tyrusweek · 5 years
Another Post About Tyrus Week
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Hey, folks, quick update and reminder.
Update: Nothing’s changed. Reminder: here’s a reminder about Tyrus Week.
If you already remembered and you’re in the middle of preparing your queue for next week, good! No real need to read the rest of this. Move on to the next post about whatever fresh hell the fandom on this website has cooked up today.
So, while I was thinking about Tyrus Week a little while back, I was also thinking about this past week. I was hoping that 3x18 would deliver some quality Tyrus content – it did – and that we could get some idea of where we were at on Fandometrics afterward. Little hiccup there.
They didn’t do a Fandometrics this week, which is a shame because Andi Mack tumblr was really buzzing after that episode. They’re also not going to do one next week, in lieu of some comic con stuff. They’re not returning to the regular Fandometrics lists until the 29th.
What we’re left with, then. is a minor inconvenience. We’re basically flying blind into this. All we know is where we were on July 8th (6th place following two weeks of no Tyrus content). The next time we learn where we rank is going to be after the finale, when Fandometrics for the week are revealed on the 29th.
All this is to say, we gotta go for it.
We can’t look back at this week and go, “Oh, we were second or whatever. We can probably make first with just a little more effort.” And we have no idea how other fandom juggernauts are doing. Is Good Omens‘ popularity on tumblr ever going to fade? How’s Stranger Things holding up after a couple weeks? No idea.
So we just have to do our thing and hope it works out.
Reminder about how Fandometrics works.
What they count:
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And how they weigh it:
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So, basically, posts and reblogs tagged with “Tyrus” and “Andi Mack” help the most, and if you can contribute with those, the more the better. If not, give likes like crazy. Search for “Tyrus” and “Andi Mack” frequently.
I’m not positive when they start measuring for the week, but it’s probably safe to start posting on the 22nd, after 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, which is when they normally finish posting the Fandom rankings from the week before.
The best spot to post will probably be July 23-25, in that downtime as we build towards the finale and fresh content, that way we can really sort of fill the entire week with Tyrus stuff. Any posts at any point during that week, however, will be helpful. Every little bit counts.
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tyrusweek · 5 years
If y’all want prompts/reblogging content with a tag I’m happy to help people get stuff together
is anyone hosting tyrus week for the week right before the finale? it could be a really good hype idea for right before our boys canon
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tyrusweek · 5 years
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it’s tyrus week every week for me babey but girls and gays if we wanna get the juicy number 1 spot on fandometrics (currently occupied by good omens’ ineffable husbands stream on amazon) we gotta COMMIT. everyone go overboard post tyrus-going-canon moodboards with 5 different crying memes we wanna make an IMPACT on the tag. check out @cyrusgoodboye‘s recent post with @tjkiahgb’s lovely little calendar and SPREAD! THE! WORD! we’re officially putting this “tyrus fandom sped up 3x” scheme in motion starting JULY 22ND, with the finale being on JULY 26TH, posting thru the week until JULY 29TH. REV UP YOUR QUEUES! WRITE OUT HC POSTS! PREPARE POSTS THAT SAY THE WORD “tyrus” AND THAT’S IT! remember, cussing in tags usually makes the post NOT show up in the tag, as well as emojis.
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tyrusweek · 5 years
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Okay, so I know it’s a month away, but as @tjkiahgb pointed out, it would be really amazing if Tyrus could go out with a bang by getting first on Fandometrics for the finale: we know Andi Mack doesn’t get nearly as much as exposure as other shows since it’s on Disney Channel, but we’ve gotten pretty high on Fandometrics before and, if we manage to post consistently the entire week before the Fandometrics are posted, we have a good chance of getting the top spot.
Basically, just queue or make posts—any posts, it doesn’t matter—related to Tyrus and tag them with #andi mack #tyrus during/for July 23-28, which should be around the prime time they collect this information for the ranking. Please contribute in any way that you can!
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Here’s the Sign up for the Andi Mack Big Bang 2019!
Calling all Andi Mack artists and fic writers! Here’s the sign up for our Big Bang.
Please sign up by June 15th and even if you don’t want to join, we ask you to reblog it because this takes lots of participation to be successful!
If you have any questions, check our page! The answer is probably there. If it’s not, feel free to send us an ask, our ask box is always open.💕
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Andi Mack Big Bang 2019
Hello Andi Mack fandom!
I have good news! Since our beloved show is coming to an end I’ve decided to start an event that will help us celebrate all the talent, love, and friendship in this fandom.
It’s a Big Bang! In case any of you don’t know what this is, I’ll put a link to the Wikipedia page here. The main goal is to get this up and running as soon as possible, so that the works will be ready to post on the day of the series finale. Hopefully we’ll go out with a Big Bang. I’m sorry, that truly was awful.
If this event exites you, I have a job for you! Go ahead and follow @andimackbigbang, all of the updates and other lovely things will be posted there.
If there is anyone who has a super-passion for this project and is willing to dedicate some extra time and effort, I’m looking for another mod! Big Bangs have a lot of moving parts, and can be hard to regulate. I’d be happy to do it on my own if no one wants to take it on, but I’d love to have a partner or two helping me out.
This fandom is amongst the most talented and passionate I’ve ever seen, and I think this would be an amazing way to showcase that.
If you don’t want to join, please reblog and share with your friends!
Lilly-Perri 💕
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Last Dance by @green-lemonboys
The music was too loud for Cyrus’ taste, the beat too heavy, the atmosphere too crowded. But he pushed his discomfort to the side, trying to actually have a good time there with his friends. Of all places, he hadn't expected a nightclub anywhere around Shadyside, but a couple years away did wonders to a place. It was still the small town he knew, just not as small as when he had left for college. More people, more houses, and more establishments, one of which was the new nightclub.
“Are you having fun?” Andi yelled above the music, barely audible. The lights were flashing, multicoloured illuminations of people at various points in their lives, some lost in the music and twirling alone, some enveloped in another's arms, some clutching onto a drunken dream.
“Too soon to tell,” Cyrus yelled back, smiling at his friend who was swaying to the music. Andi laughed.
“It'll grow on you” She said, grabbing his hand and dragged him back to the dance floor. Soon, Cyrus found himself caught up in a dance battle with Buffy and Marty, one he was inevitably going to lose, but he took part anyway, dancing until his head spun and his throat scratched.
“Okay I'm parched, I'll be at the bar guys,” Cyrus said, making his way to the bar and ordering a gin and tonic. Not his regular choice of drink, but a reliable one anyway. As he waited for his drink, Cyrus scrolled through his phone, smiling at the texts from George, who had to go home to his parents back in Nevada. Cyrus shut his phone off, planning to text back as he was leaving. He nodded at the bartender as he handed him his drink.
“Cyrus?” A voice said from behind him, and Cyrus froze. He knew that voice. He had loved that voice years ago. He turned around.
He looked good. Actually, that was an understatement, he looked as good as he always had, which was heart-stopping. And the low lighting did wonders for him, not that he needed it. His eyes shone, a smirk on his face, taking Cyrus back all those years, back to weak-kneed crushes and stolen kisses in high school classrooms.
“Didn't know you were back,” TJ said, leaning against the bar, calling for shots of tequila. He raised an eyebrow at Cyrus, asking if he wanted any. What could go wrong? They were friends. Friends who had been in love and had broken up before leaving for college, something that had broken Cyrus’ heart. Friends.
“I just came yesterday. Visiting parents, you know?” Cyrus replied, downing his gin and tonic, moving closer to TJ.
“So, how's everything?” TJ asked, looking over at Cyrus with an unreadable expression.
Cyrus shrugged, sensing how easily their conversation fell into its usual stride. “Same old life. Nothing interesting ever really happens to me.”
“Oh now, with you already being interesting, life can't keep up,” TJ said with a smirk.
Cyrus couldn't control the blush that spread across his face. A fact that hit him with a sense of dread.
“What about you? TJ Kippen not having an interesting life would be so out of character,” Cyrus said, raising an eyebrow.
TJ laughed, sending Cyrus’ heart jumping just like it used to. “Well, I'm just taking a year's break to help out my mom and dad, so I'm working in the store here. So, boring life. Sorry to disappoint you.”
Just then, the bartender put two shot glasses before the two boys, each filled with tequila, salt and lemon in reach. They went silent, but the tension was anything but. Cyrus and TJ stared into each other's eyes, both unable to look away. All the emotions from where they had left off 4 years ago were resurfacing, but both were reacting to that in completely different ways. TJ saw a second chance, a chance to get back the one thing he regretted letting slip through his fingers.
But Cyrus saw an obstacle, a vortex that would lead to him falling away the life he was living at that moment. But the pull was strong, magnetic. And he was holding on just by his fingertips.
TJ picked up the shot glass, holding it towards Cyrus. “To us.”
Cyrus glanced between TJ and the glass on the bar, his mind warning him that everything he was doing was a bad idea. But he was caught up in the way things used to be. That was the only reason he picked up the glass and clinked it against TJ's. “To us.”
He downed it, wincing as it burned his throat, relishing the way it made him feel. He needed to steel his nerves for the rest of the night, wherever it led.
Cyrus set down his glass again, feeling TJ looking at him, with that mixture of amusement and some other indiscernible emotion. Cyrus could nothing but stare back. It's all they were doing, and yet it spoke volumes. Eventually, TJ took a deep breath and asked, “Wanna dance?”
“Umm,” Cyrus said, looking at his phone to check the time. He noticed texts from Andi and Buffy, saying that they were going home, making promises of meeting again. George had sent him another photo. Bad. Idea. “Sure,” He replied, pocketing his phone as he followed TJ into the crowd.
As the reached the dance floor, the song has changed into ‘Baby’ by Clean Bandit, Marina and Luis Fonsi. Cyrus closed his eyes and let the music wash over him, his mind going blank. He could feel TJ standing in front of him, swaying to the music too. It was only in that state that Cyrus heard the lyrics and his eyes snapped open.
It was about a person who met an old flame and they fell into their old ways. But they were someone else's baby.
The universe loves cruel irony.
As if on queue, TJ smiled at Cyrus, moving closer to him. “You aren't dancing well.”
Cyrus scoffed, trying to calm his racing heart. “Oh really? And you will show me?”
TJ looked at him intently, grabbing his hand and pulling Cyrus to him. “Maybe I could.”
He shouldn't be liking this, Cyrus thought in vain as he melted into TJ's touch, letting TJ guide him through the dance, his hand holding onto his waist as he moved with him. The space between them was growing smaller and smaller, and Cyrus could feel himself panic. So before he could stop himself, he blurted out, “I have a boyfriend.”
TJ stopped short, his grip on Cyrus loosening. “Oh?” He whispered, his voice tense. But he didn't pull away completely. He couldn't. And Cyrus what that felt like.
They were silent, still swaying slightly, TJ holding Cyrus’ hand and a hand on his waist, neither looking at each other. Unsaid words filled the non existent space between them, so much so that nothing could be said, all they could do was be there. Finally, Cyrus looked up at TJ, his heart in his throat.
“Cyrus, I-” TJ started, but Cyrus shook his head, wrapping his hands around TJ's shoulder and moving close to him, resting his head in his shoulder.
“Let's just dance for this song,” He whispered, moving to the music, as he felt TJ's hand wrap tighter around his waist. Cyrus moved his head up to press his cheek against TJ's, shutting his eyes as he let himself bask in the feeling that hit him like a train. The memories of him and TJ.
The swings. The park. School. The Spoon. The bench in Andi's garden. The ice cream parlor where they had most of their dates. And TJ.
“I wish I met you in a different place and time. Maybe it would have worked then,” Cyrus whispered into TJ's ear as the song died down, his eyes squeezed shut as he pressed a quick kiss to TJ's cheek. He opened his eyes, backing away from TJ, their hands not wanting to let go of the other, their fingers trailing after the other. TJ looked small before him, but he looked Cyrus in the eye as he backed away. As their second chance was left behind among the strobing lights, trampled under the stomping and jumping feet.
Cyrus had not expected tears, but his eyes were filled up as he left the club. He pulled out his phone as he left the club, the pounding music muffled behind the walls. He pressed ‘call’ before he could think twice.
“Hey babe. Yeah, I had fun. But I think clubs aren't my scene,” Cyrus said with a smile as he walked away, turning back to get one last look at the club.
It was hard to let go, but what could he have done?
He was someone else's baby now.
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Andi Mack (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen, Cyrus Goodman & T. J. Kippen, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: T.J. Kippen, Cyrus Goodman, Minor or Background Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Roommates, Tyrus Fanfic Contest Day Two, Tyrus Fanfic Contest May 2019, Tyrus Fanfic Contest Series: Part 2 of Tyrus Fanfic Contest May 2019 Summary:
Tyrus Fanfic Contest Day Two: Roommates May 20th, 2019
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Andi Mack (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen, Cyrus Goodman & T. J. Kippen, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Cyrus Goodman, T.J. Kippen, Minor or Background Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Space, alternate universe - NASA, NASA AU, Space AU, Tyrus Fanfic Contest Day One, Tyrus Fanfic Contest May 2019, Tyrus Fanfic Contest Series: Part 1 of Tyrus Fanfic Contest May 2019 Summary:
Tyrus Fanfic Contest Day One: Mutual Pining May 19th, 2019
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Hey guys! I figured I’d try and put up this submission form/see if it works before the Tyrus fanfiction contest starts next week! If you’re submitting for multiple days, you have to fill out a form for each one and have a separate file for every submission. Also forgot to mention in the form but please put the title of your piece if it has one in the document! 
I will be posting every submission here on @tyrusweek with the title of the piece/day’s prompt and the username of the author in the title line. Please generally try to keep your submission for each individual day around or under 3500 words! You can start submitting now if you like, and these will be posted on their respective day next week with the tag  #tyrus fanfic contest 2019.
Here’s a reminder of the prompts/days!
Sunday, May 19- Mutual Pining
Monday, May 20- Roommates
Tuesday, May 21- Mistaken Identity
Wednesday, May 22- Fake Dating
Thursday, May 23- Angst
Friday, May 24- Soulmates 
Saturday, May 25- Fluff
Idk if this really needs to be said but no gross stuff!
Please message me if you have any questions/comments/concerns, I want to make this experience as enjoyable as possible for everyone!
Also, the one thing I’m still trying to pin down is how voting will work. So please sound off in the replies whether y’all want it to be more notes based, or a proper google form? Would people want broader winning/voting categories beyond best submission for each individual prompt? Let me know, and signal boost this so everyone knows what’s up! Thanks.
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tyrusweek · 5 years
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I have been folding paper cranes for the past few weeks, with a goal of 1,000 and I plan to send them to the executives at Disney Channel as part of a campaign to help get Andi Mack renewed for a 4th season - but I need your help! Below is a list of ways you can get involved with the Paper Crane Project!
TELL ME WHY YOU WANT ANDI MACK RENEWED Fill out this 5-question form to tell me why you love Andi Mack and why you want it renewed. These messages will be written on the wings of the paper cranes and then sent to Disney Channel. Follow the link for more information! And please, keep your answers SHORT!
MAKE YOUR OWN PAPER CRANES Fold your own paper crane(s) and write a letter explaining what Andi Mack means to you and why you want it renewed. Mail them to Disney Channel at one of the following addresses: Disney Channel Attn: Gary Marsh, President and Chief Creative Officer 3800 W. Alameda Ave Suite 2151 Burbank, CA 91505 Disney Channel Attn: Gary Marsh, President and Chief Creative Officer 500 S. Buena Vista St. Burbank, CA 91521 If you are unable to ship anything, make a paper crane, write a message on the wings, and post a picture of it on Twitter or Instagram. Include the hashtag #RenewAndiMack and tag @DisneyChannel and @DisneyChannelPR. If you don’t use Twitter or Instagram, feel free to submit pictures of your cranes to me on @ampapercraneproject. I will be posting pictures of all the cranes on @andimackpapercraneproject on Instagram. You can also email your letters about why you want Andi Mack renewed, as well as pictures of any paper cranes you fold, to Gary Marsh at the following email address: [email protected]
HELP COVER SHIPPING COSTS Postage is expensive. The package will be lightweight, but it will be big and has to go to the opposite side of the country. I’ve already spent about $30 on the paper used for this project, and I’m afraid I can’t afford shipping on my own.  Please don’t feel obligated to donate if you aren’t able to, and please don’t feel obligated to donate a large amount of money. If a bunch of people send a few dollars each, we can get enough to cover shipping pretty easily. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  https://paypal.me/pools/c/8dOfNz76BE
SPREAD THE WORD Reblog this post! Check out the “paper crane project” tag on my blog or visit @ampapercraneproject for more posts about the project! Visit my instagram @dailymackcast for posts about the project, and feel free to repost them on your own Instagram/Twitter. Share the link to the survey, and feel free to screenshot this post or link people to it for more information! I would like as many fans involved as possible, so do your best to spread the word!
I don’t know what are chance of success is with this campaign - but I do know that it doesn’t hurt to try, and that it will mean a lot to Terri and the cast/crew to see how much we all love this show. I will be making another post soon with more details on how to help get Andi Mack renewed, outside of this particular campaign. But for now - please keep spreading the word so we can get as many people involved with this project as possible! I want everyone to be represented. 
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Go for it!! You can participate as many or as fee days as you like :D
Tyrus Fanfic Contest!
@cool-anonymous-tyrus-shipper suggested this and I think it’s a great idea!
Mark your calendars- May 19-25
will be the dates for the contest.
The prompts are as follows:
1 (May 19th)- Mutual Pining
2 (May 20th)- Roommates
3 (May 21st)- Mistaken Identity
4 (May 22nd)- Fake Dating
5 (May 23rd)- Angst
6 (May 24th)- Soulmates
7 (May 25th)- Fluff
I thought drawing from popular fanfiction tropes would be good for something of this nature, but it’s up to you to interpret the prompts however you want! Get creative with it! And feel free to start writing now!
Stay tuned for more logistical stuff like rules, submissions, etc.
And please signal boost this to help get the word out, I want to see what y’all can come up with!
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Tyrus Fanfic Contest!
@cool-anonymous-tyrus-shipper suggested this and I think it’s a great idea!
Mark your calendars- May 19-25
will be the dates for the contest.
The prompts are as follows:
1 (May 19th)- Mutual Pining
2 (May 20th)- Roommates
3 (May 21st)- Mistaken Identity
4 (May 22nd)- Fake Dating
5 (May 23rd)- Angst
6 (May 24th)- Soulmates
7 (May 25th)- Fluff
I thought drawing from popular fanfiction tropes would be good for something of this nature, but it’s up to you to interpret the prompts however you want! Get creative with it! And feel free to start writing now!
Stay tuned for more logistical stuff like rules, submissions, etc.
And please signal boost this to help get the word out, I want to see what y’all can come up with!
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Stay tuned for an announcement later today
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tyrusweek · 5 years
All I’m saying is whenever there’s another Tyrus Week you bet your bottom dollar that bench is gonna be a prompt
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tyrusweek · 5 years
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I have been folding paper cranes for the past few weeks, with a goal of 1,000 and I plan to send them to the executives at Disney Channel as part of a campaign to help get Andi Mack renewed for a 4th season - but I need your help! Below is a list of ways you can get involved with the Paper Crane Project!
TELL ME WHY YOU WANT ANDI MACK RENEWED Fill out this 5-question form to tell me why you love Andi Mack and why you want it renewed. These messages will be written on the wings of the paper cranes and then sent to Disney Channel. Follow the link for more information! And please, keep your answers SHORT!
MAKE YOUR OWN PAPER CRANES Fold your own paper crane(s) and write a letter explaining what Andi Mack means to you and why you want it renewed. Mail them to Disney Channel at one of the following addresses: Disney Channel Attn: Gary Marsh, President and Chief Creative Officer 3800 W. Alameda Ave Suite 2151 Burbank, CA 91505 Disney Channel Attn: Gary Marsh, President and Chief Creative Officer 500 S. Buena Vista St. Burbank, CA 91521 If you are unable to ship anything, make a paper crane, write a message on the wings, and post a picture of it on Twitter or Instagram. Include the hashtag #RenewAndiMack and tag @DisneyChannel and @DisneyChannelPR. If you don’t use Twitter or Instagram, feel free to submit pictures of your cranes to me on @ampapercraneproject. I will be posting pictures of all the cranes on @andimackpapercraneproject on Instagram. You can also email your letters about why you want Andi Mack renewed, as well as pictures of any paper cranes you fold, to Gary Marsh at the following email address: [email protected]
HELP COVER SHIPPING COSTS Postage is expensive. The package will be lightweight, but it will be big and has to go to the opposite side of the country. I’ve already spent about $30 on the paper used for this project, and I’m afraid I can’t afford shipping on my own.  Please don’t feel obligated to donate if you aren’t able to, and please don’t feel obligated to donate a large amount of money. If a bunch of people send a few dollars each, we can get enough to cover shipping pretty easily. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  https://paypal.me/pools/c/8dOfNz76BE
SPREAD THE WORD Reblog this post! Check out the “paper crane project” tag on my blog or visit @ampapercraneproject for more posts about the project! Visit my instagram @dailymackcast for posts about the project, and feel free to repost them on your own Instagram/Twitter. Share the link to the survey, and feel free to screenshot this post or link people to it for more information! I would like as many fans involved as possible, so do your best to spread the word!
I don’t know what are chance of success is with this campaign - but I do know that it doesn’t hurt to try, and that it will mean a lot to Terri and the cast/crew to see how much we all love this show. I will be making another post soon with more details on how to help get Andi Mack renewed, outside of this particular campaign. But for now - please keep spreading the word so we can get as many people involved with this project as possible! I want everyone to be represented. 
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tyrusweek · 5 years
Hiatus til June? We don’t stan. Let’s perform self care by shipping Tyrus.
A Tyrus week sometime during the hiatus? Fic/art prompts, questions to answer, love to the cast/crew? Let’s generate some cool content!! Message/reply with suggestions!
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