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Love yourself
Its has to begin with YOU!
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Now, i am NO professional, nor do i hold any form qualifications of any sort that would insists that i am able to "heal" ANYONE, or would insist that i go to be a pubic speaker and have people believe that i have the answers to cure everybody lack of "self-love. This simple addition to my blog is entirely wrote on my own PERSONAL experience and my own PERSONAL knowledge, and how i went about gaining my own "self-love", and the struggle that come with learning the hard task of "LovingMyself"!.. It's not about thinking that you are better than every one else, or that "your shit don't stink". It's purely about finding out exactly who you are, and the confidence you carry in yourself.
In my opinion, society is the key player in the issue with mental illness and why we as people struggle to have that "self-love". Society has created perceptions of how every single male and female should and shouldn't be, and what is acceptable as person and what isn't. It labeled what is natural to humans as being "weak" and has impacted a high number of "mental illness" sufferers which has increased the number of suicide reports. Which is extremely sad!. RANDOM QUESTION Is planet Earth flat or round??.The real question there is, does ANYONE really know?!! We all grew up being told that Earth is like a ball, even through our school years we learnt that Earth was round. That's kind of how it is has conveyed with society and its perceptions of acceptable human behaviour and the expectations that follows. I have tried to understand how and why society's opinion become such influence on millions! i honestly don't and CANNOT understand just how that happens!! It really has me rattled..As grow up your being told, instead of being able to learn and finding those important balance for happy life for yourself.
When you actually sit down and REALLY think about it, just that itself proves just FUCKED UP this would honestly is, really disappointing isn't it? I personally think it is!.
Instead of every person being treated and looked upon as an "individual", we are all compared to the expectations created by society!
THANKFULLY, as years have gone on its all slowly improved and the focus is put on what really is important and society views and expectations are less of problem and the acceptance of everyone being unique and not being compared or put into categories is becoming more of awareness. Once i reached my teenage years confidence was my biggest struggle, which along with traumatic events in my adult life has played a major roll in my struggle of mental health.
Everything takes time, and time is needed for things to happen properly! It took me years to actually find the real sense behind the saying "you need to love yourself before anyone else can love you". If you cannot "love yourself", how can the love from someone else be possible?. Without "self-love" trying to commit and allow someone else loving you will be a problem instead of finding the happiness everyone deserves. I personally found it really hard to find my worth, and what i did and didn't deserve, and know how i should and shouldn't treated.. Which lead me to make poor choices that i pay the concequence of daily!!. If i was to be asked who i really was, theres no way i would of been able to an answer for. Therefore the relationship thats supposed to be full of love and happiness would purely be nothing but a negative and you constantly second guessing yourself and your partners real intentions.. That i relate to more than i am proud of to admit!..Once you've gained everything you need for YOURSELF, it all becomes a whole new experience and a happier one at that!.ALWAYS REMEMBER. Do NOT allow another individuals opinions or expectations of you as a personal affect you in any shape or form, i know that sometimes it's easier said than done, but you are entitled to express freely and to happily be the unique individual you were created to be!. If being a wart covered and infectious toad is what your whole hearted wanted to be, than you be free honey and embrace the infectious, wart covered toad you want to be LOL!. Do NOT be ashamed of not being okay, we are all human and every one is entitled to have those days. Take your time searching for YOU, and don't go "easy" with the level of expectations of what you rightly deserve! Don't lower your standards to better someone else and stand firmly grounded about the respect and treatment you are rightly entitled to receive from others. Having higher expectations and levels of standard doesn't make in the slightest selfish or "snotty", we all as humans are entitled to nothing but the best and given the best opportunity of being happy and rightly allowed to be the any kind of individual we wish. It may seem like its a timely process, or like it just isn't ever going to happen, but darling you can half cook chicken and expect not to get sick.. At the end of it the reward will be greater than any struggle you found yourself facing throughout the entire process well and truely worth it!.
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