unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
The Tape Project was a collaboration in its own right by collaborating with another member in the group as well as working against the rest of the fashion group and the fashion industries ideas.
In a way the project evolved as myself and Adam’s thoughts intended by firstly showing a suitable idea to clothing but can be moved into something different. What me and Adam did not expect was where this direction would take us. The direction turned architectural however we both know this direction is not fully fulfilled to justify the project has gone into the parameters of architecture. We are aware the ideas have evolved in terms of how we would use tape and manufacture into fabric at a basic level but we know the manufacturing of the fabric needs to have a wide range of samples from a variety of tapes. By studying the science and engineering qualities behind the tape we can enable to push forward into architectural functions and other large scale ideas. Particularly near the end of the project the direction shifted to a instructional based project, from a personal point of view this was a great time to reflect on what has been made with tape, this made me consider future improvements to this project by making alternative shapes and sizes to the products, for example the garment we produced…. this is one garment at a raw basic level which at the time was the intention but to really show the tape’s potential this needs to be shown a variety of silhouettes and styles and also details like collars, pockets and explore the manufacturing of it. At the start of project me and Adam criticised the fashion process of not looking towards new manufacturing processes, at the middle stage of the project we was guilty of this. We made fabric in one way and stuck to it, although we created a process the exploration of this was not fulfilled. The instruction manual was a successful part of the project, we had book created that enabled us to communicate our ideas to the audience who are unaware of this idea. Having a book published has given us the chance to externally showcase this idea outside of the university bubble.
In other forms of collaboration meaning working with the whole group brought more obstacles than solutions compared to working with just Adam. This was interesting as our book idea with instructions was used a pitch to communicate to the rest of the group to see if any of these ideas can be used. We agreed on using  the aesthetic qualities of the drawings and video ideas we created to input into the group video and poster rather than using the physical products me and Adam created. By doing this we could tailor a way to fit their idea of ‘Crowds’.
The clash of ideas as a group was the main obstacle to work together, for me and Adam there ideas came across as face value, they would use aesthetic like hipster and cool images associated with the theme ‘crowds’ as a platform to create garments, their way of thinking had to be in parallel to their tutors. There seemed to be little rebellious working in them or any consideration to think to outside tutors tick box criteria never mind the university bubble. But this was the fuel for me and Adam to create work, in theory looking back they was the research platform for us.
I had very little knowledge of exhibition layout. I felt the overall ‘Collaboartive’ group work of poster and video was unconvincing on a curatorial level. The surroundings of the ‘Deaf Institute’ made the audience unsure what was the students work and what was originally Deaf institutes work seen as they already had posters in the room. As a result I wish the work was situated somewhere else to fit the brief or fit the brief to the location, books and magazines could have been a lot more interactive to the audience making them create a relationship to the work. However saying this, this has made me aware to research more of the location of the exhibition in order to communicate work effectively. The collaboration between me and Adam I felt was successful and the overall group project concerning the poster and video was poor. Me and Adam was willing to go out of a comfort zones and be willing to venture in any unknown to improve, this I felt was a important factor. I feel me and Adam can now push the Tape idea forward, making variations of garments, tables, chairs, lights, bridges can all be considered, we have a based now however we are aware the process needs to be expanded a lot more. We have not looked at strength of tape into detail and also scale which I feel needs to be address first before any more possible product or service idea.
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Images of the exhibition.... the objects and the original poster already in there made the exhibition very confusing to understand, I wish I took more consideration into the architecture of the space as this would of alter my way of thinking to the work. I would of used the book we published as a way for the people in the place to understand a idea. 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Looking back at the development of the pattern design to evolve as a tape shirt, using triangles as a way for the arm to have easy movement. The assemblage of this was time consuming when cutting out. Larger triangles in the future are a consideration. 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Looking back through my research to discover pattern and template design to develop and evolve. 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Development of the greenhouse ... The tape has been able to let light through whilst maintaining a good source of heat and shelter. Sunflower is growing well. 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Book Published
Kevin Boardman  and Adam Dunn instruction manual for tape 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
Using our instruction aesthetic we begin to collaborate with the fashion students for possible video designs
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Playing the different layers of tape 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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More drawings 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Beginning instructions for the made stuff we have completed.... 
The best way to show the massive potential of Tape is to get other people to do it, so give them instructions.... 
This is now our aim
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
Lines of Inquiry/ Investigation
For me and Adam the development stage was a seamless transition from the research period mainly due to we used making as research, as a consequence we used this stage as a period to refine the quality and also expand the creative use of tape. During the whole development stage we decided as group (including fashion and fashion art direction) to work separately because the requirements needed to suit other courses restricted the development of our Tape idea. As a result Me and Adam worked throughout the development stage. The first turning point in the development stage was the jacket making. Through the first couple of developments the overall finish looked somewhat of a poor standard, the tape fabric looked too cheap although we wanted to show the consumer how easy it is to make fabric and also we intend to have this rough raw fabric to other outcomes like a shelter. We just felt the jackets aesthetic needed to be at the highest quality through fabrication and garment construction. This process was refined successfully by taking a little extra time on manufacturing. For me and Adam this was a important time in our project as we successfully managed to make a jacket and also a fabric which we felt had the potential to span into other products.
From this we made a bag however we kept referring back to our research and our original intentions because we knew we had to move on. Like a fashion student this was dangerous territory to stay into a comfort zone and keep making jackets or fashion outcomes that could limit us as creatives as well as the materials potential. So we moved on. We recognised the Tape’s unique properties, it was hard wearing, waterproof and both flexible and rigid depending on the layers applied.
Referring to our design and architecture research we felt there was a positive relationship between these disciplines and the material. Radical ideas came to the table such as shelters, tables, lights, wheelbarrows and greenhouses. We knew this time was a chance to be ambitious so we gave the greenhouse a go. By considering the urban environment and the effective use of space, we noticed the greenhouse is not designed for the urban environment, this needs to be changed. The greenhouse does not belong just to suburbs.
Running with this theme of architectural functions we set ourselves a challenge to create a shelter using limited resources……. The environment, tape and scissors. We wanted to highlight how easy and quick this process can be so people who are in tough shelter situations can adopt this method as an alternative.
As I mentioned me and Adam became ambitious, as time progressed we knew we was too ambitious mainly due to time and also it felt like the ideas we had needed an entire workforce. Manufacturing aids and processes was considered such as laser cutting however time became shorter and shorter we had to prioritised however a process like laser cutting on tape we feel can be a project on its own in the future.
For 3 weeks the studio will be closed for easter, this has thrown a spanner in the works. We wanted to highlights the tapes easy adaptability to the user by editing the jacket with one edit a day for those 3 weeks, although this could be done somewhere it made us think where are we at as project. So far we have made basic products however we have not shown its simplicity to the audience. They are yet informed of how to make this. This is something me and Adam are considering for the final making stage.
To conclude the tape idea is evolving as well as ours, we as a collective are now considering basic uses and easy assemblage before we delve into the complex products and services we first thought of. Me and Adam also now need to consider showcasing this to the rest of the group and consider ways of incorporating this idea.
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Tape ball.....
Can this become a giant ball, what can a giant ball create.. a structure, base for a table or chair?
A lot of tape required to make though. 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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we set ourselves a challenge to create a shelter using limited resources……. The environment, tape and scissors.
Bringing tape back to its basics. 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Greenhouse made... growing sunflower as I write this.
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Lid ideas for the greenhouse cube. 
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Cube made with tape around, I know have to create a lid that will allow more cubes to attach to this or allow a larger plant to grow in 2 cubes for examples.
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unitxcollab-blog · 7 years
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Mock up for our bag idea...
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