tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
you know, mostly I love the way Castiel is presented in fandom. but sometimes I miss seeing the side of Cas that isnā€™t just cheery and bumbling and sweet-mannered. I love the old bad-tempered, overdramatic whiny pissbaby Cas. this is the creature who bitched and complained constantly, and whose first instinct upon hearing the Apocalypse had arrived was to suggest they all get piss-drunk and lie down on the ground and wait to die.
whereā€™s the high school AU where Cas is a melodramatic bitter asshole like ā€˜I failed this test. whatā€™s the point. Iā€™m going to drown myself in the water fountainā€™ whereā€™s the coffee shop AU where someone gets Casā€™ order wrong and instead of being a cutie about it he just stares bleakly into his styrofoam cup like ā€˜i guess itā€™ll do. i guess it wonā€™t matter when we all eventually turn to the abyss. then again, by that logic, nothing really mattersā€™ or the cute teacher AU where he teaches philosophy and gives all the kids existential crises being like ā€˜well, technically, nothing is real. and our concept of human life is arbitrary and entirely meaninglessā€¦ā€¦. your paper is due Thursdayā€™
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
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Bowlegs per episode Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā†³ Season 3 | The Kids Are Alright
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
I'm in luck, guys.
sorry poor word choice I meant would you aggressively fuck someone who's genderqueer
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
I'd like to write a fic featuring this situation that includes the reason Dean does this
Dean letting Sam hump his leg, one arm around his back, the other on his thigh, holding him against him, murmuring praises, telling him itā€™s ok,Ā that this is natural for a growing boy.Ā 
Sam being embarrassed, his red face buried in Deanā€™sĀ shoulder, gasping as he rubs his erection over his brotherā€™s hip.Ā 
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
Almost every hand you have ever shaken has had a dick in it
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
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Youā€™re a terrible liar.
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
I know discourse is the word of choice in fandom nowadays but I kind of wish we would have stuck with ā€œfandom wankā€ because it carries the implication that the anger involved culminated into effectively nothing and that the act was wholeheartedly masturbatory in nature rather than for any greater cause.
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
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This personā€¦. fixes butterfliesā€¦.. šŸ¦‹
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
I'm gonna be the ass that goes against the grain. How about a writing prompt?
Dean Winchester - tall, handsome, heartbreaker, incredibly talented singer, bachelor, owner of a large penis (but that last oneā€™s a given so you donā€™t specifically need to mention that) - has a sudden rival during karaoke night and things are about to getā€¦heated
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
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Dean ā–ŗ The Bad Seed (11.03)
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
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nicknames for castiel (part 1)
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
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NJCon 2017 Gold Panel [x]
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
psst, if your kudos to hits ratio is low, itā€™s not because people donā€™t like your fics, itā€™s because they like them so much they go back and read them SO MANY TIMES YOU CANā€™T EVEN IMAGINE
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
You just replied to something about the DCBB and this is the first year I'm doing it as a writer and I feel like so behind and I'm not writing enough and how the hell do I get it done. Even outside of DCBB how in the world do you get your stuff done? I guess I'm asking for writing tips.
ā€‹ā€‹I can do that! First, a quick foreword: I havenā€™t started writing my DCBB yet at all, and the final length is estimated at 150k+. Iā€™m a ridiculous outlier - on a good day I can write 10k and I barely think about what Iā€™m doing, Iā€™m almost on autopilot sometimes. However, that doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t have days when I canā€™t work out how to spell ā€œorangeā€, and spend an entire hour perfecting a three-sentence paragraph only to scrap it later. Iā€™m also prone to sitting and staring at a blank document, wondering where all the words have run off to.
Iā€™m happy to share my knowledge. Iā€™ll give you the basics, with a few additional tricks that work for me personally. Most of this applies to writing in general, not just the DCBB.
Under the cut: Elmieā€™s Guide to Kicking Ass at the DeanCas Big Bang 2014
Keep reading
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
Hey that post about referring to characters by their hair color and such, do you mean you don't like people saying things like "the dark haired man caught his eye from across the room" or "the boy with the green eyes smiled at her"?? Just wondering. Because sometimes doing that makes it easier to keep characters straight, especially if they're characters of the same gender and you haven't given them names yet. Or even if you don't want to keep repeatedly using their names because it sounds bad.
(about this post)
hey, no, that stuff is totally cool if the reader hasnā€™t learned the characterā€™s names yet, or its use is very occasional. it only irks me when we know the dark haired-man is (for example) named Cas, or the boy with the green eyes is Dean.
here are some examples to clarifyā€¦
this is totally fine:
ā€œHey,ā€ the green-eyed man rasped through the smoke.Ā ā€œNameā€™s Dean. Whatā€™s yours?ā€
The fellow with the dark, glitter-strewn hair turned his eyes to the floor, and he smiled.Ā ā€œCastiel.ā€
this is also totally fine:
ā€œDean, why are you such a pig?ā€ Castiel demanded, slamming a spoon down on the table in front of Dean.
The green-eyed swine looked up from his bowl of slop and oinked.
perfectly acceptable but could be clearer:
ā€œIā€™m not going in there again,ā€ Dean said, folding his arms and looking towards the donut stall, away from his friend. His brown hair ruffled in the slight breeze, and for a moment, Castiel caught a whiff of the other manā€™s cologne.
probably going to get on my nerves a little, but itā€™s okay if thereā€™s a good reason (like so):
ā€œIā€™m calling the cops if you donā€™t shut up, Dean,ā€ hissed the shorter man.
The taller man huffed and turned up the radioā€™s volume.Ā ā€œIā€™m sorry, Cas, what was that? Canā€™t hear you!ā€
Castiel stomped up onto the verandah, and immediately found himself staring eye-to-eye with his neighbour. They were the same height in bare feet.
absolutely no please donā€™t (unless itā€™s crack):
ā€œI love you, Cas,ā€ said the green-eyed rocket scientist, placing his hand against his viewscreen.
ā€œDean,ā€ cried the older man tragically, in his gravelly voice. He put his hand on his screen too, mirroring the younger manā€™s handprint.Ā ā€œDean, Iā€“ Iā€“ā€
There was no time left because the countdown hit zero. The crying rocket scientist pressed the button, and suddenly the rocket containing the blue-eyed man zoomed off into space.
I hope this highlighted the difference between using those basic descriptors sparingly in an acceptable context and over-using them in an unnecessary context.
the space those words take up would be better used describing little details (sight/smell/touch/emotion/character motivation) which your characters experience at that precise moment. those add a hell of a lot more to a readerā€™s sense of immersion than descriptors theyā€™ve read a hundred times in the story already.
itā€™s important to remember that itā€™s absolutelyĀ okayĀ to use your characterā€™s names as many times as you need to to avoid confusion with someone else. names kind of blur into the background of in a readerā€™s mind, so using a name where necessary doesnā€™t bother people the same way as using words like ā€œtremendousā€ or ā€œsplendidā€ five times on one page.
stories with multiple same-gender pronouns can potentially be confusing, but they donā€™t need to be. thereā€™s no limit to the ways you can refer to everyone without using only their eye colour, height, occupation, age, hair colour - whatever.Ā any sentence can be split or rearranged to avoid wording dilemmas, too. sometimes itā€™s easier to start a sentence over if youā€™re stuck.
tl;dr ā€“Ā using basic descriptors is fine so long as:
itā€™s not done every other sentence
thereā€™s a logical reason for not using their name
the characters are recognisable by more than just that one descriptor.
feel free to use these as prompts if something inspired you. (tag me?)
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tippensao3 Ā· 6 years
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So Iā€™ve noticed a bunch of medical errors in fics I read, so I decided to post this handy guide to some of the most common errors and some background on basic medical things.
ps- they are not medical treatment or first aid advice. Iā€™m not actually a doctor. yet. but I am certified in first aid. this is just so your writing can be more realistic.
other parts can be found here
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