푸른밤 : 140205/06 : “Love from the stars”
(Cr.) Translated by @BlueNight0525 - at twitter 
■ Jonghyun: When does a woman feel that the love of the man has gotten cold?
■ Joonil: Woman A who had hoped that things would stay unchanged would answer: “From the moment he told me: yeah, go back home safely. And didn’t walk me home”
■ Jonghyun: Woman B who’s sensitive to loneliness said: “When he doesn’t put down his phone when being with me. Ah.. it’s more lonely, than when I’m alone”
■ Joonil: particularly sharp Woman C said: "I can just know it. It’s women’s sixth sense."
(jjong laughs)
■ Jonghyun: Everyone, what do you think? We will talk about this together with guest Joonil Jung.”Love from the stars”. It’s the time to put a conclusion on all the indecisive dating stories by sending them. “Love from the stars”. The guest with us in this corner, the one who steers women’s feelings, sentimental music and the owner of sensibility’s face, it’s Jung Joonil-ssi! Welcome here!
■ Joonil: Hello~it’s nice to meet you!
■ Joonil: It was very pleasant to hear that Jonghyun-ssi is doing Blue Night. I too have monitored the show, it’s not that me and Jonghyun are of a close relationship, but because I have an attachment to Blue Night (Joonil was here during the previous DJ’s Blue Night), I’ve listened to the few past broadcasts.
■ Jonghyun: Oh, so you’ve tuned in
■ Joonil: You’re really truly doing magnificently great, you don’t have to worry even the slightest
■ Jonghyun: Ah, but as a DJ sunbae, can you give me some advice?
■ Joonil: I think the different aspect of it from tv programs is that you can truly hear the truth from the pretending. That’s why in the future I think that the words Jonghyun-ssi will say with kind and  warmth, they’re not onew that they will just go by and get thrown aways, but they’re words that the listeners can deeply feel.. That’s why I think, with sincerity, just like, you’ll lead the broadcast for a long time. I think it’d be nice if Jonghyun-ssi can do the broadcast for about 17 years.
■ Jonghyun: Around 17 years is my goal actually
■ Jonghyun: I wanna do it for a long time too. While meeting everyone for a long time, I want us to become familiar with each other just like family.
■ Jonghyun suddenly in the middle of talking: Your voice is really nice I keep listening with my headphones and it’s like my cochlea is getting a massage.
■ Joonil (laughs) I like how you expressed it I like it, like it
■ Jonghyun: Cochlea massage !
■ Joonil: Anyway, Blue Night is really a warm broadcast! (both laugh) It makes people feel really warm
■ Jonghyun: We’re approaching the concept of comfort and giving the feeling of healing to the other person in Blue Night
■ Joonil: Whoa, I like it. If you do it that way, then you can go on for 17 years.
(talking about woman B’s case)
■ Jonghyun: For me, I don’t like the fact of playing with your phone in front of the person you love. I think it’s a shame, really. It’s a waste of the time you can spend together and look at each other’s eyes. You’re getting that time taken away by just that little screen.
—1 am logo song
■ Joonil: Actually I felt it while listening to the broadcast, the logo song that came out right now and the middle section’s signal, it’s our Jonghyun who made them
■ Jonghyun: Yes, yes
■ Joonil: Honestly, even though it’s a short song, regardless of its short or long length, it takes a lot, a lot of devotion to make it. The music is really nice too, and honestly, with each one the listeners can feel, ah, this person thinks preciously of this position and this time. I really like this kind of sincerity, so really just like I said earlier, a goal of 17 years (laughs)
■ Jonghyun: (laughs) I’ll count it from today, the D-day for the 17 years.
(talking about dating advices)
■ Joonil: First of all, the people who criticise their gf’s appearance, first of all have yet to get a good personality! (jjong laughs) they gotta get scolded.
(talking about a story of a listener who’s friend treats her as if he loves her, but ended up wanting to introduce her to his friend, but at the same time texted her at 3 am that he doesn’t want her to start dating him, since it’d mean less time hanging out with him, Jonghyun reading listener text about that story:
■ Jonghyun: 6115-nim (Seems like the man likes her, but at the same time he doesn’t want to lose his friend, think of it as 계륵 //something that one hesitates to give up, even though it doesn't interest them much // 계륵 is also the word for chicken ribs//)
■ Jonghyun:계륵! chicken’s ribs! (laughs)
■ Joonil: Awo, you’re really smart! I read it as 계백 /gyebeak (a general in ancient korea) (laughs) I’m sorry, you’re really smart! Our Jonghyun really!!
■ Jonghyun: There’s no much meat in it, but it still feels like a waste to throw it away, that’s the kind of situation here
■ Joonil: MBC is really great, we gotta take the dj recruitment test so we can make really well wide-knowledgeable DJs  
■ Jonghyun: No, no (laughs)
■ Joonil: To be honest, in radio the best quality that a DJ can have is to be someone who lets their guest shine the most. I think that kind of DJ is the best and excellent one. Jonghyun-ssi already  has that quality, since he came prepared with such certainty. For me, not only for 17, but for 37 years! (both laugh)
■ Jonghyun: Thank you! To the point of even praising me!
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푸른밤 : 140205/06
(Cr.) Translated by @BlueNight0525 - at twitter
Blue night, I'm Jonghyun 
In the old movie "The third man" the man confessed using these words: "I make comic faces and stand on my head and grin at you between my legs, and tell all sorts of jokes. I wouldn't stand a chance, would I?" Also in 'Scent of love' this is how the confession was like: “Under the subject of being a junior, if I said I like you, would you laugh?" The main characters in the movies use quite various ways to express their liking, but never plainly saying it. Sometimes pitifully, again sometimes making the people watching feel embarrassed too. What's strange is, whether the confession is followed by a happy ending or by a lonely sad ending, the memory of it would remain for a long time. Probably because of the thrill one would feel at the time. The excitement and thrill that remains in one’s memory for a long time, I’m experiencing it these days in this place.
The 5th of February, between today and tomorrow. This is Blue Night.
Right before I got on air I was so hungry I ate a hotdog and a burrito in a hurry, because I was scared the mic might pick up the sound of my growling stomach, I came here after filling up my stomach. Everyone did you have a late night snack? If you eat right now then it’s considered a late night snack right? Since it’s past midnight.
Listener: That’s right, I like the shivers you get just from the words “I like you”, especially if it’s conveyed by a voice it sends shivers and is more exciting.
Jonghyun: I’ve talked about that heart fluttering sensation in the opening. I’ve also been feeling that excitement for a few days too and it seems like I will keep feeling it in the next several days too. Encountering something new and also when experiencing something for the first time, you mainly feel excitement. A heart fluttering feeling. I think those feelings are quite precious to me. That’s why this time that consists of meeting you everyone is truly exciting and feels nice.
Listener: Jonghyun DJ it’s been 3 days since you started as a DJ now. Did you get used to it now?
Jonghyun: I got adapted to it but I still get as nervous and excited as ever. Funny enough I’m a shy person so I think I’m someone who’ll do better tomorrow than I did today and much better the day after tomorrow than tomorrow. How is it everyone? Am I  doing a bit better than yesterday? How was it yesterday? Was it more alright than the first broadcast? I was worried about this to be honest.. In the morning.. no not the morning. I woke up in the afternoon, since I slept late, but when I woke up in the afternoon I listened to yesterday’s Blue Night.. but still it was... in comparison with the first night, I felt that the nervousness had decreased a bit. It was together with Lee Jihyung-ssi and he really accepted me and guided me really well. There’s a guest for today too, so I’m looking forward to them.
Being alone is truly hard, just like how no child can run as soon as they were born, they’ll have to crawl at first, then get up, and lastly run. Everyone, I hope you can watch over me a little bit longer please.
Also there’s no female guest in Blue Night..  (pd whispers that there is one) Ah there’s one! PD-nim just told me right now. For me, honestly, I don’t really mind, whether it’s a male or a female guest, I just hope they are older than me and  that a lot of people who have a lot of things to teach me would be the guests here. I have a bit of interest in getting some counselling and learn a bit more.
Corner: “places where music stays”
Taking the Camden town tube and traveling to north London again. This is North London, where a small street is located, Abbey Road. In front of the Abbey Road there’s Abbey Road Studios endorsing its same name. It’s where the pop music legends, The Beatles, recorded nearly all of their albums. Members of The Beatles, who were in the process of the last recording before disbanding, were worrying a lot about how to proceed with the album title and cover jacket picture. Furthermore the photographer was given only 10 minutes. After being pressed by the time, the photographer went straight out of the studio and took the scene of the members in Abbey Road. It was a normal picture with nothing special in it, however the power of The Beatles was great. The Beatles’ Abbey Road album was a huge success as soon as it came out. With more than 7 million copies sold in 1 year, it started bringing in tourists to Abbey Road. Ones who want to take a picture of them walking down the Abbey Road, just like The Beatles. Until now it’s still a dream that’s in the bucket list of so many music fans.
We just listened to The Beatles’ Golden Slumbers. It’s a song that was released in their album Abbey Road. A deep appeal, the voice is really nice. I really like it.
Today we talked about the Abbey Road studio and The Beatles. I also have some memories with Abbey Road Studios. I visited England as SHINee in 2011 and back then we had a chance of performing in Abbey Road Studios. But unfortunately.. My body is that of a healthy strong young man, but why did I only get a serious cold just when I went there.. Suffering from a high fever I remember not being able to finish the performances till the end. I think there were around 5-6 songs, but I was only able to participate in the last song. Back then I had a fever, was in a foreign country and my body was hurting too. That’s why I just started crying. If I’ll get another chance later on, I wanna visit there and perform again.
Listener: I really like the “places where music stays” corner. It really feels like going on a vacation
Jonghyun: That’s right this corner is about us travelling together. In the future we will go to a lot of other places and will tell you about a lot of music stories, so I hope you can always listen to it.
Listener: This is a broadcast that I listen to while studying and only today that I knew that the DJ changed. I haven’t listened much yet, but I like your modesty despite your young age. 
Jonghyun: Aigo thank you (laughs) You praised me for being humble (laughs) thank you. Since I’m young, I’m in a position to learn a lot. In the future I will continue to meet you with that appearance. Always.
Jonghyun: 0279-Nim sent in : (Today the middle school teacher appointment examination results came out and my friend passed. However I couldn’t congratulate them, I still have another exam left. It’s a different exam, but seeing how my friend passed I’m feeling impatient. I’m really a bad person for not being to truly congratulate my friend, aren't I?) 
Ah and also 2234-nim sent in: (Today the employment examination results came out, I’ve been preparing for 3 years for it, but I failed. I feel really gloomy) is what they sent...
Just like the messages said today, the successful candidates for the middle school teacher appointment examination were announced today right? Some of you have yelled out cheering and some have shed tears. However I feel like that under our country’s system it’s like there’s always a lot of sad people. Of course I haven’t experienced all of that but I can understand those feelings a bit. When I was a trainee with no promises, without knowing when will it end, and seeing trainees I was together with, debut or when they show a really good performance… I  think I felt the same thing you’re feeling right now. To the people who passed I hope you can really enjoy that feeling of happiness today. You deserve that, don’t you? Since you studied hard and put effort into it. However don’t forget the fact that one of your friends, who studied together with you, is very sad today. Um..Then for you today I will console you first, then later play a congratulatory song. We will listen to ..
Jonghyun: Today our Blue Night family is really having a hard time.. 5872-nim sent in: (I too failed, thank you for comforting me.) Of course I should give you comfort. When there’s a happy event, we’ll smile together, when you’re having a hard time, we will cry together, when there’s something to be angry over, we’ll get angry together. Since I’m right here, please send in a lot of your stories. (to a listener) Ah, it must’ve been really hard for you... Just like in movies, there’re good days, but just like in movies too, there’re sad days too.. Since today is a hard day, just like in movies, there will soon be just as much of a good day.. I hope you will find strength and that you’ll find comfort listening to Blue Night.
Listener message: I’m graduating high school tomorrow, I’m feeling restless that I’m now an adult. 
Jonghyun: How restless you must be;; Graduating high school tomorrow.. from elementary school to middle school, and now high school, and also from high school to now having to take one step further to society. When I was like that I thought that I can everything now (laughs) I was around 20 years old, when I graduated high school, and I thought now I can do everything! I think it’s best to feel these things slowly. I think it’s best to put on a small plan and do things one and two at a time. When I was 20 years old, I wanted to do so many things, but I ended up not experiencing them all, and after time flies by, it become such a shame. I hope you can experience it all.
Listener: I’m writing my resume while listening to Blue Night right now. Since it got cold, it’s a tough time. I hope I’ll succeed with the resume I’m writing right now.
Jonghyun: I hope you will get a good result. Oh, talking about your resume. Wouldn't be more captivating if you wrote something more unique than others, like writing that your hobby is listening to Blue Night?! (laughs) Wouldn’t it turn eyes, if you write Blue Night? I’m just kidding, try writing something unique on your resume~~
Dialogue from "The three sisters":
The time will come when we will be gone forever, we will be forgotten. Our faces, our voices, and even how many of us there were. But our suffering will be transformed into happiness for those who live after us. Peace and contentment will cover the earth, my dearest sisters, our live is still not finished. We will go on living.
"Today, aside" is a dialogue, that comes on Anton Chekhov’s play "The three sisters". It’s a piece of work that shows how frustrating it becomes, when people’s dreams and hopes crash with the circumstances or the surrounding reality in our society. I said this earlier, but today the entrance exam’s successful candidates were announced. There seemed to have been a lot of disappointed people. I wanted to relay these lines to them. The world isn’t over yet, tomorrow will come again. Today’s ending song.. I’m presenting it to the ones who were disappointed by the results and the ones who were happy with them. To all of the youths of this earth, it’s Radiohead’s Creep. Until now, this has been Blue Night Jonghyun.  
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17fjccKlF5Y&list=PLKl0KJ7mGLDNmETrFMIbxpVV72bNPMYz-
(Cr.) List by @bluenighttonight - on twitter + playlist by me on youtube
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푸른밤 : 140204/05 (3/3)
I had a lot of thoughts when I went back home yesterday after the broadcast ended. When I arrived home, I had a talk with my mom and noona and I think I went to sleep around 6/7 am. I was excited and had a lot of regretful things reminding that I couldn’t sleep and just kept thinking a lot. I also got a lot of compliments and words of encouragement from various people.
To be honest, I am an insomniac. Ever since 2nd grade of high school? 1st grade I went to bed at around 5 am, therefore insomnia is like a habit that my body fell into. 
Yeah, It’s the second day. It was a bit exciting and I think it was a second day where time went by much faster than yesterday. Like I introduced on the ‘aside’ corner, I should walk and walk towards you everyone, right? Slowly getting closer. Although this road that me and Blue Night family are taking together might seem like it has a lot of branches to it, I think eventually it’s one single road. You may feel exhausted and could fall down too, you could also wander along the road. However, like a Blue Night’s shining star, if you could hold onto me and give me strength, I think I can be able to reach everyone in our family in one single roundabout way. 
Yeah, a lot of people have been wondering what the closing ment would be. However, I still haven’t decided on a closing ment yet. I thought it’d be good to not think of it impatiently, but to do it slowly, that’s why I’m still worrying about it.To be honest, I’ve slept yesterday around 6-7am. I couldn’t sleep till that late thinking about the closing ment. I will worry about it a bit more and slowly introduce it to you everyone. We will listen to today’s ending song Michael Learns To Rock - Blue Night. Until now, that has been Blue Night Jonghyun.
(cr.) Tr. by BlueNight0525 on twitter
(cr.) @SHUFEN0408 on twitter 
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푸른밤 : 140204/05 (2/3) : “thoughtful oppa”
■ jonghyun: tuesday corner, “thoughtful oppa”.  in this corner i will search for answers together with lee ji hyun for  everyone’s minor troubles to complicated and heavy troubles. the warm  singer lee ji hyun, welcome here! i heard a lot from the writer noona  that you’re really a handsome man, a won bin look alike and i was so  curious.
■ lee ji hyung: oh i’m so sorry (for not meeting your expectations).
■ jonghyun:  no, no. why are you sorry to me? no, no, i was so curious i went to  look online and i found you really so handsome. since it’s a radio right  now it’s even a pity that the listeners can’t see you. you’re really  handsome.
listener asked about what kind of hat ji hyung was wearing then jonghyun commented on how neatly dressed ji hyung is.
■ lee ji hyung: to be honest i thought it was a viewable radio. (laughs)
■ jonghyun:  ah, it’s a shame. if it was a viewable radio the listeners could’ve  seen the handsome lee ji hyung’s face too. to be honest right now i  forgot to read one script paper. i should’ve introduced lee ji hyung to  the blue night family but i didn’t and i’m only asking you to introduce  yourself right now. 
■ lee ji hyung: it’s okay right now is a  good time for introductions. hello, this is lee ji hyung. rather than  saying hello to the listeners i want to congratulate the main person of  blue night: jonghyun.
■ jonghyun: ah. thank you.
■ lee ji hyung:  when i was outside (the studio) just now i got to tune in for a bit.  you said that you were nervous but your voice sounded at ease. it’s like  a cloud.
 ■  jonghyun: oh. a cloud. that’s a nice expression. a cloud and blue  night do match well. the blue night’s cloud, the cloud floating in the  night’s sky. ah, thank you for giving such a nice expression. how is it  meeting me compared to how you perceived me, shinee’s jonghyun? is it  different a lot?
■ lee ji hyung: to be honest when i used to  see you in pictures or in tv appearances you had a really masculine  appearance but seeing you right now your hand is pretty and it’s my  first time seeing someone look so different than on tv. so pretty, woah.  it’s really different than on tv.
■ jonghyun: it’s because i use make up heavily while appearing on tv. maybe that’s why i came off as manly. “your hand is pretty” and also “like a cloud”. i can already feel the thoughtfulness.
■ lee ji hyung: and also … you know how you’re right in front of me, right … i don’t know if it’s okay to say this.
■ jonghyun: please do!
■ lee ji hyung: your neck line and wrist are really so beautiful.
■ jonghyun: (laughs) ah, today we should’ve made it a viewable radio.
■ lee ji hyung: why did you have to show your arms?
■ jonghyun: since i’m nervous i’m hot and my hands keep sweating, that’s why.
■ lee ji hyung: but why am i nervous like this? (laughs)
a listener asked if lee ji hyung would be guesting every tuesday.
■ jonghyun: you will come every tuesday, right. (lee ji hyung starts trying to answer) i will … my wrist! i’ll show you my wrist again! if you come out on tuesday!
■ lee ji hyung: really? i have to come then! you’re really good at negotiating.
■ jonghyun: ah, thank you. you promised, right?
■ lee ji hyung: yes, alright!
(after “혹시 자리 비었나요” by soran) jonghyun:  listening to the song, the lyrics feel like they’re connected to me and  ji hyung-ssi. when somehow a delicate story evolves between people who  meet each other for the first time.
after reading a listener’s message that said: “but you two seem like you’re both on a blind date right now”. lee ji hyung starts acting like they’re in one.
■ lee ji hyung: jonghyun-ssi, what kind of food do you like?
■ jonghyun: i like pasta.
■ lee ji hyung: what do you do on your free days?
■ jonghyun: i listen to music and watch movies.
■ lee ji hyung: oh, you’re exactly the same as me.
■ jonghyun: oh ji hyung-ssi is like that too? then what are you doing on this weekend?
listener sent in a message saying that lee ji hyung became first on portal searching rank.
■ lee ji hyung: whoa really just by one word from jonghyun.
■ jonghyun: no it’s because you’re really handsome, that’s why.
■ lee ji hyung: please keep complimenting me like that.
■ jonghyun: alright! your clothes are really so neat.
■ jonghyun: when doubts arise within myself, when i get thoughts like am i really doing well? are the things i’m doing right now correct? i like to life my own confidence by saying you’re doing great right now and you will do great in the future.
■ lee ji hyung: you just talked with a very soft and gentle voice but it all shows in your eyes.
■ jonghyun: how so.
■ lee ji hyung: i can see the strong confidence in your eyes in front of me.
■ jonghyun: are my eyes filled with confidence?
■ lee ji hyung: yeah that’s why it’s really comfortable talking to you right now.
■ jonghyun: ah. thank you i think it’s nice that we can talk comfortably.
■ lee ji hyung: although i’m nervous right now.
■ jonghyun: (giggles) no, no. you don’t look that nervous. i’m suddenly curious, whether you ever thought of another profession other than being a singer?
■ lee ji hyung: ah, for me i don’t have any profession i’d like to do instead of being a singer.
■ jonghyun: oh, you’re so cool.
■ lee ji hyung: it’s not that i had always dreamt of being a singer.
■ jonghyun: you didn’t dream of becoming one but you ended up being a singer?
■ lee ji hyung: it was a really fun profession when i started it and while doing it with every year with age it turned out like this.
■ jonghyun: then since it wasn’t originally your dream, what was your original one?
■ lee ji hyung: i had a lot of dreams. i had dreams of being an athlete in high school but because of my physical condition while the other kids grew taller …
■ jonghyun: because we’re sitting right now but … i’m also on the short size, height wise.
■ lee ji hyung: no the way i see it both of us are over 180cm.
■ jonghyun: oh, that’s right.
■ lee ji hyung: you’re 182cm, right?
■ jonghyun: oh, that’s correct! you’re 183cm, right? you look like you’re taller than me a bit.
■ lee ji hyung: 183cm and a half!
listener said: “i’m sorry but it really feels like tuning in to a blind date.”
■ lee ji hyung: so, this is a blind date?
■ jonghyun: because it’s our first time meeting.
■ lee ji hyung: we still didn’t set a second date after this.
■ jonghyun: i did it first though, saying earlier we’ll meet again next weekend to watch a movie.
■ lee ji hyung: jonghyun is really such a man.
■ jonghyun: (laughs) oh then! we’re both men.
ending of the “thoughtful oppa” with lee ji hyung corner.
■ lee ji hyung: before i came into the studio and heard that you were nervous i thought: ah, what to do i’m not someone who’s good at leading the discussion and creating the mood and had a worried heart but like i said earlier, looking into jonghyun’s eyes, i felt comfortable.
■ jonghyun: ah. thank you. it’s because ji hyung treated me so well that i feel like my confidence was lifted. you spoke so well and accepted my jokes so well. thank you!
■ lee ji hyung: i can accept your jokes well even more! i think it’ll be fine to be more comfortable with me.
■ jonghyun: i really like it, first of all i really like ji hyung’s voice and i think it’s really nice that i got to solve listeners’ problems with you. i hope we can do that again in the future.
■ lee ji hyung: just do one thing for me.
■ jonghyun: which thing?
■ lee ji hyung: don’t send me takes by mistake. i won’t let pass even if you apologize (referring to earlier talk).
■ jonghyun: okay. i will be careful when sending you messages.
(cr.) Tr. by BlueNight0525 on twitter
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푸른밤 : 140204/05 (1/3)
Blue Night, this is Jonghyun.
Have you, by any chance, heard of "white noise"(in English)? A white noise? The sounds that are familiar to our ears. For example: the sound of rain, the sound of waves, the sound of the wind. I mean, these kind of sounds. This white noise, of course …, a noise is a noise, but because it’s adequately noisy, it’s psychologically comfortable and gives stability. It’s adequately noisy but provides comfort. Somehow …, it’s similar to the image I’d had of blue night. Not too noisy, but not too quiet. Like that, the turning on of the radio would become like knowing that you’ll fall asleep soon. Adequately noisy: the more you listen it gets comfortable and, before you know it, it becomes familiar. The 4th of february, between today and tomorrow, this is blue night.
For me i really like the sound of rain, it feels nice listening to the sound of rain while it’s knocking on the window. I like the sound of it while in meditation alone, getting drenched. It’s romantic, right? I learned it for the first time today that these things are called white noise. There must be a sound that you guys like too. I like thinking alone while listening to the rain sound and I also really like the inclusion of rain sound in music too.
I want to make a blue night similar to the rain sound. I think it matches well with the image of blue night I had thought of: warm, quiet and comfortable. It’d be nice if we can make such a broadcast together. I really like the sound of flipping through a book’s pages, it feels like it somehow comfortably completely covers your ears. I really like that sound.
Today the first song we listened to was “매탈 포크 주니어의 여름” by Ez Hyoung. It’s a summer song, I heard today was a very cold day. Since compared to last year this year’s winter isn’t really that cold, today you can feel the cold even more. Since there was successive warm days and it suddenly got cold. That’s why, in order to feel warm with music, I chose this song. Me too, right now, my mind is really cold. I’m freezing a lot, right now following yesterday too. I’m nervous a lot and I’m frozen stiff again. I’m excited too, while listening to this music together with you I got to relieve my stress.
(after playing “let’s make love” by foreplay.) Jonghyun: (in english) let’s make love! (in korean) let’s make love! (giggles) since it’s night it sounds erotic.
In this section, we will tell you about music related to various cities in the world. In one expression, its a corner where you can go around the world of music with me. Today’s theme was the British London. There was a time when I went there for a performance. The consequence of me going overseas for concerts or schedules frequently is that I feel that the fun places I go to are really nice places. When I went to the UK, what I felt was that, ah, people are living so comfortably and enjoy art a lot. Later on, if I have time, I really want to visit there again privately.  I’m not really someone who enjoys travelling. I don’t think I’ve travelled much. I’ve went overseas together with the members a lot for schedules, so I guess that can be counted as a trip too
There’s times when I mistakenly send texts to the wrong person too, There’s 2 people I know, they have the same name, but one is a senior and one who’s the same age as me. It’s not that it contained any bad words, but I spoke informally like ‘ ya, what are you doing’. I did that mistake 3 times, so now he does’t even take it seriously. 
Not long ago, I lost my wallet, but it came back to my house since I put my ID inside of it and the address is written on it so they brought it back to my hands. 
(cr.) Tr. by BlueNight0525 on twitter
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푸른밤 : 140203
«Blue night, I am Jonghyun
One day someone asked a really well known photographer: «To take good pictures, what should i do first?» The photographer answered with no hesitation: «If you want to take good pictures, you start by taking the lens’ cover off first, right? First of all open the lens’ cover. I think those are certainly the words I need right now. In those words that can’t be easily imagine I keep having only one thought: will I do well? What if I make mistakes? What can I do to do well? I kept only thinking of the outcome like that, only worrying about the outcome and, since I was only focused on the result, I couldn’t come up with answers. That’s why, from now on, I will only think like that: just try it for now, face it and we’ll see.» 
(cr.) @fyjjong​ 
«I usually don’t sleep at night. Until dawn I keep browsing the internet, writing songs and lyrics, listening to songs and watching movies. During this time there’s some songs I have found. I always listen to these songs alone at night but now, thinking of how I can listen to them with you all, I feel nice. You know when you like something you do it together with other people and ache with your whole body for them to like it as much as you do? I hope in the future we can do that everyday.» 
(cr.) @Bluenight0525 - on twitter
"Also, the conclusion I came up with is that I want it to be a broadcast that’s like laying on a warm bed that has a hot mat laying and turned on top of it. I think it’d be nice if it’s a broadcast that you can comfortable listen while warmly laying on your bed with your eyes closed. I’m actually using a hot mat on my bed to sleep these days. It’s warm and really comfortable!" 
(cr.) @Bluenight0525 - on twitter
"I think it’ll be so nice if I can be your comfort of the day.." 
(cr.) @Bluenight0525 - on twitter
"I’m getting a lot of questions about what kind of songs I like and I have to say, honestly, it’s pop music. I like pop music in a way that I can understand the lyrics and you can understand the feelings behind it at the same moment you’re listening." 
(cr.) @Bluenight0525 - on twitter
"When I listen to songs I tend to listen very closely to the lyrics. For me, I think, music is in daily life. I’m someone who tends to find a lot of lyrics in my daily life." 
(cr.) @Bluenight0525 - on twitter
"Seems like all my nervousness has been conveyed to you...I’m happy that I can convey my emotions to you all. Thank you for feeling a lot of things through my voice like this. So you can understand my emotions!!" 
(cr.) @Bluenight0525 - on twitter
"If you look at it, whether it’s the gaming world or the world outside gaming, the fundamental attributes are similar. I’d wish I had grown up more than yesterday and wish that I can let the people surrounding me know about that growth. And that today would be a better day than yesterday." 
(cr.) @Bluenight0525 - on twitter
"I will make one promise to you, everyone: if it’s possible I'd like to stay on this chair for a long time. While crying and laughing I’d like to treasure your stories and your daily life together, forever. Piling up every day into becoming a life time …, I will make a precious time with blue night’s family. <.....> Until now it has been blue night. I am Jonghyun." 
(cr.) @fyjjong​ 
1. Heaven — Shazz
2. Cosmic Girl — Jamiroquai
3. 솔직히 (Secretly) — 이승열 (Yi Sung Yol)
4. Tear Drop — Okano Hiroki
5. 너에게 하고 싶은 얘기 — 장필순 (Jang Pilsoon)
6. 가지마 가지마 — 브라운 아이즈 (Brown Eyes)
7. 날아가다 (Fly Away) — 휘성 (Wheesung)
8. 두 사람 — 성시경 (Sung Si Kyung)
9. 거꾸로 걷는다 (Walk Backwards) — 어반 자카파 (Urban Zakapa)
10. Dear — Mad Soul Child
11. Fly To The Moon — add_P
12. TV를 봤네 (I Watched TV) — 장기하와 얼굴들 (Kiha & The Faces)
13. 가로수 그늘 아래 서면 — 이문세 (Lee Moon Sae)
14. Call You Mine — Jeff Bernat
15. 별빛이 내린다 (Star Shower) — 안녕바다 (Annyeongbada)
16. 밤 (Night) — 버스커버스커 (Busker Busker)
17. Umanamente Uomo: Il Sogno — Lucio Battisti
18. 퇴근길 — 신치림 (SHINCHIREEM)
(cr.) @bluenightonight - on twitter
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