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towingoncall · 6 years
Towing Operator Safety Tips
Tow truck drivers are often the first to respond to an accident scene. Because of this, the scene may not yet have traffic control from police or emergency respondents, which can create a very dangerous scenario.
If the driver of the car is in emotional disarray, then the towing operator has to place focus in two places at once: comforting the driver as well as handling the wreckage. Distractions like this could be costly and even deadly to a towing operator who isn’t following the proper safety precautions.
To mitigate risk on the road, here are top safety tips and training advice recommended for all towing operators.
Towing Operator Safety Tips & Advice
Safety On Scene
As mentioned before, towing operators are often the first to respond to the scene of an accident. Therefore they must have a firm understanding of how to create the safest environment for themselves, the accident victims, as well as other accident respondents.
Here’s how a towing operator can make the side of the road secure:
Warning Equipment: Emergency lights cones and flares will all alert drivers passing by about the hazard. Make sure and keep your emergency lights on and be extremely careful while putting flares and cones in the road. Always expect the unexpected!
Safety Equipment: A towing operator should always be wearing a reflective vest that complies by the American Standards Institute. Reflective helmets should also be worn to help increase the visibility of the towing operator as well as protect their head from cables and Equipment while loading the vehicle. Gloves should always be worn as well.
Consult Dispatch: Some scenarios may be too treacherous, or an operator may not know what the best decision is. In this situation it’s always best to call dispatch and gets another persons recommendation.
Know Your Truck
It’s critical for tow truck drivers to keep a well maintained truck and perform regular inspections before and after their shifts. Of course, there are laws and regulations that apply to tow trucks and they vary from state to state, so be sure you’re in compliance. In addition, drivers must know the towing capacity of their truck and be able to assess on the spot the ability of their truck to perform the job.
  Proper Loading Technique
Is critical to use the proper loading technique for a disabled vehicle. Do not try and force anything and always let the equipment do the work. Make sure before you start to load that you’ve assess the surrounding area to notice any risk such as overhanging tree limbs, signage, unstable ground or electrical lines. Vehicle placement is important as well to make sure that while loading everything is properly balanced and centered.
It’s easy to overlook the real dangers our towing professionals encounter every day. Even a wrong decision one time in one scenario can be life threatening, so it’s of utmost importance to make sure staff is trained to the highest standards and protocols. For more training resources and information visit the International Institute of Towing and Recovery.
If you are in need of tow truck service or roadside assistance today please give a call or message to your nearest Towing On Call location for immediate support.
The post Towing Operator Safety Tips appeared first on Towing On Call.
from Towing On Call https://towingoncall.com/towing-operator-safety-tips/
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