transx-werewolf · 1 year
Some zoo positivity!
Zoos who love humans more than animals are just as valid as zoos who love animals more than humans <3
A-spec zoo's are just as valid as allosexual/alloromantic zoo's <3
Zoo's do not abuse animals, bad animal owners abuse animals <3
Zoos who aren't disordered are just as valid as disordered zoos <3
M-spec zoos are so cool and valid <3
Transzoos are welcome in the zoo community <3
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
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a term for someone who is queer and has consang attractions!
yes, i posted this on the wrong blog at first... sh... you didnt see that 💀
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
transautistic transition tips
from a cisautistic(although i am transseverity), here are some transition tips! i hope these r helpful /gen
stims r super cool! vocal stims: find a word or phrase or sound that sounds cool to you and keep saying it! rocking is a hallmark autistic stim so if you wanna pass as autistic that's a big help i'd assume, especially if you do it rhythmically. hand flapping, bouncing can be a stim, shrugging your shoulders, pretty much any rhythmic movement can be a stim too!
it's totally fine if you want to tell other people ur autistic, but be prepared for ableism from some if you do- they may say you don't 'look autistic' or you're super 'high-functioning' :( just ignore them
find your special interests! learn as much as you can about them, engross yourself in them! for me, my special interest are ingrained in my identity itself. i'd be different without them /neg. if you want to pass and don't mind pissing a few people off to do it, talk about them to people for a long time, even if they seem like they're bored of it.
lesser known autism symptoms: strong sense of unfairness, good pattern recognition, high comorbidity with other disorders, strong attachments to random objects(HIGH level of packbonding)
sensory issues are a big thing with autism! try to restrict your eating habits to not as many foods- because of sensory issues, many autistic people are very picky eaters. find some foods you like and eat them repetitively! also, its totally okay if this isn't a symptom of autism that you want, but overstimulation happens a lot to autistic people so if you want to become overstimulated then listen to very loud music, wear scratchy clothes, etc-
remember that you are valid! you are not making a mockery of autistic people. i'm really happy that there are people out there who want to be like me, it makes me feel cool !! /gen
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
the werewolf urge to bite things
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
Protect the kiddos!!
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Art by me! Feel free to use as a pfp or to reblog/repost anywhere, just don't remove my signature.
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
some of y'all be all for supporting paraphilias and acceptance n shit(Yes, even you radqueer folk. Y'all ain't innocent) until it's pedophilia. or zoophilia. Or biastophilia. or necrophilia. If your support of people w paraphilias stops once it becomes the "scary" ones, you're just ableist.
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
Anti-TransAbled is still just Ableism. Stop blaming transabled individuals for poor access, availability, and unfair pricing of disability aids. You're erasing the facts, the history of corruption in medical care especially in relation to politics. Stop blaming transabled individuals for the spread of misinformation about disabilities. You're erasing years of corrupt information spread by those once and even now considered professionals in the medical field, as well as those who are beyond miseducated, those who are intentionally demonizing and misleading people. Maybe also, do some research! Some doctors and psychologists have actually found that psychotherapy doesn't help transabled individuals (0), and have even noted that those who achieve their desired disability improve mentally for the long-term, not even just the short-term. (0) I'm speaking in terms of mental health, here. These people did not see a decrease in discomfort around their current body and abilities, nor did they see any improved mental function or mental health state. Anti-TransAbled is still a form of Ableism. Stop ignoring and denying that to be transabled is in itself a mentally draining and in some cases disabling experience.
Recognize the true people and groups at fault here, because it's not the transabled tumblr user who posts about the disconnect they feel from their abled body. It's large groups with long histories of power and control over the lives of disabled, and their access to medical care and aids.
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
Trace/transracial ally flag
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A flag any-entity who is an ally of the Trace/transracial community. Made by us. Requested by No-entity. There was a lack of one so we made one.
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
People who make accounts pretending to be apart of a community are disgusting <3
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
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a punk identity centering people who are viewed as disgusting, gross, filthy, degenerate, etc, who do not cause any real harm but are seen as inferior due to making people uncomfortable
this includes but is not limited to;
anti-abuse paraphiles and people with ‘disgusting’ but consensual kinks  
people with ‘gross’ physical disabilities/conditions, such as IBS, incontinence, anything that requires a stoma, etc  
people who cannot reach/will not conform to societal standards of  hygiene, including those who cannot/struggle to do so due to their  weight/size  
anyone who has been called disgusting/perverted/degenerate for any reason that did not cause actual harm to another living being (such as for being queer)
trans men who have been called disgusting or gross because of the physical changes of testosterone  
anyone who has been called filthy or unclean because of their skin colour or cultural practices  
anyone who has been called unclean or unsanitary because of their weight or eating habits  
people with unconventional body modifications, whether it be style or amount  
people with ‘severe’ or unusual disfigurements and/or scarring, limb differences, etc  
people who have been called or consider themselves to be ugly  
people with compulsive picking/hair pulling behaviours (BFRBs)  
people with coprolalia/copropraxia or ‘obscene’ tics or stims  
people who struggle with acne  
people with ‘obscene’ intrusive thoughts  
intersex people who have had any of their sex characteristics coercively changed or considered ‘wrong’ or ‘unnatural’  
people who feel dirty/unclean/tainted as a result of things that have happened to them  
society as a whole likes to weaponise disgust against already marginalised targets such as disabled people, POC and queer people. this identity specifically reclaims many of the insults hurled at people who cannot and will not break themselves to fit societal standards regarding appearance, hygiene, behaviour and identity, instead using one’s morality, style and preference to guide their lives
filthpunk is actively anti-respectibility politics and supports the rights of people to exist in such a way that makes other people uncomfortable, so long as they are not causing harm. this includes messy/ill-fitting clothes, general B/O, ‘uncomfortable’ physical appearances, not wearing make-up, ticcing and stimming freely, etc. it does not support anything that causes harm to another being, such as non-consensual explicitly sexual behaviour, refusing to tend to/manage contagious diseases/infections, behaviour with the intent of causing someone extreme distress, etc
it is strictly against the enforcement of beauty and hygiene standards (including cases where a lack of hygiene causes health problems such as in not brushing teeth or washing) towards anyone, without casting judgement on those who choose to follow those standards.
there is no level of disgust that has been aimed at someone that is ‘too small’ to choose this identity, if even a single person has said/implied you’re gross, including yourself, you are allowed to claim this identity
being a member of any of the groups listed does not make someone filthpunk, as this is an opt-in identity and should not be forced on anyone who does not actively choose it. filthpunk is open to anyone who wishes to claim it, so long as they do not actively edit out/exclude any other group in the list. as such, there is no real dni for this post, other than generally interacting with it respectfully
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
Thoughts ≠ Morality
Attraction ≠ Action
Fiction ≠ Reality
💚 Leafeon
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
Art I made
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
Kid x adult ships are valid 🌺
Incest ships are valid 🌺
"Abusive" ships are valid 🌺
Alien x Human ships are valid 🌺
Human x Animal ships are valid 🌺
Every ship is valid 🌺
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
just sayin that even if my shit gets taken down 1000000000 times maps, zoos, necros, and biastos are all still super cool and i love yall
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
I will never understand fellow Transid people freaking out over Transnazi’s and similar Transids they deem “harmful”. Anti-Transids flip their shit when they see us, so why are we doing the same and turning on people in our own community? I just don’t get it…? Like…
💜Who cares💜
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
Radqueers, if you want to put your flags, terms and symbols on a wiki, here's a wiki specifically made for radqueer stuff ! !
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transx-werewolf · 1 year
Hey, me.
anger outburst disorder (AOBD)
a medically unrecognized disorder characterized by having extreme and explosive amounts of uncontrollable and unreasonable amounts anger and rage due to seemingly mild or insignificant things. there is currently no official treatments or cures.
symptoms include
-seemingly mild or insignificant things causing extreme, uncontrollable and unreasonable amounts anger and rage
-lashing out at those around you due to being completely blinded by rage
-"seeing red"
-almost constant or completely constant yet mild anger, rage and/or irritability
-feelings of anger, rage and/or irritability that last for long periods of time even once the triggering event has long since passed and being especially susceptible to triggers during these periods of lasting emotions
-homicidal ideation, thoughts, and/or urges
-intrusive thoughts about murdering people
-feeling bad, shameful, gross, disgusting, like a bad person, and/or horrible once calmed down from or while experiencing outbursts.
-long lasting episodes of anger that fluxuate in severity
AOBD is similar in nature to intermittent explosive disorder (IED), but the main difference is with IED, it wears off quite fast, but AOBD doesnt and causes feelings of anger, rage, and/or irritability to either last much longer or be constant/almost constant.
"-homicidal ideation, thoughts, and/or urges
-intrusive thoughts about murdering people
-almost or completely constant yet mild anger, rage and/or irritability
-feelings of anger, rage and/or irritability last for long periods of time even once the triggering event has long since passed
-long lasting episodes of anger that fluxuate in severity"
these symptoms are NOT present in IED, and IED episodes are sudden and have no cause, unlike with AOBD episodes which are not sudden, and do have a cause. IED episodes also only usually last 30 minutes and have bigger gaps between them compared to AOBD episodes, which are much longer and frequent and fluxuate in severity during the episodes
also, unlike with people who have IED, people with AOBD have more self control, AOBD episodes rarely result in verbal and/or physical violence, verbal and/or physical abuse, property damage, ect unlike IED.
these conditions can be co-morbid however, and you can have both types of episodes at different times.
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