tynberry · 2 years
I am going to turn this moment into a standee should I do a hydrangea background or an ocean setting? (I did two ocean standees already for when the gang went to the vacation house so I was wondering if I should do something different)
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tynberry · 2 years
Senseiii…don’t forget about us international fans 😭 I was this close to flying to Japan just for this. I want it so bad. I’d gladly sit through the movie without subtitles. My Japanese is shit but Furuba is and always will be worth it 🧡
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Slight more reveal of the "Special Comic" handed out to those seeing Prelude in Cinemas! I continue to be heartbroken that I will never be able to have this...
But hey, maybe Funimation will pull through for us and we'll get an English Version in the inevitable BluRay release?
A queer can hope...
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tynberry · 2 years
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tynberry · 3 years
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Sorry it took me so long! Life got in the way of things plus I had a really hard time selecting a winner. Therefore…I selected several! Congratulations @corinakitsune and @kyosomastan 🧡🧡🧡 you’ll both receive a complete Furuba charms set, a mini sticker sheet, and a surprise onigiri shaker charm!
🍓SECOND PLACE will get something as well. It won’t be a complete set, but I will still give out a few charms and stickers. Send your address and wait for your surprise 🧡 @blossomxqueen @lechugaah
🍓There were three more artist entries that I really couldn’t let go of so they will be receiving a little something as well.
🍓To everyone tagged in this post, please send me your address 🧡
Thank you so much to those who entered this giveaway and more than anything, I hope you had fun! I can’t wait to send all of you your prizes 🧡🧡🧡 as always, it’s berry nice to meet you! 🍓
xoxo, tynberry
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tynberry · 3 years
Such a cute story! 😭🧡 thanks for entering!
Hand in Hand [oneshot]
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MY ENTRY for @tynberry ‘s Fruits Basket giveaway!
Theme: Life After Happily Ever After
Tohru was just beginning to settle into a new routine.
Life away from the bustling city wasn’t exactly a breeze, but the brunette enjoyed every moment of it—seeing as Kyo could be with her always.
Her favorite part of the day was when she visited the dojo where Kyo worked, bringing him lunch.
An appetizing bento required careful prep, good seasoning, and the perfect amount of unami flavor. In went cod roe rice balls, scrambled egg with cheese, and avocado rolls.
“Good afternoon, Kyo-kun! Here’s your lunch.”
A soft smile graced the Sohma boy’s lips as he took the covered bento. “Thanks.”
“How’s Hanashiro-san doing? I heard he accepted 2 new students.” Tohru asked.
“He’s been well,” Kyo commented, rubbing his palm on the scruff of his head. “Touma and Ato are quick learners. We’ve already moved through the basic form!”
Kyo suddenly jolted up from his spot on the wooden dojo porch. “Reminds me, you got a letter from Kisa. The mailman dropped it off an—“
“A letter? From Kisa-chan?! Oh, oh that’s wonderful, Kyo-kun!”
Tohru gingerly reached over for the letter, but Kyo immediately retracted his hand, a smug expression on his face.
She squealed, flailing her arms so. “Let me have Kisa-chan’s letter!”
“You’ll have to get it first.” He laughed, dodging her pathetic attempts of grabbing. Cute as she was, Tohru simply wasn’t that tall.
“Oh give it up, Kyo-kun!”
“Please, please, please….”
Flushed cheeks and all, Kyo had no choice but to give in. “Alright then.”
After placing a warm kiss on Tohru’s forehead, he dropped the letter in her awaiting hands.
The dainty yellow envelope was carefully opened, as Tohru began to read.
Dear Onee-chan,
I hope you and Kyo-nii are doing well! It’s weird to think that a whole month has passed since you moved into the countryside.
We all (the family) miss you so much. Please do tell us all about the dojo and your lovely new home! The new school year has begun and I’m glad to report that my application to Kaibara has been accepted. I truly can’t wait to see what your old school is like.
Shigure-ojii’s old house is continuing to be maintained. I try my best to visit with Hiro-kun every other week, and we make sure to dust, sweep—the usual. The koi pond gets dirty and it took him and I nearly 3 hours to clean out all the filth. Haha.
Please continue to rest-up, Onee-chan. Hatori-ojii wouldn’t want you to push yourself too much! Hope the herbal massage scrub I got for your back is working.
Anyways, I’ve got to go. My mom is calling me to finish up my chores. Love you lots.
“That’s so sweet of her to write.” Tohru grinned, running a finger over the smooth papyrus.
“Mhm. If you’d like, we can stop by the store to buy some stamps. Think we’re out of them back home.”
“Sounds like a plan. I want to know what elective Kisa-chan is enrolling in! It really does bring back memories. Me and Mom poured over the class brochure, marveled by all the different subjects—we were both so new to it!”
Kyo’s eyes softened, listening to his dear Tohru’s reminiscing. That soft, golden-like energy always accompanying her each and ever stride.
He hoped they’d have much more times like this in the days and years to come.
Hand in hand.
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tynberry · 3 years
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Just a reminder that my giveaway ends this Saturday (Aug 6th) at midnight! Check my previous post for details. Also, all Furuba charms are up for sale on my etsy. You can buy them individually or check out another listing for a complete set and different bundles 🧡
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tynberry · 3 years
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If anyone is interested in entering my giveaway, it ends August 6, 2021 at midnight EST. Limited to the US and Canada 🙂🧡🍙🐱🐭
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tynberry · 3 years
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Calling all creatives! I’m holding a Fruits Basket giveaway where you can win all 15 Furuba character keychains and a mini sticker sheet 🙂 details will be posted here and tumblr (tynberry) next week- 7/17/21 due to the pandemic messing up shipping, this giveaway will only be available to US residents ☹️
Hint hint: this giveaway will require some creative juices (arts&crafts or writing fanfiction). I will announce the theme and mechanics next week. You will also be given 3 weeks to enter the giveaway so you have time to brainstorm.
Also, you do not have to be the best artist out there, so everyone is welcome to join. I simply want everyone to have fun 🧡
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tynberry · 3 years
Finally. The last episode. This is it. But like Hiro told Kisa, it’s okay to cry. We can cry our eyes out because we love her (Tohru), and we love all the characters. We love Natsuki Takaya for creating this masterpiece, and TMS for turning this into a reality for us. Cry until you’re able to wipe your tears and smile :) it doesn’t matter how tear-stained our cheeks are or how runny our noses get. we’re all crying together. Your feelings are valid. 🧡
And @fruits-biscuit, I’m glad you like the keychain 🧡🧡🧡 hold tight to these precious memories ♥️
Sorry, I’m hella emotional right now.
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its like I got a personalized note from tohru herself im crying (thank you to my sister for surprising me & @tynberry for your lovely shop!!)
today’s a tough day for us, furuba fandom!
>>>sending virtual hugs to all of you. 🌻🧡
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tynberry · 3 years
Kyo & Tohru’s Family Pictures
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Okay, so we have Kyo’s juzu beads; the Zodiac figurines with the cat; the picture of Katsuya, Kyoko, and Tohru as a little kid; and then Kyo and Tohru’s family photos.
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Looks like Kyo’s sons both inherited his hair color, though Hajime’s and his brother’s are a little duller. Meanwhile, it looks like their daughter is mini-Tohru.
That’s definitely a picture of Hajime on the left since he went to Kaibara and looks exactly like him.
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Left to right is Daughter, Kyo, Son #2, Tohru, Hajime. I wonder if they ended up naming the son and daughter after anyone in particular.
I choose to believe that Kyo tends to wear traditional Japanese clothing most of the time since he’s shown wearing a kimono like Kazuma as an old man.
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I’m pretty damned sure this is Kyo and Tohru from high school, seeing that they’re in uniform, so likely during winter break during their third year since we didn’t get to see ANY OF IT really.  (I’m kinda bitter about that.)
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Also choosing to believe this is Kyo and Tohru rather than Hajime and his wife.
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tynberry · 3 years
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Happy Father’s Day to the best dad 🧡🧡🧡 thank you for your undying love and support, Shisho-san. Words cannot express how grateful we are for everything you’ve done for our beloved orange-top so I hope I expressed that even if a little through this drawing.
Turning this into a sticker because they’re just too precious 😭💙 Will be available on my Etsy (tynberry)
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tynberry · 3 years
A year ago I almost lost my battle to covid. IM SO HAPPY IM ALIVE TO SEE THIS 😭♥️🥺
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Praise this smile! Praise it I say!
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tynberry · 3 years
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tynberry · 3 years
As a mental health nurse, I agree to this completely. Tohru, my dear, your feelings are completely valid. Well never be disappointed in you. ♥️🍙
And if anyone else is going through something similar, YOUR feelings are valid too.
it's almost as if people (especially anime-onlys) forgot that Tohru used to actually talk to her mom's photograph as if she was still alive, even fairly recently in the anime
that when Hiro took her mom's photo, Tohru referred to it as her mom being kidnapped
that when the landslide destroyed her tent, Tohru panicked because her mom wasn't able to breathe. THE PHOTO OF HER MOM WASN'T ABLE TO BREATHE
like, maybe in the beginning her "quirkiness" was cute and that's why people brushed it off as funny, not really taking it seriously, but it made it extremely obvious Tohru has been unable to process her grief since the beginning of the show and is still holding onto the memory of her mom as the most important thing in her life, trying to pretend that her mom is still around so that she won't be left behind
because Tohru was extremely traumatized by her father's death, not only because her father died, but because she thought her mom would "leave" too, and she'd be alone
that's why it was so difficult for her to admit to herself that she loved Kyo, because how would it not be a betrayal to her mom in her eyes? Tohru promised they'd be always together, that their bond would always be the most important thing to her
so it's just bugging me that people are brushing this off, basically saying Tohru is being irrational and that the love she had toward her mom and that the love she has toward Kyo are different, that her mom would never want her to cling to their relationship as hard as she is
well OF COURSE that's all true, but that's not the point. by brushing off her pain and hurt and saying it's silly for her to think that and for the story to make that a plot point, they're invalidating her loneliness and her fear, fear that real people experience. there are actual people in the world who still cling to the memories of their loved ones, unable to move on, unable to come to terms with their deaths
and it is irrational. but that doesn't mean it's not important.
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tynberry · 3 years
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tynberry · 3 years
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tynberry · 3 years
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SOMEONE CHECK ON ALL THE MANGA READERS because they know what this is about
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