tmiluz · 4 years
loona vibes
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newstead abbey, ancestral home of lord byron
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tmiluz · 4 years
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rainbow aesthetic requested by @smugxxeliza
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tmiluz · 4 years
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Yerin for Nylon Korea
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tmiluz · 4 years
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BTS - ON + parallels
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tmiluz · 4 years
10+ cosas que probablemente te hayas perdido del video musical de “ON”
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¿Cuántas de estas pistas, indicios, e impresionantes referencias viste?
El nuevo video musical cinematográfico para “ON” está repleto de pistas, indicios e impresionantes referencias. ¡Revisa estas 10+ pistas que probablemente hayas perdido de vista la primera vez que viste el video!
1. Guerra en la paz.
Al inicio del MV, Jin encuentra una paloma blanca atravesada por una flecha, En varias religiones y culturas, las palomas son símbolos de amor, inocencia, paz. También son consideradas mensajeras.
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2. Palomas y el Arca de Noé
RM está frente a un barco naufragado, rodeado de animales exóticos. Esta escena, que probablemente hace referencia al Arca de Noé, es una de las muchas referencias bíblicas del MV (o referencias de películas, ¡si estás pensando en el regreso del todopoderoso!). En la historia del Arca de Noé, Dios inunda la tierra para devolver el mundo a su estado de pre-creación con el fin de eliminar la maldad y comenzar la vida de nuevo.
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Como Noé y su familia eran personas justas, Dios los salvó del diluvio, junto con los animales. En la Biblia, una paloma aparece en la historia del Arca de Noé en Génesis 8:11: “Y la paloma llegó a él al atardecer, y en su boca una hoja de olivo fue despojada: así que Noé supo que las aguas se habían retirado de la tierra”. 
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3. J-Hope como la muerte
Después de que el prisionero fugitivo Jungkook se desplomó por el agotamiento, es atacado por un pájaro o cuervo. Ambos pájaros carroñeros comúnmente simbolizan la muerte. J-Hope aparece cerca de Jungkook, vestido de blanco y negro.
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Mientras él rapea en este campo de árboles muertos, el cuervo vuela y el cuerpo de Jungkook desaparece de la vista. La próxima vez que veamos a Jungkook, será después de haber sido transportado a un río, el lugar de un bautismo simbólico donde una vieja vida de prisión “muere” y una nueva vida de libertad comienza.
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4. El bautismo de Jungkook
Los teóricos fans tienen mucho que explorar en el MV “ON”, incluyendo sus conexiones con el MV de “FAKE LOVE”. Después de correr a través del edificio, todos sus miembros están atrapados dentro de este en “FAKE LOVE”, Jungkook encuentra una cascada interior que se vierte en un arroyo artificial. Se detiene en el borde y no entra en el agua.
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Esta escena podría ser referenciada en el MV de"ON" . Aquí, Jungkook logra escapar del lugar donde quedó atrapado. Después de correr lejos, encuentra un arroyo y se mete en él. En la Biblia, el Hijo de Dios, Jesucristo, fue bautizado en un río.
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En el nuevo testamento, el Espíritu Santo, es descrito como una paloma durante el bautismo de Jesucristo:
“Y Jesús, después de ser bautizado, emergió directamente del agua; y he aquí que los cielos le fueron abiertos, y vio al Espíritu de Dios que descendía como paloma y descendía sobre él.” - Mateo 3:16, Nuevo Testamento
5. ¿No oyes el mal, no ves el mal?
Jimin aparece en el MV con un niño, rodeado de tambores desechados y sin sonido. V aparece con una niña con los ojos vendados. Después de escuchar a Jimin cantar, el primer niño comienza a tocar su tambor, y la pared que atrapa a V y la pequeña niña se abre.
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V le quita la venda de los ojos a la niña, la toma de la mano y la lleva hacia la libertad. En ambas situaciones, es como si BTS estuviera llevando a otros lejos del malvado pasado hacia un nuevo y brillante futuro.
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6. “Make it Right”
En el video musical de “Make It Right”, el héroe debe hacer un viaje para matar a un dragón, pero no puede hacerlo solo. Necesita la ayuda de una chica amable y fiel, que probablemente represente a ARMY.
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En el MV de “ON”, V camina de la mano con una pequeña niña rubia que se parece mucho a la chica de “Make It Right”.
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7. ¡Una gran cantidad de referencias de cine y televisión!
Los entusiastas del cine han notado un montón de referencias en el MV de “ON”, incluyendo The Maze Runner…
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…El Rey León…
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Game of Thrones..
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Bird Box - A ciegas-
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y  The Handmaid’s Tale, ¡tan solo por mencionar algunas!
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8. Las cuerdas de púas de Jungkook
Debido a que la inspiración para la versión 3 de las fotos conceptuales para Map Of The Soul: 7, fue el cuadro de “La Última Cena”,¡no hay duda del porque los fans están observando muchas referencias bíblicas en “ON”! Aquí, Jungkook está atado con espinas, en lugar de una soga o cadenas.
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Es una elección interesante debido a que en la Biblia, Jesús fue coronado con espinas como “El Rey de los judíos” antes de ser crucificado.
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9. V en la cruz
¡Las referencias religiosas continúan con esta impresionante toma aérea! La manera en la que V yace en el suelo brazos extendidos con la cabeza apoyada en un tronco, pueden evocar imágenes de Jesús en la cruz.
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10. Jin protector
Después de que Jin encuentra una paloma muerta en el campo de batalla, lleva su jaula vacía a una habitación llena de jaulas vacías que alguna vez pertenecieron a palomas vivas.
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En varios MVs de BTS, Jin juega el papel de protector. En “FAKE LOVE”, por ejemplo,  acuna una linterna con una flor en su interior, al igual que acuna la jaula de la paloma aquí.
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11. Las capas de “FAKE LOVE”
Durante la escena del dance break en el MV de “ON”, BTS se enfrenta a una versión de ellos mismos vestidos con capas rojas.
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Estas capas pueden ser referencia a las usadas en el MV de “FAKE LOVE”
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12. “Los que se alejan de Omelas”
Este cuento corto de Ursula K. Le Guin jugó un papel clave en el MV de “ Spring Day” de BTS. Muchos fans creen que Jungkook simbolizaba al niño que debe ser encarcelado en la miseria para que el resto de la ciudad viva en la felicidad.
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En el MV de “ON”, se puede observar a Jungkook huir de un lugar que parece una prisión…
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para luego unirse a los otros sobrevivientes/rebeldes al final del MV.
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La historia de Le Guin termina con estas líneas: “El lugar al que van es un lugar aún menos imaginable para la mayoría de nosotros que la ciudad de la felicidad. No puedo describirlo en absoluto. Es posible que no exista. Pero parece que saben adónde van, los que se alejan de Omelas”.
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Dal🌘      @BangBangtan_Esp
Cr: Koreaboo
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tmiluz · 4 years
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“‘Xiao XingChen, the bright moon, the gentle breeze; Song ZiChen, the distant snow, the bitter frost’
… I wonder if the two of them would be able to meet each other again.” 
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tmiluz · 4 years
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200213 宋继扬工作室 Weibo Update
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tmiluz · 4 years
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“Wei Ying, return to Gusu with me”
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tmiluz · 4 years
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Quentin Shih aka Xiaofan Shi aka Shi Xiaofan aka 时晓凡 (Chinese, b. 1975, Tianjin, China, based Beijing, China)  Photography
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tmiluz · 4 years
[ANALYSIS] We Are Bulletproof 1, 2 & Eternal: The fantastic GROWTH of BTS!
The title We Are Bulletproof is a play on BTS’s full group name, 방탄소녀단 (Bangtan Sonyeondan), which translates to “Bulletproof Boyscouts”.
We Are Bulletproof Pt. 1 is a modified version of the track, “We are B.P.B” that RM and then-trainees Iron and Supreme Boi produced and released before the group’s official debut on October 12, 2010. The original version was changed to fit all the actual 7 members of BTS and was released on June 8, 2015, as a part of their buildup to their 2nd anniversary.
The lyrics showcase how BTS are willing to try hard and show everyone what they are made of. It’s like declaring their bet against the world that in this fight they will win. Because no matter the trials or the hate that pierces through like bullets they swear to be bulletproof and carry on in this journey to the end. They say “ Since we are bulletproof, soon my time is coming, so everyone hold your breath… BTS is running, step ’til dawn, we are rider…The difference between my superior skills, I’ll let you know onstage… if they’re juniors or seniors, I poach ’em… We are bulletproof.”
In conclusion, this is a song where BTS is not yet recognized. They have nothing but they aim for the top. They are ready to show who they are and say that no matter the competition they will not lose.
“We Are Bulletproof Pt.2” served as the B-side to 2 Cool 4 Skool’s lead single, “No More Dream”, during the group’s debut promotional activities. On June 13, 2013, BTS performed “We Are Bulletproof Pt.2” and “No More Dream” on Mnet’s weekly music program M Countdown, marking their official debut.
The song’s music video, released July 16, 2013, was directed by Zanybros and features an intense choreography by Son Sungdeuk. The MV for “Pt.2” helped push 2 Cool 4 Skool back onto the Gaon Weekly Album charts in week 31, where it reached a new peak at number 5.
BTS in this state debuted after countless sleepless nights “While you guys partied. I gave up sleep for my dreams.” They also received tremendous hate just for their name that is translated to “Bulletproof boy scouts”, yet they still sang it proudly. BTS was ignored and malicious comments were as normal as air under each article or content about them. But even though many looked down on them BTS shouted “Everywhere I go, everything I do. I will show you, as much as I sharpened my sword. To all the people who looked down on me.”
To sum it up, BTS who worked hard to debut realized that debuting I not the happy ending they thought. The competition in their field was rough and the public was not forgiving and harsh. But these seven boys said “We go hard, we have no fear” even if their trembling feet and drenched clothes from intense practice said we are at our limits. Their sore throat from singing and their anxious hearts facing continuous rejection said we have had enough. Their devotion to reach this common dream yelled “We are bulletproof.”
“We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal” is part of BTS' 2020 album Map of the Soul : 7. It seems to be the final installation of the group’s ongoing series of “We Are Bulletproof Pt. 1” and “We are Bulletproof Pt. 2”.
It has been 7 years since debuting and BTS never forgot their roots and identity. BTS in their 1st and 2nd We Are Bulletproof songs acted all strong and mighty. When in reality they knew better than anyone that they were weak and insignificant as artists at the time. They didn’t show their fears and tears. They shed blood, sweat, and tears in the dark but when the camera was on they pulled their strong persona. In this latest song of the series, it’s very dissimilar. They show their true selves and highlight their dejected past where they had nothing but dreams “We had nothing but dreams. Nothing but foggy mornings when we opened our eyes. We stayed up all night to dance and sing the endless music sheets.” In their second part of the series, they said: “I will show you, as much as I sharpened my sword to all the people who looked down on me.” They shouted and appeared brave. As a result, it seems that they had endless fights that turned their swords dull. Only now they unveil the harsh reality of the past “Ay, we bravely shout: “Throw all you have. First fight with the world. Don’t wanna die but so much pain, too much crying. So blunted blades.” 
In their 2nd part they also bellowed “Throw a stone at me if you’ve done as much as I did” To this still say in their last song of the series “Throw stones at me. We don’t fear anymore. We are together, bulletproof”. BTS realized that what went on in the past wasn’t easy. But if they weren’t seven no one would have survived the journey. Even today they are facing prejudice and hate but they became stronger and so is their bound not just with each other but also with their loyal ally: ARMYs. The boys who wrote many songs, letters and thanked their fans in each opportunity didn’t forget to tell their supporters that they were the light in the darkness. BTS say “We were only seven but we have you all now. After seven winters and springs. At the tips of our entwined fingers. We got to heaven.” They said seven winters and summers not just to explain the laps of seven years since debuting but winter can portray hardship and spring winning against it. BTS kept thinking they reached happiness but as soon as that happened more pain and trials appeared so they continue and say: “Even if winter comes again. Even if I’m blocked off, I will still walk. We are we are forever, bulletproof”. RM verse is also very heartwarming: “I always think Am I still in a dream? Is it really spring that came after the long winter? The name that everyone laughed at that was once embarrassing. This is the iron proof “Bullet-proof”” As the members are always asked what they feel for being loved all over the globe and achieving tremendous success worldwide, they either say “It’s all thanks to ARMY” or “We can’t believe it.” It’s like crawling out of hell, expecting the reach earth but you went so high, now you are at heaven.
In deduction, BTS made what was said to be impossible possible. They grew up and became tough. They rely on each other and know that they have people standing by them. It is no lonelier, no more as harsh, no sadder. The land that saw no rains, grew beautiful things thanks to blood, sweat, and tears. Now it turned to heaven.
Fun fact: BTS is the only group from 2013 that is still present to this day. All groups formed in 2013 disbanded. In the past, there was a new group almost every week in South Korea. Being the laugh of the crowd, BTS didn’t just survive that cursed year. They became the best group that Korea ever gave the world.
I hope you liked the post. Pls if translated or posted elsewhere add in: Credit mimibtsghost on Tumblr Lyrics were taken from genius.com
By @mimibtsghost
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tmiluz · 4 years
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Animals Gifs
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tmiluz · 4 years
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ARMY! Can’t wait to see you on Feb 21! #BTS #방탄소년단 #MAP_OF_THE_SOUL_7 #BTS_NYC_TAKEOVER
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tmiluz · 4 years
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Happy Valentines Day! ♡
requested by @xiao-zhan 
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tmiluz · 4 years
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the untamed | lan wangji & wei wuxian meeting ep.28 
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tmiluz · 4 years
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23 January ✧ Happy Birthday Lan Zhan!
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tmiluz · 5 years
Veo noticias de que PornHub va a comprar Tumblr, y creo que vuelvo a ser la persona más feliz del planeta.
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tmiluz · 5 years
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They kept the same colour scheme
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