Farewell online privacy
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Reasons you should go see Wonder Woman
gal gadot is,,,,absolutely fantastic, as someone who loves diana to literal death and lives and breathes wonder woman comics, the character was done really well
the amazons are seriously really hot and fit like,,,,damn
listen, i have never cared for a Heterosexual in my life, but chris pine did a damn good job at playing steve trevor
and steve trevor is a super enjoyable character too
oh my god it’s literally so funny. so much good,well-written humor. 
also diana legit says “men are horrible for pleasuring” at one point hereby confirming that she belongs to the Gays sorry i don’t make the rules
really heartfelt message all in all? people might think it’s kind of cheesy, but it really is meaningful especially in a world where everything is just sad and dark and negative
the soundtrack will have you ready to start a bar fight in .0002 seconds
also this was a surprise but there’s a moroccan character and a native american character? that was super cool
tl;dr this movie will actually restore your faith in humanity
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Star Wars + @starwarsgenerator​ text posts [pt. 1]
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Go see Wonder Woman, y’all! It was AMAZING!
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I used to want to save the world, this beautiful place. But the closer you get, the more you see the great darkness within. I learnt this the hard way, a long, long time ago.
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parks and recreation + text posts | 2/?
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the jimmy jab games is such a funny episode but perhaps the funniest part is watching jake actively trying not to flirt with amy and he literally physically is in pain trying not to flirt with her like this poor boy was so in love
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headcanon that Gina and Jake also went to the same high school. Imagine Gina comforting Jake after Eddie Fink(that was his name right?) and them studying together, and Jake clapping the lloudest after Gina's dance routine showing
YES. I’m pretty darn sure Gina and Jake were BFFs from like pre-school to high school, and I am totally onboard with your headcanons. Here are some extra ones because I love these two siblings so much: 
On the first day of preschool, little Gina spends most of recess dancing by herself around the playground. The other kids think she’s weird, but Jake thinks she’s cool. They have their own little dance party by the jungle gym until they’re called inside.  
There’s an entire month where the other boys steer clear of Jake because they’re convinced he’s caught cooties from spending so much time with Gina. Jake doesn’t mind at all. 
Jake isn’t the brightest or most well behaved, but he’s a nice boy. His mom’s only ever called to meet with his teacher regarding his concerning math grades and occasionally disruptive remarks/jokes. That is, until he’s sent to the principal’s office for punching a kid who made fun of Gina. He has to go to detention for two weeks, but Karen treats him and Gina to ice cream cones on the way home.
The advent of crushes and pre-teenhood is bizarre because suddenly everyone wants to be friends with them. (”Hey Jake, you know Gina right? Do you think she could find out if Gabrielle likes me?”) Gina quickly realizes this is a prime business opportunity, and they earn a lot more than they did that one summer they ran a lemonade stand in front of Nana’s apartment. 
Unofficially, they were each other’s first kiss. But that’s only because they needed practice for their official ones. They made a pact to never tell anyone about this. 
The whole sitch with Jenny Gildenhorn and Eddie Fung hit Jake hard, but Gina pulled through with movies, candy, and a manicure sesh. (She also spilled soda on Eddie Fung’s shirt at lunch the next day, but that was a “total accident.”) 
Jake gets really emotional at their high school graduation when it hits him that they’re no longer going to be classmates seeing each other on a daily basis. Gina punches him in the arm but tears up a bit as well. (“Geez, Pineapples, stop crying. Don’t forget, you said you’d buy me lunch everyday until we’re 30. You still owe me for getting you that girl’s number two years ago. I don’t even care that you didn’t end up together, that chick’s digits were not easy to get.”)
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It’s the 50th anniversary of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, and we could all use a reminder to be kind and to love one another. Here are 17 quotes from everyone’s favorite neighbor, Fred Rogers.
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hotch confirmed for lizard man
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#every year he doesnt have an emmy is a sham
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amy santiago is an orangina in a world of orange sodas
three → “She seeks approval from others and wants to be well-liked, but she also does not take crap from anyone.” - @professionalnerdfighter
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Honestly the biggest plot twist in Riverdale was that we all started liking Alice Cooper
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#jake peralta watches all the tv
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will it actually work? probably not. 
BUT if we make enough noise NOW, so that EVERYONE at netflix from the presidents to the janitors mf KNOWS we’re NOT down with their trash decisions, we can possibly save shows like Sense8 from having to go through this kinda horseshit in future sO WE’D ALL BETTER BE SIGNING THIS PETITION RIGHT FUCKIN NOW
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“I just want a gay character who’s also a POC who is open but isn’t defined by either of those traits and is still a well-written, three-dimensional character”
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matt solving the important mystery of why his cup has a “best by” date 
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