Btw, I still am gonna be jumping in here every once in awhile so if you still have any questions I'll be glad to answer.
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how long until the next comp? not forcing, i just missed the last applications by a couple days lol-
I'll probably take a pretty long break before I start up this competition again, if I ever will.
I'll let people who got out in the first or second round back in probably if I do start it up again, along with other competitors.
Though there's a very high chance I won't do something like this, since from when I started this competition to now my interest in TMNT has faded a good amount.
I hope another competition opens up for you!
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The winner of the competition is...
@glitter-alienz and their TMNT Omniverse au! Congratulations!
I really hope everybody enjoyed this competition, and this at least help your iteration get more exposure!
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SUNITA JUMPSCARE!!! (And also Jennika cameo, her hair is a little shorter because she’s around 14-15 here, so it’s about 4-5 years pre-Ret!!! Girl is currently in that awkward stage of hair growth where she’s going from super short hair to hair around her chin which is gonna take her a good while dbwjgdjwhd)
BUT THIS POST ISNT ABOUT JENNY ITS ABOUT SUNI!!! After losing the turtles and Splinter, his first successful experiments in years, Draxum tried to recreate the mutigen as best as he could. But as he kept failing over and over again, especially after a certain someone (Jenny) started screwing with his experiments, he got desperate and just threw a bunch of crap together to see what happened, and what happened was Suni. He knew he probably should’ve gotten rid of her as soon as he laid eyes on her, but it was his fault she exists in the first place, he has to take responsibility for his mistakes. And anyway, after Baxter’s niece found out about her and got attached, he knew he wouldn’t have the strength to get rid of Sunita. So he kept her alive, despite it being difficult to take care of her as she needed constant care in order to ensure she could sustain her form.
Suni is a bit no thoughts head empty HDKSBJDBDJD BUT SHES A SILLY LITTLE GAL!!! She likes pink, bows and when Jenny tries to shape her goo into different hairstyles whilst rambling about her life before she started working in the lab with her uncle, telling Suni that one day they’ll escape and she’ll show her all of it. Suni knows she can’t leave the lab but she believes her anyway. It’s nice to imagine that one day she could meet all of Jennika’s friends and do all the normal stuff she used to. It’s comforting, even if it can never happen.
(This was the incentive for the @tmnt-iteration-compeition btw!!! Also @awzominator Big Mama’s design has already been posted and I think Draxum’s has too but I’m thinking about redesigning him so he could’ve been taken down at some point)
Also PS there was actually a couple of ideas when it came to Sunita! A while back whilst I was still trying to decide what I was gonna do with her, someone asked over on insta if there were any other important characters like Irma that went to April’s school and I considered making Sunita another member of the journalism club who notices in Season 3 when April starts getting a bit paranoid and is sneaking around and stuff and always seems exhausted. She vows to find out what’s going on with her, but only because she’s worried though! If the scoop happens to be juicy though… She was kinda a smaller villain of sorts like she was nowhere near as much of a threat as Shredder or Draxum or Big Mama but she was still there. I scraped that though because I came up with an idea that would benefit Draxum’s character arc and I went with it 😈😈😈💥💥💥‼️
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If the ov turtles win the @tmnt-iteration-compeition I'm revealing their future designs early!! so go vote for them please <3
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little sneak peak i guess ^
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@tired-o-fighter's "Space turtles"
@glitter-alienz's "TMNT Omniverse"
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@awzominator the mistake in the poll was actually really funny so i doodled this thing
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they didn't expect getting this far in the competition lol also, please get tmntov to the next round!! @tmnt-iteration-compeition
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@tired-o-fighter's "Space turtles
@glitter-alienz's TMNT Omniverse
@tmnt-reticent's "TMNT Reticent"
The top two winners will go on to the final round.
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SUNITA JUMPSCARE!!! (And also Jennika cameo, her hair is a little shorter because she’s around 14-15 here, so it’s about 4-5 years pre-Ret!!! Girl is currently in that awkward stage of hair growth where she’s going from super short hair to hair around her chin which is gonna take her a good while dbwjgdjwhd)
BUT THIS POST ISNT ABOUT JENNY ITS ABOUT SUNI!!! After losing the turtles and Splinter, his first successful experiments in years, Draxum tried to recreate the mutigen as best as he could. But as he kept failing over and over again, especially after a certain someone (Jenny) started screwing with his experiments, he got desperate and just threw a bunch of crap together to see what happened, and what happened was Suni. He knew he probably should’ve gotten rid of her as soon as he laid eyes on her, but it was his fault she exists in the first place, he has to take responsibility for his mistakes. And anyway, after Baxter’s niece found out about her and got attached, he knew he wouldn’t have the strength to get rid of Sunita. So he kept her alive, despite it being difficult to take care of her as she needed constant care in order to ensure she could sustain her form.
Suni is a bit no thoughts head empty HDKSBJDBDJD BUT SHES A SILLY LITTLE GAL!!! She likes pink, bows and when Jenny tries to shape her goo into different hairstyles whilst rambling about her life before she started working in the lab with her uncle, telling Suni that one day they’ll escape and she’ll show her all of it. Suni knows she can’t leave the lab but she believes her anyway. It’s nice to imagine that one day she could meet all of Jennika’s friends and do all the normal stuff she used to. It’s comforting, even if it can never happen.
(This was the incentive for the @tmnt-iteration-compeition btw!!! Also @awzominator Big Mama’s design has already been posted and I think Draxum’s has too but I’m thinking about redesigning him so he could’ve been taken down at some point)
Also PS there was actually a couple of ideas when it came to Sunita! A while back whilst I was still trying to decide what I was gonna do with her, someone asked over on insta if there were any other important characters like Irma that went to April’s school and I considered making Sunita another member of the journalism club who notices in Season 3 when April starts getting a bit paranoid and is sneaking around and stuff and always seems exhausted. She vows to find out what’s going on with her, but only because she’s worried though! If the scoop happens to be juicy though… She was kinda a smaller villain of sorts like she was nowhere near as much of a threat as Shredder or Draxum or Big Mama but she was still there. I scraped that though because I came up with an idea that would benefit Draxum’s character arc and I went with it 😈😈😈💥💥💥‼️
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The people going to the next round!
Those we're some close calls! Let's see who made it forward!
@glitter-alienz with "TMNT Omniverse"!
@tired-o-fighter with "Space turtles"!
and last but not least...
@tmnt-reticent with "TMNT Reticent"!
Congrats to everybody going forward!
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I have no concept of time I just realized the polls aren't over...
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@tmnt-iteration-compeition @jxstacey
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Shitty quick drawing of The Trio
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If you vote for Neon TMNT I will do an Ask the Neon Turtles thing and it will be GREAT VOTE FOR NEON TMNT VOTE VOTE VOTEEEE
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If Reticent wins or ties in the current round of the @tmnt-iteration-compeition I'll reveal a character I haven't spoken about yet 😈😈💥💥‼️‼️‼️ If you're a Rise fan then you might like them!!! They've already been designed and stuff but gonna work on a proper ref sheet so yall can see more art of them‼️‼️‼️💪💪💥💥💥
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Also, I am aware I was meaning to team up Space Turtles and Beloved, but for the sake of simplicity I decided to separate them so I wouldn't have to do a 3 way VS.
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@ask-the-tmnt-bnb's TMNT Bats and Butterflies
@tired-o-fighter's Space Turtles
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