tikusruk · 4 years
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tikusruk · 5 years
Apa aku udah terlalu sombong karena ga banyak berdoa? Tapi aku malu kalau berdoa cuma pas ada maunya aja
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tikusruk · 5 years
Hidup gw kaya sirkus
Soleha yg lelah mondar mandir Jakarta Sumedang Bandung
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tikusruk · 5 years
Banyak dikirim wejangan wejangan nikah sama sahabat yang sama sama menuju jenjang pernikahan. Jadi berpikir, apa aku beneran udah siap atau belum ya? Nikah itu ibadah terpanjang, tapi apa mindset aku sudah ikut berubah belum ya? Karena hidup sendiri pasti berbeda dengan hidup berdua membangun rumah tangga, mewujudkan visi misi..
Tapi btw, visi misi pernikahanku apa ya .. huhuhu
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tikusruk · 5 years
Sore sore waktu aku tanya marisa teman kerja orang indo di kantorku tentang kelanjutan kontrak kerja dia, dia bilang dia ga akan lanjut. Mau resign.
Kemudian pikiranku sedikit terbang karena aku berulang kali bertanya sama diriku sendiri. Kenapa aku masih di sini, padahal aku juga ngga betah betah amat.
Temanku semua udah pada resign. Dan tinggal aku yg paling lama di sini. Banyak cerita di sini. Banyak yang ga enak nya, ga adil, dan hal hal yang ga aku sukai. Ya kecuali istirahat tidur siangku 1 jam.
Aku sampe bingung sendiri, kenapa aku masih bertahan di tempat yg sebenerna aku juga ga suka. Apa aku udah kehilangan mindfulness Karena Aku tidak merasa hidup dan mengerjakan sesuatu saat ini, atau aku memang terlalu Zen saat bekerja, aku fokus pada diriku, bukan pada hal hal tidak menyenangkan di sekitarku.
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tikusruk · 5 years
Bersyukur bisa kenal lebih dekat sama suami pas sering naik naik gunung.
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tikusruk · 5 years
Tiap kali aku merasa tidak diapresiasi, merasa diremehkan. Ingat, masih ada banyak orang yang tidak seberuntung diriku. Ada banyak orang yang usahanya jauh di atasku, namun apresiasinya tidak sebanyak diriku. Selalu ingat itu. Jangan habiskan waktumu untuk berkeluh kesah atas apa yg tidak kau dapatkan. Jadilah bermanfaat.
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tikusruk · 5 years
Dulu aku pernah bilang, buat apa saling cinta tapi tak pernah mendoakan. Tapi saat ini, rasanya... Sulit sekali duduk dan berdoa untuk orang orang tersayang. Namun sering kali mereka berkelebat dalam nalar disela kesibukan.
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tikusruk · 5 years
Hello Tumblr i really miss you so much
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tikusruk · 5 years
It's scary when they left me
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tikusruk · 5 years
Bisakah orang lain menerima prosés lambanku?
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tikusruk · 5 years
Apakah aku menjadi seseorang yang aku takuti dan tidak aku inginkan?
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tikusruk · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Sketching thoughtfully
I don’t have so much time on my hands right now (I’m still busy doing things for my upcoming “Tokyo at Night” book, and pictures for a commission) but I try to diversify the things I make to keep my head fresh.
For example, I recently painted these two sketches, that portrait one of the retro shops of the Edo Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum (江戸東京たてもの園) in Koganei. This is one of my all-time favorite places in Tokyo, and this shop is one of my favorite buildings in it. Especially with all the interesting retro home items presented in it as if they were still there for sale. The light reflected from the gold-colored and blue pots and kettles, all the strange utensils and wooden wares are just awesome!
I wanted to paint this shop and especially it’s insides for some time but the thing that finally pushed me to do it was my recent idea of “thoughtful striving” to become a better artist (a part of my “thoughtfulness” year theme).
I have many aspects of my art that I would like to improve but with these pictures, I focused on:
increasing my ability to paint/draw things that I do not have a direct photo reference for.
being able to paint things faster while conveying the emotion and story behind the scene.
putting more thought into what I’m doing - not only painting things because they are fun and nice-looking but making things that have more purpose and thought put into them.
For me, a good example of such paintings are the concept sketches done by Hayao Miyazaki for his movies. Even though these are often quickly and roughly painted pieces, they convey exactly the atmosphere of the scene that he has in mind and the story behind it, while also sometimes looking like nice, finished watercolors!
I decided to paint this shop in a style similar to these Ghibli concept arts while using the photos I had only as reference material. I tried to think why I liked the store and to translate it into a simple in style but substantial in content and atmosphere watercolor sketch (that turned into a longer painting).
Holbein Waterford White HOT pressed watercolor paper (for a smooth texture)
Mijello Mission Gold watercolors (for more saturated colors)
HB Pencil (for the sketch)
SAILOR shikiori brown pen / Faber-Castell ECCO pigment 0.3 multiliner (for nice line finish)
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tikusruk · 5 years
Bisakah aku menerima diriku apa adanya?
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tikusruk · 5 years
Apakah aku membutuhkan waktu untuk memaafkan diriku?
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tikusruk · 5 years
Apakah aku melarikan diri dari tanggungjawab ku?
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tikusruk · 5 years
Kata mas hanif, only talking no meaning. Semua harus ada evidence nya. Tulisan. Sop harus ada tulisannya. Semua ngga bisa katanya katanya. Orang bisa lupa
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