triptramputee · 10 years
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>> should probably mention i've been / am continuing to be on a semi-hiatus for a while
got busy and also caught up in my troy blog
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triptramputee · 10 years
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          Eyes glittering darkly, the man stepped forward, head raised in challenge and irritation. If she kept talking shit, Gren knew he'd get even angrier, and lash out - it was just something that happened. He lost his temper, shed his glamour, and shit happened. It was a pattern that repeated on and on and on - cost him his arm, got him shot, and yet all he could think about afterwards was how furious he was.
          "I think you should quit talkin' shit if you don't wanna get that pretty face'a yours all fucked up, bitch."
But she kept calm, unlike him, and rolled her eyes a little before she leaned her hip to the side a little. Wasn’t the first time Mary was called the Crooked Man’s puppet, a term that would fall oh too often, yet was so far from reality, she could only smile at those who used it so lightly, determined to be right about it.
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     ❝ You’re right. I knew what I was doing, dear.     So what? I ain’t give a shit, I had my fun, and      that’s enough for me. ❞
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triptramputee · 10 years
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"That's your own 'bloody' fault, Georgie!"
Anger overflowing, he slammed the other man against the wall again, lips curled into a feral snarl. The pimp's 'woe is me' attitude was getting on his nerves; he could spare a few instances of pity for the guy, but there was a limit, especially considering he killed Lily.
                    He killed Lily.
"If you'd stop the pity party for one fucking second, maybe you could own up to what you did!" He absolutely refused to forgive this fucker, no matter how much he might feel bad for him.
And then, just as he thought to turn around and leave this asshole to his misery, the words hit him like a truck.
                                                                "She's dead!"
He didn't know who Georgie was talking about, but the sheer pain in his voice told him that 'she' had been just as important as Holly was to him. And the shakiness of the man's tone nearly made his heart stop, a strange empty feeling hitting his chest.
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Frowning, he let go of Georgie, his gaze falling. There wasn't much to say - but he still felt he should offer something. After a moment, he mumbled, "Who, Georgie?"
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"An’ what exactly am I supposed to bloody change?"
The club owner — former club owner, he reminded himself, with no small amount of disgust — scoffed and rested both shoulders against the wall behind him, arms crossed over his skinny chest.
"This was the change. Supposed to be a new start, wasn’t it? An’ fuckin’ look at us now.”
His expression darkened again as he glared across the room, at nothing in particular, but rather the circumstances he found himself facing now.
"Doesn’t matter we were just tryin’ to figure a better way. Aye, so we fucked up, but who ‘asn’t?"
A sudden vicious curl of his lip bared his teeth, his fists clenching against his arms as he looked up again.
"An’ now she’s dead!”
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triptramputee · 10 years
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"I ain't buying that you were a puppet, too. Georgie? I could see. Guy was dumb enough to get tangled in that shit. But I'd say you knew exactly what you were doin', Mary."
And for that, he couldn't think of her as anyone else but his enemy.
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     ❝ Have worked for. ❞
Frankly, she sure wouldn’t work for a guy that has been turned into a crow now, imprisoned in a little cage, abandoned to a farm full of fables that couldn’t afford a glamour. 
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triptramputee · 10 years
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>> i've been feeling a little overshadowed by other grens lately so i've been focusing more on my troy blog
but!!! i'm not giving up i love gren so i'm gonna try to be more active
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triptramputee · 10 years
He snorted; embarrassment? That was never a problem for him - as far back as he could remember, actually. He and his mother were the only creatures in the Homelands that looked like they did, and he never really felt ashamed for being a monster - and what the mundies thought was even less of a concern to him. Flashing her a smirk, he asked, "Who cares what you look like?" In case she didn't notice, he had a scar across his face, a milky white eye, and was missing an arm. To non-Fables, he probably looked only slightly less monstrous than his true form.
Besides, Vivian looked fine - even if she was in a (seemingly) embarrassing position on his back. He chuckled again, keeping her steady with his arm and glancing back to respond to her.
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"Sounds good enough. Pharmacy and then apartment." If that was where the lady wanted to go, he wasn't going to protest. He was already doing the favor - might as well finish it.
With no further comment, he made his way slowly forward, moving cautiously so he didn't drop her.
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The one-armed Fable smirked, almost devilishly. “Hey, I probably could lift a car. Maybe not glamoured, but still.” He had no doubts he could if he was in his true form - it would be like a fucking feather.
"Well if it’s not my, uh, amputation here, what is it?” He looked back at her, quirking a brow curiously. It probably was just pride, and embarrassment, but he wondered if it was something else. Best not to dwell on it (not like he would for very long, anyway).
As he took a step forward, he used his arm to push her up on his back more, just to get a better grip on her. “Where to, miss?” he asked with a smirk.
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triptramputee · 10 years
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"Cut the shit."
His patience level was usually low, anyway, but with Mary it became even more so - understandable, really, given the little conflict Fabletown had just gotten past.
"Think we both know Georgie was just a puppet to the crooked bastard - who you do work for."
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"Y’know, I’d probably take your little poetry shit philosophy more seriously if you hadn’t been workin’ for the guy who killed one of my best friends."
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triptramputee · 10 years
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     Walking into the Trip Trap reveals a certain barfly asleep on the counter, empty bottles and glasses surrounding him like a protective fort. The man’s sound asleep, his drunken haze and exhaustion induced by refusal to sleep having sent him into dreamland by force. Soft snores echo the bar, barely audible above the quiet rock ballad playing on the speaker system.
                Faced with such a peaceful image, what is a curious bystander to do?
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triptramputee · 10 years
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     Walking into the Trip Trap reveals a certain barfly asleep on the counter, empty bottles and glasses surrounding him like a protective fort. The man's sound asleep, his drunken haze and exhaustion induced by refusal to sleep having sent him into dreamland by force. Soft snores echo the bar, barely audible above the quiet rock ballad playing on the speaker system.
                Faced with such a peaceful image, what is a curious bystander to do?
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triptramputee · 10 years
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"Y'know, I'd probably take your little poetry shit philosophy more seriously if you hadn't been workin' for the guy who killed one of my best friends."
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     ”Well, you ain’t wrong…”
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triptramputee · 10 years
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This was a request, i know what it was the latest one, but i just love how you rp these two!
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triptramputee · 10 years
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triptramputee · 10 years
Gren sleeps naked, or if he HAS to wear clothes, he wears something of Bigby's
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or ya know he just wears bigby’s clothes all the time
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triptramputee · 10 years
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the 13th gif/icon in your folder if what your muse(s) look like when they are told off
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triptramputee · 10 years
Send me anons from people my muse has lost. Haunt them.
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triptramputee · 10 years
calming starter sentences
"Its okay, I'm here."
"I'm not going to leave you."
"Everything is okay."
"I'm going to protect you."
"I believe in you."
"Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that."
"You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now."
"You're not going to lose me."
"I love you."
"I'll stay right here, okay?"
"Just breathe."
"I'm okay, you're okay, we're okay."
"You're everything to me."
"I don't care what they think, to me, you are perfect."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"You don't have to be alone."
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triptramputee · 10 years
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     "Well, you ain't wrong..."
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     ❝ Everyone is equal when they’re d e a d. ❞
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