uncanny-aura · 9 months
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The Inky Cap Witch, with a Bleak Nature. This witch can only see the dark side of things. It does try to find a way to give itself happiness, but it knowns that eventually something bad will happen to it, causing it to sink more into an inky sorrow. Because of this, it continues weep and mourn in the desperate hope that someone will hear it’s cries and try to put it out of it’s misery. Another thing to note is that the witch’s tears are made out of the same ink that surrounds it and can actually be consumed. It’s labyrinth is no help either, for it is surrounded by an inky abyss with so sign of daylight to be seen. The familiars, Baptiste, take the form of an alcohol. At first it’s strange why the familiars even look like that and why they constantly ask those who enter the labyrinth to try and drink them. But once the alcohol and the witch’s tears enter your system, you will find yourself to be horribly poisoned.
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uncanny-aura · 9 months
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The Dancing Abnormality Witch, with a Fanatical Nature. This witch constantly craves to be adored and wishes that people could watch them dance. It is a bit shy and cowardly, being too scared to fight and just wants to happily dance its troubles away. Though, there is a rumor that the witch used to be a very crazy girl who tended to creep out everyone around her and would constantly beg for attention. Though it’s almost hard to believe nowadays, seeing how it seems to be more calmer and passive. However, if properly done, then a bit of the witch’s old persona will shine through. This leads to the witch wildly dancing about and grabbing at the offender. This either leads to the witch either killing that person or, in most cases, turning that person into a familiar. Those familiars, Chou, act as the witch’s audience. Or, try to, since they too wish they could be in the spotlight. They believe that the witch doesn’t deserve to be on that stage in the first place. Because of this, they constantly try to sabotage the witch’s performances. However, they always end up going wrong in the end.
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uncanny-aura · 10 months
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The Jiangshi Witch, with a Craving Nature. This witch is constantly searching for power and it will get it no matter what. The more power it consumes, the stronger it will get. For it to do this, it will search for any intruders in its labyrinth and try to suck the life force out of them, very much like a vampire. A good majority of the time, the witch will even go after its familiars to alleviate its constant hunger. But of course, that will only restrain it for a short while before the witch will grow hungry again. When it is low on energy, it will move around very lazily, dragging its body around while it tries to hop. When this happens, it will find the nearest living creature for it to suck out the life force from it. The witch’s familiars, Qi, are forced to play the part as the witch’s personal “snacks”. Basically they are the witch’s main source of food when its energy is low. Because of this, the familiars tend to try and run away from the witch, for if all of their life force is sucked up, there will die.
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uncanny-aura · 10 months
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The Orchid Mantis Witch, With a Nature of Showoff. This witch is known to constantly try to be the center of attention. It sort of acts like a ringleader, bringing in the attention and guest to admire it. It loves preforming tricks and wowing the crowd, no matter how dangerous the stunt may be. It could care less and only wants all of the attention it can get. It enjoys making sure that it looks its best and will fight anyone or anything that might try to take its spotlight away from it. It’s known to be very fast and can easily dodge certain attacks, it can even hide within the flowers around its labyrinth to assure its safety. It’s familiars, Coronapus, play the role of spectators. They will do anything for their witch and constantly praise it with all of their attention. It’s almost hard for them to look away once their witch makes its presence known.
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uncanny-aura · 10 months
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The UFO Witch, with a Lonely Nature. This witch flies around the universe, aka its labyrinth, to find friends to play with. It tends to bump into things a lot, some find the witch to be a bit clumsy with it’s flying skills. It enjoys the feeling of just flying around in the mass of space, with the occasional encounter of meeting another “alien”. Yes, the witch believes that it is actually an alien. Another strange thing about this witch is that it constantly holds a very blank expression on its face, never showing else. It doesn’t really pay attention to anything around it, just simply minding its own business. However, it still yearns for a friend. It’s familiars, Vicinia, play the role of fellow aliens. They tend to live on the other “planets” that are scattered around the witch’s labyrinth. They tend to speak in many made-up languages and don’t really do that much besides doing simple, mundane tasks. Though, they are always seen in either groups or pairs, never being seen alone.
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uncanny-aura · 10 months
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The Pink Bonnet Witch, with a Fallacious Nature. This witch is known for having a very cute-looking appearance, to the point that it can let anyone’s guard down. It tends to act very lady-like and is very polite to those it comes across. in fact, it enjoys to hold little tea parties for it’s guests. Some find it hard to believe that this witch could be dangerous at all. But in reality, like the mushroom it’s based off of, it’s actually holds a very deadly toxin. In fact, it will occasionally spike the tea with it’s deadly spores, poisoning those who drink it. It can also be quite hostile when threatened, to the point it throws away its whole polite act and goes into a blind rage. It will throw a violent tantrum while kicking and screaming at the opponent. It will also emit the poisonous toxins from its cap to try and weaken the enemy. It’s familiars, Heinrich play the role of being the witch’s servants, serving the tea and making the treats for the witch’s tea parties. They also make sure that the labyrinth is perfect and tidy, to the point that they will even hide the bodies of the fallen intruders in the gorgeous pink flower bushes.
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uncanny-aura · 11 months
(Slight Content Warning for Teeth Imagery)
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The Dentist Witch, with a Guilt-ridden nature. It’s a bit ironic that this witch happens to take the form of a dentist when in reality it’s actually terrified of them. This witch tends to flail its arms about in fear every time it sees its face in the mirrors, causing it to accidentally break the glass. It’s worth it though, rather have a few years of bad luck rather than see what you have become. All it wanted to do was just to forget its past, just forget everything that brought it to now. It simply just wants to break down and cry. Though, the witch itself tends to collect any teeth it finds, mostly finding those that are decayed. It just thinks they’re neat. And despite its scary appearance, it does truly want to find a friend that is willing to not be afraid of it. Someone who will be able to understand its pain and possibly help it. Its minions Novocaine, try to numb the witch’s pain. Literally. They will jab their little arms into the witch and release the chemicals within them to literally make the witch go numb. They are not good at being helpful in any way possible.
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uncanny-aura · 11 months
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The Bathtub Witch, with a Yearning Nature. This witch can be seen constantly crying its eyes out, never once stopping. It dreams for the day when it can leave its bathtub and find its special one. But for now, it resides quietly in its bath and waiting for the day to arrive. It’s a real shame that it can’t swim, for the labyrinth is covered in gorgeous corals and bubbles. It tends to sing to itself, trying to soothe its pain away. But watch out, once you hear its song you will find yourself getting drawn to it. Who knows, maybe the witch will try to steal your legs so it can escape from its porcelain prison. It’s not known for fighting, but when it does it will just charge towards its attacker and try to trample them. Its familiars, Spalare, usually play the role of the witch’s servants. They mostly wander around the labyrinth and make sure that everything is clean. Though once they come across an intruder, they will attack the person and try to cut off their legs to give to their witch.
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uncanny-aura · 11 months
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The Red Shoe Witch, with a Boastful Nature. The witch is known to be extremely vain about itself, desiring the most expensive things for itself. It loves getting the attention it thinks it deserves and is constantly seen dancing. Talking about dancing, the witch is constantly dancing. Seeming to never want to stop. It is a bit concerning, seeing how it constantly leaves a trail of some sort of red substance wherever it goes. However, it doesn’t appear to be in pain, just simply dancing all day long. The witch constantly wants to spotlight, willing to do anything to get a person’s attention. The familiars, Andersen, simply play the role of the executioner. The familiars aren’t jealous of the witch, despite what the witch thinks. They actually want to help the witch, knowing that the shoes that it wears are what force the witch to dance so endlessly. They constantly try to chop at the witch’s feet, just to get rid of the horrible red shoes. But the witch refuses to let the familiars do such a thing, to the point it will stomp on the offending Andersens.
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uncanny-aura · 11 months
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The Puppet Diva Witch, with a Haughty Nature. The witch is known to look down on others and prefers being the center of attention rather be in the background. Because of this, it has a tendency to cause a scene. Whether that being stomping its feet and banging its hands on the table is sits on, to screaming its lungs out. And on that note, the witches screams are so powerful, it can shatter almost anything. It is also known for being quite pessimistic and appears to have stopped caring for anything else in its life. It would rather dance its life away than think about anything else. The witch’s minions, Bailarina, act as its back-up dancers. They tend to cheer on their witch and dance align with them without a care in the world. Just like their witch, they are also made out of wood. Though despite everything, they rarely have a mind of their own and just follow along with whatever their witch happens to be doing at the moment.
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uncanny-aura · 1 year
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The Kage-Onna Witch, with a Mystifying Nature. The witch can only be seen in the shadows on the wall, no one knows what the witch truly looks like for it’s form changes constantly. Despite its menacing appearance, it is actually quite shy and prefers to hide in the shadows as a way to avoid confrontation. It is very swift and is very hard to attack. Though, it doesn’t mean it can’t get harmed. Using your weapon’s shadow will sure cause the witch some trouble. It despises any form of light and will do anything to get rid of any light source so that way it can stay in the shadows forever. The witch’s minions, Umbra. make sure that the witch has a lot of shade so that ay it can hide. They will even use their own shadows for the witch to use. If one of them gets killed off, the witch become more and more distressed.
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uncanny-aura · 1 year
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The Dandelion Witch, with an Overcoming Nature. This witch is known to be quite headstrong and tends to go into things head first without thinking much of the consequences. It constantly wants to do everything it can to be the best at everything, no matter how difficult the task may be. it’s almost hard to soothe the witch down, for it is constantly busy with something new. It can’t help but want to archive every goal it can think of. It is also quite a fighter and will claw at anything that out considers to be a threat. The fluff it produces has the ability to be used as some sort of distraction, blinding the witch’s opponent temporarily so that way it can have its advantage. The witch’s minions, Crinitus, act as the witch’s support. They constantly cheer on their witch and admire the witch’s strength and dedication. They also tend to carry little umbrellas that allow them to float around the labyrinth.
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uncanny-aura · 1 year
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The Toadstool Witch, with a Nature of Escapism. This witch constantly lives in its own head. It adores everything that has to do with fantasy and fairy tales. To the point that it wishes that it could be like one of the knights in shining armor and go save the princess. Or to be a little fairy that can grant wishes to those in need. It’s actually quite content with this form and current life, for it can now live out its most wildest of fantasies. Some think of the witch to be very childish and maybe naive, but it could care less of what others think of it. All it wants to do is be happy. The witch’s minions, Yosei, act as the actors that play different parts for their witch’s fantasy. They all care about the witch’s wellbeing and will do anything to make sure that the witch doesn’t loses its immersion of their own fantasy story. They tend to be a bit clumsy thought and will constantly trip over each other. But it’s all worth it as long as the witch’s stories are fulfilled.
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uncanny-aura · 1 year
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The Take-onna Witch, with a Peeping Nature. This witch has a tendency to peep into the windows of the house around it’s labyrinth, mocking the residents of each house. It will laugh and mock each disgusting act it sees within the windows. Though, don’t tell anyone, but the witch is secretly very jealous of it’s minions, for it was never able to have such relationships when it was still a human. So it thinks that peeping on its minions and mocking them will fill the hole in it’s heart and it won’t have to be jealous anymore. But of course, it’s desire will never be fulfilled. It’s minions, Demonai, have only one purpose, to simply pleasure themselves. They commit dirty acts everyday in their homes and can only be seen in silhouettes. They do tend to get very agitated by the witch’s constant stalking and mockery, but most do try to ignore it.
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uncanny-aura · 1 year
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The Radium Witch, with a Radiant Nature. The witch is known to constantly glowing, literally. To the point it’s far too dangerous to be close to the witch because of the radiation it emits from it’s body. In fact, everything in the labyrinth is highly radioactive. The witch is known to be extremely intelligent and is always doing experiments in order to improve the things around it’s labyrinth. The witch can be a bit old-fashioned and is a bit uptight when it comes to certain things. Though, it constantly wants to find ways to improve its science. It’s minions, Pierre, act as the witch’s assistant. They help the witch with it’s experts and constantly make sure that the items around the labyrinth have a healthy glow of radiation.
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uncanny-aura · 1 year
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The Aluminum Witch, with a Calculating Nature. This witch is quite an odd one, never really known to talk and is usually cooped up in it’s very small labyrinth surrounded by many computers. It is known to have the ability to think of every possible strategy and outcomes when it comes to even the tiniest of things. Nothing ever goes past this witch’s radar. Though, it tends to act very robotic, not being as lively as any other witch. But it could care less about something like that, preferring to continue its analytical work. The witch’s familiars, Tredecim, act as the witch’s robotic army. They are just as robotic as this witch, to the point they even look like tiny robots made of aluminum. They tend to be very stiff when it comes to fighting, mostly standing in one place and try to shoot down the person who wishes to cause them harm. Though at the same time, their attacks will tend to miss and they will accidentally attack each other.
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uncanny-aura · 1 year
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The Morning Glory Witch, with a Affectionate Nature. This witch is very nurturing and loves taking care of anyone who finds themselves in it’s labyrinth. To the point it will come off as very suffocating and even at times clingy. It is very loving and will do anything to make sure that everyone around it is comfortable and happy. It can also be very overprotective and even hostile to those who try to take away its “friends”. It’s familiars, Purpurea, act as its friends. They are very close to the witch, to the point that they are even apart of it, being attached to its skirt. They too have the ability to attack anyone who tries to attack either the witch or the witch’s “friends”. The love to chat and gossip with each other and even some tend to take a lot of naps.
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