throughthesky · 4 months
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Stevie Nicks by David Hill (1976)
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throughthesky · 4 months
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-despite everything, there is still love
@arthoesunshine/ @artsheila/ @daisies-on-a-cup/ @gayarsonist / @hjarta/ @yunawinter on twitter/ @bakwaaas/ @death-born-aphrodite/ anon on gentleearth/ @classicnymph on twitter
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throughthesky · 4 months
tuesday again? problem
6K notes · View notes
throughthesky · 4 years
Girl for all seasons // two
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Summary: When suddenly all their friends and relatives are getting married, (Y/N) and her neighbour Ben are made painfully aware of what it means to grow up and get older. Desperate to not go through the wedding season alone, the two decide to be each other’s wedding dates. What starts with one wedding in spring, turns into a year long arrangement. But what happens when two people who are sick of romance suddenly find themselves in a whirlwind of feelings themselves ? And will a DJ finally play the Cha-Cha Slide ? (Mixed media fic)
This is my second attempt at writing chapter 2. I left a lot of what I had initially written but changed a few things to make the story flow better and not develop the relationship too early. Hope you like it :)
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
Spring: Christina and Michael
“ It [spring] is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine…” ― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
By the time Ben and (Y/N) get home, they are exhausted and yet something about being together is exhilarating and neither of them want it to end right away. So that’s how they find each other slumped on the (Y/N)’s couch, five guys shakes in hand. 
“ Wedding are — “ Ben starts and stops for a lack of a proper explanation. 
“ I know “ (Y/N) agrees. That’S the thing about being friends with her, he thinks, she understands without him having to explain anything. She just gets him. It’s even kinda freaky sometimes, as is she knows exactly what's going on inside his head.
“ And It’s not the last wedding for this year. Just last week I received 3 new invites. You think people have caught some kind of bug or something. Suddenly they’re all hot about getting married. “ 
“ Uh, don’t remind me. I have to go to my cousin’s wedding next week. I was supposed to go with my ex but uh — well she’s my ex now. So I won’t bring her, will I? Just gonna be my family taking the piss all night. “ 
“ It’s why you never tell them who you’re bringing. “ 
“ Well I didn’t think it was gonna end, did I? “ 
(Y/N) is quiet for a moment and Ben almost thinks she’s fallen asleep, that’s until she speaks up again. More serious this time.
“ I have a proposition “ 
“ That sounds ominous. “ 
“ Shut up. I mean it. Like — we both have a lot of wedding to go to right ? “ 
Ben nods.
“ And we can’t very well say we’re not going. But it’s also kinda boring and sad going alone. Yes? “
“ Yeah.”
“ How about we make a deal to be each other’s wedding dates until either one of us finds and actual date or we run out of wedding? “ 
Ben has to admit, it’s not a bad idea. He doesn’t really look forward to suffering through yet another boring ceremony and having to explain his relatives about his single life. Suffering through it with (Y/N) by his side sounds only half bad actually.
“ You know what? “ 
“ Hmm? “ 
“ I think that’s a pretty good idea. “
“ Oh most of my idea are. “
“ Is that so? “
“ Yup! So now, when’s your cousin’s wedding ? “ 
“ Saturday in a few weeks “ 
“ In a few weeks?!” 
“ Mh. “ 
“ Shit I need an outfit!!! “
“ Wear the same you did today? “ 
(Y/N) looks at him with eyes wide in shock  “absolutely not!” 
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  It’s a Tuesday afternoon when (Y/N) opens the front door to Ben’s knock, then rushes back towards her bedroom in a hurry. There’s commotion coming from the room, expletives being thrown left and right. Then a thumping sound. Then quiet.
“ You alright, love? “ 
“ Do I look alright? “ 
The sight before him, as he enters the bedroom, is one he can’t help but laugh at. (Y/N)’s sitting on the floor in front of her closet, surrounded by mountains of fabric. Tulle and satin and lace. 
“ What the hell happened here? “ Ben asks, trying his best to swallow down the chuckles that so desperately want to find their way out. 
“ It’s not my day today!” (Y/N) explains before pulling yet another dress from her closet, regarding it, then throwing it on the pile with the others. “ My boss didn’t like the answer I gave in my column today, my hair won’t cooperate and to top it all off — someone made me say yes to accompanying him to a party that’s this coming weekend and I have nothing to wear.”
A heavy weight rests on (Y/N)’s heart, making breathing just a bit harder. For a while now, a perpetual restlessness has settled upon every inch of her life, painting it all in a hue of uncertainty. She likes her job, really. It’s not the most prestigious or pays all too well, but she gets to write. She gets to write and help people and that’s something she wholeheartedly enjoys. 
But every once in a while, a situation arises that makes her question everything. A situation where it becomes abundantly clear that her morals and those of her boss, do not match in the slightest. It’s those moments that throw her for a loop, make the restlessness appear, put the heavy weight on her heart. And that’s when she feels like her life isn’t her own, like it moves before her eyes without her taking an active part in it. 
So she spirals. Loses herself in all the little problems, all the tiny bothers. 
Like bad hair days and unplanned wedding outfits.
“ What didn’t he like about your column? “ Ben asks, leaning against the doorway to the bedroom, effortlessly cool as ever. (Y/N) wonders if he realizes it or if it comes so natural he doesn’t even notice.
“ My laptop’s open on the kitchen counter, have a read. “ 
Ben does as she says, eyes falling onto the brightly colored layout of her agony aunt section called “ Ask Blossom.” He once asked her why the name and she’s told him that it’s for anonymity reasons. “
It’s easier to talk to someone with a stage name,” she said,” like talking to your diary or an imaginary friend. It’s also easier to write things I don’t necessarily mean 100% when I write them under a different name. “ 
It makes sense, Ben decides. In a way, it’s not unlike what he does for a living. There’s something about playing someone else, that gives him a certain kind of confidence and self-assurance he doesn’t possess when he’s meant to represent himself. He’s not afraid of doing weird shit in front of the camera, not even nervous about doing a play butt-naked. Full frontal shot and all. But put him in a chair for an interview where he’s just Ben, that’s terrifying. 
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   “ Okay, so I don’t get what’s wrong about this? “
“ Well, “ (Y/N) approaches, a piece of light pink colored fabric clutched in her hand, “ he doesn’t think the advice I gave was on brand. I’m supposed to be more romantic. According to him, I should’ve just told her to go for it. I don’t wanna lie to my readers though. “ 
“ That’s bullshit! “ 
“ I know, right?  I don’t feel comfortable telling my readers to do something when I know full well that my advice might end up causing a mess. I don't wanna be reliable for ruining a friendship because my boss thinks I need to do more to feed into the unrealistic expectations that romance movies like to force-feed us. “ 
Now, (Y/N) is well aware of how her words make her seem. But it’s really not like that. She likes love. Likes being in love. Like all the highs and lows that come with it. But the fact is, that life is never like the movies and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Because life also isn’t about grand gestures and epic endings. It’s about night on the couch both coexisting in bliss. It’s about being with someone that you don’t mind going grocery shopping with. It’s about finding someone who’s uniqueness is compatible with yours. It’s all the little things.
“ Well if it’s any consolation, I think you said the right thing. “
“ Thanks, Ben, you’re a gem. “ 
He smiles at that, the boyish grin lighting up his entire face. Ben is the sun personified. (Y/N) wonders if she’s the moon.
“ Okay so, what do you think about this dress for Saturday? “ 
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The dress is a light blush color, velvet and short. Ben can only imagine what it’s gonna look like on her and has to swallow at that thought. He shouldn’t be thinking like this, he’s well aware. But he’s a guy, for christ’s sake.
“ You’re … that’s …. I … Yes. “ 
“ Yes? “ 
“ Uh-huh”
The way he looks at her at that moment sends another shiver down her spine. It’s so soft and kind and full of admiration. It’s how every girl wants to be looked at. Even if it’s Ben looking at her this way. Her neighbour Ben. Her friend Ben. Her wedding date Ben.
Maybe she wants to be looked at like that, especially if it’s Ben. 
“ Are you gonna wear the pink suit again then? We’d match, kinda.” 
“ Uh, no. It died. “ 
“ Huh ? “ 
Ben looks up at her through his dark lashes, a bashful expression on his face. “ Had to bid it goodbye. Got some stains on it at Five Guys. I brought it to the cleaners but it was too late. “
“ Oh no. Gone too soon. “ 
“ Honestly ” 
“ Hey uh, Ben? “ 
There’s an edge in her voice, a hint of something he can’t quite place. It’s all tinted in uncertainty. 
“ Yeah? “ 
“ I — what did you tell your family about us? Like, am I gonna be your fake girlfriend or? “ 
“ No. No, I told them I’m bringing a friend. “ 
She nods but Ben can tell there’s more going on there. He can almost see the gears turning in her head, can see the thoughts swirling through her brain like moths around a streetlight. 
“ What is it? “ 
“ Nothing really, it’s dumb. I’m just worried about meeting your family. I don’t know if you are aware of this but I am incredibly self-conscious and do need everyone to like me otherwise I will lie awake all night trying to figure out what I did wrong and — “ 
Ben places a hand gently over her mouth, making the blabber falling from her lips, stop in motion. For a second they look into each other’s eyes. Deep. Honest. Heavy with something else brewing. It’s just a little bubble, no boiling point yet. But it’s there. It’s hot. It’s waiting.
“ They will like you! I promise you that. My family is small and loving and — your absolutely normal chaotic English family. Just be yourself and they’ll wanna adopt you as a part of the family before you can even introduce yourself. Trust me you will be the one getting sick of them.” 
(Y/N) smiles and it sends a weird sensation through Ben’s system. Not bad or good. Just weird. Unfamiliar. 
“ Don’t think I will. Not sick of you yet, am I  ? “
“ I reckon you would’ve told me to fuck off by now if that was the case. “
“ I promise I’ll let you know. You promise me you’ll tell me if you grow tired of me ?” 
“ Promise. “ 
“ Good. Now, how would you feel about pizza right now ? “ 
“ Best idea I’ve heard in a while. Feeeeed me, Seymour.” 
“ You’re a dork!” There’s never malice with (Y/N), only admiration. Silent signs of affection. Kindness. Warmth. Her.
Later that night, a lightness settles upon them. Like nothing bad can reach them here. In her apartment with music playing on low volume through the speakers. With the smell of pizza wafting through the air. Beer bubbling through their veins. 
By now, Ben is used to his life being a constant journey from one point to another. Always on the move. People don’t really realize that chasing your dream does truly involve a lot of chasing to match all the dreaming. 
This, tonight, makes him noticed just how much he’s missed having a proper place that feels like home. Hanging out with (Y/N), eating pizza and watching shitty movies and talking about the upcoming wedding reception, it feels more like home than anything else has in a long while.
He doesn’t ever want this feeling to go away.
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  Mayfield Hall is small but gorgeous. There’s decorations everywhere though and it blatantly obvious that this wedding and the one they went to a few weeks ago have absolutely nothing in common.
Everything Amanda’s wedding was perfectly planned, down to the fucking time that the bride was allowed to go pee. Meticulously organised. Completely scheduled. (Y/N) has to admit that the ceremony was nice and that the couple looked very much in love, but it all felt a little —fake. A little sterile. Like a wedding made for Instagram and Instagram only.
As her eyes wander around the room, she can’t help but sit and watch in awe at the heart and all the love that went into decorating this place. Things are handmade, imperfect. There’s some crooked hearts here and there and a few balloons that are slowly deflating with every passing moment. But this place, this family, they exude love. Like they know no other way but to be so kind and loving and welcoming. It seems easy. Just like being suave and cool seems to come easy to Ben.
Loving comes easy to this family and for that (Y/N) will be forever jealous.
“ Hey there, are you enjoying yourself ? “
Ben’s brother sits down next to her, he’s got the same boyish charm, the same babyface. His eyes are friendly and welcoming and his smile makes her feel way less nervous than before.
“ I am, thank you. This is very nice, you guys are so sweet. Honestly I was really nervous to attend a wedding where I know no one, but this is actually fun. “ 
“ Yeah ? That’s good, we don’t want you to feel excluded. I was honestly really excited when Ben told me he was bringing a friend too. I was kind of expecting people to give me a hard time about bringing Ally along and making it weird with questions and stuff. It’s not so bad now that Ben’s brought you too. “
His eyes wander towards the girl, Ally, and (Y/N) knows right then that there is more there. The way he looks at her, the smile tugging at the edge of his lips, the subtle sigh. This man is head over heels for this woman and it’s clear as day. 
There’s something about being in the company of people who are in love. It shows you how wonderful it can be. How it seeps through everything, paints it all in vibrant colors, hues of golds, reds, pinks. It’s real life but heightened. 
It makes you want to fall in love yourself.
“ Is he bothering you, love? “ Ben’s warm deep voice floats around her like a soft melody. There’s always a smile hidden there somewhere in his words. Like a secret he only shares with those willing to listen. 
(Y/N)’s sure she could listen forever. 
“ How could I bother her when she’s here with you, mate ? We all know who’s the annoying one in this family .” 
It’s loving banter, and (Y/N) wholeheartedly enjoys seeing the brothers interact. Getting a tiny glimpse into Ben’s life when he isn’t Ben the actor, makes her feel like she gets to be part of something bigger. Something meaningful. Sure he’s just Ben when he’s with her watching movies and pigging out on fast food, too. But this is different, these are the people that shaped him and his past. That made him the person he is. 
This is his family and it feels so nice to be allowed to hold just a tiny part in this.
“ Good news, “ Ben announces, “ food’s about to be served and it’s actual proper sized portions. “ 
His brother raises an eyebrow in utter confusion “ huh ? “ 
“ We went to my friend’s wedding the other day and they served us some fancy michelin star meal that was uh — pretty tiny. “ 
“ It was a bloody joke “ 
“ It really was. “ 
After taking a sip of his wine, Ben’s brother turns back to the pair, a question clearly visible in his eyes.
“ You guys go to wedding together a lot then? “ 
It’s not accusatory or teasing. It’s really just an honest question but there’s a weird feeling coming with it, to both Ben and (Y/N). Like there’s something that they don’t see, but maybe should.
“ Not really, I mean this is our second. But we decided to make it a thing. It’s fun and it’s better than going alone. “ 
“ Oh definitely. “ 
Ben brother smiles at that, and once again there’s something there that wasn’t there before. 
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 “ So, not to be that guy but maybe you should ask her to dance ?” 
Ben’s sitting at the table, glass of whiskey in his hand, his brother by his side. There’s music echoing through the halls, smiles on peoples faces, love filling the entire room.
His brother’s sitting there to his right, nursing a drink himself. And it’s then, when things are loud and rowdy, that a comfortable silence washes over Ben. One that feels safe and comfortable. Like his heart doesn’t have to be heavy and there’s no reason for him to be anyone but himself. This is his family, his people. People he loves and that love him back. Him. Just Ben. 
“ I’m well tipsy, mate. I’d just step on her feet. “ Ben laughs. 
“ It doesn’t matter. Just sway left and right. It’s the thought that counts. Ben I can see the way you look at her. “ 
The way he looks at her ? Ben isn’t an idiot, and he isn’t completely unaware of things either. (Y/N) is gorgeous and if things were different maybe they could be something. But things are the way they are and both their lives are full of uncertain chaos. How could he expect from her to add his own to hers ? That would be selfish. 
“ It’s not like that. “ 
“ Sure it’s not. “ 
“ It really isn’t. I like what her and I have. It’s fun and it’s easy and I don’t have any desire to change that right now. None. “
“ Ben … “ 
“ Look, stop being so concerned with my love life. Reckon you should got ask Ally to dance, she’s head over heels for you, no joke. “ 
“ She’s pretty great. “ his brother swoons then takes another sip of his drink.
The clicking of heels pulls the men from their conversation. (Y/N) approaches, defeated look on her face though Ben can tell there’s a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. Oh no, he can only imagine where this is going.
“ Bad news, my guy. The couple has put the Cha-Cha Slide on their no-playlist. “ 
“ Cha-Cha slide ?” Ben’s brother inquiries. 
“ Don’t ask. “ 
In the center of every table, there’s a gorgeous arrangement of red and yellow flowers. It looks very much like a spring wedding, and the flowers smell fresh and lovely. What really stands out about the centerpiece though, is the table card. Instead of a little piece of paper indicating a number, every table has a vinyl record saying the name of a band. The groom, Ben has explained to (Y/N) earlier, is a hobby musician and the couple actually met at a concert so it only makes sense. 
What’s most fun about this though, is that it comes with a game. Whenever a song is played that’s performed by the band that matches your table, you have to get up and dance. It gets people going, where otherwise they probably wouldn’t have the guts to get up on the dancefloor.
When the first chords of the Beatles “I wanna hold your hand” starts echoing from the speakers, (Y/N) eyes light up with pure glee before they fall on Ben.
“ Come on. “ 
“ No, (Y/N) I — “ 
“ It’s our table, come on! No discussion!” 
And so he lets himself be pulled onto the dancefloor. 
It’s a lot of swirling and twirling and more or less rhythmic motions. They’re both not good at dancing, objectively they’re pretty bad. But the way (Y/N) takes his hand, sways with him, shakes with him, twirls herself around him — with a smile so contagious and radiant it rivals the sun, it’s all worth it.
And maybe it’s even a little fun.
Okay, a lot of fun.
“ Who’s your favorite Beatle ? “ Ben aks.
“ Ringo. “ 
“ What ? Why ? “ 
“ Excuse me ? “ 
“ Ringo is no one’s favorite Beatle. “ 
“ Okay I’ll have you know that I do not stand for Ringo slander. He wrote Octopus's garden and that is a real banger. I had a sesame street VHS when I was a kid and it had a clip of Kermit singing that song so — it’s the best and your opinion is plain out wrong. “ 
Life, Ben thinks, is about surrounding yourself with people that make you feel good. People that make you feel loved. People that make it all worth it, the hardships and the pain and the struggles that life might throw your way. It’s about finding people that accept you the way you are, faults and issues and all. People whose quirks are compatible with yours.
“Yeah, you've got that something I think you'll understand When I'll feel that something I wanna hold your hand”
(Y/N)’s twirling and dancing and smiling and it looks ridiculous but who cares, really. Who cares when she looks so happy and so free and when it dawns on Ben that her quirks might just be perfectly compatible with his.
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 Taglist : @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​  // @baltimoresweethearts​ //
4 notes · View notes
throughthesky · 4 years
Girl for all seasons // Masterlist
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Summary: When suddenly all their friends and relatives are getting married, (Y/N) and her neighbour Ben are made painfully aware of what it means to grow up and get older. Desperate to not go through the wedding season alone, the two decide to be each other’s wedding dates. What starts with one wedding in spring, turns into a year-long arrangement. But what happens when two people who are sick of romance suddenly find themselves in a whirlwind of feelings themselves ? And will a DJ finally play the Cha-Cha Slide ? (Mixed media fic)
one // two 
9 notes · View notes
throughthesky · 4 years
Girl for all seasons // one
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“I'll be your girl for all seasons, all the year through. Your girl for all seasons, 'Cause I love, yes I love to be everything to you, just you. “
Summary: When suddenly all their friends and relatives are getting married, (Y/N) and her neighbour Ben are made painfully aware of what it means to grow up and get older. Desperate to not go through the wedding season alone, the two decide to be each other’s wedding dates. What starts with one wedding in spring, turns into a year long arrangement. But what happens when two people who are sick of romance suddenly find themselves in a whirlwind of feelings themselves ? And will a DJ finally play the Cha-Cha Slide ? (Mixed media fic)
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
Spring: Amanda & David
“ It [spring] is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine…” ― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
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Peach and pink flowers adorn the thick ivory colored paper, the names Amanda and David are embossed onto it in silver foil. It lays heavy in (Y/N)’s hands as her eyes dance across the invitation, trying to really process it all.
There’s an undeniable truth that no one tells you about being in your late 20s. Once you turn 27, life changes and at first you don’t realize it. It seems to be just the same wonderful chaotic mess it always has been. It seems vast and grand and like you’ve got all the time in the world. 
And then you get the first invite and the clock starts ticking. 
Growing up is a weird concept because, while we all do it, we aren’t consciously aware of it happening until something happens that reminds us of the fact that we are not kids anymore. That life moves fast and in the blink of an eyes things are different. 
(Y/N) stares at the invitation in her hand, everything about this seems so professional and sophisticated. It’s hard to believe that this is the same Amanda Jameson that, just a few years go, was known for having an exceptionally deep belly button, perfect for taking body shots out of. 
“ (Y/N) ? “ 
Ben’s voice shakes her from the daze the invitation has brought on. He’s leaning against her kitchen isle, eyes tired, body slumped over. The exhaustion from several weeks of shooting a movie clearly visible in him. 
“ I’m sorry, what ? “ 
“ I asked if Frankie was good for you? Hope she didn’t cause you any problems or anything. “ 
“ Oh no! Frankie is an angel, aren’t you ? “ (Y/N) replies before averting her eyes towards the dog in question who, at the mention of her name, starts wagging her tail in excitement. 
When Ben had asked her if she could help him out and dogsit Frankie for a few weeks, (Y/N) didn’t even have to think twice about it. Frankie is, as mentioned before, an absolute angel on four paws. She’s as snuggly as they come and extremely well trained, thanks to Ben being a lot more disciplined in her training than (Y/N) could ever imagine herself being.
And then again, even if this dog was a terrible nuisance, she would’ve still said yes. This is Ben, her neighbour turned favorite reality show binge buddy. If there was a single bad bone in his body, (Y/N) has yet to find it. He’s incredibly kind, well-spoken and clever and yet, he makes her laugh about the dumbest things and isn’t above spending an entire night watching dumb reality shows on netflix. 
“ Glad to hear I raised her well. Hey what’s that you got there ? “ 
And just like that her mind wanders back towards the invitation in her hand. A mix of various emotions rushes through her system, one more confusing than the next. It’s not like she isn’t happy for Amanda, she genuinely wishes nothing but happiness upon her. The thing is that other people taking big steps, reaching huge milestones, it makes her so awfully aware of her own insecurities. 
“ Ugh, it’s an invite to a friend’s wedding. “ 
“ Sounds like fun, “ Ben replies then looks up at her, clearly able to see that something was bothering her “ right ? “ 
That’s another thing about Ben, he’s incredibly attentive and insanely good at reading people’s emotions. Or at least reading (Y/N)’s emotions. If that’s a testament to his sensitivity or her inability to fake it, she isn’t quite sure.
“ I mean, yeah. I’m happy for her I just — I feel old. “ 
“ What ? If you’re old then what am I ? “ 
“ Ancient. “ 
“ Wow, thanks. You’re flattering me, love. “ 
Despite being terribly exhausted, Ben musters up a smile at her words. Her friendship with Ben is something (Y/N) is insanely appreciative of. It’s never complicated, there’s to false pretenses that have to be held up. He’s seen her without makeup and in old baggy shirts more times than she can count. The casualness makes this friendship a place of comfort for her, she hopes Ben feels the same way.
“ In all honesty though, you don’t seem too happy about this. “ 
His voice is soft as he speaks those words, honest. There’s something there that makes her want to confide in him, it’s just the effect he has on people. The effect he has on her.
“ I am happy for her. I just know that going and being surrounded by all my old friends who are objectively more successful at — well, everything, will make me feel like an absolute failure. “ 
“ Ah, come on. You are not a failure! I will not allow that kind of slander. “ 
“ Ben, honestly — “ 
“ No!, “ he interrupts her, pointing a finger in her direction, clearly meaning business “ you have a job you like and are good at, you uh — “ 
“ See! You’re already having a hard time coming up with stuff. And my job ? I want to be a writer, publish books. Instead I am stuck working at a gossip magazine writing agony aunt sections for desperate housewives whose husbands are most definitely cheating on them. ‘s hardly a dream job. “ 
“ Okay, you might have a point there but, “ Ben says and smiles “ you also make the best blueberry pancakes in the world. You are exceptionally good at figuring out who’ll turn out to be the asshole on whatever show we chose to watch. You know every Disney song by heart. Dogs love you. And you’re also the only person I know that can wear ugly Christmas sweaters and make them look cute. “ 
It would be a lie to say that those compliments don’t send a heat trough her, making her cheeks blush a vibrant shade of pink. It’s nice to hear those things even if they don’t amount to much in the grand scheme of things. It’s especially lovely to hear them from Ben, who is as honest as he is kind. He doesn’t bullshit out beat around the bush. If anyone she knows is brash enough to outright tell her she’s a failure, it would be him. So maybe he has a point.
“ Thanks, but ugh, I don’t even have anyone to take as my plus one. “ 
“ So go by yourself, these people are your friends, right ? “
“ They are but also: absolutely not. “ 
“ Why ? “ 
“ If I show up by myself there’s only two possible outcomes of this situation. One would be them taking such a pity in poor single me, they’ll try to set me up with some distant cousin or something, who works in accounting and drives an E-bike to work. Option number two is that they’ll spend all night trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong with me because I don’t have a boyfriend. And even though I’d really like to know that as well, I don’t need them to gossip about me all night. “ 
Ben raises his eyebrows then shrugs his shoulders “Alright, fair enough. Your friends sound awful though, absolute wankers.” 
“ It’s why I hang out with you so much. “ 
They’re not wankers, they’re nice people who tend to get a little too caught up in other people’s business. It’s not with ill intent but rather fueled by some kind of morbid curiosity. It’s human though, she can hardly fault them for it. 
“ Aw, and here I was thinking it was because of my boyish charm and my exceptionally good looks. “ 
“ Sorry, mate. “ 
His hands fly up towards his chest, resting on the space above his heart in mock offence. “ Brutal. “ 
“ ‘m sorry. “ 
A silence settles upon them that is neither heavy nor light and yet both at the same time. Though their jokes have lightened the mood a little, the underlying discomfort still remains in (Y/N). All of it just because of one stupid little piece of paper.
“ Hey, what if I come with you ? “ 
“ To the wedding. “
“ No to Tesco, yes to the wedding. “ 
“ Why would you do that ? “ 
“Uh because I actually like hanging out with you and not just because all my other friends are assholes. And there’s gonna be free food and drinks so who am I to say no to that ? “ 
Having Ben there by her side would undeniably make this whole situation a lot better. He’s an actor, used to entertaining people, used to socializing. Everyone she’s ever introduced to him has been completely enamoured by his charm and wit and the childlike innocence he still exudes despite the fact that he has the body of a greek god.
But taking him would also lead to a whole catalogue of different questions.
“ They’ll think we’re dating. They’ll hound you for a good story about us meeting or something along those lines. “ 
“ So, “ Ben says and casually shrugs his shoulders again, “ let them think so. We can make up some stories, it’s kinda like improv. “ 
That’s right, he’s an actor.
“ And I’m quite the catch, if I get to say so myself. “ 
It’s meant as a joke, (Y/N) knows this fully well, but he’s right. If Ben is only half as good a boyfriend and he is a friend, the girl who gets to have him is one lucky lady.
“ You gonna dance with me then ? “ 
“ Oh love, once they start playing the Cha-Cha slide it’s over for everyone including you. It’s my signature dance. “ 
“ You do know that I will remember you saying this and will purposely demand from the DJ that he plays that song so I can make you dance. “ 
“ So we doing this then ? “ he asks, smile on his face. He still looks tired but there’s a spark in him now that’s almost radiant and most definitely contagious.
“ Sure, why not. “ 
It’s spring then and life changes in that moment without either of them noticing.
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Thick grey clouds wander across the London sky, heavy with the promise of a downpour. (Y/N) slips into her shoes, nude ones, and fastens the ankle strap just as a knock sounds from the door. 
The rational part of her brain knows that this is just Ben, neighbour Ben. Ben who she’s spent countless hours with watching real housewives and stuffing their faces with gummy bears and salt and vinegar crisps. And yet, there’s a flutter in the lower part of her belly. Not full on butterflies but maybe tiny moths.
She gives herself one last check-up in the mirror and grabs her bag from the kitchen isle. For all her insecurities still swirling inside her, there’s a tiny part that enjoys this whole dressing up deal. It’s nice to have control over a situation even if that situation is just choosing the right shade of lipsticks or the perfect shoes to go with the dress.
The door swings open to reveal a dapper looking Ben. He’s dressed in a powder pink suit, sunglasses perched on top of his head. If she was to say he wasn’t an actual vision of beauty, she’d be lying. (Y/N)’s mind wanders back towards the texts exchanged just a few days earlier.
“ The suit is pink. “ she giggles before pulling the door close behind her. 
“ It is. but you — you look … “ he trails off and it sends another round of moths swirling in unsteady patterns trough (Y/N)’s system.
It’s a silly thing, to be so affected by someone else’s opinion but this feels weirdly similar to those grandiose Cinderella moments the movies always present you with. When the girl gets dolled up and walks down a grand staircase in slow motion, eyes trailing between the guy in the floor, bashful smile on her face. And he’s speechless.
We know those moments are a creation of some Hollywood executive’s imagination. They aren’t real life. Overdramatized and sterilized to sell us the lie of true unconditional love and in return get us to see the movie. 
But sometimes, just sometimes, it’s nice to let yourself get lost in a fantasy. Even if it’s just for one day.
“ You ready to go ? “ she asks, granting Ben a bashful smile ? 
He just nods. Speechless.
The moths flutter on.
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The Jameson’s are wealthy people with Mr. Jameson being a famous photographer and Mrs. Jameson a retired competitive dancer turned choreographer, there’s plenty of money to be spent on their daughter’s marriage. 
A gravel driveway leads up towards the vast garden where the ceremony is supposed to take place. There’s rows of chairs set up and a gorgeous rose covered archway at the end of the aisle. 
Only that ceremony isn’t gonna happen anytime soon — because it’s pouring. Big fat drops of rain patter onto the ground turning the lawn into a muddy mess. 
(Y/N) and Ben can see the guests all huddled underneath the roofed patio. They exude wealth and fake superiority. It’s kinda uncomfortable. 
As Ben parks the car at the designated spots, (Y/N) watches the raindrops race down the window wondering if coming here was a good idea.
“ So, how are we gonna get to the house without getting soaked ? “ Ben asks, turning off the car and turning towards (Y/N). 
“ How am I gonna get across this lawn in my heels without it literally swallowing me ? Gonna be like fucking quicksand.” 
She should’ve been able to tell he was up to something by the way his eyes started sparkling with mischief or by the smirk spreading on his face. But no, no. She only realizes he’s got a plan once he’s out of the car and then back by her side of the vehicle, opening the door and looking at her expectantly. 
“ What ? “
“ C’mon I’ll carry you. “ 
“ You don’t have to carry me across the whole lawn.” 
“ Yes I do. I am your plus one today and I promised you we’d have a good time, now come on ! “ 
A handsome man carrying her through the rain so her heels don't get ruined ? This, again, feels like a goddamn romance movie. A nicholas sparks novel. A modern fairytale.
It’s unreal and too good to be reality. But sometimes life gives us a little ray of sunshine, even through the thick rain clouds on a London sky. 
So she scoots out of the car and into Ben’s arms who holds onto her with a firm yet soft grasp. The door closes behind her and as they step out of from underneath the carport and into the spring shower, the steady falling rain feels cool against her skin.
They’re both gonna be soaked by the time they’ll reach the house, they both know that. This is fun though, running through the rain like children would. Letting it pour over them and giving in to being completely unbothered instead of trying to fight what is inevitable. 
As Ben hurries through the downpour, laughter sounds from both their lips and mixed with the patter of the raindrops meeting the ground. 
It’s a harmony of chaos, of things gone wrong, of plans shattered. 
It’s beautiful. 
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“ So, I can’t believe I have to say this but the DJ just informed me that he does in fact not have the Cha-Cha slide. “ (Y/N) rants as she approaches the table where Ben sits by himself, awkwardly looking around at the crowd of socialites and wannabe celebrities. All getting more and more drunk with every passing minute.
The ceremony, quickly moved to take place under the patio, was beautiful. Both (Y/N) and Ben have to admit that. And even though a lot of borderline cringy things have been said in the spirit of romance, (Y/N) would be lying if she said that didn’t have to hold back a few tears. There’s just something about weddings …
Now though, Ben can see just what the problem with (Y/N) friends is. Everyone here seems to be kind of superficial. Every person he’s talked to at this reception wants to talk about either money or their jobs or cars, or a mix of all three. It’s quite exhausting really. Especially once they’d realized he’s been in movies. It’s like suddenly he turned from “Ben, (Y/N)’s plus one” into “Ben the actor who’s been in Hollywood movies” and just like that he went from a human being to a fucking gimmick.
He’s no unaware of the looks and glances they throw his way. Of the whispers when their eyes move towards (Y/N). She doesn’t deserve that, none of it. In fact, she deserves way more than the whole lousy bunch of them can offer her.
It is sad to see that she feels like these are her people. Like she needs to hold onto them and have their back when they clearly do not have hers in return.
“ Ah man, that’s too bad. “ 
“ Uh-huh. Also I’ve scoured the whole place — no more food. That was it!” 
“ What ? That was tiny! That was like one carrot and a piece of salmon the size of my thumb” 
“ Rich people “ (Y/N) says and shrugs her shoulders in defeat. 
Ben knows he shouldn’t that it’s kinda disrespectful to the bride and groom, but god does he wanna get outta here. Get some proper food into his system.
“ Hey uh, now that the ceremony and the planned portion of the reception are over, do you think we could get outta here ? “
It’s a long shot, he’s well aware of that but as … whoever once said: you miss 100% of the shots you never take.
“ Absolutely, I thought you’d never ask. “
Ben grabs his jacket, a smile on his face and, as they step out into the rain he squats down, offering a piggyback ride to his gorgeous neighbour. 
“ So, where to m’lady ? “ 
“ Five guys!” 
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