traceyeo Ā· 6 years
5 August 2018 Group behaviours have a knack of keeping everyone in the group on the same page of thought and culture.
Thatā€™s not a bad thing. But oftentimes there are individuals who have not caught up. Or, can I say, leaders of change who are far ahead. And what happens is that the stragglers, those who want to keep up but have not yet (with no fault of theirs perhaps) try too hard.
I see it in Ananias and Sapphira. Acts 5.
In Acts 1 there is Jesusā€™ promise of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2 a revival strikes and Holy Spirit fire šŸ”„ saves 3000 in a day. They speak in tongues, known and unknown, you can imagine the city in uproar, dreams and visions, healings, miracles happening. Like a weighted stone thrown into still waters, the widening effect is unstoppable!
In Acts 3, the man lame from birth stands and leaps and walks. We know from Acts 5 that people bring out their sick and ill on stretchers and lay them in the streets for Peterā€™s shadow to fall over. The towns are in a fantastic Holy Spirit chaos that messes manā€™s plans! Peter and John are arrested and get thrown in prison for the government to try and attain orderliness.
And then there is Ananias and Sappira- fellow believers. What happened to them?
They sold their property, the money šŸ’° was theirs to use as they pleased. But Peter says that they lied to God. This was personal. Between them and God.I suspect they wanted to keep up with the move they had seen. They wanted to. But they were not yet ready. So they pretended.
My point is this... we (if in A&Sā€™s shoes) must keep it real, we need always remember that we account to God and not man. How can we (if in their leadersā€™ shoes) help the fellow family of believers to know that they need not simply be pressured from the outward to say and do what they see. But continue to prepare and ready themselves towards the goal?
Have you been on a large group chat where everyone says ā€˜Amen!ā€™ in unison. Could there be just one or two there who felt that they had to join in?
Sometimes itā€™s easier to join the crowd than to be real. Or does being real sometimes cause yourself to be criticised? This too is something the leaders need keep be aware of.
Both Ananias and Sapphira died. God struck them because they had tested the Holy Spirit to protect their outward image. They paid a heavy price. And as a result, great fear (Godly fear) came upon the community - that we should never test the Holy Spirit. That we need to keep it real with God. Be truthful.
And that it is ok to sell the property and keep the money? Yes. It is ok to see the doctor when we are ill? Yes. It is ok not to fast when everyone is fasting through a corporate fast? Yes. But we need to keep it real between ourselves and with God. And the rest who are running with the lead should not judge. Right? :)
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traceyeo Ā· 7 years
Who Will You Believe? 7 March 2017 Notes fm my weekly scribblings to Aunty Chris and Uncle Darren : ------- *Matt 16* *The Pharisees and Sadducees* - The Pharisees were very well educated. Paul, before his conversion, was very proud of what he knew. His teacher was Gamaliel. It's like if I told you my music teacher is Beethovan or Bowie...šŸ˜œ They knew the Torah law very well. They lived for the smallest points of the oral Law (that is the Traditions handed down by word of mouth). - The Sadducees had noble and aristocratic blood. They read only the written law, and didn't believe in angels, spirits or resurrection...(see Acts 23:8). They did not look for a Messiah. They worked with the Romans bec they wanted wealth and power. Ok. So now it's funny. Bec Pharisees and Sadducees are actually enemies. But they became Frenemies to gang up on Jesus! v1 ā€œThe Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Jesus, they asked Him to show them a sign from heaven. _These guys saw many signs and miracles fm Jesus. But no, they wanted a sign fm heaven!_ v2-3 But He replied to them, "When it is evening, you say, ' It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.' And in the morning, ' There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times? _Jesus is saying that they are so clever to read the weather and seasons and clouds. But Jesus is making the blind see, deaf hear, lame to walk, multiply food, and yet they refuse to see or acknowledge. These signs were already prophesied in the Old Testament books by their prophets and they should know._ v4 An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and a sign will not be given it, except the sign of Jonah." And He left them and went away. _Jesus is saying that you can have as many signs as you ask for but the heart won't change. Signs and miracles alone convert no one. As long as our hearts refuse to believe, it won't. We will use all reasons and logic to logic it away. And back to square one!_ šŸ˜’ _Dont place your confidence in signs and wonders_ (uncle) Joe was sharing something... that God does show us a lot of small blessings and signs... but the test of faith is when we say 'Even if He doesn't, I will still believe!' Like the story of Daniel's 3 friends - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego- in the furnace. Daniel Chapter 3 - The Babylonian king threw them in the furnace for not bowing down to his gold image. They prayed for God to help. But they said ' Dan 3:17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majestyā€™s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.ā€ This is the kind of faith that tests us. But remember the character of God... He is faithful. He is a Father who loves you. Just like how you wld gladly reward or give your child what they want/need, so does our Heavenly Father. And we must know that, amen? If He holds back, there is a reason. If not for us, it is for our response to others around. Bless ā¤šŸŒæ
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traceyeo Ā· 7 years
Humbly Ask
And make it personal! 7 March 2017 Matt 15: 21-28 The Canaanite woman... I like this passage v much. I took something more fm it than most readings... ---- Remember that the Canaanites were supposed to be eliminated fm the land in Joshua's time? I don know if the ancient Canaanites were really barbaric. They had infant sacrifice to Molech, all sorts of sensual rituals, according to research. They killed rampantly and one commentary says perhaps, if you imagine ISIS today, even cannibal societies and even tribal ones, these angry and violent cultures were and are real. Bible says that the measuring cup for Canaan was somehow full. And God made the Jews wait in Egypt until Moses' day. Hence somehow God's timing was for the Jews to take over by Joshua's time. So fast forward to Jesus' day => This Canaanite woman was like a 2nd class citizen. Jesus somehow knew that He was going to meet someone like her. Bec v21 says that he left the Jewish area for Tyre and Sidon which is an *80km walk* away. No bus, no car!šŸ˜œ Bible doesn't say it, but if we know Jesus communicating w His Dad, He probably had a leading to go all the way there bec someone needed Jesus. This is how God works. Jesus headed into Gentile territory. v22 The woman made her daughter's needs her own and interceded. *She knew* who Jesus was 'Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David' This was a miracle bec, remember that even the disciples couldn't say who Jesus was. Only Peter later said, You are the Christ (Messiah) the Son of the Living God. v23 Jesus did not say a word to her. *Jesus did not answer her* Have we felt that way before? Why hasn't Jesus answered us? The disciples told Jesus to send her away, bec she was following, pestering and crying. Actually, commentary said they were probably saying...'Jesus, pls give her what she asks and send her way bec she kachoh (disturb) us!' But Jesus' silence only drew a *greater faith response.* This lady was a dedicated intercessor. She was convicted about what Jesus could do. Her only hope. And she was not about to walk away. *If we have no answer yet, do we give up or draw closer?* v25 She fell at His feet Jesus told her that His mission is to *the lost sheep* šŸ‘ - the Jews first! He had 3 years. Then the disciples wld take over and reach out to the Gentiles and we, to the nations! Miracle #2 - The lady understood! And she replied 'but even the dogs get the crumbs that fall off the table' She knew her lowly position in society. She knew Jesus' mission to the Jews first. She did not debate with pride. She said 'Lord/Sir, help *me* (not my daughter) *Many times, I realised that my prayer for others has not been personal enough. Just bec my life is fine, am I asking just to list the prayer list as a token? Or has my friend's plight become mine that I shd beg on my knees w a whole heart ā¤ļø?* v28 Jesus fulfilled what He walked 80km for. He said directly to her 'O woman, great is your trust/faith' Jesus could hv praised her Courage/ persistence/ humility/ patience/ hardship/ endurance) I imagine her daughter's condition must hv caused years of hardship to drive the mom this far... What does it take for us to bank every dependence and hope in God? And then to step out to do what we can do to grab the promise that is ours, despite silence and waiting? šŸŒæā¤
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traceyeo Ā· 7 years
And how do we get in? 12 January 2017
Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened,
In Matt Chapter 11, John the Baptist is in prison. We know he is later beheaded on a whim of Herodā€™s niece (turned step daughter).
John baptized Jesus but bec he died before Jesus, John did not get to enjoy the HSā€™s infilling.
v12 Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violenceā€¦ā€œviolent ones snatch itā€ (CJB), ā€œpeople try to force themselves inā€ (MSG), *the intensity of spiritual warfare* (David Guzik)
What then is the way into the Kingdom of Heaven?
v20 Jesus says to the towns that have seen the most of His miracles ā€œWoe to you bec you still donā€™t *turn from your ways* !ā€ (Paraphrased) v25 Jesus says that somethings are concealed to the sophisticated, but revealed to the ordinary people.
v27 Jesus is the One who chooses to reveal Himself to you and me. (Paraphrased)
And then back to the verse: and I will give you rest.
We ALL have a struggle. At least one! Or more. Be it a relationship, marriage, health, sick relative, financial, life matter, roadblockā€¦
God does not immediately take the burden out of our lives. He allowed it there. But He can give us REST.
He says ā€˜Take my yoke (the harness that links 2 cows to walk together) upon you and learn from me,
Learn from Him to be ā€œgentle and humble in heartā€ ,
ā€œWalk with Me and work with Me - Watch how I do it ā€ ā€œKeep company with me and you will learn to live freely and lightlyā€ (MSG)
and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.ā€ā€
His ways and His companionship, Presence - is the entry point into the Kingdom of Heaven!
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traceyeo Ā· 7 years
A closer look in Matthew 6 20 November 2016
1. *Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name*
ā€˜Fatherā€™ (Abba) for the Jews, then, was an intimate title. You needed blood relationship privilege!
2. *Your Kingdom come, Your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven*
In all things we do and say, at the back of our mind and heart is a purpose for His glory and agenda. Whether helping others, giving, speaking, washing.
Even for Jesus, neither obstacles nor disobedience came between Him and Daddy God.
The OPPOSITE of His purpose is to ā€˜protect and promote ourselvesā€™
3. *Give us THIS day our daily bread*
Godā€™s Provision for us is physical too! And it is daily. He is faithful.
4. *Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us*
When we know how much we have been forgiven, we can truly forgive others.
The right ā¤ļøposture brings us Provision, Forgiveness and Deliverance.
5. *Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil*
Do not lead us into hard-testing. We are tested all the time! All the time we are tested! Every turn, relationship, corner of disagreement, a different opinion, how the heart responds is the test. And yet, once we pass thru, we never boast of our own strength.
6. *For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, now and forever*
The Credit for everything in and for us belongs to God!
Amen! šŸŒæ
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traceyeo Ā· 7 years
Heart-turners ...
ā€¦keeping our eyes on the Lord :) 20 November 2016
Last Wednesday, I caught up with my niece (of the same age as myself), Charissa. My grandfather and her great grandfather were brothers.
We met at NUS studying psychology and again at work in Mediacorp (then TCS) working in the Entertainment unit. And had not met up properly since then (1993).
*Hyper grace* We got to talking about the Hyper-grace topic. And she simplified it this way - that in hyper-grace churches, the FOCUS of grace is on MAN, what it can do for us. But in a correct view of grace, the focus is always on God, what He gives, and our attitude.
*Heart-turners* Through the years we meet old colleagues and friends. We agreed that when speaking to friends who were once on fire for God, we always come to recognise that there is a line as to how far we can urge our friends to believe again. The price is if we want to keep the door of friendship open? Do we want to be able to meet up again? This takes discernment. Oftentimes we feel responsible when we part with such a friend, wondering if we have said and sowed enough. And we need remember that God is the Lord of the harvest. We just keep sowing, watering and may or may not be the ones with the duty and honour to harvest. Our roles are as *heart-turners* as in Malachi 4:6. When we speak, we simply turn the hearts of fathers to children, and children to God. Children to fathers, and fathers to God.
ā€œHe will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.ā€œā€ ā€­ā€­Malachiā€¬ ā€­4:6ā€¬ ā€­
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
Having the mind of Sons and Daughters
No Longer Slaves indeed 15 August 2016
Isaiah 49 contains the second of four Servant Songs that can be found in the book of Isaiah.
These songs (Isaiah 42, 49, 50, 52-53) tell of the coming birth, suffering and death of Jesus and His promise of deliverance.
ā€œā€¦ADONAI called me from the womb; before I was born, He had spoken my name. Isaiah 49:1
This morning I was drawn to listen to Jonathan David Helserā€™s ā€˜No Longer Slavesā€™ again.
Verse Two reads From my motherā€™s womb You have chosen me Love has called my name Iā€™ve been born again Into Your family Your blood flows through my veins
Chorus Iā€™m no longer a slave to fear I am a child a God.
Ephesians 1:4 says He knew us before the foundations of the earth. Jeremiah 1:5 says Before I formed you in the womb I knew youā€¦
Would the God who called Isaiah from the womb, Jesus from beginning of time Saul who became Paul, King David, Abraham, Isaac, Jacobā€¦
the God who named the Gentile King Cyrus (Darius) 200 years before he was bornā€¦
ā€¦. and who sent a prophetic word to the cancer-stricken and ex-drug addict parents of the yet conceived Jonathan David Helser that their son would one day write prophetic songs that the world would singā€¦! https://www.facebook.com/ywamkona/videos/1362627743766318/
Would this same God who knew them all have known you and me before we were formed? And so He had a plan and calling for us? And so we can trust our Originator, Creator, Architect, Maker? You bet!
He has made my mouth like a sharp sword while hiding me in the shadow of his hand; He has made me like a sharpened arrow while concealing me in his quiver. ā€­ā€­Isaiah 49:2ā€¬ ā€­CJBā€¬ā€¬
Iā€™ve been pondering this.
God fine tunes, sharpens, trains us up to shape in hiding. In the shadow of His hand. He works on us, hence the shadow. We remain in His covering, shelter presence. Without limelight, without advertisement, Possibly without fanfare and the public knowing. And our struggle while we shapen up is often isolating, feels isolated, misunderstood. No one quite understands our predicament. Neither is the sharpening process pleasant. Concealed in His quiver, like an arrow ready and waiting, but for when? When will it be our turn to fly, Lord? Or for that matter, any of our loved ones? We wait. And wait.
The time will come when He draws us out. And we will know. It cld be just for a single shot. But it will be worth it all, flying for Him.
A visiting missionary recently pointed out, from the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, that there is an enormous difference between the mentality of a Son and the mentality of a Slave.
The surprising thing is that BOTH Sons held the mentality of slaves.
In v12, the prodigal son asked for 'MY share of YOUR estate.ā€™ When the Father later explained v31 that all He had 'was yoursā€™ in the first place!
The elder son was not better off in his head and heart, he decided that he had not been 'rewardedā€™ by His Father after all these years. v29 He never realised that everything there on the farm was his! And according to Jewish custom, the elder brotherā€™s share was a DOUBLE portion.
So it is slaves who work for a reward. They work out of fear. They compete with fellow slaves. They compare rewards and count praises. But Sons do things for Dad out of love and admiration. Their identity is secure and they donā€™t need to count because what Dad has laid up for them is an Inheritance!
Even if our children falter and fail to hit the mark, as parents, that doesnā€™t change our relationship.
Verse 3 I am surrounded By the arm of the Father I am surrounded By songs of deliverance Weā€™ve been liberated From our bondage Weā€™re the sons and daughters Let us sing our freedom.
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you form the beginning? ... It is He who sits above the circle of the earth' !
Isaiah, the prophet, who lived in 700BC said this 400 years before Aristotle argued it and 2200 years before Columbus proved the world was not flat. How did Isaiah know? :)
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
ā€¦ and so are we! 6 July 2016
Letter to my three, Seth, Luke and Olivia
My friend Lydia is married to an Italian artist. Not a wannabe artist. Someone who sells internationally, to companies, corporations in Japan, NYC, Europe, Australia.
Lydia explained that while they are extremely busy travelling and selling, the painting and time required to execute the creative work on to canvas is not the problem. The artist needs a lot of space - because the work of art is conceived, detailed, blue-printed for its techniques, media, proportions, texture, composition IN THE MIND way before it is executed on canvas in pencil and paint.
ā€œYou saw me BEFORE I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.ā€ ā€­ā€­Psalmsā€¬ ā€­139:16ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬
ā€œā€œI knew you BEFORE I formed you in your motherā€™s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed youā€¦ ā€­ā€­Jeremiahā€¬ ā€­1:5ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬
Elohim - God Creator. He had us in mind, conceived. He holds the blue-prints. You see something and you know, in your spirit and conscience, that is something you CAN DO. Something clicks. Sure, the journey will seem mountainous. But we call it a gut feel. Our reasonings and logic may agree with it. But sometimes REASONINGS and LOGIC can also DETER and CONFUSE that inner compass because we see with our physical eyes the obstacles and impossibilities and become discouraged by limitations.
ā€œSince we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spiritā€™s LEADING in EVERY part of our lives.ā€ ā€­ā€­Galatiansā€¬ ā€­5:25ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬
ā€œWe can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.ā€ ā€­ā€­Proverbsā€¬ ā€­16:9ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬
DELIGHT yourself in the Lord; And He will GIVE you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
ā€˜Delightā€™ really means to keenly seek out His Word, understand His character, know how He sees and does things, why he does it that way, His heart and follow it.
Arguing and rebelling actually delays the personal forward process.
ā€œBe still in the presence of the LORD, and WAIT PATIENTLY FOR HIM to act. Donā€™t worry about EVIL PEOPLE WHO PROSPER or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temperā€” it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those WHO TRUST in the LORD will POSSESS the land.ā€ ā€­ā€­Psalmsā€¬ ā€­37:7-9ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬
That land is our inheritance. The blue-print.
"My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,ā€ says the LORD. ā€œAnd my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.ā€ ā€­ā€­Isaiahā€¬ ā€­55:8ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬
So ask (wait) seek (listen) knock (be bold).
ā¤ļømom Bless šŸŒæ
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
Welcome to the Narrow Road! 2 July 2016
Perhaps it is true that we have often been told the salvation message with emphases on healing, liberty, restoration, new sight and hearing, receiving from the Father.
Is there anywhere in the bible that tells us that the road and process to salvation and into Godā€™s Kingdom comes with a cost?
Itā€™s says almost everywhere in the Word of God. In fact, Jesus spelt it out so clearlyā€¦
Take Matthew 7 alone. The whole thing.
Verses 1-6 tells us we need to continually EXAMINE our INTERNAL selves and ATTITUDES before we make a judgement on anyone apart from ourselves.
First remove the plank from your own eyeā€¦ v5
Neither is this a one time deal.
But this is not to say that we should not discern or make a judgement so as to understand what is going on around us. For in the very next verseā€¦
ā€˜Do not give what is holy (godly correction or nuggets of wisdom and understanding) to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before swineā€™, (in other words, USE DISCERNMENT when we speak and to whom). ā€˜Lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.ā€™
Not the words that are torn to piecesā€¦ but you. For the enemy uses every circumstance to taunt, steal, kill, destroy, (John 10:10) and tear us up, bring our esteem down, kill our hopes, weigh down emotions, blind our vision.
Fix your eyes on Jesus! Heb 12:12 He is the true Author (writer creator) and Finisher of our faith!
Verse 7-8 Ask, Seek and Knock. If everything was laid out at armā€™s reach, we would need to do none of these. Asking, seeking and knowing clearly communicates a demand for PERSEVERANCE and RESILIENCE. Each is a level above the other. Asking is just by mouth. Seeking means we canā€™t see it now. Knocking is a physically demanding action.
And this action is not in vain.
The word of God says (!) Ask and you WILL RECEIVE Seek and you WILL FIND Knock and the door WILL BE OPENED.
And then Jesus goes on to explain why this is a for-sure, done dealā€¦ BECAUSE our Heavenly Father can only do abundantly MORE GOOD than any dad wants to do, in love, for his child.
But will we persevere in believing prayer? Expressing our complete dependence on Him? Surrendering our own wills and wants. Aligning our hearts to His. And give Him the glory for all that comes to pass?
And then there is verse 13-14. Jesus lays it out so clearly : 'Wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are MANY who go by it.ā€™
'Narrow is the gate and DIFFICULT is the Way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.ā€™
Therefore 'Enter by the Narrow gateā€™.
The Wide Gate includes: - Open-mindedness without discernment to new social trends rather than aligning it with the Word - Thinking that church attendance once a week is enough to qualify us a place in heaven - Going ahead with our own plans and ambitions without hearing from or checking in with Heavenly Father.
The Narrow Gate includes: - A daily effort to seek God in the small things - Sponging up His Word, because Jesus is the Word, and the Word is Light and a lamp (guide) to our feet (walk). - Self-sacrifice - Putting others first - Obeying Him above obeying our thoughts and plans - Persevering in what we know is right
So how come we didnā€™t know or expect that being a Christian is hard?
Is it because the Church teaching we grew up on was unbalanced?
Is it because we gravitate to hear the good things and shy away from the hard truths?
Matthew 7 is also the chapter that tells us that we can know good trees (people) by their good fruit! That the invisible and internal changes become visible and external evidence. v15-20
Matthew 7 also explains that neither is it the big gigs and showy deeds that gain us entry into Heaven IF WE DID NOT HEAR from Papa God to do them.
'Not everyone who says to me 'Lord Lordā€™ shall enter the Kingdom of heaven, but He who does the will of My Fatherā€¦ā€™
'Let Your Kingdom come, let YOUR WILL be done (on earth and in us)ā€™
So KNOWING Him intimately, spending time daily, growing a relationship with God is needful.
And here it can either become a burden or a draw.
A burden because we wonder how we can have enough time to add God (our Lord, Saviour and King) into the already busy plan!
Or a draw because we have tasted of His goodness. He has saved us from many miry pits already! Heā€™s always there when we meet Him. Heā€™s always listening! Heā€™s better than any obliging friend or family member who may have their moody moments!
Well put in Don Moenā€™s song:
I will come to You You have the Words of Life I will come to You You are the Door I will come to You You are the Light of Life I will come to You For You are Lord!
Blessed dayšŸŒæ
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
The main and sub plots of our ongoing war 1 June 2016
FACT: The day we decided to follow Christ, we stepped into a war.
And if we decided not to follow him, (meaning we knew but chose not) we would become, by default, victims and casualties used and misused by the Enemy for his wily ways.
šŸ›”BATTLE #1 Thereā€™s something about the unseen that we need to know.
In 2 Kings 6, the Syrian army had surrounded Elishaā€™s area and want to capture him because they realised he had somehow been ā€˜eavesdroppingā€™ on the Syrian kingā€™s battle plans, as if a fly on the kingā€™s bedroom wall. We all know Elisha was a prophet with the double portion anointing of Elijah!
Elishaā€™s servant completely freaked out with anxiety. And then Elisha opened his servantā€™s spiritual eyes. Behold they saw the vast army of Godā€™s horses and chariots. It must have been spectacular.
The Lord fights FOR us and WITH us.
šŸ›”BATTLE #2 In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehosaphat (king of Judah) is surrounded by Moabite and Ammonite armies ready to destroy his people. It is a great multitude and Jehosaphat is deeply distressed. He responds by calling for a national fast and prayer.
Jehosaphat knew something about the spiritual victory ahead of the natural.
Mind you, in the natural, he was probably shaken to the core. By sight, logic and calculation, Judah was a dead duck.
How does one conquer fear from blatant and logical evidence?
Jehosaphat understood something about displaying his dependence on God. The prophets spoke victory. Jehosaphat sent his Singers out to give thanks and praises ahead of the army. He proceeded to send his army out to face what was ahead. Prophet Jahaziel had instructed that on the morrow, they should ā€˜go down against themā€™. I donā€™t think the prophets or the king knew exactly HOW God would resolve or bring on this overcoming of the deadly onslaught.
The spoiler: WHILE they were singing and praising God, the Ammonites and Moabites killed the people at Mount Seir, and then they killed each other. Ambushed. Judah stood by and watched.
I believe God wanted their active participation. Even as He said that the battle was His, it was not for everyone to go home and hide under the blankets!
The Battle is His. But WE ARE PARTICIPANTS and PARTNERS with GOD on our DAILY and ONGOING BATTLES, amen?
šŸ›”BATTLE #3 God shows us who He is in some battles, by reducing our resource.
In Judges 7, Gideon has an army of 32 000 to face the Medianite force of 135 000.
God instructs Gideon to reselect the participants and the final number is 300.
Impossible to understand.
But we see that Godā€™s strategy was on both the enemy camp side as well! They had a prophetic dream. And Godā€™s strategy to Gideon was almost ridiculous! They were to create a ruckus, break clay jars while on higher ground, blow their trumpets and carry a torch. The enemies scattered like baygoned ants.
When our side has low or dwindling resources, our faith is tested so hard.
I experienced this last week. Everything was well arranged for movers to move out 4 pieces of heavy furniture from my home to the church Youth Hall. Initially I had movers who would do the job for me. And then I only had a driver and a lorry. So I fixed friends to come and help. And then the dates shifted and I had no help except my family of 4. My maid was on her off day. And I wasnā€™t sure I could get the church Youth to come back on a Sunday afternoon to help out on their side! But EVERYTHING worked out. We were able and more than sufficiently provided for to get the job done. Hallelujah!
šŸ›”BATTLE #4 Moses and the Israelites caught between the charging army behind and the Red Sea in front.
Moses said to them, ā€˜Do not fear. Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today. The Lord will fight for you.ā€™
What a declaration! I donā€™t know at which point exactly Moses knew HOW God would provide for them.
And then the Lord said to Moses, 'WHY are you crying out to meā€¦ GO FORWARD. Lift up your staffā€¦!ā€™
šŸŒæWhat I do note is that:
1. God provides for us at the point we are unable to do anything! 2. We need to participate. And we are very much INSIDE the battle, although it is the Lordā€™s 3. We must continue to take up a POSITION of faith.
Blessed day Soldier! Youā€™re on the victory side!
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
How He loves us soā€¦ 7 May 2016
Two centuries before Babylon Empireā€™s fall, ( I am plodding thru at chapter 21 now, moving at šŸŒā€™s pace! )the prophet Isaiah foretold both the name of the conquering Persian king, Cyrus, who was not yet born - and the way he would defeat Babylon.
Isaiah 45:1 ā€œTHUS SAYS the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before himā€¦
Get this! Cyrus would divert and dry up the 2 canals, fed by the Euphrates River, that ran as a protective moat around Babylon. With this his armies entered the city through open gates along the river encountering little resistance. The Babylonians were reveling on the night Cyrus took the city. Mighty Babylon fell in one night.
This was the Babylon as towering, mighty, fearful, reputable, famous, unconquerable as Goliath! The same enormity as some of the problems we see right now in our midstā€¦
If God decrees itā€¦..? Who can stop the Lord Almighty! say the lyrics of this song I love - The Lion and the Lamb https://youtu.be/q1SXPODm0uE
All of us stand in some form of miry pitsā€¦ Things are not right. We are waiting for some things to happen, they havenā€™t happenedā€¦and yet
Ephesians 1:4 He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Himā€¦.
So He knew us, what weā€™d do and what weā€™d face, calling and choosing us before we were born? Calling and setting His promises before us.
Rev 17:14 (a)These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, (b) because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful.
I put in the (a) and (b)
In (a), it simply tells us we have trouble. hah! We are continually at war with the enemy and the enemy with us if we walk on the Lordā€™s side.
In (b), it affirms we are called and chosen! The faithful bit depends on our daily choices to bite the dust, not gratify the carnal us, and learn to walk by hearing and trusting.
Does not that comfort us to know that He knows. Some parts He is waiting for our response, our choices to abide, obey, follow, entrust. Some parts only He can do.
His Promises are true! O, how He loves us soā€¦
Blessed Momā€™s Day all! ā¤ļø
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
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All set to GO. Wait a minute! I can't take you Chewy!
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
Just came across a v interesting analogy this mrng in Jer 48:11
ā€œ"Moab has been at ease since his youth; He has also been undisturbed, like wine on its dregs, And he has not been emptied from vessel to vessel, Nor has he gone into exile. Therefore he retains his flavor, And his aroma has not changed.ā€
That ppl, like wine, if settled too long, retain old nature, ignorance, hardness of heart, stronger strengths, own richness which they trust in.
This is our own nature. We learn our strengths, abilities, resources, and we use them! Anything wrong? No.
We use our 5 senses, we rely on our knowledge built up, anything wrong?ā€¦ Not wrong, but there is a flip side.
*Every strength has a weakness!*
*When we become so automated on our own abilities, we lose dependence on God.*
We hv seen this all too many timesā€¦ Why villagers in nations surrender to God and throw out walking sticks, wheelchairs, the blind see, sit in mud and worship without time limit.
As illustrated by Jeremiah above - When lives, decantered from jar to jar, emptied from vessel to vessel, go through a pouring process of refinement, testing, testing again, we work thru a process of letting go the old nature, pride, presumptions, reliances, luxuries of old.
This is the Lordā€™s process of translation from kingdom of darkness to His Kingdom. More dependence on Him, more communication with Him.
Blessed Sunday all!šŸŒøšŸŒæā¤ļøšŸ––šŸ¼
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traceyeo Ā· 8 years
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Today my Number Two found his no.2 (Electric guitar)! Glad he included me on this part of the journey! This one's a Paul Reed Smith. The inlay is beautiful!
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