toussainttwins · 2 days
The younger twin longed to see a ghost. It troubled Nistana's pretty blond head that her lovers were separated from her by death's cold and stern touch. Despite a truly coquettish heart, the petite succubus felt the injustice keenly. Not only the loss of sugary words and warming embraces was concerning. Some sangbonbons were forgotten by everyone around them, with not even a year since they were laid underground or locked up in a marble sarcophagus, with a stone likeness atop, like some confeitery gone bad, the familiar, dear figure appearing sloshy and uncanny. Oh, they were merry and alive and never, never slept in such a solemn, clearly uncomfortable pose! All the same, as if no man was a man with his own dreams and memories, his own voice and his own touch. Nistana loathed, purely loathed when her lovers were buried with a stone effigy atop, like a forgotten army of toy soldiers in a dark and lonely box. Every Saovine when the trees danced bare and the winds howled desolately, the kind hearted Nistana hoped for a miracle. Trembling to the tips of her horns, she tiptoed to the Temple Cemetery at the dead of night, when the dead were ought to celebrate their eerie masquerade, using her thieving skills to pick up the lock at the gates with an elaborate hairpin. Oh, she was dressed for the occasion, stubbornly, despite many failings. A mourning veil, each prettier than the last, the silky touch of midnight velvet of her skirt and the laces so soft and ethereal to rival the moonlight itself! "Oh, please, stay!" a plump hand flew into the air, touching the maiden's elbow, tenderly beseeching with a velvety, warm fingers. An old gravestone, fallen and cracked, so old even caring Nistana could not remember, or find a anyone who could supply a lovely listener with an amusing story of bygone days, who was buried there. Surely, the person would not mind. Her companion, after all, just fell out of a portal in a middle of an unknown cemetery, with nary a kind soul around. And Toussaint was famous for its hospitality! "Ah, I am among the people I know...knew, and have nothing to be afraid of!" the words stuck in her mouth, as if they suddenly turned into hard, gleaming pearls. The younger twin wished she had the strength to close her lips least the pale-haired lass notice her dainty fangs, but oh, she could not...
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"Why...why do you have a witcher's medallion?" the sly, razor-sharp eyes of a cat seemed to cast a spell upon petite succubus and freeze her in place as if the hungry death yearned to make an example of a romantic seamstress, least someone else got into their heads to deny her the ultimate rule over the legion of never-beating hearts. The branches caught upon Nissa's skirts, the wind chilled her to the bone and almost torn the exquisite little veil off - her last mask against the unmentionable dread. "You...you aren't a witcher yourself, by any chance? There are no stories of lady witchers," piped the horned beauty, trembling to the tips of her horns.
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JUST LET ME HELP YOU. Who would want to help her? She was marked for death. The wild hunt wanted her and they would kill anyone who stood in there way. She had seen what happens when she lingers around for too long. They would pick up her trial, they would track her and they would kill anyone in there way. She had seen them slaughter entire villages, she had seen them kill innocents, she had seen the horror that they could unleash onto the world. It was better this way, to be alone. To keep moving, to keep pushing forward. To try and avoid making contact with anyone she knew. Too many had died already, no more needed to die because of her.
“That is very kind of you.” The offer was welcoming, especially now that she was so tired, so beaten, so down, but she could not put someone like this in harms way. “But I cannot take your help.”
To teleport, to open a portal, it was too risky. It was better to travel by foot and better - by horse if she could. She took a contract here and there, but only what was easy, only what offered quick and easy coin, but nothing more than that. This person had no reason to help her, the last person - the young man from the islands that aided her, had paid the price with his life. He died because of her, his blood was on her hands and that was not something that could be easily removed, that was not something she could just forget, that was something she was going to have to carry with her until the end of her days.
“It would be best, if you stay away from me.” She quickly stood up from the table and grabbed her bag, all her worldly possessions inside the tiny little brown sack. “Honestly, it would be best if you left this place as well, I have stayed here too long.”
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toussainttwins · 4 days
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intended for mature audiences, minors dni. specify muse if interacting with a multimuse.
what is their sexuality/sexual preference?
what is their romantic preference or inclination?
what are some features of others that attract them from the outset?
what are some features of others that arouse them, or they find arousing in a sexual situation?
what are their most common turn-ons?
what are some more situational or contextual turn-ons?
what attire do they feel most attractive in?
what attire do they find others most attractive in?
what is their favourite sexual act?
do they indulge in masturbation or personal fantasies?
how do they feel about foreplay?
how do they feel about one-night stands?
are they openly flirtatious/sexual, or are they quite private?
how open are they, or how do they feel about sexual experimentation? elaborate if needed.
what is something they consider a kink of their own?
have they engaged in sexual acts beyond themselves and a single partner (group sex, swinging, polyamory, etc.)?
how satisfactory has their sex life been thus far?
what is something they wish to try? why haven't they tried this yet?
are they dominant, submissive, switch, partner/context-dependent, or unsure?
do they prefer to give or receive sexually?
+ established ship question. in any/all verses, with any/all ships, have your character/s speak about that ship's intimate & sexual dynamic, and how they feel about it.
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toussainttwins · 6 days
Reblog this to have people go into your inbox & ask your character questions!
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toussainttwins · 7 days
{ Put a rumour about my muse in my inbox and my character will react to it }
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toussainttwins · 7 days
"Oh, but you are lying to me, sangbonbon!" the petite coquette gasped theatrically, both hands cupping the cheeks. "If you have been in love, you ought to have many such a battle," there, her tail gave a playful little twirl, to underline what kind of a warfare it was, the one usually conducted under the veil of the night, with swords that drew. "I can not imagine how one can live and not love, keeping their heart starved. That's why I have been deadly afraid of witchers, you see. You rarely hear a tale about a witcher in love, instead there is a lot of killing, even such peaceful, merry creatures as sylvans or beautiful and brave ones as dryads!" the absence of love was a certain and painful death to a succubus, and the horned beauty, even whence her pretty blonde head was full of wit and fantasies, could not phantom beyond her natural urges, how one could exist without opening one's heart at least to some sliver of seduction or gentleness.
In her everlasting curiosity, Natanis longed to reach out and touch his hand, to taste all the details of for herself - who was his beloved? Who managed to see behind the bitter grin and the uncanny feline-eyes? The crumbs he let her have pointed out that she was not the stormy sorceress from the songs. Oh, how intriguing! Oh, how romantic! "That's why you are different, Geralt. You do have a heart that beats for something more..." the plump dainty hand appeared from the milky fumes, but instead of a sympathetic touch it bore a small bottle, it's neck fancifully adorned with a little bow of silk. It gave a whiff of something cloyingly sweet, mouthwatering, bringing a bakery to mind. "It's for Roach, she is a true sangbonbon! You are the first witcher I met and she is the first horse I rode, so the darling occasion asks for festivities! It's the best hoof polish in the whole Duchy. And beyond!" proclaimed the vivacious voice. She noticed how before seeing to his own comfort, the white-haired witcher made sure his mare was comfortable, even if his weariness hang around him heavy like a cloak. The next moment the horned figure appeared from the smoke, wrapping up more for the looks than against the cold and bringing along a delicious smell like a jam tart, with just an echo of sulfur.
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"I am done. But I shall go only..." the pause stretched, growing solemn, growing almost cold, as the stars flickered above, as if holding their breath.
"...only if you carry me, dear master witcher. Oh, my poor hoofs are deadly tired from all daring adventures!" the petite coquette chuckled fruitily, hoping from a return laughter from Geralt - she liked his chuckles, such a smoky and warm affairs, quite unexpected judging by the intimidating looks and curt speech, that kept her at her hoof-tips with sticky fright. Besides, who would not like being cared by a strong, gallant sangbonbon? A tiny lie was fair for such a great treat.
“Cannot say I have ever been within a battle where both sides throw down their weapons and run and hug and kiss everyone, seen some strange things, not saying it is not possible.” As he would chuckle for the moment at her outlook on life.
He kept to his word, always. He never breaks it, not many people can say that, how he earned the title of white wolf as well, from his hair, to his movements, to how he even fights, hunts and kills, but like a wolf, there is a code, respect, some shred of honor and decency there, wolves don’t kill freely, nor do they do as they please, always sense, always reason, always something there for them, a purpose within the actions, the same for himself, wanting to try to have something for himself, to keep himself sane and not revert like other witchers and men who travel and fight.
Into a mindless killer.
Golden eyes cast to the mountain, some travel they have ahead of them, who knows what is there, word is a knight cursed into a giant, is on the other side, best to avoid anything that involves the lady of the lake, crossed her once, lost her sword, didn’t want to feel her wrath on him, like that knight, needing to get this little succubi home before things become worse, he figures he has two days on her hunters, maybe three, going to lose one stopping her, but taking her, in darkness, in winters winds, unwise.
“Told you, going to protect you, look after you, watch over you, been doing this a long time, know how it works.” He has taken maidens on travel as well, some squires as well, lords sons a few times, not his first travel contract to get someone from here to there, first time with a succubi, but rules apply, the high born lot, worried about the smell, the dirt, all of that, trying to stay ahead of that with this stop here to get her cleaned up, swamp was one thing, hag another, drowners an added bonus, lot of unknowns up that mountain, along with a cursed knight into a monster, not adding up to a fun time in his mind.
She wanted adventure and a story to tell, this was more than he had agreed to have.
“Seen succubi before, none like you, downfall of many men love struck and drunk, making fools of themselves, had to deal with such issues before, let the succubi go, she did nothing wrong, love is complex, makes people do foolish things.” As he leaned his head back and blew out a soft sigh, most of the contracts, never quite simple, this is one of them, not so black and white, never. Humans chasing a succubi, trying to capture it, when most would expect him to bring the succubi head back, he was not doing that, protecting her, she was the innocent party in this.
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“How many witchers have you come across?” As he raised an eyebrow. “Our training, what we are, cannot speak for the others, but I am just myself, nothing special.” As he looked back up. “Got no one, had someone, lost her, best thing as well, Triss was many things, but me and her, never going to work, she deserved better, still write to her, she has a life now, far away from these lands, a good life, don’t want to ruin it for her, married now to the work, the path, my contracts and helping people.” As he said, a witcher, was a life not meant to be shared with others, he loved Triss, he loved her so much, he let her go on that boat to escape the northern lands, maybe one day he will see her again, maybe, but for him.
It was one contract at a time.
“Get washed up, dressed and then inside for a hot meal, then rest, we leave at dawn, cannot waste time in the morning light, got a lot of traveling to do, doubt rouche will mind carrying you, she's taken a shine to you, so you get to be the lucky one while I walk.”
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toussainttwins · 9 days
"I prefer a kind of battles where both parties win, and where kisses are exchanged with passion and joy, not with gurgle and screams," pouted Natanis, clearly still abashed at the water hag's ravenous appetites for plump, pretty succubi. The hot springs seduced one into a languorous pleasure, verily it was a gift. The dread of water succumbed to the sights, and the petite succubus basked in the milky smoke, letting the starlight caress her skin. And not forgetting to turn her head in a way that was most advantageous to demonstrate the white wolf her warm smiles and wonderful horns, as he had complimented the last so gallantly. He did not lie and did not peep, so a good deed deserved a reward. The sound of his laughter was like a tiny spoon of jam to her lips; a treat tickling the appetite and well-liked. Afraid she was not. A coquette and a kind-heart the vivacious twin was, yet her wits were sharp as her needle. She took her time to ask Roach all about her companion, and the mare disclosed that a head of her kin never graced the saddlebags, no precious hoofs, no tail. Moreover, in a land of shrouded with snow and cut with mountains, she witnessed her witcher protecting a succubus, and the said horned beauty adorned her mane with rare flower, in a way of her joy and thanks. In short, Geralt was not lying to her. "Would you care to keep the guard? My horns are glamoured and well-hidden from the prying eyes, but my lovely hoofs are not. And they require my utmost attention after that terrible water hag licked them," a shudder went throught Natanis despite herself. Only now, once the fever of a chase had cooled down, did she realize that her lambkin of a sister could have never seen her again. Poor Nissa! For a moment Natanis' heart went blank with worry. If the Duchess sent a witcher after her, it meant there was something unexpected with their little double disguise, as no one was tending the Dreamveil. Where was her sister then? The petite succubus almost dropped a precious vial with an oil, intended for her hoofs. Then she felt a veil of warmth upon her. The moon slipped away from the clouds and shone down upon its child, as if tending to her worries with a caring caress. Why, of course, if something was wrong with Nistana she would feel it. In her very horns, in her very heart! And there was no dread in Natanis, as she closed her eyes and peered into the depth of her heart. Which meant, she must get the most stories out of her journey, to treat her desolate, home-cocconed creamy lambkin with!
"It's very hard to leave handsome things alone," sighed Natanis and wagged the tail, letting the drops of water fly around. Sometimes, it pleased herself to copy Nistana's mannerisms, as it chased away the cold hands of missing her twin, bringing them closer for a blink of an eye.
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"It's said the witchers can not feel, but now I have met such a sangbonbon as you are, I do not trust the tales. Does this place have a special meaning for you, did you embrace a lover under these very stars, in the shadow of Mount Gorgon? Oh, it's a perfect place for a tryst!"
His eyes shifted and turned, those slits within the splash of golden embers would narrow as he looked above, through the darkness, the twisting and howling wings, of the mountain that they would have to battle, against the elements and everything that will linger and remain there, but for tonight he would relax and be at peace within the hot springs and try and calm himself down and enjoy these moments here before another fight will come to pass.
“My gift to you, but these places are rare, doubt there would be one back home for you.” He commented.
Letting her know the simple truth, take this gift and not worry, because it would be once in a lifetime for her, as he holds doubt that once she is home, she will not be leaving the safety of those lands to ever come back here as he would settle down for the moment, letting her see what a life on the path was like, she saw the scars on his face, the marks there, the cut back white hair showing more, but across his body, told the story of his life, how there are so few witchers left and those that are left, can be cold, brutal and seem to be more like the monsters than they hunt down rather than the people who are there to protect, but he was different, always had been, always will be. The lack of emotions, he liked to think that was not the case for himself, as he always tried to do the right thing, even with her, he was more concerned about her safety and wellbeing, than he was about the purse of golden coins that would be waiting for him once the work was done and she was safe and well, free of all concern and harm.
“Relax, not going to look, give you my word.” He would keep his eyes on the distance. Allowing her to do as she wished, remain and slip into the other hot spring, or to turn around and depart from here and not speak of it, if she thought this to be a trap or a trick, then she was not getting the chance to know who he truly was, that he was not going to harm her, insult her, nothing of the sorts, he was going to fight for her, protect her and do everything that he can, to get her home, the sooner the better.
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“Your screaming and waving around, aided me to know where the enemy was at all times, you where a great help.” As he made his light joke and would chuckle and remain where he was, soaking in the hot spring waters, not even the cold air and the falling snow on the mountains could take away from the feeling of this place as he would allow the small smile to crawl over his features for the moment as he remained where he was and he listened to the small splash of her finally letting up and giving within and having some rest, getting clean and enjoy the spring.
“Came across a few of them in my time, but never saw them as harmful, like anyone else, trying to make a living within the world, most want peace, never came across any succubi that has ever hurt someone themselves, but seen plenty people hurt others when they have fallen in love with one.” As he rolled his eyes, humans, mostly, being troublesome and wanting such a creature all to themselves, and spilling blood to gain it. “Have to admit, never seen one like you, curly horns, a cheeky tail that pinches things it ought to leave alone and soft fur, need to update my notes.” Without his journal, not that it matters, something to do.
Both of them anyway, where a dying breed in these lands, rare beings that would not have a place if things continue as they are.
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toussainttwins · 9 days
The horned coquette hovered over the edge of the spring for another moment, clearly mortified. The water was an enemy to all romance. For all the blessings the nature gave to succubi, there was one curse. Even the prettiest fur of the rarest shade, the twins were so proud of, had a distinct odour combined with water. It was no treat for a lover. "Oh, that's very lovely of you, sangbonbon! But I'd rather..." the usual line of retreat was snatched out of Natanis' mouth. The lips formed another "oh" and looked all the more more like a rosebud. Even in her crumpled finery, drenched in putrid water and smelling of water hag's gluttonous embraces, the petite hoofed adventurer cut a charming figure, once her eyes light up and the pretty colour dusted her cheeks. She had never met a friendly witcher, therefore had not seen one close or without cloth, and it was a nurturing sight to behold, another glittering surprise. More than a classic, carved beauty it had a charm of a gauntness, a tool well-used and well-kept, full of scars and stories. However, the back part possesed the same valorous air as the famed statue of Reginald d'Aubry Natanis decided, kindly. She had always liked the back view of that monument better, it was less garish and more tender in its unprotectivness. Swamp mire, rot and blood are much more terrible than anything the fur can be. "...I would go in! But you must not look." the honeyed voice rang with a promise of a sting, if it was not obeyed. While a coquette would not loath to share a pleasing sight with her white-haired savior, a thief abhorred to let the ropes of her trade be known. Even if she was an ex-thief. Even if Geralt would probably had no interest what all the secret pockets that her voluminous skirts contained underneath, a magical tower in layers, while he had her other, natural, endowments to distract him. "Ah, how could I be otherwise when my moon-kissed saviour was by my side, his strong heart never missing a beat amidst all the danger?" the vivacious succubus lilted, a nightingale's tune. Almost all her garments were shed and carefully stored around her side of the spring. The compliment allowed her to make peace with the fact that she had to undress herself and without an admiring glance, thanks to all the nasty swamp gifts. Her dress that could provide such a captivating, mouth-watering vision otherwise!
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"And do you have many stories about succubi in your journal? I bet you have never met one with such curly horns, or such a smart tail or the fur of such rarest shade! Not that you can see it properly in the dark, of course," she slipped into the water with a fruity chuckle.
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He would take his time.
This was a first for him in taking such a being across the land with him as well, but he knew roche better than anyone else, a roche the mare might be, but she was always there when he needed her the most, as if by magic she would come running to him and he would throw himself up and onto her to get himself out of a situation and a mess he found himself within as he would place her down and listen to her as he moved forward.
Now with roche they could make some progress and as tired as roche might be, as wet and soaked, smelling of swamp as they were, they would make the progress that was needed for them both through the land to travel. “Noted.” He smiled and grinned, at her words, she might be more useful than he thought with her aid with the knowledge that she could speak to roche, might be best to keep them apart for the time being, goodness knows what stories roche would have to share with her.
“Here, my good fellow, for your troubles.”
As he paid the man when they reached the village, a stable for roche for the night and a room for them both as well, the village was at the mountain that they would need to cross, to depart from one kingdom and to reach another as well and be on there way, the journey was long and still they had a fair bit to go, but they would endure as he finished up with the man and walked to her at the stables.
“Good work.”
He chuckled at her handy work and how calm she and roche where with one another, stories of hooves then and adventures they both had and yet it was not even over as he would take her by the hand and then, merely pick her up and place her on his shoulders and walk around the inn and through a gate, up a small path to show her where he was taking her, there might not be a bath here, but there was something better, hotsprings.
With no one else here as well as he placed her down and walked forward to show her the rocks, the pools of hot water as he laid down his swords and removed his armor from himself and went ahead and would strip down and slip into the water and dip down to soak himself and pop back up to lean his head back against the side and stare up at the full moon.
“Get in, the water is great.”
There was a separation for them, one pool each with small rocks to form some little wall to hide herself from him as he was soaking, resting and allowing the water, the heat, everything to do what it needed to do, much better than a swamp filled with monsters, just tomorrow he had a mountain filled with dangers, with bandits, with monsters and with those who would be following to capture her again as he breathed out, one day at a time was the best a witcher could do.
“You did well today, brave for a little lamb.” He chuckled. “Well, I have to update my journal.” For her kind then, fearless, brave, but also kind, gentle, even if she had sticky fingers and a cheeky tail that stole from him, call it something of a gift from him to here from the hell she had been through and her first taste of her adventure to get her home.
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toussainttwins · 11 days
They did, indeed, found the village and the room. As well as the suspicion-stocked, drowsy innkeeper who took them for water wraiths or penniless vagabonds, so protective was his scowl and so unwelcoming a hand on the door. The second ones, apparently, were much worse in his books, for once he saw a heavy pouch, he agreed to provide them shelter, without the trial of touching silver. Natanis' shining eyes and rosebud of a smile did the rest - and the miser's chair at the fireside turned into the host's best chamber, together with hot water and food, all private, all upstairs. The petite succubus still beamed from her ride. It was the first time she was...choiceless enough...to ride another hoofed creature. The experience left her little hungry heart almost content, for there was barely anything Natanis liked as much as surprises. And that one was very pleasant, even if her savior mostly listened or replied by hms, instead of wrapping the saved damsel into more warm compliments. And Roach was too tired to bear two riders and talk. Much too Natanis' delight the horse wasn't afraid of her, as many of her kin would be.
By the time Geralt returned from some chore, connected to their rest, the horned trickster managed to brush mare's mane with an ivory comb and plaited it into a complicated coiffure of braids and ribbons, that could be salvaged from the swamp water. They said goodnight most cordially, as all hoofed kin should.
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"Roach said she longs for a dryad's-embrace blanket, not a spider's-weeping one, such as you usually buy," Natanis' dutifully informed the witcher, as he had finished settling her new tender-muzzled friend for the night at the stable. Much as the petite succubus was tired, her own hoofs as numb and listless as bloodless fingers over the entangled embroidery, she refused to leave the white wolf's side and go upstairs alone.
Well that was a good turn of events.
He had been backed into a corner, with overwhelming odds coming from all directions, but to turn and run which would be what others would have done in the situation, which was what the drowners, the hags wanted, it was how people got knocked down, pulled down into the waters and drowned and then devoured, he did not wish to even look down and see for himself, how many bones they had been walking across.
From the poor souls who took the same shortcut and thought the same thing, that they would make it through if they where fast enough on there steps, but he was a witcher and the one thing they never did, was turn and run, no they stand and fight no matter if it was hopeless or not and she would have seen if the situation would have become worse, he would have made her run and kept himself here to fight and die if needed, part of the code and the path he walks on, always in his own little way, trying to do the right thing.
“You where very brave.” He chuckled as he would kneel down and wrap her up within the blanket and rub at her arms and her sides, down to her legs to try and dry her off for the moment, he could deal with the wetness and he cold, but the smell of the swamp and the drowners, was something else.
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“Now, now, okay, okay, settle down.” As he could only smile and laugh a little bit at how, merry and cheerful she was, to thank his mare as well, for being here when he needed it the most, better here than standing upon someone small house, this horse, he swears sometimes it just seems to teleport around and appear when he needed it the most, as she would kiss his cheek and he would rub his sleeve across it, a mixture of her tender lips and swamp water, not a good combination from a token of thanks from a little thing like this.
“Right then.” As he picked her up and plopped her down onto the horse and would move and climb up and over himself with her seated before him, as he clicked and moved, for the mare to move then and begin to take them as far away from here as possible, they still had quite the journey ahead of them, and some problems, the smell as well.
“We find a village, get a room, spend the night, let you rest from all of this, and baths, all around.” As he would chuckle, he needed a bath, that was his main concern, to get some distance between here and there, find a small village, get a room and get himself a nice, hot and warm bath to soak in for a while, he deserved it and she, well he felt she had more than enough adventure for one day, tomorrow, would be even worse as they had the mountain to cross, and a host of issues there waiting for them to get her back to her duchess.
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toussainttwins · 11 days
sexual tension prompts.
i deleted my old blog by mistake, so i’m revamping these!! if you want to reverse them, add a +, like so: [ PIN ] + and the roles will switch! these prompts are inspired by THIS MEME! they’re designed for all muses, regardless of whether they’ve interacted before or not!
[ PIN ] : sender pins receiver against a wall.
[ HANDS ] : our muses’ hands touch. (anything from grazing past or the hand holding content we all deserve.)
[ GAZE ] : sender watches receiver from across a crowded room.
[ GUIDE ] : in order to guide the receiver, sender presses a hand against the small of their back.
[ INVITE ] : sender asks receiver into a private room with nobody else present.
[ TOUCH ] : our muses touching one another discreetly but intimately in a public setting.
[ LICK ] : sender licks something from their thumb or lips in front of receiver.
[ SLEEVES ] : sender rolls up their sleeves to reveal their forearms.
[ SMIRK ] : while interacting with receiver, sender can’t resist a smirk.
[ NECKLACE ] : sender fastens a necklace around receiver’s neck, leaning in close to do so.
[ CLOSE ] : our muses are in a position which leads to the sender stepping intimately closer to the receiver.
[ UNBUTTON ] : due to heat or stress or other reasons, sender unbuttons the top of their shirt to reveal their neckline.
[ DANCE ] : our muses dance together in close quarters.
[ DEFEND ] : sender physically intervenes between receiver and a source of unwanted attention.
[ TEXT ] : sender texts intimate content to receiver.
[ PHONE ] : while on the phone with receiver, sender flirts teasingly during the call.
[ BEHIND ] : unexpectedly, sender arrives close to receiver from behind, taking them by surprise.
[ WET ] : our muses find one another in a torrential downpour of rain, both soaking wet.
[ LEAN ] : sender leans tantalisingly close to receiver to retrieve something or catch their attention.
[ LOOK ] : sender initiates intense eye contact with receiver.
[ ALONE ] : our muses find one another alone in an isolated setting.
[ ASK ] : sender asks receiver if they’re single.
[ WHISPER ] : sender leans close to receiver’s ear in order to whisper something to them.
[ BRUSH ] : sender reaches forward to brush a strand of receiver’s hair from their eyes.
[ STEADY ] : sender steadies receiver by placing their hands on their waist when the receiver almost falls against them.
[ SMILE ] : sender begins to grin at something the receiver is saying, like a big unstoppable grin.
[ PULL ] : sender pulls receiver into their side as they’re walking together.
[ STRADDLE ] : while sparring, sender gains the upper hand and pins the receiver in place, straddling their waist in the process.
[ BLADE ] : sender, having been enemies with the receiver, places a knife to their throat, but does nothing else.
[ STARE ] : while the receiver is speaking, the sender’s gaze drifts to their lips.
[ UNDERCOVER ] : while pretending to be a couple for the sake of a mission or other purpose, sender and receiver find themselves giving a Remarkably Convincing performance that leaves them questioning how platonic they really are.
[ AFTER ] : sender has just impulsively and passionately kissed the receiver without any warning nor apparent reason. how does the receiver respond?
[ REMARK ] : after someone passes a remark on what a cute couple the seemingly platonic sender and receiver are, the sender casts a meaningful glance at the receiver, expecting them to say something about it first.
[ PHOTOGRAPH ] : as someone volunteers to take a picture of them on a day out, sender instinctively wraps an arm around the receiver to steady them, holding them close for a photo that turns out to be more romantic than they were expecting.
[ CHALLENGE ] : after the receiver teasingly suggests that the sender is a terrible kisser, sender immediately and fervently proves them wrong with a long, passionate kiss that leaves the receiver taking back what they said.
[ LANGUAGE ] : sender begins to speak seductively and fluently with the receiver in another language.
[ CONSTANT ] : after days/weeks/months/years of endless flirting back and forth, sender finally dares the receiver to go beyond flirting and break the tensions between them properly.
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toussainttwins · 11 days
"You...you are not appalled that I can...you know, sangbonbon...my fire magic smells terribly of sulfur and I do not blame any lover to be taken aback by the odour?" Such a fright! Her beautious horns had almost fallen off, when the terrible hag grabbed her and dragged her into the water! So distraught the petite succubus was that she even forgot her other fear and clung to the witcher in his blood-and-dirt stained armour all the way, let him wrap her into the blanket that smelled of horse and sweat - and did an ill service to the colour of her creamy fur or her honeyed eyes - with nothing but a little shiver and a reluctance to let go of his hand. The praise was a little feast to Natanis' poor little heart. It beat so wildly, she was afraid it had turned into a bird and would crack her ribcage open with its beak. "You...you saved my life. Oh, you did!" the realization dawned upon her horns, with all its heaviness.
A minute had passed, as she did nothing but shiver inside the cocoon of the blanket, felling hollow and empty, her mind a ready feast for all the frights, old and new. Then Natanis sneezed daintily. Squealed in delight. Kissed the horse. For such a good mare it was to let her have her ugly and warm blanket with nary a neigh! The next kiss froze in mid-air. Despite all the good graces and gallant proofs of tonight, the centuries of scary tales and songs left their stain that wasn't so easy to bleach. The horned coquette shut her eyes very, very tightly.
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And planted a little, quick kiss that had a taste of smoke and vanilla, that even the swamp water could not banish completely, upon Geralt's cheek, somewhere between the beard and the scar. The scared little bird inside her chest fluttered even more wildly. The beard was ticklish. Before something terrible could happen, Natanis kissed another cheek of the kneeling witcher and opened her eyes, feeling very courageous and very glad to be alive. The little ambers of flame danced inside the honey of her eyes and travelled downwards to her mouth that lighted up with a smile. "One from me. And another from all the sangbonbons, whose hearts would be broken, if something as terrible as being gobbled up would rob their lives of my sweet presence." the younger twin was even more happy she had stolen the little glass vial; technically it wasn't even a theft, for Geralt noticed and let her have the thing. A souvenir from such a terrible and daring night! How longed she to tell of her adventure to her creamy lambkin of a sister!
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The risks to cut through the swamp and the marshes, he knew them all too well, but it was the risk worth taking as he would move around for the moment, his blade removed as he would carve down two more drowners right there and then to ensure they would not be an issue, already the dirty water around them, was stained red, as they kept coming, to turn around and run, would be most unwise as well, it would leave them open.
It would make her an easy target.
Two meals for the price of one then it seemed, as the drowners came again and he used fire to set them ablaze, the air taken and forced into them as he blasted several more away as well as he would keep backing up from them, with the girl on his back he was putting himself before them and keeping her as far away from the sight and the sounds, out of harm's way.
“We are going to be fine!”
He commented as the swamp hag would pull itself out from the water and what was better than one swamp hag and a half dozen drowners, well two swamp hags as another would come out from the water, great, this was just great as he moved back and felt the long tongue fired forward and latching onto his arm and tugging him, another tongue from the second hit and grabbed her foot and tried to pull her off him.
As the girl was taken and flung into the air and down into the filthy water as he turned and used his hand, grabbing the tongue and he pulled with everything he had to launch and take the swamp hag up and off the ground and flying towards him and as the creature reached him how he parted the head clean from the body easily and turned, seeing her being dragged through the water and towards the second.
Rushing forward his sword was brought down right under her hoof to cut the tongue as he turned and set the creature that wished to devout such a lamb for itself, to gain some lamb chops! He would set the creature on fire before spinning around and cutting it in half as the drowners quickly turned and ran from him, lowering down as he pulled her up and out of the water.
“You're safe now.” For nor at least she was safe and she was well, taken from any harm at all as he moved and ran, clearing the rest of the swamp as he got himself out of it with her within his arms and reached the other side, whistling then as roche would appear, the most loyal mare you ever did see within your life as he was quick to take the blanket off her and wrap it around the girl and kneel down before her, rubbing the blanket into her to dry her off and try and keep her warm, cannot do much about the smell, but he was more concerned she did not catch the death of cold.
“There, better, we made it, you did well, most people, would not have remained as calm, and you only screamed a little, very brave.”
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toussainttwins · 12 days
Natanis kept her eyes shut throughout the fight. If her hands were free she would cover her ears too. Instead the petite succubus held to the witcher with both her plump hands, trying as she might not to restrain his movements or distract him with her horrified gasps. Just a sliver of thought of being dropped into a murky, putrid water, that splashed all around them, gave the horned beauty courage. Very well. She peeked. Just a little! It was an adventure, after all.
But she did not mean to do it. Succubi were gentle creatures!
Just when her white-haired savior stopped to gain his breath, another drowned jumped forwards, claws opened like a mud-dripping fan... Natanis screamed. ...something fell into the water with a heavy splash. The nauseating odour filled the air, hot and crisp. A wave of heat brushed against her face, purifying the terrors, caressing the very petals of that terrible flower that bloomed golden and bloody inside the chest of any succubus.
Very slowly, as if in a sour, bad dream Natanis put her hand down. The echo of a scourging flame still danced at the tips of her fingers, tantalizing and tempting. "It's...it's very hard to keep such prolific hands as mine, where they are..." the horned coquette attempted another round of flirt, but her bottom lip trembled and her voice shook piteously at the edges, like a dress falling apart. Now, now Geralt would certainly think her a monster. He used fire signs as well, but her magic. It was different. It was...hungry. It called for her to surrender to a different passion, more consuming than lust for beautiful flesh or honeyed words. There was a circle around them on the ground, much bigger than needed to stop just one drowner, whose remains floated outside her vision. Natanis shivered, wrapped her arm around the witcher's shoulder and shut her eyes as tightly as she could. At least their chase stopped, blinded by the fiery outburst. The low, cranky hiss of a water hag tickled at the ears, but the words she could not catch against the mad beating of her own heart.
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But, oh, she was so afraid! She was too taken aback, too terrified to having controlled the amount of power, which she used but rarely. "You...you won't drop me now, Geralt?" Natanis asked in a very small voice, her tail, her blonde curls, ribbons and pearls - her very horns! - hanging listlessly.
He had a job to do and he was going to see it right through to the very end and she was going to get back to the castle and the duchess, without a single mark nor a hair out of place as well, he needed to ensure this contract when as well as can be.
It is not every single day a duchess personally hires you.
Something he knew, would be that the duchess, being who she was, would expect perfection in every single possible way one can do, so he ought to be careful then going forward and not have a hoof damaged or a dress cut, for the sake.
Of his head on his shoulders, he would not risk such a thing.
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“Flattered, if you stopped for a moment, with the wriggling and moving, maybe I would be flattered.” As he kept moving through the swamp, jumping over fallen trees and other dirty items to ensure she remained as far away from them as possible.
“I know, but this place, is just as dangerous, my senses, so many scents, there is danger here.” Witch hangs for starters, drowners as well, last thing he wanted was for one of them to burst out of the water right before them and come swinging at them, he would have to throw the damsel into the air and deal with them and then catch her before she falls and hits the ground.
“No time to dress, party, even to drink, too many people come around, asking for my help, hardly ever refuse, don’t know what it is like, to turn someone away, when they need help.” She was a talker, that was good, keep her mind away from what she had been through, what could have happened to her as well, had he not arrived in time to put a stop to it and get her as far as he was able away from there.
“Cannot speak for all witchers, but I like a good meal, good ale, good company and when enough of that has happened, I know how to dance, when the moment is right.”
He chuckled as he teased her. “Less of that.” He felt that movement, her tail trying to gain something from his belt and failing with dramatic flare. “Then that vial you have pinched, is payment for your services, if your tail is as sneaky, your hands need to remain where they are.” Less his blades and his entire belt is stolen from him.
“Yeah, they have been on us for a while now.” He breathed out as he would move, adjusting her over his shoulder as he would position her onto his back, for her to wrap her legs and arms around him and hold onto him.
He spins around, his hand moved, flames would come out and set the first drowner ablaze as he kicked it back as it would move, screaming as he removed the silver sword and quickly, through the second one he removed the arm, the third he cut the below open and the forth the head was taken clean off as they dropped into the water around them as he breathed out, four, and more coming up from the water and a swamp hag as well catching there sight.
“Shit …”
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toussainttwins · 16 days
Dear Sangbonbons, Our mun shall be away from the technological pleasures of a keyboard until the next Wednesday. Therefore, all the threads are on a little halt. However, if you will feel an irresistible temptation to send us any tricky or mischievous questions in the meantime, the askbox is always open 🐏🐏💖 Your Sewing Succubi
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toussainttwins · 23 days
The older twin could never say no to an adventure. It was more likely she would deny the hunger, that awful flower, that bloomed inside the chest of any succubus. Which was, simply put, impossible. That is why when she saw a curly lamb, each twist carved like a piece of a moon, resting in the depth of the Caroberta Woods, where no simple beast could survive, she did not turn around, did not re-adjust the ribbon-ed basked upon her arm and went her way. Instead, the vivacious succubus approached, tasted the scent with her tongue, whence no one could see her indulging in the savage manner, and beamed with delight. It certainly was no ordinary goat. And she...ah, she was so bored, confined inside the jewel box of the Duchy. Her darling, cautious sister would never know, would she? She would just speak with it, nothing more. What if he was a cursed dashing prince or a strapping shepherd? She doubted he was an incubus, the scent was all wrong...
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"Fear not, sweet sangbonbon, I am not going to hurt you. You should not sleep there, not under this tree. Your dreams taste strange," Natanis crooned at the goat, her voice like a spun sugar.
Nothing more than a nightmare, as he pushed forward, seeking to make his way through the kingdom, somewhere, out there, there was someone that could aid him, somewhere out there, was someone that could help him, somewhere out there, was someone that could take this and shatter this curse upon him and set him free and unleash an awful evil upon the land once more, but first, he had to reach them, first he had to escape this place. As he moved and made his way from this awful place, escaping them, was simple enough, they were foolish as well as arrogant, slipping through their fingers was easy and simple, as well as getting through the mountain pass and down, to the level of normal, without rocks, boulders, dangers all around as well, it was a simple thing indeed to make it down, now the hard thing. He could not take the main path.
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He loathed it, his gold was taken, his regal clothing as well, he wished to walk, normally and such a thing could not be, so he moved forward then, staying of the road as he learned the lesson the first time around the hard way, in what can happen to one who walks upon the beaten and broken path, how people will see you, turn their heads, wonder what they have seen and if it was something they had drunk to make them do a double take. So he moved, through the forests instead, endless days moving forward and pushing himself deeper and deeper, how many kingdoms did he pass, he was not sure, all that he knew, was that he had been going for days on end without sleep, without rest, without food, nothing as he saw another mountain in the distance, another kingdom them, fresh clean lands, not touched by the stains of the weak and the worthless then, finally then, as he would continue forward to reach where he felt he would be out of harm's way.
Finally stopping for the moment as he yawned, he never got tired before, never within his life, by all of this was physical! All of this was tiresome, all of this was non-stop work for someone like him who was not used to it at all! So he found a spot, under a tree and just lay down, yawned again and thought well, it would be safe and wise, to get some form of sleep for the time being and then, again when he felt better, begin to travel across this land and keep just, merely going.
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toussainttwins · 1 month
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Virginia Woolf, from Jacob's Room
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toussainttwins · 1 month
In truth, her present position suited Natanis perfectly well, she would have used her charms to coax her pale-haired savior to carry her through the muddy terror, if he so insisted upon a shortcut. Yet it was no reason to let the witcher behave so indelicately towards a horned damsel, freshly out of one distress and into another! Threatening her with a rope and a drop after all she had been through!
He would not really let her fall, would he not? He did not seem to lash back at her slap and, generally, tasted rather cheerful, despite his brusque words. The pampered coquette puffed a bit more, in a dignified silence. There was no chase, as far as her sharp thieving eyes could tell. But, oh, she was not going to put the witcher's mind at rest just yet.
"You should be flattered, master Geralt. I bet you have never carried a prettier burden," it was hard for Natanis to be gloomy or silent for long. Moreover, the ride was rather entertaining - the swift movement dispelled her trembling heart and her hunger. Almost. Oh, it would be so nice if there was another log on their way! That jump made the petite succubus squeal in delight. "The books definitely leave out that riding a witcher is such a joy. You run almost as fast as my kin! Don't worry...we...we are not followed," out of breath with laughter, her voice sounded as merry and silvery as the bells at her skirts.
Those swords - just like in the tales - were rather curiously done. So much details, such a scary wolf's head atop, was it adorned with precious jewels? Gathering her courage, Natanis touched one, then the other. "Is it true that you live in Toussaint and yet know no places to dance or to dress? That's positively terrible! You must visit the Mandragora, if you like music and revelry." having nested comfortably across his back, the vivacious succubus babbled sweetly into his ear.
The scene around them was serene, despite all the hidden dangers. Water-liles bowing their pale heads here and there, so bright they almost glowed in the dark. Treacherous, green tapestries all around and strange, twisting roots that flowed like hair. There Natanis grew bold and gently twisted a lock of pale hair round her finger, not stopping her friendly chirping.
"Do witchers like dancing? Oh, you do have good legs for it,"
Only the foul scent spoiled the romantic atmosphere. Of the swamp, not the valiant witcher, even if there was something in his blood that tickled her nostrils by a mere smell. Natanis twisted her tail and stealthily tried to slip a vial from his belt into a secret pocket of hers. Old habits died hard, besides the horned trickster longed for a memento. Meeting a real witcher and keeping her horns upon her head was not a small feat! What if her lambkin did not believe her?
"But they won't let you in without a mask. Luckily, you saved the best seamstress in all the Duchy! I shall gladly make you one that fits like a smile, master Geralt. If you do not let me fall into a swamp, of course!" she chuckled.
At least the fireflies added a lovely touch, several green orbs hovering close to the ground, moving closer and closer...
The vial was in her pocket at last. As Natanis congratulated herself silently, all the while keeping their talk alive, a cold realization licked her mind. It were not the fireflies, but eyes.
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"Geralt..." the fluffy tail began trembling against his hand. "Don't turn around, but...I think drowners found your company as alluring as I do," With a sickening splash another drowner blocked the way forward. The others, fast approaching from behind, gave a gurgling howl. A very hungry howl. Natanis gasped. "Please, please! Don't drop me now!"
“Got to make progress, unless you want a small rope around you to walk you, got to move fast.” As he just picked Natanis up like she weighed nothing at all and flung her over his shoulder and moved forward, like any little goat, he could imagine she would be less than impressed, but time was something he didn’t have, if Natanis knew the stories, then she knew this, he hated killing people, he never strikes first, tries to find another way, offers countless chances to ensure nothing goes wrong, but it never does go the way he wishes, two swords for a reason.
One for monsters.
One for humans.
Which one of them was the true monster and evil, that was for others to decide.
She was yelping, for no reason at all, he was hardly going to cause her any harm at all, faster with his two legs doing all the work as he started to run, look whomever caught her, went to great effort, special cage and all made for Natanis, time, effort and a whole lot of a money, which means they were not going to sit around crying about it, they were going to chase and he needed a head start to avoid conflict and blood being spilled.
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“You see, too much of your nose being in books, this is the part they leave out.” As the tail would hit his cheek for the moment and he kept moving. She was huffing and she was puffing, thankfully she could not blow him away then, as he kept the pace and started to run through the forest, through the swamp, the filth, the mud, everything, now can see she for herself, his reasons, not wanting to get her feet muddy, her dress ruined, her being bogged down and dragged behind, safer, better, easier with her over his shoulder while he suffered.
“Doing you a favor, trying to help you, all your wriggling, might drop you head first into the swamp water, don’t want that now.” As he chuckled, feeling her hoofs kicking him in the chest, hitting the armor there as he kept moving, not wanting to summon drowners, hags, or anything else that calls the swamp home, taking this route, because the bandits would not be stupid enough to follow him through here, doubted they wanted Natanis that bad they would take such risks.
“Flattered, but less bleating, keep looking behind me, let me know if anyone is following and giving chase.” As he jumped over a fallen tree and kept moving, he would cut right through the swamp and get out the forest on the other side, save her a whole lot of walking through filth and complaining about it as well, got to stay ahead of those who had caught Natanis, trying to ensure that they remained before them and would be able to come out of this, without him having to use his blade.
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toussainttwins · 1 month
Strangely, the weight and feel of another's body beside calmed Nistana. For a succubus it was not a hardship, the muscles of iron truly were hidden under the pampered and unassuming visage. It was much more frightening to think what might happen if mistress Glevissig would loose her conscience and then...oh, then the hapless seamstress would be left truly alone. What now seemed a puzzle would turn into a trap if she would have to drag an unconscious body. Along with all the putrid memories.
Once they were out of the prison and into the labyrinth of the camp, the heavy waves of panic subsided. And hushed talking helped to upheld their disguise, they have already passed several fires without a hitch. The men whistled crudely, but it was a welcoming slight, compared to what they would do if the truth slipped out. Stealing a royal prisoner! Oh, Natanis would have her horns fallen off, when she told her sister, she missed such a glorious heist.
"An advisor will often pretend to be what they are not, speak what they think not to reach their desire, is it not so?" the words were tailored carefully in case anyone would care to lend an ear to their conversation.
Nistana's whisper was warm against the sorceress' skin. She added another velvety smile, hoping her gentleness was palpable and would sustain Sabrina a little further. Never there was a mage or a sorceress among her lovers - they were better than witchers, and yet often desired to cut their hearts out, instead of conquering them - and Nistana was not sure if her natural powers would work upon them. Still, a soft hand and a sweet smile amidst the sea of enemies would make more good than harm, right?
"It was not me, who was showered with you attention. And I am rather angry with you for that horse business. Even if it ended well, you should know. But..." Her companion tasted of resentment and dread equally, her body emitting a stench of past pain that made little seamstress' very being quiver with nausea. Who would do such things to another being and why? Verily, Nistana cared not. The sight, the very taste filled her little heart with loathing and she acted on an impulse. But she could simply not leave the woman in that awful place, which truly was crafted out of nightmares, whatever her contemptuous companion called their present walk.
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"...I am not going to leave you behind. Fret not. And I enjoy only the things that are given out of free will, so I shall ask nothing of you, sangbonbon." They were almost done. Just a few more steps on the open ground and they would be safely cloaked by the true darkness, impeccable to the human sight. Out of there it would be no trouble to sneak into the forest...
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“You are what has come for me.” As she groaned out loud for the moment. “I have to work with what I have.”
She cast the spell, feeling herself shaking a little bit, stepping back and breathing out, she felt as if she was about to pass out at any given moment with doing such a thing like that, as well as dragging the brute of a man across the ground and placing him within the cell, someone like her, was not used to such physical tasks, like this that was.
There was no snapping her fingers and making a portal appear, no such thing would so easily come to pass, they were trapped here, for the time being until something finally happened.
“I am a royal advisor!” And she wished for her to be what exactly, some little whore who had one too many drinks and could not take them all, walking around stumbling, falling over and making a fool out of themselves. “My place is beside kings.” Not walking through the gutter, pretending to be drunk, as she gritted her teeth and would take the cover of the man and would throw it up and over her head and fasten it.
“Move —”
As she leaned into her, deadweight landing right on her for the time being and resting in and against her as she was dead on her feet for the time being and would move then, light and little steps forward with her to try and make this happen.
“Very well -”
She was not used to such creatures, she knew about them, she had read books about them, she had even written a book about them as well, but she had never talked to one this fresh and well, alive as well, they were normally dead, brought to her, gold given for the remains.
Placed upon her table, for her to cut apart and learn.
“You have walked us into a nightmare.”
The cell was better than this, as she would keep the cover around her and lean into the women that was all but carrying her now, there where men all around, and these were not royal knights, the bulk of the forces, where thugs, brutes, nothing regal about them, they were killers, nothing more and nothing less.
“Go –” Sensing the tremble and the concern within this one as her hazel eyes shifted and moved. “Which one of you did I turn into a horse before, you wish for that fate?” All that time ago, this little one needed to move.
She needed to move quickly before someone looked over and started to ask questions.
“You make it through …” As those hazel eyes flicked up to the entire length of the camp and the endless path that was before them and the countless men around fires and going to their tents for the night.
“… and I’ll give you everything you ask.” And she was not talking about books, gold, not the sort, she was talking about the one thing she knew this creature wished and hungered for, and it would be handed.
After they escaped.
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toussainttwins · 1 month
"It was a rather BIG guard, mistress Glevissig," pouted the petite succubus, trying to devise a way clean her hands of dust, grime and errant straws, without staining her own cloth. "Besides, now we have such a nice prop. Like in a theater, almost! It shall buy us more time in a long run," Nistana gave the freed sorceress a wavering little smile. The spell was intricate, and watching the transformation gave her shivers of wonder. It was very tempting to clap, but she reined her nervous enthusiasm just in time. The effort had clearly drained her unlucky companion, as much as all the worrying has drained her. They needed not any additional audience, and the quicker they got out of that heinous, rancid place of suffering - the better. The ever-present choking taste in the air squeezed her heart with terrors she cared not to savour further. Hearing lowly curses from Sabrina's mouth only added to the oppressing gravity of their situation... Ah, how Nistana did wish they were in a play! Then a divine intervention - desirably, in a shape of a handsome knight - would appear any moment! "Now, lean upon me. Cover your hair in that terrible soldier's cloak and pretend you are drunk. In case we run into another inquisitive soul, do not speak. I do not think we would, I do not like to think we would! But the best weapon is being prepared..." she chirped, practically draping the sorceress' hand around her dainty frame. It was a good disguise, for Sabrina was much higher than her and would look like a man in comparison. Nistana nodded gaily, clasping the advantageous detail with a bright optimism of a drowning man. She must not let fear gobble her wits! And the fact that mistress Glevissig mentioned her nature did not help. Succubi were gentle, tender creatures, not pain-craving monsters. What she did all those years ago meant nothing. And she would not think of it! By the heron and the Unseen, and the softest muttonchops of her beloved Tubbynubs, she would not... "Oh, and, please, please, do not call me by my name! It gives me a fright. Presently, I am Natanis..."
Taking a deep breath, the horned trickster grabbed all her powers of self-deception, to make-belief that she, indeed, was her reckless and dauntless sister. Her merry lambkin would not tremble so, she would relish the adventure! They were ready to step out into the camp riddled with the angry-red dots of fires - the ugly wounds against the deep, soothing darkness of the night. Darkness, their only ally amidst a whole swarm of dangers.
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Nistana shoot a silent question at Sabrina Glevissig, as her trembling hoof hovered the threshold.
Suddenly, she winked at the crimson-haired sorceress. The flames reflected in her eyes lighted the dainty face up in a eerie glow of revelry.
"I may give you a little kiss after we are through. Your opinion of grapes is clearly ill-prejudiced, sangbonbon."
———- Sometimes it was better to get your hands dirty once in a while.
How she wished she could have done such an action, differently, but time alas was not their friend this day. Every single second spent here was a second that was being wasted elsewhere and the need to try and free themselves from this prison was growing with each and every single passing second.
“A life time of silk and fine dining ought to have made you as soft as the grapes you eat, I am surprised you still have not forgotten what you are inside.”
Her hand was waved off. Of course, of course, one of these situations, Nistana pure of heart, Nistana who lack for nothing and holds no wish within her heart. She had heard such things before, it will change as it always does when her magic grows and returns, then perhaps Nistana will speak what she wished for the most, no trickery or wordplay, it will be given to her freely.
She ceased the effort at once and Nistana had come closer to her and offered a hand to fasten the belt around her waist. Even such a task had been almost impossible to do, as her fingers would break, the wounds still fresh and open, hurting, the pain, everything stinging and no magic to merely wash and drown it all away with. Such a disgrace to be like this as she had to hold her arms up and allow Nistana to work the belt through the buckle and get it just right to settle upon her. As she had warned with Nistana, she will not be caught without steel within her reach, if they where meant to kill her, she wished for the means to defend herself and take down as many with her.
“I suppose we cannot just leave him here.” Her bare foot upon fallen straw and dirt of the ground, raised and brought back to give a swift kick to the side of his head once to ensure he remains within the slumber that has captured him. “Wise, Nistana.” As she grabbed an arm, as Nistana would take the other and with a harsh pull, both of them working together, there was a shifting, some movement as they dragged him just a little. “Fuck…” The curse word, the swear, such language slipping out of her lips as her hand moved to rest on her back for a moment. Manual labour.
Ugh, the work of the low class and those without family names.
This was the work of peasants, it was that and nothing more as she rolled her sleeves upwards, the same as Nistana and again. Another pull, then another. Harder and more effort put in with each and every single one to drag the brute from outside to inside the cell as they would attach just a bit and nothing more than that, the chains around his hands to keep him rooted there as she stepped back.
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“You have caused no insult to me.”
As she stepped back, glamour would take, so much magic, which she held so little off, even without the chains, it was taking so much time to gain it back. As her fingers danced upon the air for a moment as she captured the moment. Of Nistana entering the cell. Pulling it from Nistana memory and her own to craft the illusional wall before the man. A mirror image of what Nistana had seen, when she entered the cell. The witch, beaten, bruised, bloody, moments away from the embrace of death. Perfect within the darkness as she would step back, it would hold, for a handful of hours and nothing more, simple magic, a false trick on the eyes, aided by the poor lightening and darkness.
“Let’s go, this has only been one guard Nistana! And we have struggled for nearly an hour!”
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