totallynotanamphibian · 2 months
Hmm, it seems that after my journey into the depths of the dream bubbles, I havve come back to find the citizens of Earth C celebrating the date of “4/13.”
Though I personally do not understand the frivvolous excitement surrounding the day, my companion Nepeta and some other trolls wwill be going in my place to Melbspa, wwhere they wwill regale you all wwith tales from my perilous advventures on my behalf.
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
hmm, seems like the Troll Taylor Swwift concert is on tonight. Fef is going, and she spent all of last night making friendship bracelets to hand out to other “swwifties.”
I only really knoww a feww of her songs, Bad Blood is my favvourite because I resonate deeply wwith the message.
I don’t really knoww any other trolls that are going. I knoww Rezi likes to listen to her music wwith Davve to make fun of it. And I think it’s her song, Lovve Story, that Kar cries to wwhenevver he hears it.
regardless, I hope Fef has a good time, and that Ms Swwift performs to the best of her ability. It is expected of her, as a fuchsia blood.
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
oh my god the orphaner
ah I see I am in the presence of a felloww FLARPer! yes, The Orphaner is my flarp character, modelled after my great Ancestor, rip king (Terezi taught me that one!)
although I havve not played the great game in swweeps since the end of our session. I may havve to get back my creativve roleplay endevvours, as I remember my successes fondly. though I guess it’s a matter of wwho to FLARP wwith…
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
What kind of outfit style do you usually wear?
wwell my everyday outfits are alwways impeccable, as royalty must alwways look their best. I wwear lots of deep and rich colours, and enough layers to keep me wwarm, but not enough to drag wwhen I’m in the wwater. you can bet on your Prince looking fabulous wwhenever I go out!
wwhen I am relaxing in my hivve, I wwear less formal clothes in order to stay comfortable. Davve tells me that dressing like that makes me look like a human called “Adam Sandler.” Adam is a righteous name, so I shall take that as a compliment.
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
ListeN, Mein freunD, Mon amI, I am (technically) a violetblood my5elF, 5o we are boyfrie- i mean brother5 in arm5, But i 9otta admiT. You are not 5wa9. At alL.
wwhile I respect a felloww high blood, I fear you may need to get your sight globes checked, because it should be obvvious to everyone that the Eridan Ampora is brimming with swwag. Terezi once told me that I am “the swwag master,” so take that!
*she may havve wwalked off laughing after she said it but that is besides the point*
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
why are you a femboy
wwhy I- this question is completely uncalled for and I do not appreciate it. I wwas not familiar wwith that kind of vvulgar human language, so I discussed the matter wwith my companions.
against my better judgement, I asked Sollux and Kar if they were familiar wwith the term, as they havve been on Grublr longer than me.
Kar just started shouting, asking about wwhy that wword was brought up. he ended up so out of breath he wwas doubled over, and I thought I wwould leavve him alone before he got riled up again.
Sollux immediately laughed in my face, wwhich I did not appreciate, and said that I didn’t need to knoww wwhat it meant, just that I am one.
after doing my owwn research, I can confidently say that I am Not a femboy, and that asking me such a question is extremely disrespectful. an act such as that should be considered high treason, I should throww you to Fef’s lusus for that implication!
*can you believe that Vvriska? Such insolence from my people. Me? A femboy? Preposterous! Oh shut up it’s not that funny!*
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
hello sir!
hello random citizen, I appreciate your referring to me using respectful terms. I expect all of my loyal followwers to convverse with me in this manner, as I am a high blood, and wwill be treated as nothing less.
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
meh, ive met bbetter troll royalty
hmph, I wwill assume you are referring to my dear friend Feferi, wwho deservves all the praise she gets.
Howwever, there is only one Eridan Ampora, and it wwould be wwise for you all to realise that before making grandiose statements.
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
hello 💪
what’s your favourite sea creature
hello loyal subject. the sea creature I admire the most is the seahorse, as it reminds me of my lusus. but my favvourite wwould havve to be the stingray or cuttlefish. the stingray has an unarguably adorable face, and the cuttlefish is, as the youth say, “goofy lookin”
*fef did I get that saying right?*
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
what's your favourite book?
wwell I of course havve to say the tales of my advventures on the high seas, detailed by my scribes.
howwever, my favvourite novel wwritten about something other than me wwould havve to be Troll Twwilight. your prince is Team Troll Edwward all the wway. this is because Troll Jacob is a wwhiny bitch, whereas Edwward is a suavve cool guy who crushes cars wwith his hands. much superior being indeed.
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
let me get some facts about myself straight, before you lowwbloods come clambering to my blog in search of a royal sea dwweller to lead you.
my name is Eridan Ampora. I do not have a middle name so don’t ask me.
I am a high blood and you shall all treat me as such.
I started this blog to connect to my loyal citizens, and wwill be taking questions or “asks” to appease your need for gossip.
my personal tag for responding to the masses wwill be # amphibian asks
wwhen not answering questions I will be regaling you wwith accounts from my journeys to showw how wwell rounded of a leader I can be.
that is all for now.
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totallynotanamphibian · 4 months
wwell wwell, seems like this is wwhere all the cool trolls are at, makes sense for me to join. let’s see howw long it takes for me to become # grublr famous, that’ll show kar
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