did I ever mention that I know someone whose family owned a zombie dog because that’s some real shit that I get to delight with at parties
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Quasi saw her as an angel
Frolo saw her as a demon
Phoebus saw her as the real person she is and that's why he 'gets the girl.'
ok ok ok ok ok ok can I just have a quick lil moment of your time?
This shit.
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So Hunchback is far and away my favorite movie from Disney’s Renaissance, and it always makes me so happy that yes, people seem to appreciate it, people seem to love it, but I’mma go into exactly WHY it’s my favorite, and WHY I think it’s so crucial, and WHY I think it should be required viewing for young boys specifically.
We all know that a huge bulk of the media we’ve grown up with consistently has that one frustrating message:  Being the hero means you’ll get the girl.  Many boys let this mentality bleed into reality.  We have “nice guys,” who feel that their niceness entitles them to romance, when obviously that discredits a female’s personal choice.  We all get this, we all know this, and a lot of us get that it’s a toxic message.
So check out our hero.
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He’s an incredibly good person who isn’t conventionally attractive.
Check out our lady.
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Super good person, conventionally attractive.
The movie so deliberately builds up Quasi’s hopes.  There’s a whole fucking song about it.
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But Esmeralda, who is her own person with her own motivations and preferences, chooses another man, who is also good and also attractive.
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A lot of people criticize this aspect of the movie, the fact that Quasi doesn’t get the girl BECAUSE of his appearance.  But my argument?  This is the best damn message a movie could ever send.
Because when things get dicey, when Esmeralda’s life in in danger, when Quasi would be putting his own life on the line, he knows that romance is no longer within the realm of possibility.  He knows he won’t be “getting the girl.”  He knows this, and he allows himself a moment of bitterness, he risks falling prey to the “nice guy” trope, and he almost succumbs.
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“She already has her knight in shining armor, and it’s not me.”
He has NO ulterior motive for saving her life.  NO ulterior motive for opposing the man who raised him.  And he doesn’t know that he’ll get any reward, he knows he could straight up get killed for his actions, and yet he still acts.
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And there’s no bitterness. There’s still so, so much love between him and Esmeralda, pure awesome platonic love, and love between him and Phoebus, and just fucking love all around, it’s amazing.
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I’ve heard so many people express distaste at Quasi not ending up with Esmerelda.  Like he was cheated out of some kind of reward.  But have they watched the ending?
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Does that look like a man cheated of his reward?  Does he look like he “lost” to Phoebus?  No dude, that’s a man who has everything he ever wanted, and that’s also a man who didn’t “get the girl.”
If that’s not an essential message for young boys to hear, I don’t know what is.
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Anyone else wondering where are Pearl’s sand control powers goin to be back?
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if ‘get low’ was an indie tune (mumford and sons are shaking)
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stuart semple’s (creator of the pinkest pink, glitteriest glitter, greenest green, archnemesis of anish kapoor, etc….) latest instagram post asdfgghkfdkaj this art feud gives me life
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Imagine a dragon at Antiques Roadshow, appraising its hoard
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Does anyone have any tips or info on getting into Club 33 at Disneyland? All I know is you have to know a member, and it’s extremely difficult.
The reason is I want to give someone a nice birthday dinner for their 33rd. They’ve been nothing but kind and supportive, especially over the past few weeks where I’ve been nothing but a complete wreck. They haven’t given up on me, and I know I’ve caused them a lot of stress and worry. Honestly, this person deserves all the best things in the world. I’ve been incredibly frustrating, no doubt, but… the fact that they’re willing to try and help me, even if it means leaving me alone, shows how wonderful they are.
And while I know getting in is a long shot, I want to try. And if not, for anyone who has been to Disneyland or DCA, what are the best places to have a nice dinner? This person has already treated me to the Napa Rose.
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oh my fuckning
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You wanna wear tough guys pants? Good luck cleaning them tomorrow.
I work as a bartender in a small cocktail bar for some time now, and I’m usually chill. But bullies can still push my buttons in a wrong way. Before starting, I may be in the wrong for doing this, but it is what it is.
A week ago, a bunch of guys came for a few. They seemed like OK dudes, early 20-is, but the group dynamic was kinda off. Introducing the main antagonist. Obnoxious guy, too loud, snapping his fingers at me when ordering (don’t snap fingers at bartenders kids, we’re not dogs), punching his friends in the shoulders all the time,… A sportier, really aggressive version of a David Spade character he was.
Keep reading
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We share a birthday!
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i don’t know when i’m supposed to post this because Time Zones but a very happy birthday to the sweetest alien queen <3
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Something tells me his life gonna be a lot shorter if he doesn't text her.
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I watched as a coworker of mine got confused on the tannoy over morning and afternoon, and then because she tried to correct it all and do the message at the same time, just couldn't recover any part of the sentence until she'd buggered up almost every word of it.
So to our entire leisure centre, during swim lessons, she announced. 'good morn-er-noon. Cab gleh...erm... bah to main pool.
She then crawled under the desk in shame, while every colleague howled with laughter and the parents stood looking confused.
Our centre manager (our bosses, bosses boss) even came to find out what was going on.
I worked with toddlers and pre schoolers for three years. Sometimes I accidentally slip and tell a friend to say bye to an inanimate object (“say bye bus!”) & occasionally they unthinkingly just do it.
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Mahou Shoujo Yurina’s main heroine by okyankyan03
The author is working on a follow-up! Please show them your appreciation by liking and sharing their post. Translation and typesetting by Ray Distance. 
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