understandsexedlj · 1 year
1000 words
Sex Ed Final
Going through this semester has really opened my eyes to how sexual wellbeing connects to your overall wellbeing. In this class we made journals for modules 3,5 and 6. It helped me keep focused on all the parts in this program, not just a test here and a reading there. I personally was hit with module 5. Module 5 was about how we as people express the love language and how we show it. Chapter 11 brought me into a whole new territory, I have always had the mindset that sex is love. It’s not but growing up with little to know parental presence I was always looking to be loved. I started hanging around people who were 16,17 and 18 at the age of 14 and a big part of that was because I was looking to be loved. My husband was 18 when we got together. It wasn’t love back then it was co-dependency and we both know this. He was dependent on drugs, and I was dependent on feeling wanted and needed. We had many ups and downs throughout the years. This class has stabilized our marriage. We now are using actual means of communication and affection to each other. We learned what love languages looked like together and apart and how they work together. This was new to both of us, we would not be as strong as we have become this last year in our relationship if it wasn’t for this class in my opinion.
 What really jumped out to me in chapter 9 was the statistics that the book had offered. Things like "6 percent of adolescents have sex before age 13 (Eaton et al., 2012). Experts agree that sex at age 15 or earlier is “early” sex and that it carries a number of risks (Price & Hyde, 2009)." The reasoning behind this is I don’t know if I was just engaging in life before my time or what but, that 6 percent just doesn’t seem realistic to me. Now if it would have said the 6 percent that doesn’t engage early. That would have been believable. The reason being is I was engaging in sexual behaviors un-forced by age 12. I thought this was normal too. I peaked in sexual activity when I was about 14 years old and had my son by 15. Partly the people I surrounded myself with at that time and partly because I felt I could do anything an adult could because not like anybody was going to stop me. So, reading the statistics on this was shocking. It did explain why I went through a whore faze just trying to figure out what a real connection was when I was 17.
We may look a little deeper into chapter 10, it brought a fight or flight message to me. Chapter 10 brings up Co-habitation and how it is a doomed day to marriage that I really didn’t understand. It still doesn’t make sense when I think about it either. Co-habitation is a part of our nature, not even in a sexual manner either. We as mammals thrive off the connection of others. It also made me think about how some religious groups who say you can’t live together before marriage confuse me, you never know who somebody really is until you are around them regularly, you get sick, healthy, angry and happy. You see how they cope when they are stressed and what they truly believe in. I always believe that if you do not stay actively in your habitat with somebody you can end up in over your head when it comes time to be forever or never.   
Thankfully this chapter brought my attention to how married couples have dry spells in life and in the bedroom. That is normal and it’s okay. What scarred me about this chapter was the rates of failure in relationships that fact that when studied thirty-seven percent of men and thirty-eight percent of woman admitted they believed they would cheat. Yes, flirting is cheating. For two people who mutually agree to monogamy have such a high rate to believe they will step out of the relationship for a feeling of desire.
            What I didn’t expect from this class was a sense of realization to help my relationship and bring unity to my marriage. I originally signed up for this class just because I needed a health credit. I am happy with my choice, this class has given me an understanding of the differences and similarities that sexuality plays on our daily lives, as well as how to approach the differences amongst people. I learned how there are different groups of love, it’s not just an “I love you, you love me” relationship. I learned it’s a triangle and realistically we need all points to excel. I learned how the development of fetishes and kinks are created in one’s brains. Coming from somebody has actively participated in the world of femdom/fetdom as a dominant this class has truly given me some insight, I never thought about in doing such behaviors.
Sexual Coercion was a very well written chapter to investigate. It brings attention to information most people don’t really consider as coercion. I am however appalled at the rapes reported. When you think about it that is just the amount of people who admit they were raped what about the countless MEN and women who don’t report. Rape is a serious problem and its not just a woman problem. Rape is one of the worst crimes that can be committed yet it is treated as if the victim is crazy, or they just drank to much. Never has a police officer asked a victim of car jacking or even mugging “Are you sure you didn’t want your car stolen?” as that is honestly a big message, we as society need to get across. How come the rape victim isn’t just believe and supported that they need to prove they were a victim. If we stop acting as if its up to the victim to prove that they were attacked, we might have a more accurate representative on how much rape actually occurs.
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understandsexedlj · 1 year
Final Requirement's
Understanding Sexuality Learning Journal Course Reflection Essay Worth 50 Points
For this final exam option, you will need to write a 1000 word essay that reflects upon your overall learning experience in this course. You should use your individual learning journal blog entries to help formulate the essay. I want you to provide me detailed learning experiences so think back to what you thought you knew about Understanding Sexuality at the start of the semester and compare that with the knowledge you have, now that you have completed the course.
This is a formal assignment so spelling, grammar and formatting count. Type your document, save it in a Word document or Google Doc and attach the file for grading.
Suggestions to help you pull all of your information together. Keep in mind these are only suggestions as I want you to reflect on your own learning experiences:
Reflect on 3-5 main points there were new to you, in the material we covered throughout the semester.
Your reflection on this course and how well it is meeting your needs.
How your learning in this course is related to what you're learning in other ways.
Which do you think has a greater influence on your attitude-heredity or environment? Explain.
Which sources did you learn from the most?
Topics that you might still be unsure about?
Miscellaneous interesting facts I learned from this course....
What you disliked the most about the reflective learning....
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understandsexedlj · 1 year
MOD. 6. Response
Chapters 14-16
Chapter 15 I related to the most because not only have I had been in situations of sexual coercion but I have been sexually assaulted.
What I learned from the discussion forum is that some people are very close minded when it comes to the different types of explicit and that the ones who are close minded don't always know the differences between them and because they don't understand they judge them as well as group them into one topic
The mini learning reflection question #1 is the one I'm responding to. - Pornography is not managed the best online as after all it is just a button you press claiming to be an adult. Nothing actually making you prove it for the most part. A way to manage is to monitor your children and stop acting as if the internet is a safe place for children. The internet wasn't originally brought on for kids but look at us now, they run the internet world and that's not for the better.
What did you learn from the online lessons or other supplementary materials? - I got a more in depth perspective, statistics I didn't know about. It helped me get a better look at fetishes as well.
The information you post here will be used at the end of the semester to formulate your course reflection essay. - understandable, I have given myself a good foot in the door with my Learning journals.
Embed or post links to resources you found helpful in learning the information in the current learning module (e.g., images, image slideshows, websites, podcasts, etc..).  -Sexual Coercion vs. Consent: 19 Scenarios to Consider, What to Do Next (healthline.com)
What did you learn from it? The link gave some scenarios to consider and to really pinpoint the difference of consent vs coercion.
      2. Comment on your participation:  
One thing I learned in this session that I may be able to use in the future.... Coercions Vs Consent and the difference between sex sells and selling sex.
Reflect on the following... What impacted you most in this course? In other words, what is the one thing that left a memorable moment in your mind or what did you enjoy most in this course? For example, a specific discussion, comments by students or professors, reflection post, timing of grades etc... Please give examples. ... The reflections of where people's sexual desires and mental/ physical connection to love are different this course has helped me in my marriage with love languages and types of love we produce.
What did you find the most difficult/challenging about this course? - Not taking a personal hit, I was traumatized young and because of my mental instability I hyper focused on sexual behaviors and conditioned myself to act as if they were normal and okay but this class has made me really rethink and evaluate my past and brought it to a light, I always knew was there but pretended wasn't.
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understandsexedlj · 1 year
Mod 6 due 4.17.23
Your journal entries should reflect on what you are learning in this class:
Provide detailed information on what you have learned from the content within this learning module including:
What chapter did you relate to the most and why?
What did you learn from the discussion forums?
What did you learn from the mini lectures and readings?  Answer 1 of the reflection questions located in the Prezi lecture.
What did you learn from the online lessons or other supplementary materials?
The information you post here will be used at the end of the semester to formulate your course reflection essay.
Embed or post links to resources you found helpful in learning the information in the current learning module (e.g., images, image slideshows, websites, podcasts, etc..).  What did you learn from it?
14 points
      2. Comment on your participation:  
One thing I learned in this session that I may be able to use in the future....
Reflect on the following... What impacted you most in this course? In other words, what is the one thing that left a memorable moment in your mind or what did you enjoy most in this course? For example, a specific discussion, comments by students or professors, reflection post, timing of grades etc... Please give examples.
What did you find the most difficult/challenging about this course? 
6 points   
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understandsexedlj · 1 year
Mod 5 Responses
why do people engage in gender stereotyping? - It's because of upbringings. One you get the families that get men are king and everyone needs to bow down or you get the men aren't allowed to cry household, sometimes you get "I don't need no man" woman who act like men shouldn't exist. People's engagement is Soley based on the history of how they were raised.
Chapter 11 hit me the most. I'm 20 yrs. old, mom of two (4 and 1month) and I'm a wife to the man I've known for 7 years and married to for a little over 1 1/4th years. where we came from communication sucks and "love" mean getting laid. That chapter really helped open my eyes and educate me more on how to better our marriage and to help show our sons' how to function in a relationship, to end the broken love cycle.
I took from the discussions between classmates that it is believed to be possible for relationships to break the cycle of jealousy. it is a hard road but with willpower it could happen, just like if we break they issue that are faced when you get uncomfortable to self-disclosure there are ways approach self-discloser without the edge of bitterness.
How to Know If You Need Marriage Counseling (verywellmind.com)
I learned more about how to appropriately work on my marriage which I have issues with because of the communication and love issues that need to be addressed that the chapters pointed out.
I run into a time management problem. Not enough time in the day to do everything i need to. I wake up roughly 7am(more like 730/45) I have to get my 4 yr old out the door preferably by 8am but no later than 815am to get in the drop off -line in school. I then play with him while we wait. I normally get back home about 830/40. I then sign on to work (9am-530/6pm) by 6pm my son is home and we are doing if weather permitted a park trip for an hour or so then dinner and a bath so its roughly 730/8pm and now i have to get buddah to bed. from there I take to try cleaning up the house then I get on the computer to start doing school work and i normally pass out or I bring it to bed and just never open it. So I am open to any suggestions.
I think my discussion has a little it really depends on the topic itself. Sometimes I get farther than others just because of the context of the work and sometimes I don't because and that still false into a time management issue.
I have looked at the rubric I do like the feedback. It makes me feel that It gives insight in where i need to improve.
I soley know my issue is i am over extened and can only do so much in 24 hours. I have a new baby and a buddah that is having behavior issues because of all the change hes gone through the last 4 months. I work and I have a household to run.
I do understand why My grades are as they are most are simple fix with better answers and some are needing more thought involved.
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understandsexedlj · 1 year
Mod 5
Page 307 Chapter 12
critical thinking skills and reflect on stereotyping
JOURNAL ENTRY CONTENT REQUIREMENTS - Each entry is worth up to 20 points and must include the following elements: 
Your journal entries should reflect on what you are learning in this class:
Provide detailed information on what you have learned from the content within this learning module including:
What chapter did you relate to the most and why?
What did you learn from the discussion forums & readings.
Reflect on the question posted at the end of our Chapters 11-12-13 lecture material.
Embed or post a link to a resource you found helpful in learning the information in the current learning module (e.g., images, image slideshows, websites, podcasts, etc..).  What did you learn from it?
14 points
      2.  Comment on your participation:  
We are at the half way point in the semester. What do you need to focus on to improve your grade?
Has your participation in discussions improved? How and Why?
Have you looked at the rubric to help you improve your discussion grade?
If not, what will you do to improve your participation in the next learning module? Why aren't your discussion grades improving?
I did not provide any feedback in your discussion posts this module. Reflect on your discussion grades. Do you understand why you received the grade you did? Explain.
6 points
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understandsexedlj · 1 year
Mod 3: Learning journal post
Question: Of all kinds of families, you can think of which do you think are respected and valued by American culture?
Answer: I think A heterosexual Married couple with 2 children 3 at max is the most respected and valued in American Culture.
Chapter 9: Paragraph titled "Too Early Sex."
"6 percent of adolescents have sex before age 13 (Eaton et al., 2012). Experts agree that sex at age 15 or earlier is “early” sex and that it carries a number of risks (Price & Hyde, 2009)."
The reason this jumped out at me the most is because of that percentage. I'm not sure if it's just how I grew up or what, but roughly 85% of the people I know or knew growing up had been having sex since before 13 and at 15 at the latest.
Chapter 10: Paragraph titled "Cohabitation."
"Contrary to what many people think, marriages preceded by cohabitation are more likely to end in divorce than are marriages not preceded by cohabitation (Rhoades et al., 2009; Smith, 2003). In one study, those who had cohabited were more than twice as likely to divorce as those who had not (Dush et al., 2003). Cohabitation is also associated with poorer marital quality and satisfaction (Rhoades et al., 2009)."
This caught my attention because I always thought people who didn't use the "free trial" of relationships AKA the living together before marriage would actually be more likely to divorce. My reasoning is you truly never know somebody until you live with them. You get the raw and real version of that person so you'd think that would actually make or break the relationship before you get to the marriage stage of a relationship.
Question: Do you feel you put in the needed time and effort in this module?
Answer: I honestly am on the fence on this one. I know I should have put in a little more effort into this module, yet I've had a pretty eventful last two weeks. That being said I'm not going to beat myself up over not devoting the time I think I should have vs. What I actually have. I had my youngest child on 2/14/2023 he was due 2/20/2023 so he was a little sooner than expected which kind of threw me off all my schoolwork this last two weeks. I'm currently finding a system that works for my household with a newborn and a 4-year-old it's definitely some give and take on planning.
Question: If not, what will you do to improve your participation in the next learning module?
Answer: I plan to get back on my schedule I originally planned. As I am an online student, and my job is work from home. I have no excuse to be away from a computer long enough not to get back on track this semester. I personally just think it was just a slight refocus of attention. I know if I can do in person High School classes when my oldest was born than I can definitely do Online classes in my home with my youngest without to many issues.
Question:How are you using the feedback I've provided (mod 2) to help you improve your grades? I provided general feedback and feedback to each of your individual posts in module 2. How is it helping you with Module 3 since I've limited feedback as things were detailed in module 2 with feedback.
Answer: The feedback i recived in MOD2 has done me onders for my discussion post itself. I went from a level 4 to a level 5. I call that improvement. However I'm still at a level 2 for my replies to my classmates. It is definitely something I need to work on. It appers the issue I fall under is not bringing in textbook information in my comments to the class, I don't know if it was just an oversite or a lack of attention that was causing it, but it's definitely something I need to work on.
Latency- The state of existing but not yet being developed.
2. Adrenarche- Early stage in sexual maturation
3. Heteronormativity- The belief that heterosexuality is the only pattern that is normal and natural.
What is adrenarche in teenage boys and girls? | Patient
Reason: I had no idea what Adrenarche even was till it came up in my textbook. This gave me some background on what it was.
Cohabitation Statistics: Divorce & Contraception Rates (hli.org)
Reason: I was curious about that statistic from the book, it gave me a little more information on the subject I didn't know on the topic.
0 notes
understandsexedlj · 1 year
Mod 3. Requirments:
 This module must include the following elements: 20 Points
Reflect on what you are learning in this class: Your entry must include information on what you have learned from the content within this learning module. DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE CHAPTERS! I want you to reflect on what you learned in your own words.
The Chapters 9-10 Lecture folder has a question for you to reflect on within the lecture (Prezi Presentation).        
What is the one thing from each chapter that somewhat may have surprised you or that you learned (be sure to expand on this)
Embed or post links to a resource you found helpful in learning the information in the current learning module (e.g., images, slideshows, websites, podcasts, etc..).  Explain how it was helpful or meaningful to you.
13 points
      2.  Comment on your participation:  
Do you feel you put in the needed time and effort in this module? How? Why?
If not, what will you do to improve your participation in the next learning module?
How are you using the feedback I've provided (mod 2) to help you improve your grades? I provided general feedback and feedback to each of your individual posts in module 2. How is it helping you with Module 3 since I've limited feedback as things were detailed in module 2 with feedback.
4 point
      3. Vocabulary:
List 3 words you didn't know about prior to completing the content in this learning module.
What did you learn from the definitions?
3 points
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