Sometimes I wish I did drugs just so people would think I’m weird because of them instead of my hermit crab self
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Is she hot cause this is Arizona and she has two black tops on
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Sometimes I have a regular dream and it’s like things will be okay, but then I wake up at 3:50 to go to my job and I hate myself
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My grammar sucks but so does my mouth
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I identified with the clones in star wars because I too am just a generic face with pre-recorded lines doing my job on a rock in space
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Sometimes I forget all of my friends are depressed but like, comfortable with it
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I need a picture of Gepetto (Pinocchio’s father) in a Nazi uniform...
For context I follow a page that makes fun of the far right and the far left, but goes after the left waaaaay more often, to the point that there’s a common phrase that goes “But Admin, you can’t swing right or else the gestapo will come for you”, but this being the internet people can’t spell or check what they post so..... Gepetto the Gestapo is coming for us
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I can feel the skeleton hands clawing the insides of my skull They’re screaming too, but they don’t have voices, just a flat echo of nothingness to drive you mad
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I found that people who have cancer/depression/missing limbs are a lot less likely to get offended by jokes about those things than their friends and family are.... weird
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Freud was a fraud
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I can feel my skeleton moving independently from the muscles and tissue that surrounds it
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Dark Ahsoka is best Ahsoka 
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You fucking mongoloid I will stab you so hard it your lineage will die off, I will END your BLOODLINE
Me, to other people driving as poorly as I do
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You should get a tattoo Well you’re damn right but I’m poor
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Part of me is afraid of children and part of me wants a child because that kid is going to be hilarious
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The kids believe life is pointless, maybe that’s why they’re trying to be edgy
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