tzores-tasks · 6 years
I didn’t expect the threads to be storytimed...?
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tzores-tasks · 6 years
Thread 3: The Deleted Version
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T'zore's Tasks are back! Past posts are archived on tumblr, so go ahead and take a look over there if you need to refresh yourself on whatever this is. The recap isn't very long, so don't you worry. You're a level three Summonable; a demon meant specifically to fool around with humans when summoned by them. In your case, you use your occupation to have sex with whatever poor souls who request your presence. Last thread, you found yourself in a locker room, summoned by a group of soccer players that were hoping to find some help in beating their rival soccer team. You instead beat them off. However, the group ran off when a security guard came into the locker room, leaving one of their friends behind when he passed out from getting probably the most amazing head in his life. You stuffed him into a locker and conjured up a lock to keep him safe in the meantime. As it turns out, the security guard was no ordinary human, but another demon like you who was following a task. One half of you wants you to tell this guy to fuck off and let you continue your job, but another part of wants to be fucked senseless by him. 
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As you and Blake talk, another person stirs to life closer than you think. The brunette- or Scott, as his friends referred to him before- trembles as he attempts to stand up in the cramped space he's in. He can't seem to do much from inside the locker you locked him in, only being able to see very little of the outside world and hear some sort of discussion happening in front of him. It seems like you've come to a decision with Blake, or rather he helped you come to agreement. Quickly and easily, he pushed you against the locker that held Scott inside, thrusting his cock into you with eager. He wasted no time to take you for himself as you could only gasp and tremble in front of him. Of course you could remember Scott being inside the locker. You would silently give a prayer that he wouldn't make any noise, just to let you finish yourself off to Blake for a moment. Blake holds your head, angling it perfectly to the locker as you pant and moan for more of his dick. You can feel your body becoming powerful, the transferal of SEXP going according to plan. So, what now?
> Ask Blake to change the position and do you "Suspended Congress" style, leaning you back against the locker and blocking Scott's view
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You turn back to Blake hazily with your hands still propped up against the locker, struggling to get the question out. You giggle, asking him to please pick you up and fuck you against the locker like the slut she is. Your smile isn't there for very long. He leans against you, speaking to you in a babyish tone. "Awww, you wanna look into my eyes? You wanna hold onto me and also tell me you love me? T'zore, you're so cute when you're horny." You almost forgot how much you legitimately hate this guy. Still, he doesn't deny your request and picks you up with ease. Blake winks at you as he holds you up against the locker while saying, "I really did miss you T'zore. You always made me feel so smart." Is he purposely trying to turn you off? What the fuck!
> Wait, he’s getting cocky...maybe we could use this to our benefit. Flatter him and act all moronic. If he gets a swelled head he’ll lose his guard and we can get the edge.
>  Well, you could prankery up a cock ring onto him, then use that manipulation/ dick sucking skill to make him beg for release and negotiate the SEXP transfer up.
Also, holy shit, you’re back!
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You tell Blake that he's always had a way with words that could drive you crazy easily. He laughs  at your words, bouncing you on his dick. "Is that right?" You say of course! You also tell him to don't stop, that you want to feel him explode inside of you.
He gives a grunt as he grins, obviously strengthened by your words of encouragement. You grin as your wiggle your fingers, conjuring up a sex toy that brings Blake to a pained stop. 
With the work of your magical prankery, a cock ring is fitted around Blake’s dick and balls. He’s suddenly unable to cum, and you cackle as he looks to you annoyed. That’s right, you giggle, you’ve just got punked, bitch! Now you can’t cum until you make ME cum! You sit on his dick, smug and feeling powerful.
He stares at you while you giggle, waiting for you to quiet down.
“T’zore... you’re such... a fucking idiot...” He groans, and you continue to smile. “You do realize that I need to cum to complete the SEXP transfer, right...?”
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tzores-tasks · 6 years
It looks like the thread just got deleted or pruned from /aco/? 
Hmmm. I guess the board isn’t fond of quest threads anymore?
I’m sorry guys. :(
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
> Man, fuck this guy. And not in the nice way; you really don't need to put up with this. You just KNOW he's going to lord the free SEXP over you in the future if you let him give it to you now, and there are plenty of nicer guys to bang. Plus, Scotty's still in that locker, and I bet Scotty or Seven wouldn't laugh.
Remind him that you got a degree in Thaumaturgical Japery, not 'prank shit', and that he's got other floozies to hump if he's that eager. You're doing your own thing.
> Jeez, you guys suck at thinking like a succubus. They use SEX as a way to get what they want. Think a little!
Pout slightly, then act all sexy - squish your tits together with your arms, wiggle your hips. Approach Blake with a hungry, needy look, run your hand down his chest. Tell him that if he gives you enough SEXP, or helps you with your disguise, then you can work the school with him, and you'll be able to spend a lot more time together....having fun. 
THAT'S how you succubus. Plus come on, she was getting gangbanged and was interrupted, she has to be thirsty for that cute incubus D. She fucked him back in the day, didn't she?
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These are both things that you really, REALLY want to do, you can trust yourself on that. On one hand, you'd love to tell off Blake once and for all and jet with Scotty in some way, but... you also want to have fun. And the fact that he's offering just enough SEXP to give you another level feels so tempting. Your kind is all about temptation, you know.
Maybe you could try to rob him of some SEXP? You could tire him out enough to just keep going, right? You move closer to Blake, telling him that you're an idiot with a degree, excuse you. You both know well enough that you worked hard to get where you are now (even if it is just running tasks for a living).
You press your chest against his, looking up at him coyly. However, you purr, you both do make a good team, right? Sure you suck at certain things, but he knows how good you are at sucking in the first place- y'all could rob this school dry, you say. You just need a little help first, right...?
Plus, you add, you have been missing him, surprisingly.
"Aw, T'zore, you're tugging at my heartstrings right now," he chuckles, holding you and your ass close to him. "I've missed you too... You and your dumb little ass." 
"Kidding! Kidding..."
And then Vanilla did college things before eventually getting a car. Happy November!
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
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Blatotake'e is an asshole you had relations with back in the day when hell college was actually important to you. 
He's a Summonable too, but the major difference between the two of you is that he's a damn good one.
"You look so adorable in that jacket."
> Shit, he must've figured out that there'd be a succubus here from watching the security footage. Ask him what his deal is. What's he doing living among the humans?
> desperately try not to get super horny when you notice how good he looks
oh shit
immediately rip off his jacket since that could be some kind of trap
You hate that he's hot. You tear off the jacket that he had previously lent you, not sure if it might've been cursed with some sort of me-horny-now spell, and you start yelling at him asking what's he doing here anyways?? Is he totally stalking you or something now?? You're not interested, you know!! You say this as confidently as you can, but Blatotake'e laughs as he turns away from you.
"Stalking you? Come on, I'm obviously here doing tasks, T'zore-deary! Got a few calls here and there- this school is just LOADED with horny teenagers trying to get dick. I've already rounded up about ten of them!" He snickers, saying, "Eleven, actually, if you want to count the security guard I took this uniform from."
> Well shit. Uh, does your manipulation skill work on non-humans? Is there any way for you to take this guy's SEXP?
You attempt to do so in a rage fueled fury, wanting to make him submit to your command. He keeps on talking, though; your manipulation is nothing compared to however powerful this asshole is.
"Tickles," he smiles. "Were you trying to complete some tasks too? Y'gonna finally make it to the fourth level and maybe take up another skill that isn't blowjobs?"
Shut up, you growl before crossing your arms in a huff.
"I'm just joking! I'm not a bad guy, you know that!" 
You still maintain distance between the two of you. 
"Don't be like that-- what if I gave you some SEXP? I could give you enough to level you up, babe."
> ...Ask him to elaborate.
> Try and make it clear that you'll be having none of his particular brand of knavish tomfoolery. Of course, since we clearly are, listen to what he has to say anyway.
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Blake's offer brings you to a hesitant silence. You stand your ground, saying that this shit isn't going to just fly with you before asking him to go on. He chuckles at your voice, his hands on his waist as he explains himself to you. "Of course not, T'zore-baby- you're a stand up gal that deserves the best. That's why I want to help you out!"
"Nothing suspicious, won't do anything weird or whatever. It'll be just a little quickie and then we can go on our merry ways. Easy, right?" He smiled. You blush, noticing the skin that is happily revealed to you as he says, "Of course, it doesn't have to be just business, either. A little fun won't hurt, right?"
> You know, you could probably steal his idea. School nurse would have a lot of opportunities to get sexp.
> Maybe we could join him in infiltrating the school? As much as we hate him, this seems like a good gig.
As you think over his offer, your mind wanders to the whole taking someone's job and using it to your advantage. A cute little school nurse, new to the grounds, getting close to all of the hot high school studs that wouldn't hold back from visiting your office. You express this idea with a serendipitous fashion, swinging your hips side to side in glee. Your thoughts are quickly interrupted by Blake's laughter.
"Y- You're kidding right?" He snickers, shaking his head, "Y- You? Doing that?? You can barely even act, but you think you'll be able to blend in with these guys?? Come on T'zore, you and I know that all you can fucking do is give blowjobs, manipulate others, and that weird 'prank shit' you have. I'm not giving you enough SEXP to help you pick two new skills-- can you even disguise yourself as a human?"
... You don't like that he's right, so you hold your tongue from yelling at him to shut up. Instead, you scoff before turning your head from him stubbornly, which amuses Blake all the more. "You're so cute when you're dumb, babe. I missed that about you." 
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
> act coy and sexy until he gets the courage to grab you and kiss you, then when he does, kiss him back, smush those tiddies into him, and let's see if we can't get some SEXP out of this 
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You respond to his flustered question playfully, repeating if he... just...? He smiles back, leaning in closer to you as his hands hesitantly rest on your hips. "I- If you wouldn't mind settling for, uh, someone like me... just a quick little...?" You wiggle against him excitedly, trying to help unbutton his uniform as you gaze at his face... His face...
> Wait...his beard disappeared when he got close to you.
... Wait... you're totally right?! YOU'RE TOTALLY RIGHT!!!
> Slap him before violently making out
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You push Blake away from you before swinging your hand FIERCELY across his face, sending him a few steps back out of shock. He looks confused, almost terrified by your actions. "D- Did I-- What did I--" You interrupt his petrified stuttering, choosing to yell at this OBVIOUS PHONY about how you know what he is now! How he won't get away with your SEXP and how he's DEFINITELY not going to be taking any of your SEXP tonight!!
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"T'zore, wha- what are you talking about?!" He begins rambling right back, holding a hand to his face, "Are you serious, you- you're- you're---" Then he smiles, the red skin slowly creeping up on his face. "You're smarter than you look, huh, you little slut?"
Oh goddammit- once his form is revealed, you realize that you totally know who this guy is.
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
> Put on the jacket for politeness' sake and hurriedly explain that no, you're not the kind of demon that kills people. He seems more receptive to job-talk since he just got off the phone with his asshole boss, so give him a rundown of what a succubus is and what they generally do. It might work as a convenient segue into sex.
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You're quick to say that you wouldn't kill a person in that way! He laughs at your wording, repeating, "In THAT way, huh?" to you in mild amusement. Mildly coping with his fear, too, you bet. Of course not, you say, your job isn't just about reaping souls or anything like that. You're just meant to mess with those who try to summon evil onto Earth.
"So you're not evil?" He asks. You wave your hand in a so-so manner, saying that you'd probably be considered evil to some church-goer's standards. Succubi aren't exactly pure, you say. You depend on sex to maintain living, and your job happens to provide you an easier way of getting it. 
You fail to mention that some humans have been unlucky enough to die underneath you through such rigorous work. It's fine, it's not like you're looking to scare him or anything. It would be nice for him to leave though, just to take out Scott and go find his friends.
Suddenly, Blake leans in close to you, and for a moment, you feel flustered. Only for a moment! "S- So, you wouldn't be able to live off on just a kiss, huh?" He asks you, and you blink. You feel like this is supposed to be a come on, but you're confused as to why he's flirting with you. Humans are weird like that- all complicated and stuff.
P- Probably not, you stutter before smiling and snickering to yourself. His face gets all red before saying, "Y- You wouldn't mind if I... just... ?"
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
Thread 2: When Vanilla made 5 posts and got fucked up...
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And we're back with T'zore! To recap, our level three Summonable'self was summoned by a group of high school soccer players who were desperate to strengthen their skills! Will we be able helping them in the near future? That's debateable, since those guys had ran out of the locker room when the school's security guard came in! Right now, we have one of the boys, Scott, passed out in a locker to keep him from getting in trouble, and a fresh young security guard trying to deal with a demon on the premises. What will happen to T'zore? What will T'zore do? You'll be the judge!
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
> Scoop up Scott and run until you find a good hiding spot.
> Magical prank up a way to open two lockers. Shove yours and Scott's bodies up in there.
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You grab Scott's body and drag him to a body of lockers. You find a set of lockers that don't have any locks on them, so you act fast by conjuring up a magical item to keep Scott safe in the mean time...
> Defend scott at all costs, in the end thats our fault
> Better get ready to suck some mallcop cock to get out of this.
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You conjure up a lock that doesn't actually have a combination lock of any kind, but can be opened by your hand. Useful? Sure? Kind of defeats the purpose of having a set of numbers if they're not necessary... but sure...
You stuff Scott's body into the first unused locker your hand reaches before slapping on the lock to keep him safe. Doesn't sound like he's stirring either, so he should be fine while you find a hiding spot for yours--
A bright light shines on you, and you turn towards the intruder. You're met with a gentlemen, dressed in some sort of security uniform and looks about as bewildered as your summoners were.
"U- Uh-- Ma'am who are-- how did-- ?? What the fuck??" 
> Make a pun about being caught 'red handed'. Hold up both red hands to illustrate your point. This is important for disarming the situation or something.
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You attempt to hold up your hands like in every bad cop movie you've seen, laughing nervously while saying, "L- Looks you got me! Red handed! That is! Haha!"
The security guard's expression barely changes from before. He looks more perplexed by what he's looking at, and the joke doesn't really help him as to how to lead into this. "Uh... excuse me?" He asks, trying to maintain eye contact on your covered face.
> Let's not dive into the sex offer just yet, since he looks more shocked than turned on at the moment. When he inevitably asks what you're doing here, point to the summoning circle and explain some kids were messing around with demon shit without knowing what they were doing (truth), but they all bolted as soon as you appeared (lie).
If he has a positive/neutral response, great! Offer a quickie for his trouble. If he's about to call the cops or make a scene, though, it's probably best to Manipulate him into sex until he passes out like Scotty boy did.
Then you go on to explain the situation. You gesture towards the summoning circle, saying how a couple of kids had been play around with a ouija board and accidentally summoned you. You point out the still lit candles and badly drawn star on the ground towards the end of the lockers, saying that they had rushed off screaming at the sight of you.
The guard relaxes a bit, but looks visibly frustrated at the sight. He pinches the bridge of his nose, saying, "Thought everyone was joking around... about finding 'weird witchcraft shit' in this school... Fuck, uh... Hm..."
He doesn't really know what to do with you. Leaning to his walky-talky, he taps a button before saying, "Uhhh... yeah, I found one of those black magic things you guys mentioned, but uh, there's a... girl? A demon girl, here..."
You both hear laughter emit from the device, then saying, "Yeah, alright, Blake. Clean up the mess you find and just come back to the office when you're done."
"?? I- uh, can do, but the girl- what about--??"
"Blake, quit your shit. If you're seeing ghosts, then slap yourself before getting back here."
"W- What?! I'm not making shit up, I--"
You stare, dumbfounded. You're watching what looks to be a pretty boy, fresh to the field, fighting with his superiors. He then looks to you after that annoying conversation, slightly miffed at your presence.
> Attempt to sympathize with him. Higher-ups figuratively and literally fucking her over is something that T'zore is probably really familiar with.
> Yeah. Just act casual.
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You edge closer to the guy, attempting to relate with him by first apologizing for your sudden presence and how dickish bosses can be. You didn't want to cause any trouble and were only trying to complete a task, you say, and that you know how hard it is to do some shit when it feels like your superiors are out to get ya. Blake stays quiet, hesitating before taking any sort of action. Then, he takes a long sigh and says, "Yeah, it sucks, sure." He avoids eye contact with you, then asking, "What's your name, anyways?" T'zore, you say. "... Sorry?" Yes, you say before repeating your name in confusion, T'zore. "Er... alright." He looks around the locker room before wandering towards the summoning circle. He then baps his hand against one of the lockers, cracking one open and digging in it. You're about to question his actions until a fabric completely covers your head. "I'd rather you wear something while trying to talk to me," he explains, still avoiding you entirely. You nod, putting on the varsity jacket until he asks you another question. "Your bosses are tough too, then? What are... uh... demon bosses like?" You explain that your system is a bit tricky, with your job. You have many superiors of all kinds that keep track over certain things, and most of them earn their role based on their high levels and skill set. They're liars, cheaters, and greedy bastards, but they have the respect of everyone for being able to climb the ladder. You express that you're not a huge fan. However, it's a living, as you say, and it helps pay off rent. "... I... huh. I see," Blake answers, still visibly confused by your explanation. "Fuck, hm... Well, that's something, but... what are you going to do now?" He asks you. A good question. You glance back to the lockers, where Scott is still snoozing in. Then you wonder about the boys that ran off. Your silence brings Blake to ask the question, "You're... not going to kill me, right... ?"
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
> Hey, if it turns out these guys end up giving more SEXP than we expected, what if we actually helped them with their game afterwards? On the sliding scale of possible summoners, they fall pretty far on the not-jerk side. On the other hand...laziness is our (second) favorite sin... Nice ass, in any case. Might need to offer a hand(y) or two as well if we don't want anyone feeling left out. There's always the risk of someone jerking it while he watches, and it'd be a shame to lose out on free SEXP because of contract technicalities.
>  Good thinking. Also, I got an idea on how to stop the other team from winning. We get these guys to tell us where they are, tell them the same shit we told them, fuck em, and then leave. We'll be able to rest easy knowing we gave them confidence or something.
> True, we could go the extra mile and fuck the other team too, maybe even sabotage them with Manipulation or Magical Prankery if we're feeling particularly helpful, but I don't think T'zore's really the overachieving type. Let's see how this scene plays out before deciding whether we want to turn this into more than just a one-time fling. There's always other jobs if we really want SEXP.
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A lot of ideas are going through T'zore's head at this point. Maybe it's because of how soft and kind the guys have been to her so far, but she really does think they're swell! Maybe helping them out wouldn't be a bad thing? It would be interesting... But ugh, that would make this task become much longer than she thought it would take initially. It's not like she has anything better to do at home, besides finishing Persona 5. She could try to talk to these guys after finishing up with them, just to see what she could gain from this.
> Just let them cum, and be done with it. Btw, how do we get back to Hell?
Oh, we have the power to teleport at will and to blend into the background (invisibility), so we can head back to our level of Hell anytime we think we're ready. Right now, we're getting a little bit busy. Seems like three of the guys have gotten a little more courageous towards their Summonable, except for that one just chilling in the back. Jacking it...
> We must be able to get SEXP from that loner somehow...
> Invite Mr. Lonely, tell him it's a waste of cum.
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You notice one of Seven's friends jerking it in the corner of the locker room, off in his own world. Like the kind Summonable you are, you get his attention and offer him some loving of his choice. "It'd be a waste to cum all over the floor instead of my face," you say. "Woah, uh, no that's okay, really," he insists, "I don't want to really... get in there... with all of the guys, like... No, it's fine, I'm okay here--" "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME SCOTT?" Seven suddenly yells at him in frustration. "Oh my fucking GOD, you're always pulling this faggy shit, fucking STOP." "You're such a fucking dumbass," the guy on your ass groans, while the emo looking one just stares in disapproval. He shakes his head slowly. Scott looks downright bewildered. "You're such a fucking faggot, holy shit," Seven continues to berate. You look in between the dicks in your face awkwardly.
> We can manipulate people, rite? We should use the power on Scott. Get him to finish in our mouth, money-shot style.
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A good idea!! Our manipulation techniques are good, but they last in short bursts. Short enough that we can get Scott here to finish off, though! With a quick twirl of our finger, Scott's already looking off to his teammates. He's mumbling to himself as he wanders close to us, dick in hand.
> Open wide, let's see that mouf
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Scott shoves off Seven and Emo boy from his path, causing more yelling from Seven. Scott doesn't seem to register any of this, as his only destination is our mouth. He roughly grabs our head, much to our dismay, silencing any witty remarks by shoving his cock down our throat. Thankfully for our talent of dick sucking, we're able to take this without any injury.
> now undo the mind control stuff
> ...as soon as he cums
> no, before so we can see his reaction gotta lose the training wheels
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Oh, funny story about that, that you may or may not hate T'zore for. While our manipulation skills are decent, they've only ever lasted in short bursts... meaning that she's never bothered to learn how to undo them at her own choice.
You attempt to undo your spell, but it wavers only slightly. Scott comes into your mouth, repeatedly, and thankfully we're able to handle it with ease. The only issue is that it barely feels like he's slowing down, holding our head down while filling our throat with semen.
It's kind of putting off the boys around us too. 
> Maybe her mind control powers go haywire and this becomes a gangbang. One of them has a foot fetish lmao
> Wait, maybe you can use this to your benefit. Assuming the boys still think you're weak, maybe you can make it seem like Scott's hurting you and they'll come to your aid and get back in the mood.
> Shit, we don't want him to kill himself here! Can we just make him edge for a bit?
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Hey, hey, you're trying here!! You realize that this might end up causing more death than fun! You try to keep your focus on Scott to undo the spell, but his grip on your head is distracting. The thought of his friends screwing you one after the other comes into mind but-- Oh God, what have you done. The other three boys began to near you while mumbling to themselves, now under the spell. Wait-- what's that sound though?
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A distant door is heard being shaken wildly before suddenly opening up, and a loud gruff "HEY!!" is heard in the distance. It catches your attention, completely removing you from the mood. Almost in perfect timing (or perhaps a good hint as to how to control your manipulation technique? maybe?), the other boys snap out of it. Almost. Scott immediately passes out as the spell is kicked out of him; shit, it looked like those orgasms really did a number on him? Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, you think to yourself. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK," Seven whispers loudly, "IS SECURITY ALREADY HERE???" "SHHH!!!" The tallest one hushes him, "We have to get out of here!!" Oh fuck, where are they going. The three rush in different directions, all finding their own exits? Seven rushes off towards the another row of lockers, and the emo kid and the tall guy run towards office. You're left all your lonesome with a passed out Scott with his pants passed his knees. You can hear footsteps approaching, fast!!
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
> do demons gain power through this kind of stuff?
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Yes! Sort of! Summonables can become stronger with the more souls they take, but luckily, you're a succubus. You can become stronger by the amount of sexual favors you can satisfy! The next time T'zore can level (after fulfilling ten sexual quests), we might be able to add on another skill, or even buy something worth while. Who knows?
> Maybe shift on your back to give them a better view while lightly moaning. Then if they still don't do shit, start "waking up".
> Act super docile (read "moe") and innocent.
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Ohhh, good idea...? You guess? Fuck it, these guys don't hold any sort of power over us anyways, might as well screw with them and see where it heads then. 
> Say, what IS the description of our job? Are we meant to just complete whatever the summoner summoned us for before poofing back, or are we trying to just sucker someone out of a soul before we return, or what?
Even though we're just lowly Summonables, that doesn't mean our Summoner is granted any sort of privileges. Some Summoners are powerful, worshipped, and not to be messed with, while other Summoners are kids playing with ouija boards in locker rooms with Satanic circles made of chalk. It's really just circumstance. For now, we'll just have fun? As a test run, for you guys! Anyways, you roll onto your back as a whimper leaves your mouth. You attempt to bat your eyes at the guys as you whine pitifully, "T- That really hurt... uuu..." Just from that alone, everyone's already started pitching tents. You hold back from laughing as you shiver, "What do you guys... want with me...?? Uuuu... I'm scared..." You don't really know how to act, as you can tell. Dick sucking didn't help you in theater. "We're not going to hurt you!!" Little Seven insists, trying to hide the boner that's literally casting a shadow over you, "We just... uh... We really need help with our s- soccer and... we thought maybe s- something like, you! Could help us?" Seriously? We're back to the sports already. Well, it wasn't football, like you were guessing, but still. Ugh, what now? You're not a sports expert, but you don't want to leave without something worth talking about.
> You can always use your powers of Manipulation to mess up the other team if we REALLY want to help them with the game, but we're pretty much just dicking around at the moment. Say that you can help them, but your...uh, "energy level" is super low right now and that's why you fainted, and you need their "energy" to be able to work your magic on the other team, as well as get home afterwards. These guys seem like the perfect combination of turned-on and willing-to-help that they wouldn't question it, and we certainly aren't going to turn down an excuse to net some free energy.
> make soccer puns, that'll get em
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Getting yourself up on your knees, you begin to stutter out a cute little solution to them. While you can't help them during their game, you can offer your services to them as long as they help you out first. "I- If you can be... er, k- kind enough to just, 'play' with me for a little bit, s- so I can gather up my energy, uh... I'll... be able toooo... strengthen! You guys! with the ability... of..." You realize in the middle of trying to convince them that they have been staring at you readily for the past few minutes. Well, fuck, looks like they're ready for anything then.
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As you pull off your bra completely, you attempt an awful soccer pun. "I- If you need someone to... shoot your goals... at... then I'm your keeper!" Booo. You're really lucky you're hot.
> ...let's just...save up for the Acting/Seduction talent next, shall we. For now, though, this is easy street. You majored in blowjobs. Get yoself some free sex experience, girl. Sexperience, if you will. SEXP.
> Yank down Seven's pants and suck him off first.
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Yeah, we're definitely saving that under the drafts for later. Also, SEXP is catchy!! We're using that now, forever. Onwards...
To BLOWJOB CENTRAL. With the eagerness of a harlot who just graduated in whoretistics, you waste no time in getting to sloppy territory. Seven yelps in response to how fast you've chosen him, but doesn't fight against your tongue! Awesome! He's ours for the taking! All we got to do is get this high school senior to cum in our mouth and that'll definitely raise our SEXP! Remember: orgasms are KEY to raising it! No satisfaction, no points!
> Does he have to cum in our mouth? Getting covered on the first day would be a nice start, I assume...
> Swallow if the answer to this is know. What happens to the people we deplete energy from? Is the effect in any way detrimental?
Technically, no, he doesn't have to cum INSIDE of us... but results are way more faster that way. It's weird stuff in the contract about "blah blah blah must be satisfied by YOUR actions, not by their own hand" and all that nonsense. You could probably find a loophole in that, but we'll go with the flow.
And nothing bad necessarily happens to the people who have energy taken from them. If we have repeated intercourse for hours on end, they'll probably die. A blowjob and some fuckin' isn't going to hurt anyone though. Maybe just some dizziness. Drinking a little apple juice might help with that.
> Dude might be a virgin, but take it easy and keep it vanilla at first. Good old-fashioned blowie, no bells or whistles. You wrote papers on these techniques-- no chance for a double-dip of sexperience if you give them the most mind-bogglingly intense orgasm you've got right off the bat. Test the waters, maybe try a little fondling. Be sure to moan a little. If he cums faster than we expected, don't make him embarrassed about it, just move onto the next dude so he can recover for another round. You've got it down to a science at this point. A sexy science.
> No reason not to multitask now. Wiggle your butt and see if anyone else takes.
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Can do! We'll try to slow it down a bit so Seven over here won't get too overexcited. No shame if he does, though. We've all been there. Meanwhile though... advertising the other departments shouldn't be too bad! Let's seeee...
> BTW how experienced are we at this whole thing?
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We're a pretty low-level demon, if we're going to be honest. Level 3, noted by the amount of skills to our name and the minimum level to reach in order to become a Summonable. That's what makes our job so trashy; it's literally the easiest thing to apply to. Or... did you mean experienced as in handling all this lewd? Because T'zore got pretty good grades in displaying the history of her culture to her professors in college. D's get degrees and all that.
> Why exactly did we choose to become a Summonable then? If we had good grades and wanted more...
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Because 'shut the fuck up /dad/', that's why. J- Jesus, man, this shit takes time, gotta... build yourself up before... uh... hm... Anyways, back to the dudes! 
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
> Try to cautiously step out of the the ring, if that doesn't' work, just stay there and wait.
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Can definitely do. The ring proves to be not very powerful, as you take a simple skip out of it before waving off the fire.
> Aw shit, well, I guess it's not our property if something burns down. Still though, is this Witching Hour or Amateur Hour here? Jokes aside, what's this, some sort of locker room? Who summons a succubus in a locker room?
> Look around, maybe the summoner is nearby.
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A quick look-see, and you can see that it's definitely a room filled with lockers; the smell of sweat and sports is somewhat familiar. You always have to deal with teenagers fooling around with this type of shit, so you wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of amateurs were just looking for a cheap thrill at 3AM. If you take a look towards the front, you see a bunch of... people? Hiding inside of some room, with a large window as your hint.
> Looks like they're watching from behind the window for what happens next. Definitely have no idea what they're doing if they assumed you'd be dangerous enough to warrant protection.
Keep it professional for now, I guess. Wave and shrug. Approach the window to get a clearer look at your summoners(?) and see if they're really just some bored teens.
> Make-up something that will lure them here, like pretending to faint or something, they need to underestimate you.
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You take a few steps closer towards the window, but not near enough to actually get their attention. It looks like a bunch of high school guys hiding in plain sight; you can sort of make out what they're saying? "Do you think it can see us?" "Of course it can!! It's a window, not a fucking two-way mirror, jackass." "Why the fuck is it just standing there? Is it going to attack??" Yeah, they definitely don't know what the fuck they're doing. You decide to take Anon's advice by doing the next best thing-- fainting. That definitely kicks up a reaction as little Seven screams out, "HOLY SHIT!! IT FUCKING FAINTED." "SHUT THE FUCK UP, CHAD, WE CAN FUCKING SEE THAT." The door shakes before the four guys tumble out to stand over your body.
> Wait to see what they'll do, this could prove informative.
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They've gathered around you, and you can hear them talking in a huge panic over what they've gotten themselves into. "Dude, it's a fucking chick..."
"Yeah, no shit, Chad. Thanks for that."
"Wait, I don't get it. You said the ouija board was going to help us win the next game? How the fuck is some demon girl going to do that?"
"L- Listen, I don't know yet, okay?! Maybe she can predict the future or some shit, who knows? You guys went and fucking scared her though."
"Are you seriously trying to put the blame on US?? You're the one who fucking SUMMONED a hot girl in her underwear."
"I KNOW WHAT I FUCKING DID, SCOTT, HOLY SHIT." This has proved to be the worst type of night ever. You have a bunch of boys arguing over your supposedly unconscious body, and it's over fucking football. Goes to show how far you're aiming for yourself. "Do you think it'll try to do something?"
"Hmmm..." What do you think we SHOULD do anyways?
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
Our first task...
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Summonable's do have the choice of getting to pick their tasks. Some can drive themselves to completing hundreds a night, while others tend to pick one or two before taking a nap. You're the kind who procrastinates until the loud screaming starts bothering your sleeping. Tonight is no different...
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This is your altar, where people from the surface will try to contact the other world for various reasons. All of these are spread out among every Summonable evenly, and tonight, you have at least three. Each one pertains to either one person or a specific group of people who are trying to contact someone like you for who-knows-what. What are you willing to do tonight? Purple, blue, or orange? T'zore is usually a fan of blue, since those have a zesty kick, but she's feeling adventurous.
>Eh, we just woke up, let's start the day with something familiar. Blue sounds good. >I dunno, orange sounds nice too but blue... Eh, blue it is then.
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She likes that about you guys. Following her whims and all... Down the hatch it goes then!
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Yup, that's the kick that she loves. Though, it kind of tastes like blue Gatorade, actually. Weird. Let's see where this will go...
> ... What happens if you eat two of those?
Dunno. You always end up passing out after whatever hits your tongue first. You've heard that certain Summonables are able to consume hundreds at a time, taking them to all sorts of places at once, but you're not that talented. You can barely manipulate people, and that's your best skill right now.
> It takes her to an old town near some woodlands
No can do, if you had the choice to go wherever, you would go to amazing places. The purple one would've been the one to take you some place outside.
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Right now, things are looking pretty dark at the moment. Give it a second or two, then you should be able to see where you a---
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Oh fucking hell, are these candles?! It's another one of those weejee play shit, isn't it?! For fuck's sakes, you get that some people have nothing better to do during the Witching Hour, but a warning would be radical. Shit's a fire hazard, you know?
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tzores-tasks · 7 years
Your name is T’zore...
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...and you have the worst job out of demonkind. You could be working with the big guys, doing things like fighting for your kind, preying on the weak, or filing taxes like your father would've wanted you to do, but you're a dirty succubus who got stuck being a Summonable. What does that imply? Humans get bored and try to unleash the demon world onto the surface with rituals, and they send out shit like you to play tricks. You basically get paid by the hour to do nothing, and then you sit around at home waiting to be summoned. It's a living, you suppose, but you're comfy. You play video games, sleep, and sometimes get to do stupid shit, what's not to like? Before we get to the nitty-gritty of your recent tasks, let's recall your skills. Every Summonable posses three! Sure, you already have the powers to teleport at will and to blend yourself into the background, but what are you REALLY good at, /aco/? Give T'zore three specific powers that she's darn good at doing, and remember that they have to be useful for what's to come! 
>Manipulating others >Sucking dick >Magical Prankery 
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Awesome! Now we have three skills!! We have the power to manipulate others to do whatever we want in short spurts, the ability to give incredible head that will stun our victims, and the power to conjure somewhat useful things for our benefit! Now we're looking like a REAL Summonable! Still kind of trashy and useless, but we can give a good laugh? Anyways, now it's time for T'zore's night to get started. We have some calls that need to be answered.
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