those premises they guard have made keys on a soap or by scanning, snap shot and making the same their by at night all sex in those business premises for an extra- cash liaising with the managers.
The link below show the parts of a padlock dude click and get the upper part that should be bought in shops called the shank/shackle
Final destination movie one shows you exactly what can happen to you if you get money off the 2goinvoice via the certificate or bolt or in rights.com then you lie to others its handwork. Click the link below dude
The jew, Egyptian thing that its East Africa was in place if oil is finished with another method like AE, coz no-matter how much you worship God the truth is oil is finished and its 90% of your Economy so you must resort to lies or theft or slow down as reduce the population. Worshiping God wont transform a country like saudi or Naigeria into an highland got to do something bro. Worshipping of God is easy when your land is very fertile like Rwand, kisii, cameroon, tz, ethiopia or Congo but when dry like Nigeria better look 4 another way to feed ya stomach even if it means killing yaself- king of jew to cement the truth. Many africa nations had it in pray to find oil like Nigeria so they are not left behind, but the irony is the same same oil has been rendered useless by solar or chargeable cars which are just about to hit the market. So what you gonna do bro!!!!
Market ya post on fb or tumblr to different groups from different nations you have chosen dude to reach many. The way to go is poligamy 4 the rich to divide the wealth not kept within one person. They get money via petty theft and give a folk like ruto to build an hotel as his to attract women yet he is just paid out of it, so upon his death to delude the whole story they say he had many wives in that that wealth will be subdivided to meaningless public attraction to defuse bro. Take heed wome dont be fooled.They bring you kids if you got some money yet if you warmn these women of these men they wanna even cut ya with a panga yet their ways have been subdued. Street urchins su, sumu/poison, yesus like the luo or kikuyou character must be sub dued, christ was caned out of this and killed as these people became radical if their wired unknown ways have been blocked and lure people with not actions but mere talks, want to sit around and iddle even wanting people food without sense and moreover are thieves like petty theft. Must be eliminated or reshuffled to alonely island of the sea to live alone or can tantamount to power and slow everything in the economy. Britons, thais got this blood as well. They were ninja in satan who purported they were good people whom rights were denied so were brought here. Christ with little kids/children and lost coin parable to cement the truth bro.Malachi 4- who to the people who long to sea the day of the lord. Western SEA, south East Asia dude. Take heed fellows!!!!
Russia controls the world, they can dig many holes from below to deplete all the oil from the oil fields of the world. Mfalme wa yahoodi to cement the truth into the outter space. This can be done when other feasible ways to power gadgets have been achieved like solar cars in Holland and you can google or charged electric cars in Germany or AE technology found at mrmonde tumblr a/c or kevinelsonmondy Facebook pictures. And guys you can check that bro!! They as well can loop 4 another nation oil from another nation from below dude to fund their pursuits. get my post on this link https://www.spreely.com/members/settings/privacy called spreely and the name used is monde nelsonodenyi as the search name and profile name is mrvokeoutcust. this the link to find me below https://www.spreely.com/mrvokeoutcust open one and click the link to open in another new tab to see bro Get out every url or link with the very very url i have provide that ends with a name i have opened the very very tumblr account with then click the link after you have open your own tumblr account to open in a new tab. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/chalmerslynnmonde my tumblr name is mrmonde, upholsterynelson, nelsonunderwood, my twitter is outcustnelson, kevinelsonmonde or outcustmonde. Market ya post on fb or tumblr to different groups from different nations you have chosen dude to reach many. The way to go is poligamy 4 the rich to divide the wealth not kept within one person. They get money via petty theft and give a folk like ruto to build an hotel as his to attract women yet he is just paid out of it, so upon his death to delude the whole story they say he had many wives in that that wealth will be subdivided to meaningless public attraction to defuse bro. Take heed wome dont be fooled.They bring you kids if you got some money yet if you warmn these women of these men they wanna even cut ya with a panga yet their ways have been subdued. Street urchins su, sumu/poison, yesus like the luo or kikuyou character must be sub dued, christ was caned out of this and killed as these people became radical if their wired unknown ways have been blocked and lure people with not actions but mere talks, want to sit around and iddle even wanting people food without sense and moreover are thieves like petty theft. Must be eliminated or reshuffled to alonely island of the sea to live alone or can tantamount to power and slow everything in the economy. Britons, thais got this blood as well. They were ninja in satan who purported they were good people whom rights were denied so were brought here. Christ with little kids/children and lost coin parable to cement the truth bro.Malachi 4- who to the people who long to sea the day of the lord. Western SEA, south East Asia dude. Take heed fellows!!!! click this link bro below https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonbotomsiepa
Greenade nyale, forcing people with church to open the offering bag to see how much you have given to channel you to being cut by a panga. M-pesa number per church you send your offering. Magdalin and Robinson wont benefit either from my things bro, am saying this kinda biting my lower lips then changing it to the down one signifying anger or being helpless and sometimes carrying one of my legs up as if am in disgust while sited. The devol will be chained 4 a 1000 years then set free, at that time you wont be able to make gadgets unless you have made many and are in store. Revelation five- the root of david Rod. Click the link below 4 more information
God made the earth crust 16 km to show that he is also limited as 1 way can only see you under light and 4 the people to dig it & take oil from below to develop other nations for other nations to worship as they worship God as America say it was built on strict christian doctrines which aint the case as you now know fellows. Think twice dude!!! You cant force water out magumo tree, of what significance is the church when oil is over-shadowed by a new technology 4 those opec nations rather reduce population or kill ya self, king of the jew and Vineyard & worker parable to cement the truth. I did not had the computer, i was racing against time thats why i write alone vineyard parable Lord God LG.
Hawa watu big bodied wata surrender lini says adriano tu-start to play na magede, the bottom-line we have known how to make gadgtet, even roads, bridges, houses, windows are now easy to make what i remaining is playing with women, no even repair, cheap things you buy a new one, nikuchotana bro. Its was our all day thinking people of the hard task of being there always and under the sun.
Small bodied people were associated with long china playful like movie, malaysians and the kamba hunger on the tv, so if you are small bodied and want to rest somewhere people thing you gonna be there 4 long coz now you have learnt automation and how to generate food as you are safe now wanting to get into luxary bro and wanting women to play with. Thats why people want to get them out as fast as posible but with big bodied people are associated with Nigeria, Somali with oil or botswana with low population, so people thing oil has been finished what will they do is their thought, as thinking of their downfall so are left at a place 4 long, with botswana no how to increase their population maybe their is a new oil discovery in that desert. This is as well with libya or mali with big bodied people, thinking of what to do if oil is finished whenever they are, so are left to stay 4 long at a place without people worrying much as short or small people moreover running 4 them is hard not as easy for the small people in case of petty theft or robbery and that is the gimmick of small/big bodied people puzzle with other people in their houses or any sitting place dude. Get this straight fellows.
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro  Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
The link belwo is my linkedin
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
my tumblr account name is nelsonbotomsiepa or chalmerslynnmonde, open ya tumblr a/c then search tumblr. My linkedin account name is outcast monde or nelson or vice versa and twitter is outcustnelson or outcustmonde or vice versa or kevinelsonmonde
These men follow literally if you own a premise or land around the cities, then pursue like a woman. They are lazy wanting free things bro and Mr orezo sponsor this crazy shit dude.
Cakes and wheat products some bought from the shop dont get digested as compact together giving you abdominal discomfort. Buy a small bread or cake making machine as well as small poshomill and get to the firm to buy your own wheat b4 grinding into flour.
When they find gold below they put up a big storey house with thick foundation not to be realized or land slide happened but some crumble, they knowing the bearing above get to the earth below get it out after digging and shares the profit and thats why they keep people in the dark that the diameter of the earth crust is over 1000km yet its 16 km and right-now the Indian, saudia oil, i mean all oil fields have been dug to fall the oil into the outer space. Indians should awaken and start fighting the Rusians not being their tool, if they cant then they are insane coz over the years of their being here that is what they have been banking on. The whites have find other feasible ways to power machines so they dont care of oil as paraffin can still be sold, so they want to destroy it. The massage is all race to leave the white people, they aint good as thought earlier bro
If you love soft big cake you love the big booty and thats the investigation in developed world, if u love too much liquor u love small booty and is known that way. The flash flood water in sub-Saharan African is used to make siren gas or fanta soda put in a big container then some1 spit saliva unto the mixture or urinate on the container sides and boom what u want.
People who ought to have helped ya and did not like to give ya cash after u have alerted of online cash go to hell unless they repent, when they die u see the in the kitchen like half chamber with tongue out but folded on the tip or twisted untill it cut off and fall to identify them so its a testimony to new comers and those still on earth of reality. After its cut they are left scorch free because it wasn’t the sin of blasphemy of sleeping wid a serpent either dat way or in a transformed to a person state. Same as if u see a friend a live being beheaded it means they are deep in mischief or jealousy and dont see like the masai blooded folks like the turkana, by the neck being cut by an auger it means they risk going to hell if they die bro so better tell them to change.
Drugs like painkillers are made wid human brain those who were rude/tougheaded put in a container like the above procedure dude while curative ones are made using any herb u know like landana, mwarubaine, alovera, abaki where u take one of the above and more that u believe its within the ingredients of that drug put in a container like the above process or u take just bought drugs some1, some few put in the container like in the above process then talk to the devil and boom the many drugs of the same species and even soda, juice, sugar or any food are made dat way not to mention charcoal and anything u know like chemicals etc
Welding plates are used to make big container that can be used to make siren gas thats why others dont relent bucked with the fact dat there is a hole down to the outer crust dat lead to other nations so they can destroy once they have learnt to make drones. Maybe its 2 fold, to delude them to bring war or is to their benefit but the good is dat kebi has let it known. Base of each house to be checked to end the stalemate bro. The same applies to plastic containers and the oil drums once the lid is closed with glue of the sliding gear it still harbor the gas. The glue dries when the lid is fully closed to let no air out and this applies to any gas bro. The link below represent such bro
Life is a tight but along fight in a ring where both fight until became unconscious and tired. When u cant make it u think of strangling ya self, so wrestling shows u how the jew can be and how they acted with Samson when sometimes without the ref watch they hit ya to win. You need to take heart bro, the spectators wont help ya even the woman u love, can see u die bro. Moses was mongoloid as he picked dat name there according to relevant sources. Monglosesmosex, get this straight dude.
The email nelsonmornde is not yet opened to show ya that tumblr or fb can use a guessed email bro. U can open it and unfollow all my following but the followers u cant delete and is not seen as following by friends. My following are still found in the following of this tumblr- nelsonmornde, get it dude, when u cant relent, what can i do bro, kill myself to acertain de trut dat i dont want what u want most, i have taken another twist bro. They think u want dat woman yet u dont and they force, i u refuse resort to bad-naming and pure jealousy, if u act like u need dem they want to recruit ya in their stupid game/play which are sick and tiring dude. Dude if u came to me and let me know that u have succeeded to delete my followers or the following of other tumblr a/c i have followed then nothing more, i strangle me self, no kidding babe.
Listen to this song in the link below, robust women ft middle/size body
Big bodied people mostly are arab blooded at that is the trick with identity or the risk of oil being depleted then guys b4 we had known how artificially is made explained in other tumblr followed by nelsonmornde, check it out dude.
listen to de song below link
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
0 notes
usedboltsoftware · 4 years
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
Now they engage in lies as i abused them or they are telling me something important that i know not like take slogan as the green-card which they say often and now is close to 5 years of saying that bro. To break up a fight so i leave my hustle behind 4 their own to take or take money away from me or from their own who got money. Its a gimmick and it signals defeat or hunger crop dude. They previously wanted to act like grabbing my manhood or eat my food or always be with me like a woman in or out of my hse. Stop and hustle bro, Silly dude and stupid bro.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19 notes                                                                        
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.                                                                        
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro  Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
When you see me putting up structure at the rural home come and cut me, never will you find me there me with my wife if chance allow dweling there maybe when the parents are dead or not. I have told ya in advance that never will i set my dweling there, if am seen maybe i have gone out 4 funeral or to pick some medication bro and bet this dude. Please leave me alone guys.
Hay, brothers out of this turf situation, we are heading to the Jury on the tittle deed where me as the beneficiary of the Land is letting the court to know am not interested so am opting my name to be omitted out the ownership list so its remain the property of the two. This is done by confirming my fingerprints with huduma services and my pulse rate is 68 period and i will append my signature to officiate it. We will present ourselves to the court for this occurrence to set my life in peace and  harmony. Am sick & tired of women and gay character of wanting good things and moreover brothers am going to do 3-4 tattoos on my hands to as well bar me  from any political seat period or from getting a visa unless otherwise which is spelt vividly in the constitution bro. Dont change that you can do a tattoo and still vie which am sick and tired of dude. Like with the battery which is close to $ 300 as well as welding machine and electric motor yet they are saying i save my close to $ 100 i make daily out of the scrap metal to craft what i have spelt to them i saw on youtube but they dont comprehend bursting into threats and wanting to put up a fight asking them they say i ought to be saving to make the same and its from above as mr President. Dude stop and leave my booty alone.
You can buy a cheap welding machine and a grinder 4 ya business or house where you put a socket outside just  to power them in the evening and morning as even-though you still use a padlock to close the door but one to 2 lock opening is welded with a thick iron wire ringlike and in the morning you cut it to know if one broke in2 ya house as the new padlocks are bristle so you better teller the owner of FLY CIRCLE to make the new type of keys which are hard to copy to craft to make and are not bristle, very hard to break them period then burglary will be reduced or the fellow will be hard cutting the door or a thing of the past bro. So they want population to grow to facilitate this. Grown ups are just involved in begging foods daily at the vendor, in war, hooliganism, strikes and demonstrations as the have somewhere at night to chip their hands to.
click the link below
Buy the padlock below abroad not from the shop but you can do that from places like the shelter, you can google the shelter per city as shelters in Minneapolis or Wichita but from the homeless people directly which makes it hard to be known. Click the link below
At the end you see the horse with 2 riders fallen with the front legs broken, the riders as well who dont comprehend you exhausted and fallen as well and an intruder next to them as a bandit carrying a knife, panga or a gun/rungu wanting not to hit the folks who have dismounted but the horse. This signals defeat when you mention the fact of the key forgery. With me i dint live a good life and even now, so you cant want good life from me dude, lest i became a step down transformer like stepping down 240 volts to 1 volts, am able to go to square one to the drawing board of my life. To resort to simplicity though i got enough staff to live large bro. This kind of character makes me furious dude.
Smoking as well many people in the dark next to the dug deep pool makes any gadgets as long as you are evenly surrounding the pool walking- king of the jew to cement the truth but such gadget if you know they were made this way may take you to hell coz the other side its hazardous to the smoker. Worker parable to cement the truth bro.
                                                  Nyimi mit mochanda kwani e-wiro mooh mane to magdalin othiego mooh mane, ndukle yawa, wajamani. When the pussy of a certain women of a nation is sweet it means they are poor or in a worry and thats how its known and vice versa. Planes should be equipped with bearing machines even on phones and small solar/battery powered motor boat stored on the cargo center and that center once the pilot have alerted a fall opened to let loose all cargo as an entrance from the passenger side to the cargo side to pick the small boat is made like in this song guys- click the link dude below. This is done to know where you are going once a fall happens and parachutes as well.
Future song means to the Africans that we have already known what we wanted to know so lets deviate bro, where they are in a place like the moon or desert bro. Who is able to see where a car/gadget is from by directly looking at it in revelation 5 whether from uk, mexico or China. The root of David after putting a bob coin on the palm of his hand and holding it a little while then meditate shortly. Cyber in Africa can build a city after a camera is put to monitor the flow of people where we can count how my minute they have spent as well as printing and photocopying and many in Nairobi have capitalized on this bro to build the city alongside selling of banana, apple, maize choma, sausages and melons.
Tea as well can grow in Homa bay nyanza and that sweet one more than kericho one so why pride yourself dude only two kenya former provinces cant grow tea and that is North Eastern and Coast provinces. They have learnt that they cant get out the comments on youtube once the owner of the post is dead and the email is di-enable so they resort to looking up in that they want to blow off the server of either FB, tumblr or youtube via a plane like the september ny attack for the posts to vanish not knowing some have printed the same so the opt for direct flight then in the final analysis say it was all accident. To avert that trains can be controlled from below once the reach the city of departure, can be made that way to stop silly misconduct bro.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Second death were one died as a kid then went to hell not fire but brought to the earth via the vent not incarnation. These people disturb, smooth skined and wants big life not wanting progress of others. If they know of this from you they kill you. King of the jew to cement the truth, they are just awaiting the second death described in the book of revelation Bor, aborigins, far, mbali if translated dude. click the link below dudes 4 full data
Even the German father mother Mr Edom as Esau who Jacob the polish father took his bath right had Guyana blood. The war in Germoney brought the polish into USA 4 us to know their character of wanting or taking peoples things by force like they did to Esau, ES End Signs bro, Empire state, most states were built with 2goinvoice money and the technology most nations have know and is worrying the USA. Guyana people love much sex just like Edom did who was hunting for the women as pursuing/seducing them not real hunter and it was figurative when he brought stew back home 4 Jacob to Eat as have sex with dude and Get this clear, I have lived b4 time.
Nyolo kebi neywak marach ma, kang’amo tong gi ojala madik, says eunice, pamela confirming en-hamano. amanda gi mochanda nini imefanya nyimi yako x 3, halafu owacho ang’omuwiche jokanyama kose lit toakia x3, he couldnt stop that all night at bar kalare b4 the drone took him off plainlands hotel in the middle of the night. If you eat plain rice and give it to meditation when you put the minds of people to your mind, rather the picture of people, you see a cusket in the country they were buried to signify second death and thats how its know. Now what do hindu need, they came here to wait 4 kebi and now wants to get into his logging by wanting the password like an infant? Fuck that dude, it needs a Cain bro to cane not like it did to abel bro. King of the jew to cement the truth.
They again make money via many interview with the bus company if those people to be interview board that bus like Easy Coach and the very people sometimes come from the interview surrounding but forge receipt to be payed as if they came from far and they eat with the people who advertised the job, the bus company sometimes and the people who posses the big man syndrome like the dignitaries. They call many people 4 one job to maximize the profits. Susan jomathindo gi blochawa bwana, we used to partake 3 bottles of black&white but now we can only afford one, so what can we do to maintain the respect they ask? Well susan we will give you everyday an extra 100 shillings 4 this awesome deal, just bring to our desk 3 botles but 2 are of water but when dusk fall you return them 4 the next day 4 respect. Miss Susan is the deal sealed asking achayo mochayo G not acher in Genesis 49 or jeremiah chapter tisa/nine.
They need to make a 1 tonne safe or with holes that you can put bolts to cement on the ground that thiefs cant break into and that why its called a safe not just what they put on papers as safe. It should have a key as well or the 3 digit pascode of taking it forward to rest on 1 number then back in the middle the forward again on a certain number to open the safe box, am championing this and this more than to be the president of kenya, padlocks should also be made not of an opening key but the code system like in the USA shelters bro. How many times should i have to say/explain this. Accept you are poor or poverty then we forge a head kenyans, dont be hard and silly, derails us period.
The tall people had utility of cutting fire wood long time and thats why they used to be tolerated but now techmo-ology has gotten them handy, we go wood cutters which are cheap we can buy and use at home or electricity which is cheap has gotten into peoples homestead to heat/cook and thats why partly they are very upset/rude. If you take an inverter and connect to a motor bike wet cell then to the cutter like in the link below you cut you big log even someone below the age of 10 yrs so over tall people above 6 ft in height think twice. Hindus have now be-friended some other fellow nearby, they even come with their kid but alongside carry fake things like medicine or certain foods they have bewitched to replace with and sell to other fellows. Stop this dude. They include mandazi, sweets, soda, salt, yellow diabetic added flour etc.
Click the link above
find my post on mcbethnelson on tumblr and then on tumblr such like mrmonde and then click on the untitled then cut the link and post on fb or youtube comment. When another fellow opens his tumblr and click the link you have posted he come to see not your post but mrmonde posts. what is a link or url br, google dude. click the link below https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=what+is+a+urlhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpcnJrGDnZAhttps://crypto.stanford.edu/cs142/lectures/url.html The ones that starts with http:// are what is url on you computer screen
Uhuru wa kenyatta is sickening gay sending motor bike riders to ambush people take their key and still from their premise/house or just rob you in pretense of a fight- put up a fight song ft sean paul. They want to grab you from behind the big bodied riders and behave like they are raping/fucking you from behind. Very very bad but still mwana wa nyuba with kikuyouths not old.
Click the link below to see how after meditation you come to see the  accomplice and these criminals. If you put one bob/currency coin of any nation you see this but other denominations cheats you. WSU Kansas do me a letter informing me that you cant pay me so the shit stops, obama malia, vales of wsu among many others are eyeing this cash come what may to the point of wanting my own life to impersonate another to withdraw from the bank or find a person who transform. WSU come to an hotel and make it open for the said kevin nelson omondi as per the green card or Kenya ID to come then you negotiate then proceed to a bank like kcb or Equity where mr nelson claims to have an a/c the credit his a/c or not or make arrests. Stop sending money blindly for hooligans dude.
Open ya tumblr account then on search tumblr bar write a person you want to search like mrmonde, if you copy paste or cut the url/link or open on another tab you come to see mrmonde details even if you send it to someone else not yours.
How to dis-enable a facebook or tumblr account is the same with how you dis-enabled your Gmail a/c you open that fb/tumblr a/c with, go to settings then write your old pasward and on the google bar or ward write unreadable script like YTHFGD4578HGBV randomly that you cant read then copy paste on your FB or tumblr a/c or just cut b4 you copy paste into your fb/tumblr a/c, if you do this it means you have dis-enable all the recovery options with gmail as well as you cant remember your pas-code if you remove the ward/google bar tab. Friends but if you open a new a/c you can see your old tumblr/fb postings, google this out dude, vineyard & worker parable and the only thing to do is to greet each other bro. Be real and accept defeat. Click these links bro to guide you….
Click that person on the right-side of your tumblr interface to take you to where i removed the link of reset ya pas-code same with Fb, then click the pen on password to reset it dudes.
UK is poor coz they built the country via 2goinvoice.com 4 over along time so they must except they came from Missouri state and sedgwick county was the one which was there with Wichita as its city but the rest of kansas was a lake b4 the land went up to make it a plane, that water body they shared with Colorado, Oklahoma and Nebraska to solve the whole bible process coz Missouri state with sedgwick county got wheat and rich than uk, its better off and its a blessing in disguise- Isiah i will humble Egypt will be fulfilled bro. Click the link below..
Again they do elegant weddings, pride in sports league and posh cars which are expensive but easy to make. Apart from getting money from all their branches of their banks all-over the world like Barclay and stanchart and remit back home to fund their economies they as well get money from their British air to do the same and gambling as sport betting upon which i will personally sensitize people to stop on such me kevinelson as alias kebi as associates say. An ngamarach nyithindwa, okaber dawe, miya post no the akwelo to egola kaka jakuo with the 1st 2 months of being in office or i do a tattoo bro and tell God on judgement they were disturbing me to infinity bro and still escape hell fire. Mathew 21 End signs Es, estate, Estonia, ester quine bro. America was majorly built with artificial tea AT or synthetic tea st, start, stranded- which they use their large ships to sell to countries in the middle East- the Arab world which is made out of grass which any tribe can make by hurling of sperms from lofty high or sprinkling of sewage water onto the grass just from the same level dude.
Kesho, chakre next week achako bete eyamo kenda gi atleast 100-200 people, am starting to be all alone on the air getting the smell of the air wanting to touch the clouds bro. Dont just belittle me that way fellows. Ketwangi yawho-oyi, get to see, tazama vijana my steps as moves.
My new tumblr a/c is osienelsonmonde
The twitter link is above after you open ya twitter bro
When you see me putting up structure at the rural home come and cut me, never will you find me there me with my wife if chance allow dweling there maybe when the parents are dead or not. I have told ya in advance that never will i set my dweling there, if am seen maybe i have gone out 4 funeral or to pick some medication bro and bet this dude. Please leave me alone guys.
Hay, brothers out of this turf situation, we are heading to the Jury on the tittle deed where me as the beneficiary of the Land is letting the court to know am not interested so am opting my name to be omitted out the ownership list so its remain the property of the two. This is done by confirming my fingerprints with huduma services and my pulse rate is 68 period and i will append my signature to officiate it. We will present ourselves to the court for this occurrence to set my life in peace and  harmony. Am sick & tired of women and gay character of wanting good things and moreover brothers am going to do 3-4 tattoos on my hands to as well bar me  from any political seat period or from getting a visa unless otherwise which is spelt vividly in the constitution bro. Dont change that you can do a tattoo and still vie which am sick and tired of dude. Like with the battery which is close to $ 300 as well as welding machine and electric motor yet they are saying i save my close to $ 100 i make daily out of the scrap metal to craft what i have spelt to them i saw on youtube but they dont comprehend bursting into threats and wanting to put up a fight asking them they say i ought to be saving to make the same and its from above as mr President. Dude stop and leave my booty alone.
You can buy a cheap welding machine and a grinder 4 ya business or house where you put a socket outside just  to power them in the evening and morning as even-though you still use a padlock to close the door but one to 2 lock opening is welded with a thick iron wire ringlike and in the morning you cut it to know if one broke in2 ya house as the new padlocks are bristle so you better teller the owner of FLY CIRCLE to make the new type of keys which are hard to copy to craft to make and are not bristle, very hard to break them period then burglary will be reduced or the fellow will be hard cutting the door or a thing of the past bro. So they want population to grow to facilitate this. Grown ups are just involved in begging foods daily at the vendor, in war, hooliganism, strikes and demonstrations as the have somewhere at night to chip their hands to.
click the link below
Buy the padlock below abroad not from the shop but you can do that from places like the shelter, you can google the shelter per city as shelters in Minneapolis or Wichita but from the homeless people directly which makes it hard to be known. Click the link below
At the end you see the horse with 2 riders fallen with the front legs broken, the riders as well who dont comprehend you exhausted and fallen as well and an intruder next to them as a bandit carrying a knife, panga or a gun/rungu wanting not to hit the folks who have dismounted but the horse. This signals defeat when you mention the fact of the key forgery. With me i dint live a good life and even now, so you cant want good life from me dude, lest i became a step down transformer like stepping down 240 volts to 1 volts, am able to go to square one to the drawing board of my life. To resort to simplicity though i got enough staff to live large bro. This kind of character makes me furious dude.
Smoking as well many people in the dark next to the dug deep pool makes any gadgets as long as you are evenly surrounding the pool walking- king of the jew to cement the truth but such gadget if you know they were made this way may take you to hell coz the other side its hazardous to the smoker. Worker parable to cement the truth bro.
Russians and the Europeans who prospect oil lie in bright day-light that oil in countries like kenya, india, iran in some parts aint viable but knowing the bearing in mind rush to the outer world to dig exactly from below the very very oil put  it on pipes with electric water pump that the wire runs along the pipes up to Russian if its in India or Middle East on the Mongolia-Rusian border after digging the 10 km hole to the crust then refine it the they save their country foreign exchange on oil and the oil sold put on online money for any one who find it in Europe to eat like in WWW.2goinvoice.com. They are theifs so they delude Indians with silly tricks like not able to look, infact India should be fighting Rusian as china coz the bulk of this oil is sold to them coz the 2 countries consumes half of the world oil and they champion high population out of this. For countries like in East Africa the do the same below and channel the pipe to Egypt to process it there as much as Nigeria to Ghana, Namibia from Angola making the whites to go there if its pump its  not known dude. The same with East Africa one they want to bring the Negros to siphon it here and they share so its not known but with electric & solar cars in Germany and Holland they fear its going to be futile bro. Lovers of free things, the earth crust is 1000 km is to keep you in cold so you dont know folks of this above, its from 10-16 km depending on where you are whether is sea bed, plateau or highland. Click the links below https://www.google.com/search?q=electric+cars+in+germany&oq=electric+cars+in+germany&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6688j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8   https://www.ask.com/web?o=0&l=dir&qo=serpSearchTopBox&q=electric+cars+in+germany https://www.ask.com/youtube?q=solar+powered+vans+in+holland&v=WEjQkkrsY5Y https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/26/business/lightyear-one-solar-powered-car/index.html  
When you see me putting up structure at the rural home come and cut me, never will you find me there me with my wife if chance allow dweling there maybe when the parents are dead or not. I have told ya in advance that never will i set my dweling there, if am seen maybe i have gone out 4 funeral or to pick some medication bro and bet this dude. Please leave me alone guys.
Hay, brothers out of this turf situation, we are heading to the Jury on the tittle deed where me as the beneficiary of the Land is letting the court to know am not interested so am opting my name to be omitted out the ownership list so its remain the property of the two. This is done by confirming my fingerprints with huduma services and my pulse rate is 68 period and i will append my signature to officiate it. We will present ourselves to the court for this occurrence to set my life in peace and  harmony. Am sick & tired of women and gay character of wanting good things and moreover brothers am going to do 3-4 tattoos on my hands to as well bar me  from any political seat period or from getting a visa unless otherwise which is spelt vividly in the constitution bro. Dont change that you can do a tattoo and still vie which am sick and tired of dude. Like with the battery which is close to $ 300 as well as welding machine and electric motor yet they are saying i save my close to $ 100 i make daily out of the scrap metal to craft what i have spelt to them i saw on youtube but they dont comprehend bursting into threats and wanting to put up a fight asking them they say i ought to be saving to make the same and its from above as mr President. Dude stop and leave my booty alone.
You can buy a cheap welding machine and a grinder 4 ya business or house where you put a socket outside just  to power them in the evening and morning as even-though you still use a padlock to close the door but one to 2 lock opening is welded with a thick iron wire ringlike and in the morning you cut it to know if one broke in2 ya house as the new padlocks are bristle so you better teller the owner of FLY CIRCLE to make the new type of keys which are hard to copy to craft to make and are not bristle, very hard to break them period then burglary will be reduced or the fellow will be hard cutting the door or a thing of the past bro. So they want population to grow to facilitate this. Grown ups are just involved in begging foods daily at the vendor, in war, hooliganism, strikes and demonstrations as the have somewhere at night to chip their hands to.
click the link below
Buy the padlock below abroad not from the shop but you can do that from places like the shelter, you can google the shelter per city as shelters in Minneapolis or Wichita but from the homeless people directly which makes it hard to be known. Click the link below
At the end you see the horse with 2 riders fallen with the front legs broken, the riders as well who dont comprehend you exhausted and fallen as well and an intruder next to them as a bandit carrying a knife, panga or a gun/rungu wanting not to hit the folks who have dismounted but the horse. This signals defeat when you mention the fact of the key forgery. With me i dint live a good life and even now, so you cant want good life from me dude, lest i became a step down transformer like stepping down 240 volts to 1 volts, am able to go to square one to the drawing board of my life. To resort to simplicity though i got enough staff to live large bro. This kind of character makes me furious dude.
Smoking as well many people in the dark next to the dug deep pool makes any gadgets as long as you are evenly surrounding the pool walking- king of the jew to cement the truth but such gadget if you know they were made this way may take you to hell coz the other side its hazardous to the smoker. Worker parable to cement the truth bro.
                                                Nyimi mit mochanda kwani e-wiro mooh mane to magdalin othiego mooh mane, ndukle yawa, wajamani. When the pussy of a certain women of a nation is sweet it means they are poor or in a worry and thats how its known and vice versa. Planes should be equipped with bearing machines even on phones and small solar/battery powered motor boat stored on the cargo center and that center once the pilot have alerted a fall opened to let loose all cargo as an entrance from the passenger side to the cargo side to pick the small boat is made like in this song guys- click the link dude below. This is done to know where you are going once a fall happens and parachutes as well.
Future song means to the Africans that we have already known what we wanted to know so lets deviate bro, where they are in a place like the moon or desert bro. Who is able to see where a car/gadget is from by directly looking at it in revelation 5 whether from uk, mexico or China. The root of David after putting a bob coin on the palm of his hand and holding it a little while then meditate shortly. Cyber in Africa can build a city after a camera is put to monitor the flow of people where we can count how my minute they have spent as well as printing and photocopying and many in Nairobi have capitalized on this bro to build the city alongside selling of banana, apple, maize choma, sausages and melons.
Tea as well can grow in Homa bay nyanza and that sweet one more than kericho one so why pride yourself dude only two kenya former provinces cant grow tea and that is North Eastern and Coast provinces. They have learnt that they cant get out the comments on youtube once the owner of the post is dead and the email is di-enable so they resort to looking up in that they want to blow off the server of either FB, tumblr or youtube via a plane like the september ny attack for the posts to vanish not knowing some have printed the same so the opt for direct flight then in the final analysis say it was all accident. To avert that trains can be controlled from below once the reach the city of departure, can be made that way to stop silly misconduct bro.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Second death were one died as a kid then went to hell not fire but brought to the earth via the vent not incarnation. These people disturb, smooth skined and wants big life not wanting progress of others. If they know of this from you they kill you. King of the jew to cement the truth, they are just awaiting the second death described in the book of revelation Bor, aborigins, far, mbali if translated dude. click the link below dudes 4 full data
Even the German father mother Mr Edom as Esau who Jacob the polish father took his bath right had Guyana blood. The war in Germoney brought the polish into USA 4 us to know their character of wanting or taking peoples things by force like they did to Esau, ES End Signs bro, Empire state, most states were built with 2goinvoice money and the technology most nations have know and is worrying the USA. Guyana people love much sex just like Edom did who was hunting for the women as pursuing/seducing them not real hunter and it was figurative when he brought stew back home 4 Jacob to Eat as have sex with dude and Get this clear, I have lived b4 time.
Nyolo kebi neywak marach ma, kang’amo tong gi ojala madik, says eunice, pamela confirming en-hamano. amanda gi mochanda nini imefanya nyimi yako x 3, halafu owacho ang’omuwiche jokanyama kose lit toakia x3, he couldnt stop that all night at bar kalare b4 the drone took him off plainlands hotel in the middle of the night. If you eat plain rice and give it to meditation when you put the minds of people to your mind, rather the picture of people, you see a cusket in the country they were buried to signify second death and thats how its know. Now what do hindu need, they came here to wait 4 kebi and now wants to get into his logging by wanting the password like an infant? Fuck that dude, it needs a Cain bro to cane not like it did to abel bro. King of the jew to cement the truth.
They again make money via many interview with the bus company if those people to be interview board that bus like Easy Coach and the very people sometimes come from the interview surrounding but forge receipt to be payed as if they came from far and they eat with the people who advertised the job, the bus company sometimes and the people who posses the big man syndrome like the dignitaries. They call many people 4 one job to maximize the profits. Susan jomathindo gi blochawa bwana, we used to partake 3 bottles of black&white but now we can only afford one, so what can we do to maintain the respect they ask? Well susan we will give you everyday an extra 100 shillings 4 this awesome deal, just bring to our desk 3 botles but 2 are of water but when dusk fall you return them 4 the next day 4 respect. Miss Susan is the deal sealed asking achayo mochayo G not acher in Genesis 49 or jeremiah chapter tisa/nine.
They need to make a 1 tonne safe or with holes that you can put bolts to cement on the ground that thiefs cant break into and that why its called a safe not just what they put on papers as safe. It should have a key as well or the 3 digit pascode of taking it forward to rest on 1 number then back in the middle the forward again on a certain number to open the safe box, am championing this and this more than to be the president of kenya, padlocks should also be made not of an opening key but the code system like in the USA shelters bro. How many times should i have to say/explain this. Accept you are poor or poverty then we forge a head kenyans, dont be hard and silly, derails us period.
The tall people had utility of cutting fire wood long time and thats why they used to be tolerated but now techmo-ology has gotten them handy, we go wood cutters which are cheap we can buy and use at home or electricity which is cheap has gotten into peoples homestead to heat/cook and thats why partly they are very upset/rude. If you take an inverter and connect to a motor bike wet cell then to the cutter like in the link below you cut you big log even someone below the age of 10 yrs so over tall people above 6 ft in height think twice. Hindus have now be-friended some other fellow nearby, they even come with their kid but alongside carry fake things like medicine or certain foods they have bewitched to replace with and sell to other fellows. Stop this dude. They include mandazi, sweets, soda, salt, yellow diabetic added flour etc.
Click the link above
find my post on mcbethnelson on tumblr and then on tumblr such like mrmonde and then click on the untitled then cut the link and post on fb or youtube comment. When another fellow opens his tumblr and click the link you have posted he come to see not your post but mrmonde posts. what is a link or url br, google dude. click the link below https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=what+is+a+url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpcnJrGDnZA https://crypto.stanford.edu/cs142/lectures/url.html The ones that starts with http:// are what is url on you computer screen
Uhuru wa kenyatta is sickening gay sending motor bike riders to ambush people take their key and still from their premise/house or just rob you in pretense of a fight- put up a fight song ft sean paul. They want to grab you from behind the big bodied riders and behave like they are raping/fucking you from behind. Very very bad but still mwana wa nyuba with kikuyouths not old.
Click the link below to see how after meditation you come to see the  accomplice and these criminals. If you put one bob/currency coin of any nation you see this but other denominations cheats you. WSU Kansas do me a letter informing me that you cant pay me so the shit stops, obama malia, vales of wsu among many others are eyeing this cash come what may to the point of wanting my own life to impersonate another to withdraw from the bank or find a person who transform. WSU come to an hotel and make it open for the said kevin nelson omondi as per the green card or Kenya ID to come then you negotiate then proceed to a bank like kcb or Equity where mr nelson claims to have an a/c the credit his a/c or not or make arrests. Stop sending money blindly for hooligans dude.
Open ya tumblr account then on search tumblr bar write a person you want to search like mrmonde, if you copy paste or cut the url/link or open on another tab you come to see mrmonde details even if you send it to someone else not yours.
How to dis-enable a facebook or tumblr account is the same with how you dis-enabled your Gmail a/c you open that fb/tumblr a/c with, go to settings then write your old pasward and on the google bar or ward write unreadable script like YTHFGD4578HGBV randomly that you cant read then copy paste on your FB or tumblr a/c or just cut b4 you copy paste into your fb/tumblr a/c, if you do this it means you have dis-enable all the recovery options with gmail as well as you cant remember your pas-code if you remove the ward/google bar tab. Friends but if you open a new a/c you can see your old tumblr/fb postings, google this out dude, vineyard & worker parable and the only thing to do is to greet each other bro. Be real and accept defeat. Click these links bro to guide you….
Click that person on the right-side of your tumblr interface to take you to where i removed the link of reset ya pas-code same with Fb, then click the pen on password to reset it dudes.
UK is poor coz they built the country via 2goinvoice.com 4 over along time so they must except they came from Missouri state and sedgwick county was the one which was there with Wichita as its city but the rest of kansas was a lake b4 the land went up to make it a plane, that water body they shared with Colorado, Oklahoma and Nebraska to solve the whole bible process coz Missouri state with sedgwick county got wheat and rich than uk, its better off and its a blessing in disguise- Isiah i will humble Egypt will be fulfilled bro. Click the link below..
Again they do elegant weddings, pride in sports league and posh cars which are expensive but easy to make. Apart from getting money from all their branches of their banks all-over the world like Barclay and stanchart and remit back home to fund their economies they as well get money from their British air to do the same and gambling as sport betting upon which i will personally sensitize people to stop on such me kevinelson as alias kebi as associates say. An ngamarach nyithindwa, okaber dawe, miya post no the akwelo to egola kaka jakuo with the 1st 2 months of being in office or i do a tattoo bro and tell God on judgement they were disturbing me to infinity bro and still escape hell fire. Mathew 21 End signs Es, estate, Estonia, ester quine bro. America was majorly built with artificial tea AT or synthetic tea st, start, stranded- which they use their large ships to sell to countries in the middle East- the Arab world which is made out of grass which any tribe can make by hurling of sperms from lofty high or sprinkling of sewage water onto the grass just from the same level dude.
Kesho, chakre next week achako bete eyamo kenda gi atleast 100-200 people, am starting to be all alone on the air getting the smell of the air wanting to touch the clouds bro. Dont just belittle me that way fellows. Ketwangi yawho-oyi, get to see, tazama vijana my steps as moves.
My new tumblr a/c is osienelsonmonde
The twitter link is above after you open ya twitter bro
When you see me putting up structure at the rural home come and cut me, never will you find me there me with my wife if chance allow dweling there maybe when the parents are dead or not. I have told ya in advance that never will i set my dweling there, if am seen maybe i have gone out 4 funeral or to pick some medication bro and bet this dude. Please leave me alone guys.
My twitter link below
Russians and the Europeans who prospect oil lie in bright day-light that oil in countries like kenya, india, iran in some parts aint viable but knowing the bearing in mind rush to the outer world to dig exactly from below the very very oil put  it on pipes with electric water pump that the wire runs along the pipes up to Russian if its in India or Middle East on the Mongolia-Rusian border after digging the 10 km hole to the crust then refine it the they save their country foreign exchange on oil and the oil sold put on online money for any one who find it in Europe to eat like in WWW.2goinvoice.com. They are theifs so they delude Indians with silly tricks like not able to look, infact India should be fighting Rusian as china coz the bulk of this oil is sold to them coz the 2 countries consumes half of the world oil and they champion high population out of this. For countries like in East Africa the do the same below and channel the pipe to Egypt to process it there as much as Nigeria to Ghana, Namibia from Angola making the whites to go there if its pump its  not known dude. The same with East Africa one they want to bring the Negros to siphon it here and they share so its not known but with electric & solar cars in Germany and Holland they fear its going to be futile bro. Lovers of free things, the earth crust is 1000 km is to keep you in cold so you dont know folks of this above, its from 10-16 km depending on where you are whether is sea bed, plateau or highland. Click the links below https://www.google.com/search?q=electric+cars+in+germany&oq=electric+cars+in+germany&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6688j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8   https://www.ask.com/web?o=0&l=dir&qo=serpSearchTopBox&q=electric+cars+in+germany https://www.ask.com/youtube?q=solar+powered+vans+in+holland&v=WEjQkkrsY5Y https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/26/business/lightyear-one-solar-powered-car/index.html  
Hay, brothers out of this turf situation, we are heading to the Jury on the tittle deed where me as the beneficiary of the Land is letting the court to know am not interested so am opting my name to be omitted out the ownership list so its remain the property of the two. This is done by confirming my fingerprints with huduma services and my pulse rate is 68 period and i will append my signature to officiate it. We will present ourselves to the court for this occurrence to set my life in peace and  harmony. Am sick & tired of women and gay character of wanting good things and moreover brothers am going to do 3-4 tattoos on my hands to as well bar me  from any political seat period or from getting a visa unless otherwise which is spelt vividly in the constitution bro. Dont change that you can do a tattoo and still vie which am sick and tired of dude. Like with the battery which is close to $ 300 as well as welding machine and electric motor yet they are saying i save my close to $ 100 i make daily out of the scrap metal to craft what i have spelt to them i saw on youtube but they dont comprehend bursting into threats and wanting to put up a fight asking them they say i ought to be saving to make the same and its from above as mr President. Dude stop and leave my booty alone.
You can buy a cheap welding machine and a grinder 4 ya business or house where you put a socket outside just  to power them in the evening and morning as even-though you still use a padlock to close the door but one to 2 lock opening is welded with a thick iron wire ringlike and in the morning you cut it to know if one broke in2 ya house as the new padlocks are bristle so you better teller the owner of FLY CIRCLE to make the new type of keys which are hard to copy to craft to make and are not bristle, very hard to break them period then burglary will be reduced or the fellow will be hard cutting the door or a thing of the past bro. So they want population to grow to facilitate this. Grown ups are just involved in begging foods daily at the vendor, in war, hooliganism, strikes and demonstrations as the have somewhere at night to chip their hands to.
click the link below
Buy the padlock below abroad not from the shop but you can do that from places like the shelter, you can google the shelter per city as shelters in Minneapolis or Wichita but from the homeless people directly which makes it hard to be known. Click the link below
At the end you see the horse with 2 riders fallen with the front legs broken, the riders as well who dont comprehend you exhausted and fallen as well and an intruder next to them as a bandit carrying a knife, panga or a gun/rungu wanting not to hit the folks who have dismounted but the horse. This signals defeat when you mention the fact of the key forgery. With me i dint live a good life and even now, so you cant want good life from me dude, lest i became a step down transformer like stepping down 240 volts to 1 volts, am able to go to square one to the drawing board of my life. To resort to simplicity though i got enough staff to live large bro. This kind of character makes me furious dude.
Smoking as well many people in the dark next to the dug deep pool makes any gadgets as long as you are evenly surrounding the pool walking- king of the jew to cement the truth but such gadget if you know they were made this way may take you to hell coz the other side its hazardous to the smoker. Worker parable to cement the truth bro.
Russians and the Europeans who prospect oil lie in bright day-light that oil in countries like kenya, india, iran in some parts aint viable but knowing the bearing in mind rush to the outer world to dig exactly from below the very very oil put  it on pipes with electric water pump that the wire runs along the pipes up to Russian if its in India or Middle East on the Mongolia-Rusian border after digging the 10 km hole to the crust then refine it the they save their country foreign exchange on oil and the oil sold put on online money for any one who find it in Europe to eat like in WWW.2goinvoice.com. They are theifs so they delude Indians with silly tricks like not able to look, infact India should be fighting Rusian as china coz the bulk of this oil is sold to them coz the 2 countries consumes half of the world oil and they champion high population out of this. For countries like in East Africa the do the same below and channel the pipe to Egypt to process it there as much as Nigeria to Ghana, Namibia from Angola making the whites to go there if its pump its  not known dude. The same with East Africa one they want to bring the Negros to siphon it here and they share so its not known but with electric & solar cars in Germany and Holland they fear its going to be futile bro. Lovers of free things, the earth crust is 1000 km is to keep you in cold so you dont know folks of this above, its from 10-16 km depending on where you are whether is sea bed, plateau or highland. Click the links below https://www.google.com/search?q=electric+cars+in+germany&oq=electric+cars+in+germany&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6688j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8   https://www.ask.com/web?o=0&l=dir&qo=serpSearchTopBox&q=electric+cars+in+germany https://www.ask.com/youtube?q=solar+powered+vans+in+holland&v=WEjQkkrsY5Y https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/26/business/lightyear-one-solar-powered-car/index.html
Hay, brothers out of this turf situation, we are heading to the Jury on the tittle deed where me as the beneficiary of the Land is letting the court to know am not interested so am opting my name to be omitted out the ownership list so its remain the property of the two. This is done by confirming my fingerprints with huduma services and my pulse rate is 68 period and i will append my signature to officiate it. We will present ourselves to the court for this occurrence to set my life in peace and  harmony. Am sick & tired of women and gay character of wanting good things and moreover brothers am going to do 3-4 tattoos on my hands to as well bar me  from any political seat period or from getting a visa unless otherwise which is spelt vividly in the constitution bro. Dont change that you can do a tattoo and still vie which am sick and tired of dude. Like with the battery which is close to $ 300 as well as welding machine and electric motor yet they are saying i save my close to $ 100 i make daily out of the scrap metal to craft what i have spelt to them i saw on youtube but they dont comprehend bursting into threats and wanting to put up a fight asking them they say i ought to be saving to make the same and its from above as mr President. Dude stop and leave my booty alone.
You can buy a cheap welding machine and a grinder 4 ya business or house where you put a socket outside just  to power them in the evening and morning as even-though you still use a padlock to close the door but one to 2 lock opening is welded with a thick iron wire ringlike and in the morning you cut it to know if one broke in2 ya house as the new padlocks are bristle so you better teller the owner of FLY CIRCLE to make the new type of keys which are hard to copy to craft to make and are not bristle, very hard to break them period then burglary will be reduced or the fellow will be hard cutting the door or a thing of the past bro. So they want population to grow to facilitate this. Grown ups are just involved in begging foods daily at the vendor, in war, hooliganism, strikes and demonstrations as the have somewhere at night to chip their hands to.
click the link below
Buy the padlock below abroad not from the shop but you can do that from places like the shelter, you can google the shelter per city as shelters in Minneapolis or Wichita but from the homeless people directly which makes it hard to be known. Click the link below
At the end you see the horse with 2 riders fallen with the front legs broken, the riders as well who dont comprehend you exhausted and fallen as well and an intruder next to them as a bandit carrying a knife, panga or a gun/rungu wanting not to hit the folks who have dismounted but the horse. This signals defeat when you mention the fact of the key forgery. With me i dint live a good life and even now, so you cant want good life from me dude, lest i became a step down transformer like stepping down 240 volts to 1 volts, am able to go to square one to the drawing board of my life. To resort to simplicity though i got enough staff to live large bro. This kind of character makes me furious dude.
Smoking as well many people in the dark next to the dug deep pool makes any gadgets as long as you are evenly surrounding the pool walking- king of the jew to cement the truth but such gadget if you know they were made this way may take you to hell coz the other side its hazardous to the smoker. Worker parable to cement the truth bro.
                                                  Nyimi mit mochanda kwani e-wiro mooh mane to magdalin othiego mooh mane, ndukle yawa, wajamani. When the pussy of a certain women of a nation is sweet it means they are poor or in a worry and thats how its known and vice versa. Planes should be equipped with bearing machines even on phones and small solar/battery powered motor boat stored on the cargo center and that center once the pilot have alerted a fall opened to let loose all cargo as an entrance from the passenger side to the cargo side to pick the small boat is made like in this song guys- click the link dude below. This is done to know where you are going once a fall happens and parachutes as well.
Future song means to the Africans that we have already known what we wanted to know so lets deviate bro, where they are in a place like the moon or desert bro. Who is able to see where a car/gadget is from by directly looking at it in revelation 5 whether from uk, mexico or China. The root of David after putting a bob coin on the palm of his hand and holding it a little while then meditate shortly. Cyber in Africa can build a city after a camera is put to monitor the flow of people where we can count how my minute they have spent as well as printing and photocopying and many in Nairobi have capitalized on this bro to build the city alongside selling of banana, apple, maize choma, sausages and melons.
Tea as well can grow in Homa bay nyanza and that sweet one more than kericho one so why pride yourself dude only two kenya former provinces cant grow tea and that is North Eastern and Coast provinces. They have learnt that they cant get out the comments on youtube once the owner of the post is dead and the email is di-enable so they resort to looking up in that they want to blow off the server of either FB, tumblr or youtube via a plane like the september ny attack for the posts to vanish not knowing some have printed the same so the opt for direct flight then in the final analysis say it was all accident. To avert that trains can be controlled from below once the reach the city of departure, can be made that way to stop silly misconduct bro.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Second death were one died as a kid then went to hell not fire but brought to the earth via the vent not incarnation. These people disturb, smooth skined and wants big life not wanting progress of others. If they know of this from you they kill you. King of the jew to cement the truth, they are just awaiting the second death described in the book of revelation Bor, aborigins, far, mbali if translated dude. click the link below dudes 4 full data
Even the German father mother Mr Edom as Esau who Jacob the polish father took his bath right had Guyana blood. The war in Germoney brought the polish into USA 4 us to know their character of wanting or taking peoples things by force like they did to Esau, ES End Signs bro, Empire state, most states were built with 2goinvoice money and the technology most nations have know and is worrying the USA. Guyana people love much sex just like Edom did who was hunting for the women as pursuing/seducing them not real hunter and it was figurative when he brought stew back home 4 Jacob to Eat as have sex with dude and Get this clear, I have lived b4 time.
Nyolo kebi neywak marach ma, kang’amo tong gi ojala madik, says eunice, pamela confirming en-hamano. amanda gi mochanda nini imefanya nyimi yako x 3, halafu owacho ang’omuwiche jokanyama kose lit toakia x3, he couldnt stop that all night at bar kalare b4 the drone took him off plainlands hotel in the middle of the night. If you eat plain rice and give it to meditation when you put the minds of people to your mind, rather the picture of people, you see a cusket in the country they were buried to signify second death and thats how its know. Now what do hindu need, they came here to wait 4 kebi and now wants to get into his logging by wanting the password like an infant? Fuck that dude, it needs a Cain bro to cane not like it did to abel bro. King of the jew to cement the truth.
They again make money via many interview with the bus company if those people to be interview board that bus like Easy Coach and the very people sometimes come from the interview surrounding but forge receipt to be payed as if they came from far and they eat with the people who advertised the job, the bus company sometimes and the people who posses the big man syndrome like the dignitaries. They call many people 4 one job to maximize the profits. Susan jomathindo gi blochawa bwana, we used to partake 3 bottles of black&white but now we can only afford one, so what can we do to maintain the respect they ask? Well susan we will give you everyday an extra 100 shillings 4 this awesome deal, just bring to our desk 3 botles but 2 are of water but when dusk fall you return them 4 the next day 4 respect. Miss Susan is the deal sealed asking achayo mochayo G not acher in Genesis 49 or jeremiah chapter tisa/nine.
They need to make a 1 tonne safe or with holes that you can put bolts to cement on the ground that thiefs cant break into and that why its called a safe not just what they put on papers as safe. It should have a key as well or the 3 digit pascode of taking it forward to rest on 1 number then back in the middle the forward again on a certain number to open the safe box, am championing this and this more than to be the president of kenya, padlocks should also be made not of an opening key but the code system like in the USA shelters bro. How many times should i have to say/explain this. Accept you are poor or poverty then we forge a head kenyans, dont be hard and silly, derails us period.
The tall people had utility of cutting fire wood long time and thats why they used to be tolerated but now techmo-ology has gotten them handy, we go wood cutters which are cheap we can buy and use at home or electricity which is cheap has gotten into peoples homestead to heat/cook and thats why partly they are very upset/rude. If you take an inverter and connect to a motor bike wet cell then to the cutter like in the link below you cut you big log even someone below the age of 10 yrs so over tall people above 6 ft in height think twice. Hindus have now be-friended some other fellow nearby, they even come with their kid but alongside carry fake things like medicine or certain foods they have bewitched to replace with and sell to other fellows. Stop this dude. They include mandazi, sweets, soda, salt, yellow diabetic added flour etc.
Click the link above
find my post on mcbethnelson on tumblr and then on tumblr such like mrmonde and then click on the untitled then cut the link and post on fb or youtube comment. When another fellow opens his tumblr and click the link you have posted he come to see not your post but mrmonde posts. what is a link or url br, google dude. click the link below https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=what+is+a+urlhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpcnJrGDnZAhttps://crypto.stanford.edu/cs142/lectures/url.html The ones that starts with http:// are what is url on you computer screen
Uhuru wa kenyatta is sickening gay sending motor bike riders to ambush people take their key and still from their premise/house or just rob you in pretense of a fight- put up a fight song ft sean paul. They want to grab you from behind the big bodied riders and behave like they are raping/fucking you from behind. Very very bad but still mwana wa nyuba with kikuyouths not old.
Click the link below to see how after meditation you come to see the  accomplice and these criminals. If you put one bob/currency coin of any nation you see this but other denominations cheats you. WSU Kansas do me a letter informing me that you cant pay me so the shit stops, obama malia, vales of wsu among many others are eyeing this cash come what may to the point of wanting my own life to impersonate another to withdraw from the bank or find a person who transform. WSU come to an hotel and make it open for the said kevin nelson omondi as per the green card or Kenya ID to come then you negotiate then proceed to a bank like kcb or Equity where mr nelson claims to have an a/c the credit his a/c or not or make arrests. Stop sending money blindly for hooligans dude.
Open ya tumblr account then on search tumblr bar write a person you want to search like mrmonde, if you copy paste or cut the url/link or open on another tab you come to see mrmonde details even if you send it to someone else not yours.
How to dis-enable a facebook or tumblr account is the same with how you dis-enabled your Gmail a/c you open that fb/tumblr a/c with, go to settings then write your old pasward and on the google bar or ward write unreadable script like YTHFGD4578HGBV randomly that you cant read then copy paste on your FB or tumblr a/c or just cut b4 you copy paste into your fb/tumblr a/c, if you do this it means you have dis-enable all the recovery options with gmail as well as you cant remember your pas-code if you remove the ward/google bar tab. Friends but if you open a new a/c you can see your old tumblr/fb postings, google this out dude, vineyard & worker parable and the only thing to do is to greet each other bro. Be real and accept defeat. Click these links bro to guide you….
Click that person on the right-side of your tumblr interface to take you to where i removed the link of reset ya pas-code same with Fb, then click the pen on password to reset it dudes.
UK is poor coz they built the country via 2goinvoice.com 4 over along time so they must except they came from Missouri state and sedgwick county was the one which was there with Wichita as its city but the rest of kansas was a lake b4 the land went up to make it a plane, that water body they shared with Colorado, Oklahoma and Nebraska to solve the whole bible process coz Missouri state with sedgwick county got wheat and rich than uk, its better off and its a blessing in disguise- Isiah i will humble Egypt will be fulfilled bro. Click the link below..
Again they do elegant weddings, pride in sports league and posh cars which are expensive but easy to make. Apart from getting money from all their branches of their banks all-over the world like Barclay and stanchart and remit back home to fund their economies they as well get money from their British air to do the same and gambling as sport betting upon which i will personally sensitize people to stop on such me kevinelson as alias kebi as associates say. An ngamarach nyithindwa, okaber dawe, miya post no the akwelo to egola kaka jakuo with the 1st 2 months of being in office or i do a tattoo bro and tell God on judgement they were disturbing me to infinity bro and still escape hell fire. Mathew 21 End signs Es, estate, Estonia, ester quine bro. America was majorly built with artificial tea AT or synthetic tea st, start, stranded- which they use their large ships to sell to countries in the middle East- the Arab world which is made out of grass which any tribe can make by hurling of sperms from lofty high or sprinkling of sewage water onto the grass just from the same level dude.
Kesho, chakre next week achako bete eyamo kenda gi atleast 100-200 people, am starting to be all alone on the air getting the smell of the air wanting to touch the clouds bro. Dont just belittle me that way fellows. Ketwangi yawho-oyi, get to see, tazama vijana my steps as moves.
My new tumblr a/c is osienelsonmonde
When you see me putting up structure at the rural home come and cut me, never will you find me there me with my wife if chance allow dweling there maybe when the parents are dead or not. I have told ya in advance that never will i set my dweling there, if am seen maybe i have gone out 4 funeral or to pick some medication bro and bet this dude. Please leave me alone guys.
Nyimi mit mochanda kwani e-wiro mooh mane to magdalin othiego mooh mane, ndukle yawa, wajamani. When the pussy of a certain women of a nation is sweet it means they are poor or in a worry and thats how its known and vice versa. Planes should be equipped with bearing machines even on phones and small solar/battery powered motor boat stored on the cargo center and that center once the pilot have alerted a fall opened to let loose all cargo as an entrance from the passenger side to the cargo side to pick the small boat is made like in this song guys- click the link dude below. This is done to know where you are going once a fall happens and parachutes as well.
Future song means to the Africans that we have already known what we wanted to know so lets deviate bro, where they are in a place like the moon or desert bro. Who is able to see where a car/gadget is from by directly looking at it in revelation 5 whether from uk, mexico or China. The root of David after putting a bob coin on the palm of his hand and holding it a little while then meditate shortly. Cyber in Africa can build a city after a camera is put to monitor the flow of people where we can count how my minute they have spent as well as printing and photocopying and many in Nairobi have capitalized on this bro to build the city alongside selling of banana, apple, maize choma, sausages and melons.
Tea as well can grow in Homa bay nyanza and that sweet one more than kericho one so why pride yourself dude only two kenya former provinces cant grow tea and that is North Eastern and Coast provinces. They have learnt that they cant get out the comments on youtube once the owner of the post is dead and the email is di-enable so they resort to looking up in that they want to blow off the server of either FB, tumblr or youtube via a plane like the september ny attack for the posts to vanish not knowing some have printed the same so the opt for direct flight then in the final analysis say it was all accident. To avert that trains can be controlled from below once the reach the city of departure, can be made that way to stop silly misconduct bro.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Second death were one died as a kid then went to hell not fire but brought to the earth via the vent not incarnation. These people disturb, smooth skined and wants big life not wanting progress of others. If they know of this from you they kill you. King of the jew to cement the truth, they are just awaiting the second death described in the book of revelation Bor, aborigins, far, mbali if translated dude. click the link below dudes 4 full data
Even the German father mother Mr Edom as Esau who Jacob the polish father took his bath right had Guyana blood. The war in Germoney brought the polish into USA 4 us to know their character of wanting or taking peoples things by force like they did to Esau, ES End Signs bro, Empire state, most states were built with 2goinvoice money and the technology most nations have know and is worrying the USA. Guyana people love much sex just like Edom did who was hunting for the women as pursuing/seducing them not real hunter and it was figurative when he brought stew back home 4 Jacob to Eat as have sex with dude and Get this clear, I have lived b4 time.
Nyolo kebi neywak marach ma, kang’amo tong gi ojala madik, says eunice, pamela confirming en-hamano. amanda gi mochanda nini imefanya nyimi yako x 3, halafu owacho ang’omuwiche jokanyama kose lit toakia x3, he couldnt stop that all night at bar kalare b4 the drone took him off plainlands hotel in the middle of the night. If you eat plain rice and give it to meditation when you put the minds of people to your mind, rather the picture of people, you see a cusket in the country they were buried to signify second death and thats how its know. Now what do hindu need, they came here to wait 4 kebi and now wants to get into his logging by wanting the password like an infant? Fuck that dude, it needs a Cain bro to cane not like it did to abel bro. King of the jew to cement the truth.
They again make money via many interview with the bus company if those people to be interview board that bus like Easy Coach and the very people sometimes come from the interview surrounding but forge receipt to be payed as if they came from far and they eat with the people who advertised the job, the bus company sometimes and the people who posses the big man syndrome like the dignitaries. They call many people 4 one job to maximize the profits. Susan jomathindo gi blochawa bwana, we used to partake 3 bottles of black&white but now we can only afford one, so what can we do to maintain the respect they ask? Well susan we will give you everyday an extra 100 shillings 4 this awesome deal, just bring to our desk 3 botles but 2 are of water but when dusk fall you return them 4 the next day 4 respect. Miss Susan is the deal sealed asking achayo mochayo G not acher in Genesis 49 or jeremiah chapter tisa/nine.
They need to make a 1 tonne safe or with holes that you can put bolts to cement on the ground that thiefs cant break into and that why its called a safe not just what they put on papers as safe. It should have a key as well or the 3 digit pascode of taking it forward to rest on 1 number then back in the middle the forward again on a certain number to open the safe box, am championing this and this more than to be the president of kenya, padlocks should also be made not of an opening key but the code system like in the USA shelters bro. How many times should i have to say/explain this. Accept you are poor or poverty then we forge a head kenyans, dont be hard and silly, derails us period.
The tall people had utility of cutting fire wood long time and thats why they used to be tolerated but now techmo-ology has gotten them handy, we go wood cutters which are cheap we can buy and use at home or electricity which is cheap has gotten into peoples homestead to heat/cook and thats why partly they are very upset/rude. If you take an inverter and connect to a motor bike wet cell then to the cutter like in the link below you cut you big log even someone below the age of 10 yrs so over tall people above 6 ft in height think twice. Hindus have now be-friended some other fellow nearby, they even come with their kid but alongside carry fake things like medicine or certain foods they have bewitched to replace with and sell to other fellows. Stop this dude. They include mandazi, sweets, soda, salt, yellow diabetic added flour etc.
Click the link above
Nyimi mit mochanda kwani e-wiro mooh mane to magdalin othiego mooh mane, ndukle yawa, wajamani. When the pussy of a certain women of a nation is sweet it means they are poor or in a worry and thats how its known and vice versa. Planes should be equipped with bearing machines even on phones and small solar/battery powered motor boat stored on the cargo center and that center once the pilot have alerted a fall opened to let loose all cargo as an entrance from the passenger side to the cargo side to pick the small boat is made like in this song guys- click the link dude below. This is done to know where you are going once a fall happens and parachutes as well.
Future song means to the Africans that we have already known what we wanted to know so lets deviate bro, where they are in a place like the moon or desert bro. Who is able to see where a car/gadget is from by directly looking at it in revelation 5 whether from uk, mexico or China. The root of David after putting a bob coin on the palm of his hand and holding it a little while then meditate shortly. Cyber in Africa can build a city after a camera is put to monitor the flow of people where we can count how my minute they have spent as well as printing and photocopying and many in Nairobi have capitalized on this bro to build the city alongside selling of banana, apple, maize choma, sausages and melons.
Tea as well can grow in Homa bay nyanza and that sweet one more than kericho one so why pride yourself dude only two kenya former provinces cant grow tea and that is North Eastern and Coast provinces. They have learnt that they cant get out the comments on youtube once the owner of the post is dead and the email is di-enable so they resort to looking up in that they want to blow off the server of either FB, tumblr or youtube via a plane like the september ny attack for the posts to vanish not knowing some have printed the same so the opt for direct flight then in the final analysis say it was all accident. To avert that trains can be controlled from below once the reach the city of departure, can be made that way to stop silly misconduct bro.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Second death were one died as a kid then went to hell not fire but brought to the earth via the vent not incarnation. These people disturb, smooth skined and wants big life not wanting progress of others. If they know of this from you they kill you. King of the jew to cement the truth, they are just awaiting the second death described in the book of revelation Bor, aborigins, far, mbali if translated dude. click the link below dudes 4 full data
Even the German father mother Mr Edom as Esau who Jacob the polish father took his bath right had Guyana blood. The war in Germoney brought the polish into USA 4 us to know their character of wanting or taking peoples things by force like they did to Esau, ES End Signs bro, Empire state, most states were built with 2goinvoice money and the technology most nations have know and is worrying the USA. Guyana people love much sex just like Edom did who was hunting for the women as pursuing/seducing them not real hunter and it was figurative when he brought stew back home 4 Jacob to Eat as have sex with dude and Get this clear, I have lived b4 time.
Nyolo kebi neywak marach ma, kang’amo tong gi ojala madik, says eunice, pamela confirming en-hamano. amanda gi mochanda nini imefanya nyimi yako x 3, halafu owacho ang’omuwiche jokanyama kose lit toakia x3, he couldnt stop that all night at bar kalare b4 the drone took him off plainlands hotel in the middle of the night. If you eat plain rice and give it to meditation when you put the minds of people to your mind, rather the picture of people, you see a cusket in the country they were buried to signify second death and thats how its know. Now what do hindu need, they came here to wait 4 kebi and now wants to get into his logging by wanting the password like an infant? Fuck that dude, it needs a Cain bro to cane not like it did to abel bro. King of the jew to cement the truth.
They again make money via many interview with the bus company if those people to be interview board that bus like Easy Coach and the very people sometimes come from the interview surrounding but forge receipt to be payed as if they came from far and they eat with the people who advertised the job, the bus company sometimes and the people who posses the big man syndrome like the dignitaries. They call many people 4 one job to maximize the profits. Susan jomathindo gi blochawa bwana, we used to partake 3 bottles of black&white but now we can only afford one, so what can we do to maintain the respect they ask? Well susan we will give you everyday an extra 100 shillings 4 this awesome deal, just bring to our desk 3 botles but 2 are of water but when dusk fall you return them 4 the next day 4 respect. Miss Susan is the deal sealed asking achayo mochayo G not acher in Genesis 49 or jeremiah chapter tisa/nine.
0 notes
usedboltsoftware · 4 years
They need to make a 1 tonne safe or with holes that you can put bolts to cement on the ground that thiefs cant break into and that why its called a safe not just what they put on papers as safe. It should have a key as well or the 3 digit pascode of taking it forward to rest on 1 number then back in the middle the forward again on a certain number to open the safe box, am championing this and this more than to be the president of kenya, padlocks should also be made not of an opening key but the code system like in the USA shelters bro. How many times should i have to say/explain this. Accept you are poor or poverty then we forge a head kenyans, dont be hard and silly, derails us period.
The tall people had utility of cutting fire wood long time and thats why they used to be tolerated but now techmo-ology has gotten them handy, we go wood cutters which are cheap we can buy and use at home or electricity which is cheap has gotten into peoples homestead to heat/cook and thats why partly they are very upset/rude. If you take an inverter and connect to a motor bike wet cell then to the cutter like in the link below you cut you big log even someone below the age of 10 yrs so over tall people above 6 ft in height think twice. Hindus have now be-friended some other fellow nearby, they even come with their kid but alongside carry fake things like medicine or certain foods they have bewitched to replace with and sell to other fellows. Stop this dude. They include mandazi, sweets, soda, salt, yellow diabetic added flour etc.
Click the link above
find my post on mcbethnelson on tumblr and then on tumblr such like mrmonde and then click on the untitled then cut the link and post on fb or youtube comment. When another fellow opens his tumblr and click the link you have posted he come to see not your post but mrmonde posts. what is a link or url br, google dude. click the link below https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=what+is+a+url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpcnJrGDnZAhttps://crypto.stanford.edu/cs142/lectures/url.html The ones that starts with http:// are what is url on you computer screen
Uhuru wa kenyatta is sickening gay sending motor bike riders to ambush people take their key and still from their premise/house or just rob you in pretense of a fight- put up a fight song ft sean paul. They want to grab you from behind the big bodied riders and behave like they are raping/fucking you from behind. Very very bad but still mwana wa nyuba with kikuyouths not old.
Click the link below to see how after meditation you come to see the  accomplice and these criminals. If you put one bob/currency coin of any nation you see this but other denominations cheats you. WSU Kansas do me a letter informing me that you cant pay me so the shit stops, obama malia, vales of wsu among many others are eyeing this cash come what may to the point of wanting my own life to impersonate another to withdraw from the bank or find a person who transform. WSU come to an hotel and make it open for the said kevin nelson omondi as per the green card or Kenya ID to come then you negotiate then proceed to a bank like kcb or Equity where mr nelson claims to have an a/c the credit his a/c or not or make arrests. Stop sending money blindly for hooligans dude.
Open ya tumblr account then on search tumblr bar write a person you want to search like mrmonde, if you copy paste or cut the url/link or open on another tab you come to see mrmonde details even if you send it to someone else not yours.
How to dis-enable a facebook or tumblr account is the same with how you dis-enabled your Gmail a/c you open that fb/tumblr a/c with, go to settings then write your old pasward and on the google bar or ward write unreadable script like YTHFGD4578HGBV randomly that you cant read then copy paste on your FB or tumblr a/c or just cut b4 you copy paste into your fb/tumblr a/c, if you do this it means you have dis-enable all the recovery options with gmail as well as you cant remember your pas-code if you remove the ward/google bar tab. Friends but if you open a new a/c you can see your old tumblr/fb postings, google this out dude, vineyard & worker parable and the only thing to do is to greet each other bro. Be real and accept defeat. Click these links bro to guide you….
Click that person on the right-side of your tumblr interface to take you to where i removed the link of reset ya pas-code same with Fb, then click the pen on password to reset it dudes.
UK is poor coz they built the country via 2goinvoice.com 4 over along time so they must except they came from Missouri state and sedgwick county was the one which was there with Wichita as its city but the rest of kansas was a lake b4 the land went up to make it a plane, that water body they shared with Colorado, Oklahoma and Nebraska to solve the whole bible process coz Missouri state with sedgwick county got wheat and rich than uk, its better off and its a blessing in disguise- Isiah i will humble Egypt will be fulfilled bro. Click the link below..
Again they do elegant weddings, pride in sports league and posh cars which are expensive but easy to make. Apart from getting money from all their branches of their banks all-over the world like Barclay and stanchart and remit back home to fund their economies they as well get money from their British air to do the same and gambling as sport betting upon which i will personally sensitize people to stop on such me kevinelson as alias kebi as associates say. An ngamarach nyithindwa, okaber dawe, miya post no the akwelo to egola kaka jakuo with the 1st 2 months of being in office or i do a tattoo bro and tell God on judgement they were disturbing me to infinity bro and still escape hell fire. Mathew 21 End signs Es, estate, Estonia, ester quine bro. America was majorly built with artificial tea AT or synthetic tea st, start, stranded- which they use their large ships to sell to countries in the middle East- the Arab world which is made out of grass which any tribe can make by hurling of sperms from lofty high or sprinkling of sewage water onto the grass just from the same level dude.
Kesho, chakre next week achako bete eyamo kenda gi atleast 100-200 people, am starting to be all alone on the air getting the smell of the air wanting to touch the clouds bro. Dont just belittle me that way fellows. Ketwangi yawho-oyi, get to see, tazama vijana my steps as moves.
My new tumblr a/c is osienelsonmonde
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dream+ft+fabolous+shawty+is+a+ten+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJOeXh6HyvU https://twitter.com/mondeoutcust   If you take boiled maize then smear chili source unto it with they way i have explained how to make gadgets both on the roof top of that house or church hall or within a dug deep pool in other tumblr or near water surface or in a closed container or just outside in the dark, if you partake the above even one person it forms everything you desire like planes, computers, ammunition, heavy machinery and anything dude. The Easiest way EW, jew bro.
The new sub-woofer from china aint shipped yet so we wanna now those who got it and from where to curb dubious business bro on the below link dude
Dont pump to much bro, keeping in mind dat too much pumping killed zachaeus as sakayo and made Lazarus grown short https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonmornde/followers
kebi innovation of electric bikes, click the link below 4 more
They wanted to own it but to no avail, do not forgive them as in the bible, the masai blooded fellow like masaindians. The tumblr is blocked as per their understanding but happy is kebi cause, its a blessing in disguise bro
New Heights New Innovation
Where there are line of weakness around the lake like kisumu airport bandani region to allow the lake to run to kakamega, awasi border to Rift valley, asembo bay as well with lake Victoria, Duluth with lake superior, Detroit, its very simple connect 2 computer screen to view 1 thing, take to a technician and boom a land slide near the weakness like most parts in central Kenya but they know not. Lost coin parable and good neighbor with yesus bro.
Even the Adam, Even thing was a loud speaker hidden coz it was wilderness and their was no development along as it was far from Europe or America they ascertained the truth that it was God talking to them and moreover Moses and Adam had a voice recorder as well as in Genesis 49 not that he was writing bro. Sheep and goat parable to cement de trut. A Big friend of mine aka aloice who has lived long was the 1 who hid the speaker and made the gas pipes 4 moses of Nyiloyi welding at Migosi Estate, me Steve cousin to Aloice of Stanchart but me I worked with Equity bank Kenya. Moreover even and Adam were tipsy they were not sober, sower parable to bring about reality
Sometimes if you look at 1 lips, it rotates ya head suddenly to indicate dat people somewhere maybe wants to cut them wid panga, so its my obligation to draw close to dem and warn dem.
Shoe polish as well are made with ripe banana or thick petal flowers, put in a container then many pour saliva or urinate unto the container sides and boom the polish bro.
Aero-planes as well are made with cut chapati mixed with stewed beans (large heap) as ndondo them with mahindi boiled 1 or many mix with chili source in the dark then boom the dreamliner bro. Hidden treasure parable and Christ with little children bro.
Where there are line of weakness around the lake like kisumu airport bandani region to allow the lake to run to kakamega, awasi border to Rift valley, asembo bay as well with lake Victoria, Duluth with lake superior, Detroit, its very simple connect 2 computer screen to view 1 thing, take to a technician and boom a land slide near the weakness like most parts in central Kenya but they know not. Lost coin parable and good neighbor with yesus bro.
Even the Adam, Even thing was a loud speaker hidden coz it was wilderness and their was no development along as it was far from Europe or America they ascertained the truth that it was God talking to them and moreover Moses and Adam had a voice recorder as well as in Genesis 49 not that he was writing bro. Sheep and goat parable to cement de trut. A Big friend of mine aka aloice who has lived long was the 1 who hid the speaker and made the gas pipes 4 moses of Nyiloyi welding at Migosi Estate, me Steve cousin to Aloice of Stanchart but me I worked with Equity bank Kenya. Moreover even and Adam were tipsy they were not sober, sower parable to bring about reality
Sometimes if you look at 1 lips, it rotates ya head suddenly to indicate dat people somewhere maybe wants to cut them wid panga, so its my obligation to draw close to dem and warn dem.
Shoe polish as well are made with ripe banana or thick petal flowers, put in a container then many pour saliva or urinate unto the container sides and boom the polish bro.
Aero-planes as well are made with cut chapati mixed with stewed beans (large heap) as ndondo them with mahindi boiled 1 or many mix with chili source in the dark then boom the dreamliner bro. Hidden treasure parable and Christ with little children bro.
Mimi upussy ndiyo sitaki, kuma nataka pia nyonyo nataka pia ni upussy/ukiten tu ndicho shitaki.
Do not 4give them nelson if they force u wid dat post, kill dem to the last man and woman, usiku wa kuamukia bro, i hate dem toka jadi and how is de proof mseya now dat a i know how to make siren gas and we got a lot of trucks in kenya which can carry the gas, stop jokes, once i have not dharawho u, leave me alone. Sipendi mchesho wa paka na panya, tomu and jerry wasee.
Play the secrete question category in carry1st where u can refer through google b4 u answer to be sure.
Ny and major European, Asian or Australian cities are collapsing coz where they sell artificial oil Ao has learnt de same. Where in big oil tanks at the port are filled with sewer water then many urinates on its sides to form the same. This applies as well to engine oil and any chemical like battery acid, disinfectants etc As much as jet oil and siren gas made de same way with red flsh flood and cola soda as described in the following/follower of nelsonmornde tumblr. Nairobi as well is mostly made out of this and copper or aluminum wire, illicit money as well described under tumblr nelsonmornde.
Taka as Garbage makes paints,cement or big super drums under the above process dudes and thats why nowdays African cities are clean, now it got utility, even food such as flour or rice can be made via this as much as vegetables, onions and tomatoes under the smear you maize with chili process
At the end of the road after exploiting black women even via social media, they fed u up and when u come across a white or Brazilian women u feel ua brain opening up meaning they do understand life and come if any with men who are geared towards works as opposed to black ones whom u love previously much who come up with dead horse who are ready to scoundrel ya money and if u did not have could would have belittled, abused ya or ridicule u as may beat u up so at their joint men who disguise themselves as hopeless sent to dem with esp other powerful women to investigate dem and take report. And always almost are like described above as i have copy paste this text from another tumblr a/c u know not. Friends whats the hoot?
Early in the kogwens/morning i buy the newspaper then in the big copier that can scan the whole leaf i do the same and post on social media like FB, tumblr, instagram or twitter 4 every tom harry and dick to read so as to reduce the cash on newpaper which are expensive and any can do dat provided u use an a/c which is not know not as the govt can be on ya shoulder.
Newspaper 4 the whole nation can not be printed overnight as much as ballot papers, a sample is done then with sewer water on a big container 1 after another many urinates, piss saliva unto it then boom the papers are formed so ought to be cheap bro. Get it straight and some even in the morning buy 1 and make the same and sell. Friend something i have witness to be reach b4 it reaches the multitude, dubious people in this world bro, how to get wealthy 1st u must not be straight but this way as explained above dude.
Mimi upussy ndiyo sitaki, kuma nataka pia nyonyo nataka pia ni upussy/ukiten tu ndicho shitaki.
Do not 4give them nelson if they force u wid dat post, kill dem to the last man and woman, usiku wa kuamukia bro, i hate dem toka jadi and how is de proof mseya now dat a i know how to make siren gas and we got a lot of trucks in kenya which can carry the gas, stop jokes, once i have not dharawho u, leave me alone. Sipendi mchesho wa paka na panya, tomu and jerry wasee.
Play the secrete question category in carry1st where u can refer through google b4 u answer to be sure.
Ny and major European, Asian or Australian cities are collapsing coz where they sell artificial oil Ao has learnt de same. Where in big oil tanks at the port are filled with sewer water then many urinates on its sides to form the same. This applies as well to engine oil and any chemical like battery acid, disinfectants etc As much as jet oil and siren gas made de same way with red flsh flood and cola soda as described in the following/follower of nelsonmornde tumblr. Nairobi as well is mostly made out of this and copper or aluminum wire, illicit money as well described under tumblr nelsonmornde.
Taka as Garbage makes paints,cement or big super drums under the above process dudes and thats why nowdays African cities are clean, now it got utility, even food such as flour or rice can be made via this as much as vegetables, onions and tomatoes under the smear you maize with chili process
At the end of the road after exploiting black women even via social media, they fed u up and when u come across a white or Brazilian women u feel ua brain opening up meaning they do understand life and come if any with men who are geared towards works as opposed to black ones whom u love previously much who come up with dead horse who are ready to scoundrel ya money and if u did not have could would have belittled, abused ya or ridicule u as may beat u up so at their joint men who disguise themselves as hopeless sent to dem with esp other powerful women to investigate dem and take report. And always almost are like described above as i have copy paste this text from another tumblr a/c u know not. Friends whats the hoot?
Early in the kogwens/morning i buy the newspaper then in the big copier that can scan the whole leaf i do the same and post on social media like FB, tumblr, instagram or twitter 4 every tom harry and dick to read so as to reduce the cash on newpaper which are expensive and any can do dat provided u use an a/c which is not know not as the govt can be on ya shoulder.
Newspaper 4 the whole nation can not be printed overnight as much as ballot papers, a sample is done then with sewer water on a big container 1 after another many urinates, piss saliva unto it then boom the papers are formed so ought to be cheap bro. Get it straight and some even in the morning buy 1 and make the same and sell. Friend something i have witness to be reach b4 it reaches the multitude, dubious people in this world bro, how to get wealthy 1st u must not be straight but this way as explained above dude.
Someson knew how to talk to the devil and where he was chained were next to big cylinder in that hall, so he talked to the guard to pour flash water via the pipe above then close them when again he is taken back 4 the next round of feast again and the guard did dat exactly, lost coin and little kid wid Christ parable to bring reality. So when he was brought he was given mahindi boiled and he asked 4 chili and smeared on it and boom the gas formed, they untied the chain upon him he tried to escape but to no avail and he abused aking who did not know how to shoot a bullet and the many bullet he directed some fell on samson and other on the cylinder which killed samsom and let the gas out as well as killed all in the dynasty bro, siren gas.
Provided the white-man got no kikuyu, truekana or masai blood, baganda as well, in dat case in just making love then u find your way out bro.
Mimi upussy ndiyo sitaki, kuma nataka pia nyonyo nataka pia ni upussy/ukiten tu ndicho shitaki.
Do not 4give them nelson if they force u wid dat post, kill dem to the last man and woman, usiku wa kuamukia bro, i hate dem toka jadi and how is de proof mseya now dat a i know how to make siren gas and we got a lot of trucks in kenya which can carry the gas, stop jokes, once i have not dharawho u, leave me alone. Sipendi mchesho wa paka na panya, tomu and jerry wasee.
Play the secrete question category in carry1st where u can refer through google b4 u answer to be sure.
Ny and major European, Asian or Australian cities are collapsing coz where they sell artificial oil Ao has learnt de same. Where in big oil tanks at the port are filled with sewer water then many urinates on its sides to form the same. This applies as well to engine oil and any chemical like battery acid, disinfectants etc As much as jet oil and siren gas made de same way with red flsh flood and cola soda as described in the following/follower of nelsonmornde tumblr. Nairobi as well is mostly made out of this and copper or aluminum wire, illicit money as well described under tumblr nelsonmornde.
Taka as Garbage makes paints,cement or big super drums under the above process dudes and thats why nowdays African cities are clean, now it got utility, even food such as flour or rice can be made via this as much as vegetables, onions and tomatoes under the smear you maize with chili process
At the end of the road after exploiting black women even via social media, they fed u up and when u come across a white or Brazilian women u feel ua brain opening up meaning they do understand life and come if any with men who are geared towards works as opposed to black ones whom u love previously much who come up with dead horse who are ready to scoundrel ya money and if u did not have could would have belittled, abused ya or ridicule u as may beat u up so at their joint men who disguise themselves as hopeless sent to dem with esp other powerful women to investigate dem and take report. And always almost are like described above as i have copy paste this text from another tumblr a/c u know not. Friends whats the hoot?
Early in the kogwens/morning i buy the newspaper then in the big copier that can scan the whole leaf i do the same and post on social media like FB, tumblr, instagram or twitter 4 every tom harry and dick to read so as to reduce the cash on newpaper which are expensive and any can do dat provided u use an a/c which is not know not as the govt can be on ya shoulder.
Newspaper 4 the whole nation can not be printed overnight as much as ballot papers, a sample is done then with sewer water on a big container 1 after another many urinates, piss saliva unto it then boom the papers are formed so ought to be cheap bro. Get it straight and some even in the morning buy 1 and make the same and sell. Friend something i have witness to be reach b4 it reaches the multitude, dubious people in this world bro, how to get wealthy 1st u must not be straight but this way as explained above dude.
Mimi mtu mbaya blow, am a bad man, mtu mbaya and my badness how will u know if i dont prove it, then let me prove it if u wanna and no Europe nation will came to ya rescue cause i will subdue them with my as well also alliances.
Mr white men get off Australia the black mans creed or land period to settle my anger.
Resign then and make me the next president, cause i will not campaign, nonsense to me and death will not dare me, in fact am ready to kill me self, u think am afraid of death, for ya information french men am not. The the following month of recruiting the cabinet truth dawns to cement de truth of my sentiments. I will kill with gas almost 90% of Kenyans, siren gas i know how to make with my army then come 4 me, after i have ascertained their death, me too open that gas then i die in it then i notify 1 soldier to shoot me many bullets after i have collapse out of the toxic gas. You cant force water out a tree Mr White man.
French men and many Europeans say dat let dem not find me in their nation, and the question is, how do u get to ascertain nation, via the embassy. If its in dat case then deny me visa. Friends whats the hoot, what ya problem, accept whats on the table and we forge a head dude. Whats/where ya pride, speak doc, all gone to Mr tom, harry and dick or lost in thin air or gone to the rodents and the doc, master, stop licking ya lips, come on dude, speak/talk to me, you wanna break a fight then go a head dude, but, a 1 man guitar and mark you i got my pen knife, go ahead dude, come on, stop hick ups bro.
If u find me in ya country illegally then give me a life imprisonment which u wont find me coz i got more fact finding things to do or engage myself into dude.
Take the old weighing killos weights like 1-5 kg then weigh them on the digital scale, friend you will find a big discrepancy in weight like the 1 KG on is 1kg 30 grams and on and on bro. Reason being, some are china made to still facilitate corruption in weight and measure 4 them to gain in the extra gram lost after so much accumulation of weight from many people. This funds the works of hooligans in major towns bro, click the down link 4 more
To many a woman, dont tell ya friends in a suggestive way dat i have been seducing ya and kinda u are playing hard to get, then well, u got the day, but warning to bring reality, relationship is finalized in the house, then come girl, come baby come dat am your girl, you see dat mouth/chin/face of your, i will give it a blow as a knock out untill u fall down and instead of hitting ya head on my dirty floor, u hit it on my clay pot full of water to crush it to pieces and water ooze out to fill the floor, this will be a lesson to many African women who have not seen a toothbrush 4 the last 1 year. If i play with some1 special to me, it aint u, it doesnt give u the ticket to do exactly the same, no, no, no and the police wont do me none cause it was my crib and if u disturb me outside my cribe and i have warned ya, de next thing i will do is to break ya windscreen with my rod and no 1 will intervene cause to me its trespass dude. Take heed and be warned bro.
Click de link below to watch the song below
The 1 whose shoe lace i cant touch meaning in the bible, click the link below 4 more https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+3&version=NIV https://www.google.com/search?q=golden+yellow+skechers+without+lace+photos&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQXxbKUWoq5melogeTyQBNo-qOTnA:1575200237819&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Ec59D84ECBir3M%253A%252C10UnbU7ziKI3eM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRME6TTM-TGZiWsUEwq4uDmEEAz9A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR_f-UrpTmAhVKCxoKHahwDMcQ9QEwBnoECAYQGA#imgrc=Ec59D84ECBir3M: The sketchers above shows shoes which yesus used to wear when was still young bro, they could conduct electricity like the shinny inner thing of the cigarette, so being a kid he tied them to a wire inside the long pant using a thin naked wire + on this side & - on the other, was a sturbon kid, and inside his Ragzag there were the below in the link https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTYP9QtpeJ730VrPoNtiPgM7j6NEg:1575200408086&q=photos+of+big+police+motor+bike&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjilZjmrpTmAhUIxIUKHQGbAEgQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 https://www.google.com/search?q=photos+of+big+police+motor+bike+stator+comp&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjI5YTorpTmAhWN_4UKHSNKAg8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=photos+of+big+police+motor+bike+stator+comp&gs_l=img.3…12989.15661..16508…0.0..0.207.2311.0j9j3……0….1..gws-wiz-img._BSPaBFU2R4&ei=m6bjXYisOo3_lwSjlIl4&bih=910&biw=1280&client=firefox-b-d https://www.google.com/search?q=car+inverterphotos&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwizwsOAsJTmAhUIYxoKHSJFBKkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=car+inverterphotos&gs_l=img.3…2584.4927..5389…0.0..0.204.1324.0j6j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0.mcnpD09XsmQ&ei=26fjXfPoLYjGaaKKkcgK&bih=910&biw=1280&client=firefox-b-d He had 2 option to connected the startor comp on a wood where a 3 v motor mounted on the magnet on the rotator rotates inside to give upto 50 volts, coz he used the big motor bike 1 then connect to two step up transformers to give 1st 100v then on the other to give 200 volts which if you touch on a rainy or snowing day u are not able to touch or electrocutes you period bro or then inverter option of using 2 motor bike connected battery to give ya 24 v then to a solar charger controller to give ya 12, the ndogo 1, then to an electric inverter to give ya 240v to electrocute ya the same or another option is to connect the 12 v motor bike battery to give ya 24 0r even 4 to give ya 48volts then to 2 step up transformer to 1st give ya 100 v then to another to give ya 200 v to electrocute ya, so john did not know of dat, so he took it like a miracle cause he had witness such an occurrence once in a blue moon when he was 40 yrs according to relevant sources bro
so what
Grass dry is used to make oxygen under de same conditions of put it in an enclosed cylinder.
Dough when u urinate, pour cold water or salivate unto it make any known gadget in the field of medicine, office, computers, guns, automobiles, any electronic, decoders, bicycles, heavy ammunition like grenade launchers, guns, missiles, detonators etc and even jet when u urinate of its side dat changes sides, cloths, money bro
Koth okwaju/chwa, mfalme wa yahoodi to cement de trut, when boiled in water brings about land slides and heavy down pour period and is a medicine as well, white cap is the leaves of Guava plant when boiled and used as well to make many kind of liquor bro. Get this fellows okwaju/Tamarind as well can be used to make coins described in my following tumblr a/c, good Samaritan parable to bring reality bro, Tumblr as well bro, without it justice could have not surfaced dude. The link below rep leaves of mwarubaine
With the dough process you can even hurl cut carrots, brocoli,cassava, yam, fruit seeds, pebbles, cereals and still make the same gadgets needed. Never use even chaff that u think is waste product to make gadget that is food 4 cattle, make make u wait in custody to hell, kinda, if u eat mwarubaine u see dat person squatting like waiting for judgement in a jail cell bro, Even curved women are made out of dough and hurling broccoli unto it including robotics, after give the dough the curve shape 4 dat woman u wanna. Click the links below to listen to the tunes dude, click de 1st song 4 each
Grass dry is used to make oxygen under de same conditions of put it in an enclosed cylinder.
Dough when u urinate, pour cold water or salivate unto it make any known gadget in the field of medicine, office, computers, guns, automobiles, any electronic, decoders, bicycles, heavy ammunition like grenade launchers, guns, missiles, detonators etc and even jet when u urinate of its side dat changes sides, cloths, money bro
Koth okwaju/chwa, mfalme wa yahoodi to cement de trut, when boiled in water brings about land slides and heavy down pour period and is a medicine as well, white cap is the leaves of Guava plant when boiled and used as well to make many kind of liquor bro. Get this fellows okwaju/Tamarind as well can be used to make coins described in my following tumblr a/c, good Samaritan parable to bring reality bro, Tumblr as well bro, without it justice could have not surfaced dude. The link below rep leaves of mwarubaine
With the dough process you can even hurl cut carrots, brocoli,cassava, yam, fruit seeds, pebbles, cereals and still make the same gadgets needed. Never use even chaff that u think is waste product to make gadget that is food 4 cattle, make make u wait in custody to hell, kinda, if u eat mwarubaine u see dat person squatting like waiting for judgement in a jail cell bro, Even curved women are made out of dough and hurling broccoli unto it including robotics, after give the dough the curve shape 4 dat woman u wanna. Click the links below to listen to the tunes dude, click de 1st song 4 each
Glutton people are always glad as happy as the luo or masai by jumping jumping bro, lazarus was gluton bro.
Yesternight kebi couldnt resist chanting this phrase “Moch nyimi mit atwenya like ad-inifitum Ehh ehh ehh like some1 has cut his back with machete so 1 is nursing the wounds“
Am hawaian and hawai people got either toro or gaya blood, most men are prostitute lover as malaya and love medication as yath, matusi, ayanyi or trees, wach/words lovers.
The jet dat changes side are made with enough dough in a big container, where the dough is shot from all sides with bullets, or u shower the dough with bullets and boom the rotatory jet is formed bro
The green-man brought all men into the new reached planet earth, the bible used many parts are borrowed from planet mars and Mercury where people were from. The people who came to earth were white men whom saw themselves not hard or exploited in 1 way or another as in they were discriminated coz they had other bloods like of Africans, Hindu etc. The same applies to Arabs of different nations they are in, what make Arabs different is dat they have different blood of other Africa tribes like Egyptians got madi blood, Oman got tz or Ethiopian blood, Kuwait toro blood, Bahrain got Eritrea blood etc, Same to Brazilians got kisii blood most, paraguay got madi/luya blood and even many African tribes got mostly the East African tribe blood, In East Africa is were majority of the people who infected other tribes were brought, but most Ugandan, Malawi or Mozambique tribes are still pure, did not intermarry still with other tribes here on earth and there in other planets. Get it straight jo, welding plates are made with mafi, so many sell their mafi or even corpse as maiti where many bury their dead so making it scarce, its not India where they criminate and take some parts or whites who exhume from the grave. Siren gas as well can be made from hay put in a container but they got no red volcanic soil to make de same which is within reach of many but hay can be controlled by govt, so precisely why temperate land are the best land. Any tom, hurry and dick in Africa can make siren gas with flash flood water to annihilate many and thats was the white man fear and left tropical land 4 temperate lands, get this fellows
Click the links below 4 more
u see good things as bad and vice versa so u r special kids in galatians 4 or 5. u r special kinda
The link above shows a woman dat u still guard sex as kids do, as bad but the big 1 shows u r into sex
If it was a normal person, i could have grabbed him by the scarf on his neck and match him on his tip toe or put up a fight wid him, if he wants the password i have explained i cut and guessed email address but seems, kinda, they aint normal but abnormal bro
Where did you take the booty woman, to whom to to curb infidelity in mariages
Owner of pullout journal or think twice magazine, read/digest it at your pace
owner of comreds casino, the gamblers paradise
owner of swift air, safe air travel at your comfort
Owner of comreds Hotel, Another world class service is here with you
Nelson And the bandwagon, New Heights New Innovations
You snap shot from the computer screen, if the comp u r using at the local cyber got no dat app then proceed to another.
The more red and acidic the soil is, the more stronger the siren gas and its the 1 found in central kenya or around mt Cameroon, and precisely why the whites entertain these people
The old type of cars or even kaki clothes are made out of dough under the same procedures described above.
Kwani are u caressing kebi ass hole after him taking a shit, why associate him with fece smell, whats wrong bro?
Digital tot machine 4 ya bar, click the link below 4 more drunker
To facilitate “We are geared towards servicing the rich/keeping their legacy“ us bank has incorporated a digital clock outside the bank door 4 u not to be locked out as rich people are time conscious, the difference between them with the poor. Click de link below
Inside the bag wid john the baptist after the step up gives ya 200 v then channel it to this mini 400  welding machine as this will electrocute u more when u touch the shoe lace just like with electric blanket bro. Click the link below 4 more
If kebi gonna infect ya wid dat disease, he must 1st have it which he doesnt have, when taken to hospital to test all contagious diseases he got none, folks ‘’what do u want with him”
Maasai prides themselves in dat they got de national park, the animals can not wear a gas mask but people can. I mean 1 can kill all the animals so they got nothing to pride themselves with bro, they want from ya but not from their side dude. Click the link below 4 more
Where did you take the booty woman, to whom to to curb infidelity in mariages
Owner of pullout journal or think twice magazine, read/digest it at your pace
owner of comreds casino, the gamblers paradise
owner of swift air, safe air travel at your comfort
Owner of comreds Hotel, Another world class service is here with you
Nelson And the bandwagon, New Heights New Innovations
You snap shot from the computer screen, if the comp u r using at the local cyber got no dat app then proceed to another.
The more red and acidic the soil is, the more stronger the siren gas and its the 1 found in central kenya or around mt Cameroon, and precisely why the whites entertain these people
The old type of cars or even kaki clothes are made out of dough under the same procedures described above.
Kwani are u caressing kebi ass hole after him taking a shit, why associate him with fece smell, whats wrong bro?
Digital tot machine 4 ya bar, click the link below 4 more drunker
To facilitate “We are geared towards servicing the rich/keeping their legacy“ us bank has incorporated a digital clock outside the bank door 4 u not to be locked out as rich people are time conscious, the difference between them with the poor. Click de link below
Inside the bag wid john the baptist after the step up gives ya 200 v then channel it to this mini 400  welding machine as this will electrocute u more when u touch the shoe lace just like with electric blanket bro. Click the link below 4 more
If kebi gonna infect ya wid dat disease, he must 1st have it which he doesnt have, when taken to hospital to test all contagious diseases he got none, folks ‘’what do u want with him”
Maasai prides themselves in dat they got de national park, the animals can not wear a gas mask but people can. I mean 1 can kill all the animals so they got nothing to pride themselves with bro, they want from ya but not from their side dude. Click the link below 4 more
Where did you take the booty woman, to whom to to curb infidelity in mariages
Owner of pullout journal or think twice magazine, read/digest it at your pace
owner of comreds casino, the gamblers paradise
owner of swift air, safe air travel at your comfort
Owner of comreds Hotel, Another world class service is here with you
Now they have reduced the price 4 scrap metal as in they want extra-cash to bribe again the bigwigs in the Eu, now the price is 10 bob per kg yet they take the same to factory at 50 bobi. When all the loopholes of pride have been eliminated they resort to wanting to eat peoples food by force or the above exploiting the poor who know not bro liaising with Russia dude. Eu see what Russia is doing bro, funding crime in Africa with masai as the peculiar tribe. Wanywakoni wadwatieki, poki yie, wadwapimo kodi wajamani. The masai blooded people character is out of hand bro!! Bad character, big time!! Wanting to eat by force in yahouse, panga nyale bro…
Coca cola drinks are corpse put in huge tanks then people spit saliva on top or urinate on the container sides or on wild sunflower as landana in swahili or water mixed with human plasma and u do the same.
With petroleum u can even use normal water on big water tanks the fire above with a gun and boom diesel, shoot at the container edge touching the ground then boom kerosene or shoot direct into the container sides if bullet proof petroleum. Which either way dude same to other brands like fanta with orange juice.
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmonde https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmonde https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley
The uhuru affiliated aint eating in that they are saving the money to buy sportpesa and create a huge float for betting in that they have now resorted to open stealing of his neighbour things. America big wings like Edie Murphy are also into it among many white people from Europe to get rich faster out of free things. Or come up with a new one, betting firm altogether. 3 or more boda are operator who terorise people out of no proper reason are yet to be burnt enmass to create fear and respect, to be as example to others not to do the same thing.
2goinvoice has been teminated, now you only manage to continue with your surfing only in the usa and everybody wannna go there bro and the bottom line is they get money also off 2goinvoice, the www.right.com people.
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmonde https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmonde https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley
The uhuru affiliated aint eating in that they are saving the money to buy sportpesa and create a huge float for betting in that they have now resorted to open stealing of his neighbour things. America big wings like Edie Murphy are also into it among many white people from Europe to get rich faster out of free things. Or come up with a new one, betting firm altogether. 3 or more boda are operator who terorise people out of no proper reason are yet to be burnt enmass to create fear and respect, to be as example to others not to do the same thing.
2goinvoice has been teminated, now you only manage to continue with your surfing only in the usa and everybody wannna go there bro and the bottom line is they get money also off 2goinvoice, the www.right.com people.
Claim dominance now the luo or kikuyou that am you, always wanting ready made things and manual timer mt with magira is not yet made even with men who are looking at where to eat as befriending the boy of that girl friend of their want to create war if they have realized you are leaving that girl. Big shame dude!!!
Click the link below to cement worker parable.
manual timer of an electriccooker - Google Search
manual timer of an electriccooker - Google Search
S.A is now even wondering about as Tunisia as 2goinvoice where they get money has been switched to the usa unless you have a cpsn software for them to think you are in the usa to get money off the invoice even right here in Africa but the ripple effect will be inflation felt in the USA.
Kenyan Mps are playing betting with much lost so they resort to hooliganism of sponsoring not knowing themselves youth to ambush/terrorize people bro. Betting should be done on the 60th minute of that game or when it remains 30 minutes to end to end betting doubt of hope for the team which people has betted on much as it can be seen on the m-pesa safcom or computer then lias with the other team which people has beted less to loose the much so as to gain and them given there share as well as what matters in the world is your economy not a win but to the spectator it seems you have lost the game. This funds countries like UK, Italy with their premier leagues not to mention France.
The earth to the petroleum bed where it is, is from 2.5-3 km while the depth of that oil bed is about 1-3 km if the oil found is not that much while sometimes is upto 6 km in depth which if you add to 3 km is 9km while the earths radius downward is from 10-16 km which if you minus the 9 km you remain with 4-6 km from below the earth crust which Russia goes with big drones to dig holes to put many hooks to hang the same big drone to stop oil usage as they siphon the oil. The beautiful thing is that you are in the dark and lack the same technology to do that hence you cant attack them neither can you say they are the 2 thieves crucified with yesus. Going to below the earth crust aint yours and is not ya property, it requires who is strong and is the one who will survive.
manual timer of an electriccooker - Google Search
S.A is now even wondering about as Tunisia as 2goinvoice where they get money has been switched to the usa unless you have a cpsn software for them to think you are in the usa to get money off the invoice even right here in Africa but the ripple effect will be inflation felt in the USA.
Kenyan Mps are playing betting with much lost so they resort to hooliganism of sponsoring not knowing themselves youth to ambush/terrorize people bro. Betting should be done on the 60th minute of that game or when it remains 30 minutes to end to end betting doubt of hope for the team which people has betted on much as it can be seen on the m-pesa safcom or computer then lias with the other team which people has beted less to loose the much so as to gain and them given there share as well as what matters in the world is your economy not a win but to the spectator it seems you have lost the game. This funds countries like UK, Italy with their premier leagues not to mention France.
The earth to the petroleum bed where it is, is from 2.5-3 km while the depth of that oil bed is about 1-3 km if the oil found is not that much while sometimes is upto 6 km in depth which if you add to 3 km is 9km while the earths radius downward is from 10-16 km which if you minus the 9 km you remain with 4-6 km from below the earth crust which Russia goes with big drones to dig holes to put many hooks to hang the same big drone to stop oil usage as they siphon the oil. The beautiful thing is that you are in the dark and lack the same technology to do that hence you cant attack them neither can you say they are the 2 thieves crucified with yesus. Going to below the earth crust aint yours and is not ya property, it requires who is strong and is the one who will survive.
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
They lias with the phone company if you are involved in day to day creating of emails or if you are signed up to many logging. They say one phone no cant be used again so you are forced to buy a new one which they share the cash with the white people in Africa whom you see around everyday doing nothing. Put it optional dude, dont enslave people and accept the fact you are poor out of huge population and things will move ahead.
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit.
Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
They even organise petty theft enmass to put much in betting and promise the poor with good sanitation, even if they loose it doesnt hurt them coz initially it was petty theft.
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
BBK  has notified me of the money you deposited in the a/c from bank of America and wsu wichita, now you got clean conscience i have received it, so the problem ramains me with the kenyan bank with you, you have closed that page written paying me and opened another. So its well dont send it again wsu or boa.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro  Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
Now they engage in lies as i abused them or they are telling me something important that i know not like take slogan as the green-card which they say often and now is close to 5 years of saying that bro. To break up a fight so i leave my hustle behind 4 their own to take or take money away from me or from their own who got money. Its a gimmick and it signals defeat or hunger crop dude. They previously wanted to act like grabbing my manhood or eat my food or always be with me like a woman in or out of my hse. Stop and hustle bro, Silly dude and stupid bro.
Joluo en-ang’o marach, ang’o mok tumre, whats its not happening, ketho wiya, baro wiya, the very very scrap metal i ought to pick mr Jeremy ogoso and friends are using primary/secondary kids to pick to meet their daily target. Odwagoya anto agoyo michele gi olayo, okmona medo kitowewo ewiye, podamedo ameda oganda ewi mchele, podi agoya goya kuon gi mchicha kata anguro bro, oklitna to-okbadha owete.
Saying with a loud voice as if one is terminating you plan like in sport, mr kebi as if in an intercoarse ‘’ Nancy onyiewo na njuguu, okudo onyiewo na njungu, nancy oyuda esupamarket Namlobi to onyiewo na njunguu’’
Buy other planes like Ambrabear jets from Brazil or Jordan or of other nations not Airbus coz they still keep the people of Uk and Germany abreast, desist people. Atm Banking and deposits to eliminate malicious tellers, you open the account on a software on the phone or computer yaself as much as going to deposit at the ATM as much as withdrawals, its you alone and the machine that knows the a/c no and the slip given to you dude. Bank of America got that facility, a bank-less banking.
Google countries with barclays bank or which country barclay banks are found as having branches and get to know how much they remit to the Uk bro. Click the link below fellows, stop many words there4
We make upto 20,000 shilling in Nairobi of free unscrupulous liquor, we take the syringe with the needle, a big one then the people who work with kwal gives us the lid where we enlarge a little bit in a microwave to fit perfectly. We only take out/siphon one full syringe per bottle and replace with surgical spirit mixed mix water then we seal again. Got to be wise, like with 50 KC we come with 10 new ones and sell, we eat with police as well and remit some to built Nairobi.
People should not be jail in a building, brings confusion, love once they are out and laziness/hooliganism as brothers, people get to help each others even the once you didnt know so teaches you bad precept and thats precisely with USA. People should be put on cars outside in large compound, 1 person per one car to bring about disgust and lack of comfort to make that person hate multitude and be alone as someone.
Open the Facebook interface of signing up the write any name like 1st name write books and surname write swahili and email write swahilibooks56@gmail/yahho.com for example, it will accept not refuse or your friend name still wont refuse- try dude, stop disturbance bro.
Click the link below dude
With all the tumblr names i have provided you, if i didnt give you the link to open on the next bar, just view/see how this link is written the replace with that name.
Click the link/url below
click this link bro
Nyimi mit mochanda kwani e-wiro mooh mane to magdalin othiego mooh mane, ndukle yawa, wajamani. When the pussy of a certain women of a nation is sweet it means they are poor or in a worry and thats how its known and vice versa. Planes should be equipped with bearing machines even on phones and small solar/battery powered motor boat stored on the cargo center and that center once the pilot have alerted a fall opened to let loose all cargo as an entrance from the passenger side to the cargo side to pick the small boat is made like in this song guys- click the link dude below. This is done to know where you are going once a fall happens and parachutes as well.
Future song means to the Africans that we have already known what we wanted to know so lets deviate bro, where they are in a place like the moon or desert bro. Who is able to see where a car/gadget is from by directly looking at it in revelation 5 whether from uk, mexico or China. The root of David after putting a bob coin on the palm of his hand and holding it a little while then meditate shortly. Cyber in Africa can build a city after a camera is put to monitor the flow of people where we can count how my minute they have spent as well as printing and photocopying and many in Nairobi have capitalized on this bro to build the city alongside selling of banana, apple, maize choma, sausages and melons.
Tea as well can grow in Homa bay nyanza and that sweet one more than kericho one so why pride yourself dude only two kenya former provinces cant grow tea and that is North Eastern and Coast provinces. They have learnt that they cant get out the comments on youtube once the owner of the post is dead and the email is di-enable so they resort to looking up in that they want to blow off the server of either FB, tumblr or youtube via a plane like the september ny attack for the posts to vanish not knowing some have printed the same so the opt for direct flight then in the final analysis say it was all accident. To avert that trains can be controlled from below once the reach the city of departure, can be made that way to stop silly misconduct bro.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Second death were one died as a kid then went to hell not fire but brought to the earth via the vent not incarnation. These people disturb, smooth skined and wants big life not wanting progress of others. If they know of this from you they kill you. King of the jew to cement the truth, they are just awaiting the second death described in the book of revelation Bor, aborigins, far, mbali if translated dude. click the link below dudes 4 full data
Even the German father mother Mr Edom as Esau who Jacob the polish father took his bath right had Guyana blood. The war in Germoney brought the polish into USA 4 us to know their character of wanting or taking peoples things by force like they did to Esau, ES End Signs bro, Empire state, most states were built with 2goinvoice money and the technology most nations have know and is worrying the USA. Guyana people love much sex just like Edom did who was hunting for the women as pursuing/seducing them not real hunter and it was figurative when he brought stew back home 4 Jacob to Eat as have sex with dude and Get this clear, I have lived b4 time.
Nyolo kebi neywak marach ma, kang’amo tong gi ojala madik, says eunice, pamela confirming en-hamano. amanda gi mochanda nini imefanya nyimi yako x 3, halafu owacho ang’omuwiche jokanyama kose lit toakia x3, he couldnt stop that all night at bar kalare b4 the drone took him off plainlands hotel in the middle of the night. If you eat plain rice and give it to meditation when you put the minds of people to your mind, rather the picture of people, you see a cusket in the country they were buried to signify second death and thats how its know. Now what do hindu need, they came here to wait 4 kebi and now wants to get into his logging by wanting the password like an infant? Fuck that dude, it needs a Cain bro to cane not like it did to abel bro. King of the jew to cement the truth.
They again make money via many interview with the bus company if those people to be interview board that bus like Easy Coach and the very people sometimes come from the interview surrounding but forge receipt to be payed as if they came from far and they eat with the people who advertised the job, the bus company sometimes and the people who posses the big man syndrome like the dignitaries. They call many people 4 one job to maximize the profits. Susan jomathindo gi blochawa bwana, we used to partake 3 bottles of black&white but now we can only afford one, so what can we do to maintain the respect they ask? Well susan we will give you everyday an extra 100 shillings 4 this awesome deal, just bring to our desk 3 botles but 2 are of water but when dusk fall you return them 4 the next day 4 respect. Miss Susan is the deal sealed asking achayo mochayo G not acher in Genesis 49 or jeremiah chapter tisa/nine.
They need to make a 1 tonne safe or with holes that you can put bolts to cement on the ground that thiefs cant break into and that why its called a safe not just what they put on papers as safe. It should have a key as well or the 3 digit pascode of taking it forward to rest on 1 number then back in the middle the forward again on a certain number to open the safe box, am championing this and this more than to be the president of kenya, padlocks should also be made not of an opening key but the code system like in the USA shelters bro. How many times should i have to say/explain this. Accept you are poor or poverty then we forge a head kenyans, dont be hard and silly, derails us period.
The tall people had utility of cutting fire wood long time and thats why they used to be tolerated but now techmo-ology has gotten them handy, we go wood cutters which are cheap we can buy and use at home or electricity which is cheap has gotten into peoples homestead to heat/cook and thats why partly they are very upset/rude. If you take an inverter and connect to a motor bike wet cell then to the cutter like in the link below you cut you big log even someone below the age of 10 yrs so over tall people above 6 ft in height think twice. Hindus have now be-friended some other fellow nearby, they even come with their kid but alongside carry fake things like medicine or certain foods they have bewitched to replace with and sell to other fellows. Stop this dude. They include mandazi, sweets, soda, salt, yellow diabetic added flour etc.
Click the link above
Second death were one died as a kid then went to hell not fire but brought to the earth via the vent not incarnation. These people disturb, smooth skined and wants big life not wanting progress of others. If they know of this from you they kill you. King of the jew to cement the truth, they are just awaiting the second death described in the book of revelation Bor, aborigins, far, mbali if translated dude. click the link below dudes 4 full data https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_107.cfmhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondefederor Even the German father mother Mr Edom as Esau who Jacob the polish father took his bath right had Guyana blood. The war in Germoney brought the polish into USA 4 us to know their character of wanting or taking peoples things by force like they did to Esau, ES End Signs bro, Empire state, most states were built with 2goinvoice money and the technology most nations have know and is worrying the USA. Guyana people love much sex just like Edom did who was hunting for the women as pursuing/seducing them not real hunter and it was figurative when he brought stew back home 4 Jacob to Eat as have sex with dude and Get this clear, I have lived b4 time. Nyolo kebi neywak marach ma, kang’amo tong gi ojala madik, says eunice, pamela confirming en-hamano. amanda gi mochanda nini imefanya nyimi yako x 3, halafu owacho ang’omuwiche jokanyama kose lit toakia x3, he couldnt stop that all night at bar kalare b4 the drone took him off plainlands hotel in the middle of the night. If you eat plain rice and give it to meditation when you put the minds of people to your mind, rather the picture of people, you see a cusket in the country they were buried to signify second death and thats how its know. Now what do hindu need, they came here to wait 4 kebi and now wants to get into his logging by wanting the password like an infant? Fuck that dude, it needs a Cain bro to cane not like it did to abel bro. King of the jew to cement the truth. They again make money via many interview with the bus company if those people to be interview board that bus like Easy Coach and the very people sometimes come from the interview surrounding but forge receipt to be payed as if they came from far and they eat with the people who advertised the job, the bus company sometimes and the people who posses the big man syndrome like the dignitaries. They call many people 4 one job to maximize the profits. Susan jomathindo gi blochawa bwana, we used to partake 3 bottles of black&white but now we can only afford one, so what can we do to maintain the respect they ask? Well susan we will give you everyday an extra 100 shillings 4 this awesome deal, just bring to our desk 3 botles but 2 are of water but when dusk fall you return them 4 the next day 4 respect. Miss Susan is the deal sealed asking achayo mochayo G not acher in Genesis 49 or jeremiah chapter tisa/nine. They need to make a 1 tonne safe or with holes that you can put bolts to cement on the ground that thiefs cant break into and that why its called a safe not just what they put on papers as safe. It should have a key as well or the 3 digit pascode of taking it forward to rest on 1 number then back in the middle the forward again on a certain number to open the safe box, am championing this and this more than to be the president of kenya, padlocks should also be made not of an opening key but the code system like in the USA shelters bro. How many times should i have to say/explain this. Accept you are poor or poverty then we forge a head kenyans, dont be hard and silly, derails us period. The tall people had utility of cutting fire wood long time and thats why they used to be tolerated but now techmo-ology has gotten them handy, we go wood cutters which are cheap we can buy and use at home or electricity which is cheap has gotten into peoples homestead to heat/cook and thats why partly they are very upset/rude. If you take an inverter and connect to a motor bike wet cell then to the cutter like in the link below you cut you big log even someone below the age of 10 yrs so over tall people above 6 ft in height think twice. Hindus have now be-friended some other fellow nearby, they even come with their kid but alongside carry fake things like medicine or certain foods they have bewitched to replace with and sell to other fellows. Stop this dude. They include mandazi, sweets, soda, salt, yellow diabetic added flour etc.
Gas cylinder 4 the plane without opening but u measure the weight to see how much gas is left and the weight-meter can be on the dashboard. It replaces the ones with opening to refill which can burst and make ya plane fall but once empty its scrap and you buy a new 1 al2gether. Click the link below
Money changer machine into small denominations can be a new way to get money where it takes like 2% of the money to be changed, the machine can be placed around like the telephone booth in secure locations with bullet proof glass as the touch screen bro.
Listen to the lyrics on the links below, kebi when fat ft AY
Kebi could not stop crying, saying ‘Nathi x3 nyimi be mit chalo ng’ama ng’udho olawi kiwhoudho as in if you are ejaculating, sperm gido mandi nyalwa‘ and that was the cry fellows.
4 future planed cities commuter service let every major road be dug from so that there is a big tunnel 4 train below like in Minneapolis they can put a slab up 4 the road while the down tunnel like which is now road becomes a space 4 train to curb unforeseen population rise which brings about traffic snarl up in major urban areas of the world as googled by Mr Mondel
Click the links below 4 more dudes
Baba aligi ma homa beyi wacho nyithindwa “An tinde ahelo nyithindo ma nyili konyo mohing’o mayawhuoyi“ The reason behind it is that, when the have eaten mfenesi fruit their booty kinda fit the skirt, flabby as pong’o long, mako skirt ta as earlier described by Kebi and thats precisely the reason bro, pangang’a of the highest degree/caliber.
If u see people hard on u, sometimes they are cannibals they want to lynch u and eat ya bro. Take heed dude
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
You can tumblr search nelsonbotomsiepa or chalmerslynnmonde and still find my post bro
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
Russia controls the world, they can dig many holes from below to deplete all the oil from the oil fields of the world. Mfalme wa yahoodi to cement the truth into the outter space. This can be done when other feasible ways to power gadgets have been achieved like solar cars in Holland and you can google or charged electric cars in Germany or AE technology found at mrmonde tumblr a/c or kevinelsonmondy Facebook pictures. And guys you can check that bro!!  They as well can loop 4 another nation oil from another nation from below dude to fund their pursuits. Buy a world receiver radio and listen to radio station for state like Kansas, Guys, wow!! Gives you respect but riddim and twitter if you use brings you disrespect bro. Loop oil 4 Egypt and Tunisia from Libya as well as Spain & Itally does that to sell to Eu. S.A loops from Angloa, botswana from mozambique no-mattter those nations are lazy but rich as the jew will rise kenya loops from abieyi in S.sudan as well as Uganda, so  they could have said that of Zimbabwe but Mugabe had seen that and created a beef with the whites likewise the whites of S.A should be dealt with as they are rich of the same. Brazil, Chile, Argentina loops from Venezuela. They look 4 more flight destinations across the world and in that plane that lands every-time in that country carry oil in Jericans and put them in plastic suit case then buy a petrol station and employ someone native to disguise himself as the owner/beneficiary, then load the oil into that gas station to maximize profits as oil is priced on the radious from where its mined or nations that mines it charge it cheaper like in kenya its $ 1 per litre but in Libya its 1 dime. So see how they get super-normal profits and Norway and Denmark is rich out of this bro. Click this link below and find how Mr kebi is happy after taking shower in the plastic showers as chawer/bedbug and b4 that took a shit in its iron sheet counter part ya mabati. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth- dont i have the right to do what i want with my own life bro!!! Long time it was this link below https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQ_Zg09ZsN-YyG-YDNBnILJocir2A:1570427046634&q=mabati+toilets&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ_Zg09ZsN-YyG-YDNBnILJocir2A:1570427046634&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvoorSuInlAhUMWxoKHUQqAesQsAR6BAgJEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 Now its this link below https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTBDDvqFspYO33ncImUVIq7aY9YJw%3A1570427072563&sa=1&ei=wNCaXZeAIrXD8gLOjoiYBw&q=plastic+toilets&oq=plastic+toilets&gs_l=img.3..0i67l2j0i24l3.60085.65290..66109…0.0..0.465.5271.3-13j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0.3nnEMd2zKgg&ved=0ahUKEwiX4LjeuInlAhW1oVwKHU4HAnMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?q=iron+sheet++toilets+from+the+company&client=firefox-b-d&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CbsEwYyDk5XiImB8EtcHVXHnfle7vPJ71v2Fj7Q1clb03_1hQJ58dUtz2J4gv8IiZcFsBR7EFCm_1gKOhzaoSu3mU049G1N57-TYX_1Zq9DucobWGYoos-r5jPGCX0uU_1pe-80bgGSEaRBA0HUqEgl8EtcHVXHnfhFFgshYTlywsCoSCVe7vPJ71v2FEYVa-sDtQI4gKhIJj7Q1clb03_1gRgdwt3PvGkZsqEglQJ58dUtz2JxEa9YHZh8ow-yoSCYgv8IiZcFsBEVd0VKa0i2mAKhIJR7EFCm_1gKOgR29FPVbyLifwqEglzaoSu3mU04xE57cWW7gQvByoSCdG1N57-TYX_1EebPPVIthvMbKhIJZq9DucobWGYR_1jIjSzAinEUqEgkoos-r5jPGCRGEX6c5PrbmmCoSCX0uU_1pe-80bEf4yI0swIpxFKhIJgGSEaRBA0HUReT0pKybplfw&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcvZC7uYnlAhVPOBoKHas_CTQQuIIBegQIARAz&biw=1280&bih=922&dpr=1 After taking shower link bro, it was omitted the advert between a mum and a son, who smiles to the mother https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=2005+geisha+soap+adverts+in+kenya+involving+a+mum+and+a+son get my post on this link https://www.spreely.com/members/settings/privacy called spreely and the name used is monde nelsonodenyi as the search name and profile name is mrvokeoutcust. this the link to find me below https://www.spreely.com/mrvokeoutcust open one and click the link to open in another new tab to see bro Get out every url or link with the very very url i have provide that ends with a name i have opened the very very tumblr account with then click the link after you have open your own tumblr account to open in a new tab. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/chalmerslynnmonde my tumblr name is mrmonde, upholsterynelson, nelsonunderwood, my twitter is outcustnelson, kevinelsonmonde or outcustmonde. Market ya post on fb or tumblr to different groups from different nations you have chosen dude to reach many. The way to go is poligamy 4 the rich to divide the wealth not kept within one person. They get money via petty theft and give a folk like ruto to build an hotel as his to attract women yet he is just paid out of it, so upon his death to delude the whole story they say he had many wives in that that wealth will be subdivided to meaningless public attraction to defuse bro. Take heed wome dont be fooled.They bring you kids if you got some money yet if you warmn these women of these men they wanna even cut ya with a panga yet their ways have been subdued. Street urchins su, sumu/poison, yesus like the luo or kikuyou character must be sub dued, christ was caned out of this and killed as these people became radical if their wired unknown ways have been blocked and lure people with not actions but mere talks, want to sit around and iddle even wanting people food without sense and moreover are thieves like petty theft. Must be eliminated or reshuffled to alonely island of the sea to live alone or can tantamount to power and slow everything in the economy. Britons, thais got this blood as well. They were ninja in satan who purported they were good people whom rights were denied so were brought here. Christ with little kids/children and lost coin parable to cement the truth bro.Malachi 4- who to the people who long to sea the day of the lord. Western SEA, south East Asia dude. Take heed fellows!!!! click this link bro below https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonbotomsiepa
Key can be controlled from the phone like the usb speakers, not opened via a key but via your phone, that key can resemble the digital crane measuring scale. Click the link below 4 more bro https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTAM-9LjRpPctYUmp_2qVmtv427cg:1570541445137&q=digital+crane+weighing+and+measuring+scale+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNTAM-9LjRpPctYUmp_2qVmtv427cg:1570541445137&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiA1cTn4ozlAhV5A2MBHV8IB4QQsAR6BAgJEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 White men as hindu or arabs not to mention dignitary affiliated men are meeting the people who pick scrap metal in small towns like kisumu, malindi, eldoret and so no and paying them 20% off their picked metal more than they sell to the local vendor and at night transport them via the country buses or small cars that head to Nairobi or even the lorry/trella men to gain 80% in profit as hinterlands prices are half Nairobi even from congo, ug, tz and cameroon. Unscrupulous business men whom women are following. Dont be fooled women as get this, copper wire price in kisumu is khs 300 per killo in Nairobi 4 example is khs 500, Alluminium in ksm is khs 80 per kilo but in Nairobi is khs 150 per kilo, Brass in ksm is khs 200 per kg but in Nairobi is khs 300 per kilo and Plastic container is khs 15 in ksm but in Nairobi is khs 30 while Normal chuma like iron or zinc is khs 20-25 in ksm while in Nairobi is about khs 40-50 depending with the vendor location. See how dignitaries and hooligans getting money or funding their empire and they channel this cash into matatu business or put it in onlinecash like bulishtrade and you know Nairobi with exhoubitant fares bro and even bros have been alerted of this and are busy capitalizing on this are. The metal prices should be uniform, we dont give a damn like bread price different dude not to oppress others while you, you gain as twice bro.
An ahelo thopi mamalindi, kinduko timo ni tho tho tho, death death death, kufa x3, ama atleast x3 sindiyo adriano says delanu. TfT tv brings good mood, feeling into the surrounding and coming together of people as seen recently in many cities as oposed to long time big bootied tv which brings jealousy, anger and bad mood as fights. Mochana nyimi dhuno nyima, nitamu shana itatoboa cd jonyakama, ni fanye nini wajameni. Delanu, ikibamba sana piga ndulu. Inachuna mbolo changu hicho senye chako magdalin. Mitu x3.
His hair promise in the bible in the end signs shows you the bible was written. When you use tumblr it even removes ya bald- women with barnabas to cement the truth, kihara, jesus with the Rabbi as teacher/cheater/liear- lazarus parable to cement the truth. When drilling oil from below the earth crust or laying the pipeline, sometimes they detonate explosive in-vent that triggers earth tremors then they say its earthquake to delude the people of sata/God or the radio-activity of the earth crust. This creates fear of God and finds so many in church, 4 God to forgive them later that they put many souls to God. Like the quakes in carli4nia, Himalaya, japan, Indonesia or nepal, they were just making holes where there was huge big hard rock to drill from below. There is nothing like quakes but are just artificial as revelation 5 the root of David Rod.Learn to use charcoal in you kitchen, can never take you to hell fire but make sure its made, artificial charcoal AC, If you use gas, kinda, you are like promoting the dubious ways of those countries relaying on gas from petroleum like Nigeria etc. You can use electric coil as well bro. click the link below bro to see the evidence that the bible was committed and omitted https://biblehub.com/luke/21-18.htm   Click the link below 4 images of electric timer https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1RLNS_enKE863KE863&sxsrf=ACYBGNQtf5mLH9DX7HBkoXTqplQrfmfyYw:1570687868266&q=images+showing+digital+electric+timer&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiun8OjhJHlAhVPAWMBHcjLDXEQsAR6BAgIEAE&biw=1272&bih=856  
Still my post are all found under this tumblr link if you manage to delete the ones i left around in the local cyber cafe. Click the links below 4 more dudes
Medical waste M-waste like syringes many are heaped and used to make gadgets like range rovers, Roll roys, hammer, Lamborghini, buses, stage coaches, generator and any known gadget, you hurl sperm or spit saliva many people from lofty high or urinate, defecate while the above offering is in like a pool like position.
The earth crust is 16 km and if the jew/Egyptian could let people know this then the bible will loose reality bro, River Nile turned red, they could as well dug a hole from below to meet the river up at the source put a pipe from below to the upper river like the oil pipe then pump red liquid on the river to make it red since the river was seasonal and with the frog plague take many people who transfigure from India or china they turned to frog since they know white men value animals, its very hard for them to kill them. King of the jew, vineyard and workers parable to cement the truth as well as the transfiguration of Christ. R-Nile is the present R-Arkansas in Wichita KS, it passes there bro. So thats the reason they migrated from N-America to Europe as Europe was well situated for trade, ready market from huge nations like China and india, The end of the world at N-pole that allows you to go to below to siphon oil illegally or pour another liquid into the River like Nile from below to deceive the people of Power of God bro. Europe was more fertile than America, so much land could grow cereals compared to N-America. Click the link below 4 more dude
The waters of mara, and the manna in the wilderness cements the truth of how food is being made right-now by every tribe as well as gadgets that it was magics bro. Stop the bible hypocrisy dude, accept the fact that what you wanted is now blocked in FB, tumblr, linkedin or twitter a/c as mr monde has narrated bro, stop Japan/Itally alliances as they have also learnt to made drones to go to the outer space and to make oil drill. African leaders are to blame 4 this, they should follow mugabe Footsteps. Buy esp small electronic gadgets made out of khart as Mira as this got less side effects bro. Thats why every tribe has lias with the whites to oppose the fact that gadgets are not rituals but made as well as food which we now know are junc or artificial bro. Stop the shit bro, if few people can buy then they will be worshiped but if put in hire purchase or credit it means every tom hurry and dick can buy thus no-one gets to hell fire out of this reason but others like abuses, theft etc And the beauty is that each and every tribe has known automation, so things which are made locally should be 50% cheap than the ones made overseas out of the shipping cost and thats the shit with locally produced goods which aint that original, so they want to maximize profits and be rich quick to cement the bible truth, the jew will rise bro.
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
To where a tree is cut A tree will fall and thats my tatoo in Latin and it bars you from any military/ bank job, being a politician or going abroad unless otherwise as going 4 medication or a short vacation if you got much cash
My whole
They are glutton to the point they always almost spit saliva to affirm their high appetite, they eat and mean on their food but with ya food they want, kinda, by force bro- The sick masai people dude
Event Robotics are made with dough, urinating, pouring cold water from lofty high in a dark basement like building. Caressing the booty as well as as hole when you havent wipe ya ass makes jets, planes and heavy machinery like yacht etc, Mfalme wa yawhodi to cement de trut bro.
Glutton people are always glad as happy as the luo or masai by jumping jumping bro, lazarus was gluton bro.
Yesternight kebi couldnt resist chanting this phrase “Moch nyimi mit atwenya like ad-inifitum Ehh ehh ehh like some1 has cut his back with machete so 1 is nursing the wounds“
Am hawaian and hawai people got either toro or gaya blood, most men are prostitute lover as malaya and love medication as yath, matusi, ayanyi or trees, wach/words lovers.
The jet dat changes side are made with enough dough in a big container, where the dough is shot from all sides with bullets, or u shower the dough with bullets and boom the rotatory jet is formed bro
The green-man brought all men into the new reached planet earth, the bible used many parts are borrowed from planet mars and Mercury where people were from. The people who came to earth were white men whom saw themselves not hard or exploited in 1 way or another as in they were discriminated coz they had other bloods like of Africans, Hindu etc. The same applies to Arabs of different nations they are in, what make Arabs different is dat they have different blood of other Africa tribes like Egyptians got madi blood, Oman got tz or Ethiopian blood, Kuwait toro blood, Bahrain got Eritrea blood etc, Same to Brazilians got kisii blood most, paraguay got madi/luya blood and even many African tribes got mostly the East African tribe blood, In East Africa is were majority of the people who infected other tribes were brought, but most Ugandan, Malawi or Mozambique tribes are still pure, did not intermarry still with other tribes here on earth and there in other planets. Get it straight jo, welding plates are made with mafi, so many sell their mafi or even corpse as maiti where many bury their dead so making it scarce, its not India where they criminate and take some parts or whites who exhume from the grave. Siren gas as well can be made from hay put in a container but they got no red volcanic soil to make de same which is within reach of many but hay can be controlled by govt, so precisely why temperate land are the best land. Any tom, hurry and dick in Africa can make siren gas with flash flood water to annihilate many and thats was the white man fear and left tropical land 4 temperate lands, get this fellows
At nelsonmornde tumblr name
Click the links below 4 more
u see good things as bad and vice versa so u r special kids in galatians 4 or 5. u r special kinda
The link above shows a woman dat u still guard sex as kids do, as bad but the big 1 shows u r into sex
If it was a normal person, i could have grabbed him by the scarf on his neck and match him on his tip toe or put up a fight wid him, if he wants the password i have explained i cut and guessed email address but seems, kinda, they aint normal but abnormal bro
Where did you take the booty woman, to whom to to curb infidelity in mariages
Owner of pullout journal or think twice magazine, read/digest it at your pace
owner of comreds casino, the gamblers paradise
owner of swift air, safe air travel at your comfort
Owner of comreds Hotel, Another world class service is here with you
Nelson And the bandwagon, New Heights New Innovations
You snap shot from the computer screen, if the comp u r using at the local cyber got no dat app then proceed to another.
The more red and acidic the soil is, the more stronger the siren gas and its the 1 found in central kenya or around mt Cameroon, and precisely why the whites entertain these people
The old type of cars or even kaki clothes are made out of dough under the same procedures described above.
Kwani are u caressing kebi ass hole after him taking a shit, why associate him with fece smell, whats wrong bro?
Digital tot machine 4 ya bar, click the link below 4 more drunker
To facilitate “We are geared towards servicing the rich/keeping their legacy“ us bank has incorporated a digital clock outside the bank door 4 u not to be locked out as rich people are time conscious, the difference between them with the poor. Click de link below
Inside the bag wid john the baptist after the step up gives ya 200 v then channel it to this mini 400  welding machine as this will electrocute u more when u touch the shoe lace just like with electric blanket bro. Click the link below 4 more
If kebi gonna infect ya wid dat disease, he must 1st have it which he doesnt have, when taken to hospital to test all contagious diseases he got none, folks ‘’what do u want with him”
Maasai prides themselves in dat they got de national park, the animals can not wear a gas mask but people can. I mean 1 can kill all the animals so they got nothing to pride themselves with bro, they want from ya but not from their side dude. Click the link below 4 more
Where did you take the booty woman, to whom to to curb infidelity in mariages
Owner of pullout journal or think twice magazine, read/digest it at your pace
owner of comreds casino, the gamblers paradise
owner of swift air, safe air travel at your comfort
Owner of comreds Hotel, Another world class service is here with you
Nelson And the bandwagon, New Heights New Innovations
You snap shot from the computer screen, if the comp u r using at the local cyber got no dat app then proceed to another.
The more red and acidic the soil is, the more stronger the siren gas and its the 1 found in central kenya or around mt Cameroon, and precisely why the whites entertain these people
The old type of cars or even kaki clothes are made out of dough under the same procedures described above.
Kwani are u caressing kebi ass hole after him taking a shit, why associate him with fece smell, whats wrong bro?
Digital tot machine 4 ya bar, click the link below 4 more drunker
To facilitate “We are geared towards servicing the rich/keeping their legacy“ us bank has incorporated a digital clock outside the bank door 4 u not to be locked out as rich people are time conscious, the difference between them with the poor. Click de link below
Inside the bag wid john the baptist after the step up gives ya 200 v then channel it to this mini 400  welding machine as this will electrocute u more when u touch the shoe lace just like with electric blanket bro. Click the link below 4 more
If kebi gonna infect ya wid dat disease, he must 1st have it which he doesnt have, when taken to hospital to test all contagious diseases he got none, folks ‘’what do u want with him”
Maasai prides themselves in dat they got de national park, the animals can not wear a gas mask but people can. I mean 1 can kill all the animals so they got nothing to pride themselves with bro, they want from ya but not from their side dude. Click the link below 4 more
The 1 whose shoe lace i cant touch meaning in the bible, click the link below 4 more https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+3&version=NIV https://www.google.com/search?q=golden+yellow+skechers+without+lace+photos&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQXxbKUWoq5melogeTyQBNo-qOTnA:1575200237819&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Ec59D84ECBir3M%253A%252C10UnbU7ziKI3eM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRME6TTM-TGZiWsUEwq4uDmEEAz9A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR_f-UrpTmAhVKCxoKHahwDMcQ9QEwBnoECAYQGA#imgrc=Ec59D84ECBir3M: The sketchers above shows shoes which yesus used to wear when was still young bro, they could conduct electricity like the shinny inner thing of the cigarette, so being a kid he tied them to a wire inside the long pant using a thin naked wire + on this side & - on the other, was a sturbon kid, and inside his Ragzag there were the below in the link
0 notes
usedboltsoftware · 4 years
He had 2 option to connected the stater comp on a wood where a 3 v motor mounted on the magnet on the rotator rotates inside to give upto 50 volts, coz he used the big motor bike 1 then connect to two step up transformers to give 1st 100v then on the other to give 200 volts which if you touch on a rainy or snowing day u are not able to touch or electrocutes you period bro or then inverter option of using 2 motor bike connected battery to give ya 24 v then to a solar charger controller to give ya 12, the ndogo 1, then to an electric inverter to give ya 240v to electrocute ya the same or another option is to connect the 12 v motor bike battery to give ya 24 0r even 4 to give ya 48volts then to 2 step up transformer to 1st give ya 100 v then to another to give ya 200 v to electrocute ya, so john did not know of dat, so he took it like a miracle cause he had witness such an occurrence once in a blue moon when he was 40 yrs according to relevant sources bro Sheep and goat parable to cement de trut bro
My pal is papa, and women give him this name, cause his is simple, when u give him de pussy, its a snap then its over, pa pa pa then comes the ejaculation and the $ 10 is gone dat way and the funny thing is long satisfied. To the advantage of a malaya woman.
Click the link below 4 more
Another reason why TZ cars are weak and shinny is that is made out of stollen tea leaves from kenya, ya kuibwa, mfalme wa yahoodi to bring reality as the side effect, desist bro
Connecting mouse, keyboard wires and the wire dat connects between the cpu and the monitor. What u do is peel of the outer layer towards the end or where it gets into the computer the wires of colour will be seen then again peel the off in a ring like a half centimeter, u must have 2 computer with 2 of those wires, then red of another to another, blue or yellow like wise, so that if they write something u are able to see both on the two screen, what he writes u can manipulate as well as what he clicks or get his password he u snapshot with ya phone on the other connected computer without his consent bro. Click the link below to check for the said wires
Take to a computer technician to help you connect dude and this can kill ya as your pas-code is known to hack ya details, even in work so resort to wireless mouse,keyboard or cpu-monitor cable & hope u can google it to make matters easy bro, wireless sometimes can be seen from far just like the wireless camera, so fellow just check ya wires if connected in case in a cyber or buy personal computer.
Anew business using anesthesia as i have googles, just like circumcision you cut the elongation on the back of the neck at the throat 4 like $ 10 and make money, most hate it out of the pain associated with it but utterly long 4 it coz it chokes them and u got the remedy which is an anesthesia injection. Register ya hospital today dude and start getting money stop dilly darling dude, its called the uvula and click the link below 4 more
Friend google what a link or url means and get it dude, stop disturbing my peace bro, out house negro does soul not pop music, the old NEGROS, Ethiopian, cote d vore, ajentina blooded mostly if none
The not beautiful women to satisfy their appetite then u must be next to them, after dat, u must touch them to make them belong, the far end is to sleep wid them then they are free as happy wid u or-else they organize ya attack bro. Make them belong dude by giving dem an injection they want, desire, of a life time.
Dont pump to much bro, keeping in mind dat too much pumping killed zachaeus as sakayo https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonmornde/followers  
[email protected] is the email used to open tumblr name nelsonmornde as per my research bro, check it under following of ya tumblr
The link above represent the 1st line of killing some1
Now under the watch of people he has disabled the password by cutting so mr Hindu back off, dont seem to want it cause i gave u the chance via the unopened email to open and get to it and u refused.
Add monde or nelson or kevin after each of the names in upholsterynelson tumblr or just click the link below 4 more
wow, nice booty
jesusnakenyatta my pal tumblr name
Dedication to kebi de up 1, links below
I will give u the job next to me if u wanna sit wid me, coz am not a criminal who thinks at where to steel, then they get furious and at night come to your door, when u peep, pour out spotlight in2 ya face not knowing what they have at hand, if u talk dude, kinda, they cut ya with panga. Pastors, politicians and hindu affiliated men have sent dem.
Another person in christ image who transfigures was strangled when in yesus image, the whip he was cained with was like the old telephone silver 1, Simon the siren has the siren gas in a burnsen burner, while carrying the cross opened it to exhaust him but was not the case to confirm he was a dead man walking. The nails were hollow like the syringe as well as the cross which had pipes in the middle in all hands from below as well and when the hole was dug as well there was a pipeline on it which was made 4 dat purpose to sway the multitude bro. When the cross was put into dat 1.5 meter hole it connected and rested on the rubber like the gas nozzles 4 de blood not to ooze out but flow to the hands of the cross upon which if nailing is done perfectly it meets the said pipe to allow red chemical/blood to run through the hollow nail to the outside of the hand 4 people to believe but aint sufficient trut bro, God must talk again like in moses case or jesus baptism case 4 us to be fully equipped bro. It was a hoax, Earth was a new planet like the recently discovered ones, so the green-man brought people and settled them here Period. When people get to new planet then de trut will be ascertained and dats the whites man worry why they havent been there, yet they can. Simon got dat name coz he traded into it, he was a plane engineer, lost coin parable to cement reality bro.
Aloice no moko gas bal kalare kendo no moko gas onding with moses case and the previous 1 with Adan and even case, get this straight folks
With tumblr pasword change, am copy pasting mine and still tell a friend nearby to write his same which i know not to make it long bro, we wanna see and email i write a friends email like 4 Lufthansa air [email protected]
Which u can check on tumblr following category, u can youtube how to check someone on tumblr using an email address
The bible was written, people came from other planet to fill the earth, no 1 was created on earth, is the greenman who brought all people, the bible is just a hoax to instill fear in ya
My friend tumblr name below or link
Check the following or followers of this tumblr name nelsonmornde
Check on youtube how to locate followers or following if u dont know or within every tumblr a/c you come across within the tumblr above, check the above
The link below rep TZ women who can be traced who came to the USA via study visa or Green-card, sasa sema
Swaling takes place in a mosque not in the house- mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth. Click the link below 4 more
They fear this, the stone from nowhere seen on satellite can crush ATL cause his sermons makes the bible irrelevant so they want to turn the attention to another town that the writing aint Kings Writing bro
The name is below dudes, tumblr search brow
Opiyo whoyi mok nyier, nyiero mana ekitanda samaolo go tieno as per the wife.
Kebi telling her mum along time ‘Mama amanyo nyako malong opongo sindane kata sikat thikagimayiech, sikat omako sianda ne taa, orido wajameni emamola‘ He was saying such in a voice like some1 is about to give him something but still playing dude.
High bank rates are due to the quick response of Rightmanagement, Bank should reduce their rates even upto below10% to move people away from Rightmanagement which is the core pillar to German development bro.
This the new security to ya door, it replaces the padlock/key system and its more durable, reliable and hard to break into- where thieves and moth break into as Jesus said in Mathew and you can google bro. Click the link below 4 more
The Green Kenyan notes are made using garbage (drumhead) under the same procedures explained in other tumblr name within the links i have provided, the red notes are made out of kitungu or strawberry as much of these vegetables/fruits are grown in central Kenya. Drum major instint sermon to cement the truth and u can google it dude.
I just had to throw my 37 grams Gold into a pit latrine because mostly the boda boda men were on my neck at my insecure house and many women as kids croped in and to me it was a nuisance so i had to discard the Jewell one for that and two to show the world i the beginning i was not 4 cash, i hate women/people/kids who cant work 4 themselves but look at good things from some1 even they belittle bro and i have learnt to leave a simple life, aint going nowhere but am here with you. It show that i can leave in any sphere bro and am rearing to go folks and same the money i claim the WSU Wichita owe me i can burn with acid in the banking oil in a container or hurl to people outside, so the people should facilitate that money to be given to me, either i do the above or if they stop their absurdities i put it somewhere like in a hotel as an investment or open rightmanagement subsidiary like Upgrade creditors where u pay the premium 4 10 years at the rate of 10%.
We can use the machines in the link below to identify some1 esp in the bank, schools, institutions, entering points and even embassy along other gadgets like pulse rate watches. Click the link below 4 more
The link below has all my pal/friend post or tumblr search moneykagosiper all gives you the same
Flat screen denatures the eye they say but thanks to kebi he has connected from inside but replaced the inside of a 42 inch monitor with the inside of the TV and its works wow. Click the link below 4 more
The link below shows how people can be identified and along the pulse rate no can be the ssn or the ID no.
A land of copper as well shows that the bible was written bro, Now they are making them and burring them or they did that b4- King of the jew to cement de trut bro. click the link below 4 more as Copper is made with red guava, red groundnuts, chicken intestine put in a container then many sing a song or breaks a lough or urinate/piss/salivate on the sides of the container then boom the copper coins/wires or utensils bro
The above are all lies dude to show proof that the book was written bro. What do you want dude!!!
Phontana telling mum “voke ni mchafu, ni mtu mfyan, ni nare, ni sugu“ anamaliza walami mtu mchafu ni mtu clever and rearing to go. Mimi nitamgong’a huyo austin nikimpata nadem wa mine, haki ya God “Nitamgong’a huyo austin wa malindi“ Kebi was cought up insinuating dat.
The link below shows how people can be identified and along the pulse rate no can be the ssn or the ID no.
A land of copper as well shows that the bible was written bro, Now they are making them and burring them or they did that b4- King of the jew to cement de trut bro. click the link below 4 more as Copper is made with red guava, red groundnuts, chicken intestine put in a container then many sing a song or breaks a lough or urinate/piss/salivate on the sides of the container then boom the copper coins/wires or utensils bro
The above are all lies dude to show proof that the book was written bro. What do you want dude!!!
Phontana telling mum “voke ni mchafu, ni mtu mfyan, ni nare, ni sugu“ anamaliza walami mtu mchafu ni mtu clever and rearing to go. Mimi nitamgong’a huyo austin nikimpata nadem wa mine, haki ya God “Nitamgong’a huyo austin wa malindi“ Kebi was cought up insinuating dat.
Now they want the pasword to a tumblr a/c i have followed, how absurd is that bro, A tumblr a/c i just met, i know not to the point of being wild wid me dude. Check my following bro
Click the link below 4 more to guide ya
Now let them leave me a lone to put a tatoo to bar me from any job or political post, dont steal my property which i wanna sell to do dat and start me again dat i want the same yet that is the remedy between me and ya.
The post of some1 on my wall got his name and my post got my tumblr name dude and thats de difference.
Check my following to see all my friends i have followed, Malachi 4 to cement de trut, Christ wid little children as well bro.
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/trickevin Check tumblr name trickevin 4 my pal/friend bro https://www.tumblr.com/blog/florenceandgeorgemodifamily The immediate up link/url tumblr name is florenceandgeorgemodifamily, u can search on both frontier You can google as well whats URL/link means if you dont know folks to stop disturbance https://florenceandgeorgemodifamily.tumblr.com/https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/nelsonbotomsiepa My tumblr account name is nelsonmornde, tumblr search bro
A friend omolo in Netherlands has connected his bike where is written bmc put the wood cut with his own mind and connected it to the front gear with a chain to the small gear while the wood cutter is being runned by a motor bike battery tied to a 1000watts inverter while its charging being done by the bike dynamo rubbing itself on the rear wheel connected to a power solar charger controller and he is going dude. CLICK the links below 4 more
Msee ni mchafu/lil/dirty, lil bowowyney. Click the below links 4 more
The memory chip gets into ya mind confusing ya, i think they can make the memory chip the size of the bank card or like the DSTv decoder card as well as the new stereo what they should sell us are the speakers as the radio part we can find somewhere. Like in the link below
The Dstv has over 40 million active subscription worldwide and the cheapest bouquet is $30 and this how Germany and the uk still finds its economy. Each nation or region should come with theirs as the internet servers as well as the decoder technology are made like wise in a container where the sacrifice can be cotton wool, chaff or Groundnuts where from outside you pour cold water, blow charcoal, piss or urinate unto the container sides and boom their it is bro. Easy does it dude. Calculate roughly how much they part with bro as well a china. This are we must block dude!!
When you put the car free position like the gear when u connect ist combustion chamber to a powerful drill or grinder it moves the car. worker parable to cement the truth as much as motor bike timing chain. Click the link below 4 more
The small drill u connect to the combustion chamber on the small gear and it moves the piki piki- king of the jew to bring reality. Motor bikes without a chain should be introduced as much as bicycles to allow what is described in tumblr upgradecreditors to easily take shape. Search bro by David omolo.
You can identify where a sewer line passes within town or estate the place ya plastic/mobile/iron sheet toilet for public to get money, can never collapse as people visit toilets daily or take shower frequently. Click the link below 4 more a new business opportunity dude
Your Gold wont help ya at that time coz world wide we have known how its made so its value will be useless to explain the bible further bro.
The same way they treat kebi is the same way they killed or assassinated the civil rights leader 4 no apparent reason, this is to bring reality dude the likes of malcom x or martin luother. Frustrating people who want to come up or got idea that can help society then give them names dat they are this and that bro.
Now they are refuting that i still have the Gold i had thrown away, what do you want bro? A person is needed when he got money but now i got none, leave kebi alone dude- mfalme wa yawhodi to cement trut or you can see things, now see where i had thrown it in which pit latrine and get it, is dat what you want dude or come to my house and locate it using a gold locator machine like the police with the Gun locator machine. Click the link below 4 more
Aero planes should be made this way in case the alternator burns the generator switches up. Click the link below 4 more
The root of David found in revelation 5 was the name of the machine explained in nelsonmornde tumblr a/c, check it out dude or click the link below, it was a machine used to locate Gold that was named after King David to commemorate him
When you have suffered 4 long and find happiness in small things, u can even throw a billion dollar away, nothing tangible turns u on provided u got a shelter to put ya head not and food to eat and can afford the basic necessities, folks you kick them like a nike yo.
People steal ya things which are hard to buy, u dont have enaf cash but they need that money, kinda u wanna throw it away but hunger thinking come knocking, what am do folks. By4orce i love u baby love, u cant listen to ya music once a day coz that stereo was stolen bro, u r this and that tribe and its force and we got the DNA with ya mother which u have done and letting them know earlier she aint ya biological mother but forcing bro. People kid disturb u day night but they still give birth, u telling them all the loopholes of kenya or usa, u cant delete my things on tumblr if i change password which i know not but still know the pass-code, kids who wants good life from ya in that area yet u r the poorest who they gossip at heart. This are the realities that makes one to want to strangle himself bro, desist from this.
Whites wanted to curb African with internet or oil drills which they dont know how to make, this makes African government to respect them coz oil moves the world interms of mobility with machines but right now we got a new technology where at the combustion chamber of each car if u tie a powerful drill/grinder with qualified engineers mind it move the car to the point the speedometer moves and their it is the white-mans worry or diminishing respect and thats the problem with us right-now dude. What else can we say, Nothing.
Click the links below and get a taste to listen to these soothing songs along time release.
Now here is the lover of my life
Listen to sophy square song bro
Click the links above blow cold air in dark and the gadgets are made in a container or show ya beside teeth many people. Blow bubbles like kids with small pipes to make balloons many people dude.
my tumblr friend name is thewandetes tumblr search or click the link below where both can do
If i die today or strangle me will u know the password to all the links i have provided or log into all the a/c bro or know the emails i have guessed bro and make them yours or delete them. Want do u want?
With camera in place that as well hinders the solder petty theft so in the morning turn all his anger to some1, beating him up yet the camera is on. Stop this stupidity bro.
With solar car can work all yr through in tropical lands but in winter cant work so the white folks wanted to come to Africa having this in mind if the oil gets depleted but the invention of electric car made them rude they can still do and made Germany to be 4give or get by with their character as they were the inventor but with the combustion chamber tied to a powerful drill it as well eliminate the need 4 electric or the Ae technology described in davidomolo tumblr when cut and connect to the charging point as well bridge the deficit between whites man pride and coloureds and thats the problem bro even if they take a flight away to another world the world dont stop but still moves on bro
If the jew family are hiding saying other tribes are jew so they are not got when the worse happens then the best now is to tell the hindu to back off, jew family like Zebulan- Bulgeria or dan-lithuania or Levi- Latvia coz the other tribes have followed suit like Joseph- france, Gad-Rusia, Naftali-Itally or Spain the isachar in Genesis 49. Jeshuran the levi as as well in Deuteronomy 33. Click the link below 4 more
my tumblr a/c name as per now is trickevin and get all the links that end with acertain name which is the tumblr name, on following sections search all the names you have found after opening each successive name u have clicked to open in a new tab under one window bro. Twitter as well is nelsonoutcust or vice versa or nelsonunderwood. Twitter as well also is mondenelsoni Click the link below after u open ya linkedin to open in the new tab as well linkedin name is monde
SME everywhere and that whats Germans what 4 Africa to benefit or move their economy, Small businesses where they borrow money from right management and pay 4 life. This as well needs high partially population to make people yearn 4 them. In away you must exploit to gain theory. Making of copper wires and cheating people in syllabus they are mined 4 folk to say they are sharp or sufferingeared towards people, they sell copper wires, aluminum utensils, bronze, diamond and silver as well which aint mined as i have explained in my previous tumblrs and thats why they are rich. If other spheres have known the same, Friends i guarantee you they are poor as well as selling artificial tea to other nations in Eu who know not what i know that its made and any food as meat, milk but pack them in containers as they have shipped them from those countries which are known 4 that like coffee from Ethiopia, Brazil, sugar from Brasil, meat & milk from Denmark, flowers from netherlands, Tea from china or kenya etc. Friends in a way am blocking these loopholes because they denied me white pussy/love as much as black when i was in Durban 4 close to 5 years alone, the rain is falling and no 1 by my side. If u denies 1 love either he does what am doing or sometimes strangle himself.
With copper wire and high population by want folks to build more houses and premises and on the other hand makes them buy sand, bricks, blocks, iron sheet which as well are made in the dark i a container by urinating on its sides with offering like cotton wool on its side. Malachi 4 to cement the truth, its has less side-effect and dont enslave ya close to it like Groundnut- Revelation 5 the Root of David which makes you feel good bro.
Now the Hindu have liaised with the luya to further reduce the scrap metal price per kg to still make them rude not wanting to relent as they sell they away from small cities in their lorries to gain like 100% profit. Friends this absurdity must be stopped bro, prices allover the nation should be the same to stop this happening coz after all the dubious loopholes are blocked to thwart them they are still rude of this. Folks lets finish them 4 better 4 Good, taking the highest seats in a banquet bro..
Check tumblr name trickevin 4 my pal/friend bro
The immediate up link/url tumblr name is florenceandgeorgemodifamily, u can search on both frontier
You can google as well whats URL/link means if you dont know folks to stop disturbance
Drones that can operate in the Dark, kebi naming then ‘‘NoctanoL DroneS’‘ That can sense human presence in 100 x 100 metre square to monitor and curb illegal pickers at night, many with partitioned area, moreover big ones that carry trained Dogs after an intruder identified with the small 1 to counteract his maneuvers. Click the link below 4 more
Tribes found at Nigeria Kano state, people who are well keepers of secretes or things when translated in luo or in some1 they go 1st at the teeth then others follows. Christ was alluding of them in Goat and sheep parable as good people, goalo watu inje as uplifting people, they usually have good shape of head as square or rectangular, they got the okiek tribe blood bro. Kano State KS people at-least in Nigeria are best but the stalking women is the order of the day but in the right manner. Gaya tribe- worker and vineyard to cement the truth, me kebi i got kano people blood as Gaya.
Click the link below 4 more
Folks if every tribe in any part of Africa is given its own territory as a nation then being in Kano will be my dwelling today, tomorrow and thereafter.
Amanda neblock nyaka kebiee efacebook bana, wach malich majopiny manyo topokoneno says vin ngire brenda broda.
Okiek nyimgi/pussy othiek, mucus like, like the German pussy and alicia kifungu is such but sweet blow.
The new note Kenyan money is made out of the drum head style of onion where one Beth on a shower enclosure in the dark with the onion outside but in the dark and boom the brown notes.
Many buses on the USA have been fixed with camera that illuminate the front-side, backside and sideways of the bus, so u dont mind looking outside just from the screen on ya front seat u can view all the sides bro.
Click the down links 4 more
Bridges in Africa ought to be lifted not the top soil taken or the earth crust scratched bro if their is artificial cement and sand bro.
This my latest links and the name is  nyandorientertainment which both can do and search bro
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/myweakways or tumblr search myweakways as the tumblr name
Once these nation have started producing gadgets in their own names like kankata cars or the latest Ethiopian phones then we wanna know the white-man hard character and we as a people we are banking on that 4 good.
Listen to played yesterday country music from the UK, Kansas, Montana, Arkansas, Texas or Wyoming states, just google 4 example country music radio stations in Ks. Click the link below 4 more dude
Stop the burning thing dude get this straight bro
When u have defeated them and still hard, u now see a panga held by no-one like wanting to cut on the neck of those people signifying their hardness or their soon death. Sometimes u see the hard to listen people in casket as an imagery bro. Sometimes u see the hard to seduce women but wanting big money looking up being fucked by the people who have pestered them 4 long, people they want not bro like Minaj and Robinson showing them that time is of the essence 4 them to give in bro.
Sometimes u visualize many women coming together to the bride smiling/laughing or one after one jumping unto the bridegroom with her 2 legs unto the mans pubic part bro. Siriasi bro. This signify the parable of the ten virgins where the oil has been finished by what kebi and friends have discussed in diagram at length bro like AE found in davidomolo tumblr search dude
Or sometimes u see one who spoils the love being chased rapidly with one carrying a panga to showcase that jealousy is long over-due.
Go to hell Many Mr white man, why didnt you put the gadgets u claim to have made in credit so many people buy to eliminate hate and jealousy. Friends that will be the question on that day nothing else like i they had it, it robbed our dignity and kept many from worshiping You Mr Lord.
Swiftair-safe air travel at your comfort
Comredshotel- another world class service is right here
Gamblers paradise- comreds casino
Nelson and bandwagon co- new heights new inventions
Owner of think twice magazine and comreds newspaper- Digest/read it as your own pace
Owner of where did you take the booty, To whom to Girl, to curb infidelity in Marriages.
uhuru wa kenyatta just brided the japanis minister with the petty theft cash dude
https://copia.co.ke/product/generic-bluetooth-usb-2-0-micro-adapter-dongle-black/?utm_source=adwords&utm_campaign=Sales-Display-23&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_tgt=aud-781241668066&hsa_src=d&hsa_ad=373211437673&hsa_ver=3&hsa_cam=2078535319&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_acc=9295523470&hsa_grp=75442656934&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIje2lv8jK5AIVzcPeCh0psAQtEAEYASABEgICvPD_BwE Planes should be made in a search away that they can all land in water of the seas/lakes when all went bad to stop plane crush. Engineers like kebbi and Associates who also say they are farmers have came up with a new approach. In-fact last summer he was seen in Wichita at Spirit Airbus company but the authorities were on him like never b4 as if he was stalking a woman. The associates corner says that the plane tire ought to be like in the old model car in the link above like on old model Volkswagen, the coming out wheel should be on the plane egde for the rear wheel but on the front where the head of the plane should slant a little bit up to allow the titr come out on water and to avoid water getting in as if it were plain. Friends this is awesome and achievable once the thwarter has cut the belt on the alternator to stop charging the cells or any other underlying reasons that lead to plane fall. Click the link below 4 more information https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=old+model+cars+photos https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNSDsKQPwakP2vn1ZgdVjyyyhJ8lFw:1568266729946&q=old+model+cars+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNSDsKQPwakP2vn1ZgdVjyyyhJ8lFw:1568266729946&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBy-fqyMrkAhWHFMAKHb2UBS4QsAR6BAgHEAE&biw=1280&bih=922
sunshine updates pamela alexandria - YouTubeyoutube.comWrite on youtube search bar sunshine updates Pamela Alexandria then you come to see the woman and his pals on her comment and many other women in sunshine updates which as well you write on the youtube bar. click the link below 4 more infor
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sunshine+updates+pamela+alexandria What is you-tube bar? Click the links below to redirect you. https://www.google.com/search?q=WHAT+IS+YOUTUBE+BAR&oq=WHAT+IS+YOUTUBE+BAR&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6576j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?q=HOW+TO+SIGN+UP+ON+A+TWITTER&oq=HOW+TO+SIGN+UP+ON+A+TWITTER&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.8505j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNREyb1Vnuwo3PxA7e1cmxB6l1JzuA%3A1568297780950&ei=NFN6XdDSOc6alwSY45aQBA&q=how+to+change+a+twitter+password&oq=HOW+TO+CHANGE++A+TWITTER+PAS&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0j0i22i30l9.18585.28239..30095…0.2..0.526.3644.2-11j1j0j1……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71j0i13j0i13i30j0i7i30.SCoZ8nocups With plane tire that can land on water it can be remote controlled from above as the plane engine that rotates that wheel should be myogenic not connected to the plane gears above. To bring it out and in. That space that houses that engine wheel should be hollow 4 water not to rush in and still that plane can land on water. In the 1st scenario the forehead part should slant like the bonet of a plane to avoid friction with water which can make the plane to crumble and still fall on water. Achayo gi nyong'o hebu winja nena eee nyako ni, miyo tello, ng'ata, kata ostin moro cha wacho kamano. Nyili te manyien kisumo kadho kuomwa mokwong'o baba. Its a secrete agenda swears chumvi nyili says adrian. Wanmwakuong'o yawo gi b4 jomoko, kata migoshi. Winja nena ibe gima-awinjo tello
The whitedent paste from Tz is all-over the continent and Tz is rich out of this not to mention effective surgical spirit so many opt for their goods. Its a gimmick of the Hindu coz they got that blood to build up that nation and leave nations like Kenya with fake goods behind. Kamba hate loving a woman very much, provided its not known that woman can come to your hse once you have notified her you are good to go. Unatoboka mwanangu, dont let ya love to be on air even if it means a persons wife. Chota mtu wangu and dont let it be remoured, let it be a secrete dude. Your car or hse can be gotten into, the keys sold in Kenya even-though are written made in china, they are made here within, they have known how to make such. They give you 3 keys yet they remain with 1, which within the estate or parking lot they facilitate petty theft. Mark you locks got serial no, even if you buy one from far they trace you and send it in a courier to their own the other side to facilitate the same. The best way is to put an alarm system as and wireless camera under strong lights on the door to signify you if their is an intruder around or your premise was gotten into period. They even lias with gate man and fellow these money they bribe with people like Theresa may or Swiss president or build with it their cities and claim superiority. How absurd is this dude!!  Now they got computer with line slot on the keyboard dude and one without outer CPU, the CPU is within the monitor. Technology high dude.
Ma-lando eeye chalo gi-toyota porte, ber to-not that tight, we abwasne achayo marateng no- eeye miyo, obi-elie jokanyama swears nashon bro.
disastor from the north in the bible is North Korea, their kids out of intermarriage are luo, some kalenjin, some mixture of both and kisii, they disturb on food issues, wanting to eat in ya house by force. Women with barnabas and king of the jew with christ. Luo women ejaculation you miss but they have made such in Developed nation, luo women blooded whose ejaculation is the same with the black ones in nyanza, bare, bar kalare. It tires you if you do it daily  but after long you long/miss it, sweetest are Germans, Eskimos, Estonia, maldova, malaysia swana, Toro, Karamajong or uragwey, embu, kalenjins, kuwait, brazil among many other i havent taste to give you report. Click the link below 4 more information!!!
And also the missile and the 4 in 1 drone and the rockets made disturbing the world peace bro.
Lennie Miller Why are u covering up ? Never cover beauty! Specially when U love to fluent it! in its entirety So Stay true to urself and ur style that what’s making U! if U understand the words that is coming out my mouth  Anyway Simply Marvelous🌹
· Reply
· 13h
Top fan
Wesley Smith
You have beautiful God given breasts. Stop covering them with your hands….
· Reply
· 10h
Larry Loveless
You look amazing in everything you wear,, so I know your birthday suit is mind blowing.
· Reply
· 16h
· Edited
Heriberto Artalejo
You look super gorgeous!
· Reply
· 19h
Odrobina Attila
Perfect match. Your size and the the covers as well… :-) I love both of them… <3
· Reply
· 9h
Edwin Montalvo
I believe it looks great on you but it’s up to you to wear it
· Reply
· 17h
Top fan
Jimmy Jean Jacqués Zora
my darling, my heart you are perfect sketches, appetizing, a pralines, you are sweet.  me perso I kiff
· Reply
· 16h
Top fan
الحنين ال الماضي المياحي
But he is very beautiful you are wonderful in it
· Reply
· 5h
Silvestre Alcaraz
Perfect size
· Reply
· 17h
Pete Cruz
Perfect size
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Chico Martell
perfect size
· Reply
· 19h
Steve Watkins
Looks fine size is perfect!
· Reply
· 11h
Top fan
Josh Isom
Good lordy. “Clapping hands”.
· Reply
· 5h
Leo Carlos
Never apologize for looking fine
· Reply
· 11h
Jake Stanley
No, no honey …ALL good with that size! 😍
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Gilberto Morente
You are a goddess 😍😍😘
· Reply
· 16h
Top fan
Troy Simon
Keep it Boo!! Wear it 2 Baton Rouge when you come.
· Reply
· 18h
Lorenzo Palmer
Wear the outfit around the house boo
· Reply
· 13h
Timothy Manning
Smaller outfit for you
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Moises Melendez
Perfect short dress two pieces.color..is awesome chick modelo on time.
· Reply
· 17h
Patricio Rodriguez
Eres Eskisita muñequita Saludos hermosa
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· See translation
· 19h
Top fan
Dick Cook
Outfit is perfect
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Michael Leftwich
I never liked blue until now.
· Reply
· 19h
David Woods
Hold on to it, one day, it will come in handy!
· Reply
· 15h
Fred Kennedy
I like it without an outfit
· Reply
· 19h
Joel Jimenez
Pull down your outfit baby
· Reply
· 18h
Ericgael Santiago
lindas piernas y lindo trasero
· Reply
· See translation
· 15h
Robert Stone
Oh my god, I’m loving these outfits tho, when she turn around & all tht cake jiggle, my G, tht shit is legendary, I kno I sound like a big ol pervert, but I dont care, I dont, I really dont
· Reply
· 18h
Tranga Stieko
Ooh we don’t mind that at all.😁
· Reply
· 14h
Top fan
Fernando Cruz Valdez
Qué azul está mi cielo hermoso
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· 18h
Top fan
Timothy Adams
Looks kinda tight on you.
· Reply
· 18h
Mychal Sheffield
Mother Nature was good to u
· Reply
· 18h
Simon Rodríguez
Ke rica esta bebe ke hermosas mami
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· See translation
· 18h
Brian Kennedy
Have you ever done nudes? If so where can I find them?
· Reply
· 17h
Robert Davila
K hermosas caderas y esa cukita hermosa
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· See translation
· 15h
Glenn Francis
Don’t hold the girls back. If they want out then set them free. ☺️
· Reply
· 19h
Top fan
Bk Jones
Look at GOD look what he can do
· Reply
· 19h
Top fan
Boulektoute Makhlouf
اوووووو احححححح كل شي جميل اما الموءخرة تبكي والصذر يجنن
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· 10h
Artis Williams
Every inch… thrice daily…
· Reply
· 16h
Top fan
Carlos Antonio Gavidia Castillo
BELLEZA !!!!!!………………………..LA TALLA PERFECTA !!!!!!
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· 12h
LiKenny Williams
got some booty on UIC
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Meike César Davila Flores
Que hermosa eres mi amor eres la mujer perfecta,
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· 17h
Markee Dumpson
Not bad but does the top close more?
· Reply
· 19h
Top fan
Musto Biesse
Vücudun süper süper
· Reply
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· 11h
Mario Rossi
vestido assim onde você pode ir?
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· 15h
Roger Hernandez
Te ves preciosa mi amor k haria yo con todo eso en mi cama
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· 17h
Carlos Misael Vendramini Furtado
hahahahaha esta justo ficou engraçada Pamela mas  esta valendo
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· 18h
Jose Arellano
Wao que linda mami pero quitate la mano quiero ber tus lindos pechos
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· 18h
Ramiro Niño
Sueltalas. Quita. Las manos. Linda
· Reply
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· 18h
Stacey Jermaine Goodman
No,no,don’t stop..un un,don’t b scuurred..
· Reply
· 14h
Top fan
Jeremiah Short
U look great in it u should keep it
My tumblr name is thebandwagons
Minaj saying to nelson, will u lick my ass hole, nelsonretorting- hell no!!! Minaj, if u dont i will leave ya definately, Nelson, sure Nikki, Minaj- yep, no doubt, Nelson- fuck that minaj, damn it girl!!!
The shooting in the usa recently is to eliminate kids with bad blood but in pretense esp kisii, luo where they organize coz their aint no camera, to shoot them from behind using the purported survived students where many whom have been short unto the head 1 is said to have committed the crime and shot himself as a scape goat or one is shot away from the classroom to officiate the fact that he ran away after have done the shooting and shot himself b4 the corps come. Them they kill bad blood but here in Africa the want the bad blood to spread, friends see how absurd is that dude!!
The white people in Africa most got the bad blood of being lazy and not proactive, so the purpose is to make such suffer as instant walking so that they give up in life and such are converted to gold when they die under the same procedure of making gold in a container where many urinates on the container sides bro. When they have suffered in Africa and kinda, u want to engage them in a quarrel when they walk u see kinda a Gold scalp walking like the world cup trophy to bring pity so u leave them alone as a black man who got white blood under the same circumstances at a glance kinda u see a white man then it diffuse and thats how white- man see that and the reason 4 investigating such.
Click the link above and listen to the song
Making of yacht after long makes the society mad/insane, chizisha msee bro, Click the link below 4 more
Migosi estate during the days of our lives the days of the building of fort Jesus was a graveyard/cemetery and Lolwe estate had the natural flowers grown 4 the cemetery. Get this straight dude
Muddy waters of clay soil are as well used to make petroleum, diesel or kerosene either u urinate on the tank sides, piss, pour cold water or hurl feces to give you what type you like as much as gas which can also be made with hay under the same procedure. The hay put in an air tight big cylinder like the water tank with opening which has been tightened bro and under the same conditions spelt above, boom the siren/cooking gas or any b4 being again pump/siphoned into small cylinder 4 use. Click the links below 4 more
This entails all the gimmicks of Africa being rich when the oil deposits of the world get depleted and nyanza province in Kenya and many more nations got the mud like at Kano which can be used to make oil and thats why many nations claim they are luo or this and that not any other good reason.
Russia, India and china as much as Indonesia are banking on high population and cemetery option to have more dead and to exhume to make oil coz those spheres got no clay soil option like muddy rain water to make oil or have opened much ranches to get the cattle feces 4 the same as much as Canada and USA. The cattle option can not feed the whole world as they will be a deficit in oil supply bro so they opt 4 swampy areas in Africa dude or Brazil.
Shrewd manager parable was talking about the rightmanagement or The green-man, click the link below 4 more
Turkana blooded folks like kikuyus and kalenjin as well are targets in America recent shootings to eliminate such after being monitored as much as masai. People who are 24 hours into one food, food jealousy, hate and luck of understanding bro after being monitored are annihilated that way.
The virgina sweetness has not left ya behind, Minaj ya pussy chweet says adriano. Mit thel okoweyi oko, mochanda theli be mit ka-thel magdalin gi loleni swears delanu mkubwa. Kebi telling vela and kanze, utamu wa senye haijakuacha injee/ouside, em em ya pussy chweet collectively. Nimwage wapi wajami, where should i vomit this things minaj. The anthem was em em em ad-infinitum folks, kebi could not stop uttering those words in a Nairobi Motel.
Friend tumblr name thebandwagons
The paints as well are made in a pool like structure with cotton wool or porridge without sugar or lemon or the offering put a container and many people piss, salivate, pour out cold water unto the sacrifice or the container wall and boom the paint you wanna.
If you connect 2 or more computer to see 1 thing as mouse, keyboard ot monitor brings about heavy rain as much as big rainfall. Serious dude, no jokes and dont lough. Utensils as ceramics are made as well this way with the cotton as offering or any hardware gadgets as much as some made using fingerlings or fish or ngweni in luya as the metallic pipe holders. Timber products as chip board as well or carpet, friends anything u ask Mr Devil of bro- King of the jew to cement truth or sewage water poured unto the offering or sewage products in a pool u urinate or piss unto as hurl feces many people unto the sewage product after being pump from ya toilet dude.
Check the following of this tumblr name companyrights
U can delete cause its referral bro of the above tumblr a/c, the nelsonmornde tumblr got nothing bro, what u gonna delete, stop nonsense dude
No Mrnelson we got your cash  the wichita  police notifying me. Well, you got my cash then pay me then or we continue in court. Dude am sick and tired of your dirty open tricks/games. There is no sufficient proof/evidence pertaining the lost money and as well the jury can throw the case into their sperm. They can rule in-favor of the city not me and with bank robery let them use wireless camera hanged on outside poles being monitored from another building not in the bank and a wireless camera inside the bank as well, whom the bankers have no control over then bank theft will be a thing of the past dude. Click the down links bro https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonhardnick https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonhardnick A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
In betting they target the under not ciander, over, draw and goal goal which they see how much is put per team then they dwindle the wind to benefit them not the team which win bro. Eat carot dude to get you off the desires of the world but makes you a Spanish, their is nothing in the world but to spend and explore dude. Get you off women and necessity bro. They track you as friend and get that key of your and take its photo/picture then take it to the padlock repair but you tell him the size coz he has the sample then makes you the exact key to be used to open ya house when not around or your premise at night collaborating with the askari.
He was crying in awe, mrkebi, like an old Dog which has been hit with a hard stone… Mochanda omiya nyime, nimekovince mochanda hadi akanipa senye… em em mit kodi, nyimi chalo gima-omona chiemo, kama kwamba its the teller or the hotel server or the automated voice in a phone, agoyo seyie nyimi mit. Linda saying, tiche magotieno ler, his night time job, kashi chake cha usiku ni-safi sana, no complain. Tije ka-stima olal, mar-mudho ler jowa, baba.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
If you have known how to make a car it means whats in the books are wrong as mr white man with his theories bro. Deviate from them, stop disturbance.
No Mrnelson we got your cash  the wichita  police notifying me. Well, you got my cash then pay me then or we continue in court. Dude am sick and tired of your dirty open tricks/games. There is no sufficient proof/evidence pertaining the lost money and as well the jury can throw the case into their sperm. They can rule in-favor of the city not me and with bank robery let them use wireless camera hanged on outside poles being monitored from another building not in the bank and a wireless camera inside the bank as well, whom the bankers have no control over then bank theft will be a thing of the past dude. Click the down links bro https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonhardnick https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonhardnick A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
click the  links below after u open ya tumblr account
Corey Hurl insinuating dat, we got a case or a beef with you as Nairobi is built as well with artificial beef/nyama, milk, sugar, salt, flour, watered bottle etc
yep bro, tumblr search ngiresfamily to get their posts which well i have followed as well or click the link/url below
If u know not the meaning of a link/url the u r free to google to find its meaning bro. Anthoga pod dum chak and thats my shortcaming as women insinuates oka doom suya mar sweet marach mar yesu kaniguro. Luya/sweet as sweet is hustle not easy come easy go.
Now the hindu and the white are saying they r getting people off hell fire like with Nebucadneza the good is if every1 can afford all the luxary maybe via credit then it eliminates going to hell 4 everybody who owns the same. U go if u own it alone and thats not ya job mark u wasungu.
Arigidipapa with Austintheyoungsnitch
Mamze voke ni wazimu swears frank, vitu amefanya jo utters deno wa madish. One man guitor/band. Unaona magede wanachora saba, women with barnabas to cement de trut bro. Wanna cut his finger the gateman liasing with WSU wichita eti anataka do na kunaproof ya finger print katika sedgwick county jail. Jeff Ester stop this shit, chorea mtu wa mine, voke hataki hiyo doo. Kwani whats the hick up/problemo.
After you dig the pool like structure with offering in place like chaff, cotton wool or corpse u kinda drink dirty road water but dont swallow and sprinkle to the offering and boom electronic gadgets are made even on the wall of the container bro
With big machines like tanker, trelas, ammunition, factory unit like big cylinders u sprinkle dirty water the same on the roof top of big company container like even with jets and hospital machines, computer etc You can even Beth with it many people outside the container to make the same bro, this process even makes bullet train and yachts as big ships bro by taking a shower on it many people on the dock with offering like reeds/slipper rubber floating on water just adjacently dude.
In the end to people who get internet money but still heavily laden in jealousy and hate- hating others 4 no apparent reason you see some1 with a bag hurling it but still in his hands on one side of the face to hit the 1 eye kinda. The people who follow Piki piki CGI, one eye kinda gonna develop cancer stop dude, everything got repercussion bro, king of the jew to bring out reality bro and Malachi 4 as well
Search 4 these names on your Facebook they are Alexandria Pamela friends.
Lennie Miller Why are u covering up ? Never cover beauty! Specially when U love to fluent it! in its entirety So Stay true to urself and ur style that what’s making U! if U understand the words that is coming out my mouth  Anyway Simply Marvelous🌹
· Reply
· 13h
Top fan
Wesley Smith
You have beautiful God given breasts. Stop covering them with your hands….
· Reply
· 10h
Larry Loveless
You look amazing in everything you wear,, so I know your birthday suit is mind blowing.
· Reply
· 16h
· Edited
Heriberto Artalejo
You look super gorgeous!
· Reply
· 19h
Odrobina Attila
Perfect match. Your size and the the covers as well… :-) I love both of them… <3
· Reply
· 9h
Edwin Montalvo
I believe it looks great on you but it’s up to you to wear it
· Reply
· 17h
Top fan
Jimmy Jean Jacqués Zora
my darling, my heart you are perfect sketches, appetizing, a pralines, you are sweet.  me perso I kiff
· Reply
· 16h
Top fan
الحنين ال الماضي المياحي
But he is very beautiful you are wonderful in it
· Reply
· 5h
Silvestre Alcaraz
Perfect size
· Reply
· 17h
Pete Cruz
Perfect size
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Chico Martell
perfect size
· Reply
· 19h
Steve Watkins
Looks fine size is perfect!
· Reply
· 11h
Top fan
Josh Isom
Good lordy. “Clapping hands”.
· Reply
· 5h
Leo Carlos
Never apologize for looking fine
· Reply
· 11h
Jake Stanley
No, no honey …ALL good with that size! 😍
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Gilberto Morente
You are a goddess 😍😍😘
· Reply
· 16h
Top fan
Troy Simon
Keep it Boo!! Wear it 2 Baton Rouge when you come.
· Reply
· 18h
Lorenzo Palmer
Wear the outfit around the house boo
· Reply
· 13h
Timothy Manning
Smaller outfit for you
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Moises Melendez
Perfect short dress two pieces.color..is awesome chick modelo on time.
· Reply
· 17h
Patricio Rodriguez
Eres Eskisita muñequita Saludos hermosa
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· See translation
· 19h
Top fan
Dick Cook
Outfit is perfect
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Michael Leftwich
I never liked blue until now.
· Reply
· 19h
David Woods
Hold on to it, one day, it will come in handy!
· Reply
· 15h
Fred Kennedy
I like it without an outfit
· Reply
· 19h
Joel Jimenez
Pull down your outfit baby
· Reply
· 18h
Ericgael Santiago
lindas piernas y lindo trasero
· Reply
· See translation
· 15h
Robert Stone
Oh my god, I’m loving these outfits tho, when she turn around & all tht cake jiggle, my G, tht shit is legendary, I kno I sound like a big ol pervert, but I dont care, I dont, I really dont
· Reply
· 18h
Tranga Stieko
Ooh we don’t mind that at all.😁
· Reply
· 14h
Top fan
Fernando Cruz Valdez
Qué azul está mi cielo hermoso
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· See translation
· 18h
Top fan
Timothy Adams
Looks kinda tight on you.
· Reply
· 18h
Mychal Sheffield
Mother Nature was good to u
· Reply
· 18h
Simon Rodríguez
Ke rica esta bebe ke hermosas mami
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· See translation
· 18h
Brian Kennedy
Have you ever done nudes? If so where can I find them?
· Reply
· 17h
Robert Davila
K hermosas caderas y esa cukita hermosa
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· See translation
· 15h
Glenn Francis
Don’t hold the girls back. If they want out then set them free. ☺️
· Reply
· 19h
Top fan
Bk Jones
Look at GOD look what he can do
· Reply
· 19h
Top fan
Boulektoute Makhlouf
اوووووو احححححح كل شي جميل اما الموءخرة تبكي والصذر يجنن
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· 10h
Artis Williams
Every inch… thrice daily…
· Reply
· 16h
Top fan
Carlos Antonio Gavidia Castillo
BELLEZA !!!!!!………………………..LA TALLA PERFECTA !!!!!!
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· 12h
LiKenny Williams
got some booty on UIC
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Meike César Davila Flores
Que hermosa eres mi amor eres la mujer perfecta,
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· 17h
Markee Dumpson
Not bad but does the top close more?
· Reply
· 19h
Top fan
Musto Biesse
Vücudun süper süper
· Reply
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· 11h
Mario Rossi
vestido assim onde você pode ir?
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· 15h
Roger Hernandez
Te ves preciosa mi amor k haria yo con todo eso en mi cama
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· 17h
Carlos Misael Vendramini Furtado
hahahahaha esta justo ficou engraçada Pamela mas  esta valendo
· Reply
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· 18h
Jose Arellano
Wao que linda mami pero quitate la mano quiero ber tus lindos pechos
· Reply
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· 18h
Ramiro Niño
Sueltalas. Quita. Las manos. Linda
· Reply
· See translation
· 18h
Stacey Jermaine Goodman
No,no,don’t stop..un un,don’t b scuurred..
· Reply
· 14h
Top fan
Jeremiah Short
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
uhuru wa kenyatta just brided the japanis minister with the petty theft cash dude
https://copia.co.ke/product/generic-bluetooth-usb-2-0-micro-adapter-dongle-black/?utm_source=adwords&utm_campaign=Sales-Display-23&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_tgt=aud-781241668066&hsa_src=d&hsa_ad=373211437673&hsa_ver=3&hsa_cam=2078535319&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_acc=9295523470&hsa_grp=75442656934&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIje2lv8jK5AIVzcPeCh0psAQtEAEYASABEgICvPD_BwE Planes should be made in a search away that they can all land in water of the seas/lakes when all went bad to stop plane crush. Engineers like kebbi and Associates who also say they are farmers have came up with a new approach. In-fact last summer he was seen in Wichita at Spirit Airbus company but the authorities were on him like never b4 as if he was stalking a woman. The associates corner says that the plane tire ought to be like in the old model car in the link above like on old model Volkswagen, the coming out wheel should be on the plane egde for the rear wheel but on the front where the head of the plane should slant a little bit up to allow the titr come out on water and to avoid water getting in as if it were plain. Friends this is awesome and achievable once the thwarter has cut the belt on the alternator to stop charging the cells or any other underlying reasons that lead to plane fall. Click the link below 4 more information https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=old+model+cars+photos https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNSDsKQPwakP2vn1ZgdVjyyyhJ8lFw:1568266729946&q=old+model+cars+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNSDsKQPwakP2vn1ZgdVjyyyhJ8lFw:1568266729946&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBy-fqyMrkAhWHFMAKHb2UBS4QsAR6BAgHEAE&biw=1280&bih=922
sunshine updates pamela alexandria - YouTubeyoutube.comWrite on youtube search bar sunshine updates Pamela Alexandria then you come to see the woman and his pals on her comment and many other women in sunshine updates which as well you write on the youtube bar. click the link below 4 more infor
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sunshine+updates+pamela+alexandria What is you-tube bar? Click the links below to redirect you. https://www.google.com/search?q=WHAT+IS+YOUTUBE+BAR&oq=WHAT+IS+YOUTUBE+BAR&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6576j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?q=HOW+TO+SIGN+UP+ON+A+TWITTER&oq=HOW+TO+SIGN+UP+ON+A+TWITTER&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.8505j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNREyb1Vnuwo3PxA7e1cmxB6l1JzuA%3A1568297780950&ei=NFN6XdDSOc6alwSY45aQBA&q=how+to+change+a+twitter+password&oq=HOW+TO+CHANGE++A+TWITTER+PAS&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0j0i22i30l9.18585.28239..30095…0.2..0.526.3644.2-11j1j0j1……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71j0i13j0i13i30j0i7i30.SCoZ8nocups With plane tire that can land on water it can be remote controlled from above as the plane engine that rotates that wheel should be myogenic not connected to the plane gears above. To bring it out and in. That space that houses that engine wheel should be hollow 4 water not to rush in and still that plane can land on water. In the 1st scenario the forehead part should slant like the bonet of a plane to avoid friction with water which can make the plane to crumble and still fall on water. Achayo gi nyong'o hebu winja nena eee nyako ni, miyo tello, ng'ata, kata ostin moro cha wacho kamano. Nyili te manyien kisumo kadho kuomwa mokwong'o baba. Its a secrete agenda swears chumvi nyili says adrian. Wanmwakuong'o yawo gi b4 jomoko, kata migoshi. Winja nena ibe gima-awinjo tello
The whitedent paste from Tz is all-over the continent and Tz is rich out of this not to mention effective surgical spirit so many opt for their goods. Its a gimmick of the Hindu coz they got that blood to build up that nation and leave nations like Kenya with fake goods behind. Kamba hate loving a woman very much, provided its not known that woman can come to your hse once you have notified her you are good to go. Unatoboka mwanangu, dont let ya love to be on air even if it means a persons wife. Chota mtu wangu and dont let it be remoured, let it be a secrete dude. Your car or hse can be gotten into, the keys sold in Kenya even-though are written made in china, they are made here within, they have known how to make such. They give you 3 keys yet they remain with 1, which within the estate or parking lot they facilitate petty theft. Mark you locks got serial no, even if you buy one from far they trace you and send it in a courier to their own the other side to facilitate the same. The best way is to put an alarm system as and wireless camera under strong lights on the door to signify you if their is an intruder around or your premise was gotten into period. They even lias with gate man and fellow these money they bribe with people like Theresa may or Swiss president or build with it their cities and claim superiority. How absurd is this dude!! Now they got computer with line slot on the keyboard dude and one without outer CPU, the CPU is within the monitor. Technology high dude.
Ma-lando eeye chalo gi-toyota porte, ber to-not that tight, we abwasne achayo marateng no- eeye miyo, obi-elie jokanyama swears nashon bro.
disastor from the north in the bible is North Korea, their kids out of intermarriage are luo, some kalenjin, some mixture of both and kisii, they disturb on food issues, wanting to eat in ya house by force. Women with barnabas and king of the jew with christ. Luo women ejaculation you miss but they have made such in Developed nation, luo women blooded whose ejaculation is the same with the black ones in nyanza, bare, bar kalare. It tires you if you do it daily  but after long you long/miss it, sweetest are Germans, Eskimos, Estonia, maldova, malaysia swana, Toro, Karamajong or uragwey, embu, kalenjins, kuwait, brazil among many other i havent taste to give you report. Click the link below 4 more information!!!
And also the missile and the 4 in 1 drone and the rockets made disturbing the world peace bro.
They target people to shoot and still from in lands like s.a, Europe or Usa who got bad blood or character even if they are whites to eliminate them of future disturbing kids.
Robinson and Clinton, i will abuse your mothers vagina which has not seen a comb 4 the last one yr and its shaggy as well or has never seen a razor or scissor 4 1 yrs whose hair is yellow and blue. Theresa may leave me alone. Ther meru moyougno motimo yier mayellow gi blue no mothiekno matimo ni tha tha kinduko. That yak pussy which is very succulent bro.
Nyabende winyo- vinyard parable to cement the truth or jamna as zambarau, ten minas parable to bring about reality as well as weed parable. You eat many people but part of the juice you hurl/puk as saliva unto the offering which can be melons, mango seeds, coconut etc to make planes, jets, any gadget know like guns, mattress, furniture etc but you hurl it in the dark unto the dug deep pool like trench or Gorge bro. Buy Gadgets made out of this procedure or charcoal is blown while walking many people under the same method dude.
Am Challenging Engineers to make us a big magira lika for the fan timer that dont use battery or the watches the you rotate something to power them without battery in place so we rotate the Generator stater with it even-though it doesn’t rotate first to give us up-to 200 Volts it can be used well in nations that uses 120 volts 4 their Gadgets like Europe or we add a welding machine with regulated voltage to up maybe the 100 v produced to our want which can be from 150-300 volts dude to salvage the world of turfs bro. The Magi and jesus to cement the truth bro.
Women who are prostitutes who see upto 2 men daily who as am talking right now someone is busy removing their underwear or finger fucking them at-least 50% of them in sunshine updates or divasgram on you-tube. Check dude. You develop jealousy 4 2 them point of putting up a fight or cutting one with a machete.
Click the link below 4 more information
That technology used in search watches to make big such to even rotate Generator stater. Yesus with who is a good neighbor.
Wait untill i be in a good shape, hadi niwe poa, nyaka abete maber, bado nimeketea vibaya, am not yet in a good state then bring me you silliness/stupidity then you came to know me guys, i will be like Lord delemere with the monkey man. King of the jew to cement the truth. Rusia bombed Japan from below, they know the bearing of Nagasaki/hiroshima from below in that big drone. They dug many holes which they put bomb and let the siren gas to kill its population not as it is said to continue your rudeness and keep you in the dark that the earth is more than 100 km yet its about 7-16 km depending whether you are at the tropics or poles. And the outer of the earth from below is below 50 Degrees as the tundra so its ice to protect the soil from falling off. Kansas was lake and if you go there they got holes to the outer world to let water out if it rains heavily. Dont be rude if you live in the middle of the earth that in times of war you will shoot Russian missiles if you see them, they blow you from blow not to mention with siren gas bro. If You take a jet and go off The Rusian pole region to the outter space with one fixed bearing in mind if you came back with that same same bearing you still get to the exact place telling you that the earth is static/still not Rotating as in books to keep you in the dark and respect them. Nelson odeny of KB friends with Eddie Roy or cathy adul ny’ong’o have been there ask the stop reproach. Now they are saying they got North Korea blood coz they have learnt Tumblr or the 2goinvoice belongs to Rusia to blow the server up like the ny september attack or try to officiate jka direct flight not to atl but Moscow to to the same to the tumblr server or twitter in the uk. Stop shear stupidity bro.
The whitedent paste from Tz is all-over the continent and Tz is rich out of this not to mention effective surgical spirit so many opt for their goods. Its a gimmick of the Hindu coz they got that blood to build up that nation and leave nations like Kenya with fake goods behind. Kamba hate loving a woman very much, provided its not known that woman can come to your hse once you have notified her you are good to go. Unatoboka mwanangu, dont let ya love to be on air even if it means a persons wife. Chota mtu wangu and dont let it be remoured, let it be a secrete dude. Your car or hse can be gotten into, the keys sold in Kenya even-though are written made in china, they are made here within, they have known how to make such. They give you 3 keys yet they remain with 1, which within the estate or parking lot they facilitate petty theft. Mark you locks got serial no, even if you buy one from far they trace you and send it in a courier to their own the other side to facilitate the same. The best way is to put an alarm system as and wireless camera under strong lights on the door to signify you if their is an intruder around or your premise was gotten into period. They even lias with gate man and fellow these money they bribe with people like Theresa may or Swiss president or build with it their cities and claim superiority. How absurd is this dude!!  Now they got computer with line slot on the keyboard dude and one without outer CPU, the CPU is within the monitor. Technology high dude.
Click the link above and below, Enlarge and read dude
Nitakuchapa, sasa umepata hauwezi hack all my longings like fb, tumblr etc
On the FB, Gmail, yahoo, interface you can write any name as surname or first name, it will not refuse but accept on the email column you can guess any email even random words like rfhfxdt56@gmail/yahoo.com and still it will accept without even opening the email a/c first, stop many words dude and make it a try fellows
My tumblr name is mcsleepynelson or ebarhurtnelson and you can follow all my friends and see all the pictures am seeing when you write a name like mrmonde on search tumblr bar after on the small box u have clicked untitled for any one, then you click the person tab to bring you all my friends dude.
How the two bus/lorry battery is connected on the link below the the + & - cathog you connect to the 250 volt side of the welding machine, check it out dude, 2 24 volts battery gives you 48 if connected when put in a welding machine gives you about that even a kettle, fridge or heater still uses.
And at the same time have another set to charge with the 100 volts given which you will replace once the 2 battery powering the welding machine falls in voltage as per you time which am advised by David amolo of ku & kb of Holland with his close white associates.
They dont eat as they want to save money and build the city like they have demolished downtown in ksm to the point of kids stealing things openly and wanting peoples food like near hotels wanting to put up a fight dude. Copper and brass wire i have collected 4 more than 2 months to them is a 1 day thing and as well wants to put up a fight, want free things and thinks life is easy, Aint that easy bro!! Have put an alt there, let them also try and pick them in one week to form 2 kg- they cant dude- worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth and a nation is in the brick of a fall its in that state. Brass plate like the bike tube nozzles. Tumblr/fb has now no phone number to sign the account and now dude what do you want with me as with struggling/cutting me with machete as snatching away my phone and try the email like [email protected], [email protected] on tumblr bar sign in if its taken, its not rocket science bro but simple. I have as well provided the pasward like 4 the yahoo above is ombuorading316 on my tumblr posts like upholsterynelson, underwoodnelson or my pals tumblr mrmonde- check it dude stop many words bro.
The engine got serial no sn, let the japan, uk, Germany come identify their cars if they are like crying person on the headlamp or black at the selling point- period they are not dude. To stop the mess bro.
Remove phone number as when you phone not in use during arrest or at night the phone company can renew your line to another line to reset your email to get into all your loggings using that email.
Read dude my tumblr posts at mcsleepynelson and ebarhurtnelson as well as mcbethnelson. A friend in USA and China has told me they are not making but selling my AE with other associates idea but the kikuyou are still playing dice with it. Come out and make it and present it if it is yours any tribe dude. How long is it guys of being in the cold, stop playing Baal bro, come out and showcase it dude period boy… Artificial liquor is water as sacrifice but you hurl urine or salive from near high into it, then boom the liquor you want like with Keroche breweries in KENYA.
I was just giving you an advice of where to sell your scrap car with super-normal profit not that i wanted to share your cash. Eat it alone dude, dont call 4 me piki piki drivers to lynch me liaising with the police. Dont need your pay, if its 1000 kg sell to the factory and make twice if you sold it to the local dealer. Broccoli is tasteless, both and click the link below 4 broccoli pictures as french beans Fb- fat booty
You defecate on your hand many people in the dark with the offering like groundnuts or chestnuts or coconuts, mango/avocado seeds, stones, leaves, logs, melons, onions, oranges in a partially deep pool or trench, inclination then you hurl the mafi unto the offering then boom machines like Ferrari/Lamborghini, planes, jet, tanker, guns and ammunition forms and many more dude. The the said machine is lifted using folk lifts bro, it makes even hospital equipment and kitchen ware as fridge, cookers, blender, stud, condom, soccer/basket ball, shoes or cloths, anything you ask the devil of bro.
Petty theft to now build nairobi to the point of killings orchestrated by Mr orezo-UK.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Another thing we people put mucus/period and shit on food and use the motor bike rider to like ambush you, only they cool down after you have eaten it, makes you wild dude but with them in Rusia got good food bro. As well as steeling all your staff and they claim you are good with their kids. Its sickening dude. As well as every mans eye is on your manhood, feel like you wanna strangle yourself, dont sleep the whole-night. The woman if they see you you are good looking they want to recruit you into being a thug of going to a foreign land and rob is when their hearts are settled.
Youtube in house tea or milk processing plants and the hindu got that for the illegal picked tea. Click the link below dude
The Nigro can conquer You via L-victoria as the drone can be a submarine and a speedboat at the same time that can even carry siren-gas during war time dude. You wont get women or eat things with our staff, even if we die or kill us is so well coz you will not be able to use us as your ladder to your destiny. In The crematorium it will be well with us bro.
Countries where betting firms operate in Africa, click the url or link below
Betting of any nation is played by any one from any nation, pals is opened provided you are in that Nation, like am from ug and playing the sa one while my friend from Italy and playing the East Africa Sportpesa with over 100 dollars daily while Kenyans most play it with less than 2 dime a day.
Do you want to accept that you cant log into a tumblr interface if you wrote an email or password you have just written randomly that dont follow a sequence or just wanna follow, get a man was born once and will die once, once i told you i dont like this & this and you force me with this and that it piss me off, me i wanna be alone guys.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Another thing we people put mucus/period and shit on food and use the motor bike rider to like ambush you, only they cool down after you have eaten it, makes you wild dude but with them in Rusia got good food bro. As well as steeling all your staff and they claim you are good with their kids. Its sickening dude. As well as every mans eye is on your manhood, feel like you wanna strangle yourself, dont sleep the whole-night. The woman if they see you you are good looking they want to recruit you into being a thug of going to a foreign land and rob is when their hearts are settled.
Youtube in house tea or milk processing plants and the hindu got that for the illegal picked tea. Click the link below dude
The Nigro can conquer You via L-victoria as the drone can be a submarine and a speedboat at the same time that can even carry siren-gas during war time dude. You wont get women or eat things with our staff, even if we die or kill us is so well coz you will not be able to use us as your ladder to your destiny. In The crematorium it will be well with us bro. click the link below
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwlSJpfIjbc Countries where betting firms operate in Africa, click the url or link below https://www.google.com/search?q=countries+where+betting+firms+operate+in+africa&oq=countries+where+betting+firms+operate+in+africa&aqs=chrome..69i57.11958j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8   https://www.sportsbettingdime.com/africa/ https://www.green-card.com/winner-statistics/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqPUJkOipGY Betting of any nation is played by any one from any nation, pals is opened provided you are in that Nation, like am from ug and playing the sa one while my friend from Italy and playing the East Africa Sportpesa with over 100 dollars daily while Kenyans most play it with less than 2 dime a day.
Do you want to accept that you cant log into a tumblr interface if you wrote an email or password you have just written randomly that dont follow a sequence or just wanna follow, get a man was born once and will die once, once i told you i dont like this & this and you force me with this and that it piss me off, me i wanna be alone guys.  Or do you just want to see me spending money
Read dude my tumblr posts at mcsleepynelson and ebarhurtnelson as well as mcbethnelson. A friend in USA and China has told me they are not making but selling my AE with other associates idea but the kikuyou are still playing dice with it. Come out and make it and present it if it is yours any tribe dude. How long is it guys of being in the cold, stop playing Baal bro, come out and showcase it dude period boy… Artificial liquor is water as sacrifice but you hurl urine or salive from near high into it, then boom the liquor you want like with Keroche breweries in KENYA.
I was just giving you an advice of where to sell your scrap car with super-normal profit not that i wanted to share your cash. Eat it alone dude, dont call 4 me piki piki drivers to lynch me liaising with the police. Dont need your pay, if its 1000 kg sell to the factory and make twice if you sold it to the local dealer. Broccoli is tasteless, both and click the link below 4 broccoli pictures as french beans Fb- fat booty
You defecate on your hand many people in the dark with the offering like groundnuts or chestnuts or coconuts, mango/avocado seeds, stones, leaves, logs, melons, onions, oranges in a partially deep pool or trench, inclination then you hurl the mafi unto the offering then boom machines like Ferrari/Lamborghini, planes, jet, tanker, guns and ammunition forms and many more dude. The the said machine is lifted using folk lifts bro, it makes even hospital equipment and kitchen ware as fridge, cookers, blender, stud, condom, soccer/basket ball, shoes or cloths, anything you ask the devil of bro.
Countries with Barclays, stanchart, chase bank branches, click the link below dude and find out the profitabilty per country
They also make money via the betting firms and selling of soccer cloth-lines and their TV like Dstv bro and find how many subscribers to it, its not expensive to the company once installed in that nation so they earn super-normal profits in huge populated nations bro. In the coin section the you close for like 5-10 seconds bro. I dont wanna go to the USA as Resident but maybe as a tourist later dude get my words bro, a country of lazy Negros who hide in the umbrella of a seduced woman by a rich-man to benefit bro unless reshuffling is done. The ice water protects the water from the seas from falling off the earths surface to reduce the land under sea/ocean. Infact dude after completion of making a hole on the earth crust you can put a camera on the end of the wire to lower it to capture the said illicit Rusians b4 they blow it out coz robs them their dignity and fellows when is at night in mars you will see many lights of the city as if you are up on a tall building or plane watching the city from above here on earth. Wacha ujinga Russians stop utter/dire stupidity.
Click the link above and below, Enlarge and read dude
Nitakuchapa, sasa umepata hauwezi hack all my longings like fb, tumblr etc
On the FB, Gmail, yahoo, interface you can write any name as surname or first name, it will not refuse but accept on the email column you can guess any email even random words like rfhfxdt56@gmail/yahoo.com and still it will accept without even opening the email a/c first, stop many words dude and make it a try fellows
My tumblr name is mcsleepynelson or ebarhurtnelson and you can follow all my friends and see all the pictures am seeing when you write a name like mrmonde on search tumblr bar after on the small box u have clicked untitled for any one, then you click the person tab to bring you all my friends dude.
How the two bus/lorry battery is connected on the link below the the + & - cathog you connect to the 250 volt side of the welding machine, check it out dude, 2 24 volts battery gives you 48 if connected when put in a welding machine gives you about that even a kettle, fridge or heater still uses.
And at the same time have another set to charge with the 100 volts given which you will replace once the 2 battery powering the welding machine falls in voltage as per you time which am advised by David amolo of ku & kb of Holland with his close white associates.
They dont eat as they want to save money and build the city like they have demolished downtown in ksm to the point of kids stealing things openly and wanting peoples food like near hotels wanting to put up a fight dude. Copper and brass wire i have collected 4 more than 2 months to them is a 1 day thing and as well wants to put up a fight, want free things and thinks life is easy, Aint that easy bro!! Have put an alt there, let them also try and pick them in one week to form 2 kg- they cant dude- worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth and a nation is in the brick of a fall its in that state. Brass plate like the bike tube nozzles. Tumblr/fb has now no phone number to sign the account and now dude what do you want with me as with struggling/cutting me with machete as snatching away my phone and try the email like [email protected], [email protected] on tumblr bar sign in if its taken, its not rocket science bro but simple. I have as well provided the pasward like 4 the yahoo above is ombuorading316 on my tumblr posts like upholsterynelson, underwoodnelson or my pals tumblr mrmonde- check it dude stop many words bro.
The engine got serial no sn, let the japan, uk, Germany come identify their cars if they are like crying person on the headlamp or black at the selling point- period they are not dude. To stop the mess bro.
Remove phone number as when you phone not in use during arrest or at night the phone company can renew your line to another line to reset your email to get into all your loggings using that email.
uhuru wa kenyatta just brided the japanis minister with the petty theft cash dude
https://copia.co.ke/product/generic-bluetooth-usb-2-0-micro-adapter-dongle-black/?utm_source=adwords&utm_campaign=Sales-Display-23&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_tgt=aud-781241668066&hsa_src=d&hsa_ad=373211437673&hsa_ver=3&hsa_cam=2078535319&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_acc=9295523470&hsa_grp=75442656934&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIje2lv8jK5AIVzcPeCh0psAQtEAEYASABEgICvPD_BwE Planes should be made in a search away that they can all land in water of the seas/lakes when all went bad to stop plane crush. Engineers like kebbi and Associates who also say they are farmers have came up with a new approach. In-fact last summer he was seen in Wichita at Spirit Airbus company but the authorities were on him like never b4 as if he was stalking a woman. The associates corner says that the plane tire ought to be like in the old model car in the link above like on old model Volkswagen, the coming out wheel should be on the plane egde for the rear wheel but on the front where the head of the plane should slant a little bit up to allow the titr come out on water and to avoid water getting in as if it were plain. Friends this is awesome and achievable once the thwarter has cut the belt on the alternator to stop charging the cells or any other underlying reasons that lead to plane fall. Click the link below 4 more information https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=old+model+cars+photos https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNSDsKQPwakP2vn1ZgdVjyyyhJ8lFw:1568266729946&q=old+model+cars+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNSDsKQPwakP2vn1ZgdVjyyyhJ8lFw:1568266729946&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBy-fqyMrkAhWHFMAKHb2UBS4QsAR6BAgHEAE&biw=1280&bih=922
sunshine updates pamela alexandria - YouTubeyoutube.comWrite on youtube search bar sunshine updates Pamela Alexandria then you come to see the woman and his pals on her comment and many other women in sunshine updates which as well you write on the youtube bar. click the link below 4 more infor
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sunshine+updates+pamela+alexandria What is you-tube bar? Click the links below to redirect you. https://www.google.com/search?q=WHAT+IS+YOUTUBE+BAR&oq=WHAT+IS+YOUTUBE+BAR&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6576j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?q=HOW+TO+SIGN+UP+ON+A+TWITTER&oq=HOW+TO+SIGN+UP+ON+A+TWITTER&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.8505j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNREyb1Vnuwo3PxA7e1cmxB6l1JzuA%3A1568297780950&ei=NFN6XdDSOc6alwSY45aQBA&q=how+to+change+a+twitter+password&oq=HOW+TO+CHANGE++A+TWITTER+PAS&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0j0i22i30l9.18585.28239..30095…0.2..0.526.3644.2-11j1j0j1……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71j0i13j0i13i30j0i7i30.SCoZ8nocups With plane tire that can land on water it can be remote controlled from above as the plane engine that rotates that wheel should be myogenic not connected to the plane gears above. To bring it out and in. That space that houses that engine wheel should be hollow 4 water not to rush in and still that plane can land on water. In the 1st scenario the forehead part should slant like the bonet of a plane to avoid friction with water which can make the plane to crumble and still fall on water. Achayo gi nyong'o hebu winja nena eee nyako ni, miyo tello, ng'ata, kata ostin moro cha wacho kamano. Nyili te manyien kisumo kadho kuomwa mokwong'o baba. Its a secrete agenda swears chumvi nyili says adrian. Wanmwakuong'o yawo gi b4 jomoko, kata migoshi. Winja nena ibe gima-awinjo tello
The whitedent paste from Tz is all-over the continent and Tz is rich out of this not to mention effective surgical spirit so many opt for their goods. Its a gimmick of the Hindu coz they got that blood to build up that nation and leave nations like Kenya with fake goods behind. Kamba hate loving a woman very much, provided its not known that woman can come to your hse once you have notified her you are good to go. Unatoboka mwanangu, dont let ya love to be on air even if it means a persons wife. Chota mtu wangu and dont let it be remoured, let it be a secrete dude. Your car or hse can be gotten into, the keys sold in Kenya even-though are written made in china, they are made here within, they have known how to make such. They give you 3 keys yet they remain with 1, which within the estate or parking lot they facilitate petty theft. Mark you locks got serial no, even if you buy one from far they trace you and send it in a courier to their own the other side to facilitate the same. The best way is to put an alarm system as and wireless camera under strong lights on the door to signify you if their is an intruder around or your premise was gotten into period. They even lias with gate man and fellow these money they bribe with people like Theresa may or Swiss president or build with it their cities and claim superiority. How absurd is this dude!! Now they got computer with line slot on the keyboard dude and one without outer CPU, the CPU is within the monitor. Technology high dude.
Ma-lando eeye chalo gi-toyota porte, ber to-not that tight, we abwasne achayo marateng no- eeye miyo, obi-elie jokanyama swears nashon bro.
disastor from the north in the bible is North Korea, their kids out of intermarriage are luo, some kalenjin, some mixture of both and kisii, they disturb on food issues, wanting to eat in ya house by force. Women with barnabas and king of the jew with christ. Luo women ejaculation you miss but they have made such in Developed nation, luo women blooded whose ejaculation is the same with the black ones in nyanza, bare, bar kalare. It tires you if you do it daily  but after long you long/miss it, sweetest are Germans, Eskimos, Estonia, maldova, malaysia swana, Toro, Karamajong or uragwey, embu, kalenjins, kuwait, brazil among many other i havent taste to give you report. Click the link below 4 more information!!!
And also the missile and the 4 in 1 drone and the rockets made disturbing the world peace bro.
They target people to shoot and still from in lands like s.a, Europe or Usa who got bad blood or character even if they are whites to eliminate them of future disturbing kids.
Robinson and Clinton, i will abuse your mothers vagina which has not seen a comb 4 the last one yr and its shaggy as well or has never seen a razor or scissor 4 1 yrs whose hair is yellow and blue. Theresa may leave me alone. Ther meru moyougno motimo yier mayellow gi blue no mothiekno matimo ni tha tha kinduko. That yak pussy which is very succulent bro.
Nyabende winyo- vinyard parable to cement the truth or jamna as zambarau, ten minas parable to bring about reality as well as weed parable. You eat many people but part of the juice you hurl/puk as saliva unto the offering which can be melons, mango seeds, coconut etc to make planes, jets, any gadget know like guns, mattress, furniture etc but you hurl it in the dark unto the dug deep pool like trench or Gorge bro. Buy Gadgets made out of this procedure or charcoal is blown while walking many people under the same method dude.
Am Challenging Engineers to make us a big magira lika for the fan timer that dont use battery or the watches the you rotate something to power them without battery in place so we rotate the Generator stater with it even-though it doesn’t rotate first to give us up-to 200 Volts it can be used well in nations that uses 120 volts 4 their Gadgets like Europe or we add a welding machine with regulated voltage to up maybe the 100 v produced to our want which can be from 150-300 volts dude to salvage the world of turfs bro. The Magi and jesus to cement the truth bro.
Women who are prostitutes who see upto 2 men daily who as am talking right now someone is busy removing their underwear or finger fucking them at-least 50% of them in sunshine updates or divasgram on you-tube. Check dude. You develop jealousy 4 2 them point of putting up a fight or cutting one with a machete.
Click the link below 4 more information
That technology used in search watches to make big such to even rotate Generator stater. Yesus with who is a good neighbor.
Wait untill i be in a good shape, hadi niwe poa, nyaka abete maber, bado nimeketea vibaya, am not yet in a good state then bring me you silliness/stupidity then you came to know me guys, i will be like Lord delemere with the monkey man. King of the jew to cement the truth. Rusia bombed Japan from below, they know the bearing of Nagasaki/hiroshima from below in that big drone. They dug many holes which they put bomb and let the siren gas to kill its population not as it is said to continue your rudeness and keep you in the dark that the earth is more than 100 km yet its about 7-16 km depending whether you are at the tropics or poles. And the outer of the earth from below is below 50 Degrees as the tundra so its ice to protect the soil from falling off. Kansas was lake and if you go there they got holes to the outer world to let water out if it rains heavily. Dont be rude if you live in the middle of the earth that in times of war you will shoot Russian missiles if you see them, they blow you from blow not to mention with siren gas bro. If You take a jet and go off The Rusian pole region to the outter space with one fixed bearing in mind if you came back with that same same bearing you still get to the exact place telling you that the earth is static/still not Rotating as in books to keep you in the dark and respect them. Nelson odeny of KB friends with Eddie Roy or cathy adul ny’ong’o have been there ask the stop reproach. Now they are saying they got North Korea blood coz they have learnt Tumblr or the 2goinvoice belongs to Rusia to blow the server up like the ny september attack or try to officiate jka direct flight not to atl but Moscow to to the same to the tumblr server or twitter in the uk. Stop shear stupidity bro.
Search 4 these names on your Facebook they are Alexandria Pamela friends.
Lennie Miller Why are u covering up ? Never cover beauty! Specially when U love to fluent it! in its entirety So Stay true to urself and ur style that what’s making U! if U understand the words that is coming out my mouth  Anyway Simply Marvelous🌹
· Reply
· 13h
Top fan
Wesley Smith
You have beautiful God given breasts. Stop covering them with your hands….
· Reply
· 10h
Larry Loveless
You look amazing in everything you wear,, so I know your birthday suit is mind blowing.
· Reply
· 16h
· Edited
Heriberto Artalejo
You look super gorgeous!
· Reply
· 19h
Odrobina Attila
Perfect match. Your size and the the covers as well… :-) I love both of them… <3
· Reply
· 9h
Edwin Montalvo
I believe it looks great on you but it’s up to you to wear it
· Reply
· 17h
Top fan
Jimmy Jean Jacqués Zora
my darling, my heart you are perfect sketches, appetizing, a pralines, you are sweet.  me perso I kiff
· Reply
· 16h
Top fan
الحنين ال الماضي المياحي
But he is very beautiful you are wonderful in it
· Reply
· 5h
Silvestre Alcaraz
Perfect size
· Reply
· 17h
Pete Cruz
Perfect size
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Chico Martell
perfect size
· Reply
· 19h
Steve Watkins
Looks fine size is perfect!
· Reply
· 11h
Top fan
Josh Isom
Good lordy. “Clapping hands”.
· Reply
· 5h
Leo Carlos
Never apologize for looking fine
· Reply
· 11h
Jake Stanley
No, no honey …ALL good with that size! 😍
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Gilberto Morente
You are a goddess 😍😍😘
· Reply
· 16h
Top fan
Troy Simon
Keep it Boo!! Wear it 2 Baton Rouge when you come.
· Reply
· 18h
Lorenzo Palmer
Wear the outfit around the house boo
· Reply
· 13h
Timothy Manning
Smaller outfit for you
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Moises Melendez
Perfect short dress two pieces.color..is awesome chick modelo on time.
· Reply
· 17h
Patricio Rodriguez
Eres Eskisita muñequita Saludos hermosa
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· 19h
Top fan
Dick Cook
Outfit is perfect
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Michael Leftwich
I never liked blue until now.
· Reply
· 19h
David Woods
Hold on to it, one day, it will come in handy!
· Reply
· 15h
Fred Kennedy
I like it without an outfit
· Reply
· 19h
Joel Jimenez
Pull down your outfit baby
· Reply
· 18h
Ericgael Santiago
lindas piernas y lindo trasero
· Reply
· See translation
· 15h
Robert Stone
Oh my god, I’m loving these outfits tho, when she turn around & all tht cake jiggle, my G, tht shit is legendary, I kno I sound like a big ol pervert, but I dont care, I dont, I really dont
· Reply
· 18h
Tranga Stieko
Ooh we don’t mind that at all.😁
· Reply
· 14h
Top fan
Fernando Cruz Valdez
Qué azul está mi cielo hermoso
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· See translation
· 18h
Top fan
Timothy Adams
Looks kinda tight on you.
· Reply
· 18h
Mychal Sheffield
Mother Nature was good to u
· Reply
· 18h
Simon Rodríguez
Ke rica esta bebe ke hermosas mami
· Reply
· See translation
· 18h
Brian Kennedy
Have you ever done nudes? If so where can I find them?
· Reply
· 17h
Robert Davila
K hermosas caderas y esa cukita hermosa
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· See translation
· 15h
Glenn Francis
Don’t hold the girls back. If they want out then set them free. ☺️
· Reply
· 19h
Top fan
Bk Jones
Look at GOD look what he can do
· Reply
· 19h
Top fan
Boulektoute Makhlouf
اوووووو احححححح كل شي جميل اما الموءخرة تبكي والصذر يجنن
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· See translation
· 10h
Artis Williams
Every inch… thrice daily…
· Reply
· 16h
Top fan
Carlos Antonio Gavidia Castillo
BELLEZA !!!!!!………………………..LA TALLA PERFECTA !!!!!!
· Reply
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· 12h
LiKenny Williams
got some booty on UIC
· Reply
· 18h
Top fan
Meike César Davila Flores
Que hermosa eres mi amor eres la mujer perfecta,
· Reply
· See translation
· 17h
Markee Dumpson
Not bad but does the top close more?
· Reply
· 19h
Top fan
Musto Biesse
Vücudun süper süper
· Reply
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· 11h
Mario Rossi
vestido assim onde você pode ir?
· Reply
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· 15h
Roger Hernandez
Te ves preciosa mi amor k haria yo con todo eso en mi cama
· Reply
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· 17h
Carlos Misael Vendramini Furtado
hahahahaha esta justo ficou engraçada Pamela mas  esta valendo
· Reply
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· 18h
Jose Arellano
Wao que linda mami pero quitate la mano quiero ber tus lindos pechos
· Reply
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· 18h
Ramiro Niño
Sueltalas. Quita. Las manos. Linda
· Reply
· See translation
· 18h
Stacey Jermaine Goodman
No,no,don’t stop..un un,don’t b scuurred..
· Reply
· 14h
Top fan
Jeremiah Short
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
The feces mixed with its urine gives something dude when put in a container either u urinate, spit saliva or hurl mafi unto the container that contain the mixture
Cow dung gives you copper or petrol when u urinate, artificial petrol ap known as unleaded bro
Goat feces gives ya Gold or Artificial diesel
Sheep feces gives you paraffin/kerosene or Nickel
Human corpse (rotten) gives ya paraffin when u urinate on the container sides, diesel when u hurl feces many people unto the container and petrol when u piss unto the container side, pour cold water or shout slogans together. When u laugh it gives you grease or the break fluid or toilet cleaner as harpic etc
The many yellow mangoes in African markets are used to make many eggs in the container under the same procedure above.
Get money online bro by simply playing ya game dude
The Hindu makes bulk of their money in Africa this way as much as Russia claiming to have huge oil deposits unexploited yet to delude the people never thinking the people will know this hidden treasure truth bro. Fuck that and damn it dude!!!!
With camera in place that as well hinders the solder petty theft so in the morning turn all his anger to some1, beating him up yet the camera is on. Stop this stupidity bro.
With solar car can work all yr through in tropical lands but in winter cant work so the white folks wanted to come to Africa having this in mind if the oil gets depleted but the invention of electric car made them rude they can still do and made Germany to be 4give or get by with their character as they were the inventor but with the combustion chamber tied to a powerful drill it as well eliminate the need 4 electric or the Ae technology described in davidomolo tumblr when cut and connect to the charging point as well bridge the deficit between whites man pride and coloureds and thats the problem bro even if they take a flight away to another world the world dont stop but still moves on bro
If the jew family are hiding saying other tribes are jew so they are not got when the worse happens then the best now is to tell the hindu to back off, jew family like Zebulan- Bulgeria or dan-lithuania or Levi- Latvia coz the other tribes have followed suit like Joseph- france, Gad-Rusia, Naftali-Itally or Spain the isachar in Genesis 49. Jeshuran the levi as as well in Deuteronomy 33. Click the link below 4 more
White women i wont baby you, get this straight, if u wanna go just go period
0 notes
usedboltsoftware · 4 years
This is my new mail i just guesed the number when gmail provided the optional number. lastcalling45 and password saskatchewan45, i post things on youtube comment on minajs song, churchil live and raw and ecowas and afican union among many other. check it out .
You will have a long day in fighting me, we have recruited over 10 thousand folks who transfigure getting into the pilot belly prior to boarding the jets  and our jets makes such a noice that affects the brain making you dull- they are better off and thats what the britons and chinis were waiting and we have sold much to them just awaiting the war.
                                          —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]>Cc: equitybank <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2019, 12:34:47 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: twisted                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Garuda Indonesia <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2019, 12:34:27 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: twisted                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2019, 12:33:58 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: twisted                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Garuda Indonesia <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2019, 12:33:30 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: twisted                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2019, 12:33:03 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: twisted                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Malaysia Airlines <[email protected]>Cc: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2019, 12:32:29 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: twisted                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Kevin Nelson <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2019, 12:28:07 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: twisted                                                                 —– Forwarded Message —–                From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Kevin Nelson <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2019, 12:19:26 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: twisted                       Mfalme wa yawoundi- the luya/sweet/HUSTLE body were wide not slim in shape- vineyard and worker parable- they love sex and out of US greencard they have widely spread accross out of artificial insemination Ai. They are only good in poverty but when situation picks they became jealous to the point of crime and many Us singers got that blood. They aint innovators but look for new jobs and opportunity coupled with jealousy. Gi yar-re in luo, wapana in swahili, women take heed. The song a white woman loughs in the middle shows you how the white people has succeded in her plan to destroy Nigeria, venezuel, arab world, kenya and so forth so on. With electric buses the opec countries no more. If you even eat ground nuts GN and take the map of the world with diffferent nations and you take that place someone in the USA and look at his photo and the countries on the map at the same time, the spirit directs you which country is from or his ancentry, like minaj Jamaica and Uganda and hungary, snoop guok luo blood, R-kelly, neyo, luya blood, jadakiss madi blood, beyonce baganda blood, bow wow uganda as tray songs as tyrese etc. Nigros do this simple mathematics and its not rocket science, morever it doesnt cost a dime and return to your land as per the bible. JD congo blood, braxton aborigin as well as brook, you see australia. Godliath was the make, God or Gody was short cut, lia is cryeast, yath is treeks or medication. Holly trinity, God the father, son, holly Ghost/spirit. SON OF DAVID have mercy on us they thought christ was godliath ready to retaliate. God is dead philosophy. Tricks are short cut sc, scores. Jesusagody, yesusagody he was called. Most white women are jumpy they sleep with masai as well as kisumaites. When you sleep with luya/sweet you became chicky- jesus with little children and not settles as worried. It brings change in character.                       The said cut wires which runs from the engine of the plane to the pilot sector should run up on the passenger side not down to avoid many words with security issues. Christ with dust is the serpents food and mfalme wa yawhondi, wounds, adhola etc Judge Maraga was voted to serve the interests of the kenyan people as well as rooto or any other women lover dignitary not to have his people on the grass roots to thwart the pleasure of the lovers by wanting every pretty girl around in any major town. If you partake ground nuts you will see them making love to likes of very sidika. How do i know? Take vera photo and the dignitary and you will notice the act. Anaweka tu bwana hiyo fimbo bila kutojali mtu wangu, Anapiga tu rungu boy wa mine.               You will have a long day in fighting me, we have recruited over 10 thousand folks who transfigure getting into the pilot belly prior to boarding the jets  and our jets makes such a noice that affects the brain making you dull- they are better off and thats what the britons and chinis were waiting and we have sold much to them just awaiting the war. My emails are [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. The pilot of the Ethiopian air was transforming went to the back room and changed into spirit when the plane lost control according to relevant sources. Pilots who do not partake sour drink should be burnished from driving planes as well as politicians coz they are involved in these atrocities as well as in the army or police. The bmi and pulse rate should be taken to avoid such occurrences. The plane company should blow siren gas to kill the intruder or leave them half dead as the alarm sound, the camera should be there to make sure they have transformed to human beings not just rodents to sprinkle the gas or reactive chemical so the culprits be brought to justice and truth established. They dont fall a plane one person but in one plane they get over 100 people, if you partake ground nuts you will even see orengo, uhuru, obamacron in the philipino plane in a line cutting the said wires among many other folks. Mfalme wa yawhodi/king of the jew and parable of the lost one sheep among 100 flock. You will hear a plane has follen in ksm show ground, evethough they fall plane but they dont benefit much coz they are payed minimal amounts according to relevant sources, so they can fall it in their backyard to also benefit much, the likes of victor, james, arsenol liasing with the sick police. They should vacate that place. Air safety AS, pier, atieno susan/sheila, askari. They carli cartel k-jones chapter was done by j-zay and kanye and given to him if you partake njugu you visualise the whole drama, the 1st raps was done by steven of jamu and WSU friend to kaz and shorty loss of buttler county detention center. Rev five, am handicapped and in ny i live in 10th floor not to be see and skyscraper was erected in Chicago long time ago and in the plane the hindu cant see what you are watching as i watch movies, songs in the palne. So they want to say the bible was written b4 these were invented to fix the truth, so it means Jesus is not  now or Moses or Joseph.
kevin nelson <[email protected]> Thu, 28 Mar, 17:21 to jesusan934, collins, bcc: dedanonyango If yu give yourself as an example AE to the world- kujitolea wemwenyewe- so that people see and cement this truth that people changes or transform from his image to any person or animal then you will enter into the kingdom or evade hell. For the doubting thomases to believe. You get into the dark container we open the door, you come out changed to this person, to this animal again and again and we put it on camera/TV to solve this enigma wrapped up in misery just like with the dead man walking which people never believed but when caught up in an accident no blood oozes out what you see is white flesh. This imbued people with hope but many belive after they die and are in the same shit/condition. mFALME WA YAWOUNDI- youkowapi sheila rando Sr, srikal kwa sasa, we make telephone calls in which city she is, nowhere but in southwest airline plane in the USA- usa is sold me, purse, tutu of the wounds as jiraha as pleasure in English they love. Ananibongesha udongo yaani matope wasee, wasee wasee- echo hard ehh x 2, but haina kelele nipige haula, ni dem mtu wangu, kev says- haina was as wazimu watu wange. The hieghest positive to channel your anger is forgiveness. They now insinuate they are from minajs yard trini dad as they got open tricks and tobago- goat parable, go piny ndege, nyiego they love as Glasy as g is gsus or Gsport. Uhuru switching off water in kisumu hinterlands with his cartels, water is always there can not lost, thats just made up stories- maybe the pipe has burst which we have not witness or the pumping matching spoilt but the ought to tell us that as early as yesterday- yaani kutuharifu habari tupokeeh. The water bottling company of central he got shares and sell their water in nyanza largely so he want to capitalize profits with pretense that the water is lost. If you go to a public hospital for typhoid-salmonella typhy diagnosis there is a huge go-slow as much as direct rebukes from the nurses, so many people opt for treatment somewhere whcich are their hospitals again there they make cash if you drink well water ww and you pick up the salmonella typhy st virus, stigma, stranded. Got to be wise to raise revenue. Quick money where great minds are natured or knowledge/idea starts Comreds casino the gamblers paradise as the logo Comreds hotel another world class service is here with you Where did you take the booty woman magazine- To Whom To Girl- to curb infidelity in marriages. The owner of Comreds Magazine/newspaper- Read it at your pace or have a copy and digest it at your own paste. The comreds power column.
get this
                                          —– Forwarded message —–                From: Evance Othym <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, 6 May 2019, 11:30:16 GMT+3Subject: Fw: tumblr name                                                                 —– Forwarded message —–                From: Evance Othym <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, 6 May 2019, 11:29:15 GMT+3Subject: Fw: tumblr name                                                                 —– Forwarded message —–                From: Evance Othym <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, 6 May 2019, 11:28:03 GMT+3Subject: Fw: tumblr name                                                                 —– Forwarded message —–                From: Evance Othym <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, 6 May 2019, 11:27:09 GMT+3Subject: Fw: tumblr name                                                                 —– Forwarded message —–                From: Evance Othym <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, 6 May 2019, 11:26:08 GMT+3Subject: tumblr name Dont do this at night dude to a fellow who have trumped above you and china should not lias with the local people to thwart the idea of someone with giving people tips of how that machine works. DNA must surface, dont face someone with you stupid traditions or your ships will be sunk b4 you come strong. Uhuru stop your ship bro.
they will see
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Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying “Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe”. Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Aomawhero kevin weighting machine should be use as a confirmatory weight after the electronic weighing machine has been used to avoid overweight or underweight, i mean being unscrupulous. Aumalaya as raila, obamango, where do we go Martin Luther king was alluding, referring directly and jesus with the Road to Emmaus, Romans from romania. Whero is singing in luo- king of the jew. Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
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you take that meat stew or beans soup you pour on that white face of his, hicho michele, yaani rice. unamwaga kwa hicho sura nyeupe chake, e-olo ewiyeno jokanyama then kijiko just plough it out throwing it into your damn mouth. They fall sometimes the plain after monitoring how many people have carried liquid cash in the bags and brief case. They do this in far deep seas they collect the cash floating on their bags on water then cheat the folks they are looking for black box. They use the likes of Raila who transform to rodents or insect to monitor the luggage caring money. And this is done so that the plain company gets new order and the insurer pays to benefit the plain owners and the family of the deceased to benefit. The plain company can stop its operations just like the GM company. My friends if you don’t know you better know. They want the money withdrawn from countries next to Syria not pay the military but taken back to the economy so pulling up the forces to the usa so turkey take over coz right-now there economy is huge out of the fact they have known massively to make electronic and mechanical gadgets. They saves their ass or their military budget, they shift some burden to upcoming nations. How do we know a city is built with floatsome and jetsome of fallen plains, like ny or atl if you take a glance at the city skyline in a flash you see like the plain hitting one of the tall buildings just like it hit world trade center few years back. Even ships they sink link Titanic to get the cash. Friends you have never heard that the money in the plain has been returned but the black box returned yet the cash is also in the box as brief case- they take that cash. People should be burred from boarding plains with huge cash lest they fall the plain with small drones that move without proper sound. They track the plain itinerary b4 they fall them.
Mercedez benz stadium in atl i you look at it you see it built with money collected from the wreckage and bodies of the malaysian  air plain. Wamile wamilele wabaraka ni chako, wabaraka mbolo changu ni chako— hagar changu ni chako. Nakila mtu atatomba dem/wife wake mwenyewe, bele ya bwana na siku hizo zinakuja. Dont came and tell me everyday dat you wanna struggle raila, nomatter what you do with him is up to you, not my problemo. With me my life will be as usual is you who will be affected not me and stop cashing into my every stuff es we aint equal man. Just leave me alone. some songs are paraphrased you just see 4 yourself. Aint real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8LcBTREyitKBD6FCEZcMRQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0FmV9Z3ENA ssHe is fishmael hagar son in galatians four GF Girl friends, Grand father, guinea fowl, Gay france, finland. He is very fishy Magdalin when you have prepared the soup make sure from the serving bowl you grab that fish which seem to be hard to grasp or cath in the water by his fins and with your teeth cut that fishy mouth out. Click the link below folks for full picture!! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+4&version=NIV Anasema eti anampenda niki kama panti au siruali na tako, she loves minaj like the panty grabs the booty or booty with the panty and minaj has not realised yet. Minaj please realise the essence of time. Rose when kev is feeling her inside or below she gives in to crying as much as murmuring or morning which i comprehend not saying in luo yawa mit kodi, mit yawa, tamu repeatedly. Kevin saying that nikey booty belongs together, they are always two he has never seen one alone, they are together always. Do not say later that i dint love you cz what i have can start up a nation, i mean be a country’s foreign exchange. Truth be told am be the richest man around but you know what do not come up running unto me, thou will not accept you later. If its not now then never minaj. I hope the bullet has not catch up with that booty or gotten hold of it as i hear. This the time to show me love and reciprocate mi love for you lest you find me in another woman’s arms bursting forth not into laughters but to morning as she feels the intermittent thing, its being corrosives not softness. In mi arms she screams again minaj when am giving it to her that ought to be you, how will you feel girl? Roni asking, hiyo tenje ni gani? Kevin saying ni Lg na ni knowls, alicia keys ni JVC, cole ni Diskman ya philips, Minaj ni be the man with the base sony, Brook in Soni mini- hifi system inaliya kwel kweli ask amani. Evans asking na fargi? Fargi ni samsang but braxton Aiwa inachuna kweli kweli huku matwita zikiwika piya ndani yake. I love panasoni which is coco, i gives you the perfect sound at every corner of the house as much as home theater. Tiana is a sound bar mounted with a flashdisk, satisfy your needs as much as Tinashetani. Yeye, him akon song everyone sings in the estate as they walks, if you send a young chap what an old person insinuates, he tells you the same- Ahero sex nyiere as the tune. Click the link below man for full information. Don take my kindness for weakness kevin asking Nigro women. Knowls and her likes answering we wont take your kindness for weekness. Click the link below folks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMyyxek50DE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB-lW6fJIlU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJktxI6tzOo There are two women in the streets those in love with kevin nelson and can not get him because aman needs one woman at a time and those who hate him because they are jealous to have or own him alone and they cant, I mean they hate a man with many woman and one woman with kevinelson as evident is not a possibility. In-fact he is too weak in bed that he should take all of his mandibles and start eating or take her boobs out and start feeding upon them to add him the pumping strength. I will cut you into pieces/fishes, ablongadi matindotindo nikukupata na baby wa mine, take heed wasee. Ero wach/maneno mit edhogi, words are sweet in your mouth to me am a man of few words, a cold man not talkative. Pumping like never was i promise girl. The AE technology that is used to make Sosa, the parable of the sower TS, the swedish, swissnakevin, sianda etc The green man Gm used saucer to bring the aliens like the luo, luya to earth out of their disturbance- i have come to create division as Christ says. The white people where waiting some one to explain fully how the Sosa works so they can return the aliens back not killing as it can bring curse on them. It will be built like a prism, like a rocket, corn shaped and can move on both side, it gets to the north pole next to rusia, if its going to pluto it goes downwards and if it goes to Venus or mercury it goes upwards with the seats people sits can rotate once the individual has tighten his seat-belt. The irony is the higher you go the cooler it becomes and the downer you go it becomes hot, so based on this philosophy Venus is cooler as compared to satan or pluto. What you hear the white folks are telling you that mercury is hot while Satan is cold is just a hoax to delude you from ultimate truth, just lies. This is a wake up call to the luo, kikuyou you are digging your own grave, i mean nelson is a thorn in the flesh to you. This purely what was being waited for and thats the beautiful thing guys. Kev huyo dem akijipa, piga kupiga, usijali mtu wangu, usisite mzeya- ngeli ni  kupiga kupiga kk sawa mtu wahs. Latoya whats wrong with Robinson even if it means sex? What has she done or upto “ask Latoya” Kevin saying she cries as if she has been stubbed by a knife and she is dying the next minute. Wajamani analiya ni kama kwamba amedungwa na kisu- motho ywak deadly. “Kenny saying” Minaj am completely full cf and what is remaining or the only thing remaining is me to visit our toilet OT, what about you nikey? Amani hawa watu wanataka nini, what do they want with me? “Amani” Wanadhani matako yako ni soft na laini, ni kama kwamba they want to strip you, or matako yako ni kubwa kwa thog you have just hidden them in your baggy trouser. “Kevin” Thats utter stupidity man, hiyo ni ujinga, mimi ni chali, am a guy who sleeps in chali style, looking up Lu-ocifer. Owhoma aka Raila amolo, is following me as if he does not know his next meal or aint sure for food, looking for what to eat bursting into rage. Go for screp metal SM and sell dude wacha fitina, stop being lazy BL, blow job, big lips, booty luo, llithuania, blunder etc Nikey get this straight, this your boy aka nelly, alias mondy, also called kevinelson that charismatic man and he is there for you waiting like never before What we want is kids who can survive both good and hard-times no single sided SS, SWEET, slow sex. African foods AF, baf, chaf, raf, saf . the white folks want to destroy the black genes BG- booty greeks, gergians, big gums etc- they are jealous as in they want to give agikuyou name so that folks are inclined to them out of the new found fuel or oil- beautiful black women love money and thats its but we got artificial insemination mark you my-a, think twice- look before you lip. Mya mbolo changu haitachapaa wewe, forget about rumours girl, will not cane you. Row row your boat gentle down the streem, merily merily merily merily life is about a dream- mochanda, odera my new boat, catch, while nikey my new catch in lake michigan, brook in lake salina, ks rather superior not ontario. Mahewa kwa hiyo crib, loud music magdalin, maisha ni sambamba, good girl GG, goal goal, game gina, georgian games. Hike the volume please mariah carey- dont you know i love you. Spare me that- mya rebuking- kevin saying KS- wanna love you up my ladies. Take it cool, i mean easy- you got not just a man but a motivator beside you. My thing is polite, but sometimes rude when rebuke- not young in the game- kikuyouth but mature and old- si mchanga but angali msoo, yaani mkubwa kwa game- get this straight keyshia!!! Get me on this email: [email protected], confirm phonenumber with that mail please. Obama barrack OB, comboa, save or stop thing stupid act, running a cartel on bullish where you pay them some money out of the profit gotten from the money deposited then you give them a little commission.So seem the bulishtrade a/c is closed so they are wild at me not knowing its made or designed that way to create fear on your side. It is not you that should always be happy when receiving but when you loose you became bitter. When you win its good when you loose its a pyramid scheme. It brings the truth on both sides. So you want to come to Kenya to meet your folks- stop killing people, obamadareraila, same as trumputtin- fuck you. Your daughters got no man or nigro,i can be one to save their desperation. Nikey,miayadirer was found beaten out of what he has explained above-babe save me girl, dont leave me in this mess girl. Always i will be there for you, every-time by your side and love you in any way you want or desire, baby girl dont leave me hanging, get this straight girl- one blood and forever in your arms. Just like you killed muamar gadafi MG the same indictment falls on you if you dont stop this bull-shit. Miaka tano sasa but my thing ijakuwa disected or katika au digested nitamwacha soon huyou dem. My thing is digested or dissected ni her thing wajamani. Read all my only two posts my friends. Girl i will give it my best shot BS- bur sianda, my best trial BT.The match between me and maya starts off next sunday, we are going to inaugurate that chemistry, i mean rekindle that love, make it official, folks i men the game will open up on sunday. With me an just eating my ground nuts one by one, i mean bits by bits no streess or stressing out and on my table a little bit of coffee mixed with lemon fully ready for that fateful night. Love and hip- hop before they went to the graveyard was gilbart ombeva as young joc folks- search that name on your FB. Am eating the groundnuts moja kwa moja but sometimes mbili kwa mbili but not tatu kwa tatu. Maya incase of distress between us do not give some-else the job girl- i will rectify my mishaps. The dimba, play will be live live and will kick off as usual or planned friends. Steve oburu of KIM college and works at tuff foam mall was Raila in on tuesday newspaper. Check the teeth structure folks. Go to the factory and check for him no keeping on saying am that or this and you know well his residence or working ground, needs New anchors to end this stupid malpractice or impersonation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQzqbpkJlTo King of the jew- authentic, ther as vagina you know each race, keys, pakistan was goshen, costerians were taken to kenturckey by portugues, fucking, aumalindi, mang, obamalaya as Raila was kilema-uma, uncapacitated as limpimg, jesus and little children, oumafi, faces not faces used to make metals converted by the devil- lost coin parable. LAS cruces, chicken come home to roost, rumours, rumo-finished, malizwa- mfalme wa yawhodi, owhoman, nani in swahili, moses, sex, ngono, ngotruok time mochanda, wajamani fanya haraka, houses, senye as vagina, boxes spoils your mind stay away from them. Magdalin nyathini- matako yake ni kubwa nikama amechukuwa tabiyako- be sianda ne yom kama yako yawa. Mwone vile anatazama kama mochanda- ameuwa kuwa prostitute, nitakuchapa nikuchereze usipowacha hayo. Mfundishe magdalin. Blinking light BL booty lover made christo to be jailed he said indirectly that the egg should have it on top of houses for indentification and is one of the greatest invention in history. Bl big legs, lips, britons lips, booty latvian, lithuania, lozi, luo, luya, ludaites etc Blow job BJ, baba jesus, joseph, james, air blower etcJEW, few, every ward, empty wallet meaning poor and agikuyouclaim to be rich, engineering works ew and they claim to know business like madness in the wilderness not promised land PL pink lips with mfenesianda lives in nairobi, naivasha, nakuru, narok- they are gidionights loving walking in the night or prostitutes, twilight girls TG, the gikuyou etc. For them to be rich they must kill each other to share the welth and live good like 2-pac says they kill each other, kich is nyukikuyou, bee, wannaibee in nairobi, so they will rice as bible says through the discovery of oil which nelly G electric generating gadget has finished and they want to confiscate it to patent it to be rich but time is the essence, to little to late man. Now am in the process of eating my groundnuts, nakula tu njuguu na nyim nyim or sim sim ss zangu mos mos yaani pole pole, haki ya mungu nitampandilia wajamani mimi si kilema vile brook anadhani- am not todler when it comes to sex or an infant or incapacitated am fit and am jumping my friends. Sunday itakuwa mechi between me and hanah. “Nikey” kevin will you lick my ass hole i have looked for such? “Kevin” Hell no minaj? “Nikey” Then you are not a man enough for me, i will vacate and leave you for another man immediately- you are one and a half man for me. “Kevin” You mean it, you will boot me “Minaj” Hell, yes. Not Gayesus “Kevin” Fuck that lie nikey G. I will employ any tactic under the sun to encounter his ways or maneuvers, i mean i will go out my way or my reach to come up to a solution or dismantle him DH, dho hindu, haiti, hangary. The other women will incline that thing to me at reflex, right angled position RAP, raila, raisi, easy, president, yot or obtuse angle and they will transcend the pomp like you gave me the other night. Rabii is teacher, wichiter, cheater, western seanda, teanda, seacheles, teathonia divasifolia TD, the dutch, devolandana, aketch as wild sunflower. Mechi between me and maya is wednessday, the game, fight between me and my miya not Mrr jemsianda MJ, mango jew, my japanis, jokes, military jets etc, game itakuwa ana kwa ana, moja kwa moja mzeya. Nimehaidi, i swear as promise, i have made a vow, i will stuck there, nitakwamiliya, i will not leave easily, i will be rude in that area, sturborn and i gurantee you that girl, no jokes NJ, nitakuwa rudeboy as far as loving you is concerned babe, in swahili it says i will be kichwa ngumu KN- knowls, knowledge, kevinelson, kichwa ndogo as small mind sm shrude maneja in mathew sixtin ms, matako sweet, sawa, swedishona, swisswana or minute mind mm maji matamu as juo, luo, tuo as sickevin. I swear nitajikakamua kisoap, kisabuni, i will pull up my socks as sex is concerned sic-k, tuo, i mean nitafanya jitihada, babe hardwork, i mean being industrous. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word “booty or buttocks” My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… Please read in full all my first six post- got the damning truth.Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza. Someone pricking your sianda- spys, somene hitting you Shy-lock Minaj, if i find one messing with my girl, from dust he came to dust he will return, i mean i will employ every resource within my reach to make sure he goes to his grave early. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word “booty or buttocks” My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. He looked exhousted as if the vigina is finishing or has finish him, Ke please pull up your socks- jitahidi, jikakamua kisoap, kisabuni. An agikuyou just approach me and told me nelly their is no point to suffer in kenya, lost of job in developed world which are paid under the table. Just get into our cartel, we control the JKA so after we change you to the point of fitting a porch or a brief case you go to the usa or europe without incuring any cost of airticket. We place you there work those jobs when they are there but give us half of your pay come back and put it in online shares, bulishtrade or start your own business. This a big thing without doubt thats how nairobi is built or mombasa, we are really reaping from it, wish we recruit every kenyan who is willing. Message to developed world to curb this malpractice or menace, every person finger print or voice recognition should be taken and confirmed before the work is assigned. click this link. Get money online GMO We have a huge client base of upto 5 hundred thousand clientele and recruit massively daily, i mean upto 200 such people everyday- we call them go-getters. Our client base is big, we mean that folks. http://www.bullishtrade.com/ Kevinelsonmondy Ombuorading Wandeterading obama coming for adeal- toyota, hindi, usa killed this fellow mistakenly as much as the luo and kikuyou. Guys where are you at amons funeral, want to use people- forget man. PS peace summit, prodigol saviour, pier sianda, sweet, swedishona, somali, swisswana, polish, peru sianda, snitch, stupid etc pier tamu pt, pis talk, pier tychus.Mochanda unaletesha gemchezo, na pia naletesha mchezo NM, nikey minaj, minesota, mt nebo, mama neddy, nelson, matako nebraskanamibians, nigerianorwergians. The fightugo iko tight with me girl and i guarantee you that it will be the dawn of you new happines with satisfaction guaranteed leave that poor boy who pride himself but when visting the pit latrine he diarrhea like a worn out motor bike which is being repaired, Get off his mosquito chest and small nasty arms. I will never let you go or down- this goes to my girl minaj. click this link…. https://www.youtube.com/watch… Game itakuwa always tight i promise, ngumu sana NS, nelsonorwegian sianda, not snitch, snake, slow, songs etc. My skills i guess are somehow suparb after years of training. Skyls ya game SYG-araila as cigarate.Seduction mission SM, smile, sianda mongolians, mathew 16 shrude manager SM, smote, smile, seduction campaign SC, scores, sugar caneth, sean combs, sean cutter, sianda chinis, colombians, somali, swedishona, swana cianda, snake, snitch colo, chinis etc KFC- kevin furking ciara, kenyatta, keneth, kenedy fucking chinis, colombians, kenturkey fried chiken, cheese. click this link folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch… Class affirm with me, kaposis sacoma KS utacoma, kevin snitch, songs, snake, swedishona, swana, serpent, slow, kitungu saumu as ugalic, olictigah, nigah, bat, hand, buttockevin- got medication. Please knowls give it an round of applause. Nikey, brook V your hagar needs ISO certification they are polite , goodlooking and has respect. ESP nikey is hangarian according to my thersis. Wine for me brook, nikey, dance for me coz your booty now is bubbling bubling BB, bible, wife s bibi, wise, is wiggling wigling WW white women, wwf, world war, wenye wivu as WW. Hagah yako inahitaji sifa, recognition, it seems you eat to much french fries FF, figure fucking, fish firming, figure fucking, french fries like luckey to to spreed and grow the buttocks, its like they are awaiting to burst, girl dont eat much- am leting you know, if you dint know. Dot eat much, reduce your cholosterol intake babe. Chebukatea fight CF-C, cianda fat, finish, french, cianda fucking, colombian fucking. Luo fallen short fs FAT SIANDA, FRENCH sianda, snitch as nmuch as kikuyou dont have their women of such so they burst into dire anger DA-la, cianda not like uganda, TZ, jamaica got their own women.The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. needs a nobel peace price in oslo; electric generating gadget EGG, tong, kata, divide, amicable soluotion AS, assembl plant, mayai,yath, trees, medication, dawa, dust, dutch, luodaite, dynamore, dark, Parable of the worker & the vineyard- dont i have the right to do what i want with my own fucking life? They do wired things hoping to come up with invention not knowing these things are devols work, and they are found in parts- parable as christ insinuates CI-anda. The white man cheat people with religion so that folks do not wake up- jesus with belzabub, if engineering works EW is satans work SW-ara, then how can you come up with innovation? Guys if you wanna live follow me. click these linkevin https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=niniola+song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh0dp8C6UZQ https://www.youtube.com/results…Our suffering OS, Hosana, God, mungu, yahwe- weyesuna, mosquito disturb.click these links for more details- https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/allactivity… How to generate stimaowhoma that fully eliminates gasolin. Parable of the net TN, ten nill, the negev, nigros. Vinyard parable VP, valdmir puttin, very poor, vagina poa, vice president. Worker parable WP wilo, winyo pier. Owhoma was a cook, cookiing king of the jew and serving people sp in fort jesus aka raila, right to do with my life mathew or luke 20. The least shall serve you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsRVkN5IbQ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EDiqCoRkuQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQWHKI4jo5k I beg of you and you denied, i mean you dint give it to me, you stuck with it, which kind of game, play, jokes, jest is that? scratch my back and i scratch yours is the rule of the thumb, is the channel.Give it to me and i will reciprocate back twice as much as you give me tonight. But babe tonight am really feeling your touch, wamth, your love- i mean am really feeling you. https://www.jumia.co.ke/jumia-tv-mania/… https://www.kilimall.co.ke/ am in deep shit of uncooth and brutal cutting by machete or panga from the kenyan govt, thats why am writting for support. And i magine christ apeared to me when i was kidnaped. He had big body BB, big battocks BB, small teath with spaces like he was from comoros, seacheles or malagasy or marry had that blood- really no one can believe, He emanated from the wall and showed me alot through body language. Believe me, tsunami in japan, india, britain and earthquake in nairobi as who to that city built on the hill. am editing and posting on my fifth post from this post or the fourth and the fifth post after this one out of security concerns that’s why am not posting up. Check it out!!!I got so many emails because g mail keeps changing your password of the already signed up email giving you difficulties the next day. So many people desire uniform password for all their logging’s but this is enmity to Yahoo and G mail. Stay out of this, let them hack my email- am better off. Get me on this mail- [email protected]. Levi as kevi to help you- no God like him in deuteronomy thirty tree DTT, donald trump, devol, david time, digitol time, the thuol, transformer, transfiguration, truth, tibet- when what you hide has been unearthed, known- how machines are made and you are poor, Jew, empty wallet, exactly, extremely white and genesis forty nine FN fating, fat nelson- stitch in time saves nine SN, snow, sianda nelson, father, frends, finish, french nelson. We call him jeshuran, jest jokes, joshua eight, Jestugo, mchezo, game, ran is mad, nuts, insane, groundnuts for discerning spirit ds, devol signs, iran was part of Egypt after darelocation out of torential rain, lost coin parable, kikuyou lower teath. The innovation still gets to you becouse kenyans cant make the accessories of making an egg, still you will make it and sell, open up you eyes- strong again economically after patenting it. Ciara is walking hurriedly on that song ft missy eliot, ME, mfalme as if she was cooking corpse and left it over the cooker but something has crossed her mind that maybe is burning or water almost drained and the neighbour maybe have been alerted by the odour or smell, so she is going to check and control the happening. The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza.uma is folkevin. MY barclays bank a/c was closed so no one can tell me to go and get money there- how stupid is that folks? 2go invoice also changed logging style from code sent to the phone no just to password, so it forces you to known the incumbent email address to close the a?c opened under your name. Its now futile even if you know the phone number PN, pier nelsonigerians etc just like paypal was also changed not to get into the phone line PL but jus a password. PL, pink lips, pantha leo as simba wa youdah. sianda, shida jamaicans SJ, satan jachien, shida joseph, james, jokes, johns, snake jesus, shoot, shot joseph, jeshuran, joshua etc. Most nigerians artists are ugandans due to small bodies as nigerians are heavly built, this is a plan of artificial insemination AI, accurate information or child transfered to a nation under kaguta govt to lure the world that they are nigros to get fever if oil has been overtaken as UG sing good in africah than any other country as congo. obama, trumpulin bullishtrade account frozen so they want deal, omondil to fix the reality show RS, ras swedishiona, swisswana, somali etc. DR-C congo has vast resources inclusive of food but nigeria, sudan, namibia is 80% driven fuel economy and fuel has been overtaken by Electric generating gadget EGG, tong as amicable soluotin AS, matako, chienyuma. Nigros ont claim even allegence to east africah because that fuel is now redundant, think outside the box or twice. my phone no is 0737505306 but the previous was 0718467657 which i was using in my logings which was hacked at my paypal account. click these links for more infor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwQsp71PYlw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSnkWzZ7ZAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVrEigYJiQg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCUllMTf2uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyleICWPZ6U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNXTu6T20n8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bPjsDcPHks Mfalme wa yawhodi.. oniala, alabama, alamarks, mc donald ireland, ala is God, alcatel charger strong, serikal as goverment, alovera, mwarubaine etc Click this link: http://www.aptuspower.com/Default.asp https://www.youtube.com/watch… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKT8_kbwdUA tarujhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=glen+washington+mix+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8eytBBDxkI Class tunga sentensi ukitumia neno “ Hagar”… Manzi wangu wa hagar aliniacha kidogo tu before kuhagar dunia. He looks at me stranded-Minaj says MS- msoto, poor- as if his manhood is being eaten a way or the vagina is swallowing, grinding his small thing ST, st tychus, stranded, startor, story as if the vagina is winning his thing reducing the size of his thing.Judges, joshua, james, john, james Eight JE-st, jestugo, mchezo, play, valley of jehoshaphat, kijeli is irony, jelly. Genesis, Gidions Eight GE, Gelectrics, gemchezo, generatoration, gem stone GS, good samaritan, greekevin, gikuyou, german, guyan society, gay songs, society.
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muslim philosophy to leave using tissue
If you got to be a Muslim to wipe your ass you got to do some exercise, you bent your second finger from the thumb like making a square between the first 2 bent then after you have taken a shit you scoop kinda the remains of the fecal matter then you dont rinks with water but take water with your hands like you wanna drink and hurl into the ass-hole to clean so that you dont sprinkle water on your booty mixed with fices/mafi to smell or stink fice. And in a dark place if you got some corps of animal if you do that you hear the cracking sound like a wrapped polythene bag is being open meaning they are being converted to machine and machines are made that way. No jokes folks.
 hope message Women takes a little time to get it, take a little time x2- to get it, just have that in mind even if am a freek in sheets.
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Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from
. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight.
I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down.
Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde.
Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is
and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Dont come up with your own sentiments, dont say i want to occupy this parliamentary or congress seat, it will make the bandits to be on me like nothing else. People wait until the list of all the nominee are printed the be on me, find my name on the print first, folks in a nutshell look first b4 you leap. Think beyond your nose. Revelation five rf, rasa fat, flaby, rev tano RT rasa tychus, tz, togo the root of david who have the discerning spirit of what has happened or what wierd they want to do next after you partake rosted ground nuts gn- road to emaus with christ. If you take the photo of someone who was cut with panga and kinda you know him, by eating njungu you get the picture on the air who that person who cut him, we called it taswira in swahili. Good samaritan,  weed parable, Jesus the rabbi, teacher, cheater, wichita bwana. The cia give such to everyone in the country then by partaking the ground nuts you have the picture of all those responsible for that weird act. My facebook name is kevin monde check it out folks and wandeterading ombuorading Son of david have mercy on us, the demondi posessed man with christo, it was David who killed Godliath as lia is cryeast in swahili not his friend who had a gun who shot him from below or beside or behind now the philistin will be on us, just have mercy on us bro. Nyasayesus, NY is empire state es, yesus.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is
and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. The connection only occurs or can be done at the end of the 5 th hr which the bank bars you from doing by connecting it before you by simply opening a paypal a/c and connecting it a head  of you. Time it even when it hasnt reach exactly 6 th hr, start doing it from the last minutes of the 5 th hr to succeed. Banks does this out of jealousy and two, so that the paypal thing is redundant and you find some money to open another one. Dust is the serpent food with christ. The obama and likes wants the Nigro divas to come to africah, so they go out their way to organise teroristic activity and they use the money gotten to build premises and houses to attract these beauties and two they wanna come and sleep with them this side coz someone like obam when he sleeps with them in americah it will be known and otherwise tint his image or name. Morever Uganda, tz and some kenya divas are organised to sleep with the like of obamacron when they visit africa in that that hotel room morever to pick money- their share. In AU they discus terorism in ther earpiece, should be put to public to hear like in the kenyan parliament currently. These presidents cant steel elections nomore and they will be poor president so the merge and discuss their rich exit bro. This like pulse rate machine, bmi, blood grouping and fingerprints are in place to curb their overstay in power through stealing or rigging of votes bwana, donge joluo, collins uttering in eeh in mshangao, amusement.
They have given you headache to the point of wanting to kill you, so if justice want to surface they look at you with kitten like face, the still not relenting wanting you to get into their jig/dance or simply their absurdities. The tribe of simeonelson tos, tossing a coin, tosha, enough has killed so many in his ginger rather anger in genesis 49 or deuteronomy 33. The people who transform and get into his belly, killed them in the stomach, ten minas parable- you can google the chapters above folks. Also through posting nude photos of women in the youtube, for example divasgram and on facebook at his a/c kevinelsonmondy wandeterading ombuorading- the ndethe women in their thongs and showed many people how to get money online through
which is blessing in disguise to the techno-savvy but who uses the free money to sponsor vita/violence and terorism or inter-estates fights like east and west side thing in a mericah. Sponsoring bad boys to literally kill in brutal solidary as to cut with machete/panga or beat up other fellows. The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you.
   click this link bro beside
He has given me dick to fuck, i sing to hosana praise the lord, Noel saying within his heart in the bible study, Olimpadul say in soliloquey, he has given me big big booty to be caressed, oh osingo sana praise the lord- the maltitude shouting like kevinelson. Minaj in NY insinuates he has given me bankable and flaby lips to be kissed, osingo sana lets praise the lord, brook singing, he has given me big and nice breast to be touched, ohsingosana lets praise the lord, J-LO saying he has given me good-looking and well comb pussy to be fucked, ohsingosana congregation lets praise the lord and Lords name to be praise. click this link bro beside
for King & Country - It’s Not Over Yet (Lyric Video)
Minimal cash like payed like bitter medication administered to an infant with that cry and head twisting
lesson 11: Generator Excitation System
In the begging satan/devaura gave Godliath power and sent him to create the earth. God is dead philosophy and thats why the jew people wants to kill the root of david because david was the one who killed Godliath whom satan had given power to create whats on earth but not the earth coz it was there but void and without shape. It had no light it was dark. Godliath was given immense power to create the earth the way he wants with everything therein. The hebrewomen changed the bible for Good even blasphemies in deuteronomy were list not one but removed coz people could have not worshiped God but just dwindling on the blasphemy to escape hell. It was error of complete reversal mtu wangu.
Adam and Eve deceiver was Raila- worker and vineyard parable- he had luyah/sweet bwana blood as the curse, kamba among others. He had grandchildren and many wives as children so the curse was that he will not die unless beaten or accidents and was extended to his grandsons as well and wives as sons. This was at the epicenter of the middle of the Garden which is the tropical lands tl, the lion, liar or equotorial lands EL, yel at nyandiwa, nyani/monkey haioni kundule which is red at bar kalarediandians in Gem kenya. The monkey took their clothes while they were making love in the dronding- king of the jewomen. Men like women strong, i will make, as the bible promises also israel will rise up just like in south africah the hills have risen up. They were in slavery in egypt 4 400 years so they knew automation and they became indipendent. The jew family includes joseph as french father ff, they gave him women from mars from the hole- many wives, mfalme wa yawhodi, zebulan is buljeria, simba wa yougoslavia with gossips as the lion of judah, dan is luthuolnia, Guard is russia, benjamin is japan, rueben is belgium, asher is finland, isachar is spain, naftali is itali, simeon is siberia etc
God curse to adams deceiver was that he will be like snakes meaning there were snakes b4 not that at that time they became snakes.
Rod of david ROD as sex they love in revelation five rf, at that time the root of David was one person not a clan or a family. Indians can see what you are seeing at that time but not tomorrow, next week or year. It is fore-boarding spirit of to foretell the future. Sorcerers foretell the future so if so they are socerers as the magi-ikuyou, magicians. In Solomons or davids reign everything was pure Gold so if you love Good things they purpote you are davids root, so by looking they kill you in their game called illuominatea. David was also sharp so they kill the root of david who loves to look at things just like their grandfather to eliminate fully davids roots/mizizi.
My posts on youtube are found on the 1st 10 photos of each bar on youtube, i comment going down. you can locate them at these organisations. Google branches of UN and copy paste each on youtube submit and find my posts, psi, igad, icepea, world 20 best hotels, car companies of the world, as well as boats, motor bike, aeroplain, electronic company eg LG, fast foods company of the world eg wendies and spangles, best supermarkets of the world eg walmart, Trump with puttin, may, french president, german chancelor, banki moon and vice versa, tyra banks show, ophra winfrey show, trump meeting asian, North American leaders, african, latin american leaders, EU, ecowas, comesa, minaj, eminem, wiz khalifa, j-lo, beyonce, justin bierber songs, davido, wiz kids, rehanna and diamond songs , churchil raw, live, kevin hurt show among many. Folks get them there incase of my demise.
Trump and uhuru meets in washington DC shortly terror attack at riverside nairobi, shortly again obama barracks want to pay east africa a vist, not long enough the money at riverside is gotten in briefcase in central kenya which obama wanted to pocket. They organised terroristic attack in hotel with rich people loaded with cash in their laggages. Same to malaysian air which wesley nolen and his likes managed to bring down, swiss president meets uhuru shortly terror attack in Brussels train transit then he heads to usa to get his share. French president also wanted his share, the money was not fake it was real that was their printing to swindle the public if the truth dawns. They are terrorists same to the kenya post election violence victims who were killed in the bus and wa kenyatta was the planer as insinuated by waki philips tv commission.
is disenebled the huge populated countries like india and pakistan, france, Germoney want to go to war with each other to confuse the public as they cant now feed their ego or population but still wants to maintain their reputation. The rich elites wants to maintain the status quo by eliminating the inteligent poor ip- ipo, hips. This goes as far as siren gas or nuclear war heads.
They are still tougheaded, they still want to kidnap me. Within the kid nap they bring corpse so i make jets for them, when i tell them planes uses gas, they withdraw machete wanting to cut me with. Oumamolodingagwambo and his like like witch doctor okota of homa bey. Sophia let me mummor quitely on my food or when am eating, stop being an intruder Ai or stop disturbence. We angunyi moss e-chiemba bwana jawuolo ni rather jawuoro as mchoyo, rd to emaus with christ. Wacha ni ngurume pole pole katika chakula changu, wacha ulafi bwana akweri-donge luo.
click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth.
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links
click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater
This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor:
If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough.
With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again.
My email is
and pasword is southafrica12
If you got some money and not going to church the church pastors search for you and the pay other folks to facilitate their agendas like boda boda riders, the beat you up and the next somebody the have sent to you by meeting tells you christ things so you channel your way to church in that your life will change, people wont follow you. After you visit the church they tell the same folks the sponsor to slow down on you, so you stop to witness such occurrence and your friends and children will follow suit to attract others to church. The want your offering plus your wife and kids, thats why they ask you, u aint married yet to add more money to their bucket as tiths and offering. Abraham wanted to kill Isaac coz he took church offering he left on the stone alter. The recovery email is
for the email named above.
Ruto behind kevins beating, the fellow who help beat him up was a huge dude not the one who is a round- malachi five- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Museveni kaguta mk, mkora, mkate, matako kenyatta as well is behind this, matako kalenjins.
I eat is in you hse you insinuate, kendo nagoyo madongo, nilikuwa nakula kubwa kubwa, sema chenye unataka rose, and presicely partly is the reason why am supply and somehow fat as healthy, tum gimidwalo, nega kiero. Folks are you sure if you kill big kev, you will get his things, it amounts to absolute nothing if you dont manage to withdraw him his with pulse rate machine in mind, bmi and blood group after his death. It will only benefit you if you can delete his shit in facebook which he has disenabled by using an email address he know not, just guessed a long one at the time of opening say a long biological word as phylumcodatachiropractor and added some numbers by dialing the number sections on the keyboard at a/c opening time without looking and submit and the fb a/c was opened and with password he copy pasted a word in fish ferming in agentina which he knows not, so after signing off he cant get back to that a/c as per the reason laid above.
Click these links below bro about fish farming in argentina or just google it
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The password rest within these word b4 adding some numbers without seeing, or he just pressed rapidly.
Please BE CAREFUL this the password he pested adding 345 with other two numbers.
The get into the same plane for example boeng 777, they get into the basement at JKIA and they are tought how to cut wires with plies that if are connected makes the plane fall. These people transform into rodents and again in the laggage center transform to people to cut the said wires, the likes of raila, another sheila who fell from US navy ship now with redened eyes, and susan who owns a pub in ksm. They fell the 1st malaysian air, the red bus from western to Nairobi snd now the Ethiopian air liasing with indians, uhuru, obama, museveni and ruto in the mix among many other individuals. How do i know folks? If you know the named above, if you got some rapport with them, if you partake big brown ground nuts, by looking at the picture of the accident, for example the ethiopian airways on the net, you see the whole drama plus those who planned it on air, just like an alcoholic sees his own things when drunk but to you is real. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Nigros are the ones responsible for all these coz they promise these people love by saying they are this and that tribe. This push the tribe to get money in anyway possible to the point of committing crime. They go to the point of saying they wanna come back making these fellaz zealous. This is two fold, the want these people to be killed to reduce the population for them to come and enjoy or build for selected divas hotel, house and premises to please them. The french, norwergians, Germans, britons, spanish knows clearly which part of the earth they got these people from and history is bold enough to tell us the whole occurence but they will be rude and not accept, so at the end of the day is the white man. Arabs were also there b4 so they can clarify where the nigros were got- goat parable, church you can google please. Luya also share the brunt, they know how to get money online at
and the software at weed weed ww cyber and how to connect paypal a/c with bank a/c at the last minutes of fifth hr from the time the card was given to you, not one card but many cards as much as junior a/cs who the lion of judah tribe in genesis 49 got that name from but still working for wahindi even after some of them have done that, evident by their resignation from hindu hard jobs and buying their own tuk tuk and motor bikes. The ones who are still working can enquire from those who have resigned and leave working for the hindu so that they get other indians like them to work for them, even people watching premiere leagues should stop coz they are facilitating money loundring as those matches are payed with the invoice cash, the officials get money from the a/c and thats what they do in their offices all day long- i mean they have been targeted. Ethiopia and Malaysia annihilate these motherfuckers, cutthroat dogs, know nothing but priding themselves people, people who dont liesten, whose backs are bents as prophet isiah pi says let their backs be bent forever in the biblia.He gets into someone who is traveling to Ethiopia or malaysia and the get to that plane whom they want to fell inside someone who also changes as them and when the plane lights put off the change to rodents at the back seat, get that pliers or bomb in the laggage and fell the plane but with them they are safe out of transforming into rodents hidding in a coolar or the black box waiting to be saved, they can even change to fish and swim. With BMI matchine do not forgive them as the bible says.
They even operate people who they have organised travel 4, and put bomb inside the bell the likes of raila plays with it by hidding it more when the felled is being scanned at the entrance or at the way leading to boarding the plane. He takes it to the spinol cord, back coz the sensor sense the sides and front more, but when you move as getting off the matchine, they talk to him and move it towards the belly so it is not detected. The luos have became terorists. The uk, france, usa, italy should have a go slow as standstill in their operations as their economy is driven via 2goinvoice.
These fellas have been target as they have been given daily 2goinvoice target to withdraw from, i.e the fifa officials.
Let the plane have bright lights on the laggage center to bar these fellas who change from transfiguring or let welding machine be incorporated and the wire emanating from the matchine be zigzaged allove the laggage unit to electrocute these individuals, let the feaces fall to the air not getting into the sewer chamber of the plane in the cargo carrying unit. They use the lavarate to flash gadgets down and that someone down gets into the chamber and gets it. Let that be abolished. As a passanger boarding the plane, let your legs be fitted with a scanner or sensoring gadget so you dont change as it will be known. The rule of the thumb is those who change are not partaker of sour things st, soda should be administered in the airpoart to see those who cant drink sour solution so that the gadget to be fixed on them to avoid transfiguring at night in the plane for other purposes unknown to us, for example the fanta soda can do that.
They even use match box size drills gotten from neel deep hardware in ksm to perforate holes into the gas cylinder to fall the plane- the hindu and the British and precisely thats why they brought them in East Africa. After the plane falls the money gotten is used to buy players at English premiership. Who to those who trust in Egypt in the book of isiah and i will humble Egypt in the book of Jeremiah and Ezekiel who was kierehere.
The dashboard section of the plane ought to have hard wires so the likes of raila dont cut them with pliers to confuse the pilots leading to plane loosing control then crushing and should as well be fitted with cameras, not to mention the luggage side to see who is there and going on- king of the jew beside incorporating whigh voltage wires to electrocute those who transfigure. Who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in malachi four. When this is put in place fellas you wont hear of rampant plane crush pc- pier cianda, chinis, cynthia, collins, pagamum church etc.
African countries should not operate planes, e.g, kenya, uganda, tz airways among many other poor nations because they are curious but not engineers at all, they scrutinize the plane which in other-way makes it not safe for travel hence planes fall. They wanna know more about the the plane crush. The aero-plane company e.g, rolls roy, boeng, air bus should not sale planes but operate these planes in every nation en themselves to avoid scrutiny and plane crush or just simply such happenings or occurrences.
Plane companies should talk the next day in the media but when the ground crew puts cut hack saw somewhere down there and then tell the changer where is located to use it to cut wires that leads to the pilot sector to fall the plane. To me its a cartel and with my explanation the deal has gone sour. When the money in the plane surpasses the money which was used to buy the plane even three times, what is the loss folks to the company and at the same time benefit to the beneficiaries of the deceased as the will be compensated as much as when the plane is insured we will get new plane. What is Mr trump?
Stop laughing when something is critical or looking in the news paper by the photos you have taken as if looking in owe or amusement, as if your deal has gone sour or that someone has hit a mega jackpot and you want to share in his happiness. Friends, pro-act, send missiles to stipa in ksm where they partly train people to fall planes. When one is a terrorist he lacks respect, look at you directly in the eye until you vanish and his eyes on the upper eye lids curves up like wanting to form a triangle. That how they are known. Morever terorists kidnap people without proper reasons and when truth surface they deviate in their reasoning. World reduce electricity to 50 volts for houses to thwart AE technologis coz people are testing 120V-250V motors. Flouresent and energy saver uses between 30-50 volts, Radio and TV uses 24v as much as laptops. Why cant we reduce electricity to 50 volts. Well how will fridge work or cooker let them be fitted with step up transformer to transform 50 volts to maybe 120V or 250V then this pride will vanish, believe me you fellas.
People should not be killed but funded, many got big idea in later years if you kill them early like they wanted to kill Nelson Monde, you wount have heard all these. So killing people is white man idea to rob the earth more knowledge and so that the killed people spirit hovers around and help them locate what other dedicated fellas are up to.
Look like a child stop looking at someone in the eye all through like you disrespect him or he has known your bad side or deeds.
Kenya is rich they say, picture your car with you and they locate its price these side and how much money can do in Africa, stop all these silly scrap. But dont just buy a fake care and take photos with it giving Africans hope that you are that side and we are these side and we got nice cars than you then America is just good in TV. Developed world should crush cars which look like for the poor period. Indians add women period to sources, UN and KEBS should pro-act. Shoes inside got something like half size hack saw glued inside the soul- shindiyo. EHH-vivyo hivyo-donge omera.
The USA leaving Venezuela coz now there is nothing in that country which they were upto out of AE technologies in kevin monde facebook a/c, view using your phone as well as arabia world and they have realize all kev is saying is in youtube and he has well provided the gmail a/c he used to comment on youtube and the pasword as well as the recovery option. Now they cant kidnap him coz he removed the phone number.
Sonko is giving toy market 5 million coz he twitted me its over and blocked and he cant stand to see that happening, i mean he is ready to die and he is using that platform to tell the world something as well as wa kenyatta potraying indirectly how kikuyou are criminal with him he is malagasian. How do we know folks? By their small, tiny teeths.
The women whose body was chopped into parts in Eldoret, i dont know kitale was cut by power saw ps by asenol who is a tuitor in taxi business among many others- just eat ground nuts and see the complete picture by looking at that incident on youtube or newspaper provided you know the culprits.
Atm should be fitted with BMI to avoid bank theft or the bank ought to buy pulse rate machine as well as bmi to identify its customers. When they kill all of your next of kin, the bank has a holiday to share your money if they manage to kill you. A software should be provided to enable you check the money online and you can post it on facebook or twitter for friends to find if that money has been withdrawn in-case of your demise. It should just be there even if you die a natural death, the government either should not take it as bond coz also them can kill ya.
French president has come to collect his share of the ethiopian air as to the ksh 20M of harambe stars. Check the newspaper fellaz.Hellen rasta wazungus as much as barry of highway and now Australia were part of the plot as much as hindu to induct the luos on how to fall the boeng plane so that its customers shift attention to Europe. Macron Emanuel twitted me that, he is partly Hindu, he sees what you are seeing at the same time not an hour later or tomorrow. How can they give you blue carpent treatment while stile serving then they left you in owe- the salary minimal utters obamaitchel. We must do anything under the sun or we must go out our way to get mone as money.
so what
With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. My email is [email protected] and pasword is southafrica12 If you got some money and not going to church the church pastors search for you and the pay other folks to facilitate their agendas like boda boda riders, the beat you up and the next somebody the have sent to you by meeting tells you christ things so you channel your way to church in that your life will change, people wont follow you. After you visit the church they tell the same folks the sponsor to slow down on you, so you stop to witness such occurrence and your friends and children will follow suit to attract others to church. The want your offering plus your wife and kids, thats why they ask you, u aint married yet to add more money to their bucket as tiths and offering. Abraham wanted to kill Isaac coz he took church offering he left on the stone alter. The recovery email is [email protected] for the email named above. Ruto behind kevins beating, the fellow who help beat him up was a huge dude not the one who is a round- malachi five- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Museveni kaguta mk, mkora, mkate, matako kenyatta as well is behind this, matako kalenjins. I eat is in you hse you insinuate, kendo nagoyo madongo, nilikuwa nakula kubwa kubwa, sema chenye unataka rose, and presicely partly is the reason why am supply and somehow fat as healthy, tum gimidwalo, nega kiero. Folks are you sure if you kill big kev, you will get his things, it amounts to absolute nothing if you dont manage to withdraw him his with pulse rate machine in mind, bmi and blood group after his death. It will only benefit you if you can delete his shit in facebook which he has disenabled by using an email address he know not, just guessed a long one at the time of opening say a long biological word as phylumcodatachiropractor and added some numbers by dialing the number sections on the keyboard at a/c opening time without looking and submit and the fb a/c was opened and with password he copy pasted a word in fish ferming in agentina which he knows not, so after signing off he cant get back to that a/c as per the reason laid above. Click these links below bro about fish farming in argentina or just google it https://www.truthfinder.com/?utm_source=BINGNTF&traffic[source]=BINGNTF&utm_medium=search&traffic[medium]=search&utm_campaign=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[campaign]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f:ARGENTINA+FISH&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=ARGENTINA+FISH&s2=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&s3=&s4=&s5=&traffic[funnel]=tf&traffic[sub_id]=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[s2]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&msclkid=df198d0369c9139a66dcd1879a91b029 Ad-Aware SecureSearch https://www.truthfinder.com/?utm_source=BINGNTF&traffic[source]=BINGNTF&utm_medium=search&traffic[medium]=search&utm_campaign=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[campaign]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f:ARGENTINA+FISH&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=ARGENTINA+FISH&s2=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&s3=&s4=&s5=&traffic[funnel]=tf&traffic[sub_id]=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[s2]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&msclkid=df198d0369c9139a66dcd1879a91b029  The password rest within these word b4 adding some numbers without seeing, or he just pressed rapidly. Please BE CAREFUL this the password he pested adding 345 with other two numbers. https://lavasoft.gosearchresults.com/?sbtn=&q=fish+farming+in+argentina+&tt=VM__GS__S4LAVA__vmn__webcompa__1_0__go__ch_WCYID10427__190216__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 https://lavasoft.gosearchresults.com/?sbtn=&q=fish+farming+in+argentina+&tt=VM__GS__S4LAVA__vmn__webcompa__1_0__go__ch_WCYID10427__190216__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 kkkk The get into the same plane for example boeng 777, they get into the basement at JKIA and they are tought how to cut wires with plies that if are connected makes the plane fall. These people transform into rodents and again in the laggage center transform to people to cut the said wires, the likes of raila, another sheila who fell from US navy ship now with redened eyes, and susan who owns a pub in ksm. They fell the 1st malaysian air, the red bus from western to Nairobi snd now the Ethiopian air liasing with indians, uhuru, obama, museveni and ruto in the mix among many other individuals. How do i know folks? If you know the named above, if you got some rapport with them, if you partake big brown ground nuts, by looking at the picture of the accident, for example the ethiopian airways on the net, you see the whole drama plus those who planned it on air, just like an alcoholic sees his own things when drunk but to you is real. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Nigros are the ones responsible for all these coz they promise these people love by saying they are this and that tribe. This push the tribe to get money in anyway possible to the point of committing crime. They go to the point of saying they wanna come back making these fellaz zealous. This is two fold, the want these people to be killed to reduce the population for them to come and enjoy or build for selected divas hotel, house and premises to please them. The french, norwergians, Germans, britons, spanish knows clearly which part of the earth they got these people from and history is bold enough to tell us the whole occurence but they will be rude and not accept, so at the end of the day is the white man. Arabs were also there b4 so they can clarify where the nigros were got- goat parable, church you can google please. Luya also share the brunt, they know how to get money online at http://www.2goinvoice.com and the software at weed weed ww cyber and how to connect paypal a/c with bank a/c at the last minutes of fifth hr from the time the card was given to you, not one card but many cards as much as junior a/cs who the lion of judah tribe in genesis 49 got that name from but still working for wahindi even after some of them have done that, evident by their resignation from hindu hard jobs and buying their own tuk tuk and motor bikes. The ones who are still working can enquire from those who have resigned and leave working for the hindu so that they get other indians like them to work for them, even people watching premiere leagues should stop coz they are facilitating money loundring as those matches are payed with the invoice cash, the officials get money from the a/c and thats what they do in their offices all day long- i mean they have been targeted. Ethiopia and Malaysia annihilate these motherfuckers, cutthroat dogs, know nothing but priding themselves people, people who dont liesten, whose backs are bents as prophet isiah pi says let their backs be bent forever in the biblia.He gets into someone who is traveling to Ethiopia or malaysia and the get to that plane whom they want to fell inside someone who also changes as them and when the plane lights put off the change to rodents at the back seat, get that pliers or bomb in the laggage and fell the plane but with them they are safe out of transforming into rodents hidding in a coolar or the black box waiting to be saved, they can even change to fish and swim. With BMI matchine do not forgive them as the bible says. They even operate people who they have organised travel 4, and put bomb inside the bell the likes of raila plays with it by hidding it more when the felled is being scanned at the entrance or at the way leading to boarding the plane. He takes it to the spinol cord, back coz the sensor sense the sides and front more, but when you move as getting off the matchine, they talk to him and move it towards the belly so it is not detected. The luos have became terorists. The uk, france, usa, italy should have a go slow as standstill in their operations as their economy is driven via 2goinvoice. These fellas have been target as they have been given daily 2goinvoice target to withdraw from, i.e the fifa officials. Let the plane have bright lights on the laggage center to bar these fellas who change from transfiguring or let welding machine be incorporated and the wire emanating from the matchine be zigzaged allove the laggage unit to electrocute these individuals, let the feaces fall to the air not getting into the sewer chamber of the plane in the cargo carrying unit. They use the lavarate to flash gadgets down and that someone down gets into the chamber and gets it. Let that be abolished. As a passanger boarding the plane, let your legs be fitted with a scanner or sensoring gadget so you dont change as it will be known. The rule of the thumb is those who change are not partaker of sour things st, soda should be administered in the airpoart to see those who cant drink sour solution so that the gadget to be fixed on them to avoid transfiguring at night in the plane for other purposes unknown to us, for example the fanta soda can do that. They even use match box size drills gotten from neel deep hardware in ksm to perforate holes into the gas cylinder to fall the plane- the hindu and the British and precisely thats why they brought them in East Africa. After the plane falls the money gotten is used to buy players at English premiership. Who to those who trust in Egypt in the book of isiah and i will humble Egypt in the book of Jeremiah and Ezekiel who was kierehere. The dashboard section of the plane ought to have hard wires so the likes of raila dont cut them with pliers to confuse the pilots leading to plane loosing control then crushing and should as well be fitted with cameras, not to mention the luggage side to see who is there and going on- king of the jew beside incorporating whigh voltage wires to electrocute those who transfigure. Who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in malachi four. When this is put in place fellas you wont hear of rampant plane crush pc- pier cianda, chinis, cynthia, collins, pagamum church etc. African countries should not operate planes, e.g, kenya, uganda, tz airways among many other poor nations because they are curious but not engineers at all, they scrutinize the plane which in other-way makes it not safe for travel hence planes fall. They wanna know more about the the plane crush. The aero-plane company e.g, rolls roy, boeng, air bus should not sale planes but operate these planes in every nation en themselves to avoid scrutiny and plane crush or just simply such happenings or occurrences. Plane companies should talk the next day in the media but when the ground crew puts cut hack saw somewhere down there and then tell the changer where is located to use it to cut wires that leads to the pilot sector to fall the plane. To me its a cartel and with my explanation the deal has gone sour. When the money in the plane surpasses the money which was used to buy the plane even three times, what is the loss folks to the company and at the same time benefit to the beneficiaries of the deceased as the will be compensated as much as when the plane is insured we will get new plane. What is Mr trump? Stop laughing when something is critical or looking in the news paper by the photos you have taken as if looking in owe or amusement, as if your deal has gone sour or that someone has hit a mega jackpot and you want to share in his happiness. Friends, pro-act, send missiles to stipa in ksm where they partly train people to fall planes. When one is a terrorist he lacks respect, look at you directly in the eye until you vanish and his eyes on the upper eye lids curves up like wanting to form a triangle. That how they are known. Morever terorists kidnap people without proper reasons and when truth surface they deviate in their reasoning. World reduce electricity to 50 volts for houses to thwart AE technologis coz people are testing 120V-250V motors. Flouresent and energy saver uses between 30-50 volts, Radio and TV uses 24v as much as laptops. Why cant we reduce electricity to 50 volts. Well how will fridge work or cooker let them be fitted with step up transformer to transform 50 volts to maybe 120V or 250V then this pride will vanish, believe me you fellas. People should not be killed but funded, many got big idea in later years if you kill them early like they wanted to kill Nelson Monde, you wount have heard all these. So killing people is white man idea to rob the earth more knowledge and so that the killed people spirit hovers around and help them locate what other dedicated fellas are up to. Look like a child stop looking at someone in the eye all through like you disrespect him or he has known your bad side or deeds. Kenya is rich they say, picture your car with you and they locate its price these side and how much money can do in Africa, stop all these silly scrap. But dont just buy a fake care and take photos with it giving Africans hope that you are that side and we are these side and we got nice cars than you then America is just good in TV. Developed world should crush cars which look like for the poor period. Indians add women period to sources, UN and KEBS should pro-act. Shoes inside got something like half size hack saw glued inside the soul- shindiyo. EHH-vivyo hivyo-donge omera. The USA leaving Venezuela coz now there is nothing in that country which they were upto out of AE technologies in kevin monde facebook a/c, view using your phone as well as arabia world and they have realize all kev is saying is in youtube and he has well provided the gmail a/c he used to comment on youtube and the pasword as well as the recovery option. Now they cant kidnap him coz he removed the phone number. Sonko is giving toy market 5 million coz he twitted me its over and blocked and he cant stand to see that happening, i mean he is ready to die and he is using that platform to tell the world something as well as wa kenyatta potraying indirectly how kikuyou are criminal with him he is malagasian. How do we know folks? By their small, tiny teeths. The women whose body was chopped into parts in Eldoret, i dont know kitale was cut by power saw ps by asenol who is a tuitor in taxi business among many others- just eat ground nuts and see the complete picture by looking at that incident on youtube or newspaper provided you know the culprits. Atm should be fitted with BMI to avoid bank theft or the bank ought to buy pulse rate machine as well as bmi to identify its customers. When they kill all of your next of kin, the bank has a holiday to share your money if they manage to kill you. A software should be provided to enable you check the money online and you can post it on facebook or twitter for friends to find if that money has been withdrawn in-case of your demise. It should just be there even if you die a natural death, the government either should not take it as bond coz also them can kill ya. French president has come to collect his share of the ethiopian air as to the ksh 20M of harambe stars. Check the newspaper fellaz.Hellen rasta wazungus as much as barry of highway and now Australia were part of the plot as much as hindu to induct the luos on how to fall the boeng plane so that its customers shift attention to Europe. Macron Emanuel twitted me that, he is partly Hindu, he sees what you are seeing at the same time not an hour later or tomorrow. How can they give you blue carpent treatment while stile serving then they left you in owe- the salary minimal utters obamaitchel. We must do anything under the sun or we must go out our way to get mone as money.
See how power is produced using a motor and a stator as well you can click the down link to get the complete picture. https://themysteriousworld.com/top-10-largest-fast-food-chains-in-the-world/ https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 As we you can google or youtube “How power is produced using an electric motor and a car alternator/stator” https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033757327731 My facebook a/c name is Yuyamathijs Yoshida, get to see this wow and amazing invention, this is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. The woman of status quo were shouting crucify him cause he was letting every tom harry and dick to know how to access money from www.2goinvoice.com- Go and dont tell anyone- goat and sheep parable. The woman of class as rome was also built very fast as in a day- Rd to emaus. Drinking king of the jew the hebrew who loved local brew and had hips crucified him thinking he was the leader of philipins as godliath who devid 4 devol killed, lia is cry-est in swahili, yath is medication or a tree as the log cryst carried to Calvary on his back. Godliath could drink water and drink, the jew thought he was luo by translating what he said as the luo can hurle you down using a magic stick as yath by pointing at you but the bible says he was killed using a sling but big kev says david has a fried who hid who helped him kill goliath using a silencer gun. I have hanged my motors and stator at my bad hse to u, with you you are rich u live in stone hses. Google from the net how to generate stima using a motor or a stator and make one 4 yourself. Why do you want a poor bragard to do it 4 u. Do it do it by yourself bro leave the poor alone with christ jesus. Google martin luther king speeches, quote and sermons and well as malcom x and leave me alone bro. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Everyone will be left alone in one way or another. Not only usa or india or white people or luo as the other tribes have known your dirty tricks in Isaiah 30:17click these link https://biblehub.com/isaiah/30-17.htmCargo plain with siren gas and thats a misile friends- wandete
USA LEAVE ME ALONE, MFALME WA YAWHODI, YOU WILL BE LEFT ALONE LIKE A FLAG POST LEFT ON A MOUNTAIN TOP, NYAMAU WITH BAD BREATH- JESUS DO NOT WORRY U WID YOUR WIFE IN THE MORNING AND 2GOINVOICE.COM —– Forwarded Message —– From: kevin nelson <[email protected]> To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]> Cc: ruth muga <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019, 7:20:05 PM GMT+3 Subject: click these links bro Boxbe kevin nelson ([email protected]) is not on your Guest List | Approve sender | Approve domain Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again.
Here’s a blog:
No way
112 notes
Q: What advice would you give your fans who are struggling with depression? B: I get it, dude. Understand that things pass, you know? It’ll get worse, also, but it’ll also get better. Like, things get really good but they also get really bad. I feel like a big thing is like, you just can’t know everything. I feel like everybody wants to know the answers to what’s gonna happen and why we’re doing the things we do and where we go and like, you just have to know that you can’t know. Know that you don’t know, know that you can’t know, know that it will be okay but also it won’t be okay. But eventually it will and you’ll stay breathing.
Srap metal SM, smile, shrude manager mathew sixteen MS, matako small, sweet, rabi, rap moi, music, christo, scrapy lil, tribe of levi tol as jeshuran, nuts, mad, insane, shoes, joshua, shoot, smoke, jamesianda, jest as joke- mfalme wa yawhodi- hooliganism.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033757327731&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menu My facebook a/c name is Yuyamathijs Yoshida, get to see this wow and amazing invention, this is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. The woman of status quo were shouting crucify him cause he was letting every tom harry and dick to know how to access money from www.2goinvoice.com- Go and dont tell anyone- goat and sheep parable. The woman of class as rome was also built very fast as in a day- Rd to emaus. Drinking king of the jew the hebrew who loved local brew and had hips crucified him thinking he was the leader of philipins as godliath who devid 4 devol killed, lia is cry-est in swahili, yath is medication or a tree as the log cryst carried to Calvary on his back. Godliath could drink water and drink, the jew thought he was luo by translating what he said as the luo can hurle you down using a magic stick as yath by pointing at you but the bible says he was killed using a sling but big kev says david has a fried who hid who helped him kill goliath using a silencer gun.
yeye ni msichana ma, anawipe rasa na tissue soft mseya kama dem, hata chacho live anasema chali ni kukuwa hardcore, yaani yeye inafa awipe rasa na stone ama paper ya simiti or box hiyo ndimo kuwa chali
beautie bro, niwachie bwana umepumpu sana, echwido ha-enya bwana,jawuolo  ni
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33
Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
Here’s a blog:
Get outta here
#life quotes
#song quotes
735 notes
I thought you had me in prison this whole time, but I’m the one who’s holdin’ the keys
NF – Intro III
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWM3kDT2pwc Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying “Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe”. Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Can someone warn obama wo, midiwoo or warn barack WB warn brothers, wedding banquet parable with their women, the great serpentychus will be hurled down HD in the bible for cheating the world that he is a luo yet cuban and he is 44 yrs yet has lived since the arab settlement in Tanzania. Greatychus with chiniserpents as well. Obama is bursting into rage, being wild knowls warn him. They are looking into amicable ways to kill him because he has resorted to disturbance. Unfair gamblingame UG, uganda, bug, lug, sug, uasin gishu etc Aomawhere, king of the jew, it had spring to confirm accurate weight in elections, measuring the ballot and the ballot papers. Middle of the garden had a stream and a spring next to onding game OG, log, o God, omwaka gilbertockenyatta or ombeva which way. Amonelson with other folks came with the EGG technology among other folks but mondy is trying to build it alone being helped with other folks, he cant do it me, need help from frequent visit to the cyber to forward him the idea in diagrammatic form. They are deceased, dead man. Amberose is a good car, need not to drive it fast but a little bit slow not to fast and folks believe you me their is no stopage if any in the way. Amberose saying while sexing her hit it good boy, fuck good nelson promised her if she give in, i will hit it well girl those are the wordings. Nitahihudumia sambamba yaani tele anasema anatomba kamili hamna mchezo, anatomba mno malaya nelson omondi- kikamilifu hamna jokes, kungethiya, kuzuba, mchesho, kitaratibu wajameni. Ther, taco mit tt keneth saying KS, deuteronomy thirty three, tatu. Ashesheduce mochanda modonje ebox koro amanyo email address mar lorain gi magdalin mond achak shedushing them rapidly saying trevah miano. Nyamwalo temo loso, talking with his left boobs but to no avail, hawamaboys wanajidai eti wanabonga na mbolo zao sasa they resort to belittling big people or grown ups GU, agulu as pot, plateau of tibet, gulu, UG. Amanda be is trying to communicate with her lef booty/buttocks but to no avail resorting to rage. Woe to those who trust on Egypt isiah thirty one TO, togo, tomato, nyanya, danny, grand ma gm, gikuyou men, gold mara/mine, toe, topierka, buttocking, digitol timer dt, dan tribe, crystol. The jew were stuck in Egypt and never wanted to depart because they were learning how to come up or make machines- mfalme were yawhodi and the Egyptians had already known and they wanted to maintain respect mr. If they let them go they could make the same gadget making them less supreme. So moses came with snakes that swallowed their snakes alarting them that machines are made partly by the jesusnake or serpent and they feared and let them go. But luckly enough they learned the jew character of being secretive not going to tell another race on how they come up with the machines to maintain respect the same way they cheat Africans they make those thing yet they got the factory where they can talk sample of people to try to find out on whether they are made or found there. The big question. read my post on facebooks under this name wandeterading ombuorading or kevin monde and get to see my timeline majorly about the fact that that fellow called railamoloding the then prime minister of kenya is but an imporstor and how to make cash via https://account.2go.com/ using you phone loaded with mozila firefox. open many bank a/c and withdraw much funds as you want after connecting each opened card with your different opened paypal a/c. THE actual railamolodinga has a bewitching gap, the big toe is missing as plucked out and thats the first evidence. Let us use BMI matchine, blood pulse sensor, blood group, DNA and RNA eye sensor with the modern smart phones, voice recognition matchine and finger print detector when he is at the podium to arrest this muther-fucker once and for all. Impersonation of the highest degree. Mercedez benz stadium in atl i you look at it you see it built with money collected from the wreckage and bodies of the malaysian  air plain. From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:48:27 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: KHALI CARTEL 2 - KHALIGRAPH JONES & THE GANG (OFFICIAL VIDEO)                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: Erick Okonji <[email protected]> Cc: Deborah Ojuok <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:48:03 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:47:32 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:47:14 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:46:52 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: equitybank <[email protected]> Cc: Erick Okonji <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:43:43 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:43:23 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: coopbankkenya <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:42:50 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:38:40 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: equitybank <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:38:09 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:37:47 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                           From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:37:23 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Wamile wamilele wabaraka ni chako, wabaraka mbolo changu ni chako— hagar changu ni chako. Nakila mtu atatomba dem/wife wake mwenyewe, bele ya bwana na siku hizo zinakuja. Dont came and tell me everyday dat you wanna struggle raila, nomatter what you do with him is up to you, not my problemo. With me my life will be as usual is you who will be affected not me and stop cashing into my every stuff es we aint equal man. Just leave me alone. some songs are paraphrased you just see 4 yourself. Aint real.
0 notes
usedboltsoftware · 4 years
If it was a normal person, i could have grabbed him by the scarf on his neck and match him on his tip toe or put up a fight wid him, if he wants the password i have explained i cut and guessed email address but seems, kinda, they aint normal but abnormal bro
Where did you take the booty woman, to whom to to curb infidelity in mariages
Owner of pullout journal or think twice magazine, read/digest it at your pace
owner of comreds casino, the gamblers paradise
owner of swift air, safe air travel at your comfort
Owner of comreds Hotel, Another world class service is here with you
Nelson And the bandwagon, New Heights New Innovations
You snap shot from the computer screen, if the comp u r using at the local cyber got no dat app then proceed to another.
The more red and acidic the soil is, the more stronger the siren gas and its the 1 found in central kenya or around mt Cameroon, and precisely why the whites entertain these people
The old type of cars or even kaki clothes are made out of dough under the same procedures described above.
Kwani are u caressing kebi ass hole after him taking a shit, why associate him with fece smell, whats wrong bro?
Digital tot machine 4 ya bar, click the link below 4 more drunker
To facilitate “We are geared towards servicing the rich/keeping their legacy“ us bank has incorporated a digital clock outside the bank door 4 u not to be locked out as rich people are time conscious, the difference between them with the poor. Click de link below
Inside the bag wid john the baptist after the step up gives ya 200 v then channel it to this mini 400  welding machine as this will electrocute u more when u touch the shoe lace just like with electric blanket bro. Click the link below 4 more
If kebi gonna infect ya wid dat disease, he must 1st have it which he doesnt have, when taken to hospital to test all contagious diseases he got none, folks ‘’what do u want with him”
Maasai prides themselves in dat they got de national park, the animals can not wear a gas mask but people can. I mean 1 can kill all the animals so they got nothing to pride themselves with bro, they want from ya but not from their side dude. Click the link below 4 more
Where did you take the booty woman, to whom to to curb infidelity in mariages
Owner of pullout journal or think twice magazine, read/digest it at your pace
owner of comreds casino, the gamblers paradise
owner of swift air, safe air travel at your comfort
Owner of comreds Hotel, Another world class service is here with you
Nelson And the bandwagon, New Heights New Innovations
You snap shot from the computer screen, if the comp u r using at the local cyber got no dat app then proceed to another.
The more red and acidic the soil is, the more stronger the siren gas and its the 1 found in central kenya or around mt Cameroon, and precisely why the whites entertain these people
The old type of cars or even kaki clothes are made out of dough under the same procedures described above.
Kwani are u caressing kebi ass hole after him taking a shit, why associate him with fece smell, whats wrong bro?
Digital tot machine 4 ya bar, click the link below 4 more drunker
To facilitate “We are geared towards servicing the rich/keeping their legacy“ us bank has incorporated a digital clock outside the bank door 4 u not to be locked out as rich people are time conscious, the difference between them with the poor. Click de link below
Inside the bag wid john the baptist after the step up gives ya 200 v then channel it to this mini 400  welding machine as this will electrocute u more when u touch the shoe lace just like with electric blanket bro. Click the link below 4 more
If kebi gonna infect ya wid dat disease, he must 1st have it which he doesnt have, when taken to hospital to test all contagious diseases he got none, folks ‘’what do u want with him”
Maasai prides themselves in dat they got de national park, the animals can not wear a gas mask but people can. I mean 1 can kill all the animals so they got nothing to pride themselves with bro, they want from ya but not from their side dude. Click the link below 4 more
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Saturday, April 27, 2019, 11:20:51 AM GMT+3
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Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 2:35:30 PM GMT+3
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obama Voodoo
olivertambodoudenum tumblr name
Incorporate handrill, the mechanic can change the electric motor with battery motor and fix it in his way. The bigger grinder or drill can drive a lorry, bus, caterpillar, bulldozer, train, Folk lift, ship etc. China should stop the cabled drill or grinder production and resort to Handrils to make holes on metals and wood. When obama hears that a fellow has gone to develop world the next day they are in the media- very jealous and plotting something inhuman for other similar fellas.
The sinking ship for example can not be made to sink if water pump its incorporate on the floor of the section that rest on the water. If water gets in to certain level the pump switches on and suck water buck to that position again. The pipe that allows the pump to suck the said water can just be a normal water pipe enclosed at the sucking end but holes made or perforated all through to even suck little amount of water thus ship wrecked is eliminated unless it is hit with an axe or many bullets holes and grenade-launcher holes. Parable of Jesus with little kids, good Samaritan parable. The sucking can be automated like the flush-toilet round ball system. The white man or hindu still comes around put up his head high and want me to notice him.
click these links for more information
The USA has the real mirror and the can use this to generate revenue to their want because its still untapped and many people are eager to see their natural real photos. They can raise revenue with this bro- am saying all this to lock at the loop-holes of not wanting to terminate 2goivoice so the nation can go back to business as usual.
If you get to the combusion chember of a boxer moto-bike or any other with timing chain and you employ your own welding mind on how to fix the charged mini-drill on the upper bigger gear then you are good to go- the bikes just moves/go provided its on a free-position or state. The same applies to auto-mobile you get to the combusion chember and identify the immediate small gear and with the same mind weld a gear like a timing chain with his mouth and attach to the same charged drill or grinder you are good to go- the yatch, boat, lorry, car goes or moves provided its on a free-position. When not in a free-position the grinder or drill inachomeka as blows up. Lost coin parable and mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth of what jesusophiadulolwer ment. It finished venezuela, Nigeria, arab world and any oil producing nation is me david omolo of Kisumu Boys and ku university of kenya saying these things and i haved made so many of these types in amsterdam, Netherland and infact my scooter uses this technology. I dont even use a trace of gas/petroleum- hata kidogo. Sit down with Mr monde and talk about this, its a huge phenomena, not just joking. The OHC written section. You can even remove/goal/towa the speed regulator put it on a long wire and put it on your bike handle to regulate the speed if you wish/wanna- speed regulator SR sheila rando, srikal, sianda Romanians, Russians, Rwandans. The sunk ship had invators, back ups, regulated welding machines to 20 volts imports from china. So many chinis are luos, they had intermarried along time in Mars b4 the green-man brought them here as much as Hindu and Britons. Got luo blood of not listening or being unrelenting, rude and wanting their own with no correction, bad character bro. You can also connect the drill/grinder to the motor-bike battery as external source when its battery runs flat as the bike battery is normally charged the the bike moves so its a two fold phenomena. Be happy folks, smille dudes!!!!!!
Uhuru is sending me to tell monde to receive some cash from him and monde tells me let uhuru leaves him alone even if he is commander in chief, his term just about to expire, let him finish his term and you have seen dont take wazee again back to parliament in the next election. If monde wants to claim a seat he will put it on news paper dude. Let him take his gaysm away, utters monde. Konshens of jamaica in Town if he looks at you, you became sick and if you are the driver you loose control to cause a road carnage. Where are you in jamaica if am lying and the same could apply to obama, sheiala or any other person who changes.- okuche, kisiche, seche is clocks in luo. Remove/towa/goal, goat parable and mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth of christ sentiments.
The people handling food should use latex gloves not bear hand like in Europe and this can earn the nation a lot of money as much as condoms should be sold not free to fund the Goverment. In Brazil kids start early sex at say 19-20 yrs to increase condom usage which adds to the Goverment revenue immensely. Good behaviour, pretenders are the worse dude. They say we are going to loose the next generation yet netherlands and brazil embrased that long before but does better than countries like kenya with strong muslim, christian or African background.
Masai has a bewitching gap on the lower jaw and they are thiefs of illegal tea picking, dont relate me with them and morever on the whoduma number my mother name who adopted me is Younia wandete- do DNA to acertain the damning truth. If you attach someone to people with wrong character they grow wild, old, numb, insane as research has proved. Stop dude.
The plane company like boeng whose wires pass downward on the cargo center can put the same wire to pass up on the passanger side in hard metalic pipes like water pipes as much as on the lauggage center to thwart the manouver of the intruder. On the passanger side let it pass on that metalic bar like the bar on a bus you reach to when getting out or in that can be seen by the crew or passangers period. My tumblr name is Davidomolo and kevinsumbamusocho
M-pesa should sent minimum amount of 1000k to avoid dubious transactions of petty theft period mr Government.
If you can open a FB or tumblr a/c and direct people on it then you attatch the mozilar firefox which is used to withdraw funds on your smartphone as 2goinvoice being the website then you can be forgive and enter the kingdom of God or evade hell fire. Forwarded text- malachi four- who to the people who lord to see the lords day, will not be light but darkness as monde is showing them in Amos five AF, half, raf, surf, Africa, nusu, insane as nuts/mad-chuodho as matope.
Coins are heavy so can sink if a ship is wrecked or a plane fall but with notes they will float or fish will eat them and be discarded, rather liquid cash than online money. We got machines to read between the lines and identify real cash dude.
Pa cyber schools just google friends where a hundred best teachers are taken to teach every topic and sub-topic in each subject and the voice is recorded the way she/he teaches as much as his moves on camera then loaded on the computer, so a student need not to go to school and the report/go to school theory is removed. The student can read in his own bedroom via the computer the same things learnt in class. Google pa cyber classes dude. For quality visibility they use green board and white chalks.
Othero ka-chieth to okasore bwana the likes of obat machoka- chiethero to-ohero gi-mothero kata-simu, mimi naye napenda vitu nene kiasi/kidogo. Nene, see him sh, netherlands, norway, nono is nene in luo, good neighbour with christ.
Wahindiel as goat, mbuzi ya kukata mnazi, goat parable, stupid dont understand keep coming back like you chasing a goat not to drink your water, untill you hurl them with stones to hit that big ass head to make them fall like they got ofafa. Indians got luo blood as much as britons of not wanting to listen. If you partake dried mwarubaine you come to see- jesus with good neighbor parable. E-chiemo- ewiwho bwana gi scrap metal delearship, it should be a county venture- who to the people who longs to see the day of the lord- you can google friends. Okiblo-chieme e-wiya swears kebi confronting the delear who says alluminium is iron which is priced less to alluminium. What a fuck, God-damn motherfucker!!!!!!!!! He has bought all kind of colour suits just hanging on the wall like not aroused dick/penis.
Gondi/petty theft- king of the jewomen and Goat and sheep parable made christ to be crucified and arrested respectively. He was alluding that of kikuyou character when they were in another planet the way they use to build. Like wise uhuru kenyatta has recruited some many people into that act, where they steal small things in your hse that you cant realise and in the end they have been given an M-pesa no to send to and they are told how much collected like every week, making them happy and building central and Nairobi not to mention kisii town. Airtime, spareparts, firewood, utensil, clothes on line, shoes they steal as well using people who transform at night and sell them- bmi can identify that or voodoo as black magics. Malachi four mf- who to the people- to those who change/transfigure like Railamolodingagwambo.
Wacha walami pia wateseke, let them suffer also- its there time, ni time yao. Why buy things from canada imbuing interest again on the whites? Buy from taiwan or korea the same BVR gadgets government.
Obama is around but in a transformed person- into a woman who drives a golden brown allion toyota car, very rude and if he looks at you- you loose consciousness as control to be point of falling. The recent car accidents in kenya is him coming on the other side and widening his eyes on the driver of the coming car making him to loose control thus bringing about road accidents. He needs juju as voodoo. He literally makes you sick that spoils your whole day.
Mrjerkyle my tumblr a/c name- check it out
Jew will rise with solar powered machines like boats which other non-jew are also making. Post war period to reduce the population to increase the per-capita income i think the jew will rise. Get money from 2goinvoice, i think the jew will rise. Solar powered yatch with storage battery which are charged during the day and use at night to span the seas, i think the jew can rise. Malachi four- who to those who long to see the lords day.
When Ethiopia and Ghana are making machines and cars, they say they wanna come to Africa to learn on how to make welded windows, lame excuse- le- yet they were taken to America to learn of the white-man ways and tell us and they have deviated. The only thing they know best in pride with free-gotten things, jealousy, brutal killings and disturbance as claiming this and that and fellows its a big shame.
They constructed pay-pal to send 2 bucks in each opening to the card to make the bank people jealous to block it to protect the
in that it will be very difficult to connect after the bank has connected so its a gamchezo as 2go in luo. With pay-pal you can monitor how many hours it takes for them to credit your card from the time you opened it and just use one card to get money from many pay-pal a/c opened no need to spend much money in opening many bank a/c. When you have traced the hrs from the text they send you within the email you used to open it or after your card has been credited then you disconnect the card from that pay-pal and connect it to another pay-pal a/c you opened keeping in mind that its nearing the same hr the  first a/c was credited and it goes on and on with many cards, given the pay-pal a/c a time span/difference of 20 mins and you can open upto 100 and use the same pasword for all. Dont over-open as it will tired  or confuse you.
My tumblr a/c is Mrmodyvincento
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Dont come up with your own sentiments, dont say i want to occupy this parliamentary or congress seat, it will make the bandits to be on me like nothing else. People wait until the list of all the nominee are printed the be on me, find my name on the print first, folks in a nutshell look first b4 you leap. Think beyond your nose. Revelation five rf, rasa fat, flaby, rev tano RT rasa tychus, tz, togo the root of david who have the discerning spirit of what has happened or what wierd they want to do next after you partake rosted ground nuts gn- road to emaus with christ. If you take the photo of someone who was cut with panga and kinda you know him, by eating njungu you get the picture on the air who that person who cut him, we called it taswira in swahili. Good samaritan,  weed parable, Jesus the rabbi, teacher, cheater, wichita bwana. The cia give such to everyone in the country then by partaking the ground nuts you have the picture of all those responsible for that weird act. My facebook name is kevin monde check it out folks and wandeterading ombuorading Son of david have mercy on us, the demondi posessed man with christo, it was David who killed Godliath as lia is cryeast in swahili not his friend who had a gun who shot him from below or beside or behind now the philistin will be on us, just have mercy on us bro. Nyasayesus, NY is empire state es, yesus. Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
Illegal Tea pickers, stealing tea at night as much as coffee berries liaising with the USA and china as the sinking ship had tea processing unit on it, the chinis feared it could be unearthed liaising with Germany and sunk the demn-fucking ship themselves to avert the unknown not to be known. They pack them in their bags or lias with guys working in the Seychelles or Kenyan factory to bring them their packages to pack and later sell in European, American, Asian markets exorbitantly. They lias with even Indonesians and India where there is ready market out of huge population. Thats the soul reason the Negros wanna be back esp Kenya to do what i have described above liaising with the white-people. Hindu also got their own small processing plant in webuye kenya in house in measure. They wanna buy lands that can grow coffee or tea that dont do better like the outskirts of kisii or kericho coz these tea got more sunshine index and the irony is more succulent and delicious than the ones grown in there exact zones. They wanna put them in Cargo plane plucked or processed and ship the to high price-fetching nations and thats why the hindu and chinis aint ready to vacate or abandon kenya. The gain is immense and huge and needs to be capitalized using other feasible ways like we are kenya- as lies. The reason for cargo plane- ship and got parable to cement the truth. When Tangawizi and tea masala tm are added to tea its wow , joking Mexicans incarcerated with me in Donna anna community detention center in Las cruses, NM as much as whites. Its too delicious but Minnesota sugar is much delicious than kenyan sugar dudes- keep in mind. The luyas are cutting people to create fear of movement in that the tea to be grown in kakamega is much sweeter and tender than the kericho one, the soil needs to rest, it has been cultivated for over a century and its all chemicals out of the fertilizer. Put kamote or voodoo to arrest the illegal tea pickers at night waiting for personal cars to take the loot back home- mostly from nyanza and cost province. Kakamega tea is sweet coz the soil is still virgin as the Seychelles one fetching high prices in fact to much orders has been granted from Arabian world The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. The connection only occurs or can be done at the end of the 5 th hr which the bank bars you from doing by connecting it before you by simply opening a paypal a/c and connecting it a head  of you. Time it even when it hasnt reach exactly 6 th hr, start doing it from the last minutes of the 5 th hr to succeed. Banks does this out of jealousy and two, so that the paypal thing is redundant and you find some money to open another one. Dust is the serpent food with christ. The obama and likes wants the Nigro divas to come to africah, so they go out their way to organise teroristic activity and they use the money gotten to build premises and houses to attract these beauties and two they wanna come and sleep with them this side coz someone like obam when he sleeps with them in americah it will be known and otherwise tint his image or name. Morever Uganda, tz and some kenya divas are organised to sleep with the like of obamacron when they visit africa in that that hotel room morever to pick money- their share. In AU they discus terorism in ther earpiece, should be put to public to hear like in the kenyan parliament currently. These presidents cant steel elections nomore and they will be poor president so the merge and discuss their rich exit bro. This like pulse rate machine, bmi, blood grouping and fingerprints are in place to curb their overstay in power through stealing or rigging of votes bwana, donge joluo, collins uttering in eeh in mshangao, amusement. They have given you headache to the point of wanting to kill you, so if justice want to surface they look at you with kitten like face, the still not relenting wanting you to get into their jig/dance or simply their absurdities. The tribe of simeonelson tos, tossing a coin, tosha, enough has killed so many in his ginger rather anger in genesis 49 or deuteronomy 33. The people who transform and get into his belly, killed them in the stomach, ten minas parable- you can google the chapters above folks. Also through posting nude photos of women in the youtube, for example divasgram and on facebook at his a/c kevinelsonmondy wandeterading ombuorading- the ndethe women in their thongs and showed many people how to get money online through www.bulishtrade.com and www.2goinvoice which is blessing in disguise to the techno-savvy but who uses the free money to sponsor vita/violence and terorism or inter-estates fights like east and west side thing in a mericah. Sponsoring bad boys to literally kill in brutal solidary as to cut with machete/panga or beat up other fellows. The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSxocnIaN0A     click this link bro beside He has given me dick to fuck, i sing to hosana praise the lord, Noel saying within his heart in the bible study, Olimpadul say in soliloquey, he has given me big big booty to be caressed, oh osingo sana praise the lord- the maltitude shouting like kevinelson. Minaj in NY insinuates he has given me bankable and flaby lips to be kissed, osingo sana lets praise the lord, brook singing, he has given me big and nice breast to be touched, ohsingosana lets praise the lord, J-LO saying he has given me good-looking and well comb pussy to be fucked, ohsingosana congregation lets praise the lord and Lords name to be praise. click this link bro beside for King & Country - It’s Not Over Yet (Lyric Video) Minimal cash like payed like bitter medication administered to an infant with that cry and head twisting
mrmonde alternator
Here’s a blog: mydrunkkitchenFollow Nuh uh 706 notes
mrmonde mr moch
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
lesson 11: Generator Excitation System
In the begging satan/devaura gave Godliath power and sent him to create the earth. God is dead philosophy and thats why the jew people wants to kill the root of david because david was the one who killed Godliath whom satan had given power to create whats on earth but not the earth coz it was there but void and without shape. It had no light it was dark. Godliath was given immense power to create the earth the way he wants with everything therein. The hebrewomen changed the bible for Good even blasphemies in deuteronomy were list not one but removed coz people could have not worshiped God but just dwindling on the blasphemy to escape hell. It was error of complete reversal mtu wangu. Adam and Eve deceiver was Raila- worker and vineyard parable- he had luyah/sweet bwana blood as the curse, kamba among others. He had grandchildren and many wives as children so the curse was that he will not die unless beaten or accidents and was extended to his grandsons as well and wives as sons. This was at the epicenter of the middle of the Garden which is the tropical lands tl, the lion, liar or equotorial lands EL, yel at nyandiwa, nyani/monkey haioni kundule which is red at bar kalarediandians in Gem kenya. The monkey took their clothes while they were making love in the dronding- king of the jewomen. Men like women strong, i will make, as the bible promises also israel will rise up just like in south africah the hills have risen up. They were in slavery in egypt 4 400 years so they knew automation and they became indipendent. The jew family includes joseph as french father ff, they gave him women from mars from the hole- many wives, mfalme wa yawhodi, zebulan is buljeria, simba wa yougoslavia with gossips as the lion of judah, dan is luthuolnia, Guard is russia, benjamin is japan, rueben is belgium, asher is finland, isachar is spain, naftali is itali, simeon is siberia etc God curse to adams deceiver was that he will be like snakes meaning there were snakes b4 not that at that time they became snakes. Rod of david ROD as sex they love in revelation five rf, at that time the root of David was one person not a clan or a family. Indians can see what you are seeing at that time but not tomorrow, next week or year. It is fore-boarding spirit of to foretell the future. Sorcerers foretell the future so if so they are socerers as the magi-ikuyou, magicians. In Solomons or davids reign everything was pure Gold so if you love Good things they purpote you are davids root, so by looking they kill you in their game called illuominatea. David was also sharp so they kill the root of david who loves to look at things just like their grandfather to eliminate fully davids roots/mizizi. My posts on youtube are found on the 1st 10 photos of each bar on youtube, i comment going down. you can locate them at these organisations. Google branches of UN and copy paste each on youtube submit and find my posts, psi, igad, icepea, world 20 best hotels, car companies of the world, as well as boats, motor bike, aeroplain, electronic company eg LG, fast foods company of the world eg wendies and spangles, best supermarkets of the world eg walmart, Trump with puttin, may, french president, german chancelor, banki moon and vice versa, tyra banks show, ophra winfrey show, trump meeting asian, North American leaders, african, latin american leaders, EU, ecowas, comesa, minaj, eminem, wiz khalifa, j-lo, beyonce, justin bierber songs, davido, wiz kids, rehanna and diamond songs , churchil raw, live, kevin hurt show among many. Folks get them there incase of my demise. Trump and uhuru meets in washington DC shortly terror attack at riverside nairobi, shortly again obama barracks want to pay east africa a vist, not long enough the money at riverside is gotten in briefcase in central kenya which obama wanted to pocket. They organised terroristic attack in hotel with rich people loaded with cash in their laggages. Same to malaysian air which wesley nolen and his likes managed to bring down, swiss president meets uhuru shortly terror attack in Brussels train transit then he heads to usa to get his share. French president also wanted his share, the money was not fake it was real that was their printing to swindle the public if the truth dawns. They are terrorists same to the kenya post election violence victims who were killed in the bus and wa kenyatta was the planer as insinuated by waki philips tv commission. When 2goinvoice.com is disenebled the huge populated countries like india and pakistan, france, Germoney want to go to war with each other to confuse the public as they cant now feed their ego or population but still wants to maintain their reputation. The rich elites wants to maintain the status quo by eliminating the inteligent poor ip- ipo, hips. This goes as far as siren gas or nuclear war heads. They are still tougheaded, they still want to kidnap me. Within the kid nap they bring corpse so i make jets for them, when i tell them planes uses gas, they withdraw machete wanting to cut me with. Oumamolodingagwambo and his like like witch doctor okota of homa bey. Sophia let me mummor quitely on my food or when am eating, stop being an intruder Ai or stop disturbence. We angunyi moss e-chiemba bwana jawuolo ni rather jawuoro as mchoyo, rd to emaus with christ. Wacha ni ngurume pole pole katika chakula changu, wacha ulafi bwana akweri-donge luo.
Who’s ready for it to be summer? https://www.instagram.com/harto/p/Bved5UMBnuf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pvgvpbkhcn4w
USA LEAVE ME ALONE, MFALME WA YAWHODI, YOU WILL BE LEFT ALONE LIKE A FLAG POST LEFT ON A MOUNTAIN TOP, NYAMAU WITH BAD BREATH- JESUS DO NOT WORRY U WID YOUR WIFE IN THE MORNING AND 2GOINVOICE.COM —– Forwarded Message —– From: kevin nelson <[email protected]> To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]> Cc: ruth muga <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019, 7:20:05 PM GMT+3 Subject: click these links bro Boxbe kevin nelson ([email protected]) is not on your Guest List | Approve sender | Approve domain Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough.
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To: Kevin Nelson <[email protected]>Cc: Ruth Muga <[email protected]>
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 1:51:13 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 1:50:32 PM GMT+3
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 1:49:44 PM GMT+3
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 1:48:58 PM GMT+3
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Kevin Nelson <
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 1:46:00 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <
Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 1:35:16 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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Ruth Muga <
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 9:04:09 AM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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coopbankkenya <
Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 9:03:40 AM GMT+3
Re: my whole bwana
On Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 9:02:56 AM GMT+3, kevinelson mondy <
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kevinelson mondy <
Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 9:02:25 AM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 9:01:54 AM GMT+3
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 9:01:08 AM GMT+3
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Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:37:24 PM GMT+3
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kevinelson mondy <
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:36:48 PM GMT+3
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Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:36:18 PM GMT+3
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Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:35:48 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <
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Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:35:16 PM GMT+3
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kevinelson mondy <
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:34:44 PM GMT+3
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Kevin Nelson <
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:31:35 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:43:34 PM GMT+3
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:42:55 PM GMT+3
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ShebaMiles <
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:42:22 PM GMT+3
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:41:54 PM GMT+3
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:41:26 PM GMT+3
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:40:55 PM GMT+3
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:40:22 PM GMT+3
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:39:45 PM GMT+3
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:39:20 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:38:59 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:38:33 PM GMT+3
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Monday, April 29, 2019, 10:07:23 AM GMT+3
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Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 09:48
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Saturday, April 27, 2019, 11:20:51 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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Ethiopian Airlines <
Ruth Muga <
Saturday, April 27, 2019, 11:20:26 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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Saturday, April 27, 2019, 11:20:11 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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kevinelson mondy <
Saturday, April 27, 2019, 11:19:52 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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Friday, April 26, 2019, 10:20:47 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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kevinelson mondy <
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Friday, April 26, 2019, 10:20:06 AM GMT+3
jew will rise
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Kepak Ochieng <
Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 2:35:30 PM GMT+3
Fw: obama Voodoo
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Kepak Ochieng <
Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 2:34:51 PM GMT+3
Fw: obama Voodoo
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Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 2:33:02 PM GMT+3
Fw: obama Voodoo
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Kepak Ochieng <
Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 2:32:16 PM GMT+3
obama Voodoo
olivertambodoudenum tumblr name
Incorporate handrill, the mechanic can change the electric motor with battery motor and fix it in his way. The bigger grinder or drill can drive a lorry, bus, caterpillar, bulldozer, train, Folk lift, ship etc. China should stop the cabled drill or grinder production and resort to Handrils to make holes on metals and wood. When obama hears that a fellow has gone to develop world the next day they are in the media- very jealous and plotting something inhuman for other similar fellas.
The sinking ship for example can not be made to sink if water pump its incorporate on the floor of the section that rest on the water. If water gets in to certain level the pump switches on and suck water buck to that position again. The pipe that allows the pump to suck the said water can just be a normal water pipe enclosed at the sucking end but holes made or perforated all through to even suck little amount of water thus ship wrecked is eliminated unless it is hit with an axe or many bullets holes and grenade-launcher holes. Parable of Jesus with little kids, good Samaritan parable. The sucking can be automated like the flush-toilet round ball system. The white man or hindu still comes around put up his head high and want me to notice him.
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The USA has the real mirror and the can use this to generate revenue to their want because its still untapped and many people are eager to see their natural real photos. They can raise revenue with this bro- am saying all this to lock at the loop-holes of not wanting to terminate 2goivoice so the nation can go back to business as usual.
If you get to the combusion chember of a boxer moto-bike or any other with timing chain and you employ your own welding mind on how to fix the charged mini-drill on the upper bigger gear then you are good to go- the bikes just moves/go provided its on a free-position or state. The same applies to auto-mobile you get to the combusion chember and identify the immediate small gear and with the same mind weld a gear like a timing chain with his mouth and attach to the same charged drill or grinder you are good to go- the yatch, boat, lorry, car goes or moves provided its on a free-position. When not in a free-position the grinder or drill inachomeka as blows up. Lost coin parable and mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth of what jesusophiadulolwer ment. It finished venezuela, Nigeria, arab world and any oil producing nation is me david omolo of Kisumu Boys and ku university of kenya saying these things and i haved made so many of these types in amsterdam, Netherland and infact my scooter uses this technology. I dont even use a trace of gas/petroleum- hata kidogo. Sit down with Mr monde and talk about this, its a huge phenomena, not just joking. The OHC written section. You can even remove/goal/towa the speed regulator put it on a long wire and put it on your bike handle to regulate the speed if you wish/wanna- speed regulator SR sheila rando, srikal, sianda Romanians, Russians, Rwandans. The sunk ship had invators, back ups, regulated welding machines to 20 volts imports from china. So many chinis are luos, they had intermarried along time in Mars b4 the green-man brought them here as much as Hindu and Britons. Got luo blood of not listening or being unrelenting, rude and wanting their own with no correction, bad character bro. You can also connect the drill/grinder to the motor-bike battery as external source when its battery runs flat as the bike battery is normally charged the the bike moves so its a two fold phenomena. Be happy folks, smille dudes!!!!!!
Uhuru is sending me to tell monde to receive some cash from him and monde tells me let uhuru leaves him alone even if he is commander in chief, his term just about to expire, let him finish his term and you have seen dont take wazee again back to parliament in the next election. If monde wants to claim a seat he will put it on news paper dude. Let him take his gaysm away, utters monde. Konshens of jamaica in Town if he looks at you, you became sick and if you are the driver you loose control to cause a road carnage. Where are you in jamaica if am lying and the same could apply to obama, sheiala or any other person who changes.- okuche, kisiche, seche is clocks in luo. Remove/towa/goal, goat parable and mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth of christ sentiments.
The people handling food should use latex gloves not bear hand like in Europe and this can earn the nation a lot of money as much as condoms should be sold not free to fund the Goverment. In Brazil kids start early sex at say 19-20 yrs to increase condom usage which adds to the Goverment revenue immensely. Good behaviour, pretenders are the worse dude. They say we are going to loose the next generation yet netherlands and brazil embrased that long before but does better than countries like kenya with strong muslim, christian or African background.
Masai has a bewitching gap on the lower jaw and they are thiefs of illegal tea picking, dont relate me with them and morever on the whoduma number my mother name who adopted me is Younia wandete- do DNA to acertain the damning truth. If you attach someone to people with wrong character they grow wild, old, numb, insane as research has proved. Stop dude.
The plane company like boeng whose wires pass downward on the cargo center can put the same wire to pass up on the passanger side in hard metalic pipes like water pipes as much as on the lauggage center to thwart the manouver of the intruder. On the passanger side let it pass on that metalic bar like the bar on a bus you reach to when getting out or in that can be seen by the crew or passangers period. My tumblr name is Davidomolo and kevinsumbamusocho
M-pesa should sent minimum amount of 1000k to avoid dubious transactions of petty theft period mr Government.
If you can open a FB or tumblr a/c and direct people on it then you attatch the mozilar firefox which is used to withdraw funds on your smartphone as 2goinvoice being the website then you can be forgive and enter the kingdom of God or evade hell fire. Forwarded text- malachi four- who to the people who lord to see the lords day, will not be light but darkness as monde is showing them in Amos five AF, half, raf, surf, Africa, nusu, insane as nuts/mad-chuodho as matope.
Coins are heavy so can sink if a ship is wrecked or a plane fall but with notes they will float or fish will eat them and be discarded, rather liquid cash than online money. We got machines to read between the lines and identify real cash dude.
Pa cyber schools just google friends where a hundred best teachers are taken to teach every topic and sub-topic in each subject and the voice is recorded the way she/he teaches as much as his moves on camera then loaded on the computer, so a student need not to go to school and the report/go to school theory is removed. The student can read in his own bedroom via the computer the same things learnt in class. Google pa cyber classes dude. For quality visibility they use green board and white chalks.
Othero ka-chieth to okasore bwana the likes of obat machoka- chiethero to-ohero gi-mothero kata-simu, mimi naye napenda vitu nene kiasi/kidogo. Nene, see him sh, netherlands, norway, nono is nene in luo, good neighbour with christ.
Wahindiel as goat, mbuzi ya kukata mnazi, goat parable, stupid dont understand keep coming back like you chasing a goat not to drink your water, untill you hurl them with stones to hit that big ass head to make them fall like they got ofafa. Indians got luo blood as much as britons of not wanting to listen. If you partake dried mwarubaine you come to see- jesus with good neighbor parable. E-chiemo- ewiwho bwana gi scrap metal delearship, it should be a county venture- who to the people who longs to see the day of the lord- you can google friends. Okiblo-chieme e-wiya swears kebi confronting the delear who says alluminium is iron which is priced less to alluminium. What a fuck, God-damn motherfucker!!!!!!!!! He has bought all kind of colour suits just hanging on the wall like not aroused dick/penis.
Gondi/petty theft- king of the jewomen and Goat and sheep parable made christ to be crucified and arrested respectively. He was alluding that of kikuyou character when they were in another planet the way they use to build. Like wise uhuru kenyatta has recruited some many people into that act, where they steal small things in your hse that you cant realise and in the end they have been given an M-pesa no to send to and they are told how much collected like every week, making them happy and building central and Nairobi not to mention kisii town. Airtime, spareparts, firewood, utensil, clothes on line, shoes they steal as well using people who transform at night and sell them- bmi can identify that or voodoo as black magics. Malachi four mf- who to the people- to those who change/transfigure like Railamolodingagwambo.
Wacha walami pia wateseke, let them suffer also- its there time, ni time yao. Why buy things from canada imbuing interest again on the whites? Buy from taiwan or korea the same BVR gadgets government.
Obama is around but in a transformed person- into a woman who drives a golden brown allion toyota car, very rude and if he looks at you- you loose consciousness as control to be point of falling. The recent car accidents in kenya is him coming on the other side and widening his eyes on the driver of the coming car making him to loose control thus bringing about road accidents. He needs juju as voodoo. He literally makes you sick that spoils your whole day.
Mrjerkyle my tumblr a/c name- check it out
Jew will rise with solar powered machines like boats which other non-jew are also making. Post war period to reduce the population to increase the per-capita income i think the jew will rise. Get money from 2goinvoice, i think the jew will rise. Solar powered yatch with storage battery which are charged during the day and use at night to span the seas, i think the jew can rise. Malachi four- who to those who long to see the lords day.
When Ethiopia and Ghana are making machines and cars, they say they wanna come to Africa to learn on how to make welded windows, lame excuse- le- yet they were taken to America to learn of the white-man ways and tell us and they have deviated. The only thing they know best in pride with free-gotten things, jealousy, brutal killings and disturbance as claiming this and that and fellows its a big shame.
They constructed pay-pal to send 2 bucks in each opening to the card to make the bank people jealous to block it to protect the
in that it will be very difficult to connect after the bank has connected so its a gamchezo as 2go in luo. With pay-pal you can monitor how many hours it takes for them to credit your card from the time you opened it and just use one card to get money from many pay-pal a/c opened no need to spend much money in opening many bank a/c. When you have traced the hrs from the text they send you within the email you used to open it or after your card has been credited then you disconnect the card from that pay-pal and connect it to another pay-pal a/c you opened keeping in mind that its nearing the same hr the  first a/c was credited and it goes on and on with many cards, given the pay-pal a/c a time span/difference of 20 mins and you can open upto 100 and use the same pasword for all. Dont over-open as it will tired  or confuse you.
My tumblr a/c is Mrmodyvincento
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Dont come up with your own sentiments, dont say i want to occupy this parliamentary or congress seat, it will make the bandits to be on me like nothing else. People wait until the list of all the nominee are printed the be on me, find my name on the print first, folks in a nutshell look first b4 you leap. Think beyond your nose. Revelation five rf, rasa fat, flaby, rev tano RT rasa tychus, tz, togo the root of david who have the discerning spirit of what has happened or what wierd they want to do next after you partake rosted ground nuts gn- road to emaus with christ. If you take the photo of someone who was cut with panga and kinda you know him, by eating njungu you get the picture on the air who that person who cut him, we called it taswira in swahili. Good samaritan,  weed parable, Jesus the rabbi, teacher, cheater, wichita bwana. The cia give such to everyone in the country then by partaking the ground nuts you have the picture of all those responsible for that weird act. My facebook name is kevin monde check it out folks and wandeterading ombuorading Son of david have mercy on us, the demondi posessed man with christo, it was David who killed Godliath as lia is cryeast in swahili not his friend who had a gun who shot him from below or beside or behind now the philistin will be on us, just have mercy on us bro. Nyasayesus, NY is empire state es, yesus. Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
Illegal Tea pickers, stealing tea at night as much as coffee berries liaising with the USA and china as the sinking ship had tea processing unit on it, the chinis feared it could be unearthed liaising with Germany and sunk the demn-fucking ship themselves to avert the unknown not to be known. They pack them in their bags or lias with guys working in the Seychelles or Kenyan factory to bring them their packages to pack and later sell in European, American, Asian markets exorbitantly. They lias with even Indonesians and India where there is ready market out of huge population. Thats the soul reason the Negros wanna be back esp Kenya to do what i have described above liaising with the white-people. Hindu also got their own small processing plant in webuye kenya in house in measure. They wanna buy lands that can grow coffee or tea that dont do better like the outskirts of kisii or kericho coz these tea got more sunshine index and the irony is more succulent and delicious than the ones grown in there exact zones. They wanna put them in Cargo plane plucked or processed and ship the to high price-fetching nations and thats why the hindu and chinis aint ready to vacate or abandon kenya. The gain is immense and huge and needs to be capitalized using other feasible ways like we are kenya- as lies. The reason for cargo plane- ship and got parable to cement the truth. When Tangawizi and tea masala tm are added to tea its wow , joking Mexicans incarcerated with me in Donna anna community detention center in Las cruses, NM as much as whites. Its too delicious but Minnesota sugar is much delicious than kenyan sugar dudes- keep in mind. The luyas are cutting people to create fear of movement in that the tea to be grown in kakamega is much sweeter and tender than the kericho one, the soil needs to rest, it has been cultivated for over a century and its all chemicals out of the fertilizer. Put kamote or voodoo to arrest the illegal tea pickers at night waiting for personal cars to take the loot back home- mostly from nyanza and cost province. Kakamega tea is sweet coz the soil is still virgin as the Seychelles one fetching high prices in fact to much orders has been granted from Arabian world The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. The connection only occurs or can be done at the end of the 5 th hr which the bank bars you from doing by connecting it before you by simply opening a paypal a/c and connecting it a head  of you. Time it even when it hasnt reach exactly 6 th hr, start doing it from the last minutes of the 5 th hr to succeed. Banks does this out of jealousy and two, so that the paypal thing is redundant and you find some money to open another one. Dust is the serpent food with christ. The obama and likes wants the Nigro divas to come to africah, so they go out their way to organise teroristic activity and they use the money gotten to build premises and houses to attract these beauties and two they wanna come and sleep with them this side coz someone like obam when he sleeps with them in americah it will be known and otherwise tint his image or name. Morever Uganda, tz and some kenya divas are organised to sleep with the like of obamacron when they visit africa in that that hotel room morever to pick money- their share. In AU they discus terorism in ther earpiece, should be put to public to hear like in the kenyan parliament currently. These presidents cant steel elections nomore and they will be poor president so the merge and discuss their rich exit bro. This like pulse rate machine, bmi, blood grouping and fingerprints are in place to curb their overstay in power through stealing or rigging of votes bwana, donge joluo, collins uttering in eeh in mshangao, amusement. They have given you headache to the point of wanting to kill you, so if justice want to surface they look at you with kitten like face, the still not relenting wanting you to get into their jig/dance or simply their absurdities. The tribe of simeonelson tos, tossing a coin, tosha, enough has killed so many in his ginger rather anger in genesis 49 or deuteronomy 33. The people who transform and get into his belly, killed them in the stomach, ten minas parable- you can google the chapters above folks. Also through posting nude photos of women in the youtube, for example divasgram and on facebook at his a/c kevinelsonmondy wandeterading ombuorading- the ndethe women in their thongs and showed many people how to get money online through www.bulishtrade.com and www.2goinvoice which is blessing in disguise to the techno-savvy but who uses the free money to sponsor vita/violence and terorism or inter-estates fights like east and west side thing in a mericah. Sponsoring bad boys to literally kill in brutal solidary as to cut with machete/panga or beat up other fellows. The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSxocnIaN0A     click this link bro beside He has given me dick to fuck, i sing to hosana praise the lord, Noel saying within his heart in the bible study, Olimpadul say in soliloquey, he has given me big big booty to be caressed, oh osingo sana praise the lord- the maltitude shouting like kevinelson. Minaj in NY insinuates he has given me bankable and flaby lips to be kissed, osingo sana lets praise the lord, brook singing, he has given me big and nice breast to be touched, ohsingosana lets praise the lord, J-LO saying he has given me good-looking and well comb pussy to be fucked, ohsingosana congregation lets praise the lord and Lords name to be praise. click this link bro beside for King & Country - It’s Not Over Yet (Lyric Video) Minimal cash like payed like bitter medication administered to an infant with that cry and head twisting
mrmonde alternator
Here’s a blog: mydrunkkitchenFollow Nuh uh 706 notes
mrmonde mr moch
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
lesson 11: Generator Excitation System
In the begging satan/devaura gave Godliath power and sent him to create the earth. God is dead philosophy and thats why the jew people wants to kill the root of david because david was the one who killed Godliath whom satan had given power to create whats on earth but not the earth coz it was there but void and without shape. It had no light it was dark. Godliath was given immense power to create the earth the way he wants with everything therein. The hebrewomen changed the bible for Good even blasphemies in deuteronomy were list not one but removed coz people could have not worshiped God but just dwindling on the blasphemy to escape hell. It was error of complete reversal mtu wangu. Adam and Eve deceiver was Raila- worker and vineyard parable- he had luyah/sweet bwana blood as the curse, kamba among others. He had grandchildren and many wives as children so the curse was that he will not die unless beaten or accidents and was extended to his grandsons as well and wives as sons. This was at the epicenter of the middle of the Garden which is the tropical lands tl, the lion, liar or equotorial lands EL, yel at nyandiwa, nyani/monkey haioni kundule which is red at bar kalarediandians in Gem kenya. The monkey took their clothes while they were making love in the dronding- king of the jewomen. Men like women strong, i will make, as the bible promises also israel will rise up just like in south africah the hills have risen up. They were in slavery in egypt 4 400 years so they knew automation and they became indipendent. The jew family includes joseph as french father ff, they gave him women from mars from the hole- many wives, mfalme wa yawhodi, zebulan is buljeria, simba wa yougoslavia with gossips as the lion of judah, dan is luthuolnia, Guard is russia, benjamin is japan, rueben is belgium, asher is finland, isachar is spain, naftali is itali, simeon is siberia etc God curse to adams deceiver was that he will be like snakes meaning there were snakes b4 not that at that time they became snakes. Rod of david ROD as sex they love in revelation five rf, at that time the root of David was one person not a clan or a family. Indians can see what you are seeing at that time but not tomorrow, next week or year. It is fore-boarding spirit of to foretell the future. Sorcerers foretell the future so if so they are socerers as the magi-ikuyou, magicians. In Solomons or davids reign everything was pure Gold so if you love Good things they purpote you are davids root, so by looking they kill you in their game called illuominatea. David was also sharp so they kill the root of david who loves to look at things just like their grandfather to eliminate fully davids roots/mizizi. My posts on youtube are found on the 1st 10 photos of each bar on youtube, i comment going down. you can locate them at these organisations. Google branches of UN and copy paste each on youtube submit and find my posts, psi, igad, icepea, world 20 best hotels, car companies of the world, as well as boats, motor bike, aeroplain, electronic company eg LG, fast foods company of the world eg wendies and spangles, best supermarkets of the world eg walmart, Trump with puttin, may, french president, german chancelor, banki moon and vice versa, tyra banks show, ophra winfrey show, trump meeting asian, North American leaders, african, latin american leaders, EU, ecowas, comesa, minaj, eminem, wiz khalifa, j-lo, beyonce, justin bierber songs, davido, wiz kids, rehanna and diamond songs , churchil raw, live, kevin hurt show among many. Folks get them there incase of my demise. Trump and uhuru meets in washington DC shortly terror attack at riverside nairobi, shortly again obama barracks want to pay east africa a vist, not long enough the money at riverside is gotten in briefcase in central kenya which obama wanted to pocket. They organised terroristic attack in hotel with rich people loaded with cash in their laggages. Same to malaysian air which wesley nolen and his likes managed to bring down, swiss president meets uhuru shortly terror attack in Brussels train transit then he heads to usa to get his share. French president also wanted his share, the money was not fake it was real that was their printing to swindle the public if the truth dawns. They are terrorists same to the kenya post election violence victims who were killed in the bus and wa kenyatta was the planer as insinuated by waki philips tv commission. When 2goinvoice.com is disenebled the huge populated countries like india and pakistan, france, Germoney want to go to war with each other to confuse the public as they cant now feed their ego or population but still wants to maintain their reputation. The rich elites wants to maintain the status quo by eliminating the inteligent poor ip- ipo, hips. This goes as far as siren gas or nuclear war heads. They are still tougheaded, they still want to kidnap me. Within the kid nap they bring corpse so i make jets for them, when i tell them planes uses gas, they withdraw machete wanting to cut me with. Oumamolodingagwambo and his like like witch doctor okota of homa bey. Sophia let me mummor quitely on my food or when am eating, stop being an intruder Ai or stop disturbence. We angunyi moss e-chiemba bwana jawuolo ni rather jawuoro as mchoyo, rd to emaus with christ. Wacha ni ngurume pole pole katika chakula changu, wacha ulafi bwana akweri-donge luo.
Who’s ready for it to be summer? https://www.instagram.com/harto/p/Bved5UMBnuf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pvgvpbkhcn4w
USA LEAVE ME ALONE, MFALME WA YAWHODI, YOU WILL BE LEFT ALONE LIKE A FLAG POST LEFT ON A MOUNTAIN TOP, NYAMAU WITH BAD BREATH- JESUS DO NOT WORRY U WID YOUR WIFE IN THE MORNING AND 2GOINVOICE.COM —– Forwarded Message —– From: kevin nelson <[email protected]> To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]> Cc: ruth muga <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019, 7:20:05 PM GMT+3 Subject: click these links bro Boxbe kevin nelson ([email protected]) is not on your Guest List | Approve sender | Approve domain Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33
click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. My email is [email protected] and pasword is southafrica12 If you got some money and not going to church the church pastors search for you and the pay other folks to facilitate their agendas like boda boda riders, the beat you up and the next somebody the have sent to you by meeting tells you christ things so you channel your way to church in that your life will change, people wont follow you. After you visit the church they tell the same folks the sponsor to slow down on you, so you stop to witness such occurrence and your friends and children will follow suit to attract others to church. The want your offering plus your wife and kids, thats why they ask you, u aint married yet to add more money to their bucket as tiths and offering. Abraham wanted to kill Isaac coz he took church offering he left on the stone alter. The recovery email is [email protected] for the email named above. Ruto behind kevins beating, the fellow who help beat him up was a huge dude not the one who is a round- malachi five- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Museveni kaguta mk, mkora, mkate, matako kenyatta as well is behind this, matako kalenjins. I eat is in you hse you insinuate, kendo nagoyo madongo, nilikuwa nakula kubwa kubwa, sema chenye unataka rose, and presicely partly is the reason why am supply and somehow fat as healthy, tum gimidwalo, nega kiero. Folks are you sure if you kill big kev, you will get his things, it amounts to absolute nothing if you dont manage to withdraw him his with pulse rate machine in mind, bmi and blood group after his death. It will only benefit you if you can delete his shit in facebook which he has disenabled by using an email address he know not, just guessed a long one at the time of opening say a long biological word as phylumcodatachiropractor and added some numbers by dialing the number sections on the keyboard at a/c opening time without looking and submit and the fb a/c was opened and with password he copy pasted a word in fish ferming in agentina which he knows not, so after signing off he cant get back to that a/c as per the reason laid above. Click these links below bro about fish farming in argentina or just google it https://www.truthfinder.com/?utm_source=BINGNTF&traffic[source]=BINGNTF&utm_medium=search&traffic[medium]=search&utm_campaign=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[campaign]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f:ARGENTINA+FISH&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=ARGENTINA+FISH&s2=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&s3=&s4=&s5=&traffic[funnel]=tf&traffic[sub_id]=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[s2]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&msclkid=df198d0369c9139a66dcd1879a91b029 Ad-Aware SecureSearch https://www.truthfinder.com/?utm_source=BINGNTF&traffic[source]=BINGNTF&utm_medium=search&traffic[medium]=search&utm_campaign=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[campaign]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f:ARGENTINA+FISH&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=ARGENTINA+FISH&s2=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&s3=&s4=&s5=&traffic[funnel]=tf&traffic[sub_id]=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[s2]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&msclkid=df198d0369c9139a66dcd1879a91b029  The password rest within these word b4 adding some numbers without seeing, or he just pressed rapidly. Please BE CAREFUL this the password he pested adding 345 with other two numbers. https://lavasoft.gosearchresults.com/?sbtn=&q=fish+farming+in+argentina+&tt=VM__GS__S4LAVA__vmn__webcompa__1_0__go__ch_WCYID10427__190216__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 https://lavasoft.gosearchresults.com/?sbtn=&q=fish+farming+in+argentina+&tt=VM__GS__S4LAVA__vmn__webcompa__1_0__go__ch_WCYID10427__190216__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 kkkk The get into the same plane for example boeng 777, they get into the basement at JKIA and they are tought how to cut wires with plies that if are connected makes the plane fall. These people transform into rodents and again in the laggage center transform to people to cut the said wires, the likes of raila, another sheila who fell from US navy ship now with redened eyes, and susan who owns a pub in ksm. They fell the 1st malaysian air, the red bus from western to Nairobi snd now the Ethiopian air liasing with indians, uhuru, obama, museveni and ruto in the mix among many other individuals. How do i know folks? If you know the named above, if you got some rapport with them, if you partake big brown ground nuts, by looking at the picture of the accident, for example the ethiopian airways on the net, you see the whole drama plus those who planned it on air, just like an alcoholic sees his own things when drunk but to you is real. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Nigros are the ones responsible for all these coz they promise these people love by saying they are this and that tribe. This push the tribe to get money in anyway possible to the point of committing crime. They go to the point of saying they wanna come back making these fellaz zealous. This is two fold, the want these people to be killed to reduce the population for them to come and enjoy or build for selected divas hotel, house and premises to please them. The french, norwergians, Germans, britons, spanish knows clearly which part of the earth they got these people from and history is bold enough to tell us the whole occurence but they will be rude and not accept, so at the end of the day is the white man. Arabs were also there b4 so they can clarify where the nigros were got- goat parable, church you can google please. Luya also share the brunt, they know how to get money online at http://www.2goinvoice.com and the software at weed weed ww cyber and how to connect paypal a/c with bank a/c at the last minutes of fifth hr from the time the card was given to you, not one card but many cards as much as junior a/cs who the lion of judah tribe in genesis 49 got that name from but still working for wahindi even after some of them have done that, evident by their resignation from hindu hard jobs and buying their own tuk tuk and motor bikes. The ones who are still working can enquire from those who have resigned and leave working for the hindu so that they get other indians like them to work for them, even people watching premiere leagues should stop coz they are facilitating money loundring as those matches are payed with the invoice cash, the officials get money from the a/c and thats what they do in their offices all day long- i mean they have been targeted. Ethiopia and Malaysia annihilate these motherfuckers, cutthroat dogs, know nothing but priding themselves people, people who dont liesten, whose backs are bents as prophet isiah pi says let their backs be bent forever in the biblia.He gets into someone who is traveling to Ethiopia or malaysia and the get to that plane whom they want to fell inside someone who also changes as them and when the plane lights put off the change to rodents at the back seat, get that pliers or bomb in the laggage and fell the plane but with them they are safe out of transforming into rodents hidding in a coolar or the black box waiting to be saved, they can even change to fish and swim. With BMI matchine do not forgive them as the bible says. They even operate people who they have organised travel 4, and put bomb inside the bell the likes of raila plays with it by hidding it more when the felled is being scanned at the entrance or at the way leading to boarding the plane. He takes it to the spinol cord, back coz the sensor sense the sides and front more, but when you move as getting off the matchine, they talk to him and move it towards the belly so it is not detected. The luos have became terorists. The uk, france, usa, italy should have a go slow as standstill in their operations as their economy is driven via 2goinvoice. These fellas have been target as they have been given daily 2goinvoice target to withdraw from, i.e the fifa officials. Let the plane have bright lights on the laggage center to bar these fellas who change from transfiguring or let welding machine be incorporated and the wire emanating from the matchine be zigzaged allove the laggage unit to electrocute these individuals, let the feaces fall to the air not getting into the sewer chamber of the plane in the cargo carrying unit. They use the lavarate to flash gadgets down and that someone down gets into the chamber and gets it. Let that be abolished. As a passanger boarding the plane, let your legs be fitted with a scanner or sensoring gadget so you dont change as it will be known. The rule of the thumb is those who change are not partaker of sour things st, soda should be administered in the airpoart to see those who cant drink sour solution so that the gadget to be fixed on them to avoid transfiguring at night in the plane for other purposes unknown to us, for example the fanta soda can do that. They even use match box size drills gotten from neel deep hardware in ksm to perforate holes into the gas cylinder to fall the plane- the hindu and the British and precisely thats why they brought them in East Africa. After the plane falls the money gotten is used to buy players at English premiership. Who to those who trust in Egypt in the book of isiah and i will humble Egypt in the book of Jeremiah and Ezekiel who was kierehere. The dashboard section of the plane ought to have hard wires so the likes of raila dont cut them with pliers to confuse the pilots leading to plane loosing control then crushing and should as well be fitted with cameras, not to mention the luggage side to see who is there and going on- king of the jew beside incorporating whigh voltage wires to electrocute those who transfigure. Who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in malachi four. When this is put in place fellas you wont hear of rampant plane crush pc- pier cianda, chinis, cynthia, collins, pagamum church etc. African countries should not operate planes, e.g, kenya, uganda, tz airways among many other poor nations because they are curious but not engineers at all, they scrutinize the plane which in other-way makes it not safe for travel hence planes fall. They wanna know more about the the plane crush. The aero-plane company e.g, rolls roy, boeng, air bus should not sale planes but operate these planes in every nation en themselves to avoid scrutiny and plane crush or just simply such happenings or occurrences. Plane companies should talk the next day in the media but when the ground crew puts cut hack saw somewhere down there and then tell the changer where is located to use it to cut wires that leads to the pilot sector to fall the plane. To me its a cartel and with my explanation the deal has gone sour. When the money in the plane surpasses the money which was used to buy the plane even three times, what is the loss folks to the company and at the same time benefit to the beneficiaries of the deceased as the will be compensated as much as when the plane is insured we will get new plane. What is Mr trump? Stop laughing when something is critical or looking in the news paper by the photos you have taken as if looking in owe or amusement, as if your deal has gone sour or that someone has hit a mega jackpot and you want to share in his happiness. Friends, pro-act, send missiles to stipa in ksm where they partly train people to fall planes. When one is a terrorist he lacks respect, look at you directly in the eye until you vanish and his eyes on the upper eye lids curves up like wanting to form a triangle. That how they are known. Morever terorists kidnap people without proper reasons and when truth surface they deviate in their reasoning. World reduce electricity to 50 volts for houses to thwart AE technologis coz people are testing 120V-250V motors. Flouresent and energy saver uses between 30-50 volts, Radio and TV uses 24v as much as laptops. Why cant we reduce electricity to 50 volts. Well how will fridge work or cooker let them be fitted with step up transformer to transform 50 volts to maybe 120V or 250V then this pride will vanish, believe me you fellas. People should not be killed but funded, many got big idea in later years if you kill them early like they wanted to kill Nelson Monde, you wount have heard all these. So killing people is white man idea to rob the earth more knowledge and so that the killed people spirit hovers around and help them locate what other dedicated fellas are up to. Look like a child stop looking at someone in the eye all through like you disrespect him or he has known your bad side or deeds. Kenya is rich they say, picture your car with you and they locate its price these side and how much money can do in Africa, stop all these silly scrap. But dont just buy a fake care and take photos with it giving Africans hope that you are that side and we are these side and we got nice cars than you then America is just good in TV. Developed world should crush cars which look like for the poor period. Indians add women period to sources, UN and KEBS should pro-act. Shoes inside got something like half size hack saw glued inside the soul- shindiyo. EHH-vivyo hivyo-donge omera. The USA leaving Venezuela coz now there is nothing in that country which they were upto out of AE technologies in kevin monde facebook a/c, view using your phone as well as arabia world and they have realize all kev is saying is in youtube and he has well provided the gmail a/c he used to comment on youtube and the pasword as well as the recovery option. Now they cant kidnap him coz he removed the phone number. Sonko is giving toy market 5 million coz he twitted me its over and blocked and he cant stand to see that happening, i mean he is ready to die and he is using that platform to tell the world something as well as wa kenyatta potraying indirectly how kikuyou are criminal with him he is malagasian. How do we know folks? By their small, tiny teeths. The women whose body was chopped into parts in Eldoret, i dont know kitale was cut by power saw ps by asenol who is a tuitor in taxi business among many others- just eat ground nuts and see the complete picture by looking at that incident on youtube or newspaper provided you know the culprits. Atm should be fitted with BMI to avoid bank theft or the bank ought to buy pulse rate machine as well as bmi to identify its customers. When they kill all of your next of kin, the bank has a holiday to share your money if they manage to kill you. A software should be provided to enable you check the money online and you can post it on facebook or twitter for friends to find if that money has been withdrawn in-case of your demise. It should just be there even if you die a natural death, the government either should not take it as bond coz also them can kill ya. French president has come to collect his share of the ethiopian air as to the ksh 20M of harambe stars. Check the newspaper fellaz.Hellen rasta wazungus as much as barry of highway and now Australia were part of the plot as much as hindu to induct the luos on how to fall the boeng plane so that its customers shift attention to Europe. Macron Emanuel twitted me that, he is partly Hindu, he sees what you are seeing at the same time not an hour later or tomorrow. How can they give you blue carpent treatment while stile serving then they left you in owe- the salary minimal utters obamaitchel. We must do anything under the sun or we must go out our way to get mone as money.
mrmonde mota  
See how power is produced using a motor and a stator as well you can click the down link to get the complete picture. https://themysteriousworld.com/top-10-largest-fast-food-chains-in-the-world/ https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 As we you can google or youtube “How power is produced using an electric motor and a car alternator/stator” https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033757327731 My facebook a/c name is Yuyamathijs Yoshida, get to see this wow and amazing invention, this is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. The woman of status quo were shouting crucify him cause he was letting every tom harry and dick to know how to access money from www.2goinvoice.com- Go and dont tell anyone- goat and sheep parable. The woman of class as rome was also built very fast as in a day- Rd to emaus. Drinking king of the jew the hebrew who loved local brew and had hips crucified him thinking he was the leader of philipins as godliath who devid 4 devol killed, lia is cry-est in swahili, yath is medication or a tree as the log cryst carried to Calvary on his back. Godliath could drink water and drink, the jew thought he was luo by translating what he said as the luo can hurle you down using a magic stick as yath by pointing at you but the bible says he was killed using a sling but big kev says david has a fried who hid who helped him kill goliath using a silencer gun. I have hanged my motors and stator at my bad hse to u, with you you are rich u live in stone hses. Google from the net how to generate stima using a motor or a stator and make one 4 yourself. Why do you want a poor bragard to do it 4 u. Do it do it by yourself bro leave the poor alone with christ jesus. Google martin luther king speeches, quote and sermons and well as malcom x and leave me alone bro. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Everyone will be left alone in one way or another. Not only usa or india or white people or luo as the other tribes have known your dirty tricks in Isaiah 30:17click these link https://biblehub.com/isaiah/30-17.htmCargo plain with siren gas and thats a misile friends- wandete
USA LEAVE ME ALONE, MFALME WA YAWHODI, YOU WILL BE LEFT ALONE LIKE A FLAG POST LEFT ON A MOUNTAIN TOP, NYAMAU WITH BAD BREATH- JESUS DO NOT WORRY U WID YOUR WIFE IN THE MORNING AND 2GOINVOICE.COM —– Forwarded Message —– From: kevin nelson <[email protected]> To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]> Cc: ruth muga <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019, 7:20:05 PM GMT+3 Subject: click these links bro Boxbe kevin nelson ([email protected]) is not on your Guest List | Approve sender | Approve domain Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again.
Here’s a blog: billieblueeyelish No way fallen-happiness 112 notes
Q: What advice would you give your fans who are struggling with depression? B: I get it, dude. Understand that things pass, you know? It’ll get worse, also, but it’ll also get better. Like, things get really good but they also get really bad. I feel like a big thing is like, you just can’t know everything. I feel like everybody wants to know the answers to what’s gonna happen and why we’re doing the things we do and where we go and like, you just have to know that you can’t know. Know that you don’t know, know that you can’t know, know that it will be okay but also it won’t be okay. But eventually it will and you’ll stay breathing.
mrmonde sm  
Srap metal SM, smile, shrude manager mathew sixteen MS, matako small, sweet, rabi, rap moi, music, christo, scrapy lil, tribe of levi tol as jeshuran, nuts, mad, insane, shoes, joshua, shoot, smoke, jamesianda, jest as joke- mfalme wa yawhodi- hooliganism.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033757327731&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menu My facebook a/c name is Yuyamathijs Yoshida, get to see this wow and amazing invention, this is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. The woman of status quo were shouting crucify him cause he was letting every tom harry and dick to know how to access money from www.2goinvoice.com- Go and dont tell anyone- goat and sheep parable. The woman of class as rome was also built very fast as in a day- Rd to emaus. Drinking king of the jew the hebrew who loved local brew and had hips crucified him thinking he was the leader of philipins as godliath who devid 4 devol killed, lia is cry-est in swahili, yath is medication or a tree as the log cryst carried to Calvary on his back. Godliath could drink water and drink, the jew thought he was luo by translating what he said as the luo can hurle you down using a magic stick as yath by pointing at you but the bible says he was killed using a sling but big kev says david has a fried who hid who helped him kill goliath using a silencer gun.
yeye ni msichana ma, anawipe rasa na tissue soft mseya kama dem, hata chacho live anasema chali ni kukuwa hardcore, yaani yeye inafa awipe rasa na stone ama paper ya simiti or box hiyo ndimo kuwa chali
beautie bro, niwachie bwana umepumpu sana, echwido ha-enya bwana,jawuolo  ni
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33
Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
Here’s a blog: alwaysfckdupinsideFollow Get outta here #quotes#life quotes#music#song quotes#quoteoftheday#musicians#song#lyrics#life#relatable#nf735 notes
I thought you had me in prison this whole time, but I’m the one who’s holdin’ the keys
NF – Intro III
mrmonde hehe  
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWM3kDT2pwc Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying “Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe”. Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Can someone warn obama wo, midiwoo or warn barack WB warn brothers, wedding banquet parable with their women, the great serpentychus will be hurled down HD in the bible for cheating the world that he is a luo yet cuban and he is 44 yrs yet has lived since the arab settlement in Tanzania. Greatychus with chiniserpents as well. Obama is bursting into rage, being wild knowls warn him. They are looking into amicable ways to kill him because he has resorted to disturbance. Unfair gamblingame UG, uganda, bug, lug, sug, uasin gishu etc Aomawhere, king of the jew, it had spring to confirm accurate weight in elections, measuring the ballot and the ballot papers. Middle of the garden had a stream and a spring next to onding game OG, log, o God, omwaka gilbertockenyatta or ombeva which way. Amonelson with other folks came with the EGG technology among other folks but mondy is trying to build it alone being helped with other folks, he cant do it me, need help from frequent visit to the cyber to forward him the idea in diagrammatic form. They are deceased, dead man. Amberose is a good car, need not to drive it fast but a little bit slow not to fast and folks believe you me their is no stopage if any in the way. Amberose saying while sexing her hit it good boy, fuck good nelson promised her if she give in, i will hit it well girl those are the wordings. Nitahihudumia sambamba yaani tele anasema anatomba kamili hamna mchezo, anatomba mno malaya nelson omondi- kikamilifu hamna jokes, kungethiya, kuzuba, mchesho, kitaratibu wajameni. Ther, taco mit tt keneth saying KS, deuteronomy thirty three, tatu. Ashesheduce mochanda modonje ebox koro amanyo email address mar lorain gi magdalin mond achak shedushing them rapidly saying trevah miano. Nyamwalo temo loso, talking with his left boobs but to no avail, hawamaboys wanajidai eti wanabonga na mbolo zao sasa they resort to belittling big people or grown ups GU, agulu as pot, plateau of tibet, gulu, UG. Amanda be is trying to communicate with her lef booty/buttocks but to no avail resorting to rage. Woe to those who trust on Egypt isiah thirty one TO, togo, tomato, nyanya, danny, grand ma gm, gikuyou men, gold mara/mine, toe, topierka, buttocking, digitol timer dt, dan tribe, crystol. The jew were stuck in Egypt and never wanted to depart because they were learning how to come up or make machines- mfalme were yawhodi and the Egyptians had already known and they wanted to maintain respect mr. If they let them go they could make the same gadget making them less supreme. So moses came with snakes that swallowed their snakes alarting them that machines are made partly by the jesusnake or serpent and they feared and let them go. But luckly enough they learned the jew character of being secretive not going to tell another race on how they come up with the machines to maintain respect the same way they cheat Africans they make those thing yet they got the factory where they can talk sample of people to try to find out on whether they are made or found there. The big question. read my post on facebooks under this name wandeterading ombuorading or kevin monde and get to see my timeline majorly about the fact that that fellow called railamoloding the then prime minister of kenya is but an imporstor and how to make cash via https://account.2go.com/ using you phone loaded with mozila firefox. open many bank a/c and withdraw much funds as you want after connecting each opened card with your different opened paypal a/c. THE actual railamolodinga has a bewitching gap, the big toe is missing as plucked out and thats the first evidence. Let us use BMI matchine, blood pulse sensor, blood group, DNA and RNA eye sensor with the modern smart phones, voice recognition matchine and finger print detector when he is at the podium to arrest this muther-fucker once and for all. Impersonation of the highest degree. Mercedez benz stadium in atl i you look at it you see it built with money collected from the wreckage and bodies of the malaysian  air plain. From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:48:27 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: KHALI CARTEL 2 - KHALIGRAPH JONES & THE GANG (OFFICIAL VIDEO)                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: Erick Okonji <[email protected]> Cc: Deborah Ojuok <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:48:03 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:47:32 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:47:14 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:46:52 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: equitybank <[email protected]> Cc: Erick Okonji <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:43:43 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:43:23 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: coopbankkenya <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:42:50 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:38:40 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: equitybank <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:38:09 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                         —– Forwarded Message —–               From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:37:47 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                           From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:37:23 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Wamile wamilele wabaraka ni chako, wabaraka mbolo changu ni chako— hagar changu ni chako. Nakila mtu atatomba dem/wife wake mwenyewe, bele ya bwana na siku hizo zinakuja. Dont came and tell me everyday dat you wanna struggle raila, nomatter what you do with him is up to you, not my problemo. With me my life will be as usual is you who will be affected not me and stop cashing into my every stuff es we aint equal man. Just leave me alone. some songs are paraphrased you just see 4 yourself. Aint real.
Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying “Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe”. Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Aomawhero kevin weighting machine should be use as a confirmatory weight after the electronic weighing machine has been used to avoid overweight or underweight, i mean being unscrupulous. Aumalaya as raila, obamango, where do we go Martin Luther king was alluding, referring directly and jesus with the Road to Emmaus, Romans from romania. Whero is singing in luo- king of the jew. Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
Here’s a blog: stuffeilishFollow Vamoose this #icons#billie eilish#coachella#twitter#layout#pack#psd#camila cabello#justin bieber#selena gomez#khalid#ariana grande#lady gaga#icon model#random#girl#when we all fall asleep where do we go#lisa#rose#jisoo#jennie#bts#blackpink#kpop#avocados312 notes
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mrmonde wewe
you take that meat stew or beans soup you pour on that white face of his, hicho michele, yaani rice. unamwaga kwa hicho sura nyeupe chake, e-olo ewiyeno jokanyama then kijiko just plough it out throwing it into your damn mouth. They fall sometimes the plain after monitoring how many people have carried liquid cash in the bags and brief case. They do this in far deep seas they collect the cash floating on their bags on water then cheat the folks they are looking for black box. They use the likes of Raila who transform to rodents or insect to monitor the luggage caring money. And this is done so that the plain company gets new order and the insurer pays to benefit the plain owners and the family of the deceased to benefit. The plain company can stop its operations just like the GM company. My friends if you don’t know you better know.
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They want the money withdrawn from countries next to Syria not pay the military but taken back to the economy so pulling up the forces to the usa so turkey take over coz right-now there economy is huge out of the fact they have known massively to make electronic and mechanical gadgets. They saves their ass or their military budget, they shift some burden to upcoming nations. How do we know a city is built with floatsome and jetsome of fallen plains, like ny or atl if you take a glance at the city skyline in a flash you see like the plain hitting one of the tall buildings just like it hit world trade center few years back. Even ships they sink link Titanic to get the cash. Friends you have never heard that the money in the plain has been returned but the black box returned yet the cash is also in the box as brief case- they take that cash. People should be burred from boarding plains with huge cash lest they fall the plain with small drones that move without proper sound. They track the plain itinerary b4 they fall them.
Mercedez benz stadium in atl i you look at it you see it built with money collected from the wreckage and bodies of the malaysian  air plain. Wamile wamilele wabaraka ni chako, wabaraka mbolo changu ni chako— hagar changu ni chako. Nakila mtu atatomba dem/wife wake mwenyewe, bele ya bwana na siku hizo zinakuja. Dont came and tell me everyday dat you wanna struggle raila, nomatter what you do with him is up to you, not my problemo. With me my life will be as usual is you who will be affected not me and stop cashing into my every stuff es we aint equal man. Just leave me alone. some songs are paraphrased you just see 4 yourself. Aint real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8LcBTREyitKBD6FCEZcMRQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0FmV9Z3ENA ssHe is fishmael hagar son in galatians four GF Girl friends, Grand father, guinea fowl, Gay france, finland. He is very fishy Magdalin when you have prepared the soup make sure from the serving bowl you grab that fish which seem to be hard to grasp or cath in the water by his fins and with your teeth cut that fishy mouth out. Click the link below folks for full picture!! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+4&version=NIV Anasema eti anampenda niki kama panti au siruali na tako, she loves minaj like the panty grabs the booty or booty with the panty and minaj has not realised yet. Minaj please realise the essence of time. Rose when kev is feeling her inside or below she gives in to crying as much as murmuring or morning which i comprehend not saying in luo yawa mit kodi, mit yawa, tamu repeatedly. Kevin saying that nikey booty belongs together, they are always two he has never seen one alone, they are together always. Do not say later that i dint love you cz what i have can start up a nation, i mean be a country’s foreign exchange. Truth be told am be the richest man around but you know what do not come up running unto me, thou will not accept you later. If its not now then never minaj. I hope the bullet has not catch up with that booty or gotten hold of it as i hear. This the time to show me love and reciprocate mi love for you lest you find me in another woman’s arms bursting forth not into laughters but to morning as she feels the intermittent thing, its being corrosives not softness. In mi arms she screams again minaj when am giving it to her that ought to be you, how will you feel girl? Roni asking, hiyo tenje ni gani? Kevin saying ni Lg na ni knowls, alicia keys ni JVC, cole ni Diskman ya philips, Minaj ni be the man with the base sony, Brook in Soni mini- hifi system inaliya kwel kweli ask amani. Evans asking na fargi? Fargi ni samsang but braxton Aiwa inachuna kweli kweli huku matwita zikiwika piya ndani yake. I love panasoni which is coco, i gives you the perfect sound at every corner of the house as much as home theater. Tiana is a sound bar mounted with a flashdisk, satisfy your needs as much as Tinashetani. Yeye, him akon song everyone sings in the estate as they walks, if you send a young chap what an old person insinuates, he tells you the same- Ahero sex nyiere as the tune. Click the link below man for full information. Don take my kindness for weakness kevin asking Nigro women. Knowls and her likes answering we wont take your kindness for weekness. Click the link below folks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMyyxek50DE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB-lW6fJIlU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJktxI6tzOo There are two women in the streets those in love with kevin nelson and can not get him because aman needs one woman at a time and those who hate him because they are jealous to have or own him alone and they cant, I mean they hate a man with many woman and one woman with kevinelson as evident is not a possibility. In-fact he is too weak in bed that he should take all of his mandibles and start eating or take her boobs out and start feeding upon them to add him the pumping strength. I will cut you into pieces/fishes, ablongadi matindotindo nikukupata na baby wa mine, take heed wasee. Ero wach/maneno mit edhogi, words are sweet in your mouth to me am a man of few words, a cold man not talkative. Pumping like never was i promise girl. The AE technology that is used to make Sosa, the parable of the sower TS, the swedish, swissnakevin, sianda etc The green man Gm used saucer to bring the aliens like the luo, luya to earth out of their disturbance- i have come to create division as Christ says. The white people where waiting some one to explain fully how the Sosa works so they can return the aliens back not killing as it can bring curse on them. It will be built like a prism, like a rocket, corn shaped and can move on both side, it gets to the north pole next to rusia, if its going to pluto it goes downwards and if it goes to Venus or mercury it goes upwards with the seats people sits can rotate once the individual has tighten his seat-belt. The irony is the higher you go the cooler it becomes and the downer you go it becomes hot, so based on this philosophy Venus is cooler as compared to satan or pluto. What you hear the white folks are telling you that mercury is hot while Satan is cold is just a hoax to delude you from ultimate truth, just lies. This is a wake up call to the luo, kikuyou you are digging your own grave, i mean nelson is a thorn in the flesh to you. This purely what was being waited for and thats the beautiful thing guys. Kev huyo dem akijipa, piga kupiga, usijali mtu wangu, usisite mzeya- ngeli ni  kupiga kupiga kk sawa mtu wahs. Latoya whats wrong with Robinson even if it means sex? What has she done or upto “ask Latoya” Kevin saying she cries as if she has been stubbed by a knife and she is dying the next minute. Wajamani analiya ni kama kwamba amedungwa na kisu- motho ywak deadly. “Kenny saying” Minaj am completely full cf and what is remaining or the only thing remaining is me to visit our toilet OT, what about you nikey? Amani hawa watu wanataka nini, what do they want with me? “Amani” Wanadhani matako yako ni soft na laini, ni kama kwamba they want to strip you, or matako yako ni kubwa kwa thog you have just hidden them in your baggy trouser. “Kevin” Thats utter stupidity man, hiyo ni ujinga, mimi ni chali, am a guy who sleeps in chali style, looking up Lu-ocifer. Owhoma aka Raila amolo, is following me as if he does not know his next meal or aint sure for food, looking for what to eat bursting into rage. Go for screp metal SM and sell dude wacha fitina, stop being lazy BL, blow job, big lips, booty luo, llithuania, blunder etc Nikey get this straight, this your boy aka nelly, alias mondy, also called kevinelson that charismatic man and he is there for you waiting like never before What we want is kids who can survive both good and hard-times no single sided SS, SWEET, slow sex. African foods AF, baf, chaf, raf, saf . the white folks want to destroy the black genes BG- booty greeks, gergians, big gums etc- they are jealous as in they want to give agikuyou name so that folks are inclined to them out of the new found fuel or oil- beautiful black women love money and thats its but we got artificial insemination mark you my-a, think twice- look before you lip. Mya mbolo changu haitachapaa wewe, forget about rumours girl, will not cane you. Row row your boat gentle down the streem, merily merily merily merily life is about a dream- mochanda, odera my new boat, catch, while nikey my new catch in lake michigan, brook in lake salina, ks rather superior not ontario. Mahewa kwa hiyo crib, loud music magdalin, maisha ni sambamba, good girl GG, goal goal, game gina, georgian games. Hike the volume please mariah carey- dont you know i love you. Spare me that- mya rebuking- kevin saying KS- wanna love you up my ladies. Take it cool, i mean easy- you got not just a man but a motivator beside you. My thing is polite, but sometimes rude when rebuke- not young in the game- kikuyouth but mature and old- si mchanga but angali msoo, yaani mkubwa kwa game- get this straight keyshia!!! Get me on this email: [email protected], confirm phonenumber with that mail please. Obama barrack OB, comboa, save or stop thing stupid act, running a cartel on bullish where you pay them some money out of the profit gotten from the money deposited then you give them a little commission.So seem the bulishtrade a/c is closed so they are wild at me not knowing its made or designed that way to create fear on your side. It is not you that should always be happy when receiving but when you loose you became bitter. When you win its good when you loose its a pyramid scheme. It brings the truth on both sides. So you want to come to Kenya to meet your folks- stop killing people, obamadareraila, same as trumputtin- fuck you. Your daughters got no man or nigro,i can be one to save their desperation. Nikey,miayadirer was found beaten out of what he has explained above-babe save me girl, dont leave me in this mess girl. Always i will be there for you, every-time by your side and love you in any way you want or desire, baby girl dont leave me hanging, get this straight girl- one blood and forever in your arms. Just like you killed muamar gadafi MG the same indictment falls on you if you dont stop this bull-shit. Miaka tano sasa but my thing ijakuwa disected or katika au digested nitamwacha soon huyou dem. My thing is digested or dissected ni her thing wajamani. Read all my only two posts my friends. Girl i will give it my best shot BS- bur sianda, my best trial BT.The match between me and maya starts off next sunday, we are going to inaugurate that chemistry, i mean rekindle that love, make it official, folks i men the game will open up on sunday. With me an just eating my ground nuts one by one, i mean bits by bits no streess or stressing out and on my table a little bit of coffee mixed with lemon fully ready for that fateful night. Love and hip- hop before they went to the graveyard was gilbart ombeva as young joc folks- search that name on your FB. Am eating the groundnuts moja kwa moja but sometimes mbili kwa mbili but not tatu kwa tatu. Maya incase of distress between us do not give some-else the job girl- i will rectify my mishaps. The dimba, play will be live live and will kick off as usual or planned friends. Steve oburu of KIM college and works at tuff foam mall was Raila in on tuesday newspaper. Check the teeth structure folks. Go to the factory and check for him no keeping on saying am that or this and you know well his residence or working ground, needs New anchors to end this stupid malpractice or impersonation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQzqbpkJlTo King of the jew- authentic, ther as vagina you know each race, keys, pakistan was goshen, costerians were taken to kenturckey by portugues, fucking, aumalindi, mang, obamalaya as Raila was kilema-uma, uncapacitated as limpimg, jesus and little children, oumafi, faces not faces used to make metals converted by the devil- lost coin parable. LAS cruces, chicken come home to roost, rumours, rumo-finished, malizwa- mfalme wa yawhodi, owhoman, nani in swahili, moses, sex, ngono, ngotruok time mochanda, wajamani fanya haraka, houses, senye as vagina, boxes spoils your mind stay away from them. Magdalin nyathini- matako yake ni kubwa nikama amechukuwa tabiyako- be sianda ne yom kama yako yawa. Mwone vile anatazama kama mochanda- ameuwa kuwa prostitute, nitakuchapa nikuchereze usipowacha hayo. Mfundishe magdalin. Blinking light BL booty lover made christo to be jailed he said indirectly that the egg should have it on top of houses for indentification and is one of the greatest invention in history. Bl big legs, lips, britons lips, booty latvian, lithuania, lozi, luo, luya, ludaites etc Blow job BJ, baba jesus, joseph, james, air blower etcJEW, few, every ward, empty wallet meaning poor and agikuyouclaim to be rich, engineering works ew and they claim to know business like madness in the wilderness not promised land PL pink lips with mfenesianda lives in nairobi, naivasha, nakuru, narok- they are gidionights loving walking in the night or prostitutes, twilight girls TG, the gikuyou etc. For them to be rich they must kill each other to share the welth and live good like 2-pac says they kill each other, kich is nyukikuyou, bee, wannaibee in nairobi, so they will rice as bible says through the discovery of oil which nelly G electric generating gadget has finished and they want to confiscate it to patent it to be rich but time is the essence, to little to late man. Now am in the process of eating my groundnuts, nakula tu njuguu na nyim nyim or sim sim ss zangu mos mos yaani pole pole, haki ya mungu nitampandilia wajamani mimi si kilema vile brook anadhani- am not todler when it comes to sex or an infant or incapacitated am fit and am jumping my friends. Sunday itakuwa mechi between me and hanah. “Nikey” kevin will you lick my ass hole i have looked for such? “Kevin” Hell no minaj? “Nikey” Then you are not a man enough for me, i will vacate and leave you for another man immediately- you are one and a half man for me. “Kevin” You mean it, you will boot me “Minaj” Hell, yes. Not Gayesus “Kevin” Fuck that lie nikey G. I will employ any tactic under the sun to encounter his ways or maneuvers, i mean i will go out my way or my reach to come up to a solution or dismantle him DH, dho hindu, haiti, hangary. The other women will incline that thing to me at reflex, right angled position RAP, raila, raisi, easy, president, yot or obtuse angle and they will transcend the pomp like you gave me the other night. Rabii is teacher, wichiter, cheater, western seanda, teanda, seacheles, teathonia divasifolia TD, the dutch, devolandana, aketch as wild sunflower. Mechi between me and maya is wednessday, the game, fight between me and my miya not Mrr jemsianda MJ, mango jew, my japanis, jokes, military jets etc, game itakuwa ana kwa ana, moja kwa moja mzeya. Nimehaidi, i swear as promise, i have made a vow, i will stuck there, nitakwamiliya, i will not leave easily, i will be rude in that area, sturborn and i gurantee you that girl, no jokes NJ, nitakuwa rudeboy as far as loving you is concerned babe, in swahili it says i will be kichwa ngumu KN- knowls, knowledge, kevinelson, kichwa ndogo as small mind sm shrude maneja in mathew sixtin ms, matako sweet, sawa, swedishona, swisswana or minute mind mm maji matamu as juo, luo, tuo as sickevin. I swear nitajikakamua kisoap, kisabuni, i will pull up my socks as sex is concerned sic-k, tuo, i mean nitafanya jitihada, babe hardwork, i mean being industrous. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word “booty or buttocks” My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… Please read in full all my first six post- got the damning truth.Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza. Someone pricking your sianda- spys, somene hitting you Shy-lock Minaj, if i find one messing with my girl, from dust he came to dust he will return, i mean i will employ every resource within my reach to make sure he goes to his grave early. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word “booty or buttocks” My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. He looked exhousted as if the vigina is finishing or has finish him, Ke please pull up your socks- jitahidi, jikakamua kisoap, kisabuni. An agikuyou just approach me and told me nelly their is no point to suffer in kenya, lost of job in developed world which are paid under the table. Just get into our cartel, we control the JKA so after we change you to the point of fitting a porch or a brief case you go to the usa or europe without incuring any cost of airticket. We place you there work those jobs when they are there but give us half of your pay come back and put it in online shares, bulishtrade or start your own business. This a big thing without doubt thats how nairobi is built or mombasa, we are really reaping from it, wish we recruit every kenyan who is willing. Message to developed world to curb this malpractice or menace, every person finger print or voice recognition should be taken and confirmed before the work is assigned. click this link. Get money online GMO We have a huge client base of upto 5 hundred thousand clientele and recruit massively daily, i mean upto 200 such people everyday- we call them go-getters. Our client base is big, we mean that folks. http://www.bullishtrade.com/ Kevinelsonmondy Ombuorading Wandeterading obama coming for adeal- toyota, hindi, usa killed this fellow mistakenly as much as the luo and kikuyou. Guys where are you at amons funeral, want to use people- forget man. PS peace summit, prodigol saviour, pier sianda, sweet, swedishona, somali, swisswana, polish, peru sianda, snitch, stupid etc pier tamu pt, pis talk, pier tychus.Mochanda unaletesha gemchezo, na pia naletesha mchezo NM, nikey minaj, minesota, mt nebo, mama neddy, nelson, matako nebraskanamibians, nigerianorwergians. The fightugo iko tight with me girl and i guarantee you that it will be the dawn of you new happines with satisfaction guaranteed leave that poor boy who pride himself but when visting the pit latrine he diarrhea like a worn out motor bike which is being repaired, Get off his mosquito chest and small nasty arms. I will never let you go or down- this goes to my girl minaj. click this link…. https://www.youtube.com/watch… Game itakuwa always tight i promise, ngumu sana NS, nelsonorwegian sianda, not snitch, snake, slow, songs etc. My skills i guess are somehow suparb after years of training. Skyls ya game SYG-araila as cigarate.Seduction mission SM, smile, sianda mongolians, mathew 16 shrude manager SM, smote, smile, seduction campaign SC, scores, sugar caneth, sean combs, sean cutter, sianda chinis, colombians, somali, swedishona, swana cianda, snake, snitch colo, chinis etc KFC- kevin furking ciara, kenyatta, keneth, kenedy fucking chinis, colombians, kenturkey fried chiken, cheese. click this link folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch… Class affirm with me, kaposis sacoma KS utacoma, kevin snitch, songs, snake, swedishona, swana, serpent, slow, kitungu saumu as ugalic, olictigah, nigah, bat, hand, buttockevin- got medication. Please knowls give it an round of applause. Nikey, brook V your hagar needs ISO certification they are polite , goodlooking and has respect. ESP nikey is hangarian according to my thersis. Wine for me brook, nikey, dance for me coz your booty now is bubbling bubling BB, bible, wife s bibi, wise, is wiggling wigling WW white women, wwf, world war, wenye wivu as WW. Hagah yako inahitaji sifa, recognition, it seems you eat to much french fries FF, figure fucking, fish firming, figure fucking, french fries like luckey to to spreed and grow the buttocks, its like they are awaiting to burst, girl dont eat much- am leting you know, if you dint know. Dot eat much, reduce your cholosterol intake babe. Chebukatea fight CF-C, cianda fat, finish, french, cianda fucking, colombian fucking. Luo fallen short fs FAT SIANDA, FRENCH sianda, snitch as nmuch as kikuyou dont have their women of such so they burst into dire anger DA-la, cianda not like uganda, TZ, jamaica got their own women.The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. needs a nobel peace price in oslo; electric generating gadget EGG, tong, kata, divide, amicable soluotion AS, assembl plant, mayai,yath, trees, medication, dawa, dust, dutch, luodaite, dynamore, dark, Parable of the worker & the vineyard- dont i have the right to do what i want with my own fucking life? They do wired things hoping to come up with invention not knowing these things are devols work, and they are found in parts- parable as christ insinuates CI-anda. The white man cheat people with religion so that folks do not wake up- jesus with belzabub, if engineering works EW is satans work SW-ara, then how can you come up with innovation? Guys if you wanna live follow me. click these linkevin https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=niniola+song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh0dp8C6UZQ https://www.youtube.com/results…Our suffering OS, Hosana, God, mungu, yahwe- weyesuna, mosquito disturb.click these links for more details- https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/allactivity… How to generate stimaowhoma that fully eliminates gasolin. Parable of the net TN, ten nill, the negev, nigros. Vinyard parable VP, valdmir puttin, very poor, vagina poa, vice president. Worker parable WP wilo, winyo pier. Owhoma was a cook, cookiing king of the jew and serving people sp in fort jesus aka raila, right to do with my life mathew or luke 20. The least shall serve you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsRVkN5IbQ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EDiqCoRkuQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQWHKI4jo5k I beg of you and you denied, i mean you dint give it to me, you stuck with it, which kind of game, play, jokes, jest is that? scratch my back and i scratch yours is the rule of the thumb, is the channel.Give it to me and i will reciprocate back twice as much as you give me tonight. But babe tonight am really feeling your touch, wamth, your love- i mean am really feeling you. https://www.jumia.co.ke/jumia-tv-mania/… https://www.kilimall.co.ke/ am in deep shit of uncooth and brutal cutting by machete or panga from the kenyan govt, thats why am writting for support. And i magine christ apeared to me when i was kidnaped. He had big body BB, big battocks BB, small teath with spaces like he was from comoros, seacheles or malagasy or marry had that blood- really no one can believe, He emanated from the wall and showed me alot through body language. Believe me, tsunami in japan, india, britain and earthquake in nairobi as who to that city built on the hill. am editing and posting on my fifth post from this post or the fourth and the fifth post after this one out of security concerns that’s why am not posting up. Check it out!!!I got so many emails because g mail keeps changing your password of the already signed up email giving you difficulties the next day. So many people desire uniform password for all their logging’s but this is enmity to Yahoo and G mail. Stay out of this, let them hack my email- am better off. Get me on this mail- [email protected]. Levi as kevi to help you- no God like him in deuteronomy thirty tree DTT, donald trump, devol, david time, digitol time, the thuol, transformer, transfiguration, truth, tibet- when what you hide has been unearthed, known- how machines are made and you are poor, Jew, empty wallet, exactly, extremely white and genesis forty nine FN fating, fat nelson- stitch in time saves nine SN, snow, sianda nelson, father, frends, finish, french nelson. We call him jeshuran, jest jokes, joshua eight, Jestugo, mchezo, game, ran is mad, nuts, insane, groundnuts for discerning spirit ds, devol signs, iran was part of Egypt after darelocation out of torential rain, lost coin parable, kikuyou lower teath. The innovation still gets to you becouse kenyans cant make the accessories of making an egg, still you will make it and sell, open up you eyes- strong again economically after patenting it. Ciara is walking hurriedly on that song ft missy eliot, ME, mfalme as if she was cooking corpse and left it over the cooker but something has crossed her mind that maybe is burning or water almost drained and the neighbour maybe have been alerted by the odour or smell, so she is going to check and control the happening. The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza.uma is folkevin. MY barclays bank a/c was closed so no one can tell me to go and get money there- how stupid is that folks? 2go invoice also changed logging style from code sent to the phone no just to password, so it forces you to known the incumbent email address to close the a?c opened under your name. Its now futile even if you know the phone number PN, pier nelsonigerians etc just like paypal was also changed not to get into the phone line PL but jus a password. PL, pink lips, pantha leo as simba wa youdah. sianda, shida jamaicans SJ, satan jachien, shida joseph, james, jokes, johns, snake jesus, shoot, shot joseph, jeshuran, joshua etc. Most nigerians artists are ugandans due to small bodies as nigerians are heavly built, this is a plan of artificial insemination AI, accurate information or child transfered to a nation under kaguta govt to lure the world that they are nigros to get fever if oil has been overtaken as UG sing good in africah than any other country as congo. obama, trumpulin bullishtrade account frozen so they want deal, omondil to fix the reality show RS, ras swedishiona, swisswana, somali etc. DR-C congo has vast resources inclusive of food but nigeria, sudan, namibia is 80% driven fuel economy and fuel has been overtaken by Electric generating gadget EGG, tong as amicable soluotin AS, matako, chienyuma. Nigros ont claim even allegence to east africah because that fuel is now redundant, think outside the box or twice. my phone no is 0737505306 but the previous was 0718467657 which i was using in my logings which was hacked at my paypal account. click these links for more infor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwQsp71PYlw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSnkWzZ7ZAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVrEigYJiQg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCUllMTf2uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyleICWPZ6U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNXTu6T20n8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bPjsDcPHks Mfalme wa yawhodi.. oniala, alabama, alamarks, mc donald ireland, ala is God, alcatel charger strong, serikal as goverment, alovera, mwarubaine etc Click this link: http://www.aptuspower.com/Default.asp https://www.youtube.com/watch… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKT8_kbwdUA tarujhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=glen+washington+mix+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8eytBBDxkI Class tunga sentensi ukitumia neno “ Hagar”… Manzi wangu wa hagar aliniacha kidogo tu before kuhagar dunia. He looks at me stranded-Minaj says MS- msoto, poor- as if his manhood is being eaten a way or the vagina is swallowing, grinding his small thing ST, st tychus, stranded, startor, story as if the vagina is winning his thing reducing the size of his thing.Judges, joshua, james, john, james Eight JE-st, jestugo, mchezo, play, valley of jehoshaphat, kijeli is irony, jelly. Genesis, Gidions Eight GE, Gelectrics, gemchezo, generatoration, gem stone GS, good samaritan, greekevin, gikuyou, german, guyan society, gay songs, society.
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muslim philosophy to leave using tissue
If you got to be a Muslim to wipe your ass you got to do some exercise, you bent your second finger from the thumb like making a square between the first 2 bent then after you have taken a shit you scoop kinda the remains of the fecal matter then you dont rinks with water but take water with your hands like you wanna drink and hurl into the ass-hole to clean so that you dont sprinkle water on your booty mixed with fices/mafi to smell or stink fice. And in a dark place if you got some corps of animal if you do that you hear the cracking sound like a wrapped polythene bag is being open meaning they are being converted to machine and machines are made that way. No jokes folks.
 hope message Women takes a little time to get it, take a little time x2- to get it, just have that in mind even if am a freek in sheets.
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Subject: click these links bro
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Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from
. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight.
I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down.
Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde.
Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is
and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Dont come up with your own sentiments, dont say i want to occupy this parliamentary or congress seat, it will make the bandits to be on me like nothing else. People wait until the list of all the nominee are printed the be on me, find my name on the print first, folks in a nutshell look first b4 you leap. Think beyond your nose. Revelation five rf, rasa fat, flaby, rev tano RT rasa tychus, tz, togo the root of david who have the discerning spirit of what has happened or what wierd they want to do next after you partake rosted ground nuts gn- road to emaus with christ. If you take the photo of someone who was cut with panga and kinda you know him, by eating njungu you get the picture on the air who that person who cut him, we called it taswira in swahili. Good samaritan,  weed parable, Jesus the rabbi, teacher, cheater, wichita bwana. The cia give such to everyone in the country then by partaking the ground nuts you have the picture of all those responsible for that weird act. My facebook name is kevin monde check it out folks and wandeterading ombuorading Son of david have mercy on us, the demondi posessed man with christo, it was David who killed Godliath as lia is cryeast in swahili not his friend who had a gun who shot him from below or beside or behind now the philistin will be on us, just have mercy on us bro. Nyasayesus, NY is empire state es, yesus.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is
and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. The connection only occurs or can be done at the end of the 5 th hr which the bank bars you from doing by connecting it before you by simply opening a paypal a/c and connecting it a head  of you. Time it even when it hasnt reach exactly 6 th hr, start doing it from the last minutes of the 5 th hr to succeed. Banks does this out of jealousy and two, so that the paypal thing is redundant and you find some money to open another one. Dust is the serpent food with christ. The obama and likes wants the Nigro divas to come to africah, so they go out their way to organise teroristic activity and they use the money gotten to build premises and houses to attract these beauties and two they wanna come and sleep with them this side coz someone like obam when he sleeps with them in americah it will be known and otherwise tint his image or name. Morever Uganda, tz and some kenya divas are organised to sleep with the like of obamacron when they visit africa in that that hotel room morever to pick money- their share. In AU they discus terorism in ther earpiece, should be put to public to hear like in the kenyan parliament currently. These presidents cant steel elections nomore and they will be poor president so the merge and discuss their rich exit bro. This like pulse rate machine, bmi, blood grouping and fingerprints are in place to curb their overstay in power through stealing or rigging of votes bwana, donge joluo, collins uttering in eeh in mshangao, amusement.
They have given you headache to the point of wanting to kill you, so if justice want to surface they look at you with kitten like face, the still not relenting wanting you to get into their jig/dance or simply their absurdities. The tribe of simeonelson tos, tossing a coin, tosha, enough has killed so many in his ginger rather anger in genesis 49 or deuteronomy 33. The people who transform and get into his belly, killed them in the stomach, ten minas parable- you can google the chapters above folks. Also through posting nude photos of women in the youtube, for example divasgram and on facebook at his a/c kevinelsonmondy wandeterading ombuorading- the ndethe women in their thongs and showed many people how to get money online through
which is blessing in disguise to the techno-savvy but who uses the free money to sponsor vita/violence and terorism or inter-estates fights like east and west side thing in a mericah. Sponsoring bad boys to literally kill in brutal solidary as to cut with machete/panga or beat up other fellows. The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you.
   click this link bro beside
He has given me dick to fuck, i sing to hosana praise the lord, Noel saying within his heart in the bible study, Olimpadul say in soliloquey, he has given me big big booty to be caressed, oh osingo sana praise the lord- the maltitude shouting like kevinelson. Minaj in NY insinuates he has given me bankable and flaby lips to be kissed, osingo sana lets praise the lord, brook singing, he has given me big and nice breast to be touched, ohsingosana lets praise the lord, J-LO saying he has given me good-looking and well comb pussy to be fucked, ohsingosana congregation lets praise the lord and Lords name to be praise. click this link bro beside
for King & Country - It’s Not Over Yet (Lyric Video)
Minimal cash like payed like bitter medication administered to an infant with that cry and head twisting
lesson 11: Generator Excitation System
In the begging satan/devaura gave Godliath power and sent him to create the earth. God is dead philosophy and thats why the jew people wants to kill the root of david because david was the one who killed Godliath whom satan had given power to create whats on earth but not the earth coz it was there but void and without shape. It had no light it was dark. Godliath was given immense power to create the earth the way he wants with everything therein. The hebrewomen changed the bible for Good even blasphemies in deuteronomy were list not one but removed coz people could have not worshiped God but just dwindling on the blasphemy to escape hell. It was error of complete reversal mtu wangu.
Adam and Eve deceiver was Raila- worker and vineyard parable- he had luyah/sweet bwana blood as the curse, kamba among others. He had grandchildren and many wives as children so the curse was that he will not die unless beaten or accidents and was extended to his grandsons as well and wives as sons. This was at the epicenter of the middle of the Garden which is the tropical lands tl, the lion, liar or equotorial lands EL, yel at nyandiwa, nyani/monkey haioni kundule which is red at bar kalarediandians in Gem kenya. The monkey took their clothes while they were making love in the dronding- king of the jewomen. Men like women strong, i will make, as the bible promises also israel will rise up just like in south africah the hills have risen up. They were in slavery in egypt 4 400 years so they knew automation and they became indipendent. The jew family includes joseph as french father ff, they gave him women from mars from the hole- many wives, mfalme wa yawhodi, zebulan is buljeria, simba wa yougoslavia with gossips as the lion of judah, dan is luthuolnia, Guard is russia, benjamin is japan, rueben is belgium, asher is finland, isachar is spain, naftali is itali, simeon is siberia etc
God curse to adams deceiver was that he will be like snakes meaning there were snakes b4 not that at that time they became snakes.
Rod of david ROD as sex they love in revelation five rf, at that time the root of David was one person not a clan or a family. Indians can see what you are seeing at that time but not tomorrow, next week or year. It is fore-boarding spirit of to foretell the future. Sorcerers foretell the future so if so they are socerers as the magi-ikuyou, magicians. In Solomons or davids reign everything was pure Gold so if you love Good things they purpote you are davids root, so by looking they kill you in their game called illuominatea. David was also sharp so they kill the root of david who loves to look at things just like their grandfather to eliminate fully davids roots/mizizi.
My posts on youtube are found on the 1st 10 photos of each bar on youtube, i comment going down. you can locate them at these organisations. Google branches of UN and copy paste each on youtube submit and find my posts, psi, igad, icepea, world 20 best hotels, car companies of the world, as well as boats, motor bike, aeroplain, electronic company eg LG, fast foods company of the world eg wendies and spangles, best supermarkets of the world eg walmart, Trump with puttin, may, french president, german chancelor, banki moon and vice versa, tyra banks show, ophra winfrey show, trump meeting asian, North American leaders, african, latin american leaders, EU, ecowas, comesa, minaj, eminem, wiz khalifa, j-lo, beyonce, justin bierber songs, davido, wiz kids, rehanna and diamond songs , churchil raw, live, kevin hurt show among many. Folks get them there incase of my demise.
Trump and uhuru meets in washington DC shortly terror attack at riverside nairobi, shortly again obama barracks want to pay east africa a vist, not long enough the money at riverside is gotten in briefcase in central kenya which obama wanted to pocket. They organised terroristic attack in hotel with rich people loaded with cash in their laggages. Same to malaysian air which wesley nolen and his likes managed to bring down, swiss president meets uhuru shortly terror attack in Brussels train transit then he heads to usa to get his share. French president also wanted his share, the money was not fake it was real that was their printing to swindle the public if the truth dawns. They are terrorists same to the kenya post election violence victims who were killed in the bus and wa kenyatta was the planer as insinuated by waki philips tv commission.
is disenebled the huge populated countries like india and pakistan, france, Germoney want to go to war with each other to confuse the public as they cant now feed their ego or population but still wants to maintain their reputation. The rich elites wants to maintain the status quo by eliminating the inteligent poor ip- ipo, hips. This goes as far as siren gas or nuclear war heads.
They are still tougheaded, they still want to kidnap me. Within the kid nap they bring corpse so i make jets for them, when i tell them planes uses gas, they withdraw machete wanting to cut me with. Oumamolodingagwambo and his like like witch doctor okota of homa bey. Sophia let me mummor quitely on my food or when am eating, stop being an intruder Ai or stop disturbence. We angunyi moss e-chiemba bwana jawuolo ni rather jawuoro as mchoyo, rd to emaus with christ. Wacha ni ngurume pole pole katika chakula changu, wacha ulafi bwana akweri-donge luo.
click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth.
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links
click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater
This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor:
If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough.
With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again.
My email is
and pasword is southafrica12
If you got some money and not going to church the church pastors search for you and the pay other folks to facilitate their agendas like boda boda riders, the beat you up and the next somebody the have sent to you by meeting tells you christ things so you channel your way to church in that your life will change, people wont follow you. After you visit the church they tell the same folks the sponsor to slow down on you, so you stop to witness such occurrence and your friends and children will follow suit to attract others to church. The want your offering plus your wife and kids, thats why they ask you, u aint married yet to add more money to their bucket as tiths and offering. Abraham wanted to kill Isaac coz he took church offering he left on the stone alter. The recovery email is
for the email named above.
Ruto behind kevins beating, the fellow who help beat him up was a huge dude not the one who is a round- malachi five- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Museveni kaguta mk, mkora, mkate, matako kenyatta as well is behind this, matako kalenjins.
I eat is in you hse you insinuate, kendo nagoyo madongo, nilikuwa nakula kubwa kubwa, sema chenye unataka rose, and presicely partly is the reason why am supply and somehow fat as healthy, tum gimidwalo, nega kiero. Folks are you sure if you kill big kev, you will get his things, it amounts to absolute nothing if you dont manage to withdraw him his with pulse rate machine in mind, bmi and blood group after his death. It will only benefit you if you can delete his shit in facebook which he has disenabled by using an email address he know not, just guessed a long one at the time of opening say a long biological word as phylumcodatachiropractor and added some numbers by dialing the number sections on the keyboard at a/c opening time without looking and submit and the fb a/c was opened and with password he copy pasted a word in fish ferming in agentina which he knows not, so after signing off he cant get back to that a/c as per the reason laid above.
Click these links below bro about fish farming in argentina or just google it https://www.truthfinder.com/?utm_source=BINGNTF&traffic[source]=BINGNTF&utm_medium=search&traffic[medium]=search&utm_campaign=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[campaign]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f:ARGENTINA+FISH&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=ARGENTINA+FISH&s2=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&s3=&s4=&s5=&traffic[funnel]=tf&traffic[sub_id]=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[s2]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&msclkid=df198d0369c9139a66dcd1879a91b029 Ad-Aware SecureSearch https://www.truthfinder.com/?utm_source=BINGNTF&traffic[source]=BINGNTF&utm_medium=search&traffic[medium]=search&utm_campaign=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[campaign]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f:ARGENTINA+FISH&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=ARGENTINA+FISH&s2=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&s3=&s4=&s5=&traffic[funnel]=tf&traffic[sub_id]=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[s2]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&msclkid=df198d0369c9139a66dcd1879a91b029  The password rest within these word b4 adding some numbers without seeing, or he just pressed rapidly. Please BE CAREFUL this the password he pested adding 345 with other two numbers. https://lavasoft.gosearchresults.com/?sbtn=&q=fish+farming+in+argentina+&tt=VM__GS__S4LAVA__vmn__webcompa__1_0__go__ch_WCYID10427__190216__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 https://lavasoft.gosearchresults.com/?sbtn=&q=fish+farming+in+argentina+&tt=VM__GS__S4LAVA__vmn__webcompa__1_0__go__ch_WCYID10427__190216__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 kkkk The get into the same plane for example boeng 777, they get into the basement at JKIA and they are tought how to cut wires with plies that if are connected makes the plane fall. These people transform into rodents and again in the laggage center transform to people to cut the said wires, the likes of raila, another sheila who fell from US navy ship now with redened eyes, and susan who owns a pub in ksm. They fell the 1st malaysian air, the red bus from western to Nairobi snd now the Ethiopian air liasing with indians, uhuru, obama, museveni and ruto in the mix among many other individuals. How do i know folks? If you know the named above, if you got some rapport with them, if you partake big brown ground nuts, by looking at the picture of the accident, for example the ethiopian airways on the net, you see the whole drama plus those who planned it on air, just like an alcoholic sees his own things when drunk but to you is real. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Nigros are the ones responsible for all these coz they promise these people love by saying they are this and that tribe. This push the tribe to get money in anyway possible to the point of committing crime. They go to the point of saying they wanna come back making these fellaz zealous. This is two fold, the want these people to be killed to reduce the population for them to come and enjoy or build for selected divas hotel, house and premises to please them. The french, norwergians, Germans, britons, spanish knows clearly which part of the earth they got these people from and history is bold enough to tell us the whole occurence but they will be rude and not accept, so at the end of the day is the white man. Arabs were also there b4 so they can clarify where the nigros were got- goat parable, church you can google please. Luya also share the brunt, they know how to get money online at http://www.2goinvoice.com and the software at weed weed ww cyber and how to connect paypal a/c with bank a/c at the last minutes of fifth hr from the time the card was given to you, not one card but many cards as much as junior a/cs who the lion of judah tribe in genesis 49 got that name from but still working for wahindi even after some of them have done that, evident by their resignation from hindu hard jobs and buying their own tuk tuk and motor bikes. The ones who are still working can enquire from those who have resigned and leave working for the hindu so that they get other indians like them to work for them, even people watching premiere leagues should stop coz they are facilitating money loundring as those matches are payed with the invoice cash, the officials get money from the a/c and thats what they do in their offices all day long- i mean they have been targeted. Ethiopia and Malaysia annihilate these motherfuckers, cutthroat dogs, know nothing but priding themselves people, people who dont liesten, whose backs are bents as prophet isiah pi says let their backs be bent forever in the biblia.He gets into someone who is traveling to Ethiopia or malaysia and the get to that plane whom they want to fell inside someone who also changes as them and when the plane lights put off the change to rodents at the back seat, get that pliers or bomb in the laggage and fell the plane but with them they are safe out of transforming into rodents hidding in a coolar or the black box waiting to be saved, they can even change to fish and swim. With BMI matchine do not forgive them as the bible says. They even operate people who they have organised travel 4, and put bomb inside the bell the likes of raila plays with it by hidding it more when the felled is being scanned at the entrance or at the way leading to boarding the plane. He takes it to the spinol cord, back coz the sensor sense the sides and front more, but when you move as getting off the matchine, they talk to him and move it towards the belly so it is not detected. The luos have became terorists. The uk, france, usa, italy should have a go slow as standstill in their operations as their economy is driven via 2goinvoice. These fellas have been target as they have been given daily 2goinvoice target to withdraw from, i.e the fifa officials. Let the plane have bright lights on the laggage center to bar these fellas who change from transfiguring or let welding machine be incorporated and the wire emanating from the matchine be zigzaged allove the laggage unit to electrocute these individuals, let the feaces fall to the air not getting into the sewer chamber of the plane in the cargo carrying unit. They use the lavarate to flash gadgets down and that someone down gets into the chamber and gets it. Let that be abolished. As a passanger boarding the plane, let your legs be fitted with a scanner or sensoring gadget so you dont change as it will be known. The rule of the thumb is those who change are not partaker of sour things st, soda should be administered in the airpoart to see those who cant drink sour solution so that the gadget to be fixed on them to avoid transfiguring at night in the plane for other purposes unknown to us, for example the fanta soda can do that. They even use match box size drills gotten from neel deep hardware in ksm to perforate holes into the gas cylinder to fall the plane- the hindu and the British and precisely thats why they brought them in East Africa. After the plane falls the money gotten is used to buy players at English premiership. Who to those who trust in Egypt in the book of isiah and i will humble Egypt in the book of Jeremiah and Ezekiel who was kierehere. The dashboard section of the plane ought to have hard wires so the likes of raila dont cut them with pliers to confuse the pilots leading to plane loosing control then crushing and should as well be fitted with cameras, not to mention the luggage side to see who is there and going on- king of the jew beside incorporating whigh voltage wires to electrocute those who transfigure. Who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in malachi four. When this is put in place fellas you wont hear of rampant plane crush pc- pier cianda, chinis, cynthia, collins, pagamum church etc. African countries should not operate planes, e.g, kenya, uganda, tz airways among many other poor nations because they are curious but not engineers at all, they scrutinize the plane which in other-way makes it not safe for travel hence planes fall. They wanna know more about the the plane crush. The aero-plane company e.g, rolls roy, boeng, air bus should not sale planes but operate these planes in every nation en themselves to avoid scrutiny and plane crush or just simply such happenings or occurrences. Plane companies should talk the next day in the media but when the ground crew puts cut hack saw somewhere down there and then tell the changer where is located to use it to cut wires that leads to the pilot sector to fall the plane. To me its a cartel and with my explanation the deal has gone sour. When the money in the plane surpasses the money which was used to buy the plane even three times, what is the loss folks to the company and at the same time benefit to the beneficiaries of the deceased as the will be compensated as much as when the plane is insured we will get new plane. What is Mr trump? Stop laughing when something is critical or looking in the news paper by the photos you have taken as if looking in owe or amusement, as if your deal has gone sour or that someone has hit a mega jackpot and you want to share in his happiness. Friends, pro-act, send missiles to stipa in ksm where they partly train people to fall planes. When one is a terrorist he lacks respect, look at you directly in the eye until you vanish and his eyes on the upper eye lids curves up like wanting to form a triangle. That how they are known. Morever terorists kidnap people without proper reasons and when truth surface they deviate in their reasoning. World reduce electricity to 50 volts for houses to thwart AE technologis coz people are testing 120V-250V motors. Flouresent and energy saver uses between 30-50 volts, Radio and TV uses 24v as much as laptops. Why cant we reduce electricity to 50 volts. Well how will fridge work or cooker let them be fitted with step up transformer to transform 50 volts to maybe 120V or 250V then this pride will vanish, believe me you fellas. People should not be killed but funded, many got big idea in later years if you kill them early like they wanted to kill Nelson Monde, you wount have heard all these. So killing people is white man idea to rob the earth more knowledge and so that the killed people spirit hovers around and help them locate what other dedicated fellas are up to.
Check brianogilandundojwang tumblr account for the AE photos
Look like a child stop looking at someone in the eye all through like you disrespect him or he has known your bad side or deeds. Kenya is rich they say, picture your car with you and they locate its price these side and how much money can do in Africa, stop all these silly scrap. But dont just buy a fake care and take photos with it giving Africans hope that you are that side and we are these side and we got nice cars than you then America is just good in TV. Developed world should crush cars which look like for the poor period. Indians add women period to sources, UN and KEBS should pro-act. Shoes inside got something like half size hack saw glued inside the soul- shindiyo. EHH-vivyo hivyo-donge omera. The USA leaving Venezuela coz now there is nothing in that country which they were upto out of AE technologies in kevin monde facebook a/c, view using your phone as well as arabia world and they have realize all kev is saying is in youtube and he has well provided the gmail a/c he used to comment on youtube and the pasword as well as the recovery option. Now they cant kidnap him coz he removed the phone number. Sonko is giving toy market 5 million coz he twitted me its over and blocked and he cant stand to see that happening, i mean he is ready to die and he is using that platform to tell the world something as well as wa kenyatta potraying indirectly how kikuyou are criminal with him he is malagasian. How do we know folks? By their small, tiny teeths. The women whose body was chopped into parts in Eldoret, i dont know kitale was cut by power saw ps by asenol who is a tuitor in taxi business among many others- just eat ground nuts and see the complete picture by looking at that incident on youtube or newspaper provided you know the culprits. Atm should be fitted with BMI to avoid bank theft or the bank ought to buy pulse rate machine as well as bmi to identify its customers. When they kill all of your next of kin, the bank has a holiday to share your money if they manage to kill you. A software should be provided to enable you check the money online and you can post it on facebook or twitter for friends to find if that money has been withdrawn in-case of your demise. It should just be there even if you die a natural death, the government either should not take it as bond coz also them can kill ya. French president has come to collect his share of the ethiopian air as to the ksh 20M of harambe stars. Check the newspaper fellaz.Hellen rasta wazungus as much as barry of highway and now Australia were part of the plot as much as hindu to induct the luos on how to fall the boeng plane so that its customers shift attention to Europe. Macron Emanuel twitted me that, he is partly Hindu, he sees what you are seeing at the same time not an hour later or tomorrow. How can they give you blue carpent treatment while stile serving then they left you in owe- the salary minimal utters obamaitchel. We must do anything under the sun or we must go out our way to get mone as money.
Out of state fee should be twice if much not thrice to attract many students to enjoy economies of scale rather expensive and attract few students- American can raise revenue this way.
China can sell cheap caskets which usa also has, coz there has been alot of deaths around so people like Hindu and Muslim bury people without coffin to reduce such maneuvers.
Many tea plantations are company owned but we got few firms owned by individuals. Goverment should bar people from owning such coz the arabs, Tanzanians, whites as much as china and hindu approaches them and give them twice as much as when they take to the local company they are given. They process these tea and target big hotels and rich people and get a hundred percent in profits. When milo, ginger and tea masala is added the tea is wow, swears a Mexican. Vera sidika, former miss kenya with G-gas campaign promotes such in the USA and abroad to the point of literally preparing such for them. King of the jewomen to cement the truth. Ing sound IS, isis, irish sianda, genesis, iso standards etc.
The Hindu, china and whites also buys ketepa tea and repack them and sell them exorbitantly in over-sea markets to maximize profits. Being unscrupulous is the order of the day or you must be crafty to make it- christ bro. Must know the game rules Gr, grown. The tea is put in cargo plane to its corrupt destination. Utany’onya mbolo changu na utany’onya senye changu 4 you-why lie women. Minaj licking and kissing my ass.
Moch ny’wandle e-cho ma- with 2goinvoice the rotating circle when you open its interface on the computer. USA can give folks free phones with unremovable line, the line is fixed inside so you cant switch lines, they only thing left for you is not to pump to to load airtime mzeya. You are bound to it, esp the poor folks dude- America still got get-rich loop-holes. Am related to Henry ford people of Michigan dude, got blood-ties bro. Lion of judah return him to his people as per the bibi/wife- lia as cry when you give it to her or simply fuck her. The holly bible HB Human Body, Hagar Brazilians, Hungarian booty etc. Let them also bring their many still new used cars with their ship or cargo plane, in kenya we call the brand new second hand dude. My tumblr a\c name is owenelsonwarambomiller
0 notes
usedboltsoftware · 4 years
breave software
simon the siren hse was the plot that house the shop on the edge of migosi pri where long time had the toilets, Anita of metropolitan stone hse in migosi near st jude was blind bartimous hse, david of arimathea is now oniala and his hse was the hse opposite st jude gate, st jude was a shop dealing in tires, good Samaritan parable to cement de truth. Asiago friend was the siren simon who walks with the phone. Its the engineers who will go to hell or pick curse at that time and backwards when other genes have been interfered with to give rise to bad kids. St jude as well was a day care and more ucan tell if upartake mwarubaine, what come to ya mind dude.
Get off what he wants from u freely out of supply now to want to grab ya penis or rob ya as injure ya or ya body parts, over-angry and angered.
dough is used to make huge vehicles like lorry, bus- its good with it but with small cars paw paw as i think leads the way, a market to those nations like in the link below
If am kamba bring that kamba mother known to u, then we do a dna test, same to luo, kikuyu, masai, Hindu dont just say day to have an upper hand in eating in my crib or share my wealth then if it fails organise an ambush one me
Never will i sit with white men in an argument, dem insane people and daytime liars, am above ya, even ya pussy now we are fed up with, can infect us of dat syndrome.
Stone houses or brick, block take ya to hell, if 1 sell to ya, remove the stones leaving the pillar alone then buy china house and fix as talk to them, then the removed stones find a nearby query and fill the hole, dont destroy the world and dont be rude to be told de way
The rope switch can be used with the gear on the serializedgunbullet tumblr a/c with 1 many geared motor to turn it, to increase timer time u reduce the voltage to the motor to run slow and to make timer time short increase the current to the motor to increase its speed like in the link below or with fan, can tie ya rope
With food u take a little bit then cut them into pieces, with the pis on the container method in the dark it forms bro, like oranges, tomato, meat, mango or anything that can be chopped dude.
If u live in good places but u love not good places as u tell collegues then u dont risk going to hell and vice versa with bad places yet u hate good things, this takes ya to hell, its a 2 way traffic bro
Dough mixture with maize makes double cabin truck, with millet ships, speakers, with water melons trains as well as rice, mix with anything then u eat mwarubaine, then what gadget u see is made that way under the many procedures i have explained.
The hse in arina at the end of the rd from pefa church is the eloquent man house who said Jesus had to die for people and chrisbrown is that new man, incarnation bro, avoid incarnated people they can survive anywhere and are not of jealousy but of helping hand, dermis always dry. U r negro, well be Negro, am not ya hindrance, whats the hoot dude, kamba, luo. Let hindu get out then we see what next, dem hooligans. Click the below link 4 more
To find the shooter when the bullet is removed to avoid the tedious court hearings, an antidot bro
The white are locating houses with dstv vis vie those of china and planning attack as the shareholders of this tv though based in SA send money back home to UK, Nigeria has over 20 m subscription while kenya got 2 m and many more nation, whenever something new is played on the screen is given to that nation like African magic or English pl. Thats how they eat so make ya own decoder by the put in container method, where u mix dough even with other cereals like maize, millet etc
Fay Toyota suv is made by the dough above as well as Cadillac cars where u lick vomit or diarrhea in the dark or on the opposite direction many people defecate on the bucket.
China constructions like roads making people wild cause they are cheap to show ya how cheaply US was built, kinda, should be expensive to remove bad spirit, even on the new china bridges, the brick like concrete on each other are made with dog/cat family feces bro. Sand is made with any tiny seed or grain like millet, sim-sim or millet on open dark are by simply urinating on the mixture and boom its formed as much as cement with cat family feces, blocks/stones with fish, even road tar, socks and bra, vest with any intestine like of fish bro
Now they are mum as if they have accepted defeated but after like 2 weeks thety are on u, saying they wanna delete it or if they fail say u r luo or gikuyu which if u refuse they organise open attack on roads where they grab ya, ransacking ya pocket to take ya belongings if not their, kinda, wanna stub ya eye with dagga/penis knife, Mr Hindu stop dude. They play rude to say they are negro, be ya self dude period
4 ya information many luo got kuwait blood of waiting and thats the only good gene in them, kuo, is thieve as well they got to feel good. Tuo is sick, loving sick people, tugo is games loving jokes as play. They are kamba, kikuyu, trukana, masai, Greek, Argentina blooded as well bro
If u see many fellows falling asleep in ya quagmire, then it means there is justice ahead bro, click the song below and dance to it dude
U must set some money aside to send to tz or-else if u walk bad we cut ya, injure ya or spoil ya business. Sospeter of united miller aka modi as well was in the attack of kebi father leg, 30 yrs back
Dela rue should come out and all car or gadgets companies and say thats how money is made and other machines respectively to avert all the crisis as explained in other tumblr a/c following this tumblr a/c bro. Negros are bad in arts and ammunition and they like their own, they have known how to make the same as u, they can annihilate ya both here or in their land, so stay in ya land to stop all the ship u have been saying bro
To export agricultural product from usa to other continents is expensive out of fuel and long in ship that is the play that has engulf africans that usa will not surface and thats why Europeans went to Europe from their out of perceived future markets in Africa and Asia which could be achieved via rail or road or if see its just a canal even to sell perishable products, but the disguise is E-airplanes that uses no fuel like usa can ship like wheat in their like 100 planes 4 1 week without any extra-cost, so Africans are perplexed as much as E-ships in the links below
The kikuyu giving the whites their bad character as they got their blood by what absurdities they are doing bro, but a plus dude, so the whites want them eliminated in a cleaver way by another tribe to avert that, calling them jew to bring arrogance. When whites are in the hse they got the upright spirit but outside it leaves them to insanity, being half bro
The jek in the link below can make a timer when place facing each other on their top, the jek technology not literally the car jek bro, where a motor rotates 1 until it opens a switch to start their other motor and stop the already working 1 that has lifted the jek to start the other motor, so two switches are put, 1 , 4 the 2 motors and the other set 4 the timer to open 1 switch and close the other at set intervals but dude where will it take ya as we got now e-timers bro or if u claim lien or being cleaver make ya water pump timer in following tumblr of this or the Archimedes principle timer and put on youtube, print, cd, stop waiting 4 folks things and let it not be miyota or sanyo but your own vernacular name like auma or aucma or wanjiku, musau, mamwacha 2. Dude u r calling 4 death by claiming lien to something u know not, stop dem none-sense as googled dude. Or make the 2 motor in a cylinder tube with 2 dynamore in the same tube generator dont wait 4 china to make such and put on alibaba shopping or amazon shopping and start saying u wanna delete something u will not or shift a/c yet u dont exactly know the cyber used to create dat a/c, the particular computer used or the browser used, kinda, forcing water out Eu-phobia trea yet its white milk used to make lato milk or breast milk in put in the container the spit saliva or urinate but in the dark process, stop dude, quit bro
Where its written product is where u search 4 any gadget u know or wanna know
Click the song below to see how delanu is perturbed by kebi
Drones with camera can bring job cuts in military, police, exam monitoring and in guards like in the link below, job being served 4 the rich, even in airports and farming, the police can monitor roads and people via the below as well as the army fight reducing personel, there4 u got to be few with huge job cuts or dont embrace technology dude
Am just saying this to monitor if they are happy, bandwagon co installs solar 4 houses across the world, if china gets to meet trump to spie the office furniture or gadgets then they are behind bars, delete all the tumblr following a/c or lias with Africans to bomb usa, ny home to tumblr, anyway its a blessing in disguise we have learnt ya character b4 every nation has been strong as has learnt de same technology. We can kill ya as well, u are nothing neither do we want ya women period bro
Greg of lolwe, rosmel gf to roni of kcb, denis modi and lilian modi with seth ojwang were the ones sent to hit the kisigino of kevs not biological father to bring all the suffering in their hse and history has away of repeating itself as with delan they say is his son, so dont take care of him and just about to break in2 his hse and do the above, police beware and u r warned so he dont work cause his job involves walking, the rich keeping jobs 4 their sibling, no joke bro
People should be buried below the ocean, as it has no spirit, the community is settled, many know not of this bro, when rude people are buried next to ya brings bad/sturbon spirit as much as washing cars during the day openly while others dont even have soap and water to bathe their bodies. How appealing is that? Roads should be all smooth to make vehicle not to dirtify 4 the above, cause its a curse and the white man left wilderness out of this, cause in temperate lands got no dust bro. Think am kidding/ Pay that land a visit dude
Thrift stores should be opened, where if u take any used but still new gadget, they take it at 65% off the price you bought it, or the link should be online like olx.com or craiglist, google bro.
Ondelo puko kuonde magadalin obet ang’ewa, same wid mochanda, emery, minaj
Ondelo puko kuonde, mourice mulo mande dwasone mochanda, with denis dwasone lilian, kebi dwasone terry, austin azikiwe dwasone riziki, tom dwasone sheila, richard dwasone mama allan ma magreat, blasto dwasone okal, bose dwasone oyigo, tom dwasone musau and it goes on and on. KEBI ogolo nyatiti ne edhode oklahoma, his harp and thats they song he sings after being translated from arabic, school children and passer by have been hugely draw and many are dancing to his tune, the ropes are about to fall bro. Photana, inabamba as she whispers, click the below link 4 more
Dickson adhola green house next to Raymond hse was the exact location where Jesus was born in dat ranch. KSM showground was the airport, while where Christ lived was Dillon store down floor while up-floor was Jesus father Joseph hse, they lived in a story hse.
The cylinder of a plane should be many like in the link below cause if hot can burst and makes the plane fall and everything in plane like alternator should be 2-3 if 1 burns the other still works as much as failed switches
Now their is nothing to tie u with them, if u get to a supermarket and say something is cheap in relation to another source u saw, kinda, they arrest u with their jealousy to the point of wanting to put up a fight with ya or cut u with machete like in the link below
Kebi anabonda tu raha sasa hivi huko Dublin, UK
Go to a nation which got food but not that developed as u can leave in peace but they are always behind and full of jealousy than the vice versa. They have gotten it that the whites can change the Forex to de-evaluate their cash to be poor, so shift attention to tz to build it more than kenya to avert the same and convince dudes that it can be done by much population which aint the case bro
The link below shows how you can power ya timer, aint rocket science bro
They make some1 things and now ready to sell yet they are 2nd in rank to warn the superpower to back off and compensate the inventor, moreover they r planning to harm him by paying folks like in bars to hit him with bottle. Everything is made in beijing and Christ had seen this along time, in heaven at dat time the inhabitants will face it rough dude, hell fire, do not forgive them like with tire and sidon, king of the jew to cement de truth. Instead of screwing up some people gene by dubious ways which have been blocked like making fake cash and online cash to hooligans a new nation ought to be born by the invention found on other tumblr a/c following this tumblr or at FB a/c wandeterading or kevinelson mondy, check it ou bro!!!!!!!! Peace dude
Any old gadget can be made with dough mixed with vegetation or mafi not only human organs as cheated like old fans, cars etc
water paint on ya car, if dirty use spray, shinny 1 4 women bro in the link below
Farmers sample to usa and india to find if its written or it yield the crop as google or in the link
Old cars in the link below are made with dough tea/coffee/sunflower/rye leaves in it
E-COMBUSTION chamber replaced the gas 1 in the link below
Uhuru behind sending folks to tell ya to partake corpse as well he is sending fellows to advice ya to send part of ya cash to Tz via a certain group person or m-pesa then results announced daily of how much collected then the project to be initiated then when is ya luncheon, not knowing that when America breaths the whole world catches cold, Is richer with what has been put on links on tumblr following this tumblr bro, if u refute kinda, they are organizing open ambush, how appalling/sad is dat bro, stop dude!!!
There is no need to buy 2 no fuel generator to alternate to work 24,7 a day and 365 a yr until Christ Jesus surface, the engineers can make a long motor cylinder with 4 coil of wires where magnet rotates in between to either generate power for the 2 set and 4 the other 2 set to rotate the rod that rotates the magnet to produce the power on its dynamo part. So when I motor rotates it rotates as well all the magnets on the coil but at a given time per the set timer 1 motor is the 1 rotating the whole rod and 1 magnet on the same rod rolls on 1 dynamo coil to produce power b4 it changes on the idle 1 to reduce heat and burning but the rod must be lubricated with grease to work 24/7, 365 a yr and the next yr and on and on to infinity until a thought cross on ya mind to buy a new 1 to replace with like with working but old replaced electric transformers with new ones
The timer on nfl generator or on the solar charger controller can work like the solar security bulb with its own solar, or with just the security light locate the wire that gets into the bulbs and connect it to ya scc provided the input is 12 v or-else u can pas the power via a scc of 3amphs to be strong
Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000212 EndHTML:000317575 StartFragment:000036189 EndFragment:000317477 StartSelection:000036189 EndSelection:000317473 SourceURL:https://www.tumblr.com/followed/by/mcsleepynelson Tumblr
groundnuts producing nations link below that can be made into frying oil, and the husks as well used to make tiles, speakers, or gadgets as weed also, unwanted plants, anything living is used to make the same, provided it doesn’t affect ya or take ya to hell
Yogurt as well can be used to make gadgets or curdled milk that attracts the mind or eye under the same procedures in other tumblr a/c following this tumblr
They will never get it, if a lady buys u a food or talk to ya, in the next joint talks in soliloquy as if they are warning u of bad character and vice versa. The wanting free things, gays and lesbians. Go to hell dude, advise ya mothers and siblings, take ya hunger away bro period.
They may find themselves working 4 kebi out of mercy, cause they went through the same schools with him or walked the same roads, eat with the same plates and spoons as cementing arguments, those who pinned him down and are like Mr. Tychus Nyagah, never finding a well paying job or employment
Kill their dreams so they relent like tychus nyagah with wanting to work in the bank or became a lecture, wanting high pay and no respect 4 friends bro. With onlinecash without transaction of paper money to eliminate money laundering, even teachers does the same and wants the same 4 their kids which has been halted by like in the link below where u just pay exam fee
Think twice with ya kids or ya dach/pity dude, no where to turn to
At dat time in revelation 5, the root of david, rod, it will be more tolarable 4 tire and sidon than that city that is built on the hill dat kills the dream of the prophet at judgement time in heaven, with tire or sidon though many died on earth in heaven were forgiven cause they were dimmed mad but with modern day they are sane so no forgiveness, its fire.
Human liver, pancreas, bill duct or bladder or heart is sweeter when u eat less food, so 4 ya information they eat corpse and herd people like animals thinking in u dat they are glutton but not, 1 reason bro. They plot killings and have marked articulate people in speech to eat their corpse after shooting, dats the whole story bro. U cant herd people daily like cattle bro, dem cannibals and sell body parts 4 rituals dude, been promised to identify and being paid handsomely.
Kansas can not get off the usa, they wanted to do the same if they could have taken Kebis AE to patent which aint the case and what they produce, other states produce like wheat with Idaho and maize with Arizona, sunflower with other states as well used to make gadgets, it leaves and cooking oil and being in the middle can not stand alone as bottlenecks can be placed on her not to trade which is detrimental than of good, so ks cannot leave the union as its landlocked for better trade aint ny state or carli4nia.
Like India 4 export mixes artificial wheat made from hay with the real grown 1, think twice, we got machines that can identify that when the mixture is added to water the natural grown 1 and the GMO if dat ya plan like with alcohol blowers in the link below
With gadget if u mix wheat flower with like 30% of it coffee or tea inside gives the best machines 4 adult, not too dull like with big cars like lorry or tractors and not that shinny like kids with high appetite 4 good life, but the disclaimer is, let it not be from kenya as with wheat cause should save the country forex as its little let it come from the top producers like Canada and Russia, or-else u see, kinda, kindled inferno as can take ya to hell and with coffee or tea if the local tribe is fishy, kinda, u promote their character still u see the same above, it ought to be from a well behaved nation out of trade/human gimmicks like Guatemala, a polite nation, infact food should be written as branded where they are from to avert the above
Me am delan, i was john the baptist, bro incarnation, i was hurled down to earth from heaven and my spirit given to me now, me am Adrian i was Herod, the same above was done to me and my friend who rides a 3 wheel bicycle was peter the rock and kevin ochieng modi was the blind bartimous, we could not stand in heaven in their every hr songs and its a must so given the 2nd chance to get to hell but not hel fire. Such people of incarnation are known by their helping hand and quick understanding dude, i mean they are know dat way, moreover their skin is always dry not shinny
kebi was James Weldon Johnson b4 incarnation bro, get it straight pals
USA beautiful states
The usa gives the visa which i got not, so they keep on saying i wanna be there which am sick and tired of, then deny me visa when i get there or if u find me illegally there arest me 4 years. Dude when will u get this, aint u mad or got a deaf ear? Answer me dude? Click the below song link 4 more
The hindu have resorted to the below in that below link cause people who used to buy from them buy from their own tribesmen to avert shame and keep them to stay here, big shame, kinda, laughing as if enjoying an intercorse
Franklin osoro of kb, uon and kenya women,was the late Lazarus with Christ, he is sleeping, what we call incarnation bro, get this straight dude, aint kidding, pure truth dude, dont laugh girl.
They coarse ya with maiti as corpse to eat, sending people in a 2 fold dimension, “eti wewe kula hii”, when they see u taking liquor they say they have left the same, so u follow suit to find what to eat with ya money when all their dubious ways have been blocked dude. Kinda, they want to ambush ya like hurle u with stones, dat being cleaver u got to partake such bro. Stupid and sickening bro. Corpse eater the secrecy, kikuyou never gives up, when defeated never accepts but come up wid songs as if oppressed but still with sex they enjoy to trigger the other people, it will end the day u accept de trut dat u r poor and Nairobi is ugly compared to other cities in temperate world and a franchise of every sector opened bro
The below link shows the earnings of Kenya that powers the economy or where tax is gotten, but this is attributed of the high exchange rate between the Euro, pound and the dollar which if made per it makes such useless and the nation poor which can happen if the nation shows a planned economy in real estates and low population increasing per capita income, so the govt encourages much birth and shanties to diffuse the same when an overview is done to increase the currency ratio, they want to benefit so keep huge population and guys in small yet they say their spheres are rich than those spheres, maybe its 2 fold 4 those in govt so that its reverted to oppress the next generation bro, with them they got much and have enjoyed. Think twice Mr. Nigro
The reason why japan yen exchange rate to dollar is huge is the fact that it is far and 4 export it involves ships which takes long 4 perishable or demanded goods and air transport expensive to make it all level, so if the reason 4 competing, chill dude, if u did not know about that
Even books are made in the dark as much as newspaper to benefit such cartels with that knowledge well described in other tumblr a/c following this tumblr. Govt should see into dat bro as much as school sets and uniforms, shoes, polish, tooth paste etc, creating unfair competion, an enabling environment should be created to abolish such.
When money put online as abolished liquid cash, the even planned SA theft will diminish and that’s their fear, Mr president apart from forcing folks to eat corpse also champions dat. They say Kenya is good yet they don’t see ya with food, how? A good nation is somehow foodious!!!
The place where they aid people to drive in migosi-lolwe area was the library with water fountain, incarnated joseph is a carpenter in migosi market while marry counter part is also a lady hard to describe with wide eyes. Get it straight dude
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ever working without rest takes ya to hell daily while others lucks employment of the same. Work and relax like a half a day work or 3 times a week and let ya body recovers to mend the worn out tissue by reading things or chatting with friends. Don’t hold to hard work, cause within any hard work their is something fishy like sending money somewhere to build a certain sphere, thwarting the moves of the local people. Don’t join things that u know not or previously held u back on another person even after terms set, refute in open defiance, it might land ya in hell.. Sure!!!!
Everything being made from grocery to salon to shop things, even by foreigners benefiting their spheres, so the govt should make everything a franchise even with public transport, building grocery shops like chain stores, E-learning to avoid money being syphons to other spheres from a struggling economy bro, this synonymous with Kenya, even with scrap plastics are made then cut into pieces b4 sold again, making such fellows rude and sickening cause their is no sweet in hustle as much as roadside food vendors which get it free by making even cooked food like chips, ugali, githeri, nyama, rice etc, capitalizing on this to bring forth huge population in that they can feed them under this cause they think them, themselves know of this and well, “they, foreigners” know not of this.. Fuck this dude, stupid bro, damn it girl!!!!
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Once the Kamba people who are quick in showcasing copied technology have done the same with mini-sized metal bar houses and with the flushable toilet units in the link below to be half priced as cheap and every family made to live in that, then wanting good life from people will be a thing of the past or-else u taken to police custody, kale and trukana blooded men, get this straight bro. And when u can walk with any gadget from the dealer by simply paying 10% of it then pay the rest monthly on credit then what do you want with coming to peoples houses, to apply voodoo or what, jail will rule the day. As well make ya nation if u have learnt how to make artificial building material or factor of production, like concreate, tar, cement or sand which will not now cost u to import as previous, dude, what’s the hoot bro!!!
Mochanda, minaj gi magdalin dong nudagi, wasebedo gi kebi kwa chiemo, mala kangumu, mikate, michele gi oganda, mala chapat, mala ni bando mobull, kolo wayieng, to kolo wadhimuodo njung’u watiekgo ndalo makawhuono. Piny suda suda, kata-edagi, ang’oo matalo waaa wajamani!!!!!1
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Out of research my best car made out of dough mixed with equal amount of coffee and tea leaves. Its not all that dry in look or shinny bro, no ignited inferno and its cool as draw many to it then repels them again.
Click the link below 4 more
The white-man got curse cause they changed the course of Lake Victoria, I mean its mouth from red sea to Mediterranean sea. They dug river Nile to fit their bible story, to avert the crisis they must take it back to where it were, the drainage.
If u speak Swahili, French or Spanish well, u might get to hell, its another curse, it was the language of the finished tribes as killed in the bible, they took spies learnt it b4 they did the above bro.
The thinner used in cars on top of the metal b4 painting is done gives spirit, cars should just be metal on top then u add the paint if you wanna to avert dat bro like in the link below
This the way bro for another world dat don’t wanna serve justice.
My tumblr name mcsleepynelson and email is [email protected] period
see my following followers
When 1 is burried with flat top casket,it means, he was not that accepted, loved or about to be killed opposite of oval shapped casket. With Flat top it usually remains in ya memory the deceased or if u attended any funeral opposite of the roun to 1 in the links below
The usa and Europe b4 china and India new how to make this and the latin America as much as the arab world it was their market bro which now have shrunk by more than 60% out of the fact the above nations even some African nations have learnt the same.
When u buy 2 No fuel generator to alternate in operation like described in mypulserate68pointpointsomething, u need no 2 battery 1 on another and 1 on the other. It can use 1 wet cell of 1 nf generator,  you remove the battery of 1 set then connect its terminal wires to the battery of the other of the same wire cloure, like red wire gets to where the red wire of the set with the battery is connected and the black wire as well with 2 timers on the wires that leads to each Nf generator dude.
see my following followers
candles are made with cassava under the urinate/piss on the container sides, good tiles or tv or stereos that dont interfere with the brian are made with bird eggs.Even candle as much as matchbox/stick will be eliminated with No fuel generator cooking using the cooker or coil as much as gas or charcoal or paraffin, its like a double-edged sword bro. Sony stereo or tv cuts ya brain tissue, shortening ya life, either Panasonic cause it gets u into the coffin but can get out of dat coffin by listening to life music or eat roasted maize straight from the garden, the road to Emmaus, another version to bring reality. 4 the jew to rise to cement bible truth, with their dubious ways blocked, they got to be few to create a huge per-capita income compared to other nations, thus must resort to ways to reduce population if long term or short term get involved in a war to reduce the population like Germany in post ww2, there u got it dude!!! Burying people in funny casket colors like pink white shows luck of respect 4 the dead bringing 4th spirit we know not unless inducted. People should be buried in a dark grey casket like abroad to show respect, shut up let the white people direct ya or tell u the steps even if a head of them for the world to run smoothly. Click the link below 4 the best casket color which if u put in ya cars kills ya fast bro http://bestride.com/news/car-colors-are-all-shades-of-gray-these-days
The above are the casket colour 4 respect not what we see in Africa, respected people being buried in casket color in below link bringing 4th bad spirit
Boda boda people now are open thieves, taking away from u, if u got a bag, look into it and take ya money, cause they have learnt how to make guns bro
U would rather accept early cause electric cars are reality rather than opposing, where will it take ya and finally e–cars are here with us, accept early and forge ahead bro, dont live in the past or doubt or organizing pre-war alliances that u r this and that as jew or Egyptian by wanting to take others land which wont take ya anywhere coz u have learnt how to make gadgets that can make ya dwell in snow which u feared previously like huge clothing and AC’s
When 1 is burried with flat top casket,it means, he was not that accepted, loved or about to be killed opposite of oval shapped casket. With Flat top it usually remains in ya memory the deceased or if u attended any funeral opposite of the roun to 1 in the links below
The usa and Europe b4 china and India new how to make this and the latin America as much as the arab world it was their market bro which now have shrunk by more than 60% out of the fact the above nations even some African nations have learnt the same.
When u buy 2 No fuel generator to alternate in operation like described in mypulserate68pointpointsomething, u need no 2 battery 1 on another and 1 on the other. It can use 1 wet cell of 1 nf generator,  you remove the battery of 1 set then connect its terminal wires to the battery of the other of the same wire cloure, like red wire gets to where the red wire of the set with the battery is connected and the black wire as well with 2 timers on the wires that leads to each Nf generator dude.
images of solar power generator and Nf generator in the link below
china could have talked 2 the usa to give kebi his money to make his own gadgets b4 they made them like in the link above, it means if he could not have blocked them they could have silenced him like amon ojwang and take it from him. Hold to it bro, making progress!!!
see my following followers, click the link below 4 more dudes
nelsonmcsleepy The devil will be hurled down in revelation is mlk coz he cheated folks with his a little bit altered sermons, that their is much nuclear in china dat can destroy a city as big as ny, putting people in constant fear and many more and chiefly, these were john the baptist sermons while arrested in jail dat made the elite want to own them thus has to eliminate him by cutting the head. Maybe he wrote them while in custody or during chapel he delivered them.
The no fuel generator you can buy 2, the solar powered option 1 that works during the day to power ya business and the motor rotating stater 1 (no fuel 1), works at night or when sunlight is insufficient due to cloudy weather. Its like killing 2 bird with 1 stone, click the link below 4 more
Kalenjin wants their own, material trouser do not depict ya, that if u wear other long pants they aint in good terms with ya, like kaki they wanna break a fight with ya even on roads. Lets us check ny if minaj is around and where is she hiding if not made it to ksm via the 16 km fissures underground.
tumblr a/c nelsonmcsleepy, following followers check, presidency is 4 the poor who wanna get rich via govt deal without dat they wallow in lack of money frustration
This is what u can delete. Cybers are even 4 white people or building other spheres like TZ. Govt to provide affordable wi-fi connection to every house where you can pay daily bundle to make cyber empty to thwart the moves of such nations with arrogance above, even with food grocery and shops as selling 2nd hand clothes they take it to Tz to build. So the govt should curb all this bro, like opening many chain stores with grocery sides, anyway life has became more affordable to every family. Delanu saying, NY mit, kata bol, even if its far, we got E-bicycle, echiew go kinyi to enyono anyona, u just wake up in the morning no looking 4 bas pas but just give it a ride to the library, shelter or the next free food joint not to mention mc donald and no stopage with the security traffic lights, u, you just lide. BEL yawa
Guns are made either with stones or cassava put in a container then many pissalivate on the container sides and boom the gun you want or grenade with sweet potato. Going to hell is 2 fold, u can go 2 hell but not in hell fire as furnace.
Dolls are made with muddy clay waters or dough like in the process above giving ny state like khs 200 billion yearly. Even motor bikes should be on credit or vans/matatu so the natives of a nation buys to build their own spheres not like the Tz people with ujama capitalizing on that to create a pool of people they have talked to, to remit money back home coz they are more than willing to give ya even tuk x2 like they have called kebi while kenya are still in heated debate of how to get women, of jealousy or kenyais beautiful, stop dude and put gadgets on credit to curb tz trade gimmicks.
With buy 2 non fuel generator, the solar 1 can charge the battery of the battery rotated motor rotating the stater to produce power to be used in cloudy weather or at night in the link below
Photo starts should be of 2 types, 1 that if sense light rays switches the switch to connect the circuit and 1 which if has sensed the same opens the switch to disconnect the circuit so the 2 set can be a timer 4 any electric gadget.
lie on some incidences that is u though 1 changed to ya likeness the transfiguring
my new tumblr a/c is mrmcsleepynelson with [email protected] its opening email period boy
Automatic car dat needs no driver can be made like the toy 1 where controlled 2 motor rotates on the each wheel gear to negotiate corners and keep it straight once it got cameras as well the drones with camera u can buy to use to check like the security of ya house, premise all round in a 100 meter way that is 1 hectors bro. U come up with idea and the devil makes it bro.
Click the links below 4 more
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The slide switch with 2 in 1 push forward/downward to open and close another can be used to when place on the wall on the container with water on the tip to switch pump A and close pump b at the same time bro, get it loud as timer in mrmixmastertumblr
The whiteman character is looking 4 death, kebi was in his nation, he did not listen, talked to some in kenya, said he is a bother, now they say they want him back there, what he refutes after seeing him with good thing to depict their kikuyu character. Other nations should rise and eliminate the jew, each risen 1 give 1 tribe to finish and their lands taken period coz they dont relent and understand. In the petersonpassing tumblr, the no fuel described with a timer, if u buy two of such and in 1, its timer set to work from like 7.00 am - 6.00 pm then the other takes from 6.01 pm - 6.59 am then it will never stop but work that way untill the battery is worn out. Or u can use the 2 suggested photostat that when sense light opens the circuit and vice versa on the other NF generator. Even pickpocketing in market joints will be a thing of the past making even hooligans stranded when all their ways have been blocked like faking keys for locks and open them to steal not realized things at night so it be a daily routine with automated padlocks and u can google it bro Coffee made gadgets can land ya in hell, in fact if u see such gadgets, u see ignited fire, kinda, esp from central kenya and Brazil, cause u are promoting their wicked ways of changing the bible and refusing to deliver justice as many whites-got dat blood dude. People with huge wheat land u can compete wid them, like not gmo corn-flakes or wheat-flakes, are hugely bought in developed world 4 breakfast, little bread is taken, so its ready market bro and can grow hay for cattle, that means fresh milk 4 the flakes broAnother way to make cash is via noodles, which are made with cattle brain, intestine or like spaghetti with wheat so are wheat products. Corn also makes corn crisp. Colorado and states like Maine got Irish potatoes to be used in all the food chains across the USA, u can beat the USA though stride in dubious things if they resort to farming bro, click the link below 4 more https://www.statista.com/statistics/382166/us-potato-production-by-state/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_potato_production Electric cooker coupled with the solar-powered generator and the no fuel 1 described well in other tumblr a/c following this tumblr a/c, will eliminate matchbox/stick companies, i mean they will atrophy/die, cause no ignition needed bro, click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6y_4_b6RS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8CXUzepL6k Madem bongeni na mimi, whoh koda wajameni, nini wrong!!!, lord can you hear me speaking!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvaHYvbFuQ0 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ghetto+gospel https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ny+jarule https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+we+do+game+ft+50+cent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8
my new tumblr a/c is mrmcsleepynelson with [email protected] its opening email period boy
Automatic car dat needs no driver can be made like the toy 1 where controlled 2 motor rotates on the each wheel gear to negotiate corners and keep it straight once it got cameras as well the drones with camera u can buy to use to check like the security of ya house, premise all round in a 100 meter way that is 1 hectors bro. U come up with idea and the devil makes it bro.
Click the links below 4 more
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The slide switch with 2 in 1 push forward/downward to open and close another can be used to when place on the wall on the container with water on the tip to switch pump A and close pump b at the same time bro, get it loud as timer in mrmixmastertumblr
The whiteman character is looking 4 death, kebi was in his nation, he did not listen, talked to some in kenya, said he is a bother, now they say they want him back there, what he refutes after seeing him with good thing to depict their kikuyu character. Other nations should rise and eliminate the jew, each risen 1 give 1 tribe to finish and their lands taken period coz they dont relent and understand. In the petersonpassing tumblr, the no fuel described with a timer, if u buy two of such and in 1, its timer set to work from like 7.00 am - 6.00 pm then the other takes from 6.01 pm - 6.59 am then it will never stop but work that way untill the battery is worn out. Or u can use the 2 suggested photostat that when sense light opens the circuit and vice versa on the other NF generator. Even pickpocketing in market joints will be a thing of the past making even hooligans stranded when all their ways have been blocked like faking keys for locks and open them to steal not realized things at night so it be a daily routine with automated padlocks and u can google it bro Coffee made gadgets can land ya in hell, in fact if u see such gadgets, u see ignited fire, kinda, esp from central kenya and Brazil, cause u are promoting their wicked ways of changing the bible and refusing to deliver justice as many whites-got dat blood dude. People with huge wheat land u can compete wid them, like not gmo corn-flakes or wheat-flakes, are hugely bought in developed world 4 breakfast, little bread is taken, so its ready market bro and can grow hay for cattle, that means fresh milk 4 the flakes broAnother way to make cash is via noodles, which are made with cattle brain, intestine or like spaghetti with wheat so are wheat products. Corn also makes corn crisp. Colorado and states like Maine got Irish potatoes to be used in all the food chains across the USA, u can beat the USA though stride in dubious things if they resort to farming bro, click the link below 4 more https://www.statista.com/statistics/382166/us-potato-production-by-state/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_potato_production Electric cooker coupled with the solar-powered generator and the no fuel 1 described well in other tumblr a/c following this tumblr a/c, will eliminate matchbox/stick companies, i mean they will atrophy/die, cause no ignition needed bro, click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6y_4_b6RS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8CXUzepL6k Madem bongeni na mimi, whoh koda wajameni, nini wrong!!!, lord can you hear me speaking!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvaHYvbFuQ0 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ghetto+gospel https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ny+jarule https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+we+do+game+ft+50+cent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8
This the guessed email 4 this a/c as well I guessed the password but don’t appear like the email to copy paste, the below email
Hata uogotaji wa cheda shaa shote, kama kebi, eti kuangukia, kwisa kabisha with online cash blow.
Usipo fanya ambacho centi hamsini anafanya katika popin them thugs song angali bado ukomdogo, then ni kama dunia inakuacha, utakuwa na machungu mbele, exploit all ya life potential angali mchanga is when unaingilia uzee si tu hivo. Inaitwa quarter or mid life crisis, wanting to be young and grown and vice versa.
The input of a solar charger controller the sun power 10 the big 1 so in the link below u can calculate it should be connected to a solar panel of output how many volts which is 60 volts, so look 4 2 solar panel that if u connect gives ya the below dude
If u sleep with men you have known as fuck mates, like whites do in their nations, coz their is no poverty, u have a happy life, live long and never have regretting thoughts as opposed with African women who leave men who love them and go 4 those who have cash but don’t love them, later in life they experience the reverse of the above.
How to know a lady got kikuyu blood or man, if you have their photo on the wall or on the screen as phones put it straight 4ward, then squat looking at the photo, suddenly u feel as if u got no half part of ya brain as it has dismantle and at the same time u see real quick, kinda, the ground want to slide and gets back, u on it loosing ground as well, that’s it bro, its known dat way dude to avoid them, bad blood but good on their own, cant serve justice, that point bro, ever wanting their own agenda!!! You got me girl, this world will be peopled with their offspring if not counteracted bro.
Nyamau as well as spinach or kales under the same process described in tumblr a/c following this tumblr can be made with Euphorbia. Drum head with human head or brain. The devil as well can give ya cooked food, pikwa, mfalme wa ya whodi to bring reality, just a small portion of that food the boom the amount u need that is nowadays served in Kenya joints making 100% profit bro
how to change ya name on tumblr account
Get to check my following followers for full information guys and see which following tumblr u wanna delete cause they are many.
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
mary jesus mother no mer, tipsy when was injected with sleep drug
Setting an example to the world next generation by what anything am doing
nelsonmcsleepy nelsonmcsleepy   https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Portable-Mobile-Container-Toilet-for-Bathroom_720238090.html?spm=a2700.7735675…   nelsonmcsleepy taking my words 4 granted and am a man of my words nelsonmcsleepy we are same, cheap nelsonmcsleepy even minaj can now come, i have ordered 1 in the last link at   nelsonmcsleepy tumblr a/c, timgimidwalo an delan, abe nyaka awinj mabel ok-inkendi, si wewe pekecahako
odhilo kebi marach eban kisumu, bank job imekwisa kabisha if mobilecash adopted, palo ni yot . every thing has an end bro, swag etc or pride
People who repair things are not involved in peoples beauty, what they are up to is to repair worn out/ugly tissue of machines to make them work again. If u hear of badmouth is just jealousy, esp engineers are not concerned with ya looks but on how to improve the machine outlook period. Get this bro
How to make an alternating timer . White women telling masai  indirectly if all kebi is explaining goes well in the link below. Si eti wewe kula 50 mimi nile mia, says wa Kenyatta friends to me. Mr U know  not how u have mbloke my hrt, if u need my cash when compensated, u eat  it all in the song below link
Pier mochanda gi magdalin chalo kamano, yomu, adwamulo koni gi kocha, koyiena, wajamani!!!
Behaving good next to ya as if that character may land them a job  with official clothing which is being eliminated and is bank job bro.  With insurance you got to prospect and with govt parastatal jobs the pay is minimal period bro.
Wachana na hawo wasichana, says onila to  kebi, while kebi utters in a tipsy voice “okablowele gi nyili go, nyim  gi mit nduko chal kagima edwalo kuon/sima“ Ni kanakwamba unapiga/song’a  ugali
The link below show drone with camera to curb crime or theft
Trukana people never like English things like songs or books, Briton are the   once who love such, trukana folks are good in Swahili rhymes and is   always known dat way and metaphor, but it can be sponsored to uplift dem or give them a good picture to be accept as right but wrong to destroy the society. Got to do scrutiny to see employed people who write swahili verses for these people. Anyway such writings are good with the poor  who want to be noticed and helped when life is still closed, when life  opens up like now they are irrelevant coz with ya u got well ya cash to  spend never thinking of problemos. That is the criterion used, Jamaica  people are good in figurative English get this straight girl!!!!
The link above shows ya that u can even collapse when ya country is made poor while the rest resort 2 disturbing ya
To keep completion abreast with developed world, once u have known to make the same and they got online shopping as well, u need to close down all sole proprietorship shops and make any business a franchise so they   don’t sell their goods in any nation as individuals by meeting   individuals to sale 4 them those goods like Wal-Mart, Dillon’s,   McDonalds are franchise no roadside vendors like in Africa to do the   same. Or put gadgets in credit sales 4 majority to buy to enjoy   economies of scale to bar them as well to buy counterfeit from such   nations to return money back home. That’s the game girl!!!
When   you resort to such games in the link below, u dislike posh well built   things like the USA, just be, liking just there topography and that’s   the beautiful thing girl!!!
Even wheat or rye that don’t spoil the teeth that much when taken less   frequently, is made out of hay which is in temperate lands not tropical land under the put in the container process girl. Smile girl!!!
I hate smooth/plain gadgets even with cars, belt, clothes, iron sheets as roofing or building stones/bricks as walls or bikes etc. They should   have option like goose pimple like or corrugated ones like the soda   bottle either from outside or inside, both can do. Or like the hand   carrot cutter gadget like in the link below
He brings the fact dat u wanna be mr big man, if u refute they tell ya to be mca dat being Mr big man aint a joke. It has an inner meaning, they have known of the tattoo thing, so upset ya to find if you got money to  do the same the unknowing ambush you. They are silly, they live in the  middle but know a lot which they know not, they are Trukana blooded.   Kisii, king of the jew and worker & vineyard parable to cement the   truth. Abusing u left and right 4 no solid reason wanting u to get upset to put up a fight to injure ya
diepokchuni ka hera or wach,   magdalin ni chuno wach manade kwani en-omodiep.Buy Car made out of   coffee, its shinny but changes ya mind as guide ya, its more than tea   and let it be not Arabica but robusta as Arabica after long time   denatures the mind bro fund in the link below https://theroasterspack.com/blogs/news/15409365-10-differences-between-robusta-arabica-coffee With phones and small electric gadgets buy ones made out of niddle like   leaves like jacaranda trees but of fallen trees out of bad weather but   how will u know? So companies as well should offer customer   differential-pricing out of what the gadget is made out of so like 1   phone, tv or radio can have different pricing under 1 company or shop   out of the above based on the side effects and benefits attributed to   it. Click the link below, its a sales gimmick dude https://www.gardenguides.com/13428809-what-is-the-difference-between-needle-leaf-and-broad-leaf-trees.html With metallic gadget leave alone the dough made one or corps to feel good   and kinda, bring respect 2 ya, that emotion buy machines made out of   used tires/tiles bro When using fridge with the solar option to   avoid wet cell being depleted to make ya frustrated during the night   maybe if u had 4gotten to switch the fridge, use an electric timer that switches off the fridge in the evening when no solar rays and switches it on in the morning to use the solar light again. With The Bandwagon   Co, Everything is Simplified and that’s our motto. Click the links below and scroll dude 4 more https://www.statista.com/statistics/190376/top-us-states-in-wheat-production/ https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/leading-wheat-producing-states-in-the-united-states.html https://beef2live.com/story-states-produce-corn-0-107129 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rye,_New_York https://vinepair.com/articles/whats-difference-high-wheat-bourbon-high-rye-bourbon/ https://vinepair.com/articles/whats-difference-high-wheat-bourbon-high-rye-bourbon/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/190489/rye-production-in-specified-countries/ Rye is more sweeter than wheat and is what kebis mothers used to feed him   on whenever he could have made chapati or mandashi to make him sharp   when he was young. Truth be told!!! Nyama tree can be   artificially made like with Grass or hay put in a big container then   many spit saliva or urinate on the container sides then boom the herb   leaves, branches or roots or with any other herb or just a small portion of it in the container. Click the link below 4 more https://www.google.com/search?cx=partner-pub-6638247779433690:3873384991&sxsrf=ACYBGNTVcYU2osBFo0MF_xDmkCn6U5HCdA:1578377317491&q=photos+of+nyamau+trees+in+kisii&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=ms-google-coop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1ldLa6fDmAhXk0eAKHRTnBkwQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1024&bih=654   They were saying that usa whites dont know how to build houses, so  they wanna be there to do the same, yet i got them handy, the same way  cars are made is the same way houses are made like in china   www.alibaba.com and again another rumor, they took our limestone 4   cement and sand when they came to colonize us with their big ships,   folks the same way gadgets are made the same way sand, stones and even   cement is made, so they built their nation dat way, what they need is   just what to eat and to exploit others without ya consent to leave   large. With solar panel hidden behind the roof, u can use any color of corrugated  iron sheet provided it diffuses light like in the link   below https://hbswjyfrp.en.made-in-china.com/productimage/qKkJZmLEaDrW-2f1j00HmSaJTisEtzA/China-Clear-Corrugated-Plastic-Roofing-FRP-Fiberglass-Sheet.html   https://www.pinterest.co.uk/roofinglinesUK/plastic-roof-sheeting/ The concrete place roofing used mostly in Africa can hinder that method of solar technology, so the company should be able to come up with glass   or plastic of the same nature to be place where u wanna place ya hidden solar panel under the roof and this a new lucrative market i bet bro,   come lets capitalize on this like in the link below dude. Click the link below 4 more http://www.eaglerooftiles.co.za/ https://www.alibaba.com/premium/concrete_roofing.html?src=sem_ggl&cmpgn=8372273401&adgrp=84173055262&fditm=&tgt=aud-794202449689:kwd-295238743106&locintrst=&locphyscl=9063091&mtchtyp=b&ntwrk=s&device=c&dvcmdl=&creative=406864468249&plcmnt=&plcmntcat=&p1=&p2=&aceid=&position=1t4&gclid=CjwKCAiA0svwBRBhEiwAHqKjFqQTe6akWn0fFi_iWFpZn_jQ9ZVbVUH_IsJVg43HaY7yk4SJBHV5TxoCXYcQAvD_BwE   https://unsplash.com/s/photos/roof They arrest u after u have agreed to leave the building using the sick  guards, take u to the   building basement wanting to harass ya then set u  free after calling   hooligans to ransack u to find what you got then  behaves like u r poor and a bother to them, after weeks they send  criminals to ya door to   ambush ya. What character is that dude? Mr Hindu stop, the Gold i threw away in the pit latrine and if u think i got it, then, well, come or   bring ya Gold locator to do the same, the root of  David, king of jew to cement de trut. You poor braggart whose dubious  ways have been   blocked, where has it taken you to bro, answer me dock!!! Talk Mr!!!   Click the link below 4 more, even guns have small portion  gold in them to be detected https://dir.indiamart.com/impcat/gold-metal-detector.html Now they advice u on how to eat, that u r robbing ya self self respect if u eat much, in dat u should eat less to tell u love kids or share with   them to avoid more problems when all ya dubious ways have been blocked, dont wanna hustle dude. Time will catch up with ya,previously wanna   harass ya by molesting ya now Mr motivational speaker to ya!! Bitch what can you tell me dude, stop being silly bro. They do dat to   discourage u in life so u die, quit investing and in the  aftermath   share ya wealth, dem lazy people, trukana blooded men. Killing ya plans, dreams bro,making ya tired wth life like wanting to give up  dude.   Rather do to ya money like in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFLow5StvvU
If you belittle a certain group of people with the same body posture,   kinda, u see the earth sliding. Thats its bro, like twista bodied men 4 no apparent reason. click the link below 4 more
Photos of corrugated belts, cars as well should be made that way, not all   smooth dude like in the link below am tired with smooth 1
Mafi is used to make flour as well as KDF mandazi which spoils the teeth,   dude we want u to sit down and change ya tactics, stop belittling people yet u partake like their shit from ghetto which u know not.
Usa also gets money via office stationery and this like hr glass
The outer hard peel of coconut as well can be used to make cash, speakers, drum sets, caskets, woodened seats or automatic locks under the same   procedure explained in tumblr a/c following this tumblr
Scroll the page below after clicking the down link, for no fuel generator
When u want to make an organization that employs many fall  like with recorded lectures or No fuel generator, if they aint rude,   kinda, u see imaginary fire being ignited like in the song below when it starts to show ya u might land in hell if u fail to change ya tricks
I can die any time and am looking 4 responsible men who love my wife so   that in-case i die they can take care of my household. Men advice dont   just fight with men who love ya wife, they can be of real help dude.   Fight the mang’aa ones bro na hiyo yothe in mandeleo!!! Utters Austin   sikwap the Giriama of malindi
USA and UK gets money via   university application fee where many leave it there as the prerequisite followup is expensive or tiresome and the credentials send to those   universities via courier. To know exact mail sent via Us or European co you can check with all the couriers or at the universities as well as   international exam bodies like ABE.
You have been warned not to   talk to kebi, question is, who has the money getting tip which u   tirelessly search from him then after giving ya u give him a cold   shoulder dat u have been sensitized of the above.If the loophole is   blocked dont come back to him, well taken, good deal, u just want from   him and with ya u cant help him. Rd block to oversees nations as that is a mischief dude, blessing in disguise bro
walish are senegalis, they love helping people and smooth life, like of justice. Golo is   knowing how to help/sot people out in like an economic situation but   they are jealous with words. Gigolo is a big female inlove with a man,   so most people from dat nation r gigolo as the female counterpart is   called cougar. I got that blood dude, togolis as well got dat blood Mountain bike and comborella and other bikes give usa like $ 5 billion usd while spare parts aint counted yet, they even sell their bikes to central and Caribbean American as much as south America, google folks to find out   those nations, so this untapped market if u get the same technology and the said people aint learnt them yet. click the below link 4 more https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_Senegal https://unsplash.com/s/photos/bicycle Photostartimer can be place on the switch off/on button of the no fuel generator found at www.alibaba.com where its battery is charged with the solar powered generator that works during the day well to store power to be used at   night, which when night falls the solar panel dont pick up light rays to charge the wet cell, so the photostat that was place on the NF   generator by a technitian senses no light to connect the switch that   starts the generator b4 the morning comes again to sense light to   disconnect the switch to make the Nf generator stop while the solar 1   starts its journey again of powering ya house. It also when has strong   many wet cell can still work through the whole night and a   photostartimer can be put on its output wires to ya appliances to break the circuit when the nfl generator kicks off and vice versa dude. This no rocket science or myth but pure reality bro. The temperate lands  that grow cereals like France, Britain or Germany as well grows irish potatoe and soyi beans so they are more than tropical lands which   harbors most food crops like cassava, yam, sweet potatoes etc which   tires the brain as you cant eat them much 4 quit along time bro They wallow in despair yet wanna be 1st and get folks down with their   sickening traditions, yet they wanna connect ya with their woman so as   to benefit if they get hitched and thats why they draw close to ya if   they have investigate ya that u got money and can settled wid the said   woman who will give them their share if that transpire. Dont say that 1 is dirty, accept that your dirty ways i have been defeated and tailor ya coat to ya body size. Let every house or business premise buy automated locks to block ya silly open move of stealing small stuff to join again to make a complete packet like with candy and biscuits or opening of  truck container by cutting the seal and replacing it again with your  like in the dock ports or trucks on roads and even in chain stores. You  wanna grab my money, put up a fight and belittle me still when all ya  dubious ways are known and blocked dude, Gas bro, call siren gas bro!!!  What more again dude Small drones and toys give the USA $ 3.2  annually alone as much as jewels.Even with church sermon it can be live  like soccer and parents with kids do like those who watch soccer outside 2gether with their little ones and they call it a day by listening to  that sermon online like in the link below https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=manchester+vs+chelsea https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sermons+of+joel+austin https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sermons+of+td+jakes+ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lectures+at+princeton+university
It must be between 6-30 when signing up as u write more than 3o, it doesnt accept or less than 6. Try fellow, stop ya silliness dude.
USA   get money via valentine and xmas cards, gifts, trees and according to   research it amounts to over $ 4 billion usd in revenue as well from   electronics like money counting machines, calculator, fax machine,   automated locks, teddy bears etc as friend from those nations buy and   send to their relatives in any developing nation and phones like   Motorola and international call cards in the link below
The link below rep solar powered generator that u can place a photostatimer to alternate with a mini no fuel free generator.
Even china benefits a lot from the sales of toys and dolls  bro, catch the little foxes that people dispice b4 the destroy the   vineyard. Worker parable, in a solar panel connection place ya wet cell in the middle between the solar panel wet cell and the solar charger   controller, dont place or connect wet cell apart from the invator to be started by the photostat to flow the current to the invator when no sun  rays to power the same, when their is light the bet power is constant,  it only reduces in voltage when their is no sunlight period dude. Do not fear, it can cook, iron and still be used in ya fridge all night long  when you have connected like 2, 24 volts wet cell to give ya 48-50 volts which to reduce from 50-10 dat the invertor accepts its like a tag of  war. Kikiool pi to cool the high watt invator, place the 2 outside to  alternate them using a timer like in a 1 hr basis to avoid overheating  and repairs or loss.
Expensive nets also build us or funds the  white people like in kenya where they meet people who got pity on them  and give them those nets, shoes or jackets to sell at a profit and them  given their share bro
They wanted to do the above to Tz but  E-cars have gotten them handy, folks everything comes to an alter no  matter how complicated it is bro. After incorporating wireless alarm and gun as much as camera, if the criminal proceed into ya compound wanting to hurt ya, this what u do, buy a house with balcony in the middles and within dat balcony put ya drone to escape horizontally with the ground, choose ya house where behind got undulating lands, small hills or  fenced houses to escape in the link below or just 1 with a flat top in  the middle of the roofing 4 drone but people see not.
Tz stop send delegates, usa is much more rich in food rather they dont buy ya small gadgets like phones, they are self sufficient even if they get cash online.
Minaj come lets shower and heading to the shower, lets beth together.
What did u eat, ya booty to fat- whispering this in his friend ears, hitting his finger like a little kid, am going to tell ya mother, doing dat is Nehemiah izo.
Look 4 Jamaica woman after Mr Hindu organization is finished, atleast who understand leave the yankees they are malawians  as malawi people are arab blooded, people who want from emerging rich people or-else they thwart ya destiny but u cant want from them, at the  point the song ends, kinda, he is dirtying his hood from behind. Click  the link below 4 more
Come here baby song, in the link below depicts a woman whom u could love but could not give in due to lack of sufficient cash but sleeping wid men   in ya presence as doing this and dat but u have looked around, given up in life but still gets to her or now she is mad wid ya, check it out   dude
Hindu are signaling me they are in bad shape, kuhangaika, its up to them, kinda, our strength, with what they have done, let them continues foreseeing   more problems, till they thin up coz if at all they had triumph we could be seeing fire.
Banks should tell us their profitability where   it cames from, like on Atm withdrawals, people lost, deceased without   next of kin, mobile money transfer and a/c opening contributes to what   percentage. u Will find the bulk is from Atm withdrawals, and a/c   opening which should be free 4 the 1st 3 withdrawals and with ac/c   opening the money is still your like with US banks even if its a   prerequisite. The uk EPL is funded with this and thats why they want   population increase to make many open a/c 4 kids or their own and a/c   opening. When this is done it makes UK poor as u can see them   frustrated. But onlinemoney out of money laundring has eliminated this   once employed. Kebi dont not forgive their dirty tricks or spare them   ‘sema yote‘.
Govt also should remove grocery store as they use   this to fund money back home esp TZ short people. Chainstore should be   opened as we are par with any other developed nation as nothing machine to buy as we have known how to buy such like bvr kits or household good  or car which people save 4 along time to buy but now cheap and can be bought on credit and heavy machine like used to make roads are made   locally so it save the govt money on such bro.
My new tumblr a/c email is [email protected] check it out or name   mcsleepynelson, the email above was 4 this tumblr a/c b4 i changed it   again to the tumblr a/c of the above name
you take ajuok niddle   like leaves, mwarubaine leaves, Tamandarine/okwaju seeds, alovera and   wild sunflower as landana, then mix then in the dark put them in the   container, then u piss, salivate on the container sides then curative   medication or antibacterial medicine packed in the link below boom are   made
Where kebi house is situated was the jesus mother house when they were young, Aron hse was the jail where meshark, shadrack and abednego were   arrested. The unfinished hse near 4rems ksm was the joseph/mary jesus   mother house, Where gosh lived when at kim college was mc donalds and   police post and a bus station where christ was 1st taken when arrested 4 fingerprints. Vin modi green hse was peter the rock hse situated. Rata clinic was the temple bro, Christ tought the old
The hse opposite the cyber was a police jail, gosh house where is situated was a bus station as well along time
They eye m-peas going E-africa so wanna be here yet to curb fake money saga it will be eliminated coz it involves liquid cash, so forget about that  bro as well as when banks atrophies security guards will be reduced in  number as job cuts while EPL will be affected as Barclay bank is the   major sponsor dude, get this straight bro!!1. Kebi is a double edge   cutting sword described in the 6 seals of the bible in revelation 6 in   the link below
The dance that led to john the baptist being beheaded was in Seattle,   Washington, they took a flight to an event there, so it can be the truth of a city built on the hill can never be hidden which will be more   tolerable then tire and sidon at the judgement day JD.
What i   explained to ya in details in other tumblr a/c or at a table u have   4gotten that u can delete a tumblr a/c if i changed the email i know not even if i still know the password in the link below making it a new   story daily    
Zachariah adel of KB and the other best 1 where in the scene when john the   baptist was beheaded and in-fact Zacharias ACHMED the Islam 1 was the 1 who took head on a plate, Its is incarnation bro, they were taken back from heaven to earth again and given longevity, they have live 4 many   yrs as much as Railamoloding’a
Link below rep places with tea, so kenyans shut up bro
The 2 thieves were taken to police custody near the cyber jail i have   described above, if u simply partake mwarubaine and put it to meditation as pray as well you feel some1 talking to ya and telling u this bro   period.
Click the link below for a good step down transformer
Think i canhurt myself and they delete the following of this tumblr which in each following got every following so its a zero work thing dude, think  twice bro.
Nowdays if u wear like worn out/old cloths the kamba  or masai blooded their kids dont wanna associate with ya or gives ya a  cold shoulder, they want to perpetuate their hooliganism as to make ya  buy their new cloths to benefit coz they have known how to make the   same, while china is saying no, to bring them online in a very cheap   dimension so as to alter their destiny and make them sell theirs in   credit sale or make them half price to meet competition bro, no jokes,   their is a big progress jo!!!
Like in the link below b4 the song start, syllabus 4 schools and colleges can be made that way with what on the board captured to eliminate going 2 class 4 all but 4 the heavy   headed who dont comprehend fast. What u do is paying the exam fee, their is alot of hick ups, gossips and malice in schools associate with   lectures as much as name tint and bad mouth or progress thwarts.
Countries with coffee
Me am not yesus so dont force to the point u wanna box me, get it from the horses mouth, am not Jesus Christ. 2 give the lazy my hustle, i cant   and let me reiterate the point, siwezi hata kwa dawa. The masai blooded who are 1st in social ills and hooligans at night, let them eat their   sweet or rudeness or go to their tribesmen 4 help not us bro. Get this   straight dude, period!!!
                           Siren gas issue                                                        
Siren gas made out of human blood suffocates faster as the flash floods but   reacts when hot with iron after long time breaking the cylinder causing plane fall, the best 1 is of hay or chaff bro, dont react bro.
The petroleum engine can be replaced with electric 1, if the bud like part of the engine is removed where combustion takes place and replaced with  the electric 1 for any gasoline using gadget bro, dont worry not only with nyama tree with smelling mouth but as well with artificial food and replaced electric engine in the link below
PEOPLE who are machine makers dont love people  in their houses while them can be in ya premise, bcoz he is of utility to ya and mostly got Norwegian blood, got to understand this not that he is of bad character dont want  people in his house.
The no fuel generator in the link below can  be made a mini-small one and put inside machines like tv, stereos, cookers, computer or fridge so the nf generator just used in lighting of bulbs and in showers.
Railamoloding’a was the dives as daniel with nebuchadneza as am told
Click the link below 4 more, buy 120 v input transformer and output 12 v,   after connecting like 4-24 v wet cell to give ya 100 v which you channel into the 120 v transformer as input to give ya 12 v as output which u   put into a solar charger controller then to the terminal of ya e-car,   vehicle where the battery is fixed, this resolve the battery pop up   associated with E-motor bikes,bikes or cars, or if you buy the 1 in the link below when u put half current of 120 v it gives ya 12 but of high watts to avoid burning bro
Download of music should be done, let them create a website like with the   betting sites where movies,lectures or songs are priced then u select,   pay online then they send ya that group of songs, movies u bought at a   fee online. click the link below 4 more
Adrian saying, gi thago kebi, ablomuko/goyo lakewho mokelego, gi palo niedwalo nyili gi, eh eh eh mano epach gi. Peleka njaa yako whoko, malachi four to cement de trut. Marry mama yesus nomer/tipsy b4 being injected with sleeping drug then an artificial insemination Ai done to give birth to christo b4 he was given his sermons as another who transformer to his   image at 12 v in the tample did to give him name. Folk bibilia, wifecry was written period, whats the hoot and what do u want bro, to grab kebi  manhood, his little food which if he refuteds u resort to bad mouthing?  Stop dude and fix ya self somewhere to work, stop lazing around and  gossiping like Pg women bro!!
As googled bro or binged
white men are kinda nuts and they cant be explaining on media as we purpote   bro, out of research it has cross my mind that it is The whiteman of   brazil with elastic ear lob at the tip where earing hangs, they r   kikuyu, they have been mandated to advice the white-men in that they   were told how to make planes so to cement dat happening and not to tell the trut of the end of the earth on the pacific side if you take a   flight from latin amrica to keep Africans in dark to facilitate to   destroy her gene via intermarriage and to continue monitoring people who buy gadgets they were told of online cash to perplex people how they   survive yet dont want people to buy the very very gadgets dat gives them cash as well they help sponsor bad deals in Africa as frustrate kids in jobs and schools 4 the curse to fall on them. They even advice the   white on who to assassinate like mlk, malcom x, tm, 4 the whites to   cement the trut of a city which kills the prophet, dat it will be more   tolerable 4 tire and sidon to be Brazilian capital which is sau paulo,   click the link below to show at that time of the killing of the above   and more not now, so they shift it that even if it happens its not the   capital to kill or destroy the govt buildings and officials.
Pure is the sermon, who wrote them or who gave it to another, Gandhi or TM etc
When u sleep with Germans u desire poor kind of life of being alone while   with Briton it makes ya behave like kids or love kids more than adult.   Am walish, wales, wer, songs, waist, kiuno, as wale help people like   jonah on the belly of the fish after transfiguring on how they do which i cant explain not. Can change into a parasite like gigas and logg itself in the belly of the fish b4 again transfiguring into a person or any   other animal, outside in the dark.
Using a tractor to tilt the   land lands ya in hell or makes ya insane like the white-men, In Africa   kale uses the same, many lands are rugged to people use plough or cattle which makes them up-tune, so the white-men behaves like insane to get   buy after death in judgement cause the flame is to hot. Click the links below 4 more
Kalenjins just want from people, when u have not the rush to ridicule ya house if good or not to join ya, when, kinda, u gonna have money, they stalk ya even wanting to organize malice on ya, stop that dude. Most Sa got that  blood and Tunisia people, when u realize a woman got that gene, kinda, u desist from her, cause they join what they have helped bring down   without being a shamed, can destroy the world as their male counterpart, just good with where their is cash crop cant hustle as they are always reserved and most negros with straight body bones like those in NBA are  Tunisia blooded bro. Fellows desist from them, good in their own but   more better than many other tribes like luo, kisii etc
German   meet or barley got extra-taste of chocolate, they take the cow blood mix with chocolate b4 they put in the dark and spit saliva on it to make   artificial meat AM explained in the following tumblrs of this a/c, same to drinks and barley. Even coffee husks, seeds are used to make shiny   weak gadgets like just Tea or cocoa leaves or maize cob as well as   cereal chaff makes dull ones.
The gasping 4 help when drowning is sweet when u have not given up on life and sudenly 1 listens to ya,   finds ya and help ya to life again is the feeling when sleeping with a   british women.
When u belittle people, doing wrong   things,listening to music others have not listen to to comment yet   sweet, when u r mean in life, when a friends eats like mwarubaine, they see you  outside ya house front door like in a funeral, kinda, in a   casket, meaning u risk going to hell fire if u die or it brings hate   that u dont understand with people around ya, so u must get out of that quagmire by listening to liberating people music and being humble and   loving people as u love ya self, stopping ya dirty tricks.
nelsonmcsleepy like a cup of blood of any animal taken to dark put in a container then many spit saliva to make meet of the same kind, this also applies to   human corpse bro with blood donations as well as strong siren gas is   also made with human plasma under the same procedure described in tumblr a/c following me like nelsonmcsleepy
Get to check my following followers for full information guys and see which following tumblr u wanna delete cause they are many.
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
mary jesus mother no mer, tipsy when was injected with sleep drug
Setting an example to the world next generation by what anything am doing
nelsonmcsleepy nelsonmcsleepy   https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Portable-Mobile-Container-Toilet-for-Bathroom_720238090.html?spm=a2700.7735675…   nelsonmcsleepy taking my words 4 granted and am a man of my words nelsonmcsleepy we are same, cheap nelsonmcsleepy even minaj can now come, i have ordered 1 in the last link at   nelsonmcsleepy tumblr a/c, timgimidwalo an delan, abe nyaka awinj mabel ok-inkendi, si wewe pekecahako
odhilo kebi marach eban   kisumu, bank job imekwisa kabisha if mobilecash adopted, palo ni yot .   every thing has an end bro, swag etc or pride
ya food even on   credit they still want but will not help ya settle the credit, even ya   just borrow like him so u got credit even a food that some1 has given ya like xmas or new year present they want to the point of organizing   attack on ya much much as money given to u to help u buy things like   cloths or shoes.
Most mineral water that if u drink, kinda, u   feel ya brain open up, its soft and sweet to drink are mostly from mali springs which can make dat nation the most riches, it was made that way  in that folks could have rushed there.
Illinois state u feel as  if land is meeting as if u know how to construct things or sentences   that r up on all sides not down this side and up that side or that is   not meeting, so white-men investigate people that way, if u love   Illinois they put an eye on ya bro, Kansas is beautiful but expansive as the land dont meet but rolls/run away bro
When drowning in a   semi-deep water and 1 is helping ya who is not all that an expert but   taking long, kinda, u r dying the next minute but drawing u to shall   point holding ya hand thats how ya penis feel in a German woman pussy   and on a British 1 you feel ya head moving from drowning, the struggle   of gasping water, crying out 4 help, thinking about u r leaving what u   love most, then out air, is the feeling with British 1 and thats why   people became wild with their woman, you feel ya glan penis swollen like people hit you last week with that semi peni or like eating the chicken Gizard, that grumpy feeling, kinda, when u walk with such women after   having sex wid them, u wanna embrace dem on the shoulder when people   seeing thinking they will take it from ya and feel the same. Pure   jealousy!!!
Click to watch the song below in the link below
Now they sponsor people to fall plane even on short distance to instill   fear on people on planes of new nations which aint that original just   like with their machines or with the rocket that can reach mars that it take long and must fall cause plane takes short time and still falls so  what about a 7 month journey, u will fail/die to still maroon folks with their silly desires they have come up with, to control ya, so some tribes are now playing good cause they wanna go to the new planet like luo, kikuyu, kamba or kisii as well as masai. Its far wide to thwart the traveling mood on people and incase of attack its seen as they are   coming no underground fissure to outside earth to other planets and   china with other nations has that technology as well which tires the   white with well place protection mechanisms not 4 it to fall on   following of this tumblr a/c.
The trump character is six of a man and is kauma 1, where u identify pretty women to fix them with rich men so u benefit, taking a look at trump he is kauma, omani, acholi, kale   and ARGENTINA blooded as well a kisii so he is a blessing in disguise to show ya of such so u dont destroy the world further of star-bon kids.   Am superstar in my things so am sturbon, heard from a certain kid who   could eat the whole turkey on a xmas eve and dont share with his friends bro. On trump Baghdad comment with a woman, the soldiers are even tired sited down to depict bad character 4 a president of the richest nation still wanting from people, should resign if he persist and dont address  the issue of money laundering as put in following tumblrs of this tumblr a/c. Micheli gi lingo mit moloyo thel mochanda, donge delanu, utters  another kebi.
She sit far from a point to depict she loves long  penis that can log or get to places we can never imagine, near to tell  she loves short 1 and medium, she sits in the middles, so think twice.  Obama still fund hooliganism, sending people in that he is in love with  ya, if you wanna make it big- i won sportpessa of over 250 million and  am saying this without blinking my eyes, should be warned or killed if  he persists, but its a blessing in disguise to depict kale, kisii, luya  and baganda people character.
Stop company luncheons and ferrying people with the bus and grown ups who have in the past gone to good  schools just sitting in the house. This makes young task to follow suit  as some sees ya as role models and of work dont work good to start  businesses as they long to get employed to feel the same or quench their thirst to their desires. Let now people buy E-bike, motor bikes for the same even in jobs and their own food bro to stop the illicit.
The masai facilitate justice so u gain much instead of wanting to injure or wanting some1 dime food. Its sickening bro, say like this, we have  understand that they man was in the USA as we have investigated, call  people he has mentioned that were with him in jail to to identify him  and let him be compensated they money he is claiming b4 he gives you  your share so u get out of the city to your area. According to sources  he is saying he is compensated even the damages he can give you upto khs 5 m to start ya life all those in ksm, you can even buy 10 used matatu  and put on roads to give ya 30 thousand shillings daily and you still be the tout and the driver so u benefit on a tree-dimension basis Mr  masai, stop silly acts and pro-act and the time is now
Most Russian are Austria blooded, people who dont just give in to sentiments and is cemented in the link below moreover Most Jew as i have put in   other tumblr a/c are masai blooded from the mothers side, they married   their women or Austrians women with that blood to give a humble but   confused people but good in doing polite business as the white-women   does, people when u r close to them got respect and u feel good, so   majority long 4 it not knowing the male counterpart cant understand and serve justice and we want people who can solve mischief not be pro it   and thats the problem dude. Mad men, kinda, bro.
I have not joined any group that bars me from watching anything, provided its not in the vicinity of kids or them snooping, then where is the   hoot, and they cant access the links afterward, Stop bro and let me   enjoy studying the women race b4 i tell ya to save the world.
When they have realized u r good even in college and friends and relative   pay ya fee somehow, they rush to screw it up to stop ya and at that time they want ya to take a break and 4get that spirit of sequence learning u have displayed as to have difficulty in a/c when u joined next time or u go and sleep wid their daughters which if u refuse they organize an   attack on u if u walk bad.
When folks comment on ya life progress or what u have come up with is when u feel good like when in the USA, u got to scan the house you live in 4 people to comment to settle ya   spirit and make ya happy, which the white women have known and dont   like, so b4 they accept u again they monitor dat trend with ya which if u still have, its still a detriment to them that u rob them their dignity and thats it bro, get this straight dude!!!!!
Giving birth to   kids not knowing their dirty tricks can be blocked, then they want ya   food the lady with like 2 kids while the hubby is laden in disrespect.   How will dat happen? Give birth to kids u can take care of good period. Not that i am mean bro or get to ya tribesmen to help ya. When will you  get this bro, that Temperate lands got cereal while tropical lands got  food crops such as yam, potatoes which tires the brain while many   nations are populous and need wheat or maize daily to feed her   population bro, like the Arab nations and china imports cereals so how   can u be rich than them yet every nation have learnt automation if u   were capitalizing on selling machines to other nations who have not   learnt the same and the money making gimmick has been curbed by the   proposed online or comphonecash and even with many booth system like the old telephone ones that enables ya to transact as debit or credit   another or ya a/c even in ya phone or computer absentia.
The   market at migosi now scrap metal shop was a crematorium, where mary the mother body was cremated and of what significance is dat bro, wont take  us anywhere like a plane does. A drop of water in the ocean, to know the past important place they make ya feel good like even when doing   nothing you dont wanna get out of their, they dont bore u off fast. Kebi sometimes takes scrap their but periodically coz its far from his   residence. Dont bore us with old music that makes us guilty of our past, reflects bad old memories to our brain making u think people are   discussing your past mishap.
When bank jobs have been eliminated the market 4 suits shrinks and buy drones like Toy 1 and locate the gas  inside wire like of the blower to heat the gas cross-cross at alibaba,  what do u want dude!!1
Anything in the hardware is bought at alibaba click the link below and you just change all category product name of what u want at more cheap price than in country like Kenya, Mr Hindu so back up dude
Get to check my following followers for full information guys and see which following tumblr u wanna delete cause they are many.
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
mary jesus mother no mer, tipsy when was injected with sleep drug
Setting an example to the world next generation by what anything am doing
nelsonmcsleepy nelsonmcsleepy   https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Portable-Mobile-Container-Toilet-for-Bathroom_720238090.html?spm=a2700.7735675…   nelsonmcsleepy taking my words 4 granted and am a man of my words nelsonmcsleepy we are same, cheap nelsonmcsleepy even minaj can now come, i have ordered 1 in the last link at   nelsonmcsleepy tumblr a/c, timgimidwalo an delan, abe nyaka awinj mabel ok-inkendi, si wewe pekecahako
odhilo kebi marach eban   kisumu, bank job imekwisa kabisha if mobilecash adopted, palo ni yot .   every thing has an end bro, swag etc or pride
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
Each race is good on their own so we need to create small nations 4 each.   Sometimes if u see a certain race man talking it guide ya to leave   Africa cause the whites wanna be here again and majority love to be   served by them to feel good and police arrest after u show them   rudeness, kinda, brings joy than polite life with free food and goods   put on credit to enjoy economies of scale and create bad credit for such to be enslaved again as they cannot buy again anything. PETROLEUM will still surface if gasoline gadgets are made cheap like half price 4 many  to buy, so don’t just laugh bro
The above links rep how to reach the mars or venus but in 7 month distance, to avoid timer malfunction that changes the current to the next   cylinder coz the 1st 1 to hot to burst, they put them like 3-5 set at   the same time in a parallel connection in that if 1 burns up to   discontinue the current flow that would lead to saucer falling the   others still do and at the same time the pilot can still control the   same with switches.
Lindi, TZ was where Jesus changed water to   wine long b4 the green man left Europe and they went to Europe and   shortly again they left America 4 Venus then the white men moved to   America.
Let the nation be built on its pace or reduce population 4 the resources to fit people once all loopholes have been blocked. Tz people are the once causing strife in the nation that they save putting  them in others food that they are building Tanzania. Stop dude U r poor  and accept the fact Germany or Canada is rich than u out of all   explained in tumblr a/c following this tumblr.
One dot bar code   machine putting that code on cash at central bank and the money   censoring machine is made in such way to sense that. They can make fake cash those in Govt and do the same bro. Comphonecash does it, inaeweza,  nyale, or curbs such dude period.
Angel Gabriel was   Railamolodinga then, in marys house when sleeping, like people   transfigure to any race did the same to be a white-man and switched the light on marys room and told mary u will be pregnant of a son when   previously had done the same when she was not away put sperms in the   syrange in a cold ice small cooler and when mary was deep asleep like   lazurus took 1 syrange with a che3mical that makes 1 to fall a sleep   like in  a minute and below the mattress had took out the better part of that mattress to make a bwol like hole only small part left to rich the top and that’s the position he used to inject Christ mother with b4   getting out of under the bed and again impregnating Mary with the sperm on the syringe to make her pregnant. Mary remembered the occasion later  but thought it was a middle on the bed. B4 she could stand and check the mess he was down as overwhelmed by the drug, dude the whole truth, what do u want folks. Jesus was born in a ranch bro get it straight!!! It  was planned and Mary had loose nuts was not that normal bro!!!
When folks have an eye on ya u don’t grow up in size, bible Mathew 5 an eye 4 an eye or a teeth 4 a teeth to cement reality bro.
By drinking milk from a cup but putting it like 30 cm from the mouth to   pour out like water fall as well is another method of making gadgets.   People who love traditions are always monitored and denied entry to   nations, cause always they want to be 1st or destroy other races, know   that people. Reasons to why u don’t get green-card and white-men looking 4 that. The Masai character is a blessing in disguise and a teaching to people who want big booty women like Russians to quit coz they are good on their own not in another tribe lest u go to hell cause u got the   prophet.
The city which kills the dream of the prophet, Wichita, Minneapolis or Amsterdam, can be another version, it will be more   tolerable to Sidon and tire than it, people will burn as u see, kinda,   head lit on fire with burning hair or they grow mad or 1 eye pops out.
They now got dirty tricks of wanting people to leave food in a restaurant   then they put it on water if it has like source then put on microwave to dry up then sold to them at lunch time in 70% removed price, people   fear them yet its left overs like Christ with feeding 4-5 thousand   people. People discard ya food to fund hooliganism and they create beef with ya if u fail to leave yours bro
Click the links above and see how fake money is detected, though you have   known how to make cash using human brain with coins, guava etc and with notes, strawberry, kales, carbage etc, they will still show fake under the above machine in that where the money is made like in Kenya Delaru they sprinkle something extra on top to bridge the difference like maize seed or just cereals to read real money which with yours if u fail its  fake and that’s the gimmick. Those who still with the govt can still do  with making fake money, so the way to go is eliminating liquid cash and  putting it on comphonecash bro period. So got to know how many seeds  that must be sprinkled on that vegetable used to make money to enable ya money pass the fake/real money test, so u cant but must be told by  those involved in the money making as grapevine is a everyday reality  after long time bro. So take heed never relenting bro!!!! Go back to ya  nation period Mr Hindu or Italian. Or just a liquid being poured on top  and which 1 in what amount dude, Got to know dat bro.
Chirombero  in ksm was the tomb where John the baptized was cremated if near their  ya lips grow big and Christ was born in Lilongwe as the name Capernaum  or Lake Galilee and John was not arrested in Rome but in Lilongwe, lost  coin and little kid to cement de trut. They love lake cities the   Naphtali tribe b4 they went again to Europe and distributed tribes   again. Africans go slow 4 the truth to be told or known, don’t know a   lot and its all true lies bro
With that little u can get started, friends you have not heard me that with me little cant start with me, u wanna put up a fight, wanna force me with marriage, then well and good, am die a bachelor, u wanna box me still, dude, what do you want with   me, I don’t wanna leave kids behind in this dirty world.
At the   end of the turnel u see people being give guns as hurled to them from a source esp in Uganda, Gambia, Togo, countries at least with   understanding not pro-white none-sense meaning as well the gadgets   matches those of Europe or N-America, this signal war and u see the   white men in Africa walking inspecting vehicle originality and they came to it, so if u watch soccer they relent as in want to be like Negros   that their cash they share many people. That’s to ya good and we wanna   know dat not, ya problem. Now they wanna stop saying African food don’t spoil the mind like previous not knowing what they read have been given  to or copy pasted from another source. Whiteman don’t be fooled but hold ya stand period.
The link below show how at dusk the luo walk with such with unknown   chemical inside wanting to grab ya if u fail to utter back in their   dialect. They can infect ya with virus yet 1 of them signal ya its trump thing. Resign dude, ya time is up bro!!! Wanting ya food every now and then yet they got it in plenty than ya, kinda, stupid and sickening   bro!!!
The chairs in the link above if u see some1 working in the office u resort to belittling them, why? They instill the negative fear of people who   thwart peoples destiny and lovers of shiny bright things and bright kids r never loved coz the pretend to know alot than their ages to the point of belittling the elders.
I was treated good when sick in the hospital, friends it was milk on milk, I mean milk after milk.
This that changes ya character that upset people and u know not, drinking   cold water, buying socks and vests every now and then. They make u   insane or rude and u know not like Us blacks. Tissue papers are made   with cotton wool in a container where many spit saliva or urinate on the offering while cassava as well is used to make automated security   padlocks or just locks.
They say if u love free cheap things u   might land up in hell, yes its true, even with harvesting rain water,   but u got the remedy saying they had put nuts on ya belly that rot to   give ya chronic tetanus and rain water eliminates such and that’s the   reason 4 harvesting it, Friends don’t know a lot in this life yet you   know less or not. Stop cashing into others affair, mind ya own business bro.
By ng'amruok many women like in a circle with the offering like hay, wool or chaff in the middle as well makes gadgets. Kuchora   saba sana, making ya legs apart at reflex or obtuse angle make even   houses like in the link below with garbage as the offering
With the above slams will be casted into junk heap of yesterday and every   family will be able to live in a descent sanitary house.
When   achieving justice, sometimes if u walk, kinda, u see like some1 or wind pushing ya esp ya hand and back to the point u feel a touchy hand   pushing u like a friend has done previously to show understanding and   defeat of ya enemies bro. Get this straight on ya mind dude!!!
Get somewhere to hustle even if ya job has been  redeemed useless by new   cameras and wireless alarm systems, don’t walk  around wanting good life to get into people houses to eat that you are  looking 4 precious food job. Suffer bwana, don’t say u know how to look 4 things yet we got   wireless camera so u wanna say they rob u, your  dignity. Grow up and Mr Hindu and Uhuru, stop sponsoring this guys. In  the corridor they want to like fight ya with their knife or eject the  arrow 2 hurl u with.
Woe to that city built on the hill, it will  be more tolerable than tire   and Sidon than that that kills the prophet,  John the Baptist was   transported from Rome to Mombasa and beheaded at  Fort Jesus. Will it   slide into see, women with Barabbas to cement the truth, sycamore tree   with zaccheaus
So they killed Malcolm x in ny to say he was a prophet yet his writings he was given in jail, same to Gandhi and MLK in Memphis- Raila was the 1 who   transfigured to the White X-military man and shot him, sharp shooter.
To take their wives as bible promise means they good women that bring   forth good behaved kids not disturbing ones, like Christ alluding with   fig tree. Most whites are kikuyu blooded bringing disturbing kids and   many. Cut island men bring kids who disturb when have married other   women but the women when married good men bring good  kid, so I think   it was cut island as the take their wives and they are  also found in   Florida, USA. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the  truth.
When grabbing ya manhood is an alt they start moving next  to ya in a bend   posture with their head down as if cleaning the dirt as  if you are   filthy yet some seconds ago wanted ya food, the greek blooded men as   many cut islanders got that blood. The luo are tolerated to give   greekamba, Mexican people curse and that’s the plan. They have more     stubborn bro!!!
No arab will dwell there, how? I think by the     slogan, there will be no arab means they will have been finished on     their dirty games of prostitution, making fake money, putting Arafat as if they will not fall and no money to buy food as E-machines will have declared gas redundant bro
The promise to Arab above was just written, the whites thought that Arab   will not be finished as they never thought of oil being redundant     period, as finished with E-vans, buses, vehicles as you can Google that.
E-faru link below from china
People who pride themselves after long became stubborn, they still wanna live large yet their dubious ways to dat life has been removed, better cut ya coat to ya size, scale down ya wants like the kisii people, Minnesota  thing everyday wid bank statement issue, following them to no good.
The devol will be hurled down 4 deluding the nations not on earth but in   hell from heaven out of the sermons by mlk purporting that it is his   after a coin is put in the palm of the hand to see the truth as well as  Nobel peace price in oslow by mlk and we are here where do we go from    here speech
The  white people and Nigro hide this as well they were not mlk things and   he risk being taken to hell and any1 claiming things which aint his   bro.
The Burma people want some1 in the wife or hubby presence in his friends,   which if u fail they give ya names but if u accept can   cut u with panga  or wanting to come and eat in ya house but its a   signal of good things  to ya if that happens. The beauty is that they   are few and we wanna  deal with them as identify that bad blood. They   are jealousy of  progress,  never wanting people things but use dat   trick bro which is  sickening to  the point of bringing their kids,   usually they live a lazy lifestyle of  not knowing how they get their   money. Some nija and hindu got this sad  character. They monitor those   who can put food on table  and start  bothering them. It shows relief
Why do we go to  church? Now they  wanna say, dem pastors, since life has   been made  cheap, we wanna  encourage young men to get partners to marry to  facilitate procreation  to add the offering in our bag but online   cash  is handy to eliminate the monitored liquid cash. Online cash can   be  phonecash or compcash, we  wanna pray 4 important men to gain   fertility  and that’s our church duty, come bro
If u sleep with   women as  prostitute with ya tribe blood u risk going to hell that’s why u r  encouraged to investigate, if any, so u quit u look 4 1 which got no ya  genes bro. Kisii got Saudi people  blood while Yankees got   Bahrain,  Omani blood dude. Got 2 know this  dude!!
I want to   erase any  thought of good life associated with  that am a survivor and the fact  that I want their pretty woman as I have put in some tumblr   following me I copy pasted from another, so that if  am slain the next   day they  don’t put in media “Good job well done” as  they did with Tm   that they  have put a hold on me or gotten me. Removing  every doubt bro to bring  about mistaken identity. When u dislike posh  life they wanna attack ya  saying u want it, forcing the kikuyu blooded  men loving   large life.
Another sense of good life to people who  don’t live that good is you see them  as a little kid smeared with fecal  matters as have not wiped out the  booty or to a woman when sited, kinda, the   pussy turn ya head to that  woman. A lot of lorries with drones  inside but covered with relocating  house things like mattress in dat if their is landslide or poisonous  gas emission they escape. The china made  drones dat were brought in2 the country. Given to specific people mostly kisii, masai or kikuyou, in  their compounds testing them at night.
Cat island  people are bad with people whom they see women to  love, at that time  starts to stalk or harass a fellow man when no 1 is in the vicinity.  Kikuyou men, luo men or luya got that  blood and the  gaya got it maybe  on the mother side at that time, they  married their  women but the  kikuyou married their men out of my thesis.  And Masai  are lazy wanting  others food as if trump is the 1 telling them liasing  with Uhuru. Even  trump got that blood of wanting to be a gay and  putting ya to lough  with him as if a woman has accepted ya but if u r  down and him up he  doesn’t give a damn, character synonymous with  Floridians who as well  got the cat island character, Ci, cianda,  stupig, matako in sheng. The  way Sydney poiter was treated in Miami b4  leaving 4 Florida is a lesson  to depict how they are always are. At  night they  can grab ya manhood to caress it failure to which they  cut/stab you to  death or even strangle ya, so its a 2 way phenomena.  They want to seat,  lazy but don’t think  the very people who they  frustrate are the  workaholic bro. They want  free things which can last like cash crop  while they put up in swag not words, bad character as  those dubious ways to their survival have been blocked like with  automatic locks,  shielding plane alternator 4 it not  to be  electrocuted, no-fuel as  e-generator to eliminate cooking gas and govt  wanting to increase  population to benefit from huge electric bill as  water bill also and  many to use the new discovered oil deposits to sell much oil as govt  revenue, internet penetration per house and things  like payed TV decoder to benefit them widely. These in my following  tumblr a/c has a  bottleneck so, women are to play part to avoid  replicating kids with  such character, so its a blessing in disguise.  They are even thieves,  wanna still from ya in no vicinity even kim of  korea got this gene and  they meet to discuss their agenda as cat island blooded men. Most  Yankees are Malawi blooded, and Malawians are arab  blooded as Kenya  kisii people got Malawi people blood of wanting to be  1st b4 white men,  to out shadow people. They wanna destroy the world,  this world will be  peopled with their offspring and that’s the  joy/pride of white man, what they long 4.
Get to check my  following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below   https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu   emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser   apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on   it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the   cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like   10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I   have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me   that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my   shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena   mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus   ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was   opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as   displayed in the songs in the link below   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo   migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must   pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the   local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and   harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many   cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so     looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity     penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with     E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same   way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the   tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this   silly games bro!!!   https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwEhttps://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwEhttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehphttps://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to   read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the   minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4   more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind   https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the   sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal   matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where   many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the   security   padlocks below, u can buy online   https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4   Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can   go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food   while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded   tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many   Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food   even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that   character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r   screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with   the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths   like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone   eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector   will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!!   https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwEhttps://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.htmlhttps://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.htmlhttps://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.htmlhttps://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4   cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold.   http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehphttps://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.htmlhttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make   money bro by clicking the link below   https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu   emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser   apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on   it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the   cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like   10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I   have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me   that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my   shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena   mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus   ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was   opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as   displayed in the songs in the link below   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo   migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must   pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the   local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and   harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many   cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so     looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity     penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with     E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same   way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the   tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this   silly games bro!!!   https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwEhttps://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwEhttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehphttps://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to   read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the   minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4   more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind   https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the   sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal   matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where   many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the   security   padlocks below, u can buy online   https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4   Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can   go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food   while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded   tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many   Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food   even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that   character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r   screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with   the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths   like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone   eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector   will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!!   https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwEhttps://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.htmlhttps://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.htmlhttps://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.htmlhttps://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4   cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold.   http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehphttps://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.htmlhttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make   money bro by clicking the link below   https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu   emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser   apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on   it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the   cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like   10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I   have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me   that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my   shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena   mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus   ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was   opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as   displayed in the songs in the link below   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo   migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must   pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the   local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and   harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many   cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so     looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity     penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with     E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same   way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the   tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this   silly games bro!!!   https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwEhttps://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwEhttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehphttps://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to   read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the   minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4   more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind   https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the   sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal   matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where   many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the   security   padlocks below, u can buy online   https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4   Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can   go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food   while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded   tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many   Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food   even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that   character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r   screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with   the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths   like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone   eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector   will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!!   https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwEhttps://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.htmlhttps://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.htmlhttps://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.htmlhttps://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4   cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold.   http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehphttps://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.htmlhttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Nyathi ma-magdalin ni ng'amruok ministry mit nee, okonyaldhi maong'le, says kebi. Oketo ng'amruok mbele says Richard!!!! Of what significance is church, whats ya agenda bro when all ya  expectations have been   blocked explained in the following tumblr above,  Why do we go to   church, to defeat what or to get what dude, let truth be told and we   quit. Let us say we know where it came from and we stop but respect the 10 commandments and the constitution period. 4 how long we  are gonna   play dice wit with words, just like with a woman if she refuse u quit or with school, u start learning and at a certain time  stop/finish   learning same with church dude. Its sickening preaching the  same verse everyday like akid who listens not who we don’t love but do  the exact bro. The white man wanted to leave Africa again so they stop knowing   what they have known and that’s why they dug Suez canal  but its 2 late, Cant destroy the gene anymore as every tribe have learnt the same like automation, so its like a poison to them but we care not  as we can now  do ourselves. click the link below   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOMUjX56xIk Warn us of the same china,   what I send u on alibaba   http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-video/us-china-to-sign-deal-at-white-house-trump/vi-BBYlsqx?ocid=ientphttp://www.msn.com/en-xl/money/finance-top-stories/china-says-it-is-in-close-touch-with-us-on-trade-deal-signing-ceremony/ar-BBYkzTN?ocid=ientp  
Copy pasted without re-reading
olimptrade   offices are  located in the carribeans and the Latin America have known how to make  sophisticated gadgets, so USA, Canada to be attacked from there, they  are very stupid and silly/sick. We wanna see!!!!!
With well down  explained mechanism at mrmonde tumblr a/c, still the plane   falls, its up to ya mr laughing trump, click the links below
The link below show how u can cab electric car battery sudden pop up by   making even a 60 volt wet cell or more or connect many 2 give ya the   same, then u put a solar charger controller to accept dat current and   give out 24 0r 12 volts, it can last even 4 1 week b4 it falls again to 1or below to stop the worry of everyday charging even if the car is in full use or the alternator made to charge another 1 of the same kind   which if the working 1 falls below 12 volt u eject it out and replace it with the charged 1 to last the same or even with solar panel
Click the link below 4 more, vin modi saying, jomadong’o bwana, in disgust   and owe, why fellow? Tell me at my instagram a/c mcsleepy nelson
The link below of youtube show how to see a tumblr following followers as same with nelsonmcsleepy a/c
Now tumblr has disabled the sending of magic link option so its the email   and the password period, u can try dude, stop many words bro
When u say of German/british pussy they get offended as if they are reserved wife 4 them or they got somethimg good in store 4 them yet its 2 fold   they want to get to their ways, later, they learn their ways, triumph   over them, attack them and take their land. I know esp the luo, can not help ya but cheat ya and many got argentina blood of being cunning as   wanting from ya but not u from them as they give ya names. White-men   take heed bro!!! Parasito!!
Behaving good next to ya as if that character may land them a job with official clothing which is being eliminated and is bank job bro. With insurance you got to prospect and with govt parastatal jobs the pay is minimal period bro.
Wachana na hawo wasichana, says onila to kebi, while kebi utters in a tipsy voice “okablowele gi nyili go, nyim gi mit nduko chal kagima edwalo kuon/sima“ Ni kanakwamba unapiga/song’a ugali
The link below show drone with camera to curb crime or theft
Trukana people never like English things like songs or books, Briton are the once who love such, trukana folks are good in Swahili rhymes and is always known dat way and metaphor, but it can be sponsored to uplift dem or give them a good picture to be accept as right but wrong to destroy the society. Got to do scrutiny to see employed people who write swahili verses for these people. Anyway such writings are good with the poor who want to be noticed and helped when life is still closed, when life opens up like now they are irrelevant coz with ya u got well ya cash to spend never thinking of problemos. That is the criterion used, Jamaica people are good in figurative English get this straight girl!!!!
Cassava made cars are appealing to the eye and attract the brain, but can take ya to hell, infact if u r near such u see an ignited inferno, cause most go hungry and u channel their food to gadgets yet we got other options fellows but if u can make GMO such to complement with real food then the risk is elevated bro. Like already cooked food that is made to elevate hunger.
Even with phones, I like not smooth ones, should as well be rough or corrugated in 1 way or another bro. I hate most, even kids looking 4 good life from me yet am not their father and me myself have never lived a good life, it makes me back up with life as resort to simplicity bro to maneuver as move ahead, its a guiding light to us from those people, never dispute them in a 100% way.
no fuel generator uses the above technology and the E-vehicles as well, click the link below 4 more
You can fix ya own solar panel with a scc on ya new E-car, using a technician like Kebi or Austin makacha
AE technology above, Google please, E-vehicles works on this project as well as no fuel generator. Even with solar charger controller put a head of like 3, 24 wet cell to give 72v as the input burns up cause it works 24,7 no time 4 cooling like when their is no sunlight in the normal sun process, as well u can use 2 solar charger controller with two timer that uses the same but 1, 12v battery to alternate the scc in a 12 hr basis, 1 works during the day while the rest during the night to avoid overheating and burning 4 replenishment. Use a technicians to do the same, cut 1 wire that leads into the wet cell the incorporate the timer in between but on the 2 scc bro. It will work until Christ Jesus resurface or comes back as seen again to be crucified again, the same applies to the No fuel generator explained well in other tumblr a/c following this tumblr
no fuel generator uses the above technology and the E-vehicles as well, click the link below 4 more
You can fix ya own solar panel with a scc on ya new E-car, using a technician like Kebi or Austin makacha
AE technology above, Google please, E-vehicles works on this project as well as no fuel generator. Even with solar charger controller put a head of like 3, 24 wet cell to give 72v as the input burns up cause it works 24,7 no time 4 cooling like when their is no sunlight in the normal sun process, as well u can use 2 solar charger controller with two timer that uses the same but 1, 12v battery to alternate the scc in a 12 hr basis, 1 works during the day while the rest during the night to avoid overheating and burning 4 replenishment. Use a technicians to do the same, cut 1 wire that leads into the wet cell the incorporate the timer in between but on the 2 scc bro. It will work until Christ Jesus resurface or comes back as seen again to be crucified again, the same applies to the No fuel generator explained well in other tumblr a/c following this tumblr
Uganda was Egypt when Kenya was Italy, Ethiopia was Spain, Tz Russia. They even make socks or towels as underpants in their house sitting room, so using that to coerce people to buy them to facilitate their hooliganism, socks when made that way even with sugar cane husks ought to be 100 bob per 10 same with pants or bra. Govt do something to intervene
Sidon was Wichita, if u go to the go down u see it burnt, sheep and goat parable to bring reality, back then, women with barnabas to do the same, Topeka was tire
Sodom was Colorado springs, Gomorrah was Denver which was built on the hill and could not be hidden bro
When money has been eliminated to eliminate banks and lecturing on youtube to eliminate go to college philosophy, they now want it easy 4 their kids, as want to secure the scrap metal business 4 their kids, 4 u to sell such, u ought have not gone to school as an antidot or burn ya certificate in the boss presence 4 u to undertake such, no madouble of job looking and killing the insane who does the same as killing their pursuits and dreams.
Moyale was Nineveh, the migrated to new lands but maintained the city names as copy pasting, the Jew moved to north America Minnesota, Milwaukee, Nebraska region from Emigrating from E-Africa. Capernaum was Asembo bay in Kenya along time bro
They say Australia is hot yet wheat do not grow in hot land like in the link below
Simsim grain also is used to make oil and gadgets and the bread like 1 sold in leading chain stores bro
This the road that a man fell among the thieves as good Samaritan parable in the link below
With ya e-car battery pops up quickly you can buy the no fuel generator and fix it inside to avert that crisis bro, work made easy bro, in the link below
Amanda took that kind of stuff from kebis house, 1 motor coil with 1 coil of a dynamo like motor that produces power in the photos above
Geuza tumblr a/c so quick tuone what next, buy body part bro, stop bringing ya like mouth, nose as laziness excuse or failure to destroy other genes. i work i got no time to judge 1 creation dude
In-case of loot carryitfast, so God thinks u were very hungry dying the next minute or u were going to figure out how its made to avert discrimination.
The spring water at bar kalare gem, kenya is used to make gadgets that are appealing but u dont look twice at it, people who see u with such gadgets let u free like in sarafina movie, that man in the car talking to her, like most luo made cars does when mixed with dough, thats the utility the white men are guarding. The spring should be scrapped from below to avoid that dubious act, its gadgets are like the 1 made out of coffee even with toys and dolls, makes 1 leave ya lone beside making ya insane in jail 2 be controlled and ya body becoming soft and supple bro.
paw paw also make good gadgets that u dont wanna use for long, ripe 1, and so good bro. Ground nuts are as well used to make coins, gold, copper wires etc the poly-cap, the husks which is used to make good tiles, cigarette as well sigara is made with dried hay, leaves under the spit on a container procedure bro
China delude themselves to thrive, they hide sophisticated gadgets but on the market give counterfeit to cheat developed world they r still in bad shape in dat they should be allowed in those sphere to learnt how to make good once taking dat opportunity to thwart the opponent moreover they are making fake money even 4 other nations and thats why they are literally mad bro get it dude. Onlinemoney will finish them bro even many European nations like Italy dude!!
my emails below check them on tumblr a/c
Herod palace was dala hera presnt church, near laura opar hse was david king jesse hse and the 1 oposite the nursery was samwel prophet hse, from kondele towards arina was army barracks, the new built supermarket in kondele was where park was cremated or david subdued Goliath and God spoke to Solomon, if u get their it got a spirit of making ya not want good things, the narrow corridor to migosi pri school behind door toward the end when goin down was where Stephen was stoned to death, it got the good spirit of taking ya mind back from disliking good things, takes bad away from ya period. pass there and witness stop many words dude
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:37:24 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
                                          —– Forwarded Message —–                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:36:48 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:36:18 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Hotel Ventakone <[email protected]>
Garuda Indonesia <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:35:48 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Collins Odera <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:35:16 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:34:44 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Kevin Nelson <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 3:31:35 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
coopbankkenya <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:43:34 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
coopbankkenya <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:42:55 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
ShebaMiles <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:42:22 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Ruth Muga <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:41:54 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:41:26 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:40:55 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:40:22 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Customer Relations VCUK (.) <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:39:45 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Ruth Muga <[email protected]>
Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:39:20 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Malaysia Airlines <[email protected]>
Garuda Indonesia <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:38:59 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 3:38:33 PM GMT+3
Fw: my whole bwana
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kevin nelson <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019, 10:07:23 AM GMT+3
Fwd: my whole bwana
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Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 09:48
Subject: my whole bwana
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kevinelson mondy <
toyota <
Saturday, April 27, 2019, 11:20:51 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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kevinelson mondy <
Ethiopian Airlines <
Ruth Muga <
Saturday, April 27, 2019, 11:20:26 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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kevinelson mondy <
Malaysia Airlines <
Garuda Indonesia <
Saturday, April 27, 2019, 11:20:11 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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kevinelson mondy <
Saturday, April 27, 2019, 11:19:52 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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kevinelson mondy <
coopbankkenya <
Ruth Muga <
Friday, April 26, 2019, 10:20:47 AM GMT+3
Fw: jew will rise
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kevinelson mondy <
Fly Jamaica Reservations <
Friday, April 26, 2019, 10:20:06 AM GMT+3
jew will rise
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Kepak Ochieng <
Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 2:35:30 PM GMT+3
Fw: obama Voodoo
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Kepak Ochieng <
Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 2:34:51 PM GMT+3
Fw: obama Voodoo
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Kepak Ochieng <
WellHello <
Kenya Revenue Authority <
Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 2:33:02 PM GMT+3
Fw: obama Voodoo
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Kepak Ochieng <
Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 2:32:16 PM GMT+3
obama Voodoo
If you get to the combusion chember of a boxer moto-bike or any other with timing chain and you employ your own welding mind on how to fix the charged mini-drill on the upper bigger gear then you are good to go- the bikes just moves/go provided its on a free-position or state. The same applies to auto-mobile you get to the combusion chember and identify the immediate small gear and with the same mind weld a gear like a timing chain with his mouth and attach to the same charged drill or grinder you are good to go- the yatch, boat, lorry, car goes or moves provided its on a free-position. When not in a free-position the grinder or drill inachomeka as blows up. Lost coin parable and mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth of what jesusophiadulolwer ment. It finished venezuela, Nigeria, arab world and any oil producing nation is me david omolo of Kisumu Boys and ku university of kenya saying these things and i haved made so many of these types in amsterdam, Netherland and infact my scooter uses this technology. I dont even use a trace of gas/petroleum- hata kidogo. Sit down with Mr monde and talk about this, its a huge phenomena, not just joking.
Uhuru is sending me to tell monde to receive some cash from him and monde tells me let uhuru leaves him alone even if he is commander in chief, his term just about to expire, let him finish his term and you have seen dont take wazee again back to parliament in the next election. If monde wants to claim a seat he will put it on news paper dude. Let him take his gaysm away, utters monde.
The people handling food should use latex gloves not bear hand like in Europe and this can earn the nation a lot of money as much as condoms should be sold not free to fund the Goverment. In Brazil kids start early sex at say 19-20 yrs to increase condom usage which adds to the Goverment revenue immensely. Good behaviour, pretenders are the worse dude. They say we are going to loose the next generation yet netherlands and brazil embrased that long before but does better than countries like kenya with strong muslim, christian or African background.
Masai has a bewitching gap on the lower jaw and they are thiefs of illegal tea picking, dont relate me with them and morever on the whoduma number my mother name who adopted me is Younia wandete- do DNA to acertain the damning truth. If you attach someone to people with wrong character they grow wild, old, numb, insane as research has proved. Stop dude.
The plane company like boeng whose wires pass downward on the cargo center can put the same wire to pass up on the passanger side in hard metalic pipes like water pipes as much as on the lauggage center to thwart the manouver of the intruder. On the passanger side let it pass on that metalic bar like the bar on a bus you reach to when getting out or in that can be seen by the crew or passangers period. My tumblr name is Davidomolo and kevin sumba
M-pesa should sent minimum amount of 1000k to avoid dubious transactions of petty theft period mr Government.
If you can open a FB or tumblr a/c and direct people on it then you attatch the mozilar firefox which is used to withdraw funds on your smartphone as 2goinvoice being the website then you can be forgive and enter the kingdom of God or evade hell fire. Forwarded text- malachi four- who to the people who lord to see the lords day, will not be light but darkness as monde is showing them in Amos five AF, half, raf, surf, Africa, nusu, insane as nuts/mad-chuodho as matope.
Coins are heavy so can sink if a ship is wrecked or a plane fall but with notes they will float or fish will eat them and be discarded, rather liquid cash than online money. We got machines to read between the lines and identify real cash dude.
Pa cyber schools just google friends where a hundred best teachers are taken to teach every topic and sub-topic in each subject and the voice is recorded the way she/he teaches as much as his moves on camera then loaded on the computer, so a student need not to go to school and the report/go to school theory is removed. The student can read in his own bedroom via the computer the same things learnt in class. Google pa cyber classes dude. For quality visibility they use green board and white chalks.
Othero ka-chieth to okasore bwana the likes of obat machoka- chiethero to-ohero gi-mothero kata-simu, mimi naye napenda vitu nene kiasi/kidogo. Nene, see him sh, netherlands, norway, nono is nene in luo, good neighbour with christ.
Wahindiel as goat, mbuzi ya kukata mnazi, goat parable, stupid dont understand keep coming back like you chasing a goat not to drink your water, untill you hurl them with stones to hit that big ass head to make them fall like they got ofafa. Indians got luo blood as much as britons of not wanting to listen. If you partake dried mwarubaine you come to see- jesus with good neighbor parable. E-chiemo- ewiwho bwana gi scrap metal delearship, it should be a county venture- who to the people who longs to see the day of the lord- you can google friends. Okiblo-chieme e-wiya swears kebi confronting the delear who says alluminium is iron which is priced less to alluminium. What a fuck, God-damn motherfucker!!!!!!!!! He has bought all kind of colour suits just hanging on the wall like not aroused dick/penis.
              Gondi/petty theft- king of the jewomen and Goat and sheep parable made christ to be crucified and arrested respectively. He was alluding that of kikuyou character when they were in another planet the way they use to build. Like wise uhuru kenyatta has recruited some many people into that act, where they steal small things in your hse that you cant realise and in the end they have been given an M-pesa no to send to and they are told how much collected like every week, making them happy and building central and Nairobi not to mention kisii town. Airtime, spareparts, firewood, utensil, clothes on line, shoes they steal as well using people who transform at night and sell them- bmi can identify that or voodoo as black magics. Malachi four mf- who to the people- to those who change/transfigure like Railamolodingagwambo.
Wacha walami pia wateseke, let them suffer also- its there time, ni time yao. Why buy things from canada imbuing interest again on the whites? Buy from taiwan or korea the same BVR gadgets government.
Obama is around but in a transformed person- into a woman who drives a golden brown allion toyota car, very rude and if he looks at you- you loose consciousness as control to be point of falling. The recent car accidents in kenya is him coming on the other side and widening his eyes on the driver of the coming car making him to loose control thus bringing about road accidents. He needs juju as voodoo. He literally makes you sick that spoils your whole day.
Mrjerkyle my tumblr a/c name- check it out
Jew will rise with solar powered machines like boats which other non-jew are also making. Post war period to reduce the population to increase the per-capita income i think the jew will rise. Get money from 2goinvoice, i think the jew will rise. Solar powered yatch with storage battery which are charged during the day and use at night to span the seas, i think the jew can rise. Malachi four- who to those who long to see the lords day.
When Ethiopia and Ghana are making machines and cars, they say they wanna come to Africa to learn on how to make welded windows, lame excuse- le- yet they were taken to America to learn of the white-man ways and tell us and they have deviated. The only thing they know best in pride with free-gotten things, jealousy, brutal killings and disturbance as claiming this and that and fellows its a big shame.
They constructed pay-pal to send 2 bucks in each opening to the card to make the bank people jealous to block it to protect the
in that it will be very difficult to connect after the bank has connected so its a gamchezo as 2go in luo. With pay-pal you can monitor how many hours it takes for them to credit your card from the time you opened it and just use one card to get money from many pay-pal a/c opened no need to spend much money in opening many bank a/c. When you have traced the hrs from the text they send you within the email you used to open it or after your card has been credited then you disconnect the card from that pay-pal and connect it to another pay-pal a/c you opened keeping in mind that its nearing the same hr the  first a/c was credited and it goes on and on with many cards, given the pay-pal a/c a time span/difference of 20 mins and you can open upto 100 and use the same pasword for all. Dont over-open as it will tired  or confuse you.
My tumblr a/c is Mrmodyvincento
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Dont come up with your own sentiments, dont say i want to occupy this parliamentary or congress seat, it will make the bandits to be on me like nothing else. People wait until the list of all the nominee are printed the be on me, find my name on the print first, folks in a nutshell look first b4 you leap. Think beyond your nose. Revelation five rf, rasa fat, flaby, rev tano RT rasa tychus, tz, togo the root of david who have the discerning spirit of what has happened or what wierd they want to do next after you partake rosted ground nuts gn- road to emaus with christ. If you take the photo of someone who was cut with panga and kinda you know him, by eating njungu you get the picture on the air who that person who cut him, we called it taswira in swahili. Good samaritan,  weed parable, Jesus the rabbi, teacher, cheater, wichita bwana. The cia give such to everyone in the country then by partaking the ground nuts you have the picture of all those responsible for that weird act. My facebook name is kevin monde check it out folks and wandeterading ombuorading Son of david have mercy on us, the demondi posessed man with christo, it was David who killed Godliath as lia is cryeast in swahili not his friend who had a gun who shot him from below or beside or behind now the philistin will be on us, just have mercy on us bro. Nyasayesus, NY is empire state es, yesus. Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
Illegal Tea pickers, stealing tea at night as much as coffee berries liaising with the USA and china as the sinking ship had tea processing unit on it, the chinis feared it could be unearthed liaising with Germany and sunk the demn-fucking ship themselves to avert the unknown not to be known. They pack them in their bags or lias with guys working in the Seychelles or Kenyan factory to bring them their packages to pack and later sell in European, American, Asian markets exorbitantly. They lias with even Indonesians and India where there is ready market out of huge population. Thats the soul reason the Negros wanna be back esp Kenya to do what i have described above liaising with the white-people. Hindu also got their own small processing plant in webuye kenya in house in measure. They wanna buy lands that can grow coffee or tea that dont do better like the outskirts of kisii or kericho coz these tea got more sunshine index and the irony is more succulent and delicious than the ones grown in there exact zones. They wanna put them in Cargo plane plucked or processed and ship the to high price-fetching nations and thats why the hindu and chinis aint ready to vacate or abandon kenya. The gain is immense and huge and needs to be capitalized using other feasible ways like we are kenya- as lies. The reason for cargo plane- ship and got parable to cement the truth. When Tangawizi and tea masala tm are added to tea its wow , joking Mexicans incarcerated with me in Donna anna community detention center in Las cruses, NM as much as whites. Its too delicious but Minnesota sugar is much delicious than kenyan sugar dudes- keep in mind. The luyas are cutting people to create fear of movement in that the tea to be grown in kakamega is much sweeter and tender than the kericho one, the soil needs to rest, it has been cultivated for over a century and its all chemicals out of the fertilizer. Put kamote or voodoo to arrest the illegal tea pickers at night waiting for personal cars to take the loot back home- mostly from nyanza and cost province. Kakamega tea is sweet coz the soil is still virgin as the Seychelles one fetching high prices in fact to much orders has been granted from Arabian world The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. The connection only occurs or can be done at the end of the 5 th hr which the bank bars you from doing by connecting it before you by simply opening a paypal a/c and connecting it a head  of you. Time it even when it hasnt reach exactly 6 th hr, start doing it from the last minutes of the 5 th hr to succeed. Banks does this out of jealousy and two, so that the paypal thing is redundant and you find some money to open another one. Dust is the serpent food with christ. The obama and likes wants the Nigro divas to come to africah, so they go out their way to organise teroristic activity and they use the money gotten to build premises and houses to attract these beauties and two they wanna come and sleep with them this side coz someone like obam when he sleeps with them in americah it will be known and otherwise tint his image or name. Morever Uganda, tz and some kenya divas are organised to sleep with the like of obamacron when they visit africa in that that hotel room morever to pick money- their share. In AU they discus terorism in ther earpiece, should be put to public to hear like in the kenyan parliament currently. These presidents cant steel elections nomore and they will be poor president so the merge and discuss their rich exit bro. This like pulse rate machine, bmi, blood grouping and fingerprints are in place to curb their overstay in power through stealing or rigging of votes bwana, donge joluo, collins uttering in eeh in mshangao, amusement. They have given you headache to the point of wanting to kill you, so if justice want to surface they look at you with kitten like face, the still not relenting wanting you to get into their jig/dance or simply their absurdities. The tribe of simeonelson tos, tossing a coin, tosha, enough has killed so many in his ginger rather anger in genesis 49 or deuteronomy 33. The people who transform and get into his belly, killed them in the stomach, ten minas parable- you can google the chapters above folks. Also through posting nude photos of women in the youtube, for example divasgram and on facebook at his a/c kevinelsonmondy wandeterading ombuorading- the ndethe women in their thongs and showed many people how to get money online through www.bulishtrade.com and www.2goinvoice which is blessing in disguise to the techno-savvy but who uses the free money to sponsor vita/violence and terorism or inter-estates fights like east and west side thing in a mericah. Sponsoring bad boys to literally kill in brutal solidary as to cut with machete/panga or beat up other fellows. The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSxocnIaN0A     click this link bro beside He has given me dick to fuck, i sing to hosana praise the lord, Noel saying within his heart in the bible study, Olimpadul say in soliloquey, he has given me big big booty to be caressed, oh osingo sana praise the lord- the maltitude shouting like kevinelson. Minaj in NY insinuates he has given me bankable and flaby lips to be kissed, osingo sana lets praise the lord, brook singing, he has given me big and nice breast to be touched, ohsingosana lets praise the lord, J-LO saying he has given me good-looking and well comb pussy to be fucked, ohsingosana congregation lets praise the lord and Lords name to be praise. click this link bro beside for King & Country - It’s Not Over Yet (Lyric Video) Minimal cash like payed like bitter medication administered to an infant with that cry and head twisting
                                                                                                        mrmonde                alternator            
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  Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
lesson 11: Generator Excitation System
In the begging satan/devaura gave Godliath power and sent him to create the earth. God is dead philosophy and thats why the jew people wants to kill the root of david because david was the one who killed Godliath whom satan had given power to create whats on earth but not the earth coz it was there but void and without shape. It had no light it was dark. Godliath was given immense power to create the earth the way he wants with everything therein. The hebrewomen changed the bible for Good even blasphemies in deuteronomy were list not one but removed coz people could have not worshiped God but just dwindling on the blasphemy to escape hell. It was error of complete reversal mtu wangu. Adam and Eve deceiver was Raila- worker and vineyard parable- he had luyah/sweet bwana blood as the curse, kamba among others. He had grandchildren and many wives as children so the curse was that he will not die unless beaten or accidents and was extended to his grandsons as well and wives as sons. This was at the epicenter of the middle of the Garden which is the tropical lands tl, the lion, liar or equotorial lands EL, yel at nyandiwa, nyani/monkey haioni kundule which is red at bar kalarediandians in Gem kenya. The monkey took their clothes while they were making love in the dronding- king of the jewomen. Men like women strong, i will make, as the bible promises also israel will rise up just like in south africah the hills have risen up. They were in slavery in egypt 4 400 years so they knew automation and they became indipendent. The jew family includes joseph as french father ff, they gave him women from mars from the hole- many wives, mfalme wa yawhodi, zebulan is buljeria, simba wa yougoslavia with gossips as the lion of judah, dan is luthuolnia, Guard is russia, benjamin is japan, rueben is belgium, asher is finland, isachar is spain, naftali is itali, simeon is siberia etc God curse to adams deceiver was that he will be like snakes meaning there were snakes b4 not that at that time they became snakes. Rod of david ROD as sex they love in revelation five rf, at that time the root of David was one person not a clan or a family. Indians can see what you are seeing at that time but not tomorrow, next week or year. It is fore-boarding spirit of to foretell the future. Sorcerers foretell the future so if so they are socerers as the magi-ikuyou, magicians. In Solomons or davids reign everything was pure Gold so if you love Good things they purpote you are davids root, so by looking they kill you in their game called illuominatea. David was also sharp so they kill the root of david who loves to look at things just like their grandfather to eliminate fully davids roots/mizizi. My posts on youtube are found on the 1st 10 photos of each bar on youtube, i comment going down. you can locate them at these organisations. Google branches of UN and copy paste each on youtube submit and find my posts, psi, igad, icepea, world 20 best hotels, car companies of the world, as well as boats, motor bike, aeroplain, electronic company eg LG, fast foods company of the world eg wendies and spangles, best supermarkets of the world eg walmart, Trump with puttin, may, french president, german chancelor, banki moon and vice versa, tyra banks show, ophra winfrey show, trump meeting asian, North American leaders, african, latin american leaders, EU, ecowas, comesa, minaj, eminem, wiz khalifa, j-lo, beyonce, justin bierber songs, davido, wiz kids, rehanna and diamond songs , churchil raw, live, kevin hurt show among many. Folks get them there incase of my demise. Trump and uhuru meets in washington DC shortly terror attack at riverside nairobi, shortly again obama barracks want to pay east africa a vist, not long enough the money at riverside is gotten in briefcase in central kenya which obama wanted to pocket. They organised terroristic attack in hotel with rich people loaded with cash in their laggages. Same to malaysian air which wesley nolen and his likes managed to bring down, swiss president meets uhuru shortly terror attack in Brussels train transit then he heads to usa to get his share. French president also wanted his share, the money was not fake it was real that was their printing to swindle the public if the truth dawns. They are terrorists same to the kenya post election violence victims who were killed in the bus and wa kenyatta was the planer as insinuated by waki philips tv commission. When 2goinvoice.com is disenebled the huge populated countries like india and pakistan, france, Germoney want to go to war with each other to confuse the public as they cant now feed their ego or population but still wants to maintain their reputation. The rich elites wants to maintain the status quo by eliminating the inteligent poor ip- ipo, hips. This goes as far as siren gas or nuclear war heads. They are still tougheaded, they still want to kidnap me. Within the kid nap they bring corpse so i make jets for them, when i tell them planes uses gas, they withdraw machete wanting to cut me with. Oumamolodingagwambo and his like like witch doctor okota of homa bey. Sophia let me mummor quitely on my food or when am eating, stop being an intruder Ai or stop disturbence. We angunyi moss e-chiemba bwana jawuolo ni rather jawuoro as mchoyo, rd to emaus with christ. Wacha ni ngurume pole pole katika chakula changu, wacha ulafi bwana akweri-donge luo.
Who’s ready for it to be summer? 🔆 https://www.instagram.com/harto/p/Bved5UMBnuf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pvgvpbkhcn4w
USA LEAVE ME ALONE, MFALME WA YAWHODI, YOU WILL BE LEFT ALONE LIKE A FLAG POST LEFT ON A MOUNTAIN TOP, NYAMAU WITH BAD BREATH- JESUS DO NOT WORRY U WID YOUR WIFE IN THE MORNING AND 2GOINVOICE.COM —– Forwarded Message —– From: kevin nelson <[email protected]> To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]> Cc: ruth muga <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019, 7:20:05 PM GMT+3 Subject: click these links bro Boxbe kevin nelson ([email protected]) is not on your Guest List | Approve sender | Approve domain Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. My email is [email protected] and pasword is southafrica12 If you got some money and not going to church the church pastors search for you and the pay other folks to facilitate their agendas like boda boda riders, the beat you up and the next somebody the have sent to you by meeting tells you christ things so you channel your way to church in that your life will change, people wont follow you. After you visit the church they tell the same folks the sponsor to slow down on you, so you stop to witness such occurrence and your friends and children will follow suit to attract others to church. The want your offering plus your wife and kids, thats why they ask you, u aint married yet to add more money to their bucket as tiths and offering. Abraham wanted to kill Isaac coz he took church offering he left on the stone alter. The recovery email is [email protected] for the email named above. Ruto behind kevins beating, the fellow who help beat him up was a huge dude not the one who is a round- malachi five- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Museveni kaguta mk, mkora, mkate, matako kenyatta as well is behind this, matako kalenjins. I eat is in you hse you insinuate, kendo nagoyo madongo, nilikuwa nakula kubwa kubwa, sema chenye unataka rose, and presicely partly is the reason why am supply and somehow fat as healthy, tum gimidwalo, nega kiero. Folks are you sure if you kill big kev, you will get his things, it amounts to absolute nothing if you dont manage to withdraw him his with pulse rate machine in mind, bmi and blood group after his death. It will only benefit you if you can delete his shit in facebook which he has disenabled by using an email address he know not, just guessed a long one at the time of opening say a long biological word as phylumcodatachiropractor and added some numbers by dialing the number sections on the keyboard at a/c opening time without looking and submit and the fb a/c was opened and with password he copy pasted a word in fish ferming in agentina which he knows not, so after signing off he cant get back to that a/c as per the reason laid above. Click these links below bro about fish farming in argentina or just google it https://www.truthfinder.com/?utm_source=BINGNTF&traffic[source]=BINGNTF&utm_medium=search&traffic[medium]=search&utm_campaign=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[campaign]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f:ARGENTINA+FISH&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=ARGENTINA+FISH&s2=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&s3=&s4=&s5=&traffic[funnel]=tf&traffic[sub_id]=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[s2]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&msclkid=df198d0369c9139a66dcd1879a91b029 Ad-Aware SecureSearch https://www.truthfinder.com/?utm_source=BINGNTF&traffic[source]=BINGNTF&utm_medium=search&traffic[medium]=search&utm_campaign=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[campaign]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f:ARGENTINA+FISH&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=ARGENTINA+FISH&s2=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&s3=&s4=&s5=&traffic[funnel]=tf&traffic[sub_id]=ARGENTINA+FISH&traffic[s2]=https%3a%2f%2fwww.truthfinder.com%2f&msclkid=df198d0369c9139a66dcd1879a91b029   The password rest within these word b4 adding some numbers without seeing, or he just pressed rapidly. Please BE CAREFUL this the password he pested adding 345 with other two numbers. https://lavasoft.gosearchresults.com/?sbtn=&q=fish+farming+in+argentina+&tt=VM__GS__S4LAVA__vmn__webcompa__1_0__go__ch_WCYID10427__190216__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 https://lavasoft.gosearchresults.com/?sbtn=&q=fish+farming+in+argentina+&tt=VM__GS__S4LAVA__vmn__webcompa__1_0__go__ch_WCYID10427__190216__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 kkkk The get into the same plane for example boeng 777, they get into the basement at JKIA and they are tought how to cut wires with plies that if are connected makes the plane fall. These people transform into rodents and again in the laggage center transform to people to cut the said wires, the likes of raila, another sheila who fell from US navy ship now with redened eyes, and susan who owns a pub in ksm. They fell the 1st malaysian air, the red bus from western to Nairobi snd now the Ethiopian air liasing with indians, uhuru, obama, museveni and ruto in the mix among many other individuals. How do i know folks? If you know the named above, if you got some rapport with them, if you partake big brown ground nuts, by looking at the picture of the accident, for example the ethiopian airways on the net, you see the whole drama plus those who planned it on air, just like an alcoholic sees his own things when drunk but to you is real. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Nigros are the ones responsible for all these coz they promise these people love by saying they are this and that tribe. This push the tribe to get money in anyway possible to the point of committing crime. They go to the point of saying they wanna come back making these fellaz zealous. This is two fold, the want these people to be killed to reduce the population for them to come and enjoy or build for selected divas hotel, house and premises to please them. The french, norwergians, Germans, britons, spanish knows clearly which part of the earth they got these people from and history is bold enough to tell us the whole occurence but they will be rude and not accept, so at the end of the day is the white man. Arabs were also there b4 so they can clarify where the nigros were got- goat parable, church you can google please. Luya also share the brunt, they know how to get money online at http://www.2goinvoice.com and the software at weed weed ww cyber and how to connect paypal a/c with bank a/c at the last minutes of fifth hr from the time the card was given to you, not one card but many cards as much as junior a/cs who the lion of judah tribe in genesis 49 got that name from but still working for wahindi even after some of them have done that, evident by their resignation from hindu hard jobs and buying their own tuk tuk and motor bikes. The ones who are still working can enquire from those who have resigned and leave working for the hindu so that they get other indians like them to work for them, even people watching premiere leagues should stop coz they are facilitating money loundring as those matches are payed with the invoice cash, the officials get money from the a/c and thats what they do in their offices all day long- i mean they have been targeted. Ethiopia and Malaysia annihilate these motherfuckers, cutthroat dogs, know nothing but priding themselves people, people who dont liesten, whose backs are bents as prophet isiah pi says let their backs be bent forever in the biblia.He gets into someone who is traveling to Ethiopia or malaysia and the get to that plane whom they want to fell inside someone who also changes as them and when the plane lights put off the change to rodents at the back seat, get that pliers or bomb in the laggage and fell the plane but with them they are safe out of transforming into rodents hidding in a coolar or the black box waiting to be saved, they can even change to fish and swim. With BMI matchine do not forgive them as the bible says. They even operate people who they have organised travel 4, and put bomb inside the bell the likes of raila plays with it by hidding it more when the felled is being scanned at the entrance or at the way leading to boarding the plane. He takes it to the spinol cord, back coz the sensor sense the sides and front more, but when you move as getting off the matchine, they talk to him and move it towards the belly so it is not detected. The luos have became terorists. The uk, france, usa, italy should have a go slow as standstill in their operations as their economy is driven via 2goinvoice. These fellas have been target as they have been given daily 2goinvoice target to withdraw from, i.e the fifa officials. Let the plane have bright lights on the laggage center to bar these fellas who change from transfiguring or let welding machine be incorporated and the wire emanating from the matchine be zigzaged allove the laggage unit to electrocute these individuals, let the feaces fall to the air not getting into the sewer chamber of the plane in the cargo carrying unit. They use the lavarate to flash gadgets down and that someone down gets into the chamber and gets it. Let that be abolished. As a passanger boarding the plane, let your legs be fitted with a scanner or sensoring gadget so you dont change as it will be known. The rule of the thumb is those who change are not partaker of sour things st, soda should be administered in the airpoart to see those who cant drink sour solution so that the gadget to be fixed on them to avoid transfiguring at night in the plane for other purposes unknown to us, for example the fanta soda can do that. They even use match box size drills gotten from neel deep hardware in ksm to perforate holes into the gas cylinder to fall the plane- the hindu and the British and precisely thats why they brought them in East Africa. After the plane falls the money gotten is used to buy players at English premiership. Who to those who trust in Egypt in the book of isiah and i will humble Egypt in the book of Jeremiah and Ezekiel who was kierehere. The dashboard section of the plane ought to have hard wires so the likes of raila dont cut them with pliers to confuse the pilots leading to plane loosing control then crushing and should as well be fitted with cameras, not to mention the luggage side to see who is there and going on- king of the jew beside incorporating whigh voltage wires to electrocute those who transfigure. Who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in malachi four. When this is put in place fellas you wont hear of rampant plane crush pc- pier cianda, chinis, cynthia, collins, pagamum church etc. African countries should not operate planes, e.g, kenya, uganda, tz airways among many other poor nations because they are curious but not engineers at all, they scrutinize the plane which in other-way makes it not safe for travel hence planes fall. They wanna know more about the the plane crush. The aero-plane company e.g, rolls roy, boeng, air bus should not sale planes but operate these planes in every nation en themselves to avoid scrutiny and plane crush or just simply such happenings or occurrences. Plane companies should talk the next day in the media but when the ground crew puts cut hack saw somewhere down there and then tell the changer where is located to use it to cut wires that leads to the pilot sector to fall the plane. To me its a cartel and with my explanation the deal has gone sour. When the money in the plane surpasses the money which was used to buy the plane even three times, what is the loss folks to the company and at the same time benefit to the beneficiaries of the deceased as the will be compensated as much as when the plane is insured we will get new plane. What is Mr trump? Stop laughing when something is critical or looking in the news paper by the photos you have taken as if looking in owe or amusement, as if your deal has gone sour or that someone has hit a mega jackpot and you want to share in his happiness. Friends, pro-act, send missiles to stipa in ksm where they partly train people to fall planes. When one is a terrorist he lacks respect, look at you directly in the eye until you vanish and his eyes on the upper eye lids curves up like wanting to form a triangle. That how they are known. Morever terorists kidnap people without proper reasons and when truth surface they deviate in their reasoning. World reduce electricity to 50 volts for houses to thwart AE technologis coz people are testing 120V-250V motors. Flouresent and energy saver uses between 30-50 volts, Radio and TV uses 24v as much as laptops. Why cant we reduce electricity to 50 volts. Well how will fridge work or cooker let them be fitted with step up transformer to transform 50 volts to maybe 120V or 250V then this pride will vanish, believe me you fellas. People should not be killed but funded, many got big idea in later years if you kill them early like they wanted to kill Nelson Monde, you wount have heard all these. So killing people is white man idea to rob the earth more knowledge and so that the killed people spirit hovers around and help them locate what other dedicated fellas are up to. Look like a child stop looking at someone in the eye all through like you disrespect him or he has known your bad side or deeds. Kenya is rich they say, picture your car with you and they locate its price these side and how much money can do in Africa, stop all these silly scrap. But dont just buy a fake care and take photos with it giving Africans hope that you are that side and we are these side and we got nice cars than you then America is just good in TV. Developed world should crush cars which look like for the poor period. Indians add women period to sources, UN and KEBS should pro-act. Shoes inside got something like half size hack saw glued inside the soul- shindiyo. EHH-vivyo hivyo-donge omera. The USA leaving Venezuela coz now there is nothing in that country which they were upto out of AE technologies in kevin monde facebook a/c, view using your phone as well as arabia world and they have realize all kev is saying is in youtube and he has well provided the gmail a/c he used to comment on youtube and the pasword as well as the recovery option. Now they cant kidnap him coz he removed the phone number. Sonko is giving toy market 5 million coz he twitted me its over and blocked and he cant stand to see that happening, i mean he is ready to die and he is using that platform to tell the world something as well as wa kenyatta potraying indirectly how kikuyou are criminal with him he is malagasian. How do we know folks? By their small, tiny teeths. The women whose body was chopped into parts in Eldoret, i dont know kitale was cut by power saw ps by asenol who is a tuitor in taxi business among many others- just eat ground nuts and see the complete picture by looking at that incident on youtube or newspaper provided you know the culprits. Atm should be fitted with BMI to avoid bank theft or the bank ought to buy pulse rate machine as well as bmi to identify its customers. When they kill all of your next of kin, the bank has a holiday to share your money if they manage to kill you. A software should be provided to enable you check the money online and you can post it on facebook or twitter for friends to find if that money has been withdrawn in-case of your demise. It should just be there even if you die a natural death, the government either should not take it as bond coz also them can kill ya. French president has come to collect his share of the ethiopian air as to the ksh 20M of harambe stars. Check the newspaper fellaz.Hellen rasta wazungus as much as barry of highway and now Australia were part of the plot as much as hindu to induct the luos on how to fall the boeng plane so that its customers shift attention to Europe. Macron Emanuel twitted me that, he is partly Hindu, he sees what you are seeing at the same time not an hour later or tomorrow. How can they give you blue carpent treatment while stile serving then they left you in owe- the salary minimal utters obamaitchel. We must do anything under the sun or we must go out our way to get mone as money.
See how power is produced using a motor and a stator as well you can click the down link to get the complete picture. https://themysteriousworld.com/top-10-largest-fast-food-chains-in-the-world/ https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 As we you can google or youtube “How power is produced using an electric motor and a car alternator/stator” https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033757327731 My facebook a/c name is Yuyamathijs Yoshida, get to see this wow and amazing invention, this is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. The woman of status quo were shouting crucify him cause he was letting every tom harry and dick to know how to access money from www.2goinvoice.com- Go and dont tell anyone- goat and sheep parable. The woman of class as rome was also built very fast as in a day- Rd to emaus. Drinking king of the jew the hebrew who loved local brew and had hips crucified him thinking he was the leader of philipins as godliath who devid 4 devol killed, lia is cry-est in swahili, yath is medication or a tree as the log cryst carried to Calvary on his back. Godliath could drink water and drink, the jew thought he was luo by translating what he said as the luo can hurle you down using a magic stick as yath by pointing at you but the bible says he was killed using a sling but big kev says david has a fried who hid who helped him kill goliath using a silencer gun. I have hanged my motors and stator at my bad hse to u, with you you are rich u live in stone hses. Google from the net how to generate stima using a motor or a stator and make one 4 yourself. Why do you want a poor bragard to do it 4 u. Do it do it by yourself bro leave the poor alone with christ jesus. Google martin luther king speeches, quote and sermons and well as malcom x and leave me alone bro. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Everyone will be left alone in one way or another. Not only usa or india or white people or luo as the other tribes have known your dirty tricks in Isaiah 30:17click these link https://biblehub.com/isaiah/30-17.htmCargo plain with siren gas and thats a misile friends- wandete
USA LEAVE ME ALONE, MFALME WA YAWHODI, YOU WILL BE LEFT ALONE LIKE A FLAG POST LEFT ON A MOUNTAIN TOP, NYAMAU WITH BAD BREATH- JESUS DO NOT WORRY U WID YOUR WIFE IN THE MORNING AND 2GOINVOICE.COM —– Forwarded Message —– From: kevin nelson <[email protected]> To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]> Cc: ruth muga <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019, 7:20:05 PM GMT+3 Subject: click these links bro Boxbe kevin nelson ([email protected]) is not on your Guest List | Approve sender | Approve domain Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again.
Q: What advice would you give your fans who are struggling with depression? B: I get it, dude. Understand that things pass, you know? It’ll get worse, also, but it’ll also get better. Like, things get really good but they also get really bad. I feel like a big thing is like, you just can’t know everything. I feel like everybody wants to know the answers to what’s gonna happen and why we’re doing the things we do and where we go and like, you just have to know that you can’t know. Know that you don’t know, know that you can’t know, know that it will be okay but also it won’t be okay. But eventually it will and you’ll stay breathing.
Srap metal SM, smile, shrude manager mathew sixteen MS, matako small, sweet, rabi, rap moi, music, christo, scrapy lil, tribe of levi tol as jeshuran, nuts, mad, insane, shoes, joshua, shoot, smoke, jamesianda, jest as joke- mfalme wa yawhodi- hooliganism.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033757327731&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menu My facebook a/c name is Yuyamathijs Yoshida, get to see this wow and amazing invention, this is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. The woman of status quo were shouting crucify him cause he was letting every tom harry and dick to know how to access money from www.2goinvoice.com- Go and dont tell anyone- goat and sheep parable. The woman of class as rome was also built very fast as in a day- Rd to emaus. Drinking king of the jew the hebrew who loved local brew and had hips crucified him thinking he was the leader of philipins as godliath who devid 4 devol killed, lia is cry-est in swahili, yath is medication or a tree as the log cryst carried to Calvary on his back. Godliath could drink water and drink, the jew thought he was luo by translating what he said as the luo can hurle you down using a magic stick as yath by pointing at you but the bible says he was killed using a sling but big kev says david has a fried who hid who helped him kill goliath using a silencer gun.
 yeye ni msichana ma, anawipe rasa na tissue soft mseya kama dem, hata chacho live anasema chali ni kukuwa hardcore, yaani yeye inafa awipe rasa na stone ama paper ya simiti or box hiyo ndimo kuwa chali
beautie bro, niwachie bwana umepumpu sana, echwido ha-enya bwana,jawuolo  ni
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33
Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
I thought you had me in prison this whole time, but I’m the one who’s holdin’ the keys
NF – Intro III
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWM3kDT2pwc Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying “Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe”. Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Can someone warn obama wo, midiwoo or warn barack WB warn brothers, wedding banquet parable with their women, the great serpentychus will be hurled down HD in the bible for cheating the world that he is a luo yet cuban and he is 44 yrs yet has lived since the arab settlement in Tanzania. Greatychus with chiniserpents as well. Obama is bursting into rage, being wild knowls warn him. They are looking into amicable ways to kill him because he has resorted to disturbance. Unfair gamblingame UG, uganda, bug, lug, sug, uasin gishu etc Aomawhere, king of the jew, it had spring to confirm accurate weight in elections, measuring the ballot and the ballot papers. Middle of the garden had a stream and a spring next to onding game OG, log, o God, omwaka gilbertockenyatta or ombeva which way. Amonelson with other folks came with the EGG technology among other folks but mondy is trying to build it alone being helped with other folks, he cant do it me, need help from frequent visit to the cyber to forward him the idea in diagrammatic form. They are deceased, dead man. Amberose is a good car, need not to drive it fast but a little bit slow not to fast and folks believe you me their is no stopage if any in the way. Amberose saying while sexing her hit it good boy, fuck good nelson promised her if she give in, i will hit it well girl those are the wordings. Nitahihudumia sambamba yaani tele anasema anatomba kamili hamna mchezo, anatomba mno malaya nelson omondi- kikamilifu hamna jokes, kungethiya, kuzuba, mchesho, kitaratibu wajameni. Ther, taco mit tt keneth saying KS, deuteronomy thirty three, tatu. Ashesheduce mochanda modonje ebox koro amanyo email address mar lorain gi magdalin mond achak shedushing them rapidly saying trevah miano. Nyamwalo temo loso, talking with his left boobs but to no avail, hawamaboys wanajidai eti wanabonga na mbolo zao sasa they resort to belittling big people or grown ups GU, agulu as pot, plateau of tibet, gulu, UG. Amanda be is trying to communicate with her lef booty/buttocks but to no avail resorting to rage. Woe to those who trust on Egypt isiah thirty one TO, togo, tomato, nyanya, danny, grand ma gm, gikuyou men, gold mara/mine, toe, topierka, buttocking, digitol timer dt, dan tribe, crystol. The jew were stuck in Egypt and never wanted to depart because they were learning how to come up or make machines- mfalme were yawhodi and the Egyptians had already known and they wanted to maintain respect mr. If they let them go they could make the same gadget making them less supreme. So moses came with snakes that swallowed their snakes alarting them that machines are made partly by the jesusnake or serpent and they feared and let them go. But luckly enough they learned the jew character of being secretive not going to tell another race on how they come up with the machines to maintain respect the same way they cheat Africans they make those thing yet they got the factory where they can talk sample of people to try to find out on whether they are made or found there. The big question. read my post on facebooks under this name wandeterading ombuorading or kevin monde and get to see my timeline majorly about the fact that that fellow called railamoloding the then prime minister of kenya is but an imporstor and how to make cash via https://account.2go.com/ using you phone loaded with mozila firefox. open many bank a/c and withdraw much funds as you want after connecting each opened card with your different opened paypal a/c. THE actual railamolodinga has a bewitching gap, the big toe is missing as plucked out and thats the first evidence. Let us use BMI matchine, blood pulse sensor, blood group, DNA and RNA eye sensor with the modern smart phones, voice recognition matchine and finger print detector when he is at the podium to arrest this muther-fucker once and for all. Impersonation of the highest degree. Mercedez benz stadium in atl i you look at it you see it built with money collected from the wreckage and bodies of the malaysian  air plain. From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:48:27 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: KHALI CARTEL 2 - KHALIGRAPH JONES & THE GANG (OFFICIAL VIDEO)                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: Erick Okonji <[email protected]> Cc: Deborah Ojuok <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:48:03 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:47:32 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:47:14 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:46:52 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: equitybank <[email protected]> Cc: Erick Okonji <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:43:43 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:43:23 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: coopbankkenya <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:42:50 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:38:40 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: equitybank <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:38:09 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:37:47 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:37:23 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Wamile wamilele wabaraka ni chako, wabaraka mbolo changu ni chako— hagar changu ni chako. Nakila mtu atatomba dem/wife wake mwenyewe, bele ya bwana na siku hizo zinakuja. Dont came and tell me everyday dat you wanna struggle raila, nomatter what you do with him is up to you, not my problemo. With me my life will be as usual is you who will be affected not me and stop cashing into my every stuff es we aint equal man. Just leave me alone. some songs are paraphrased you just see 4 yourself. Aint real.
Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying “Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe”. Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Aomawhero kevin weighting machine should be use as a confirmatory weight after the electronic weighing machine has been used to avoid overweight or underweight, i mean being unscrupulous. Aumalaya as raila, obamango, where do we go Martin Luther king was alluding, referring directly and jesus with the Road to Emmaus, Romans from romania. Whero is singing in luo- king of the jew. Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
icons billie eilish coachella 2019
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you take that meat stew or beans soup you pour on that white face of his, hicho michele, yaani rice. unamwaga kwa hicho sura nyeupe chake, e-olo ewiyeno jokanyama then kijiko just plough it out throwing it into your damn mouth. They fall sometimes the plain after monitoring how many people have carried liquid cash in the bags and brief case. They do this in far deep seas they collect the cash floating on their bags on water then cheat the folks they are looking for black box. They use the likes of Raila who transform to rodents or insect to monitor the luggage caring money. And this is done so that the plain company gets new order and the insurer pays to benefit the plain owners and the family of the deceased to benefit. The plain company can stop its operations just like the GM company. My friends if you don’t know you better know. They want the money withdrawn from countries next to Syria not pay the military but taken back to the economy so pulling up the forces to the usa so turkey take over coz right-now there economy is huge out of the fact they have known massively to make electronic and mechanical gadgets. They saves their ass or their military budget, they shift some burden to upcoming nations. How do we know a city is built with floatsome and jetsome of fallen plains, like ny or atl if you take a glance at the city skyline in a flash you see like the plain hitting one of the tall buildings just like it hit world trade center few years back. Even ships they sink link Titanic to get the cash. Friends you have never heard that the money in the plain has been returned but the black box returned yet the cash is also in the box as brief case- they take that cash. People should be burred from boarding plains with huge cash lest they fall the plain with small drones that move without proper sound. They track the plain itinerary b4 they fall them.
Mercedez benz stadium in atl i you look at it you see it built with money collected from the wreckage and bodies of the malaysian  air plain. Wamile wamilele wabaraka ni chako, wabaraka mbolo changu ni chako— hagar changu ni chako. Nakila mtu atatomba dem/wife wake mwenyewe, bele ya bwana na siku hizo zinakuja. Dont came and tell me everyday dat you wanna struggle raila, nomatter what you do with him is up to you, not my problemo. With me my life will be as usual is you who will be affected not me and stop cashing into my every stuff es we aint equal man. Just leave me alone. some songs are paraphrased you just see 4 yourself. Aint real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8LcBTREyitKBD6FCEZcMRQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0FmV9Z3ENA ssHe is fishmael hagar son in galatians four GF Girl friends, Grand father, guinea fowl, Gay france, finland. He is very fishy Magdalin when you have prepared the soup make sure from the serving bowl you grab that fish which seem to be hard to grasp or cath in the water by his fins and with your teeth cut that fishy mouth out. Click the link below folks for full picture!! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+4&version=NIV Anasema eti anampenda niki kama panti au siruali na tako, she loves minaj like the panty grabs the booty or booty with the panty and minaj has not realised yet. Minaj please realise the essence of time. Rose when kev is feeling her inside or below she gives in to crying as much as murmuring or morning which i comprehend not saying in luo yawa mit kodi, mit yawa, tamu repeatedly. Kevin saying that nikey booty belongs together, they are always two he has never seen one alone, they are together always. Do not say later that i dint love you cz what i have can start up a nation, i mean be a country’s foreign exchange. Truth be told am be the richest man around but you know what do not come up running unto me, thou will not accept you later. If its not now then never minaj. I hope the bullet has not catch up with that booty or gotten hold of it as i hear. This the time to show me love and reciprocate mi love for you lest you find me in another woman’s arms bursting forth not into laughters but to morning as she feels the intermittent thing, its being corrosives not softness. In mi arms she screams again minaj when am giving it to her that ought to be you, how will you feel girl? Roni asking, hiyo tenje ni gani? Kevin saying ni Lg na ni knowls, alicia keys ni JVC, cole ni Diskman ya philips, Minaj ni be the man with the base sony, Brook in Soni mini- hifi system inaliya kwel kweli ask amani. Evans asking na fargi? Fargi ni samsang but braxton Aiwa inachuna kweli kweli huku matwita zikiwika piya ndani yake. I love panasoni which is coco, i gives you the perfect sound at every corner of the house as much as home theater. Tiana is a sound bar mounted with a flashdisk, satisfy your needs as much as Tinashetani. Yeye, him akon song everyone sings in the estate as they walks, if you send a young chap what an old person insinuates, he tells you the same- Ahero sex nyiere as the tune. Click the link below man for full information. Don take my kindness for weakness kevin asking Nigro women. Knowls and her likes answering we wont take your kindness for weekness. Click the link below folks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMyyxek50DE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB-lW6fJIlU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJktxI6tzOo There are two women in the streets those in love with kevin nelson and can not get him because aman needs one woman at a time and those who hate him because they are jealous to have or own him alone and they cant, I mean they hate a man with many woman and one woman with kevinelson as evident is not a possibility. In-fact he is too weak in bed that he should take all of his mandibles and start eating or take her boobs out and start feeding upon them to add him the pumping strength. I will cut you into pieces/fishes, ablongadi matindotindo nikukupata na baby wa mine, take heed wasee. Ero wach/maneno mit edhogi, words are sweet in your mouth to me am a man of few words, a cold man not talkative. Pumping like never was i promise girl. The AE technology that is used to make Sosa, the parable of the sower TS, the swedish, swissnakevin, sianda etc The green man Gm used saucer to bring the aliens like the luo, luya to earth out of their disturbance- i have come to create division as Christ says. The white people where waiting some one to explain fully how the Sosa works so they can return the aliens back not killing as it can bring curse on them. It will be built like a prism, like a rocket, corn shaped and can move on both side, it gets to the north pole next to rusia, if its going to pluto it goes downwards and if it goes to Venus or mercury it goes upwards with the seats people sits can rotate once the individual has tighten his seat-belt. The irony is the higher you go the cooler it becomes and the downer you go it becomes hot, so based on this philosophy Venus is cooler as compared to satan or pluto. What you hear the white folks are telling you that mercury is hot while Satan is cold is just a hoax to delude you from ultimate truth, just lies. This is a wake up call to the luo, kikuyou you are digging your own grave, i mean nelson is a thorn in the flesh to you. This purely what was being waited for and thats the beautiful thing guys. Kev huyo dem akijipa, piga kupiga, usijali mtu wangu, usisite mzeya- ngeli ni  kupiga kupiga kk sawa mtu wahs. Latoya whats wrong with Robinson even if it means sex? What has she done or upto “ask Latoya” Kevin saying she cries as if she has been stubbed by a knife and she is dying the next minute. Wajamani analiya ni kama kwamba amedungwa na kisu- motho ywak deadly. “Kenny saying” Minaj am completely full cf and what is remaining or the only thing remaining is me to visit our toilet OT, what about you nikey? Amani hawa watu wanataka nini, what do they want with me? “Amani” Wanadhani matako yako ni soft na laini, ni kama kwamba they want to strip you, or matako yako ni kubwa kwa thog you have just hidden them in your baggy trouser. “Kevin” Thats utter stupidity man, hiyo ni ujinga, mimi ni chali, am a guy who sleeps in chali style, looking up Lu-ocifer. Owhoma aka Raila amolo, is following me as if he does not know his next meal or aint sure for food, looking for what to eat bursting into rage. Go for screp metal SM and sell dude wacha fitina, stop being lazy BL, blow job, big lips, booty luo, llithuania, blunder etc Nikey get this straight, this your boy aka nelly, alias mondy, also called kevinelson that charismatic man and he is there for you waiting like never before What we want is kids who can survive both good and hard-times no single sided SS, SWEET, slow sex. African foods AF, baf, chaf, raf, saf . the white folks want to destroy the black genes BG- booty greeks, gergians, big gums etc- they are jealous as in they want to give agikuyou name so that folks are inclined to them out of the new found fuel or oil- beautiful black women love money and thats its but we got artificial insemination mark you my-a, think twice- look before you lip. Mya mbolo changu haitachapaa wewe, forget about rumours girl, will not cane you. Row row your boat gentle down the streem, merily merily merily merily life is about a dream- mochanda, odera my new boat, catch, while nikey my new catch in lake michigan, brook in lake salina, ks rather superior not ontario. Mahewa kwa hiyo crib, loud music magdalin, maisha ni sambamba, good girl GG, goal goal, game gina, georgian games. Hike the volume please mariah carey- dont you know i love you. Spare me that- mya rebuking- kevin saying KS- wanna love you up my ladies. Take it cool, i mean easy- you got not just a man but a motivator beside you. My thing is polite, but sometimes rude when rebuke- not young in the game- kikuyouth but mature and old- si mchanga but angali msoo, yaani mkubwa kwa game- get this straight keyshia!!! Get me on this email: [email protected], confirm phonenumber with that mail please. Obama barrack OB, comboa, save or stop thing stupid act, running a cartel on bullish where you pay them some money out of the profit gotten from the money deposited then you give them a little commission.So seem the bulishtrade a/c is closed so they are wild at me not knowing its made or designed that way to create fear on your side. It is not you that should always be happy when receiving but when you loose you became bitter. When you win its good when you loose its a pyramid scheme. It brings the truth on both sides. So you want to come to Kenya to meet your folks- stop killing people, obamadareraila, same as trumputtin- fuck you. Your daughters got no man or nigro,i can be one to save their desperation. Nikey,miayadirer was found beaten out of what he has explained above-babe save me girl, dont leave me in this mess girl. Always i will be there for you, every-time by your side and love you in any way you want or desire, baby girl dont leave me hanging, get this straight girl- one blood and forever in your arms. Just like you killed muamar gadafi MG the same indictment falls on you if you dont stop this bull-shit. Miaka tano sasa but my thing ijakuwa disected or katika au digested nitamwacha soon huyou dem. My thing is digested or dissected ni her thing wajamani. Read all my only two posts my friends. Girl i will give it my best shot BS- bur sianda, my best trial BT.The match between me and maya starts off next sunday, we are going to inaugurate that chemistry, i mean rekindle that love, make it official, folks i men the game will open up on sunday. With me an just eating my ground nuts one by one, i mean bits by bits no streess or stressing out and on my table a little bit of coffee mixed with lemon fully ready for that fateful night. Love and hip- hop before they went to the graveyard was gilbart ombeva as young joc folks- search that name on your FB. Am eating the groundnuts moja kwa moja but sometimes mbili kwa mbili but not tatu kwa tatu. Maya incase of distress between us do not give some-else the job girl- i will rectify my mishaps. The dimba, play will be live live and will kick off as usual or planned friends. Steve oburu of KIM college and works at tuff foam mall was Raila in on tuesday newspaper. Check the teeth structure folks. Go to the factory and check for him no keeping on saying am that or this and you know well his residence or working ground, needs New anchors to end this stupid malpractice or impersonation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQzqbpkJlTo King of the jew- authentic, ther as vagina you know each race, keys, pakistan was goshen, costerians were taken to kenturckey by portugues, fucking, aumalindi, mang, obamalaya as Raila was kilema-uma, uncapacitated as limpimg, jesus and little children, oumafi, faces not faces used to make metals converted by the devil- lost coin parable. LAS cruces, chicken come home to roost, rumours, rumo-finished, malizwa- mfalme wa yawhodi, owhoman, nani in swahili, moses, sex, ngono, ngotruok time mochanda, wajamani fanya haraka, houses, senye as vagina, boxes spoils your mind stay away from them. Magdalin nyathini- matako yake ni kubwa nikama amechukuwa tabiyako- be sianda ne yom kama yako yawa. Mwone vile anatazama kama mochanda- ameuwa kuwa prostitute, nitakuchapa nikuchereze usipowacha hayo. Mfundishe magdalin. Blinking light BL booty lover made christo to be jailed he said indirectly that the egg should have it on top of houses for indentification and is one of the greatest invention in history. Bl big legs, lips, britons lips, booty latvian, lithuania, lozi, luo, luya, ludaites etc Blow job BJ, baba jesus, joseph, james, air blower etcJEW, few, every ward, empty wallet meaning poor and agikuyouclaim to be rich, engineering works ew and they claim to know business like madness in the wilderness not promised land PL pink lips with mfenesianda lives in nairobi, naivasha, nakuru, narok- they are gidionights loving walking in the night or prostitutes, twilight girls TG, the gikuyou etc. For them to be rich they must kill each other to share the welth and live good like 2-pac says they kill each other, kich is nyukikuyou, bee, wannaibee in nairobi, so they will rice as bible says through the discovery of oil which nelly G electric generating gadget has finished and they want to confiscate it to patent it to be rich but time is the essence, to little to late man. Now am in the process of eating my groundnuts, nakula tu njuguu na nyim nyim or sim sim ss zangu mos mos yaani pole pole, haki ya mungu nitampandilia wajamani mimi si kilema vile brook anadhani- am not todler when it comes to sex or an infant or incapacitated am fit and am jumping my friends. Sunday itakuwa mechi between me and hanah. “Nikey” kevin will you lick my ass hole i have looked for such? “Kevin” Hell no minaj? “Nikey” Then you are not a man enough for me, i will vacate and leave you for another man immediately- you are one and a half man for me. “Kevin” You mean it, you will boot me “Minaj” Hell, yes. Not Gayesus “Kevin” Fuck that lie nikey G. I will employ any tactic under the sun to encounter his ways or maneuvers, i mean i will go out my way or my reach to come up to a solution or dismantle him DH, dho hindu, haiti, hangary. The other women will incline that thing to me at reflex, right angled position RAP, raila, raisi, easy, president, yot or obtuse angle and they will transcend the pomp like you gave me the other night. Rabii is teacher, wichiter, cheater, western seanda, teanda, seacheles, teathonia divasifolia TD, the dutch, devolandana, aketch as wild sunflower. Mechi between me and maya is wednessday, the game, fight between me and my miya not Mrr jemsianda MJ, mango jew, my japanis, jokes, military jets etc, game itakuwa ana kwa ana, moja kwa moja mzeya. Nimehaidi, i swear as promise, i have made a vow, i will stuck there, nitakwamiliya, i will not leave easily, i will be rude in that area, sturborn and i gurantee you that girl, no jokes NJ, nitakuwa rudeboy as far as loving you is concerned babe, in swahili it says i will be kichwa ngumu KN- knowls, knowledge, kevinelson, kichwa ndogo as small mind sm shrude maneja in mathew sixtin ms, matako sweet, sawa, swedishona, swisswana or minute mind mm maji matamu as juo, luo, tuo as sickevin. I swear nitajikakamua kisoap, kisabuni, i will pull up my socks as sex is concerned sic-k, tuo, i mean nitafanya jitihada, babe hardwork, i mean being industrous. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word “booty or buttocks” My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… Please read in full all my first six post- got the damning truth.Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza. Someone pricking your sianda- spys, somene hitting you Shy-lock Minaj, if i find one messing with my girl, from dust he came to dust he will return, i mean i will employ every resource within my reach to make sure he goes to his grave early. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word “booty or buttocks” My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. He looked exhousted as if the vigina is finishing or has finish him, Ke please pull up your socks- jitahidi, jikakamua kisoap, kisabuni. An agikuyou just approach me and told me nelly their is no point to suffer in kenya, lost of job in developed world which are paid under the table. Just get into our cartel, we control the JKA so after we change you to the point of fitting a porch or a brief case you go to the usa or europe without incuring any cost of airticket. We place you there work those jobs when they are there but give us half of your pay come back and put it in online shares, bulishtrade or start your own business. This a big thing without doubt thats how nairobi is built or mombasa, we are really reaping from it, wish we recruit every kenyan who is willing. Message to developed world to curb this malpractice or menace, every person finger print or voice recognition should be taken and confirmed before the work is assigned. click this link. Get money online GMO We have a huge client base of upto 5 hundred thousand clientele and recruit massively daily, i mean upto 200 such people everyday- we call them go-getters. Our client base is big, we mean that folks. http://www.bullishtrade.com/ Kevinelsonmondy Ombuorading Wandeterading obama coming for adeal- toyota, hindi, usa killed this fellow mistakenly as much as the luo and kikuyou. Guys where are you at amons funeral, want to use people- forget man. PS peace summit, prodigol saviour, pier sianda, sweet, swedishona, somali, swisswana, polish, peru sianda, snitch, stupid etc pier tamu pt, pis talk, pier tychus.Mochanda unaletesha gemchezo, na pia naletesha mchezo NM, nikey minaj, minesota, mt nebo, mama neddy, nelson, matako nebraskanamibians, nigerianorwergians. The fightugo iko tight with me girl and i guarantee you that it will be the dawn of you new happines with satisfaction guaranteed leave that poor boy who pride himself but when visting the pit latrine he diarrhea like a worn out motor bike which is being repaired, Get off his mosquito chest and small nasty arms. I will never let you go or down- this goes to my girl minaj. click this link…. https://www.youtube.com/watch… Game itakuwa always tight i promise, ngumu sana NS, nelsonorwegian sianda, not snitch, snake, slow, songs etc. My skills i guess are somehow suparb after years of training. Skyls ya game SYG-araila as cigarate.Seduction mission SM, smile, sianda mongolians, mathew 16 shrude manager SM, smote, smile, seduction campaign SC, scores, sugar caneth, sean combs, sean cutter, sianda chinis, colombians, somali, swedishona, swana cianda, snake, snitch colo, chinis etc KFC- kevin furking ciara, kenyatta, keneth, kenedy fucking chinis, colombians, kenturkey fried chiken, cheese. click this link folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch… Class affirm with me, kaposis sacoma KS utacoma, kevin snitch, songs, snake, swedishona, swana, serpent, slow, kitungu saumu as ugalic, olictigah, nigah, bat, hand, buttockevin- got medication. Please knowls give it an round of applause. Nikey, brook V your hagar needs ISO certification they are polite , goodlooking and has respect. ESP nikey is hangarian according to my thersis. Wine for me brook, nikey, dance for me coz your booty now is bubbling bubling BB, bible, wife s bibi, wise, is wiggling wigling WW white women, wwf, world war, wenye wivu as WW. Hagah yako inahitaji sifa, recognition, it seems you eat to much french fries FF, figure fucking, fish firming, figure fucking, french fries like luckey to to spreed and grow the buttocks, its like they are awaiting to burst, girl dont eat much- am leting you know, if you dint know. Dot eat much, reduce your cholosterol intake babe. Chebukatea fight CF-C, cianda fat, finish, french, cianda fucking, colombian fucking. Luo fallen short fs FAT SIANDA, FRENCH sianda, snitch as nmuch as kikuyou dont have their women of such so they burst into dire anger DA-la, cianda not like uganda, TZ, jamaica got their own women.The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. needs a nobel peace price in oslo; electric generating gadget EGG, tong, kata, divide, amicable soluotion AS, assembl plant, mayai,yath, trees, medication, dawa, dust, dutch, luodaite, dynamore, dark, Parable of the worker & the vineyard- dont i have the right to do what i want with my own fucking life? They do wired things hoping to come up with invention not knowing these things are devols work, and they are found in parts- parable as christ insinuates CI-anda. The white man cheat people with religion so that folks do not wake up- jesus with belzabub, if engineering works EW is satans work SW-ara, then how can you come up with innovation? Guys if you wanna live follow me. click these linkevin https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=niniola+song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh0dp8C6UZQ https://www.youtube.com/results…Our suffering OS, Hosana, God, mungu, yahwe- weyesuna, mosquito disturb.click these links for more details- https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/allactivity… How to generate stimaowhoma that fully eliminates gasolin. Parable of the net TN, ten nill, the negev, nigros. Vinyard parable VP, valdmir puttin, very poor, vagina poa, vice president. Worker parable WP wilo, winyo pier. Owhoma was a cook, cookiing king of the jew and serving people sp in fort jesus aka raila, right to do with my life mathew or luke 20. The least shall serve you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsRVkN5IbQ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EDiqCoRkuQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQWHKI4jo5k I beg of you and you denied, i mean you dint give it to me, you stuck with it, which kind of game, play, jokes, jest is that? scratch my back and i scratch yours is the rule of the thumb, is the channel.Give it to me and i will reciprocate back twice as much as you give me tonight. But babe tonight am really feeling your touch, wamth, your love- i mean am really feeling you. https://www.jumia.co.ke/jumia-tv-mania/… https://www.kilimall.co.ke/ am in deep shit of uncooth and brutal cutting by machete or panga from the kenyan govt, thats why am writting for support. And i magine christ apeared to me when i was kidnaped. He had big body BB, big battocks BB, small teath with spaces like he was from comoros, seacheles or malagasy or marry had that blood- really no one can believe, He emanated from the wall and showed me alot through body language. Believe me, tsunami in japan, india, britain and earthquake in nairobi as who to that city built on the hill. am editing and posting on my fifth post from this post or the fourth and the fifth post after this one out of security concerns that’s why am not posting up. Check it out!!!I got so many emails because g mail keeps changing your password of the already signed up email giving you difficulties the next day. So many people desire uniform password for all their logging’s but this is enmity to Yahoo and G mail. Stay out of this, let them hack my email- am better off. Get me on this mail- [email protected]. Levi as kevi to help you- no God like him in deuteronomy thirty tree DTT, donald trump, devol, david time, digitol time, the thuol, transformer, transfiguration, truth, tibet- when what you hide has been unearthed, known- how machines are made and you are poor, Jew, empty wallet, exactly, extremely white and genesis forty nine FN fating, fat nelson- stitch in time saves nine SN, snow, sianda nelson, father, frends, finish, french nelson. We call him jeshuran, jest jokes, joshua eight, Jestugo, mchezo, game, ran is mad, nuts, insane, groundnuts for discerning spirit ds, devol signs, iran was part of Egypt after darelocation out of torential rain, lost coin parable, kikuyou lower teath. The innovation still gets to you becouse kenyans cant make the accessories of making an egg, still you will make it and sell, open up you eyes- strong again economically after patenting it. Ciara is walking hurriedly on that song ft missy eliot, ME, mfalme as if she was cooking corpse and left it over the cooker but something has crossed her mind that maybe is burning or water almost drained and the neighbour maybe have been alerted by the odour or smell, so she is going to check and control the happening. The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza.uma is folkevin. MY barclays bank a/c was closed so no one can tell me to go and get money there- how stupid is that folks? 2go invoice also changed logging style from code sent to the phone no just to password, so it forces you to known the incumbent email address to close the a?c opened under your name. Its now futile even if you know the phone number PN, pier nelsonigerians etc just like paypal was also changed not to get into the phone line PL but jus a password. PL, pink lips, pantha leo as simba wa youdah. sianda, shida jamaicans SJ, satan jachien, shida joseph, james, jokes, johns, snake jesus, shoot, shot joseph, jeshuran, joshua etc. Most nigerians artists are ugandans due to small bodies as nigerians are heavly built, this is a plan of artificial insemination AI, accurate information or child transfered to a nation under kaguta govt to lure the world that they are nigros to get fever if oil has been overtaken as UG sing good in africah than any other country as congo. obama, trumpulin bullishtrade account frozen so they want deal, omondil to fix the reality show RS, ras swedishiona, swisswana, somali etc. DR-C congo has vast resources inclusive of food but nigeria, sudan, namibia is 80% driven fuel economy and fuel has been overtaken by Electric generating gadget EGG, tong as amicable soluotin AS, matako, chienyuma. Nigros ont claim even allegence to east africah because that fuel is now redundant, think outside the box or twice. my phone no is 0737505306 but the previous was 0718467657 which i was using in my logings which was hacked at my paypal account. click these links for more infor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwQsp71PYlw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSnkWzZ7ZAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVrEigYJiQg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCUllMTf2uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyleICWPZ6U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNXTu6T20n8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bPjsDcPHks Mfalme wa yawhodi.. oniala, alabama, alamarks, mc donald ireland, ala is God, alcatel charger strong, serikal as goverment, alovera, mwarubaine etc Click this link: http://www.aptuspower.com/Default.asp https://www.youtube.com/watch… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKT8_kbwdUA tarujhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=glen+washington+mix+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8eytBBDxkI Class tunga sentensi ukitumia neno “ Hagar”… Manzi wangu wa hagar aliniacha kidogo tu before kuhagar dunia. He looks at me stranded-Minaj says MS- msoto, poor- as if his manhood is being eaten a way or the vagina is swallowing, grinding his small thing ST, st tychus, stranded, startor, story as if the vagina is winning his thing reducing the size of his thing.Judges, joshua, james, john, james Eight JE-st, jestugo, mchezo, play, valley of jehoshaphat, kijeli is irony, jelly. Genesis, Gidions Eight GE, Gelectrics, gemchezo, generatoration, gem stone GS, good samaritan, greekevin, gikuyou, german, guyan society, gay songs, society.
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muslim philosophy to leave using tissue
If you got to be a Muslim to wipe your ass you got to do some exercise, you bent your second finger from the thumb like making a square between the first 2 bent then after you have taken a shit you scoop kinda the remains of the fecal matter then you dont rinks with water but take water with your hands like you wanna drink and hurl into the ass-hole to clean so that you dont sprinkle water on your booty mixed with fices/mafi to smell or stink fice. And in a dark place if you got some corps of animal if you do that you hear the cracking sound like a wrapped polythene bag is being open meaning they are being converted to machine and machines are made that way. No jokes folks.
                              hope message            Women takes a little time to get it, take a little time x2- to get it, just have that in mind even if am a freek in sheets.
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From: kevin nelson <
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Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019, 7:20:05 PM GMT+3
Subject: click these links bro
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Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from
. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight.
I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down.
Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde.
Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is
and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Dont come up with your own sentiments, dont say i want to occupy this parliamentary or congress seat, it will make the bandits to be on me like nothing else. People wait until the list of all the nominee are printed the be on me, find my name on the print first, folks in a nutshell look first b4 you leap. Think beyond your nose. Revelation five rf, rasa fat, flaby, rev tano RT rasa tychus, tz, togo the root of david who have the discerning spirit of what has happened or what wierd they want to do next after you partake rosted ground nuts gn- road to emaus with christ. If you take the photo of someone who was cut with panga and kinda you know him, by eating njungu you get the picture on the air who that person who cut him, we called it taswira in swahili. Good samaritan,  weed parable, Jesus the rabbi, teacher, cheater, wichita bwana. The cia give such to everyone in the country then by partaking the ground nuts you have the picture of all those responsible for that weird act. My facebook name is kevin monde check it out folks and wandeterading ombuorading Son of david have mercy on us, the demondi posessed man with christo, it was David who killed Godliath as lia is cryeast in swahili not his friend who had a gun who shot him from below or beside or behind now the philistin will be on us, just have mercy on us bro. Nyasayesus, NY is empire state es, yesus.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is
and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. The connection only occurs or can be done at the end of the 5 th hr which the bank bars you from doing by connecting it before you by simply opening a paypal a/c and connecting it a head  of you. Time it even when it hasnt reach exactly 6 th hr, start doing it from the last minutes of the 5 th hr to succeed. Banks does this out of jealousy and two, so that the paypal thing is redundant and you find some money to open another one. Dust is the serpent food with christ. The obama and likes wants the Nigro divas to come to africah, so they go out their way to organise teroristic activity and they use the money gotten to build premises and houses to attract these beauties and two they wanna come and sleep with them this side coz someone like obam when he sleeps with them in americah it will be known and otherwise tint his image or name. Morever Uganda, tz and some kenya divas are organised to sleep with the like of obamacron when they visit africa in that that hotel room morever to pick money- their share. In AU they discus terorism in ther earpiece, should be put to public to hear like in the kenyan parliament currently. These presidents cant steel elections nomore and they will be poor president so the merge and discuss their rich exit bro. This like pulse rate machine, bmi, blood grouping and fingerprints are in place to curb their overstay in power through stealing or rigging of votes bwana, donge joluo, collins uttering in eeh in mshangao, amusement.
They have given you headache to the point of wanting to kill you, so if justice want to surface they look at you with kitten like face, the still not relenting wanting you to get into their jig/dance or simply their absurdities. The tribe of simeonelson tos, tossing a coin, tosha, enough has killed so many in his ginger rather anger in genesis 49 or deuteronomy 33. The people who transform and get into his belly, killed them in the stomach, ten minas parable- you can google the chapters above folks. Also through posting nude photos of women in the youtube, for example divasgram and on facebook at his a/c kevinelsonmondy wandeterading ombuorading- the ndethe women in their thongs and showed many people how to get money online through
which is blessing in disguise to the techno-savvy but who uses the free money to sponsor vita/violence and terorism or inter-estates fights like east and west side thing in a mericah. Sponsoring bad boys to literally kill in brutal solidary as to cut with machete/panga or beat up other fellows. The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you.
   click this link bro beside
He has given me dick to fuck, i sing to hosana praise the lord, Noel saying within his heart in the bible study, Olimpadul say in soliloquey, he has given me big big booty to be caressed, oh osingo sana praise the lord- the maltitude shouting like kevinelson. Minaj in NY insinuates he has given me bankable and flaby lips to be kissed, osingo sana lets praise the lord, brook singing, he has given me big and nice breast to be touched, ohsingosana lets praise the lord, J-LO saying he has given me good-looking and well comb pussy to be fucked, ohsingosana congregation lets praise the lord and Lords name to be praise. click this link bro beside
for King & Country - It’s Not Over Yet (Lyric Video)
Minimal cash like payed like bitter medication administered to an infant with that cry and head twisting
lesson 11: Generator Excitation System
In the begging satan/devaura gave Godliath power and sent him to create the earth. God is dead philosophy and thats why the jew people wants to kill the root of david because david was the one who killed Godliath whom satan had given power to create whats on earth but not the earth coz it was there but void and without shape. It had no light it was dark. Godliath was given immense power to create the earth the way he wants with everything therein. The hebrewomen changed the bible for Good even blasphemies in deuteronomy were list not one but removed coz people could have not worshiped God but just dwindling on the blasphemy to escape hell. It was error of complete reversal mtu wangu.
Adam and Eve deceiver was Raila- worker and vineyard parable- he had luyah/sweet bwana blood as the curse, kamba among others. He had grandchildren and many wives as children so the curse was that he will not die unless beaten or accidents and was extended to his grandsons as well and wives as sons. This was at the epicenter of the middle of the Garden which is the tropical lands tl, the lion, liar or equotorial lands EL, yel at nyandiwa, nyani/monkey haioni kundule which is red at bar kalarediandians in Gem kenya. The monkey took their clothes while they were making love in the dronding- king of the jewomen. Men like women strong, i will make, as the bible promises also israel will rise up just like in south africah the hills have risen up. They were in slavery in egypt 4 400 years so they knew automation and they became indipendent. The jew family includes joseph as french father ff, they gave him women from mars from the hole- many wives, mfalme wa yawhodi, zebulan is buljeria, simba wa yougoslavia with gossips as the lion of judah, dan is luthuolnia, Guard is russia, benjamin is japan, rueben is belgium, asher is finland, isachar is spain, naftali is itali, simeon is siberia etc
God curse to adams deceiver was that he will be like snakes meaning there were snakes b4 not that at that time they became snakes.
Rod of david ROD as sex they love in revelation five rf, at that time the root of David was one person not a clan or a family. Indians can see what you are seeing at that time but not tomorrow, next week or year. It is fore-boarding spirit of to foretell the future. Sorcerers foretell the future so if so they are socerers as the magi-ikuyou, magicians. In Solomons or davids reign everything was pure Gold so if you love Good things they purpote you are davids root, so by looking they kill you in their game called illuominatea. David was also sharp so they kill the root of david who loves to look at things just like their grandfather to eliminate fully davids roots/mizizi.
My posts on youtube are found on the 1st 10 photos of each bar on youtube, i comment going down. you can locate them at these organisations. Google branches of UN and copy paste each on youtube submit and find my posts, psi, igad, icepea, world 20 best hotels, car companies of the world, as well as boats, motor bike, aeroplain, electronic company eg LG, fast foods company of the world eg wendies and spangles, best supermarkets of the world eg walmart, Trump with puttin, may, french president, german chancelor, banki moon and vice versa, tyra banks show, ophra winfrey show, trump meeting asian, North American leaders, african, latin american leaders, EU, ecowas, comesa, minaj, eminem, wiz khalifa, j-lo, beyonce, justin bierber songs, davido, wiz kids, rehanna and diamond songs , churchil raw, live, kevin hurt show among many. Folks get them there incase of my demise.
Trump and uhuru meets in washington DC shortly terror attack at riverside nairobi, shortly again obama barracks want to pay east africa a vist, not long enough the money at riverside is gotten in briefcase in central kenya which obama wanted to pocket. They organised terroristic attack in hotel with rich people loaded with cash in their laggages. Same to malaysian air which wesley nolen and his likes managed to bring down, swiss president meets uhuru shortly terror attack in Brussels train transit then he heads to usa to get his share. French president also wanted his share, the money was not fake it was real that was their printing to swindle the public if the truth dawns. They are terrorists same to the kenya post election violence victims who were killed in the bus and wa kenyatta was the planer as insinuated by waki philips tv commission.
is disenebled the huge populated countries like india and pakistan, france, Germoney want to go to war with each other to confuse the public as they cant now feed their ego or population but still wants to maintain their reputation. The rich elites wants to maintain the status quo by eliminating the inteligent poor ip- ipo, hips. This goes as far as siren gas or nuclear war heads.
They are still tougheaded, they still want to kidnap me. Within the kid nap they bring corpse so i make jets for them, when i tell them planes uses gas, they withdraw machete wanting to cut me with. Oumamolodingagwambo and his like like witch doctor okota of homa bey. Sophia let me mummor quitely on my food or when am eating, stop being an intruder Ai or stop disturbence. We angunyi moss e-chiemba bwana jawuolo ni rather jawuoro as mchoyo, rd to emaus with christ. Wacha ni ngurume pole pole katika chakula changu, wacha ulafi bwana akweri-donge luo.
click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth.
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links
click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater
This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor:
If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough.
With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again.
My email is
and pasword is southafrica12
If you got some money and not going to church the church pastors search for you and the pay other folks to facilitate their agendas like boda boda riders, the beat you up and the next somebody the have sent to you by meeting tells you christ things so you channel your way to church in that your life will change, people wont follow you. After you visit the church they tell the same folks the sponsor to slow down on you, so you stop to witness such occurrence and your friends and children will follow suit to attract others to church. The want your offering plus your wife and kids, thats why they ask you, u aint married yet to add more money to their bucket as tiths and offering. Abraham wanted to kill Isaac coz he took church offering he left on the stone alter. The recovery email is
for the email named above.
Ruto behind kevins beating, the fellow who help beat him up was a huge dude not the one who is a round- malachi five- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Museveni kaguta mk, mkora, mkate, matako kenyatta as well is behind this, matako kalenjins.
I eat is in you hse you insinuate, kendo nagoyo madongo, nilikuwa nakula kubwa kubwa, sema chenye unataka rose, and presicely partly is the reason why am supply and somehow fat as healthy, tum gimidwalo, nega kiero. Folks are you sure if you kill big kev, you will get his things, it amounts to absolute nothing if you dont manage to withdraw him his with pulse rate machine in mind, bmi and blood group after his death. It will only benefit you if you can delete his shit in facebook which he has disenabled by using an email address he know not, just guessed a long one at the time of opening say a long biological word as phylumcodatachiropractor and added some numbers by dialing the number sections on the keyboard at a/c opening time without looking and submit and the fb a/c was opened and with password he copy pasted a word in fish ferming in agentina which he knows not, so after signing off he cant get back to that a/c as per the reason laid above.
Click these links below bro about fish farming in argentina or just google it
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 The password rest within these word b4 adding some numbers without seeing, or he just pressed rapidly.
Please BE CAREFUL this the password he pested adding 345 with other two numbers.
The get into the same plane for example boeng 777, they get into the basement at JKIA and they are tought how to cut wires with plies that if are connected makes the plane fall. These people transform into rodents and again in the laggage center transform to people to cut the said wires, the likes of raila, another sheila who fell from US navy ship now with redened eyes, and susan who owns a pub in ksm. They fell the 1st malaysian air, the red bus from western to Nairobi snd now the Ethiopian air liasing with indians, uhuru, obama, museveni and ruto in the mix among many other individuals. How do i know folks? If you know the named above, if you got some rapport with them, if you partake big brown ground nuts, by looking at the picture of the accident, for example the ethiopian airways on the net, you see the whole drama plus those who planned it on air, just like an alcoholic sees his own things when drunk but to you is real. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Nigros are the ones responsible for all these coz they promise these people love by saying they are this and that tribe. This push the tribe to get money in anyway possible to the point of committing crime. They go to the point of saying they wanna come back making these fellaz zealous. This is two fold, the want these people to be killed to reduce the population for them to come and enjoy or build for selected divas hotel, house and premises to please them. The french, norwergians, Germans, britons, spanish knows clearly which part of the earth they got these people from and history is bold enough to tell us the whole occurence but they will be rude and not accept, so at the end of the day is the white man. Arabs were also there b4 so they can clarify where the nigros were got- goat parable, church you can google please. Luya also share the brunt, they know how to get money online at
and the software at weed weed ww cyber and how to connect paypal a/c with bank a/c at the last minutes of fifth hr from the time the card was given to you, not one card but many cards as much as junior a/cs who the lion of judah tribe in genesis 49 got that name from but still working for wahindi even after some of them have done that, evident by their resignation from hindu hard jobs and buying their own tuk tuk and motor bikes. The ones who are still working can enquire from those who have resigned and leave working for the hindu so that they get other indians like them to work for them, even people watching premiere leagues should stop coz they are facilitating money loundring as those matches are payed with the invoice cash, the officials get money from the a/c and thats what they do in their offices all day long- i mean they have been targeted. Ethiopia and Malaysia annihilate these motherfuckers, cutthroat dogs, know nothing but priding themselves people, people who dont liesten, whose backs are bents as prophet isiah pi says let their backs be bent forever in the biblia.He gets into someone who is traveling to Ethiopia or malaysia and the get to that plane whom they want to fell inside someone who also changes as them and when the plane lights put off the change to rodents at the back seat, get that pliers or bomb in the laggage and fell the plane but with them they are safe out of transforming into rodents hidding in a coolar or the black box waiting to be saved, they can even change to fish and swim. With BMI matchine do not forgive them as the bible says.
They even operate people who they have organised travel 4, and put bomb inside the bell the likes of raila plays with it by hidding it more when the felled is being scanned at the entrance or at the way leading to boarding the plane. He takes it to the spinol cord, back coz the sensor sense the sides and front more, but when you move as getting off the matchine, they talk to him and move it towards the belly so it is not detected. The luos have became terorists. The uk, france, usa, italy should have a go slow as standstill in their operations as their economy is driven via 2goinvoice.
These fellas have been target as they have been given daily 2goinvoice target to withdraw from, i.e the fifa officials.
Let the plane have bright lights on the laggage center to bar these fellas who change from transfiguring or let welding machine be incorporated and the wire emanating from the matchine be zigzaged allove the laggage unit to electrocute these individuals, let the feaces fall to the air not getting into the sewer chamber of the plane in the cargo carrying unit. They use the lavarate to flash gadgets down and that someone down gets into the chamber and gets it. Let that be abolished. As a passanger boarding the plane, let your legs be fitted with a scanner or sensoring gadget so you dont change as it will be known. The rule of the thumb is those who change are not partaker of sour things st, soda should be administered in the airpoart to see those who cant drink sour solution so that the gadget to be fixed on them to avoid transfiguring at night in the plane for other purposes unknown to us, for example the fanta soda can do that.
They even use match box size drills gotten from neel deep hardware in ksm to perforate holes into the gas cylinder to fall the plane- the hindu and the British and precisely thats why they brought them in East Africa. After the plane falls the money gotten is used to buy players at English premiership. Who to those who trust in Egypt in the book of isiah and i will humble Egypt in the book of Jeremiah and Ezekiel who was kierehere.
The dashboard section of the plane ought to have hard wires so the likes of raila dont cut them with pliers to confuse the pilots leading to plane loosing control then crushing and should as well be fitted with cameras, not to mention the luggage side to see who is there and going on- king of the jew beside incorporating whigh voltage wires to electrocute those who transfigure. Who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in malachi four. When this is put in place fellas you wont hear of rampant plane crush pc- pier cianda, chinis, cynthia, collins, pagamum church etc.
African countries should not operate planes, e.g, kenya, uganda, tz airways among many other poor nations because they are curious but not engineers at all, they scrutinize the plane which in other-way makes it not safe for travel hence planes fall. They wanna know more about the the plane crush. The aero-plane company e.g, rolls roy, boeng, air bus should not sale planes but operate these planes in every nation en themselves to avoid scrutiny and plane crush or just simply such happenings or occurrences.
Plane companies should talk the next day in the media but when the ground crew puts cut hack saw somewhere down there and then tell the changer where is located to use it to cut wires that leads to the pilot sector to fall the plane. To me its a cartel and with my explanation the deal has gone sour. When the money in the plane surpasses the money which was used to buy the plane even three times, what is the loss folks to the company and at the same time benefit to the beneficiaries of the deceased as the will be compensated as much as when the plane is insured we will get new plane. What is Mr trump?
Stop laughing when something is critical or looking in the news paper by the photos you have taken as if looking in owe or amusement, as if your deal has gone sour or that someone has hit a mega jackpot and you want to share in his happiness. Friends, pro-act, send missiles to stipa in ksm where they partly train people to fall planes. When one is a terrorist he lacks respect, look at you directly in the eye until you vanish and his eyes on the upper eye lids curves up like wanting to form a triangle. That how they are known. Morever terorists kidnap people without proper reasons and when truth surface they deviate in their reasoning. World reduce electricity to 50 volts for houses to thwart AE technologis coz people are testing 120V-250V motors. Flouresent and energy saver uses between 30-50 volts, Radio and TV uses 24v as much as laptops. Why cant we reduce electricity to 50 volts. Well how will fridge work or cooker let them be fitted with step up transformer to transform 50 volts to maybe 120V or 250V then this pride will vanish, believe me you fellas.
People should not be killed but funded, many got big idea in later years if you kill them early like they wanted to kill Nelson Monde, you wount have heard all these. So killing people is white man idea to rob the earth more knowledge and so that the killed people spirit hovers around and help them locate what other dedicated fellas are up to.
Look like a child stop looking at someone in the eye all through like you disrespect him or he has known your bad side or deeds.
Kenya is rich they say, picture your car with you and they locate its price these side and how much money can do in Africa, stop all these silly scrap. But dont just buy a fake care and take photos with it giving Africans hope that you are that side and we are these side and we got nice cars than you then America is just good in TV. Developed world should crush cars which look like for the poor period. Indians add women period to sources, UN and KEBS should pro-act. Shoes inside got something like half size hack saw glued inside the soul- shindiyo. EHH-vivyo hivyo-donge omera.
The USA leaving Venezuela coz now there is nothing in that country which they were upto out of AE technologies in kevin monde facebook a/c, view using your phone as well as arabia world and they have realize all kev is saying is in youtube and he has well provided the gmail a/c he used to comment on youtube and the pasword as well as the recovery option. Now they cant kidnap him coz he removed the phone number.
Sonko is giving toy market 5 million coz he twitted me its over and blocked and he cant stand to see that happening, i mean he is ready to die and he is using that platform to tell the world something as well as wa kenyatta potraying indirectly how kikuyou are criminal with him he is malagasian. How do we know folks? By their small, tiny teeths.
The women whose body was chopped into parts in Eldoret, i dont know kitale was cut by power saw ps by asenol who is a tuitor in taxi business among many others- just eat ground nuts and see the complete picture by looking at that incident on youtube or newspaper provided you know the culprits.
Atm should be fitted with BMI to avoid bank theft or the bank ought to buy pulse rate machine as well as bmi to identify its customers. When they kill all of your next of kin, the bank has a holiday to share your money if they manage to kill you. A software should be provided to enable you check the money online and you can post it on facebook or twitter for friends to find if that money has been withdrawn in-case of your demise. It should just be there even if you die a natural death, the government either should not take it as bond coz also them can kill ya.
French president has come to collect his share of the ethiopian air as to the ksh 20M of harambe stars. Check the newspaper fellaz.Hellen rasta wazungus as much as barry of highway and now Australia were part of the plot as much as hindu to induct the luos on how to fall the boeng plane so that its customers shift attention to Europe. Macron Emanuel twitted me that, he is partly Hindu, he sees what you are seeing at the same time not an hour later or tomorrow. How can they give you blue carpent treatment while stile serving then they left you in owe- the salary minimal utters obamaitchel. We must do anything under the sun or we must go out our way to get mone as money.
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