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The kazoo theme for anyone who wants it
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Oh he's going to fit in just fine here 😏
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this is quite literally everything to me
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putting players in a little timeout cube for their crimes makes ice hockey the objectively funniest sport (to me)
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According to Coachella Valley Firebirds‘ head coach Dan Bylsma, Wright skated with the team on Sunday and was eager to play, but the coaching staff decided to be cautious. Bylsma expressed optimism about Wright’s availability for the upcoming series, indicating that the lower-body injury isn’t serious. This update reassures fans that Wright is likely to return to the ice soon​​.
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our farm teams are so damn good. the kansas city mavericks (ECHL) just won 5-1 in the second game of the western conference finals putting them up 2-0. coachella valley (AHL) also won the second game of the pacific division finals last night putting them up 2-0 in their series!
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Mic'd Up with Aleš Stezka: "My puck handle is better than 50% of the players here." [firebirds]
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"OT? We've already had it."
"We've had one OT, but what about *second* OT?"
"I don't think he's heard of second OT, Pippin"
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macklin celebrini you will be a seattle kraken because the seattle kraken are going to win the draft lottery at 3:30 pst tommorow
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continuation of my philipp grubauer as a horse design :3 the whole gangs here!
layers+design notes below the cut!
they are all wearing horse armor, which is incredibly funny because WHO is fitting they sheep for war
disclaimer: i dont know nothing about horse armor actually, i am heavily referencing image searches and these are aesthetic over function
to defeat the whole function of horse armor, they continue to not be able to seat a rider because HAHAHA chris barely reaches the tops of joey and grubis legs in this FORGET supporting a riders weight
the shoulder guards (a modified version of the peytral) and hip guards (the crupper) use the pattern of their blockers and pads. people were NOT joking, they sure are white across the board
the plate in front of their neck (which is the OTHER part of the modified peytral) is intended to mimic neck guards on goalie helmets. funny enough only grubi actually wears one!
the designs on said plates are the franchise logo (center) and the shoulder designs (flanking on both sides of logo) for their team!
the face plate (the chanfron) has a metal gilding on the front to mimic the cat eye cage design! there is plating underneath because a cage is NOT enough armor
still on the chanfron, the sides are extended down the face as decoration, with tentacles (chris and grubi) or wings (joey)
also decorative are loops that go around chris and joeys horns, which are, again tentacles (joey) or wings (chris)
LAST POINT ON THE CHANFRON! the colors and patterns are from their helmets but incredibly simplified because i am not accurately recreating them. they got city skylines on those man
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both joey and grubi have cloth underlayers to look like jerseys
joey is in firebird visiting colors
grubi is in kraken home colors
dreidger doesnt have an underlayer because i think the wool is a sufficient barrier against friction LOL
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chris is a whiteface sheep with black wool because of this post comparing driedger to a sacrificial lamb by seattlekrakenyaoi and the kraken as jellycats post by scoringchance
another name for whiteface sheep is penistone sheep. im sure well be very mature bout this one ^_^
joey is a luing cow with a curly brown coat because everyone says he has beautiful brown cow eyes
i prefered luing cows over the more popular highlander cows (the fluffy cow, also crossbred with shorthorn cows to make said luing cows) for the texture of their coat LOL
chris and joey both have netting wrapped around their horns, joeys draped between his to resemble the net
grubi is a dappled gray draft horse with a blonde mane
the horse
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So excited to see what new rescues the Ron Francis Home For Wayward Hockey Players picks up this summer.
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April showers bring May flowers, and the first PWHL playoffs! Get ready folks it's going to be a good one .
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