typical-words · 2 days
i know haymitch’s narration seems the most likely, but i think there’s a chance the new book could be from a gamemaker’s perspective, or at least a capitolite involved in the games. perhaps plutarch, who we know suzanne loves, or even caesar, if she wanted to be REALLY on the nose about media manipulation. we know suzanne has SO much experience in media production, and if the focus of the book is the dissemination of propaganda and misinformation, it makes sense to tell the story from the viewpoint of someone engaging with that aspect of the games.
a narrative consideration is that we only got the capitol cut of haymitch’s games, so there’s a decent amount he or other people did that wasn’t seen. snow forcing the gamemakers to navigate that minefield could be a FASCINATING view into a story that we already have quite a lot of detail about. especially if haymitch was snow’s first real in-game test of his authority. if haymitch was the first one to bring spectacle vs punishment to the forefront, it’d be a great way to avoid rehashing the details we already have of his story and providing an entirely different angle for us to understand the way the games work.
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typical-words · 3 days
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typical-words · 10 days
Thinking about that scene in Mockingjay Part 1 where Coin is giving a speech and Effie looks over to see Plutarch mouthing every word Coin is saying.
The realization Effie has. Knowing full well what it's like to be a spokesperson for corruption. Realizing it's happening again.
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typical-words · 1 month
the question of with whom brax has the best relationship should centre more around the coroners actually because with them hes not their work superior lol
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typical-words · 1 month
A Murdoch plot line that hasn't been explored yet is how the station house would handle Residential Schools.
Children were taken from the homes, families filed missing persons reports and yet nothing was done for years (even still theres not much being done tbh but thats another rant)
Murdoch is this universes best detective. He could solve any crime with any gadget, so hypothetically at least one family would try to reach out to him to find their child.
Now, the Schools were run by the Church, to which Will is devout. It is also government sanctioned (might need to fact check this statement). These are both things Will obeys (for the most part). Not only would an episode explore/challenge Wills morality and ethics but also the conditions these children faced and the grief many Indigenous people experienced.
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typical-words · 1 month
Being a detective is such a gay little career choice
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typical-words · 2 months
Watts finding peace in everyday simplicities🥹✨💖🥰
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typical-words · 2 months
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typical-words · 2 months
Murdoch mysteries season 17 episode 12: psychics are fraudulent and prey on desperate people.
Also mm 17x12: psychic visions are real because one of our main characters saw her son's involvement in WWI years before the war
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typical-words · 2 months
Although I understand that Julia's departure is either the typical mm resolved in 2 episodes arc or a way for Helene Joy to pursue other projects, it comes off as another example of lack of planning when it comes to Julia's arc.
The writers have a history of making Julia flit from thing to thing regardless of how it fits into a cohesive arc at times: In s5, Julia works at private clinic where her fight for women's autonomy is so important to her that she goes to jail and risks her husband's job, only to switch to psychiatry because it randomly strikes her fancy later in the same season; in s9 when Julia leaves psychiatry by happenstance one day because Emily left & the morgue's replacement couldn't come; in s17 when she opens Women's College Hospital, the only women's hospital in all of Toronto where she provides vitally important healthcare, only to leave suddenly 5 episodes later because a job where she could educate women doctors became available (when she already canonically did so in Toronto offscreen in s10).
I know Murdoch mysteries is not the show to look at for cohesive character arcs, but it's a bit more frustrating for me with Julia because her job changes so much (instead of just moving up or down the same ladder like the other characters) and it's often done in one episode with no buildup but majorly affects the plot of the show for a long time
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typical-words · 2 months
reblog to give a strawberry to the person you reblogged this from
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typical-words · 2 months
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Goncharov (1973)
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typical-words · 2 months
George Crabtree was such a good wingman in 21x17, and it surprised me. Not that I didn't think he would 100% want to push Watts in the direction of happiness, but rather that the writers let him do it.
So much of Watts's romantic arcs have been about secrecy and danger. Crabtree was the first to know Watts was gay (in one of the very next episodes Watts was in!), but no one has really talked with Watts about it, they just skirt around the subject matter. Like it can't be said out loud.
But here Crabtree is making hints and jokes and eyeing the two of them and it's so so refreshing. It gives the romance the lighthearted feel that it should have! Not everything was doom and gloom, and after multiple failed romances I'm glad Watts seems to have found a kinder one. Let's hope it stays that way.
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typical-words · 2 months
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typical-words · 2 months
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He keeps his photo in his pocket!!!!!!!!!!!!
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typical-words · 2 months
George crabtree is just a teenage girl in the body of a victorian policeman
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typical-words · 2 months
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Singin' in the Rain (1952) Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen (1975) La La Land (2016) Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 06x07 (2001)
MURDOCH MYSTERIES — 17x22 “Why is Everybody Singing?”
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