urwisxzeezah · 3 years
Sound of intense battle woke her up from her difficult nap from the loft of some half erect ruin of a barn. Brows knotting, she carefully pushed herself away from the pile of moldy and sodded hays and crept over to the edge of the opening. Peering out, she saw silhouettes just beyond the dense fog below, a few meters from the barn. Strange hissing and grumbles, mixed with sound of blade hit the soft flesh, echoed through the veil. Flashes of something, some curses, and then yelp. It reminded her of the strange dreams of that night, when she escaped that  eerie dungeons and ran for her life in the woods. That was when everything tilted and changed. That was when confusions bobbled up like those in the mud pools.  
What was going on there?
Narrowing her eyes, she tried to look deeper. Pupils contracted into slits, cat-like, without her even noticing. Side effect of that strange event. It no longer bothered her. She would figure them all out soon enough.
She nearly fell over the jarred wooden wall when one of the blurry figure called out. She was fairly sure she had hidden well. How.....: “Me? Are you talking to me?”
Alright, bad mistake.
As soon as her voice hit the humid air, the moving shadows halted. She had a nagging sensation they all heard her and all of them were looking at her way. It was proven by half of a heartbeat later, creatures with the most hideous features and forms emerged from the fog all came to the grounds below. Their dark eyes trained at her.
“Shite.” She cursed.
Her weakened and flickering Yrden created a small enough opening for the Witcher to bisect the midsection of the nearest Foglet. Tainted blood stained the autumnal hued underbrush beneath, mixing with the scent of Necrophage oil.
The disposal of monsters seemed almost a routine of tedium in her profession, yet Foglets were the only creatures that challenged her listless state. Bubbling up a deep sense of revulsion within.
“The fuckin’ audacity!” She snarled, sidestepping a nasty swipe from a grey shrivelled creature that emerged from the dense fog. Counterattacking with a strong burst of Igni, she never settled until its charred corpse twitched upon the foliage. Her silver blade making short work of its head.
It would have been an easy fight had she been proficient in Aard, instead she took stance as thick tendrils of fog greedily spilled over the gnarled roots of rotting swamp mahogany.  
Noticing the heartbeat of another presence, something sentient, the half elf addressed them gruffly. Her voice rasping, straining to alert the stranger urgently.  
“Hey, if you’re not here to plough grave hags you mind givin’ me a hand? I’m so close to settin’ this whole forsaken swamp ablaze. Endemic fauna be damned!”
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
“No I do not..!” She pouted and growled back, not exactly knowing why this old man got angrier after she told him her story-story she was still somewhat confused about. What was wrong with him? She had hoped he would explained to her what she had been through. But she got a feeling it is now impossible. No one had told her what she went through. No one was knowledge in that area to tell her what she went through. She might forever carry this as long as she lived.
Witcher apparently lived for a very long time. If she was somehow a half-ass one, she might lived a little longer than the others. She wasn’t a Witcher. She did not think, nor believe she was one. 
Was she? 
“If you can stop being grumpy and actually explain them to me nicely, maybe I will know a little-!” Her shouts cut off. Another wave of throbbing headache rushed through her. She bent down and held her head again, waiting for them to pass.
“Is that what the thing called? So I wasn’t dreaming then?” One side of Zeezah’s brow arched up. She started to chew her lips: “……You probably not believe me, cus I bloody don’t meself. Some time ago, when I was near the Young Bottoms, I think someone took me. They took me to some weird dungeons in the woods and I don’t know. They forced many potions down my throat. Some of them really taste like cat piss. Everything started spinning and blurry. I became very ill, to a degree I think I was dying. Then loud bang happening. Then light flashed. When I finally broke free, there were bodies everywhere. I was in the woods again after that. I swore I saw huge things with strange dark eyes and horns. Nearly got caught, I was. More flashes. A girl with white hair and green eyes showed up….I cannot remember anything after that. By the time I came around, I was already in the middle of Brenna.” “For a while, I wasn’t even sure if they are real. Aside from this eyes and my head hurt one average once a month, massive hurt, mind you, I cannot recall what happened. Folks said I am on fistech. Please, like I have enough coins for those?……..Does that answer your question?”
“Didn’t ask for your life story, do you think I don’t know what they do? Do you think I didn’t have to go through that? I said which if the guilds are still operating.” Aiden’s furious, and that anger is only going to get worse the more she keeps talking. Were he any other witcher, maybe, he would have been amazed, or frightened of the idea someone passed the trials. But it’s been years since everything fell apart, even the Cats lost their magic and their mutations, leaving him the last of his generation.
Obviously, she doesn’t know anything. Aiden would have been glad to die as one of the last witchers, leaving behind a world of constant pain and agony and abuse, instead, now, he’s staring down a girl who’s filling him with the most intense rage he’s felt in ages.
There’s a shout before Aiden’s foot launches against the door of his boat. The wood bends and caves in from the force of that kick, and the Cat seems to only make it worse when he tries to pull his foot free. His outburst, thankfully, isn’t leveled near her, but he’s shaking. 
“You have no idea what they’ve done.”
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
“Is that what the thing called? So I wasn’t dreaming then?” One side of Zeezah’s brow arched up. She started to chew her lips: “......You probably not  believe me, cus I bloody don’t meself. Some time ago, when I was near the Young Bottoms, I think someone took me. They took me to some weird dungeons in the woods and  I don’t know. They forced many potions down my throat. Some of them really taste like cat piss. Everything started spinning and blurry. I became very ill, to a degree I think I was dying. Then loud bang happening. Then light flashed. When I finally broke free, there were bodies everywhere. I was in the woods again after that. I swore I saw huge things with strange dark eyes and horns. Nearly got caught, I was.  More flashes. A girl with white hair and green eyes showed up....I cannot remember anything after that. By the time I came around, I was already in the middle of Brenna.” 
“For a while, I wasn’t even sure if they are real.  Aside from this eyes and my head hurt one average once a month, massive hurt, mind you, I cannot recall what happened. Folks said I am on fistech. Please, like I have enough coins for those?........Does that answer your question?”  
“Woah, woah, woah, calm your horses!” Zeezah raised her hands, holding them before her. Golly, this uncle surely was grumpy. All she wanted to know is if her eyes were related to his..eh…profession. There must be some kind of miscommunication somewhere and she didn’t know where. There were so many of his lot everywhere. Where had all the nice people gone? “You are aware the Witcher are kind of rare to normal folks like me, are you? Yes, it is rather unfortunate that I, along with several others, only kind of know a handful. And it is rather unfortunate not everyone are good at recounting their tales after encountering with you lot. Now you are getting all worked up because I tell you what I know? Seriously? Melitele’s knickerweasels, and I thought my migraine was bad, now by some miracle, it is getting sodding worst.”
She pouted, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. No, it would not chase away her headache. Instead she felt like there were now two blacksmiths hammering her head. Fragments of that night actually shot past her eyes. Eeehh, this one was going to last a long while. Then she opened her lids and stared at him again.
“You got the same eyes as me,” She decided to go straight to the point this time. It was clear he did not even notice so why bother: “And don’t tell me my mam feck with a cat. I wasn’t born with eyes like this. It only happened after I was…anway, thought I pointed that obvious one out first. And before you get all angsy, I am very very certain I am not a Witcher.”
“No shit. You can have the mutations, but that doesn’t make you a witcher.” Now how strange, a woman surviving the trails. Aiden doesn’t know if it’s really unheard of, but the Cat grew up in a Caravan where women were taught their ways, but none of them were ever mutated.
And since when did someone start making witchers again anyways? Someone must have found a sorcerer willing to mutate children again. The mere idea of it has Aiden’s blood boiling. 
Not the Wolves. Not the Cats. The Vipers and bears have been extinct foer years. 
Maybe she’ll have the information.
“If you passed the trail of the grasses…then one of the guilds is operating. Which one?” The old Cat has simmered down, but he’s still liable to snap at any moment. Old age hasn’t mellowed him out.
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
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Pól wieku poezji pózniej : Sword
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
“Woah, woah, woah, calm your horses!” Zeezah raised her hands, holding them before her. Golly, this uncle surely was grumpy. All she wanted to know is if her eyes were related to his..eh...profession. There must be some kind of miscommunication somewhere and she didn’t know where. There were so many of his lot everywhere. Where had all the nice people gone? “You are aware the Witcher are kind of rare to normal folks like me, are you? Yes, it is rather unfortunate that I, along with several others, only kind of know a handful. And it is rather unfortunate not everyone are good at recounting their tales after  encountering with you lot. Now you are getting all worked up because I tell you what I know? Seriously? Melitele’s knickerweasels, and I thought my migraine was bad, now by some miracle, it is getting sodding worst.”
She pouted, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. No, it would not chase away her headache. Instead she felt like there were now two blacksmiths hammering her head. Fragments of that night actually shot past her eyes.  Eeehh, this one was going to last a long while. Then she opened her lids and stared at him again.
“You got the same eyes as me,” She decided to go straight to the point this time. It was clear he did not even notice so why bother: “And don’t tell me my mam feck with a cat. I wasn’t born with eyes like this. It only happened after I was...anway, thought I pointed that obvious one out first. And before you get all angsy, I am very very certain I am not a Witcher.” 
Is that what it is? Doe shape eyes widened in surprise as Zeezah stared at the older male. Of course she had heard of the Witcher. That mayor back in the Young Bottom practically talked about the thing all day. Such as where they were originally from, how many known school in the Continent, how they recruit their young, the whole thing about Law of Surprise, and most important if them all, the infamous Witcher Geralt of Rivia once visited their town with his equally famous Triss Merigold and Jaskier the bard. She had thought the old fellow made it all up. But now…. Suddenly she wondered if she was one. But that didn’t make sense. Aside from the cat like eyes, she got none of those legendary things on her. No special power, no swords, no training. No surprises at all. None whatsoever. “…I heard tales,” She said after a very long minute of staring, long enough that this man might noticed the strangeness of her eyes: “I thought they were all just scary stories to get wee ones to sleep. Wait, are you really one? I thought Witcher got white hair!”
He’s wondering what the hell she should mean by that. For one, the only other witcher he knows has greys, sure. But white? Did everyone really only believe Geralt was the only witcher who ever existed? It’s not even like the trials for everyone else had the same effect. 
It seems that alone is enough to agitate him. Aiden’s temper is still as legendary as ever, and as quick to flare up. 
“Do I look like I have white hair or a wolf’s head? I got greys but damn, are you color blind or something?” Aiden snaps. “Goddamn, you know what, that’s one thing that’s always pissed me off. It’s not just him you know. Yeah he was the one with the girl and all that, but other witchers existed too.”
Someone is more defensive over Lambert than anything else really. 
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
Is that what it is? Doe shape eyes widened in surprise as Zeezah stared at the older male. Of course she had heard of the Witcher. That mayor back in the Young Bottom practically talked about the thing all day. Such as where they were originally from, how many known school in the Continent, how they recruit their young, the whole thing about Law of Surprise, and most important if them all, the infamous Witcher Geralt of Rivia once visited their town with his equally famous Triss Merigold and Jaskier the bard. She had thought the old fellow made it all up. But now.... Suddenly she wondered if she was one. But that didn't make sense. Aside from the cat like eyes, she got none of those legendary things on her. No special power, no swords, no training.
No surprises at all.
None whatsoever.
"...I heard tales," She said after a very long minute of staring, long enough that this man might noticed the strangeness of her eyes: "I thought they were all just scary stories to get wee ones to sleep. Wait, are you really one? I thought Witcher got white hair!"
She continued to stare, as if what he just said never even happened. She slowly climbed down the rotten and barnacles ridden boat. With her gaze fixed on him, she tilted her head to one side and began to shift closer to him. This was honestly the first time she saw someone with eyes like hers. Perhaps what happened to her wasn’t just her hallucinations? Did he have the same strange things like she had? Hey, maybe he was able to explain the whole thing to her. Her head was still hurting. But she now had a distraction to take away the ache. A little. Before she, or maybe this strange man knew it, she was standing before him. Furrows between her slender brow deepened as she studied his other facial features. Then finally, she blinked and spoke: “….Where did you get your eyes from?”
“The fuck kind of question is that?” Aiden seems utterly baffled this is the direction their conversation has gone. Actually, it seems really silly. Who doesn’t still know about witchers? Sure, the Cats are almost entirely wiped out thanks to infighting and assassinations, and the Wolves are just one man, but their schools were never the only ones.
Aiden shifts, moving his cloak to reveal that cat head medallion with a scoff.
“I earned this.” He did. He finished the trials and died for it. For being a Cat. “I am a witcher. Obviously. I’m retired, so I don’t do anything anymore. hence…my damn house.”
A witcher has never died in his bed, Aiden aims to be one of the first.
“What’s it matter to you?”
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
“Hello?” AIden doesn’t want to have to repeat himself, but he will if he have to. Unlike others around, he isn’t very friendly. In fact, he’s downright agitated. Annoyed she seems to be ignoring him, his gloved hands rest on his hips.
“Goddamn kids. What the hell do you want?” He’s become cranky in his old age, it doesn’t help his hands hurt too much to use a sword and he can’t move around on his bad knee long enough to hunt anymore. He has to take turns with his partner, and that only serves to make him feel more and more useless as time goes on.
“What, do you want directions?” He asks with a grunt, only to point behind him. “Town is that way. Only one on this damn island. Go there and leave me alone. Queen’s orders, this is my home.”
He doesn’t seemed to have noticed anything odd about her…yet his medallion is going haywire. Something’s odd. Something’s…strange.
She continued to stare, as if what he just said never even happened. She slowly climbed down the  rotten and barnacles ridden boat. With her gaze fixed on him, she tilted her head to one side and began to shift closer to him. This was honestly the first time she saw someone with eyes like hers. Perhaps what happened to her wasn’t just her hallucinations?  Did he have the same strange things like she had? Hey, maybe he was able to explain the whole thing to her. 
Her head was still hurting. But she now had a distraction to take away the ache.
A little.
Before she, or maybe this strange man knew it, she was standing before him. Furrows between her slender brow deepened as she studied his other facial features. Then finally, she blinked and spoke: “....Where did you get your eyes from?”
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
Zeezah decided to follow this stranger who had two swords on his back.  
From the vague memory at the back of her head, she swore she had heard of  his lot.  He was a Witcher. Tales and legends of those people scattered all over the Continent and beyond. The small town she came from, the Young Bottom, apparently even got one visited at one point. Wasn’t the village elder a devoted fan, and blabbing almost nonstop whenever the topic brought up? Her memory of a certain event was very fogged, but wasn’t it around the time when a Witcher visited when she was...…..
Tugging the hat to cover half of her face, she began stealthily following this  male. She was quite confident of her tracking ability. It was one of the many things on her that could not be explained after she returned to the street again. She doubted he will even notice her. After all, there were many urchins on the street of Novigrad. 
Zeezah opened her left eyes to a slit, peering from the rim of her very patchy hat. She thought she had seen it all, coming from the small town of Brenna down the south to the great shore city of Novigrad. Yet this metropolis never seized to amazed her. Only the day before, she witnessed bard on the street, in board daylight, with nothing but breeches, while a woman tossing what she assumed was his possession onto him. And the day before, a very normal looking gent emerged from the very filthy canal, clutching something wrapped in oil clothes with his dear life. Apparently it belonged to the infamous auction house in the city. And today….this. At five in the morning. “Here goes my sleep,” Muttered under her breath, she shifted from the shadow under the stairs and moved into the light. The sun was barely up. The visibility wasn’t exactly great on the muddy street. But it was no trouble for her, honestly. She could see very well even on pitch black darkness. It was a souvenir she got since THE STRANGE EVENT. Cat like eyes scanned the still quiet street for a bit before locating the source of the early morning commotion. Two swords, decent armour, and one boot. Hey, he was better than that poor bard. Then the amused half grin on her face froze. He also got cat eyes.
“Fine!” Lambert snaps right back into the silence. “Keep the damn thing. I was gonna buy a new pair anyway!” With what coin? Those were his favorites, and fairly new, too. He’d bought them from a cobbler in Redania a few months back- a strange bald man in a dingy leather coat with a monocle stuck on his perpetually squinting face. Oddly, though, he didn’t seem to need it to see. As far as Lambert’s senses could pick up, it was a clear piece of glass with no magnifying properties whatsoever.
The streets are disgusting, full of sewage, grime, and decay. Far more than once, someone’s left a dead horse where it fell to rot and blister on these cobblestones. The more he thinks about that, the more he wants new socks, too. With another swear, he awkwardly walks away from his disastrous evening, the scowl on his face so sharp it could cut through glass. That wolf’s head medallion isn’t displayed as prominently anymore these days. He has reason to be hidden, and he’s kept up his charade well for a long time. He’s just another mutant these days, one of the last. The girl doesn’t even get a glance. He has bigger fish to fry than some street urchin’s questions.
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
It’s rare someone is this far out from the village. They know who lives out here and they know better to leave enough alone.
Clearly, this one didn’t.”
Aiden doesn’t like it. He’s old, he has no time for people to come on his property and demand things from him. The old witcher has no interest in dealing with it, and the minute he sees her has has half a mind to chase her out.
Too bad his knee hurts too much right now.
“Hey!” Aiden doesn’t sound welcoming. In fact, he sounds pissed. “Get the fuck off my lawn! This is MY house. I live here. Buzz off.”
To be fair, they’re a few meters away from Aiden’s hut, but the point stands. Queen Cerys gave him and his husband this land and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try to keep outsiders away. Which is ironic for the Nilfgaardian on Skellige land. 
“Not gonna say it again. Quit your weird moaning and go away.”
Eh, Skellige.
It had been quite a journey. Urchins never had a permanent place to stay. All she remembered was she decided to go to Brenna. As the town was bigger and brimming with opportunity after the rebuild,  she thought she will have a better life there. One thing leaded to another, she was here and everything was ten times colder than she had ever known.  The only thing that wasn’t so cold was people here in general appeared to be friendlier toward ‘wee lassie’ like her. They have given her foods Some even offered her shelter at some odd nights. Yes, she had to sleep with their goats, but it wasn’t such a major problem to her. 
Of course, some were...just about as cold as those on the Continent. 
She was told back in the days, before that horrible battle with the Wild Hunt, they weren’t all this nice and trustful. Perhaps this one was one of the folks from those era. 
Taking a deep breath, she waited for this wave of migraine to pass and slowly raised her head.  She was going to say no one told her don’t come here in the nearest village, and she only just saw two kids a few meters away picking oysters. Then she saw his eyes, and frowned.  
Her eyes had been strange since the EVENT . She had looked into mirrors more than once and checked it herself. She knew what they were like. The  random stranger got a pair of eyes just like hers. Suddenly all words escaped her. All she could do was to stare. 
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
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//Ciri at the end of Alzur’s Legacy.
Screenshot made by me.
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
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Starter Call
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
Zeezah opened her left eyes to a slit, peering from the rim of her very patchy hat. She thought she had seen it all, coming from the small town of Brenna down the south to the great shore city of Novigrad. Yet this metropolis never seized to amazed her. Only the day before, she witnessed bard on the street, in board daylight, with nothing but breeches, while a woman tossing what she assumed was his possession onto him. And the day before, a very normal looking gent emerged from the very filthy canal, clutching something wrapped in oil clothes with his dear life. Apparently it belonged to the infamous auction house in the city. And today....this.
At five in the morning.
"Here goes my sleep," Muttered under her breath, she shifted from the shadow under the stairs and moved into the light. The sun was barely up. The visibility wasn't exactly great on the muddy street. But it was no trouble for her, honestly. She could see very well even on pitch black darkness. It was a souvenir she got since THE STRANGE EVENT. Cat like eyes scanned the still quiet street for a bit before locating the source of the early morning commotion. Two swords, decent armour, and one boot. Hey, he was better than that poor bard.
Then the amused half grin on her face froze.
He also got cat eyes.
Closed starter for @urwisxzeezah
Waking up after a bender is nothing new. Neither is waking up with a stranger, though that’s more rare. The Wolf’s lived a wild life so far, from slaying Slyzards to throwing himself out of high windows to avoid being caught in the wrong bedroom. Every time he tells himself there’s very little left to experience, he’s proven wrong.
Like this morning.
“Give me back my fucking boot!” Lambert, clothes disheveled and hair rumpled, yells up at the open window of the house. Indeed, he’s missing one, standing unevenly in the waste and muck of the Novigrad street.
“NO!” The voice from within yells down, instead chunking out a hunk of stale bread, which bounces off of his chest harmlessly. “I’m keeping it!”
“As what, a memento?!”
It’s about five in the morning, and very few people are out and about other than fishermen and beggars.
And the one-booted Witcher yelling up at an unremarkable one night stand intent on an unusual prize.
Ah, city life.
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
Zeezah’s memory of the event taken place during Alzur’s Legacy was really vague, considering she was not exactly conscious most of the time and being in fever/pain in the rest. She remembered seeing a Leshen and Ciri, but thought that was part of her nightmare.  
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urwisxzeezah · 3 years
Zeezah was having a massive headache. 
It had been rather common to her since THE EVENT.  It was one very weird one from the start to...recent. Growing up practically on the street because of the Catriona plague, she had thought she was used to a lot of strange things.  Then she was being abducted, snatched by a stranger who looked like an old hag one second, and a man next. And before she figured out if she was being sold to some kind of human trafficking business, he forced her to take some stench tisane that made everything spin. Then she went in and out of consciousness, experienced all kinds of bone shattering pain (and maybe fever?), and by the time her senses returned, she was being tied up on some kind of table in a ruin. 
How she got out of there wasn’t exactly important, or the strange things (and girl) she encountered on her way out. What was important was how she felt after. She could have swore she is able to see things in the pitch black darkness, when even the local hunter wasn’t even able to. She could hear movements miles away. She could run faster, which was bloody helpful when she picked the pockets or steal something. And hells, she was even able to dodge that slimy hands of the tavern cook, who always looked at her in a way that made her skin crawl every time she walked past him. 
And yes, the migraine. 
It usually came without warning. Here she was, sitting on a rotten barnacle infested overturned boat, trying to catch some fish with her makeshift rod, suddenly the pain wrecked through her as if someone was smashing her head with a bat. Feeling as if her skull was cracked, she had to drop the rod, drew her knees to her chest and held her head. 
“Ohohohohohoh, O-o-ouchie...” She groaned, nearly curled into a ball. Swear words of any kind escaped her lips.   
@urwisxzeezeh answered the starter call
Aiden Katinas is retired.
It’s a good life. He lives in an isolated hut and he’s left alone, able to spend his days fishing and hunting on their small island and trading away with the locals. It gives him plenty to do. He wants for nothing. 
It has been ages since Aiden’s done any witchering. He’s kept his small home well maintained and spent most of his time gardening now. The old Cat is looking his age, though he’s yet to go completely grey. His long hair is tied up and kept out of his way while a cloak keeps him well camouflaged for hunting. He still uses his bow, though he’s long since had to repair his faithful blue bag over the years. Despite that, really…
Aiden is happy.
Today, he thinks, is a good day to spend wandering aimlessly along the sore. The smell of sand and salt has a very specific responde from him. it reminds him of a time long ago when he was at this same hut recovering from one of the worst things he’s ever been through.
Gaze locked on a whale he’s spotted far out from shore, the witcher kneels down and enjoys the sounds, relishing in the peace he’s finally learned. There’s no way anything could go wrong. There’s nothing that could ruin this for him.
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