tobiaslangdon · 5 years
Del just remained silent, letting the boy’s outburst speak for himself. Her grin was condescending, she knew, but that was kind of the point. “Oh, I don’t. She hired her ex husband and Amara Ashby’s freeloading kid. Riley’s a wonderful director but….I worry about her judge of character,” she shrugged matter-of-factly. “Marius…” Delta repeated, brows raised. “I was Cosette like two years ago. Funny. Tell me you at least did Heart Full of Love better than Nick Jonas’s sad attempt.” She tried to shade him, but knew that anyone had to have been better than Nick Jonas as Marius. 
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“I mean, Cal is great and incredibly talented. Plus -- she could use all the help she could get! And so far all of our rehearsals have been outstanding.”  His eyebrows rose slightly at her reaction, the smirk that was on his lips growing ever so slightly as he pulled his phone out from his back pocket. After pulling up his Youtube account, he tapped on the Heart Full of Love video and held his phone out to her. “You can be the judge of that.” 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
Delta put on a fake pout, noticing Toby’s insecurity right away. “Morally sound, yes. And he writes excellent poems,” she sarcastically agreed, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “I’m not going to pretend like I’m in the most feminist role at the camp – what do you expect from a classic? I just have faith in our female director to be able to bring it to 2019 a little bit. That director of yours is hot and all, but can we really trust him to sensitively direct a scene all about periods?” She scrunched up her nose and shrugged. “What kind of roles have you even done in the past? Let me guess – awkward middle school Danny Zuko?” 
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“He does!” He sounded way more defensive than he meant to come off as. Shit. He raised his eyebrow when her hand landed on his shoulder, glancing at it before looking right back at her. “Mm, I’m sure he’s gonna be great and know exactly what he needs to do. Unless you don’t trust your director’s choice in staff members. I’m sure Riley gave Gabe this show for a reason.”  He licked his lips, letting out a laugh and he shrugged once more. “Never played Danny Zuko in my life. I’ve recently played Marius in Les Mis, Scarecrow in The Wiz and Sebastian in the Little Mermaid,” he raised an eyebrow, a smug smirk tugging on the corners of his lips. 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
start → @tobiaslangdon playlist: 2005 bops | “you got a new horizon, it’s ephemeral style”
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“so, tobias, is it?” she approached him, hoping that the name she had used was right, going off of her conversation with delta back at the bonfire. despite the many hours they’ve put in so far, rory hadn’t had thought of approaching any of her co-stars for..anything. anything outside of the realm of their musical, that is. it didn’t help that her social skills weren’t quite up to speed as her peers’. “were you thinking of going to karaoke night? i figured asking a co-star could be easier than attempting to ask a stranger.” 
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he looked up when he heard his name, smiling and he gave her a nod. “that’s me! and you’re rory, right? you’re doing an awesome job,” he stated with a grin, closing his script and setting it down next to him. he hadn’t really gotten to know any of his co-stars, but it was probably time he started.  despite how he wasn’t exactly, thrilled about his part, it was still going to be a damned good show. everyone was so talented. his eyebrows rose, licking his lips and he let out a laugh. “i was thinking about it. or i could use those precious hours to work on getting off book rather than tiring out my vocal chords singing all night.” 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
“Seems it! My roommate is in it and honestly the coolest choice for Chris, hands-down. Your leading ladies don’t seem too bad either. Sucks that with a show like that, the girls kind of have to carry it on their shoulders since the guys tend to suck,” Delta shrugged, “You know – the characters. Our read-through was great! I got some great laughs over something I’d only rehearsed by myself so far, so it can only get better with rehearsal. And my bird costume is gonna look adorable, if that’s the route they go. I’ve been Mayzie La Bird before, I’m no stranger to feathers. Are you a stranger to letting a bucket be your downfall?” 
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“At least Tommy isn’t a borderline stalker who names a plant after the girl he’s pining for,” he replied with a shrug, “Or have the daunting task of choosing between basketball and theatre. And he doesn’t glorify gambling and use it to get all his pals to go to a revival at a mission, and he doesn’t ditch his long term girlfriend for a craps game. Tommy’s probably the best, morally sound leading male this year!" He shrugged once more. “There’s nothing wrong with women carrying the show. They deserve it, considering all of the other shows seem to put women in the damsel-in-distress role. Especially the one who’s whole plot focuses on getting engaged.” He grinned, raising his eyebrow and he shrugged. “Not really. But I’m that kinda actor. Willing to try new things and expand my repertoire.” 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
@tobiaslangdon | @rilcyjames | @omegavaughn
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Dreamer in Disguise himself,” Delta accosted Tobias, passing him on the way to her cabin with her grab ‘n go lunch. She’d basically been living off of boxed salads because she didn’t want to touch any of the food in the mess hall so she was a little miserable. But one thing that she knew would make her smile was making fun of Toby Langdon. “How did first read-throughs go for Carrie? I bet you blew them all away with your interpretation of Tommy Ross.” Her tone oozed sarcasm. Patronizing the boy had become kind of a favorite past-time of hers. ( @tobiaslangdon )
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His face visibly wrinkled when he heard her voice. God, was her voice really that high all the time? How did anyone deal with her? Seriously. He could almost feel the migraine beginning to form in the back of his skill. “Ah yeah, that’s me,” he stated with a grin, trying so desperately to hide just how disappointed he had been when he’d gotten Tommy. “It was wonderful! It was so great to work with such a diverse cast. Everyone is so talented, and it’s going to be so great. Everyone is so wonderful.” He raised an eyebrow, shoving his hands into his front pockets and he tipped his head to the side. “How was yours? Y’know, I’m sure you sounded great lamenting over not being engaged and can’t wait to wear a bird costume.” 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
closed starter for @tobiaslangdon
“Dude,” Jace whined dramatically from his comfortable position on the bed. “I’m tired of reading this,” he held up his script. “Let’s go out and do something exciting. Something fun. Like getting outta camp and heading to the city - or town, or whatever. I feel like I’ve been cooped up in this damn cabin for years.” He’d went and gotten lunch an hour ago, but that didn’t matter.
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Dark eyes flicked up as his friend -- roommate? whatever appropriate label for him was whined. He’d been working on trying to get off book as soon as possible -- not that Tommy Ross needed a lot of preparation. He wasn’t all that deep. But he was gonna make sure he was the best damned Tommy Ross anyone had ever seen. He glanced down at his script at Jace’s request, puffing out his cheeks before he closed his script. “Sure, man. Why not? There’s no way I’ll be able to make Dreamer in Disguise any less cheesy,” he moved so he was sitting on the edge of his bed, feet planted on the ground, “What d’you wanna do?” 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
Those Magic Changes- Jordan Fisher & Aaron Tveit
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
You could..stock up on Starbucks coffee? Buy the bulky bags and have the staff brew them. I’m sure they’ll be okay with it, especially since they don’t have to use up their own supplies. Absolutely. Unless…you know…there’s some underclassmen that manages to blow everyone away. Not that there would be, but you never know, you know?
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...That’s not a bad idea. But now that someone’s pointed out that my obsession with coffee comes off as an addiction, I’ve gotta prove them wrong. Nope. If there’s an underclassman who blows them away, they definitely wouldn’t be better than me. I’m the best in Lancaster, everyone says I am, and I’m doing something big with my life. 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
It was awesome. Unforgettably awesome. I could steal hear the screams of our horrified classmates. You wouldn’t mind it if I just stick with Toby, ‘cause - y’know - Tobias has more syllables and is a pain in the ass to say. That’s cool, man, you’re living the Rachel Berry life. SF’s pretty awesome, I’m moving out of home after summer for college, so there’s that. I still can’t believe you’re here, man! I mean, I should’ve seen it coming, since you’re uber talented, but it’s such a small frickin’ world.
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And teachers! My parents made me more prepared than the professionals were.  Well -- yeah, I guess that’s cool. But only you, because -- y’know, we were friends before. But don’t let it catch on, okay? I don’t want just anyone to call me Toby.  Oh yeah? What school are you going to? I’ve got another year before I actually graduate, but I’m planning for Cal Arts or UCLA.  It’s so weird! We should definitely catch up, y’know after auditions. 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
Wow, I haven’t gotten recognized for Fiyero in so long. You’re making me feel young again, kid. I never want to brag, but my Dancing Through Life has the second highest views on YouTube aside from the original. I’ve always related so closely to Troy since I had to make the tough decision between theatre and professional football, and I’m so glad I chose what I did. So thank you for recognizing what a great character he is. It’s very personal to me. 
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My fourth-grade self loved you in Wicked. I’d watch all the -- unfortunately bootlegged videos and all of your promo videos. Now that I’m older, I know that watching a bootleg is totally unacceptable.  Well, I would say that you definitely made the best decision,  choosing theatre. Oh, definitely. He’s one of my top picks! 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
i hope i get it || task 1
What is your audition song(s)? Why did you make that choice? 
Well, I did this show when i was a kid and I was literally only in one scene. But I’m Here from The Color Purple is one of my favorite songs, and it’s one of the songs I worked the hardest with  my vocal coach. It shows off my range beautifully and it shows  that emotional side of me that not everyone can bring to the table.  I’m fairly certain that it’ll bring something completely new to the table and will definitely be memorable. 
Which role(s) are you hoping to land?
My number one is Sky Masterson, but then I’d wanna be Troy Bolton, Seymour and then Tommy is my last role. No matter what I get, I’ll bring 110% into the role. 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
Wait, what? Toby? Toby who helped me through my guava allergy on the first day of school? What a goddamn coincidence! Dude, how’ve you been?
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Yeah, it’s a good thing I had my epi-pen. Nothing like starting off a friendship by stabbing someone else in the leg. But y’know, I go by Tobias now because it’s way more mature and such a better stage name.  I’ve been good! Kicking ass at the drama department at my high school -- and the glee club. What about you!? How’s that San Fran life treating you? 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
Is the coffee that bad? I mean, it’s a nice looking camp, you’d think the stuff they’ll serve would be good. If you need help with moving in, I’ll help out. Especially if you still have that migraine. Hey, I wouldn’t judge if you were bitter. Sometimes, awards are just plain given to the wrong people. You know, like the Oscars. 
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I deserve the best kind of coffee, and that’s Starbucks coffee, okay? We can’t go into town until the Weekends, and that seems like so far away. Especially because we’re going to have to work on our audition songs and then do actual auditions and call backs! It’s too much for me to just go into town and get coffee! There’s just so much to do and so little time! I may still be slightly bitter, then. Because I deserved that award, but there’s always next year. There’s no way they would take that award from me  being a senior and everything. 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
Thank you, Tobias! You flatter me. I have no bad blood about the Tony’s anymore, though I will say it was a little hard for me to get over for a few months. I’m so glad to see teen boys unafraid to fight for Troy. I feel like it’s so easy to just be ‘the cool kid’ and overlook a character with such potential. 
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You deserve to be flattered! You’re phenomenal!  Every time I used to sing Dancing Through Life at home, I’d model my Fiyero after yours. Of course, I wouldn’t blatantly mimic yours, but you were -- again phenomenal Mr. Abbott.  Of course! Who wouldn’t want to play Troy Bolton? He’s probably got the best character arc out of any of the male leads that are presented. Sky Masterson? A close second.  Tommy Ross? Not even close. Seymour? Spends the entire musical gawking over some girl who ends up getting eaten. Troy Bolton is the one to be. 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
Uh-huh. Sounds like an addiction to me. So once again, you’re welcome. You’re lucky you didn’t catch me when I was doing fan kicks across the terminal. I typically try to stay out of people’s way, but what can I do when someone gets in mine? Not much. If this migraine somehow affects your ability to audition next week, well then…sorry not sorry. That’s what you get for developing a dependence. 
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Having coffee once while sitting through a five and a half hour plane trip with a screaming baby behind you, does NOT count as an addiction!  Oh my god, you’re like the worst kind of theatre kid? Like the actual worst! Who goes around just doing fan kicks in an airport? I’m gonna kick some major ass during my auditions, and I didn’t need to disturb anyone else’s day by spilling their coffee or by accidentally kicking anyone that went by. 
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tobiaslangdon · 5 years
Wait - I did, yeah. Moved out of Lancaster when I was about 10 years old. Not sure whether or not I should be disclosing that, but… I’m your guy.
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Oh. My. God. I doubt that you’ll remember me, but it’s Toby! Well, Tobias. Tobias Langdon! We were friends forever ago! 
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