tlblah · 3 hours
I want to quickly talk about Vi joining the Enforcers and how this will be very useful to the story. Because I see a lot of people upset about this matter, and I don’t know why? They don't even have a convincing reason, so I will just clarify the matter, and I hope you understand it because it will be an important and inevitable matter in the coming season. These people should take it more logically, not emotionally.
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The first and most important thing if Vi joins them is not necessarily that she wants to or that she would like it, but for the sake of her sister in order to protect her from the people who will seek to kill her from Piltover, including Caitlyn of course.
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If she joined them, she would have more chances to know their plans and what they would do if they wanted to attack Zaun.
Vi will also be able to help Ekko and his group during the war when Piltover decides to attack Zaun. This is inevitable, of course, in Season 2.
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So I hope you'll think about my words and theories a little and apply them to Vi's character. Is it possible that Vi will leave her sister and join the Enforcers in order to simply kill Jinx and forget everything she did for her, or will she try to take advantage of this opportunity and try to save her? And also Ekko, won't Vi help him in this war and protect him? If there's one thing Vi excels above the rest of the characters, it's sacrificing herself and her own reconciliation in order to protect the people she loves.
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"Vi does the things
she hates to protect the
people she loves"
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tlblah · 3 hours
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tlblah · 3 hours
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caitlyn looks like she's ready to fight while vi looks unsure and just going along with it
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tlblah · 4 days
The willow tree scene is kind of heartbreaking because I don't think it went quite how Colin hoped. I think he thought she also felt this crazy shift between them after their kiss and would maybe want to START courting. When she says we cannot continue our lessons, and he says kind of excitedly "I agree!" I think he thinks she means, because she wants him to court her instead. Further implied when he asks for clarification on why, asking if it is "because of what happened between them" alluding to her possible feelings towards him. But of course Penelope's dream of Colin reciprocating her feelings is virtually dead she doesn't even entertain the idea that the kiss could've been as intense for him as it was for her. And he looks so taken aback when she says they should keep their distance, which is literally the opposite of what he wanted. and he still wishes her happiness, even while he's dying inside.
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tlblah · 4 days
this tweet is too funny to not post here
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tlblah · 4 days
So, we know Powder’s glare while being held by Silco was a reference to Cabanel’s “The Fallen Angel.”
I’m wondering if Fortiche did it again.
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tlblah · 4 days
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I love the way he says this. It's so funny. Colin 'I love my wife' Bridgerton is so desperate to marry her he thinks she's taking too long to get what he means like..
"We just finished kissing after I confessed my love for you 0.004 seconds ago why aren't you in a wedding dress yet Pen?!"
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tlblah · 5 days
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tlblah · 5 days
Where's that post that's like "I can't buy expensive things like plane tickets on my phone, I have to use my laptop, big purchases are for the big screen"
Because apparently this is a literal actual thing that retailers hate cuz you think more before spending a lot of money, they want you to spend a lot without thinking about it so much
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Keep buying Big Things on the Big Screen, it's healthy for you financially to think before spending a lot of money!
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tlblah · 5 days
“are we still… sisters?”
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season 1 // season 2
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tlblah · 5 days
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Year after year and just keeps going
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tlblah · 5 days
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You don’t say.
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tlblah · 5 days
stop telling your teenage daughters who say they don't want kids that they'll change their mind
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tlblah · 5 days
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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tlblah · 6 days
When you learned of the god of war, you thought he’d be tall and muscular and angry. When you were about to meet him, you braced yourself for the worst.
You weren’t quite expecting the short, scrawny, shy kid you ended up getting instead.
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tlblah · 6 days
since it’s pride month. reminder that queer people having a healthy sex life is normal. queer people can have kinks. lesbians can express attraction to women without being gross or predatory. gay men aren’t scary. trans people are valid no matter where they are in their transition. asexual and aromantic people are included in our community too. non-binary people don’t owe you an explanation. bisexuals don’t have to “pick a side”.
we all have different experiences but we should all try our best to make each other feel welcome.
and the A has never stood for ally. hope this helps.
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tlblah · 6 days
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they're really going for the "everyone going to be a little bit opposite of who they were in s1" theme in season 2 fr
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