titlesarestupidau · 1 month
Chapter 1 of Section 3 is here!
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Link to the Chapter
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titlesarestupidau · 2 months
Section Three has officially started!
To the prologue of Section 3.
In the form of a short comic!!
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titlesarestupidau · 2 months
This is a thing now!
Since I'm starting to get dedicated, I'm announcing the opening of this tumblr blog! Ask questions, give comments, give theories, etc. Hate mail, critiques, whatever! This is the place to go.
First section
Second section
Third section
The description of the book:
Descriptions are Stupid.
-- So where DID Taco head off to after Mic's forfeit?
Titles are Stupid is an Alternative Universe stemming from Inanimate Insanity's canon, setting starting after II Season 2, Episode 14. If you're unfamiliar with Inanimate Insanity, then this fandom work may cause a lot of confusion. 'Titles are Stupid', THIS VERSION, is the rewritten version of Bugdatabase's 'Titles are Stupid' prior to this version. The old version had plotholes, and was very very confusing. This version is a second attempt! It's turning out very well. ^^
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