trstuffs · 3 years
yeah i stole the fic. get fucked.
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trstuffs · 3 years
all of you are fucking lame. i didn't even plagiarize, drizzydraken STOLE my fic and you're all sucking her ugly fat dick. fuck all of you. thank you to everyone who supported my career as a writer on here but i will now be deleting this blog. i didn't even fucking steal it you weirdos and you're all bullying me for no reason. goodbye, choke and die
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trstuffs · 3 years
the fact that you didn’t bother to change much about the fic is what leads people to believe you stole it. The titles are similar, the fic is word for word and it still has her characters name in it.
If it’s actually your fic, is there any way to prove it?
i wrote it
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trstuffs · 3 years
can you at least prove that the fic is yours?
its mine
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trstuffs · 3 years
Hun, you can't change a few words of a fic and call it yours. That isn't how it works. Do you have any other fics you have written? For any other fandoms or anything? Even if it's just drabble? Can you prove it's yours by showing other writing in that style that isn't already posted by someone else?
don't call me hun you bitch
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trstuffs · 3 years
can we patch things up with an enemies to lovers arc since apparently im a suicide baiter 💗
can you shut the fuck up you ugly fucking piece of shit. idgaf if you told me to kms you think that hurts my fucking feelings? you think i care what u think??? go fucking die you unlovable fucking garbage. i hope you fucking slit your wrists you parentless pathetic loser. my fic has more likes than yours ever will. sorry you're jealous that people actually love me but i do not care. just fucking step into traffic you worthless whore. you're the reason people bullied me you lied about me being a plagiarizer . i hate you you cunt. 
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trstuffs · 3 years
c’mon, it’s not that hard to own up your mistakes. If you want to start writing and need help with it, there’s tons of people offering!
But please just admit that you stole it!
shut the fucj up
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trstuffs · 3 years
nobody is bullying you. ppl were being nice to you and ur telling them to commit. like ur weird asf for that. stop acting like a victim nobody’s bullying you ur unknown. ur just WEIRD bc you swear up and down you didn’t steal it.
bitch why do you keep commenting you want to be me so bad 😂😂😂 leave me alone do the world a favor and pull a hannah baker
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trstuffs · 3 years
It’s so funny that your saying people are bullying you while your telling them to kill themselves. It’s honestly sad, you obviously plagiarized someone else’s hard work so your in no place to act like we are “bullying” you when it reality we are helping you take responsibility for your actions.
im just looking for where i asked😂
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trstuffs · 3 years
They didn’t. Your post, which was a word-for-word copy of theirs, was posted about a week before yours.
its my fic
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trstuffs · 3 years
with no other post on this blog BUT the writing you stole 😭 ur so pathetic. and then ur telling ppl to kill themselves when ur being called out for being a weird ass bitch. goodbye. maybe ur parents didn’t give you enough attention so now ur trying to get it like this. parentless behavior 👎
uhm why are you all bullying me
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trstuffs · 3 years
I’m trying to help you here. Stealing = not good, writing your own fics = good. Please listen to everyone. It’s very obvious that your post was stolen. If you don’t apologize/deactivate, your account will be taken down anyways. It’s very easy to report plagiarism.
my post was stolen!!!!!!! @drizzzydraken stole it
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trstuffs · 3 years
“nobody cares about you” says the person who can’t write for shit <3 get some creativity and then try and say that shit again
fuck you
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trstuffs · 3 years
ok you fucking sicko. I wanted to be nice to you even though you plagiarized a whole ass fic???? are you TWELVE? why the fuck are you telling people to die? go hide in a hole bitch.
don't care its my fic
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trstuffs · 3 years
this is embarrassing give up babe :). telling people to go kill themselves is disgusting,, no wonder nobody believes you
no one cares about you
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trstuffs · 3 years
hi! you are aware that you posted your fic yesterday right? The original fic was posted on the 10th of the month I believe. if you did write it before that date and the other person stole it, why don’t you prove it?
you could have admitted your mistake and apologized to the original author. no reason to act like a victim, you know?
at least make it believable that it’s your original work? like you still had takemichi’s name in it and your entire blog was empty before that. Come on, love. Just admit your mistake. I’m sure you can write perfectly good yourself!!
you're a stupid fucking cunt, get the fuck off my blog. im sorry you're mad that i write better than you but i don't care. its my fic. fuck you go die
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trstuffs · 3 years
Respectfully, plagiarism is not the way to go. I’m sure you can create something wonderful on your own, and I’m encouraging you to do so. Stealing other people’s writing is hurtful and disregards the work they put into it. It also does not allow you to grow as an author. If you need writing help or inspiration, I and (I’m sure) many others would be willing to help you if you would take down your stolen works.
shut the fuck up
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