tummyhrs · 7 days
belches so forceful it sounds like they’re throwing up air >>>>>
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tummyhrs · 7 days
okay but whumpee burping loudly and violently, caretaker brushing it off as whumpee eating too much, drinking too much, etc. but then whumpee lets out a slurry of half digested, hot, thick vom all over themselves
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tummyhrs · 15 days
Excuse me!
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tummyhrs · 15 days
Had a bit of a tummy ache
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tummyhrs · 15 days
Been chugging cream and apple juice. They dont seem to be friends to each other
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tummyhrs · 1 month
Alternative phrases for "I'm gonna throw up" 🤢:
1. "I think my belly's gonna blow..."
2. " This is gonna be way more than a burp..."
3. " I'm about to fill that bucket..."
4. " I think I need to spew..."
5. "Here comes the fire hose..."
6. " I'm gonna sick..."
7. "I think I'm gonna blow chunks..."
8. "That (food) I ate is about to come back to haunt me..."
9. " My stomach feels like a shaken bottle of pop..and..now it's gonna spew..."
10. "I've gotta spit up..."
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tummyhrs · 1 month
hyper vom at the doctor's
Maddie's legs are crossed, feet bouncing on the shiny clinic floor with nervous energy. She's the sort of girl who's been called sweet a thousand times and believes that's the extent of her personality. She nibbles at her thumb as she and her mother pass time in the waiting room. Though her stomach is far too stuffed to accept any more food, Maddie's lips water with hungry glances at the receptionist's candy jar.
Maddie's mother got her attention. "I see you eyeing that. But you already said you felt like you had to empty your stomach in the car." She said warningly. "You don't need to fill up on sweets and make more of a mess for the doctor."
The girl bites back the groan, knowing her mother is right. She's supposed to lose some of this baby fat, and the doctor has said it himself. Her condition has given her a lot of weight. But her stomach groans, stretching, wanting so badly to be filled. She sighed and looked away from the candy as she began to rub her huge gut.
A nurse arrived. "Maddie? Dr Nestor will see you now." She said with a smile.
Maddie's mom led the way while the younger woman waddled to her feet and takes a small moment to gather her thoughts in the doorway. She was shy about the reasons for coming in today, and having her mom present didn't help.
"Well hello Maddie, I hear you've been having some trouble with stomach sickness lately." Dr Nestor, a young tan man, greeted her casually. Just as Maddie was beginning to relax a bit from his easy demeanor, Maddie's mom tried to take charge, annoyingly answering for her daughter. "Yes, its been pretty excessive. She has been making herself sick and vomiting in her classes every day." Dr Nestor looked to Maddie instead of her mom. "That so? Can you tell me about that?" He asked Maddie. He sat down with a clipboard and pen at the ready.
The poor doctor just wanted to hear it from Maddie, but her mother always jumped at the opportunity. She even scowled at her daughter as if to say, 'See? I told you you've been sick.' Maddie's cheeks burned, and she looked away when the doctor gave her his attention. "Um… yeah. I… it's been going on for a while. But it got a lot more, um, intense this past month. I can't keep food down. Sometimes… sometimes I get these sudden urges to—um, vomit…" She looked at the floor. "Like, every day."
Maddie told the doctor that even though she threw up daily, she liked how it felt. She never felt sick, just that she had to empty her guts. The rest of the time, she ate constantly. Her stomach was a bottomless pit.
"So you aren't in distress when you feel you have to vomit?" Dr Nestor wrote on his clipboard. He didn't notice that Maddie began to convulsively swallow as she neared another vomiting episode. He clicked his pen and went on "Is it just small amounts, or do you tend to vomit a lot?"
Maddie's throat tensed and clicked to suppress her oncoming gags. Her mom knew the signs Maddie was gonna spew. She stood up stiff and said "And there she goes. Maddie, stop it. Stop making yourself sick. Do you have a bucket, doc?"
As Dr. Nestor finished jotting down one last detail, the look on Maddie's face shifted to a grimace. Her jaw muscles quivered as she attempted to supress a powerful heaving of her entire torso. Her cheeks burned. She swallowed multiple times, desperate, but her stomach was simply too stuffed. Finally, the contents of her belly spilled out from between her lips. "Blueerghh!"
"That's ok, let it out." The Dr was unbothered and gave Maddie a bucket. "That is a lot of vomit. Is this the usual amount?" He asked as Maddie kept hurling. Heavy splashes of vomit filled the bucket alarminly fast.
Her mom scoffed. "Hardly. Maddie usually throws up more. She could fill a bathtub."
"I see, I see. Miss, I think you have hyperemesis." Dr Nestor said firmly. "That means the excessive vomiting is normal. Your stomach capacity is huge, but you cannot digest everything in it. Medication and therapy can help you control the urge until you can vomit in a bathroom."
Maddie, now resting over the bucket to continue spewing, feels a sudden rush of relief as the doctor's words sink in. "Hrrghh…..ghuuurrghl!!" Her stomach was actually huge. She wasn't just an overweight girl, she just had way more capacity than everyone around her.
Her eyes glaze as she smiles at the notion that vomiting was no longer something to be ashamed of. She belched up a long gush of puke into the bucket, feeling so much relief.
"Yes, it can be managed. But for now I just want you to focus on vomiting." Dr Nestor rubbed Maddie's heaving back. "I suspect you've been holding back too long, if the random vomiting in class is any indicator. Empty out completely so that you can start getting back in tune with your internal signals."
"Ha! You sure you wanna let Maddie empty her guts?" Her mom said, crossing her arms. "She'll probably flood the room." "However much Maddie needs to get out, I can handle, thanks." Dr Nestor tried to stay polite with his patient's mother.
Her mother scoffs again as she looks from Dr. Nestor to the bucket and back again. The doctor was right, though. Maddie could probably vomit more than the room could hold. Her stomach feels so uncomfortably full, and there's no other remedy than to just let it all out. She presses her lips together and lets another bout of puke splash into the bucket. "Blourrrghhh!" It comes faster, now, as though each heave is releasing a valve that just got turned wide open. "Hrk…hrrggkk…hguurrrk!"
The bucket fills to the brim and begins to overflow. But Maddie keeps puking, unable and unwilling to stop. The sound of Maddie's heaving is nothing like the dainty gags she used to do. Her stomach seems intent on expelling its contents entirely, and it's doing the job with no signs of stopping. Though it's already full, more and more vomit spews forward, her chest heaving like a fountain with no end. "Mnnn….uorpp…..burrrghhhll!!" The bucket fills, then overflows, and she vomits continuously into the floor.
Her lips are pursed tight to contain her moans. Maddie felt so good throwing up. It was warm and relieving and….even a touch arousing. She moaned and burbled and barf spread slowly across the floor. "You're doing good. Its healthy to empty your hyper stomach regularly." The Dr said soothingly. He paid no mind to the vomit explosively splashing everywhere. Even the smell was beginning to overpower the air fresheners in his office.
The pleasure Maddie has been denying herself for far too long is finally within her grasp. She can feel her belly deflate as she vomits. She's lost track of how much she's thrown up at this point. It's an unstoppable stream of greenish, chunky vomit that keeps spilling and spilling. Each heave makes her feel better and more relieved, like a thousand pounds of fat just drained from her stomach and sloshed out of her body.
Maddie's mother, uncomfortable with the extended vomiting, said snippily "Don't overdo it for show, Maddie. I know you can stop vomiting right now if you had to. Stop it. Just swallow it!" Maddie's cheeks burned with shame. But she couldn't react, couldn't do anything but let her mouth hang open and puke.
The poor girl knows she's being watched like an animal at the zoo, but the shame of her mother's words doesn't come until she's gotten a good, long look at the bucket and the slowly spreading pool of slop on the floor. The mess she's made is an unignorable reality, and it floods her with embarrassment. "I - I'm sorr-urrghhhhllp!" Yet, she doesn't stop. Even now she can't stop. Her belly is far too stuffed and wants to be emptied so badly. She has no control over what happens.
Dr Nestor got Maddie's mom to leave the room. Then he gave Maddie a warm smile. "That should help. Don't worry about what others think." he reached out and gently began to rub Maddie' huge gut. The doctor rubs Maddie's belly with warm, firm hands. She's never received such nurturing touch from anyone other than her mother. It makes her want to cry, but she holds it back. Her belly quivers under his palm, and as she pushes out another geyser of vomit, she feels her entire torso release a jolt of warmth. "Thank you…"
"Of course. I'm here to help." Dr Nestor replied warmly. He didn't even mind the chunky splashes of barf that occasionally spattered his coat. "You've been holding all that in for so long. Just relax and let it out. You're doing great." This encouragment was a far cry from the usual degradation and anger Maddie's mother displayed at her vomiting. She had never felt so comfortable letting her body do as it wished. Her guts churned and gurgled and she spewed violently, moaning with pleasure and relief after.
Maddie feels so much more at ease around Dr. Nestor. He doesn't tell her to stop, he only encourages her to carry on. "Ghllourrrghh! Bwu…bhu…..bhuururhghll!" It's as if his words are the key that unlocks the floodgates of her stomach contents. She enjoys the freedom to rid herself of any discomfort in her swollen gut. As she vomits loudly, she can't help but let soft, satisfied sighs slip from her lips. "Urrrghhll….hahhh…..urp! haahnn…."
Dr Nestor smiled encouragingly. No matter that the floor was beginning to flood with rancid, chunky sick. That could be cleaned. And the volume this girl was vomiting definitely met the diagnosis for hyperemesis. He patted her back as she choked and coughed. "There you go. Let it up." Her huge gut had shrunk somewhat, but nowhere near empty.
As Maddie lets out another blast of vomit, she can't help but moan softly as the relief floods through her. She feels more than just a little lighter; it's a tremendous difference. And as she stares at the doctor, she feels so cared for. With the amount of vomit that has sprayed all over the floor, she expects some kind of scolding, but instead, he smiles warmly and pats her back reassuringly.
Dr Nestor lightly palpated Maddie's big belly. "I feel a lot of tension down here," he said as he stroked her lower gut. "Are you okay with me pushing a little, to help you out?" The idea of someone helping her vomit was…scary, exciting, relieving, and intimate. Unable to speak through the unstoppable bouts of vomit, the sick girl nodded. Dr. Nestor gently kneads her stomach with his thumbs. He digs in a little deeper, trying to reach that bloated area in her gut that must be so clogged. Maddie can't believe how good it feels. A light moans escapes from her lips, and she can feel a bit of liquid dribble from her mouth. "Haahnn….Just a little more…a little bit further…" She leans into his touch, desperate for relief.
"Alright, I'm going to apply some more pressure. You can tell me to stop." Dr Nestor pressed harder on her belly. It spasmed and she vomited right on his chest. "That's good, that's good, you're okay." He reassured her as he kept palpating her huge stomach. Maddie can't help but squeak involuntarily as she vomits directly onto Dr. Nestor's chest. She feels so embarrassed by the mistake… but the pressure of her stomach being kneaded so deeply sends a jolt of pleasure throughout her body. She closes her eyes tightly and tries to hide her face."Urrp….guh…I'm sorry, I - urghlpp…"
"Don't be shy. This is natural. You're doing good, Maddie." Dr Nestor said softly. He let Maddie vomit right on him, feeling the warmth seep through his clothes. It was….exciting, in a strange filthy way. Maddie moaned and retched until she spewed violently again and again. Her cheeks were red and she couldn't control this weird reaction. This….enjoyment….of having someone help her vomit. It really made her aroused. His pressure in sync with her nausea.
The sensation of Dr. Nestor pressing his warm hands into her belly sends her into a fit of violent heaving. He seems fine with her throwing up on him. Maybe he knows she can't help it? She screams with each wave of vomit that comes from her stomach and stains the doctor's shirt. Her cheeks are red, her face damp with drool. Even though she finds the activity gross, she can't contain how much she enjoys this.
Dr Nestor's office floor was inch-deep in sludgy sick in an array of colors. The smell was strong, acidic and sweet. His stomach turned, but he reacted with a smile. Maddie was doing such a good job vomiting for him, and his senses being overwhelmed by her vomit was exciting. No, more than that….arousing. His stomach gurgled as he rubbed Maddie's gurgling stomach.
"There you go. Good job, Maddie. Look how much you got out. I bet it feels better, huh?" With practiced pressure, he kneaded deeper into Maddie's overstuffed abdomen. The anticipation of every explosion of vomit the girl let out excited him.
Dr. Nestor's firm prodding causes Maddie to moan and groan. She finds herself drooling on the doctor's shoulder, but she can't help it. Something about this has her in a very aroused and satisfied state. Each vomit spurt is met with a small jolt of euphoria. Her stomach is still too full, but it feels better to just let some of the sickness go. "U—uh… y-yeah… it feels… better. Um… a little more… please…"
"Alright. Deep breath, Maddie, here we go." Dr Nestor gave her a moment to catch her breath before he wrapped her tight in his arms in a sickening bear hug. Vomit squished between their bodies as Dr Nestor slowly tightened his grip on her gut. He could feel it bubbling and rolling under his fingertips. "Exhale, let everything out."
Maddie can already feel her stomach contents rolling around inside her. His arms around her make her shiver as she's squeezed tightly against him. At this point, she can hardly tell where she stops and he begins; every sensation is blurring together. Her vomit gushes forward in one big, thick stream as her body shudders violently."HHURRRRLGLHHHHP!!" She feels like she's going to explode. "Oh… oh… God!"
She must have thrown up at least a gallon in a single gush. Dr Nestor hummed encouragingly and loosened his grip for a moment. "Good job." Dr Nestor's excitement could not overshadow his sympathetic nausea. He found himself swallowing over and over as his mouth filled with saliva. But he didn't want to make Maddie feel ashamed, as if she had sickened him, so Nestor held back his desire to puke. "Breathe, and then I'll do it again, alright?"
She can't believe how much liquid her body has been holding. She feels so light now, her stomach no longer painfully distended. Vomit slides slowly down her skin, squishing between her clothes. Her face is sweating from the intensity of her vomiting sesh with the doctor, though she can't bring herself to feel embarrassed. He's been so kind and gentle with her. The pressure of his hands on her gut begins to rise again and her stomach rumbles. Her mouth waters profusely, and she can't hold back the urge to drool. "Y-yes… do… hnnnn—"
Dr Nestor nodded and squeezed. Maddie only feeling the intensely pleasurably pressure on her distended gut. It let her vomit effortlessly. Gallon after gallon of chunky rancid slop came up. And she just felt better and better. "Hglouurrgh! Bwhuughll….urrghhlpp….hghlouurrgh!!"
The pleasure of each vomit spurt is so intense, Maddie can't take her eyes off the man cradling her stomach. The mixture of the doctor's smell and warm, firm touch is intoxicating in the worst and best possible ways. she feels a rush of excitement as she lets loose another blast of puke, her body relaxing more and more the more she gets rid of her illness.
"So Maddie, when you get a little better at controlling or delaying your need to vomit, you can go into a bathroom and palpate your own stomach as I'm doing now." Dr Nestor explained as he helped his patient purge. He took a deep breath and the odor of vomit in the air was intense. "You could also gag yourself with your hands if you need to."
Maddie smiles and nods before the next bout of heavy vomiting overtakes her. Her stomach begins to quake, and her mouth waters profusely. She feels so weak in those moments, unable to control her body or what it needs. Her vomit is still coming out strong, and Dr. Nestor's hands on her belly make each heave even more satisfying. She leans her head back onto the doctor's strong shoulder and lets out a content murmur, her body relaxing more and more with each violent spout of chunky, rancid gunk.
The pressure from the doctor's hands on her abdomen makes it difficult for her to keep her body from heaving. The waves of nausea are intense as each blast erupts from her belly. Her stomach continues to churn violently, a disgusting mixture of sick-like-a-dog and sexually aroused.
Dr Nestor rubbed and squeezed his patient's belly. Maddie's back arches into the air at the feel of sickness on her. She tries to move but his firm grip on her stomach won't allow it. She lets out a little giggle as she vomits another stream of rancid sludge all over her lower belly. Dr Nestor kept periodically squeezing his patient. She was moaning and drooling in pleasure between bouts of violent sickness. This amount definitely qualified as excessive. Dr Nestor could only imagine how full and heavy his patient must have felt before coming in.
Maddie can barely get a word out between each blast of vomit. "Mnn….I f-urrrghhhlkp! Hglourrrghh! Ahhn….mnnn…" She's moaning in such a filthy, sick way. She loves it. She's loving the way her stomach rolls and writhes underneath the doctor's fingers. Both his fingers and pressure make her moan loudly. "Mnnnm…..more…." Dr Nestor's excitement poked into his patient as he held her close. Her aroused, sick face is adorable. He can't help it. Even when she douses his clothes with vomit, Maddie just seems cuter. "You're doing such a good job. Look at all you threw up." He murmured.
"It feels so good," are the few words Maddie manages to get out before the next flood of vomit. "Hglouurrghllp!! Oh…mmm…" she lets out another moan before a hot blast spews out from her. "More…" She can almost feel the doctor's excited arousal. Her own sensations down below add to the comfort. Her stomach is now an unstoppable force, so much pleasure in ridding it of its disgusting contents. The clenching and heaving rubbed her thighs together and she could feel her wetness.
"Ohhh… oh…" Maddie can hardly believe how much she's enjoying this. It's disgusting but strangely gratifying. Her eyes are wide open and locked onto Dr. Nestor. She doesn't mind seeing the mess it makes. This is the most sick and arousing experience she's ever had and she absolutely loves it. It's a constant and heavy torrent of vomit that feels like it could be coming forever. Maddie's lower body is covered in it; her pants are soaked, and the thick slop fills up her belly button, seeps into her panties and fills her with warmth. She feels so full all over, and her stomach has been clenching and heaving so deeply that her breathing is constricted as she struggles to speak. "I—I just can't… ugh…"
Maddie carefully reached out, belched up a mouthful of failed food, and moaned as she leaned into the doctor's firm embrace. He stroked her belly. His touch is enough to send her over the edge, her stomach contorting and her lips parting as the next projectile bursts out. It's as hot and thick as the previous, shooting directly into his chest with great warmth. "I need more, Dr. Nestor," she purrs between spasms. "… I neeeed more…"
"Yes you do, aren't you? My sick little patient." he pulled her into a bear hug again, gripping her belly. "Let that sickness out. It's good for you. I want to see you vomit and vomit and vomit until you're satisfied." he squeezed her gut. Maddie moaned in a high whine before more puke exploded from her lips. She kept panting and squirming after, her face blushed deep red.
"Arousal or pleasure from vomiting is a symptom of hyperemesis. Are you feeling aroused?" Dr Nestor asked her playfully. He poked a finger deep into her gut and felt its contents sloshing around inside. "Tell me how you feel,Maddie."
"Pleasure… So much pleasure," she tells him breathlessly. Her body is soaked with sweat and vomit. But she can't feel anything but warm sensation inside. That sickness, that need. "Your hands… You rubbing my stomach… Your face…" She trails her eyes up to his, and she can feel herself being pulled in by them. "… I…I know I'm disgusting, but…."
"There is nothing disgusting about your body, Maddie dear." Dr Nestor assured her. "You are doing exactly what is normal for you. And its quite beautiful, really." Dr Nestor gave her belly gentle attention. He slowly rubbed her bubbling gut. "Your natural processes are always beautiful. It is truly human. And if what your body needs is to vomit…I am happy to oblige." His hands trailed down a little lower, stroking her soaked thick thighs. "But I fear it might not be too professional."
"It's a good thing you're not so professional." Maddie's voice shivers, she leans in deeper. Her rancid drool soaked his collar. "Please…." Maddie lets loose another deluge. The warm mixture of her sick and bile running down her body is pure ecstasy. She can't help but moan as she lets the contents of their stomachs run freely down their flesh. "Uhhh… mnnn….I need you….I need you to gag me….ghhrlg….I need more, doctor, please…"
"You need more? I can do that. Turn around for me, Maddie." the dr had the girl face him. "Open your mouth…." He slowly gently inserted two fingers into her drooling mouth and began to prod her gag reflex. she gagged and spasmed a few times before a huge gush of vomit came out. DrNestor kept pressing into her. "Good job. You're such a good girl, Maddie. Keep it coming." he wiggled his fingers in her throat and she puked down his arm. The poor girl was still full of vomit.
"Egh, yessss…" She can barely get the words out in between the bursts of vomit. She leans forward to meet his hand as it wiggles inside her mouth and pushes against her gag reflex. Her eyes close and she throws up again, and the warm goo is all over her face now. "Mmmm," she sighs, a satisfied grin on her lips. She watches his hand slide down her thigh as she takes a break, his fingers ending up soaked with her sick. It's a beautiful sight, a beautiful feeling. Dr Nestor is more than happy to encourage the girl's regurgitation. He pulled his fingers from her mouth and smiled as she coughed and spit up the remnants of her last bout of barf.
It seemed this experience had awakened something in the good doctor; some kind of interest in vomit, an unusual fixation with everything purging brought. The sounds, the sight, the smell. And the patient seemed the same, if her moaning and squirming was any indication. If her jeans were not soaked in vomit, her wetness would be visible.
"Oh… Oh…" she's nearly drooling now. Her eyes are wide and staring at his fingers. The sick on his hands and all over his shirt is something that, normally, should be completely repulsive. But for her, it's nothing but pure arousal. "I… I should be disgusted by this… but you really know how to make a person vomit and vomit and vomit." She moans in ecstasy, taking sharp breaths as she watches his hands come back for another round.
"I'm just here to help. Whatever you need." He held two fingers to her lips. "Are you ready, my girl?" Despite all the filth and bile running down her chin, her cheeks, her neck, her lips… her entire person… Maddie can't help but smile at the doctor's reassurances. They have a certain comforting quality to them, though she can't exactly pinpoint how or why. "I'm ready… I'm so ready." She keeps her mouth open, eagerly waiting him to fill it up. "I want to get sick again. Make me sick again, Dr. Nestor. Please…"
The adorable, desparate pleas tickle something deep inside the doctor. He stifled a moan and leaned forward to hide his crotch and the very visible arousal there. "Alright….here we go." He murmured as he slid his hand into Maddie's mouth again. With his other hand, he firmly pressed and prodded at her swollen gut. He felt it bubble and twist under his hands.
Her mouth immediately floods again, making her gag from the pressure against her tongue. She tries to pull back as he works down her abdomen, but her stomach muscles involuntarily tense and her stomach convulses, the walls flexing and her guts twisting. She can smell the hot reek of her own sick on his hand, and she's surprised by how much that makes her want him even more. Maddie gagged and choked and began again to vomit heavily. "Hglouuurghhh! Guh….ghhoourrghl!" She spews onto the doctor's lap, making him moan loudly. He pressed his fingers deeper into Maddie's mouth as she kept vomiting all over him. Their eyes are locked on each other. He stuck his fingers deeper down Maddie's throat.
"Gah..!" Her eyes shut tight and her legs start to tremble. She feels his hand shoving against her gag reflex, and every touch of her esophagus sends another wave of sickness bursting upward. All over her cheeks and lips, the thick spit and goo is all over his hand again. "Guuuhhh… Oh…" She's completely lost in the moment, her entire body giving itself up to this. Nothing matters more than this right now, the sweet tingling in her crotch, the sweet ache in her gut and… the sweet smell of her own vomit.
Dr Nestor moaned again as the girl painted him with her stomach contents. "Good girl. Good job Maddie." He watched with ecstasy as her tongue shot out again and again in priming gags, before she gurgled deep in her throat and spewed a long, chunky wave. Her stomach was noticeably smaller, and it felt so good. Maddie moaned and sighed deeply. "I feel….so much better. It's like I was carrying a whole car in my stomach."
"Think you have any more?" Dr Nestor asked. Maddie had never had to internally check to see if she wanted to vomit - it was usually a constant urge. But now she could feel it. Her stomach was almost empty, but she could use a little more emptying. She nodded. "Yeah, a little more, I think. Can….can you…?" she shyly began, and opened her mouth to him as she leaned forward.
Dr Nestor smiled. "Of course. Here we go…." he stuck two fingers into her mouth again. He felt her throat clench around him as she began to salivate. It didn't take long for Maddie's stomach to clench and she puked noisily. "Hurrghhllp!" Dr Nestor didn't take his hand away, and Maddie kept spewing. Her eyes were glazed, half-crossed with pleasure. She shook and shuddered as her body took control and made her barf everything up. He boldly rubbed down between her legs with soft, teasing motions. "Ohh my god - Hglurrrrghhhp!" she bounced and vomited. Arousal and nausea were blending together.
Her stomach squeezes down hard on the contents and the sickness is pushed from her depths toward her esophagus. Her eyes grow wide and she tries but fails to hide her pleasure. "Oh yes! Ah… oh… oh yes…" She tries to push him deeper, but he's already completely filling her throat. She's so incredibly wet and warm now. She can't find many words right now. Her eyes are shut tight as he's practically fucking the vomit out of her. She's letting her body do its thing, and in this moment, there's nothing else she's worried about. Her stomach cramps and her throat is squeezing down, expelling the chunks of food that her gut is making. The taste is making her moan involuntarily. "Mmnn… that's—oh!"
It took a few more bouts of violent illness before Maddie leaned back, panting, finally relieved. "Oh my god….that was so good….I actually feel empty now." Dr Nestor washed his hands and stroked her hair out of her face. "You did a wonderful job. And now you have the knowledge to handle your hyperemesis." He looked down at her vomit-stained clothes, and Maddie spoke up before he could. "I always bring an extra change of clothes. This vomiting thing happens often." she said shyly.
"Well, that's thinking ahead. Hah, I probably should have done the same." The doctor chuckled as he looked at his own drenched and stinking clothes with some chagrin. "At any rate, Maddie. I'm going to prescribe you an anti-emetic, and give you some information on foods that could help you deal with the condition. I would also look into hyperemesis groups, to learn to manage it." He took off a paper from his prescription pad and added "But if you ever need help of the same kind….don't hesitate to ask for me." He gave her a wink. Maddie would definitely be returning to this doctor again.
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tummyhrs · 1 month
Let's fix that
Give it a real reason to be bloated
I caved and got three massive lasagna dishes from an Italian place down the street. I got through two of them and halfway through the third and my gut feel so fucking tight and full right now 😫😫😫😫
This is what happens when I’m just allowed uncontrolled access to ordering meals 😫
There is too much lasagna in this gut!!
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tummyhrs · 1 month
I need more fat men who have round, nauseous tummies after a stuffing. I have a few videos on youtube that I’m rewatching through, and I genuinely need this genre to exist more.
Here’s a link to a youtube playlist I made of all of my favourite overstuffed nausea/vomit videos. Let me know if you have any recommendations.
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tummyhrs · 1 month
Burping Kink Scenarios 3
(Sorry if any of these are repeats)
-Waiting until someone leaves to let out a huge belch that’s been making then miserable, only for the other person to come back in because they forgot something
     - “Oh… I thought you’d left… um… excuse me?”
-Holding a small burp in because they’re in a situation where it would be inappropriate/ they would be embarrassed, and as time goes on, it builds up until the feeling is almost unbearable
-Motion sickness burps. Maybe they’ve been eating greasy fair food all day, and going on some kind of spinning ride stirs everything up. They try drinking some cold soda to calm it down, and end up letting out a lot of long, queasy, helpless burps as they walk around the park with their friends
-Being proud of a really impressive natural belch. They didn’t even mean to do it, but they’re thrilled that it happened. They want everyone within earshot to acknowledge what a feat it was
-A character who’s had a few too many beers letting them out with no concern in the middle of a bar/party. Bonus points if it’s someone who would usually never be that rude, but their stomach feels so full from all of the carbonation/liquid and their mind is too muddled to think about anything other than relieving the pressure
-Eating a big meal at a restaurant and then having to get directly onto public transportation (like a subway or a bus). The motion unsettles the trapped air in their stomach, so despite being surrounded by people, they can’t help but let it out. People glare at them, but all they can do is apologize and duck their head
     -Made even worse if it’s during rush hour or something where people are packed like sardines
     -For characters who don’t really have any shame, they’ll just let them fly right in the middle of the train/bus without caring at all. If anyone gives them a dirty look, they’ll just look at them like “the fuck are you gonna do about it?”
-Similar to the one above, having eaten/drank a lot (or just being bloated in general) and having to take an elevator with a friend or a stranger, only for it to get stuck. They really don’t want to start burping, but it takes two hours to get it moving again, and they can’t hold it in for that long. The apologize profusely but they can’t stop more from coming up
     -Maybe they’re in the office building where they work, and the other person is their superior who they desperately want to respect them (this one’s evil, I’m sorry)
     -Or maybe they’re the type of person who holds in a burp specifically to let it out on the elevator, just because they know it’s a confined space and they think it’s funny to subject their friends or even complete strangers to it. If they get mad, they’ll just laugh and do it again
- Nauseous burping brought on by smoking/vaping too much, or sucking down too much air in the process. Maybe their on smoke break at work, standing outside the building, and end up catching the attention of people walking by on the sidewalk
     -Also, burping fits brought on by taking an extra large bong hit. They hold it in too long and end up coughing before they can properly exhale everything, making them swallow a lot of air. They end up burping uncontrollably for the rest of the sesh, with each consecutive hit making it worse
-Ordering an extra large soda on a hot day and bringing it home with them. They sit down with it to work at the computer, and end up sucking the entire thing down in record time without even thinking about it. Burps start rushing out one after the other, and they’re just sitting there trying to focus while rubbing their stomach and letting out strings of long belches into their fist
-Being stuffed beyond the point of comfort, and drinking an entire bottle of soda directly afterwards. They can’t control the huge, deep burps that get dragged up from their stomach afterwards, and it’s so relieving that they don’t want to
     -Just having eaten a ton in general and feeling like they’re too full to burp. Every time they try, they can only manage a soft little hiccup burp, or feel like a bit of food is coming up into the back of their throat. Then they shift from lying down to sitting up or standing, and the food shifts around enough for a massive belch to explode out of them, leaving them feeling much lighter
-Someone you wouldn’t expect having an unbelievable talent for burping. They let a huge belch fly while hanging out with friends, and just casually excuse themself. When one of their friends points out how massive it was, they just shrug and say “They’re always like that, I don’t know why”
-A character who is normally polite being very good at burping on command and not afraid to share their skill because they’re proud of it, to the surprise of everyone that knows them
     -Or just a normally polite character letting out a surprisingly large belch in general, but instead of apologizing or being embarrassed (as everyone expects), they say they’re “too proud of that one to not own it”
-Someone burping on command to amuse themself or show off to their friends, only for all of the air they swallowed to end up getting stuck. It ends up getting unstuck later at an inappropriate time, such as a date or a meeting, or in the middle of a class
-A shameless character filming prank videos of them belching as loudly as possible in socially unacceptable places, to the point of getting kicked out or even starting a fight
      -Also burping in random people’s faces and running away as fast as possible
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tummyhrs · 1 month
Another loud growl, but it’s not hunger. It’s sickly.
We just finished eating at the local Chinese buffet. It’s maybe been an hour. The shrimp from your 3 helpings of shrimp fried rice seemed a little off color (which I may have neglected to mention to you, whoops) but you enjoyed your meal. Now you’re on the bed, only in a crop top and panties, laying on your back with a hand on your tummy as it churns and swishes about. All that food inside isn’t digesting, merely swirling around against the walls of your stomach, causing your tummy to bloat and make you burp wetly into your fist. You moan and rub circles in your belly delicately, careful not to apply too much pressure and make your upset, sickly tummy sound off with wet churns and bubbly gurgles. I come into our dimly lit bedroom and catch you in your nauseous state. Your cheeks puff with every burp, sometimes filling up with your rancid meal. You swallow it back, unwilling to let it all spill out. Not yet, at least. I approach you closer, gently placing a hand on your tummy. It growls indignantly at my touch, sending some of its contents up your throat. You gain a pale green complexion, your belly sloshing sickly as your meal is returned back into it. You roll over to your side to get your belly away from my hovering touch, and you quickly find that this was a bad idea. Your belly sloshes and grumbles as all the food stuffed inside of it shifts and crashes against the wall of your belly, immediately prompting your cheeks to fill once again with your meal. You choke it down and groan. I sympathize for you, but we both know that I’m excited, and your thighs are getting increasingly wet. We’re both in for a long night. But we don’t mind. Not one bit.
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tummyhrs · 11 months
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ahh ow too much pizza :(
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tummyhrs · 1 year
Got a bit too excited a few days ago 😅
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tummyhrs · 1 year
sitting at the buffet getting uncomfortably turned on by my own belly bulging against my shirt 🥴
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tummyhrs · 1 year
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I don’t feel very good 😖
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tummyhrs · 2 years
when people are talking about how much they ate and how full they are, and are interrupting themselves with belches and hiccups... oh god. oh my god
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tummyhrs · 2 years
god I love when someone’s belly is so full of shit and gas that they feel nauseous 🥰
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