twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
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Based on this Desus ship meme. Paul knows the name of the game as a werewolf. He sets himself a trail using dead chickens to keep himself away from people, always packs a spare bag with clothes and wet wipes. Until one day he notices he’s being followed. Like, he can hear footsteps far behind him, following his trail. And Daryl is just confused because those were definitely wolf tracks and now there’s fresh human tracks right where the wolf tracks ended? It’s a game and Paul is totally fucking with Daryl, slipping just out of sight as Daryl follows him around like a dog chasing his own tail. He does this for months. It’s hilarious until Daryl actually catches him. Basically, Daryl goes from furious to Oh-no-he’s-hot! in about six seconds. Here’s hoping Tumblr doesn’t think this too obscene! (Probably not because it’s only women’s bodies that are inherently sexual to straight men but I’ll take my artistic breaks where I’m given them.) Otherwise, I’ll put a peach sticker over Jesus’ derriere, mark my words. Anywho. I love quadroped werewolves and it’s been fucking forever since I tried my hand at wolves. Also, butts. Because I’m officially thirteen again. Let me know what you guys think, if there’s other prompts from that list you’d like small pieces of, ect. I’m working on bigger projects but small things like this are great breaks in between. Love you all. 
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
relationship quick reads
RICK (purpose) daryl’s purpose, his drive after a lifetime of aimlessness. the first person to ever make him feel worth anything. he’d follow rick anywhere, do anything rick asked him. he has more faith in rick than he’s ever had in anything, and rick’s opinion means more to him than anyone’s.
CAROL (home) she would never demand anything of daryl, never expect him to be anything but himself and he knows it. she’s his safe space to fall and where he feels most comfortable. they have a bond of shared pain and shared strength that goes beyond words. she’s his home, more than anyone else in his life.
AARON (acceptance) aaron makes daryl feel accepted and worthwhile in ways no one else ever has. not just with him, but like he’s someone who should and could be accepted anywhere. like he’s not as different and damaged as he’s spent his life thinking. a source of comfort and confidence, makes him believe he can have things he’d never thought he could before.
JESUS (freedom) jesus wakes up a wildness in daryl that daryl doesn’t want tamed, taps into the freedom he craves and the wanderlust threading through him. jesus challenges him, opens him up, makes him feel unbound and uninhibited and maybe the most purely himself he’s ever been.
BETH (light) daryl’s light, everything pure in the world he thinks is worth protecting. she’s a beacon to his lost innocence, a hope that the world can be better, and balances out his cynicism with an unflinching optimism that makes the world feel more bearable.
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
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jaaryl  → valentines cards 
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
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The Real Survivors of the Zombie Apocalypse (10/?) The Walking Dead reimagined as a reality show
→ Requested by @daryldixonn
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
Runaway (Daryl/Jesus AU)
by Polychrome
Teen + up | 1,511 words | One-shot based on the r/AO3 promptober prompt "circus"
Tags: AU, First meetings, Pre-slash
Paul leans his hands on the wood in front of him, tilts his head into the man’s space.
“Oh don’t worry, the… prize I have my eye on is right here.”
Daryl can only stare and, holy shit, is he blushing? Oh god, yes. There’s definitely potential here. Paul sparkles at him.
Notes: Thinking about expanding this into a longer fic, if I can work out a few details. Feedback and ideas very welcome :)
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
Desus AU fic idea...
Ok hear me out!
-> Daryl gets headhunted for a modelling gig (because have you SEEN HIM)
-> Agrees because money/times are tough
-> Meets fellow handsome man model Jesus Rovia
-> Montage of Daryl having adorable and self-conscious shoots
-> Jesus helps him out, agrees this is sorta a bs job but hey, money
-> ??? smut ???
What do we think
EDIT: WAIT WHAT someone did this?? Yesss 😍 brb binging...
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
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Imma cry
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
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rick + daryl x jesus
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
Daryl (thinks): I don't like him
I don't like him
I don't like him
I don't like him
I don't like him
Jesus: Hi
Daryl:DAMN IT why are you so perfect
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
One of my favourite desus fics <3
your skin makes me cry // fin.
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your skin makes me cry (20/20) // a COMPLETE desus au - explicit
Paul Rovia is the case manager for the most difficult kids at the high school and Daryl Dixon has been teaching shop classes out in the annex for fifteen years. They meet. Sparks fly.
thank you for sticking with me through this journey! i started writing this fic almost two years ago. i had only their first meeting (what became chapter 1) and their dance at prom (what became part of chapter 20). the plot (such as it is) went through many iterations before i settled upon what i published. 
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
Dog, after returning from a week-long camping trip only with Paul
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
Maggie: Jesus, you need to deal with your commitment issues :///
Paul, six years later:
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
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Paul ‘Jesus’ Rovia being a menace
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
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A little gift from me to you guys  ❤
Happy new year!
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
What actually happens
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How Negan sees it happening
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twd-darylxjesus · 8 months
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