thuyflinh · 18 days
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just dying in this sweetness
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thuyflinh · 21 days
if you desperately want something, the universe will conspire in helping you achieve it.
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thuyflinh · 25 days
we texted, 
i cried, 
you laughed, i guess
i giggled, you compliment,
im happy
hope you so
like the old times, 
weren't yet, 
weren't anymore 
as the time fly,
still having me adored,
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thuyflinh · 25 days
how long does it take to actually be called original by others
i see you in someone else
what a worst and best compliment ever
would I want to be called authentic
oh I see someone else in you, you are the chaos of all the mixes 
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thuyflinh · 25 days
you are poet in my heart
the changes in my mind,
pounding in my heart
you're everything in my head
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thuyflinh · 25 days
I must not fear. 
Fear is the mind-killer. 
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. 
I will face my fear. 
I will permit it to pass over me and through me. 
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. 
Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. 
Only I will remain.
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thuyflinh · 1 month
When you’re young you believe that there will be many people with whom you’ll connect with deeply. Later in life, you come to realize that it only happens a few times. A few moments, frozen in genuine beauty, where you look at someone and you know, from a place deep within yourself, that they are going to mean something to you, that they are rare.
When it comes to this kind of connection, it’s important to understand that energy cannot be created or destroyed. If the depth is there, it cannot be denied, cannot slip through your fingers, cannot be something you successfully run away from due to fear of exposure or battle wounds. You can try to dismiss it, can try to stay protected and hidden from the warmth, but it always catches up to you.
And if it’s not meant to fit within the soul of you, if it’s simply not your love to hold, no amount of bargaining with your heart will anchor it. That is the beauty of discovering the things that stay, the things that fall into place. In a world of billions, in a world where we are all seeking connection but avoiding eye contact, there are remarkable points of impact where you manage to crash yourself into someone who ends up breaking through the exterior. Someone who makes contact with your heart, who grows roots within it. Together, you beat the odds.
If you have found human beings like this, I hope you protect them. I hope you risk your heart for what you feel. I hope you believe that you are worthy of something full, and pointed and real. I hope you never settle for less, because certain people are truly just rare, beautiful drops of borrowed light that find their way to you. You don’t feel alien with them. The otherness never arrives. There isn’t a version of yourself you have to shed in order to feel connected to them. They see you clearly. You are held there. You are chosen there. Love becomes a safe place to rest your head. A place without artifice, or armour. There are no hiding spots. Everything is unguarded, and unvarnished, and there is freedom in that kind of openness, in that kind of vulnerability.
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thuyflinh · 2 months
i dont know how to say goodbye, its like a malignant disease consuming my mental space. nausea is analogous to acid flowing through the stomach, corroding food, in this case, the acid is in the mind. im in a zero-gravity zone, plummeting with no end in sight.
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thuyflinh · 3 months
"A great man doesn’t seek to lead. He’s called to it. And he answers. And if your answer is no, you’ll still be the only thing I ever needed you to be - my son" - Leto Atreides
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thuyflinh · 3 months
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cậu dùng ultra view viết vào phần note máy tính của tôi năm 2019, we were so young dumb back then
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thuyflinh · 4 months
6 albums to get to know me
Blonde - Frank Ocean
Hopeless Romantic - Big Naughty
Sun and Moon - Sam Kim
5 Seconds Of Summer - 5 Seconds Of Summer
Norman Fucking Rockwell - Lana Del Rey
Lover - Taylor Swift
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thuyflinh · 4 months
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thuyflinh · 4 months
I don’t need you to save me, but you can hold my hand while I save myself - could I find you when im already at the blink of verge
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thuyflinh · 4 months
hdr cam wrapped in pink cellophane.
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thuyflinh · 6 months
có những ngày, mình về nhà, bật bếp để nấu cơm.
rồi mình tự nói, nỗi đau bây giờ, sau này chắc sẽ bớt thôi.
kiểu kiểu vậy.
cơm đã chín, gió lùa qua khe cửa, nhạc vẫn đang chạy.
không sao.
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thuyflinh · 7 months
Khi con nhìn mẹ với những vết hằn khô nứt nẻ ở tay, giống như tảng đá bị nứt vỡ mà không có cách nào bôi lại lành. Đó là niềm tin, nỗi đau, những sự lạc lối, người mẹ của con là anh hùng, là nữ siêu anh hùng. Con nhớ mẹ, con nhớ tấm lưng chi chít rôm của mẹ, con nhớ chiếc bụng mỡ mỗi lần sà vào là lòng con bình yên, con nhớ những sự nứt gãy, của thời gian của hy vọng, của sự nhẫn nhục chịu đựng trên những ngón tay của mẹ. 
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thuyflinh · 7 months
Trầm cảm như một căn bệnh ác tính, nó ăn mòn lý trí của mình, cồn cào như acid chảy trong dạ dày ăn mòn thức ăn, ở đây nó là acid trong tâm trí. Giống như người ở vùng không trọng lực, mình cảm giác mình cứ rơi mãi, không có điểm ngưng, không có điểm dừng, mình chỉ muốn nằm ở góc nhà, được cuộn tròn và khóc cho đến khi mình ngủ được. Mình ngủ không sâu giấc, mình không tài nào chợp mắt được, cứ như con nghiện cần thuốc phiện, mình không chịu nổi, không tài nào chịu nổi, mình cảm thấy ruột gan như co thắt lại, mình muốn nôn oẹ ra, mình muốn móc họng, mình không muốn ăn gì hết, mình chỉ muốn nôn. 
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